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oSoMoNgood morning07:05
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andyrockis there something of the unity team?07:31
andyrocksomeones sorry :)07:31
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andyrockDBO around?08:03
andyrockgord, around?08:03
gordandyrock, hey, whats up?08:04
andyrockgord, about the dash dnd problem08:04
andyrockwell we use nux::GetWindow().GetDndData("text/uri-list")08:05
andyrockand when we dragging something from the dash this value is null08:05
andyrockit should be "application:://etc.dekstop" or something like this08:06
gordandyrock, have you upgraded your stack? iirc that value is provided by the lens'es and until late yesterday, they were giving out null values08:08
andyrockgord, unity lense application Version: 0.4.2-0ubuntu108:09
andyrockgord, btw how can i show in terminal the LOG_DEBUG stuff?08:17
gordandyrock, tim posted a mail to ayatana-dev explaining all that, export UNITY_LOG_SEVERITY="<root>=INFO;" gets you all the debug calls in unity iirc08:18
andyrockgord, thx08:19
gordandyrock, trying to get a grip on whats going on with this dnd stuff, seems like it should be working =\08:20
andyrockgord, well i worked on dnd stuff, but everything is based on nux::GetWindow().GetDndData("text/uri-list")08:21
andyrockalso with the "old dnd" this functions was the "pivot"08:22
gordyeah we just return the same string for whatever getdnddata you ask for08:22
andyrockbtw in resultgridview should be the error08:22
andyrocklet me debug :)08:24
andyrockgord, around?09:32
gordandyrock, yup09:34
andyrockgord, so current_drag_uri_ is filled in ResultViewGrid::DndSourceDragBegin()09:35
andyrockand then it is used in ResultViewGrid::DndSourceDragBegin()09:35
andyrocksorry in DndSourceGetDataForType09:36
andyrockmaybe DBO can confirm, but i think that DndSourceGetDataForType is called first that ResultViewGrid::DndSourceDragBegin09:37
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gordandyrock, heh really? lets try flipping it around a bit, hold on09:40
andyrockgord, i'm doing the same thing09:41
andyrockgord, so copying the init code in the dndsourcegetdatafortype09:43
andyrockworks well, but a question icon is displayed :)09:43
gordandyrock, neat, what is the icon that has a question icon? typically means it couldn't find the icon in the theme or elsewhere09:44
gordthe icon loading code for dnd just isn't as robust as what we have for the rest of the dash09:45
andyrocki'will try to solve it... if i'm not able you will do it :)09:46
andyrockgord, fixed ;)09:58
gordandyrock, woo :) ping me when you have a mp and i'll take a look09:59
andyrockmaybe something more special could be done but who has time for special?09:59
andyrocki have other fixes another branch about dnd10:00
andyrockwith two other fixes10:00
andyrocki have to do another branch?10:00
gordandyrock, please :) i can review this branch about the resultsview and then i'll give jason a poke about your other dnd related branches later10:01
andyrockok thx10:01
andyrockgord, do not be frightened by the length of the patch10:38
andyrockthe old nux worked as said few minutes ago, the new one not10:38
gordyeah testing here it didn't work :)10:44
andyrockgord, have you seen the patch? :)10:47
gordandyrock, yeah, looks like a silly mistake that crept in last night as some changes were made :)10:48
andyrockgord, i know... :)10:48
andyrockno problem10:49
andyrockyou rock anyway10:49
faganI just installed oneiric on my netbook and the resolution is off11:41
fagansome of the content is off the screen11:42
andyrock_seb128, what can we use to open the trash instead of xdg-open?11:56
andyrock_seb128, btw xdg-open trash://11:59
andyrock_gvfs-open: trash://: error opening location: Operation not supported11:59
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jjardontedg: hey, any reason why the time label has to be updated through the service and not when the datetime menu is open ?14:32
jjardonlike the calendar widget?14:32
tedgjjardon, Which label?  The one on the panel?14:33
jjardontedg: no, the menu item14:33
tedgjjardon, Because mixing standard menu items and dbusmenu items results in tears.14:34
tedgjjardon, When the menu is resorted it doesn't know where to put the standard ones, so the result is confusing at best.14:34
tedgjjardon, The cost of updating it is very cheap.14:34
om26ergord, Hi! is there any chance we'll have bigger icon size in the result view for Unity?14:35
