[00:21] find the datasheet for the chip [00:21] that will reveal all [06:59] lo [06:59] Morning [07:10] * daubers puts the kettle on branches some code and makes some cocoa pops [07:22] makes cocoa pops? You have zeee recipe?!?! [07:22] :P [07:28] diplo: Easiest recipe of all. 1. Open box, 2. Pour in bowl, 3. add milk, 4. Nom nom nom nom nom nom [07:28] :o [07:29] Really don't know how people have chocolate cereals, especially early morning [07:29] My kids love them [07:31] mine too [07:32] they prefer chocolate croissants [07:35] yeah really anything with a hint of chocolate goes down well [07:35] :( [07:35] Bad dad! [07:37] \o/ Cocoa pops are a treat for me these days [07:37] Normally eat either toast or weetabix type stuffs [07:39] * daubers ponders where that pesky struct definition is hiding [07:39] lo all [07:40] morning midmandle [07:50] hello all [07:52] hahah http://www.engadget.com/2011/08/25/alleged-hp-touchpad-running-android-appears-can-be-yours-on-eba/ [08:09] heh just saw that myself popey [08:09] Be good if it is legit, save a lot of dev time [08:09] i like the claims that its fake [08:10] yeah.. quite understandable if qualcomm were testing it under android, especially if they heard from HP that it may be dropped [08:10] Good morning, everyone! [08:10] pondering taking my usb dongle and wifi access point on holiday :D [08:19] i'd do it [08:19] I'd just take the dongle and a netbook, start a network from there. [08:20] tethering is allowed on my t-mob contract so i do that instead [08:21] dwatkins: i have already put openwrt on a router, so its all ready to go :D [08:21] just plug it in [08:22] popey: nice :) I'm considering getting a Linksys for Tomato fun [08:22] How does it connect to the dongle, popey? [08:23] usb port [08:23] oh nice, which model of router? [08:23] netgear wndr3700 [08:24] cheers, will have a look into that [08:39] yay Laney [08:40] Hello peeps [08:41] hullo [08:47] ???????? [08:47] DMB mail [08:48] oh yar darling [08:48] :) === denny- is now known as denny [08:57] It's weird that it feels like Monday because I had yesterday off sick. 2 Mondays in one week, woe is me [08:58] Could be worse.. you could have had tuesday and thursday off, and so had a week of mondays.. [08:59] Anyone use dvgrab in here ? [08:59] Very new to video [09:00] diplo: yes [09:01] Any tips, I have got an old Sharp Tape camcorder from my dad, he has never copied captures from tapes [09:01] Want to create him a dvd [09:01] So using dvgrab to take footage off [09:01] Seems to split into 1GB files when I save in dv [09:02] Just googling for some examples atm, but thought I'd ask to see what people in here use [09:02] yes, it does that [09:03] you can load them into openshot or another editor and then export the whole thing as something else [09:03] Cool, just installed openshot, will give it another try now [09:04] one of the kde apps is good for dv capture. [09:04] kino or kdenlive , can't remember which [09:05] yeah kino i keep seeing [09:05] but i didn't use it for editing. openshot or pitivi ..kino kept crashing [09:07] dvgrab seems to be working fairly well, going to experiment [09:07] Trying autosplit now so it's ready to be used directly in openshot without me cutting it [09:07] All new to me [09:07] :) [09:08] AlanBell, --size 0 stops the default 1gb limit fyi [09:10] nice [09:11] Seems my fathers camera skills aren't that great :D [09:12] wGAHHHHHHH [09:13] Commenting a structure with just it's own name IS NOT HELPFUL [09:13] although ginormous files loaded into the app might increase tendency to crash :P [09:14] Seems most files are 200mb each with autosplit set [09:29] MartijnVdS: Oh, my sister tried to use her MP3 player again today... after I'd created that file yesterday... and still no joy... [09:29] HazRPG: you might need to run something on those files to generate the udev rules [09:29] MartijnVdS: ah [09:29] MartijnVdS: *shrug* [09:29] HazRPG: check out the source of the music-player-info package (media-player-info?) and see what it does on build [09:29] HazRPG: also, file that bug :) [09:32] MartijnVdS: I shall :) [09:42] good morning everyone. [09:43] Yes, it is! [09:43] yes. [09:43] rather wet here [09:43] dry here. [09:44] Indoors here. [09:44] same. [09:44] Just ordered a little RGB LED kit so I can do this: http://blog.thiseldo.co.uk/?p=574 [09:45] the view from my window is so grey today it reminds me of when i visited communist russia [09:45] :D [09:48] sunnyhere! :P [09:48] * Hippychick steals gord's sun [09:48] We only get rain here :( [09:49] blimey i've just noticed, it's quite sunny here too :S [09:49] drizzle here - but clearing by the looks of it. [09:49] * bigcalm enjoys the sun while he can [09:49] * Hippychick steals MooDoo's sun too [09:50] It's taking the edge off the oggflu [09:50] i want sun!! its tipping it down here :( [09:50] oggcamp..where the only viruses you get are human ones... [09:50] bigcalm: "oggflu"? [09:51] i wonder how many touchpads we would have seen if oggcamp was next weekend :D [09:52] *NO STEALING THE SUN* [09:52] * MartijnVdS steals gord's thunder instead [09:52] * brobostigon steals someones mental stability. [09:52] brobostigon: What would you want with THAT?! ) [09:53] :) [09:53] MartijnVdS: enhancing my own. :) [09:54] urgh [09:54] I _hate_ samba [09:54] daubers: I maintain that it's mostly there to piss people off [09:57] A parcel has arrived at work for me [09:57] i am not there [09:58] I said co-workers could open it. this may not have been wise [09:58] popey, is it an invite for you to take over from Steve jobs. [09:58] a new toy? [09:58] It must be [09:58] is it a graze box? [09:58] BigRedS: I'm trying to understand how to build a VFS module, can't get the blasted things to poxy build :( [09:58] morning all [09:58] popey: more of a demand I think :) [09:58] gord, I failed last night on my plugin :( [09:58] Even their "example" doesn't build [09:59] But found some good documentation for debugging today [09:59] oimon: how's your tablet now? [09:59] So v2 tonight [09:59] TheOpenSourcerer: oggflu is the bug that a few people picked up from oggcamp [09:59] davmor2: getting on OK.. played with it last night as i watched the footy [09:59] Got to say xbmc wiki is very good, lots of good info [09:59] very nice for reading books, pdf, and web browsing [10:00] bigcalm, I used to go to Multiplay I Series events, we all used to get I Flu or some other variant whilst we were there [10:00] i'm missing certain android apps, especially dedicated email [10:00] oimon: are you liking it a bit more now more to the point :) [10:00] I found a fix [10:00] Eat healthy whilst away and you don't suffer [10:00] davmor2: yes :) [10:00] the facebook app is amazing, have you seen the newspaper layout mode? [10:01] its a book [10:02] co-worker took a picture of it, I suspect he used word lens [10:02] Spanish? :D [10:02] the title is "ODIDRA SCITOBOR" [10:02] no the free version [10:02] Didn't know there was a free version [10:04] http://www.amazon.co.uk/Arduino-Robotics-John-David-Warren/dp/1430231831/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1314266658&sr=8-1 [10:04] i didnt order that [10:04] dunno why I have a copy on my des [10:04] +k [10:04] check out the optional newspaper view of facebook http://ubuntuone.com/p/1Ck1/ [10:05] thats quite cute [10:05] * popey notes there is no facebook app for ipad [10:05] orly? [10:05] YA RLY [10:06] there's no g+ app or other google apps for TP /webos [10:06] but the web browser works and the OS multitasks well so it's ok [10:07] flash support is great [10:10] * oimon thinks popey has a secret admirer [10:12] going through the TV setup menu the other day and noticed it was running linux :D [10:13] -> http://www.am-linux.jp/ [10:15] sky boxes run Linux too [10:15] :) [10:15] yes. [10:15] they did an over the air upgrade from BSD to Linux [10:15] Busybox isn't it ? [10:15] * daubers breaks down [10:16] I would *not* like to be the person pressing the release button on that one [10:16] So, I think no-one in the entire world knows how to make samba VFS modules anymore [10:17] daubers: #samba-technical [10:18] oimon: thing is that it came to my work address [10:18] they didn't want your wife to know :) [10:18] robot love [10:18] :D [10:18] well, more, how did they know my work address [10:19] AlanBell: The place questions go unanswered even if you ask 2 or three times a week [10:19] oh :( [10:19] AlanBell: #samba just point me there too [10:20] I also have a feeling that debian/ubuntu are packaging up the wrong examples for the current samba release [10:28] bigcalm, you are the one with the superhub