[00:41] So, what's the deal with ubuntuforums requiring registration? [00:48] Anyone? [02:42] blast_hardcheese: only the forum archive and attachments require registration [02:42] the reason the archive requires registration was meant to be to hide it from Google and other search engines [02:42] though it seems to be a royal pain in the ass to convince them to stop believing they have those pages indexed now [02:43] we were asked by the Kernel Team, along with other teams, to do this, because Google kept on turning up out of date and inaccurate HOWTO's for common search terms [03:19] jdong: blarg. That makes sense, but should probably be explained on the "ACCESS DENIED" page so it doesn't just make you guys look like jerks [03:22] blast_hardcheese: yeah, we didn't expect that many users to hit it. We thought it'd be a transient thing [03:22] we trusted Google's magic-ness :) [03:22] and ugh, that "access denied" page is stupid. But it's vBulletin default. I'll see if any of our web templates people want to update the wording [03:25] Much appreciated :) [05:57] I'm trying to do a frugal install on my pc and right when it starts copying files the installer crashes... help me please ^^ === bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen [21:29] Is this thread broken for anyone else? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12524.html [21:38] works for me [21:57] BHSPitMo1key- because it's archived? click show full version [21:57] Aquix: no, I literally see a blank white page [21:57] hmmmm. works here [21:57] like you might expect to see in the case of a php error [21:58] I'm sure your logged in [21:58] right? [21:59] Aquix: yes [22:00] firefox? [22:00] yes, though I also tried epiphany [22:00] and now chrome, same issue [22:01] (mind you, I'm not logged in under either of those browsers) [22:01] try empty the browser cache [22:01] and restart firefox [22:04] Aquix: well as I said, I'm producing the same problem in three very different browsers on this machine... [22:04] yet other threads I've tried work [22:21] BHSPitMo1key- Here you go http://ubuntuone.com/p/1CtN/