jjardontedg: oh, I see, but the problem is that the label is updated with a timeout set in this function: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-datetime/trunk/view/head:/src/datetime-service.c#L29814:37
jjardonbut this causes problems when the user change the date manually or after a suspend cycle14:37
tedgjjardon, That function can be called repeatedly though, so could it just be called in those cases?14:38
jjardontedg: yeah, but how can I know that the date changed? the changes in the panel are sent to through the SetTime signal, but the indicator datetime doesnt get notified14:40
tedgjjardon, Listen to the same signal?  It seems the service should be sending the UpdateTime()14:41
tedgjjardon, So perhaps the service should be the one driving more.14:41
jjardontedg: mmm, the update of the menu item time is done in the service itself, not in the indicator14:45
TrevinhoHi guys... I'm back! :)15:00
Trevinhoseb128: around?15:01
om26erTrevinho, thats totally awesome ;)15:01
om26erTrevinho, welcome back :)15:01
Trevinhothanks om26er ;)15:01
kenvandinewelcome back Trevinho15:31
jjardontedg: so, What do you think is the best way to get notification in the service when the system time changes? to not relay on the timeouts?15:34
tedgjjardon, Is there a signal from gsd?15:36
tedgjjardon, Assuming someone set the time with gcc it seems we should be able to watch for it's signal if nothing else.15:37
seb128hey Trevinho15:40
jjardontedg: I'll take a llo to gsd, we can listen to SetTime, but that wouldnt work with the suspend problems15:41
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tedgjjardon, I believe that upower gives us a signal on suspend15:41
tedgjjardon, I don't remember if it's before or after, but if it's before we can just set a timer and wait for the time to be noncontiguous.15:42
jonoseb128, where should I file bugs for Unity for the design team to look at?15:48
jonounity project?15:48
jonoor ayatana?15:48
seb128jono, the ayata-design project15:48
seb128jono, usually what others do is to open an unity bug, set it to incomplete and do "also affect" ayatana-design15:49
tedgjono, Usually we have two bug tasks, on the SW project and one on ayatana-design.15:49
tedgYeah, like seb128 said.15:49
jonoseb128, thanks, will do that now15:49
jonoseb128, so the unity bug should be for the project, not the source package?15:49
seb128jono, we tend to do both15:50
seb128to keep things in sync15:50
jonook, so file it for the source package and then also affect unity (project) and ayatana-design15:50
seb128but either work15:50
seb128didrocks has a script that will sync the status between upstream and ubuntu unity15:50
seb128jono, correct15:50
jonothanks seb12815:51
seb128launchpad makes it suboptimal to trunk bugs for projects like unity or ubiquity or...15:51
seb128i.e things which basically are tracked by the same people upstream and in ubuntu15:51
nxvlhi, i'm having an issue with unity, for some reason, when i open unity3D it seems to open (it even runs network-manager and connects me to the wifi) but i don't get the panels, just a nautilus menu bar and that's it15:54
nxvl(i'm running oneiric)15:54
AlanBellis the tablet PC with touchscreen a supported or targeted device for Oneiric?15:54
om26ernxvl, can you open a terminal?15:57
nxvlom26er: i can get a tty15:58
om26ernxvl, Unity worked for you before the update or was it a new install ?15:58
nxvlit worked until, like yesterday or a day before15:59
nxvlunity2D works fine15:59
nxvlgnome3 too15:59
TrevinhoAh, hey kenvandine!15:59
Trevinhoseb128: about the nautilus thing....15:59
om26ernxvl, in a tty 'export DISPLAY=:0'15:59
TrevinhoWhat should I do?15:59
nxvli saw update-manager removing some unity package, (no idea which ones) and it never worked again15:59
om26ernxvl, and unity --reset15:59
seb128Trevinho, what mpt suggested on the merge request seemed ok?15:59
nxvlok let me re-login15:59
om26ernxvl, you could check if you have it actually installed16:00
jonoseb128, I need to file a bug in the indicator with my name on it - is that the Me Menu?16:00
nxvlom26er: how?16:00
Trevinhoseb128: I've already added the unity support...16:00
nxvlom26er: ubuntu-desktop is installed16:00
om26ernxvl, maybe an update removed it, someone I known had a similar problem yesterday16:00
seb128jono, indicator-session16:00
Trevinhoso I should only disable the indicator... Isn't it?16:00
jonothanks seb12816:00
om26ernxvl, try sudo apt-get install unity16:00
kenvandineTrevinho, if you have any awesome, wild, crazy ideas for gwibber 3.4... feel free to start hacking on it :)16:01