aren't you ? [10:29] o/ and me [10:29] diplo: I am one of the unfortunate, yes [10:29] haha [10:29] VM Preps firmware update for Glitchy superhub post on the register [10:29] Ooooo [10:29] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/08/25/virgin_media_superhub_update/ [10:29] Sorry didn't link, looking on my other machine [10:30] There is a beta community.. maybe worth joining :) [10:31] I'd rather not :D [10:34] Aye [10:34] Things improved when the hub was replaced [10:35] interesting post on gnome planet about echo cancellation in pulse audio http://arunraghavan.net/2011/08/hello-hello-hello/ [10:36] GAHHHH [10:41] Finally found some useful docs, but the examples don't match up to what the docs are saying and bits of the docs talk about things that no longer exist [10:51] AlanBell, i thought sky boxes ran vxworks [10:55] some might, my sky+HD box is running Linux [10:56] do they distribute source? [10:56] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40369 [10:56] Freedesktop bug 40369 in New device "New devices - HP Pre 3, HP Touchpad" [Normal,New] [10:56] oimon, http://www1.sky.com/opensourcesoftware/SkyHD/opensourcesoftwaredownloads.html [11:02] Does anyone know anyone on the samba project who actually gives a damn? [11:09] they did a release 2 days ago so it is an active project [11:09] http://samba.org/samba/history/samba-3.4.15.html [11:12] Setting up samba was always a bit of a nightmare for me as there are so many possibilities. [11:13] All I wanted was LDAP integration, but it wasn't easy. [11:13] When I finally got it to work, NMB would end up randomly using 100% of cpu after a few days. [11:14] well, emulating windows software is a recipe for fail [11:15] (NOTE: THIS IS A JOKE) [11:15] directhex: I appreciate your comment, yes [11:18] !ping [11:18] another contentless ping... sigh... [11:18] I !ping boo [11:19] ldap integration and samba works fine for me, we have it on multiple servers [11:32] hi... Can anybody help me on 11.04 with the 5.1 surround? I can't make it work..:( [11:33] Chrisu: how is your 5.1 system connected? [11:34] Chrisu: HDMI, S/PDIF (digital), or several analog cables? [11:34] Chrisu: crossposting on several channels is a bit boring [11:34] Myrtti: Not everyone is on multiple channels though [11:34] its a cable with 2 jacks black and yellow at one end (goes in the system) and at the other end is Jack like a headphone (goes in the PC) [11:35] MartijnVdS: no, but if you're given an advice X on channel Y and advice N on channel M, it gets difficult to follow and you might get contradicting advice [11:35] Myrtti: true [11:35] MartijnVdS: also, many people ARE on multiple channels [11:36] Chrisu: sounds like you only have a single (stereo) analog cable then [11:36] Chrisu: you won't get 5.1 out of that. [11:36] It's ok guys... I just posted on multiple channels hoping that sombody wich is not on all channels that knows will help me. [11:36] MartijnVdS: Oh... then what cable do I need? :-s [11:38] Chrisu: several of those cables (one per 2 channels), or if your machine supports it: an optical cable or a coaxial ("s/pdif") cable [11:38] well.. i only got slots for microphone jack, out and in. [11:38] in my PC [11:39] Chrisu: sometimes those switch to extra output ports if you select "analog surround" in the sound preferences screen [11:39] Chrisu: but you'd have to read your PC (mainboard) manual to be sure [11:40] umm.. ok well thanks alot... [11:40] Chrisu: what makes you think your computer can output 5.1? [11:41] Nothing. lol [11:41] is there a sticker on it or something? [11:41] Chrisu: if it has HDMI out, you could probably use that, if your system supports it [11:41] I don't know if it can. [11:41] ah :) [11:41] I don't have a HDMI cable lol [11:41] ok then.. no 5.1 for me xD [11:42] probably not :( [11:42] :(.. thanks guys [11:43] lo [11:45] oh shotwell, how I hate thee [11:46] the damned thing reimported all 200 photos from OggCamp that I had removed from the library view because they were blurry and not up the scratch [11:47] STUPID ARGHHHHH [11:49] i struggle to find anything as good as picasa [11:51] picasa is horrible with raw shots [11:51] but it's pretty damn good with everything else [11:51] except I shoot in raw 99% of the time [11:52] I really like adobe lightroom. please don't hurt me. [11:53] I don't like Picasa myself because I think that the online storage of Picasa is vastly inferior to Flickr. [11:54] latest version of digikam seems very difficult to use IMHO [11:54] not sure why picasa was never open sourced [11:56] oimon: Probably a library thing. Or a patent thing [12:01] or a patent library thing [12:06] i quite like picassa for backing up my raw images, but not for much else [12:12] picasa has enough editing capability to tweak photos without requiring gimp etc. shotwell is lacking in this area [12:14] I only tweak in ufraw anyway [12:14] wow, kindle books are more ££ than you would pay 2nd hand [12:15] oimon: some kindle books are more expensive than the paper versions [12:15] obscene [12:15] and dumb [12:15] oimon: same problem as mp3s/music rights [12:15] Piracy is rampant in ebooks alreadt [12:15] already* [12:15] however, it's easy to rip a cd, the only book ripping that i can do is to hand it to my 1 yr old child [12:16] They have screwed themselve when they had the best idea of how to start [12:16] oimon, loads of dedicated piracy sites for ebooks already [12:17] I know someone who has 1000+ already [12:17] i don't believe in pirating, i just want it to be fair [12:17] He also owns a lot of the books he has [12:17] He has replaced a lot of them for his ereader [12:17] But won't buy ebooks because of the cost of them, still buys paper backs as well [12:17] Need some eyeballs… mine are obviously too stressed to see something obvious [12:18] can anyone see anything immediately wrong with this? http://pastebin.com/P9z48Zig getting the error "modules/matt_test.c:89:21: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘mt_op_tuple’" [12:18] he's still breaking the law, however he justifies it though [12:18] He knows that [12:18] if piracy is already rife, paperback books should come with a one time link to download a personal copy [12:19] Totally agree oimon, like movie people are putting a copy of a digital movie on dvd's / blurays now [12:19] i bought a dvd and apparently it also has a 2nd disk for "digital copy", which is some drm nonsense that does't work on any device i own [12:19] If people are going to pirate they will, but if they can get copies of stuff in digital as well why not [12:20] lol, I've never tried any of mine [12:20] so the dvd was a nice iea, but a complete fail [12:20] I rip the dvd and re-encode myself [12:20] the "digital copy" won't work on my android, touchpad or ubuntu [12:21] They just dont get it do they.. or the games companies [12:21] DRM etc doesn't stop anyone [12:21] Just annoys the people who want to buy stuff [12:22] I also never buy movies brand new, always wait a few months and get it a lot cheaper [12:22] Or with music, I buy pre release to get cheap offers [12:22] on another subject, box.net gave me 50GB free space with the TP :D [12:23] Another thing that annoys me, bought Lissie album after seeing her at Hard Rock Calling, downloaded off amazon and noticed it was only 128k :/ [12:23] Blimey, nice [12:23] A year subscription ? [12:23] oimon: shotwell is still better than some photobrowsing apps tho [12:24] Myrtti: agree, hope it continues to improve [12:24] diplo: seems that it's permanent [12:24] need confirmation of that thoug [12:24] I'm on the verge of venting my soul to Flickr developers [12:25] ? [12:26] diplo: 50gb for life :D [12:26] worth about $200 per year [12:26] bloody hell, that's good! [12:27] mind, 50GB won't be much in ~5 years [12:28] woot, got UI freeze out of the way :) just focusing on unity bugs and performance the rest of the cycle [12:29] MartijnVdS: nor will the touchpad, but it's a great way of extending the storage and transferring files to the device [12:36] hm, they finally came up with a patch for my dvdr bug; but I no longer have a drive installed. wondering if I can be bothered get the screwdrivers out this weekend 'n see what it does :/ [12:38] daubers: saw your blog post. could be useful! e.g. for sending footie/cricket score updates [12:39] or sending adapted "fortune" messages [12:58] oimon: Oh, yeah :) There's some python api stuff for lib notify that would be a good place to start [12:58] oimon: Was going to use it with matt for some stuffs [13:01] do kindles read epub format? [13:01] oimon: only after conversion [13:01] oimon: I