[01:56] seems the irc channels I'm in either have gotten quiet or a little too big & fast [01:58] idk how that happened, just kinda funny I guess [02:27] well cyberanger #ubuntu-us-tn is just right.. :) [02:34] wrst: indeed [02:35] cyberanger: i'm getting my desktop set up at the new place I'm trimming it a little :) [02:36] * cyberanger wonders how much is getting trimmed [02:36] "sudo apt-get purge xorg" ? [02:36] A corner or two of the monitor [02:38] cyberanger: actually this distro doesn't come with xorg by default ;) [02:38] arch or debian? [02:39] arch cyberanger i prefer using a web browser from the last 5 years :P [02:39] in that case, your debian installs are a version old at least [02:40] what is it about debian comes in old, stale, and.. something else? :) [02:40] Sid [02:40] stable, testing and unstable (aka sid) [02:41] * wrst tried to make a joke... [02:41] and old I guess is the previous stable (don't think that's really a class, more a way to insure one can upgrade) [02:41] cyberanger: sid still doesn't have gnome 3 or when i tried it a few weeks ago [02:42] sid might be unstable, but it's no dummy [02:42] oh, wait, I was thinking unity, hrm [02:42] * Unit193 knows someone using Sid [02:42] * cyberanger knows Unit193 knows another person using sid too [02:43] cyberanger: unity in 11.10 may make me eat some words [02:44] that's ok, unity is still making me dish out some words [02:45] it is improving by leaps and bounds [02:46] * cyberanger raises his deer fence [02:48] and I see gnome3 in debian, just not the default [02:48] yeah you have to jump through hoops to get it [02:48] they don't trust it or the developers are slow idk [02:48] and I really don't want gnome 2 then upgrade to gnome 3 [02:49] * wrst has drunk the gnome-shell kool-aid [02:49] I don't think you need to grab both, and idk how many hoops there are (I bet less than it takes to get rid of unity on ubuntu, or get it working nicely) [02:51] yeah just wasn't worth the effort since its easy to get going on arch i really don't care about the distro anymore to be honest [02:52] as long as I can do what i need as easily as possible [02:56] good night all, time for bed [02:57] wrst: Night! [04:05] wrst: night [04:05] in some ways I agree with that, focus on the task, not the distro [04:06] some distro's make the tasks easier though (for me debian is just that, ubuntu was, but not lately) [10:44] cyberanger: I think it just makes sense that way and not every distro for every person/task [13:20] true, true [13:39] I do think it's worth going outside that sole focus too [13:40] for example, you found arch as a desktop user (I'm guessing ubuntu as a server user) why? [13:40] why not debian, centos, scientific linux, freebsd, so on? [13:42] (I named more servers there, cause I think most arch users already answer that, most ubuntu users seem to just follow a link from lifehacker or maximumpc, or another source (hey it got me started on knoppix & led me to ubuntu, nothing wrong with it either)) [13:43] cyberanger: yes I think for me ubuntu is killer on the server [16:16] wrst: idk, I could see debian fit just as easily [16:16] what's on your server, ssh & quassel-core, more? [16:17] print/file server cyberanger [16:17] as in samba? [16:17] i use it for bzr [16:17] cyberanger: ipp on the printers and i have samba on the file sharing for my wife's macbook which really makes no sense but she was on winders when i sat it up [16:18] cyberanger: the documetnation I help with we write then use bzr for it and also use the server to build it and host it so I can look and get others to look at it as built [16:18] ok, and bzr, so debian could also fit (probally easier to upgrade with that, or just set it for testing) [16:19] oh, you use your server for hosting bzr & a build box? [16:21] yeah just for documentation making html, not a big deal [16:22] and have used it to mass convert a few things using ffmpeg [16:23] ah, to me then it sounds like debian testing would be for you there [16:24] not too cutting edge, a step short of rolling release, doesn't get much closer [16:25] that's where the two are closest since day one, serverss [16:26] i'm pretty happy with ubuntu as the setup is just a breeze [16:26] yeah, but a thought when you want to upgrade from breezy ;-) [16:36] well, now comes the hard choice of the day, travel to my own place or take a 2hr wardrive [16:37] * cyberanger wonders why he has to choose [16:37] both ! [16:37] see you all in a little while [16:55] see you and cyberanger [19:16] hey chris4585 how you doing? [19:16] hey wrst, I'm alright, you? [19:17] donig well chris4585, I installed arch last night using the latest install media, they are making it too easy :) [19:17] yeah, well I had an issue with my install, something is screwing my graphics up [19:18] so I'm trying to wait it out until an update fixes something... so I'm on my laptop atm [19:18] the new install media is similar to the debian installer somewhat [19:18] what happened chris4585? [19:18] I updated :P [19:18] lol [19:18] everything is so glitchy [19:19] I really wish I had intel graphics... [19:19] hmm nvidia? [19:19] yep [19:21] my nvidia hooked up sli was no issue at all last night chris4585 :\ [19:22] well I have no idea what caused it, it was fine and I don't think I had a nvidia update [19:27] that's odd chris4585, i just reinstalled because my partitioning was sorta messed up [19:27] wish i had a solution for you :\ [19:28] its alright [19:28] Still on Oneiric? [19:32] who Unit193? :) [19:34] I thought chris was, but I could be thinking of someone else... [19:37] I was, but ditch it for arch [19:49] hey all [19:49] been sick a bit [19:57] strange, wrst, looks like the fallback grub option is working? [19:58] Xpistos: feeling better? [19:58] chris4585: hmm [19:58] 3.0 kernel mess you up? [19:58] sume what [19:59] maybe... looks like I'm on 3.0 [19:59] well I updated again, lets see what normal boot up will do.. [20:02] woot, seems like updating fixed whatever happened [20:02] I knew waiting it out would work... [20:02] cool chris4585! === chris_ is now known as Guest13902 [20:04] why hello Guest13902 [20:15] wb chris4585 [20:16] thanks wrst [20:16] I wonder what caused my issue.. [20:16] I had to resort to my laptop (annoying) for my main computer :/ [20:46] i generally use my laptop as my main one, but my desktop for heavier duty stuff [21:08] wb twayneprice :)