nxvlalready in newest version16:01
Trevinhokenvandine:  I've some... But I've to sync with upstream yet... :P16:01
om26ernxvl, then try unity --reset (did you happen to change anything in ccsm ?)16:01
TrevinhoYou know, coming back is an hard resync time! :P16:01
nxvlom26er: i did, while in natty16:02
om26ernxvl, try the reset in a tty then16:02
AlanBellI am looking at bug 739812 what would be required on a technical level to have an on-screen keyboard type into a dash or lens search field?16:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 739812 in unity "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73981216:02
AlanBellwould it need a new on screen keyboard to be written and rendered by NUX or something?16:03
jonoseb128, I filed the wider user-accounts issue as https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-session/+bug/83483016:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 834830 in Session Menu "User accounts experience fragmented" [Undecided,New]16:04
seb128jono, ok16:04
jonoI am going to mail the design team about this16:04
seb128or email the ayatana list16:04
nxvlom26er: ok, running, does it take a while?16:05
nxvlom26er: or it's having issues?16:05
nxvlom26er: it claims that is not finding unity-panel-service16:06
om26ernxvl, oh16:06
om26ernxvl, after running unity --reset you did switch to the previous tty?16:07
nxvlom26er: and it stops at kde4-window-decorators: could not enable decorators on :0-016:07
nxvlom26er: define previuos tty16:07
om26ernxvl, sudo apt-get install compiz-gnome16:07
jonoDBO did you manage to track down the Launcher issue?16:07
om26eryou seem to have removed compiz-gnome with some update16:07
nxvlom26er: so i got a hanged unity on F7 i'm running the command on F1 and irc on F216:07
jonofor it not showing when you slowly touch the side of the screen?16:08
DBOjono, everything but fix it16:08
jjohansenwhat value is supposed to be in ccsm -> Window Decoration-> Command16:08
nxvlom26er: yes, compiz-gnome wasn't installed16:08
om26erjjohansen, /usr/bin/compiz-decorator16:08
jjohansenom26er: thanks16:09
om26er/usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator should work too16:09
om26erjjardon, yw :016:09
om26er* :)16:09
jjohansenwell that is just it, it doesn't I have no decorators16:09
nxvlyay! i'm in unity once again16:10
jjohansennxvl: lucky, its still broken for me16:10
nxvljjohansen: yeah same here, it was just a couple of minutes of lies!16:11
nhainesjono: +1 on that bug from me.  :)16:12
jjohansennxvl: oh in that case I don't have hate you anymore, lies I can live with but unity working for you and not me is a bit much16:12
nxvljjohansen: i wasn't liying, unity lied to me pretending to be working just to crash 2 minutes after16:14
jjohansennxvl: oh! well even better ;)16:14
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nhainesjono: do you have a couple minutes for me in PM right now?16:20
AlanBellDBO: did you get somewhere with bug 739812?16:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 739812 in unity "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73981216:22
DBOAlanBell, it's actively being worked on, I have done the part I could do (make it so that the dash doesn't grab mouse/keyboard)16:23
DBOIM support in dash is up to the dash guys now (they have some test work done)16:24
jjardontedg: ok, so seems the proper solution is using this: http://lwn.net/Articles/432395/16:24
jononhaines, sure16:24
tedgjjardon, Is that in the Oneiric kernel?  (it's git, so you have no idea what the version numbers mean :-)16:28
jjardontedg: good news, we will have api in glib for this soon.16:29
jjardonI'll track the bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65512916:29
ubot5Gnome bug 655129 in general "GDateTime could provide api for implementing wall clocks" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:29
jjardonFor now we can watch for suspend changes and update the clock16:29
AlanBellDBO: ok, thanks16:30
jonoDBO, quick q: the text in the dash, sometimes it is not particularly readable, any chance we could have a small black shadow behind it to make it stand out more?16:31
DBOjono, if you pick a darker wallpaper is it better?16:31
jonoDBO, not tried, but I presume so16:33
DBOjono, the dash needs to have a "max brightness" so it wont wash out the text16:34
DBOit's known16:34
jonoDBO, I just figured a very thin black shadow (maybe only 2px) could solve that16:37
DBOIm no designer16:38