don't think so, I've looked into that because most of my books are in epub format, but I'm fairly sure it doesn'r read them [13:01] wow, sucks [13:02] oimon: You can convert them using calibre though [13:02] is epub generally the best format to go for, for future proofing? [13:02] pdf! [13:03] reading pdf on a tablet is nice but they don't reflow when you zoom [13:03] txt [13:03] jpg [13:03] tiff [13:04] are you guys in the pub? [13:04] i wish [13:04] "when helping, be helpful" [13:04] i would buy directhex a beer if I was. [13:04] haha [13:04] [Paul Mellors] Flattr - http://paulmellors.blogspot.com/2011/08/flattr.html [13:04] the ePub! [13:04] ISWYDT [13:05] are there other authors like cory doctorow who release their books free and are worth reading? [13:05] yes, there's this dude who has made quite a few popular books [13:05] sh [13:05] shakey [13:05] something like that [13:05] meh [13:05] William Shakespear! [13:06] thats it [13:06] he's lame [13:06] shakin stevens [13:06] can't even write english properly [13:06] my question refers to contemporary fiction [13:08] popey: Shakey he sang behind the green door right? [13:08] You'd know mister 80's [13:08] random C question of the day! If I have a pointer to a pointer to a struct, how can I access the members of the struct? so some_struct **x and I want to do x->y [13:08] daubers: (*bar)->foo [13:08] green door was a cover though [13:08] MartijnVdS: ta [13:09] popey: I'm very proud of the fact that I enjoy music you can hear the lyrics of thank you very much :P [13:09] * popey hands davmor2 an ear trumpet [13:10] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkXMEoGDLm4 made me smile [13:10] get off the grass, these young whipper snappers [13:10] but then I am nasty like that [13:10] popey: that's hilarious [13:12] popey: that vid requires flash [13:13] I thought you'd given up flash [13:13] on my own machines, yeah :D [13:13] cmrtaco has resigned from slashdot [13:13] haha [13:13] same day as jobs resigned from the legal company [13:13] http://meta.slashdot.org/story/11/08/25/1245200/Rob-CmdrTaco-Malda-Resigns-From-Slashdot [13:14] i never read /. these days [13:14] haven't for years [13:15] when i scan my twitter feed, i discover that the only links i've clicked are /. stories [13:16] some guys on #touchpad have been to best buy (in the US) today and got touchpads. maybe more for the UK? [13:19] yeah, I hardly ever actually visit the /. frontpage itself, but hit most of the links on their twitter feed [13:23] urgh! looking in my bag and i cant find any usb sticks... all k can find are 3g dongles! [13:25] * daubers makes moar coffee [13:27] * oimon has 4 usb sticks in his pocket [13:37] thanks for reminding me, oimon - I need to check out what's on my 8 GB stick. [13:37] woot, someones found the patch set that changed vast amounts of the samba vfs stuff and, importantly, the patches didn't changes the docs :( [13:38] btw how do i relabel a disk that gets mounted as /media/12394090i3902=1-30=1-230 [13:39] oimon: using the disk utility (palimpsest) is easiest [13:40] thanks MartijnVdS [13:41] that was easy [13:56] palimpsest has the silliest name of any application [13:56] considerably sillier than the gimp [13:56] "A palimpsest is a manuscript page from a scroll or book from which the text has been scraped off and which can be used again" [13:56] you could argue hard disks work like that ;) [13:57] i call it pal-tab [13:57] baobab is another bad name, [13:57] vinagre, vino [13:58] baobab reminds me of the little prince [14:00] Mez: I don't think I'm going to be able to make it tonight at least not before everything is over :( A bunch are looking to come from the northampton group though I brought it up there for you too :) I hope it all goes well for you :) [14:17] Special: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiySKuVs2fI [14:30] * AlanBell stares in astonishment at bug 764905 [14:30] Launchpad bug 764905 in unity "Drag and drop a USB key into the trash should eject the USB key" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/764905 [14:30] oh dear AlanBell [14:31] AlanBell, user testing is always enlightening :) [14:35] I think that user failed the test [14:36] well thats kinda the fun thing, we ain't testing the users, they are testing the design [14:36] yeah, I get that. Just wish they had time to sober up first. [14:38] well you say that now, but when your drunk and using your computer in the future, you'll be a genius [14:38] I am pretty astonished that the applications lens got through user testing [14:40] people do pretty well with it, everyone knows google so they put what they were after into the search box and there it is [14:40] Well, and there it might be [14:40] if you type it then yes [14:40] Pointedly, google never silently fails... [14:41] popey, is this the Microserver you have ? [14:41] http://www.ebuyer.com/253305-hp-proliant-athlon-ii-neo-n36l-microserver-100-cashback-633724-421 [14:41] AlanBell: bug 765905 is quite fun isnt it. [14:41] Launchpad bug 765905 in writerperfect (Ubuntu Oneiric) "writerperfect version 0.8.0-1 failed to build on i386" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/765905 [14:41] yes diplo [14:41] df [14:41] if I want to see what applications I have got for working with graphics then no [14:41] not that bug [14:41] Cool, new Credit card turned up so ordering now [14:41] :) [14:42] gord: so what I want is a lens that shows me *all* the applications I have, grouped by category [14:42] AlanBell: like a menu? :) [14:42] like the gnome menu does [14:42] heh [14:42] beat me to it [14:42] http://www.ebuyer.com/search?page=1&store=33&cat=392&filterca76=2000 <-- Any recommendations people ? Going to be a NAS predominantly, quiet would be good [14:42] Menus are soooo last century [14:42] that is all I want [14:42] nobody's doing that any more [14:43] gord: would I be best off waiting for that to happen or writing a new lens to do it? [14:43] AlanBell: Click on application lens and select the group from the drop down? [14:43] diplo: how many you buying? [14:43] 2 [14:44] buy two different ones :D [14:44] davmor2: that kind of works (but not in unity 2d right now) however it shows me for example 4 of the 10 accessories I have installed, plus 4 random apps from the app store that I don't have [14:44] AlanBell, in O you'll be able to open the applications lens and then filter by category, thats as close as you're going to get in stock unity [14:44] At the mo anyhoo, don't want to outspend myself [14:44] Comes with a 250gb i think [14:44] AlanBell, but writing a lens to do precisely what you want is fine too, writing lenses is easy and open source :) [14:44] AlanBell: hmm true [14:44] Did you see the need to upgrade the ram popey ? Or was it sufficient as a nas with 1gb ? [14:45] gord: ok, I will go down that route, all the code is there in the applications lens but in the wrong order [14:45] and it is in something called vala [14:46] popey: are you running Windows or Ubuntu on that little proliant? [14:46] ETOOMANYQUESTIONS [14:46] yes, doubled the RAM [14:46] Ubuntu server on it [14:46] Sorry matey :) [14:46] the hp comes with a 160GB disk [14:46] well, mine did [14:46] popey: Where do babies come from? [14:46] seeker: storks [14:47] gord: you're using oneiric right what happens if you select games from the applications refined search I get nothing show up at all [14:47] \o/ [14:47] diplo: i moved the drive that came with it to the optical bay in the top, so I have 4 bays for big disks [14:47] popey: I suppose the raid is "not to be used" if you've got Ubuntu on it [14:47] Myrtti: i use md radi [14:47] *raid [14:47] Good thinking [14:47] davmor2, no idea, i broke my setup earlier :) [14:47] davmor2: type something, then delete what you typed [14:47] davmor2, so i get no results from anything [14:47] AlanBell: No all the other groups show something only games that don't [14:48] davmor2: oh, me too [14:48] gord: type m in the main application menu and then delete it when everything shows up [14:48] davmor2, no no, i broke everything [14:48] nothing will work [14:49] gord: vandal was you out with them rioters? [14:49] davmor2, i riot quietly in my pc [14:49] on another topic, why does samba hate me? [14:50] gord: for the same reason it hates everyone else? [14:50] won't let me modify anything :( [14:50] rioting quietly? [14:50] would someone be a gent and see if http://www.disc-tools.com/download/daemon downloads correclt (10mb) I seem to get about 600kb and then the download drops [14:50] that's almost as quaint as getting up the morning after a riot for a tidy up [14:50] not sure if it's the connection/isp I'm using while away or the hosted site [14:50] fine here ikonia-remote [14:51] fine also here [14:51] popey: rats, it pulled down the whole 10mb [14:51] it must be my isp causing a problem [14:51] stupid 3rd world internet [14:51] it just let me pll down a 700mb file from a different site, but won't let me pull down this 10mb file [14:51] http://popey.com/~alan/DTLite4413-0173.exe try that [14:52] that's going better..... [14:52] nope, crapped out at 3.89 meg [14:52] Exploit detected. [14:53] ahhh yes, it's listing it as an exploit file [14:53] popey: could you change it to something not.exe ? [14:53] (if your willing to test) [14:53] .txt now [14:53] ok, let me try that [14:54] Anyone got any idea to work out what revo model this is ? [14:54] http://www.ebuyer.com/product/161260 [14:54] for the love of god windows.... [14:55] popey: that looks like it will work, but can you chang it to .popey or something as .txt my browser trys to open it as text [14:55] change it to something the browser won't try to associate with an application [14:55] .smeg [14:55] popey: plus, super keep putting the ubuntu favicon on your site [14:55] * BigRedS just had an I-told-you-so moment about our non-snmp coffee machine [14:55] "geek" [14:55] Does anyone know of an SNMP enabled coffee filter machine? [14:56] http://popey.com/~alan/DTLite4413-0173.this.is.for.ikonia.ha.ha.ha.stupid.internet [14:56] popey: bravo [14:57] popey: it would appear the multiple extensions has fooled whatever tool was..... [14:57] nope, it filed at 4 meg [14:57] failed [14:57] you suck [14:57] this is mental [14:57] popey: this 3rd world insulting random internet sucks [14:57] it likes a 700 mb file - no problem, it doens't like a 10mb file [14:58] popey: appreciate the effort [14:58] DTLite4413-0173.this.is.for.ikonia.ha.ha.ha.stupid.internet.tgz [14:58] try that? [14:58] best filename ever [14:58] :D [15:00] popey: it's scanning the content [15:00] "it" being? [15:00] it takes 3.5 - 4mb to work it out then thinks it's an exploit [15:00] popey: I don't know [15:00] whatever is cutting me off [15:00] I'm assuming some sort of proxy thing [15:00] want me to put it in a passworded zip so it can't? [15:00] base64 it and save it as a txt file [15:00] ? [15:00] ikonia-remote: could it be right? [15:00] popey: please, that's worth a try [15:00] AlanBell: possible, but doubtful [15:01] daemon tools trips up anti-virus stuff all the time [15:01] ikonia-remote: http://popey.com/~public_html/ikonia.zip [15:01] password is your nickname [15:01] (no, not stupid_head, ikonia) [15:01] ha [15:01] Needs more HTTPS. [15:01] 404 on url [15:02] i think there's supposed to be a popey instead of public_html [15:02] jpds, what is it with you and HTTPS? :P [15:02] doh [15:02] ha ha, good eyes [15:02] ikonia-remote: http://popey.com/~alan/ikonia.zip [15:03] jpds: can't do https, using 443 for ssh :D [15:03] popey: So use 22 for HTTPS. [15:04] genious! [15:04] popey: worked like a charm, thank you [15:04] np [15:04] * popey deletes all the malware [15:04] appreciated [15:05] tough working over here when you need a something and the random internet fails you [15:07] I am so immature it's untrue, I'm working with a French chap and an Israeli chap, they are discussing an excel spread sheet and each time either of them say sheet.....it comes out rather ammusing [15:07] I keep sniggering under my breath,, don't want to offend them but it is ammusing me [15:07] "can you give me the sheet" and comments like that are making me laugh [15:08] ikonia-remote: Just don't say the Polish for thank you to the French guy. [15:08] jpds: I do not know polish [15:08] he is safe [15:08] Good. === seeker_ is now known as seeker [15:12] so how do I build a lens then? the HACKING file in unity-lens-applications is empty and ./autogen.sh tells me I need gnome-common from gnome SVN. Do I really need that? [15:13] AlanBell: goto unity.ubuntu.com I'm pretty sure there are some well written docs linked from there but I could be wrong [15:14] I read a lot of that, it assumes a certain amount of prior knowledge [15:16] there does not seem to be anything telling you how to build a lens or insert your new lens into a running unity [15:17] ooh, canonical just sent me an ebook [15:17] If I'm trying to run 8 CPU Hungry single threaded applications, do I want an i7 with hyperthreading or 2 Q9xxx's? [15:17] they didnt send me one [15:17] https://pages.canonical.com/enterprise-desktop-ebook.html [15:17] they sent me a link where I can find out how to download it [15:18] oh, it is a PDF [15:19] * popey gets the pdf url from the source rather than submit stuff [15:20] AlanBell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses I don't know if this helps I got it from askubuntu [15:20] AntiVirus is apparenly included with Ubuntu [15:20] and backup software [15:20] is that "tar" ? [15:20] popey: that line really annoys me in the marketing [15:21] popey: there is already a bug about that [15:21] isn't windows multi browser choice these days? [15:21] davmor2: no, there isnt [15:21] davmor2: this is a marketing PDF [15:21] popey: curse you and your licorice [15:21] there is a bug about it claiming to be fully compatible with microsoft office [15:22] popey: ah sorry not the bug is against the web page that is taken from the pdf I think you're right [15:22] Myrtti: me and my kids licorice :D [15:24] * oimon wants liquorice [15:25] popey: dsample is a bit annoyed now, he wants candy but all I have to offer is Turkish Peber [15:26] since removing fabian the german from my feed, google+ is looking bare again! [15:26] * popey googles [15:26] heh, i removed him long ago oimon :D [15:26] i added him for oggcamp. too much opinion and swearing [15:26] yeah [15:26] is that what his podcast is like? [15:26] Which is why I never got into LO [15:26] pretty much [15:27] * oimon munches on a stem ginger cookie ponderously [15:27] I listened to an episode, it was very strange [15:27] i sometimes listen live [15:27] if i remove popey from g+ then it will be VERY empty [15:27] and heckle in irc [15:27] G+ has become quiet recently [15:28] I think more people are making use of circles [15:28] i am not using circles at all [15:28] or maybe everyones playing with their touchpad [15:28] And I'm not in those circles that are getting the content [15:28] Well thats the server ordered.., most i have spent on myself in 2-3 years! [15:28] popey: I've put people into circles just to organise things, but then I post everything as public [15:28] i wanted to add linus torvalds but he mixes linux stuff with pcitures of his scuba diving gear [15:29] me too [15:29] I thought circles were a great idea, but I post almost everything public [15:30] I love Google+ [15:30] it's brilliant with the circles [15:30] i had AlanBell but removed him too lol [15:31] G+ is great for poking fun at friends ;) [15:31] my paranoia about stalkers is a bit lessened when I use Google+ in comparison to Twitter and the ilk [15:31] it needs refining [15:31] Myrtti: u have stalkers, or just worried about them? [15:32] oimon: if you're publicly a lady on IRC, I think it's compulsory [15:32] I like google plus but it needs some kind of events planner built in [15:32] oimon: I have had a person who told me he was coming to meet me, and after that I was afraid of people of certain group in the local bus for about a month [15:32] hmm [15:32] oly_: Google Calendar? [15:33] I've also had death threats from others [15:33] there is a certain class of person who feels too attached to people that share information on broadcast networks [15:33] jpds, perhaps but integrated like in facebook you just go create event and add friends [15:33] a close friend had a lot of unwatned attention from creepy guys because she was quite open [15:34] irl , not online [15:34] very handy feature and about the only thing i use facebook for :) [15:35] G+ is potentially a bit stalker friendly with the circles [15:35] oimon: well I am fairly known in Finland in a multiple ways, so I'm an easy target, sadly [15:35] Whoo! Aqua again! [15:36] meh, now I've had too much salmiakki [15:38] BigRedS, your liking of this is quite... interesting... [15:39] Myrtti: give it to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [15:40] kirrus: it's worth noting that this is B*witched that I'm liking, not Aqua [15:40] honest [15:40] what's worse? b*w i think [15:40] BigRedS, and that makes it better how, exactly? ;) :P [15:41] I think I'm going to pass out from blowing my nose [15:41] interesting [15:41] learn something new every day: "last" [15:42] bigcalm: Got a cold too? [15:42] seeker: it's the oggflu [15:42] Heyhey! I'm trying to get Ubuntu 11.04 onto an Acer Aspire One netbook, via USB, and it keeps giving a blank screen after the 'loading linux' screen. Tried the USB on a laptop and it works fine. Anyone got ay guesses as to what may be the issue? [15:42] Myrtti: what a have you learnt about last? [15:43] Ah, I have a cold, but not oggflu [15:43] lastlog is also useful [15:43] on a machine with many potential users logging in [15:44] bigcalm: it's a funky command! [15:44] Myrtti: indeed it is. I tend to do last -20 every time I log onto a remote system [15:45] I can tell you that doing "last" on my shell account wasn't a good idea, tho :-D [15:45] "oops" [15:45] Heh [15:49] greetings [16:06] \o livingdaylight [16:07] o/ MartijnVdS ! [16:08] Grrr, the 'net is terribly slow to make connections today [16:08] * bigcalm shakes fist at VM [16:12] what? no updates in oneiric today? [16:12] What happen? [16:12] Freeze for beat 1 next week [16:12] ah [16:12] beta even [16:12] I'd expect more bugfix uploads then ;) [16:13] Lots of apps still complain about GConf dbus messages not existing [16:13] D-BUS error: Method "Set" with signature "s(ib)" on interface "org.gnome.GConf.Database" doesn't exist [16:13] stuff like that [16:15] MartijnVdS: tht stuff should still exist [16:16] apparently, it doesn't, sometimes [16:18] well it either exists or it doesn't, the connection or how it connects maybe the problem [16:19] ikonia-remote: I'm starting programs from the command line, so I can see what errors they throw [16:19] starting "picard" crashes unity-window-decorator \o/ [16:19] vlc as well, sometimes [16:20] I'm going to reboot, just in case (this feels dirty) [16:20] Argh! Where did "Reboot" go in my menu?> [16:20] MartijnVdS: that's not always going to be a valid test [16:21] not all programs will output to the command line, it depends [16:21] don't take that as gospal [16:22] ikonia-remote: I know [16:23] ikonia-remote: but if it outputs an error, it should either catch that or fix it ;) [16:23] ikonia-remote: it happens just before banshee crashes, too [16:23] also sound-juicer [16:26] WARN 2011-08-25 18:25:54 glib :0 Unable to fetch children: Method "Children" with signature "" on interface "org.ayatana.bamf.view" doesn't exist [16:27] * bigcalm continues to shake his fist at VM [16:47] anyone heard about the new IBM "brain" chip? The one that's meant to replicate the human brain... [16:47] http://venturebeat.com/2011/08/17/ibm-cognitive-computing-chips/ [16:49] HazRPG: itym http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skynet_(Terminator) [16:50] MartijnVdS: heh, I knew someone would like to that :P [17:10] link* [17:10] just realised I typed that wrong, was too busy watching the videos at the bottom of the link I sent [17:22] should the nvidia package create a base xorg.conf with base nvidia settings in it ? [17:23] No idea [17:23] I don't have a machine to test it on, [17:24] no [17:25] nvidia-xconfig does that [17:25] ok, I think I'm going to put that into the package then and put it in as an update [17:25] or jockey [17:25] jockey won't do it will it ? [17:25] I thought only nvidia-xconfig did it [17:25] i have a feeling it does [17:25] but maybe not :D [17:25] I'll check that out before rushing in then as I had no idea it could do that [17:26] anyone got any idea why thunderbird won't show an icon on the unity launcher when launched [17:27] there seems to be quite a few bugs with applications that are not the system default [17:27] other than unity being a bug ridden mess [17:27] in terms of displaying on the icon [17:27] which it is [17:28] that'll teach me to be proactive thought I would migrate to thunderbird from evolution in lieu of Ocelot and that happens [17:28] you can keep evolution in ocelot of course [17:28] its only the default [17:28] has evolution been dropped as default in 11.10 ? [17:28] apparently so [17:28] you can, but thunderbird is the new default in ocelot [17:29] the way unity currently handles non-default apps doesn't exactly fill me full of hope for ocelot [17:29] I'm glad Thunderbird has been adopted [17:29] I'm not [17:30] I just wish someone could get Thunderbird and Sunbird to make an Outlook style client, that could deal with meeting requests and calander sync/planning [17:30] it has issues with large quantities of mail [17:30] I know there is the sunbird plugin, but it sucks [17:30] Psychobudgie: define large [17:30] and it has a distinct lack of a calendar [17:30] large as in corporate large [17:31] define large [17:31] I use thunderbird in a corperate enviornment [17:31] as in the application tends to go into meltdown when it gets over 10000 or so messages to archive [17:31] so did I [17:31] the lack of calander is really annoying, and sunbird is really good, so it would be amazing to merge them, or have some sort of interface between them [17:31] 10,000 active messages is quite a lot, archived not massive [17:31] ikonia-remote: like lightning? [17:32] the two standalone applications are great, but they are totally not aware of each other [17:32] I think moving to thunderbird is a mistake personally [17:32] ikonia-remote: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/lightning/ [17:32] I started a small project based on a brainstorm post I made on this idea, but it never got traction [17:32] ikonia-remote: it's sunbird as a tb plugin [17:32] MartijnVdS: I know what it is [17:32] MartijnVdS: it's not great [17:32] ikonia-remote: it works..ish [17:36] I trust there will be a migration tool for people to easily move from evolution to thunderbird [17:37] darn it, I meant to use the sarcasm module [17:40] also, wow Steve Jobs is stepping down as CEO [17:40] heh [17:40] welcome to 18 hours ago ☺ [17:41] darn connection [18:17] lol - look at the inc VAT vs ex. VAT price ;-) http://www8.hp.com/uk/en/products/tablets/product-detail.html?oid=5107123 [18:21] ;] [18:22] TheOpenSourcerer: if only we really did have -400% VAT :D [18:22] or whatever that VAT calculation is :P [18:23] That is +470% VAT :-( [18:23] Having issues installing 11.04 - install says its first 'Loading Linux' line, then stops, leaving blank screen with a cursor flashing. Help, anyone? [18:24] roghly [18:24] hehe [18:28] http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/news/2011/DiamondPlanet/ - Cool. A planet with slightly more mass than jupiter made of diamond. [18:29] suddenly the private space race gets more interesting [18:29] :P [18:30] Trouble is it is orbitting a pulsar at stupidly fast speeds... Hard to catch it. [18:33] hehe [18:36] that's going to need one hell of a ring to mount it on [18:36] { [19:02] } [19:05] :D wondered who would crack [19:06] popey: It messes with my CDO :) [19:18] directhex: I've just been told that Pepsi Raw (called Pepsi Natural) was dropped from Brazil shortly before my arival. Redbull Cola never made it to Brazil [19:18] ikonia-remote: it's personal. [19:18] clearly [19:19] ikonia-remote: you're in brazil? [19:19] my local tesco is clearing its stock of red bull cola [19:19] although I did find a nice Pepsi Twist (Pepsi + lime) but it's standard pepsi [19:19] popey: yes, [19:19] nice, how come? work? [19:19] hence "ikonia-remote" and unidenfitied [19:19] popey: yes, a bit of client smoozing, hence the drama with the file earlier [19:19] nice [19:19] having a good time? [19:19] it's ok [19:19] %50/%50 to be honest, I'll get into it more tomorrow and do stuff at the weekend [19:20] I'm sure it will go more to %20/%80 in Rio's favour [19:22] directhex: please pickup as much redbull cola and I'll split %50 with you [19:22] my Tesco cleared it off about 2 days after your announcment [19:22] I had high hopes of bringing Pepsi Raw home with me and sending you random pictures [19:24] i've got 4 cans left [19:25] it's good with a decent rum [19:26] I've got 2 bottles that I found [19:26] I've just read that Feb 2011 Oz got Pepsi Raw, imported from the UK [19:26] they have my COLA !!!! [19:26] good job I'll be going to Oz for work in October [19:27] I'm bored, [19:28] heh [19:28] clearly you need more games [19:28] a friend in the UK up;loaded Armada II for me last night, [19:28] so I pulled that down this morning, that will keep me sane tonight, then I'm going to sample Rio properly tomorrow [19:29] I'm limited as to what I can play with this laptop [19:29] it's a good laptop, but still......it's a laptop [19:30] steam is great if you're stuck in a hotel with internet access [19:30] i find the civilization series is laptop-friendly [19:30] yeah, I should look at putting steam on this, and I do enjoy civilization too [19:32] I've grabbed Age of Empires II from my machine at home as that was still in my home dir, [19:34] damn 3rd world internet connetion [19:34] ikonia-remote: google+ games :D [19:36] I have Civ:Call to Power for LInux [19:36] Working on oneiric with minimal hackage [19:36] gaming on Linux is poor..... === ikonia-remote_ is now known as ikonia-remote [19:38] I should have packed an emmulator and re-lived some C64 or Amiga fun, that would pass a few hours [19:38] dosbox + abandonware :) [19:38] BBC are demanding I pay for TV licence for my mobile phone : [19:38] DeadEnd: really ? [19:38] I turn my back for a few days and the BBC goes mental ? [19:39] if you watch near-live TV then yeah, you should pay for a license [19:39] Yup they putting me under investigation [19:39] also, its not the BBC that are demanding it [19:39] its the TV Licensing authority [19:39] * MartijnVdS turns on his sat receiver and whistles innocently [19:40] popey: that's not unreasonable, if you use the BBC services, radio/tv/internet, you pay [19:40] exactly [19:40] I'd pay, but I can't supply an address outside the UK :) [19:40] Buut I dont !!! [19:40] so.. thanks everyone for paying ;) [19:40] DeadEnd: you don't use any BBC services at all [19:40] That why I am under investigation [19:41] nope dont watch the bbc [19:41] do you use the website/radio ? [19:41] it doesnt apply to just bbc [19:41] Nope boring as hell me [19:41] even if you only watched Channel 4 [19:42] popey: ahh, that's the catch isn't it, there is wording to prevent that sort of agrument [19:42] it's a "multimedia tax" in reality, that gets given to the BBC [19:42] nope [19:42] other broadcasters get some [19:42] not just bbc [19:42] \o/ ##politics-uk? [19:42] heh [19:43] popey: it's cut up quite poor though [19:43] there was a documentary on this last year [19:43] Channel 4 was used as one of the hard hit cases as I recal [19:44] I don't mind paying it, I think the free to air services in the UK are pretty good and the BBC as an overall service mega [19:44] puts other countries to shame [19:44] BBC is amazing, I'm glad I can receive the free-to-air satellite broadcasts here in the Netherlands :) [19:45] watching TV in Brazil hilights how far ahead we are [19:45] still need to figure out some "PC-as-video_recorder" software, so I can record programs [19:45] (but that doesn't take over all of the system, like myth or vdr) [19:46] ikonia-remote: why dont you ssh to a remote host and run irssi? [19:48] watching TV in Brazil makes me realise how ahead we are. It's like watching a slightly out of tune TV, with the contrast up full, and the bass control on the TV broke [19:49] ikonia-remote-: ah, like Italy [19:49] without pornography though [19:49] so similar [19:49] ikonia-remote-: ask daubers about BBC engineers some time :) [19:49] I shall [19:49] one of my clients is the BBC so I may ask some direct [19:51] DeadEnd: what media services do you actually use/watch if you don't mind me asking [19:53] listen to Podcasts mainly and mostly music [19:53] do you watch no TV services, even on the computer ? [19:54] If I do watch any visual stuff it is on youtube [19:54] DeadEnd: if that's %100 accurate, you are a rare breed in my eyes, but maybe times are changing [19:55] Who did the talk on community week or whatever it was called on starting a podcast? [19:57] Are the TV people going to come round and look through my phone records [19:57] force me to give them my password to my laptop [19:57] Then imprison me [19:57] they will send a guy around [19:58] and basically if you don't have a TV switched on and watching TV they won't do anything more [19:58] I have had them round before, I have a large flat screen TV but I only use it as a monitor, they accepted my argument [19:58] yes, they do [19:59] if you are nice to the guy then they pretty much won't do anything [19:59] they wil start to push more though [19:59] they are not supposed to send them more than every 5 years or something [19:59] they can request things like ISP logs [19:59] DeadEnd: do you live alone ? [19:59] Last visit was 3 years ago [19:59] I live alone [19:59] btw the license fee only applies to live streaming, not iplayer or the rest of the website [20:00] the license does apply to the iplayer [20:00] Well there is no way I can get digital TV on mobile phone [20:00] no, it doesn't [20:00] it only applies to the "watch live" section, which has a big disclaimer [20:01] ali1234: where is the info, the last time I checked this the iplayer was incluced, or so I believed [20:01] ikonia-remote-: nope [20:01] (I'm having a search now too) [20:01] "You need to be covered by a licence if you watch TV online at the same time as it's being broadcast on conventional TV in the UK or the Channel Islands. " - from tvlicensing.co.uk [20:01] ikonia-remote-: only live or near-live requires a license [20:01] popey: that's super value then [20:01] popey: I thought it included radio use too [20:01] you dont need a license for radio [20:01] I am looking at my letter from the BBC and it clearly states mobile phone,,,,so how many mobile phone have a digital tuner? [20:01] DeadEnd: doesnt need one [20:02] DeadEnd: if you watch live telly on it you need a license [20:02] which you could watch over the internet [20:02] popey: that's even more impressive value then [20:02] yep, same for mobile [20:02] http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/ [20:02] So I can record live TV and watch it later without a licence? [20:02] no [20:02] nope [20:02] I am not watching it live [20:02] watching or recording live tv is covered [20:03] ali1234: excellent, thank you for that link [20:03] ikonia-remote-: this topic comes up fairly regularly :) [20:03] along with the "ripping cd to mp3 is illegal" topic [20:03] btw, what's the deal with that? [20:04] ali1234: you are well prepared then [20:04] has the law actually changed, or was it just a promise to change it at some unspecified later date? [20:05] not yet [20:05] still illegal to rip your own cd/dvd [20:05] under review [20:06] wasn't it on the house of lords agenda before the summer break [20:08] ikonia-remote-: summer break... http://tinyurl.com/3bnshc5 [20:09] .............waiting for it to load in 3rd world hamster driven internet [20:09] i wouldn't bother [20:10] question, pisg isnt updating channel activity at all, when run. i have checked the paths, and it is all correct. any other factors that could affect it not picking up on activity properly? [20:10] what's a pisg? [20:10] !pisg [20:11] lubotu3 doesn't know [20:11] a script to generate irc stats [20:11] http://ubuntu-uk.org/ircstats/ like that [20:11] http://pisg.sourceforge.net/ [20:11] ok. wrong log format? [20:11] http://taylorworld.me.uk/ircstats.html [20:12] i have it set to irssi, as i am using irssi, and pointed at irssi's log file. [20:12] hehe, busy channel! [20:12] i dont use irssi logs for pisg, i use muh [20:12] popey: it clearly isnt picking up on things, i said something in there just now, and it isnt showing it. [20:13] why would it show it right away? [20:13] surely you have to re-run the bot [20:13] popey: i have the update, set to run in crontab, and i just updated it manually. [20:14] 0 */3 * * * root /usr/bin/pisg -co /etc/pisg.cfg [20:14] i would suggest you look in the source code but if it is written perl that would probably be counter-productive [20:14] http://pastebin.com/dVMSHxCn [20:14] I'd run it manually [20:15] see what output you get [20:15] popey: i just did, made no difference. [20:15] one moment. [20:15] ah [20:15] check permissions on /var/www/ircstats.html [20:15] maybe you can create but not update due to some strange umask thing [20:16] http://pastie.org/2429702 [20:16] it isnt showing any issues. [20:16] so did "68 days, 628 lines total" change? [20:18] hi folks... wondering if someone can help.... I have an issue with the clock on my vps [20:18] its running madly fast, like gaining hours every second [20:18] ali1234: no, i manually updated it again. [20:19] j0nr: what changed? [20:19] brobostigon: wc -l /home/ptaylor/irclogs/Freenode/##politics-uk.log [20:19] j0nr: who hosts the vps? [20:19] j0nr: what version [20:20] j0nr: 2.6.18 kernels anre earlier have a big glitch with virtual clocks [20:20] popey: 1266 /home/ptaylor/irclogs/Freenode/##politics-uk.log [20:20] popey: I had to reboot my vps since then it is not running right (no idea why) [20:21] j0nr: manually set the date with ntpdate - then setup ntpd to keep it in sync, it may need to run quite frequent depending on your kernel version [20:21] j0nr: you can't just use ntp if your clock is more than 5 minutes drift, it will need to be manualy syncd [20:21] ikonia-remote-: I have tried installing apt-get -y install linux-image-2.6.24-29-xen linux-headers-2.6.24-29-xen [20:21] j0nr: you shouldn't need to do that [20:22] j0nr: set the date from a remote time source with ntpdate, then use that same remote time source to keep it in sync with ntp [20:22] ikonia-remote-: ntpdate will not work for some reason. I guess it is because the clock it adrift. if I set the date/time first with 'date ' it changes within seconds to another day...so I dont get a chance to run ntpdate [20:22] j0nr: what command are you doing and what error are you getting back [20:23] ikonia-remote-: ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com [20:23] j0nr: who hosts your vps? [20:23] j0nr: see to popey then give me the error message [20:23] 25 Aug 21:21:16 ntpdate[2178]: no server suitable for synchronization found [20:24] popey: xenvz.co.uk [20:24] j0nr: that's the issue then [20:24] any ideas? everything looks right, other than it not seeing all the lines in the log. [20:24] j0nr: it can't reach ntp.ubuntu.com on the correct port [20:24] ikonia-remote-: what does that mean? I did also install ntpd but I stopped it [20:25] j0nr: ntp.ubuntu.com doesn't appear to be a valid host [20:25] also I had to echo 1 into /proc/sys/xen/independant_clock to allow me to override the parent machine (I think) [20:26] ikonia-remote-: I also tried pool.ntp.org [20:26] Joeb454: my remote dns isn't spot on at ht emoment, [20:26] j0nr: your uk based yes ? [20:26] ikonia-remote-: yes [20:27] I can understand getting the time synced, but why is it racing away at a rate of hours per second? [20:27] j0nr: is your server uk based ? [20:27] I'd contact the vendor [20:28] popey: their suggeston is to install 'official ubuntu kernel' [20:28] what kernel are you currently using? [20:28] which I find strange I should have to do [20:28] 2.6.32-316-ec2 [20:28] especially afterI have been using this setup for years [20:28] thats what I'm running on my Xen VPS [20:28] j0nr: is the server uk based ? [20:28] popey: 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5xen [20:28] j0nr: yes [20:29] thats old old old [20:29] why are you using that? [20:29] i dont know.. I have done apt-get install later one [20:29] is it running ubuntu 10.04? [20:29] oh...no 8.04 [20:29] j0nr: is the server uk based ? [20:29] ikonia-remote: ummm.... not sure if the machine is in the UK.... anyway to find out? [20:30] j0nr: don't worry, just run this test "sudo ntpdate 0.uk.poo.ntp.org" [20:30] j0nr: don't worry, just run this test "sudo ntpdate 0.uk.pool.ntp.org" [20:30] (note the missing l) [20:30] hmm, -ec2 kernel isn't in 8.04 [20:31] root@jcrdevelopments:/home/jonr# ntpdate 0.uk.pool.ntp.org [20:31] 25 Aug 21:28:53 ntpdate[2237]: no server suitable for synchronization found [20:31] pool [20:31] j0nr: ok - nslookup 0.uk.poo.ntp.org [20:31] my "l" key is sticking [20:32] heh heh ok [20:32] j0nr: ps aux | grep ntp [20:33] are there any ntp related things running? [20:33] nah, you'd get a different error if there was [20:33] can't bind to socket [20:33] true [20:33] I bet it can't resolve it [20:33] but why would it race [20:33] i can understand the clock being wrong, but not why it races [20:33] pre .18 kernel [20:33] it's a bug [20:33] well yes [20:34] I was involved in the resolution with Redhat for 5.4 [20:34] doesn't help that his host is probably out of sync too [20:34] but why has it only just made itself a problem? Ive been running 8.04 as long as I've had the VPS no problems [20:34] I'd certainly look at a newer kernel [20:34] j0nr: lets sort out ntp first - then lets see what happens [20:34] I suspect ntp has been keeping it alive ok, and now ntp isn't working [20:34] or something like that [20:35] Server: [20:35] Address: [20:35] Non-authoritative answer: [20:35] Name: 0.uk.pool.ntp.org [20:35] Address: [20:35] Name: 0.uk.pool.ntp.org [20:35] Address: [20:35] Name: 0.uk.pool.ntp.org [20:35] Address: [20:35] root@jcrdevelopments:/home/jonr# nslookup 0.uk.pool.ntp.org [20:35] Server: [20:35] Address: [20:35] Non-authoritative answer: [20:35] Name: 0.uk.pool.ntp.org [20:35] Address: [20:35] Name: 0.uk.pool.ntp.org [20:35] Address: [20:35] Name: 0.uk.pool.ntp.org [20:35] ok - great, you can resolve it [20:35] !paste [20:35] Pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [20:35] can you connect to any of those hosts on port 123 [20:35] didnt mean that /o\ [20:36] connect to 0.uk.pool.org on port 123 as a test [20:36] ikonia-remote: how? :/ [20:36] pool.ntp.org [20:36] that wasn't a sticking key, that was my being stupid [20:36] j0nr: telnet 0.uk.pool.ntp.org 123 [20:38] ikonia-remote: unable to connect timeout [20:38] j0nr: ok - so there is the problem [20:38] firewall problem? [20:38] j0nr: something is blocking you [20:38] host or guest firewall, or a network firewall [20:38] at least it wasn't connection refused, which means they have blacklisted you and is a real headache [20:39] when pool.ntp started I used to run an ntp server on my vps [20:39] got silly because most other customers had one too [20:39] quite pointless running lots of ntp servers on one set of physical boxen [20:39] so is this a question for my provider? [20:39] j0nr: depends, if you have a firewall configured yourself [20:40] I haven't ever configured one [20:40] j0nr: if you want to test, sudo iptables -F [20:40] j0nr: that will flush all your rules [20:40] I seem to have network issues...related or not I am not sure.... e.g. lag 999 in irssi [20:41] ikonia-remote: iptables not installed [20:41] j0nr: ok, time to contact the provider [20:41] something is blocking port 123 to the public internet [20:41] ask them to fix that [20:41] j0nr: does ifconfig show dropped or errored packets? [20:42] popey: no [20:43] sorry, my connection dumped again [20:43] the hamster had to stop for a drink [20:43] ikonia-remote_: why not use irssi on a server? [20:44] popey: because I can't get out on port 22 from this customers site [20:44] OK, I shall ask my provider if there is something blocking traffic on port 123 as I cannot connect to NTP servers.... [20:44] or I'd be on my normal box [20:44] ikonia-remote_: this is why I have ssh on port 443 :D [20:44] popey: snap [20:44] popey: I don't think even that would work as I'm hitting a proxy at the moment thats only active for the web browser [20:45] yeah, i go via a proxy :D [20:45] putty -> proxy -> sshd on 443 [20:45] I'm going to murderise VM in a bit [20:45] I don't know if putty will work with this web proxy [20:45] I may try it when I get home [20:45] thanks popey ikonia-remote for your help :) [20:46] its a pain as I cannot use any commands that send stuff to AWS S3 [20:46] as the incorrect time seems to upset it [20:46] j0nr: sort this and we can help you keep your machine in time sync [20:46] seeing as it is a bug in 8.04, do you think upgrading will help? [20:47] its not a bug in 8.04 [20:47] you're running 2.6.18 which didn't ship with 8.04 [20:47] and 2.6.18 was the killer kernel [20:48] post 2.6.18 should be fine [20:48] hardy (8.04) ships with 2.6.24 or thereabouts [20:48] I suspect the xen host is 2.6.18 Redhat pre 5.4 [20:48] j0nr: pastebin the output of uname -a for interest [20:48] just sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic [20:48] (if you don't mind) [20:48] popey: maynot be able to if the xen host is locked in [20:48] he can try :D [20:49] lets look at the kernel first [20:49] if it's a redhat one, the xen host will be running in a mode which is like an earlier version of containers, in which case....game over [20:49] 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5xen [20:49] thats his kernel [20:49] there we go [20:49] Redhat EL pre 5.4 [20:49] popey earlier i did apt-get install linux-image-xen [20:50] he won't be able to install anything [20:50] that kernel will be locked in [20:50] ikonia-remote_: but his provider specifically told him to [20:50] popey: then his provider don't know how to manage their kit [20:50] j0nr: reboot, I bet it doesn't change the kernel [20:50] either way its their issue [20:50] my provider has been suggesting I install 'official ubuntu kernels' [20:50] j0nr: who runs this VPS ? [20:50] j0nr: as in the host not the guest [20:50] rebooted several times, and yes, uname -a: [20:50] yup, it's running as a container, you aren't changing that kerenl [20:50] kernel [20:51] Linux jcrdevelopments.com 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5xen #1 SMP Fri Jul 15 08:16:59 EDT 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux [20:51] j0nr: who runs the host ? [20:52] ikonia-remote_: http://xenvz.co.uk/ [20:52] thank you, I must have missed part of this in my drops, you seemed clued in [20:52] wow, cpanel 15 quid a month! [20:52] they must be raking it in [20:53] I don't use cpanel [20:53] j0nr: contact your hosting provider and tell them a.) update their host to a Redhat or Centos 5.4 or later version, this will help b.) unblock port 123 on their host network to allow you to sync with ntp servers [20:54] I wonder if zenvz.co.uk is eagles UK company, as it looks as sloppy administrated as he'd do [20:54] xenvz [20:54] "XenVZ is a subsidiary of OpenITC, founded by David Man and Sean McRobbie in 2007" [20:54] I have to say, before this hiccup, I have had great service from them. [20:54] j0nr: that's the way you'll get this fixed [20:54] popey: I must remember to look out for their names......and not work with them [20:54] haha [20:54] grumpy grue :D [20:55] well, if they are running containers and their support is telling the paying customer to update kernel......they need shooting [20:55] Wow, my upload bandwidth is greater than my download [20:55] Good on you VM [20:55] if they are running pre 5.4 kernels on a virtual host......they want shooting [20:55] either way, shooting needs to happen [20:55] Measurement Period: 1days 6h:15m:22s [20:55] Data Downloaded: 9GB 416MB [20:55] Data Uploaded: 1GB 379MB [20:55] :D [20:56] popey: I think I'm on 11kb up and 14kb down at the moment here [20:56] ikonia-remote_: I feel not in a clever enough position to tell them how to run their server :/ [20:56] j0nr: those two things need to happen, [20:56] j0nr: the opening of port 123 MUST happen, the kernel update should happen [21:03] oooooooooo [21:03] superhub has a "block sites" option [21:03] might block facebook for a laugh :D [21:03] Yus [21:03] Hehe [21:03] wife would go potty [21:03] what is superhub [21:03] virgin cable modem [21:03] I've offered to block Facebook and Twitter for Hayley [21:03] She said no [21:03] superhub sounds cool [21:03] what a great name [21:03] heh [21:03] The SuberHub is anything but [21:03] I'm on the superhub [21:04] its a rebranded netgear with a cable modem stuck on [21:04] but it sounds great [21:04] I'll interface with the superhub right now..... [21:04] :D [21:04] the superhub is negotiating protocols for me [21:04] i dont have too many issues with it [21:04] needs a reboot now and then [21:05] what doesn't [21:05] I on the other hand [21:05] Lots of problems and on my 2nd superhub [21:06] popey: ikonia-remote_ thanks again. Have emailled them the info [21:06] Could partly be due to the state of the old cable network in my area [21:06] j0nr: good luck [21:06] popey cheers [21:06] popey: beat me to it "ditto" [21:06] ta [21:06] in a Patrick Swayze style [21:06] hahah [21:07] * bigcalm_lappy shudders [21:07] I saw Donny Darko before I saw PS in any other film [21:07] So I will always see him as a pedofile :( [21:08] he wasn't exactly on clean ground in Dirty Dancing with "baby" [21:08] Which is a shame [21:08] 40 year old man with a 16 year old girl [21:08] safe ground in ghost and point break [21:12] !ping [21:12] another contentless ping... sigh... [21:12] I wonder what terrible quality film with subtitles awaits me tonight [21:12] so far I've had "the terminal" "white chicks" "some cop thing I missed the start of" [21:12] * popey is rewatching doctor who ready for the weekend [21:13] with about 1000 adverts in each [21:13] This weekend eh? [21:13] ya [21:13] saturday [21:13] rats [21:13] ikonia-remote_: how long you away for? [21:13] And when is Sherlock? [21:13] dunno [21:13] back on the 5th [21:13] How about Dirk Gently? [21:13] maybe the 2nd if I get bored too quickly [21:14] popey: can you resend that please, I closed the window by accident [21:20] hi [21:20] lo [21:21] when i right click on a iso file to write to cd is there a way to set the burn speed to a default, i keep having to changer it from max speed to 16x it would be useful if it could remember or be set [21:21] pass [21:21] ok [21:21] would this make a useful feature though [21:23] pretty obsolete these days [21:23] rare you can't burn something at full speed [21:23] what is [21:23] The media inserted may have different write speeds from other media. So defaulting to the max speed makes sense [21:24] i have had issues burning at max speed [21:24] ok a way for the user to overwrite the max speed default then [21:24] for their specific computer or set up [21:25] Not sure that there is one [21:25] I don't even know which package holds the burning code. Might be naulitus for all I know [21:25] you can certainly do it from the actual tools, eg: cdrecord [21:25] ok [21:26] however from the right click menu, no chance, and is it really a good thing to add, not really in my view, I think it's obsolete [21:26] it my end up being on of those rarely used featured [21:26] ok thanks [21:26] my = may [21:27] maybe my dvd burner is just older, [21:27] maybe on the way out [21:28] i am looking at a new system from ebuyer anyway which doesn't even have a cd or dvd drive [21:28] I'm surprised how many I go through [21:28] one of those e-machine things, thin with usb ports etc [21:28] so i can add a new external one if need be === bigcalm_lappy is now known as bigcalm [21:29] * zleap is downloading sme server [21:29] those external ones don't always work well for installs, be warned [21:29] linux installs I should say [21:30] i can use a usb stick for the install [21:30] as i need both currnet pc with data on it, then use that to create install media, then from that install on new pc [21:36] just realised it's 10:30 in the UK, no wonder it's quiet [21:36] lol, [21:36] well i am uk based [21:55] hi [22:15] popey: can you give me a snap shot of mtr mail.google.com ? [22:15] I'm getting major packet loss all along the route [22:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/674860/ [22:16] popey: please tell me wopr is yours [22:16] yes [22:16] the desktop [22:16] my computers are all named after computers from science fiction [22:17] you have wopr obviously, what else [22:17] wopr, bishop (alien), hactar (hhgttg), ash (alien) [22:17] i have been slack actually, recently naming things "ubuntuserver" ☹ [22:18] poor show [22:18] I have hal and lcars [22:18] no gibson ? [22:19] a man like you must have a gibson [22:19] I usually go with StarGate planets, they have a pretty huge list of them and even planned for DHCP allocation P3X- P4X- :) [22:20] stargate......please [22:20] popey: I don't remember Hactar. I clearly need to re-read [22:20] I need to check out hactar too [22:20] http://paste.ubuntu.com/674864/ [22:21] I have boring names [22:21] Mine are mostly Firefly-related [22:21] though I've taken to Jovian moons for some reason [22:21] hactar is in the third book of the hhgttg, re-read it last week :) [22:23] I want to meet the person using Harry Potter names [22:23] I need to know who I should put on /ignore [22:26] evening all [22:26] hehe stgraber :D [22:26] ikonia-remote_, some of our internal servers are HP quiditch themed. We have a snitch and a bludger. Our next backup server will be called Quafflebak.. [22:27] (snitch, monitoring) [22:27] Kirrus: as long as you are publicly shamed, that's fine [22:27] :P [22:27] call one "ron" and make it a background server that offers no real use === ikonia-remote_ is now known as ikonia-remote [22:27] None of them were my choice.. well, except quafflebak, but that's fun anyway cos of the beer-usage [22:28] almost time for the taxi ride of doom [22:37] How can i find out what speed a usb device connected is from CLI ? [22:38] lsusb -v [22:38] aha, had tried lsusb [22:38] thanks [22:39] bcdUSB ? [22:40] Seems so [22:41] * penguin42 hits dist-upgrade on his mail server vm and hopes for the best [22:43] heh [22:44] hmm hth am I supposed to know which CA certs to trust.... [22:56] gah nanode question - how do i send a single packet with specific data to a specific port/ip [22:56] freakyclown: try #nanode? [22:56] ken is in there [22:57] monsonite [22:57] http://paste.ubuntu.com/674892/ i just found this in the symbian source code. lol [22:58] they test their email database with emails released during enron litigation [22:59] I like that [22:59] I did research on Enron's failure as it interested me, so this ammuses me [23:00] presumably the whole archive is publicly available. nothing beats testing with real data. [23:00] nothing beats enron....... [23:02] night guys [23:10] hmm promising - it can deliver mail to me [23:13] youch, I really should clear that out: drwxr-sr-x 2 dg staff 11608064 Aug 25 23:39 texts