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DBOyou mean give the text a shadow?16:38
DBOshadows are slow to draw for text (you have to trace)16:38
AlanBelland they look blurry16:38
jjohansenDBO: you don't have to trace, you can do the old draw and swear trick, but yeah they look blurry16:39
DBOwe dont do ugly16:40
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jo-erlendsome launcher tiles have numbers and other information on them to reflect the state of the application. How do I do this in Python?17:17
datenshijo-erlend: there are examples in libunity17:21
jo-erlenddatenshi, something a little more specific?17:22
jo-erlendwhat is it called? What do I search for? Are there any written documentation for it?17:22
datenshibzr branch lp:libunity, there is examples folder17:23
jo-erlenddoes that mean it has no name that I can refer to when talking about it?17:24
datenshijo-erlend: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libunity/trunk/view/head:/examples/launcher.py17:24
jo-erlendso it has no name and documentation?17:25
nhainesOoh, useful.17:26
jo-erlendyes, very useful. But this is for a question on askubuntu and I'd like to refer to names or a documentation URL.17:26
jo-erlendbut if it doesn't exist, then it doesn't.17:26
nhainesjo-erlend: well, that'd definitely be more useful.  But unfortunately Canonical seems to like to leave the code as documentation.  :/17:27
nhainesCan't say I'm not guilty of the same though.17:27
jonoDBO, who is working on the Music Lens?17:39
DBOjono, lamalex17:40
jonocool, I have found some bugs I am going to file17:40
jonohmmm seems I can't do ubuntu-bug unity-music-lens17:41
jonowill report it at http://edition.cnn.com/2011/TECH/gaming.gadgets/08/25/linux.20/index.html17:41
jononot there17:41
jonolamalex, are you seeing https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-music-lens/+bug/834910 ?17:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 834910 in Unity Music Lens "Full music collection not shown" [Undecided,New]17:43
lamalexjono, yah that's not a bug17:45
lamalexi mean i guess it could be a "bug"17:45
jonolamalex, what do you mean?17:45
lamalexbut it's in the code to limit to just a result set17:45
lamalexit's limited to like 50 or 100 or something17:45
lamalexjono, you should be able to search for any of it though17:45
jonosurely it should say Songs See 16,033 more results17:46
jonoright now it presents an inaccurate representation of the number of songs I have17:46
lamalexyah i suppose17:47
jonothe searching does work wel17:47
lamalexhah wtf i can't set bug priorities on my lens >:(17:48
jonolamalex, is that the right project?17:48
jonoI see some pretty old comments on bugs in there17:48
jonowasn't sure if it was a community project17:48
lamalexha oh17:49
lamalexjono you're on the wrong one17:49
lamalexthis is going to be confusing17:49
lamalexour lenses are of the form unity-lens-<title>17:49
jonolamalex, aha!17:50
jonolamalex, you need to enable bug tracking there17:51
lamalexjust report it on the ubuntu package for no17:51
lamalexi dont seem to have access to set up things on this project17:52
lamalexdbarth, ^^17:52
jonowill do lamalex17:53
jonoDBO, btw, I just filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/83492117:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 834921 in unity (Ubuntu) "Significant lag when changing virtual desktops with the dash open" [Undecided,New]17:53
DBOyou can do that?17:54
DBOwhy the hell are you changing virtual desktops with the dash open...17:54
DBOyou crazy17:54
lamalexoh yeah look at all that lag17:54
lamalexbut yo17:54
jonoDBO :-)17:54
lamalexyou crazy dawg17:54
jonoI also noticed the same thing with the indicators and filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/834415 last night17:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 834415 in unity (Ubuntu) "Indicators lag when being displayed with the dash open" [Undecided,New]17:55
jonosorry guys17:55
DBOjono, thats it, I am not buying you beer next UDS17:57
jo-erlenddatenshi, thanks for the link and help :)17:57
jonoDBO lol17:57
jonoyou never buy me beer anyway17:57
DBOyou never buy me the beers you said you owe me17:57
DBOso I figure I can not buy you beers I dont owe you17:57
DBOthe fake beer economy can also have fake beer speculation17:58
jonoDBO, I will definitely buy you beer at UDS17:59
jonolamalex, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-music/+bug/83492817:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 834928 in unity-lens-music (Ubuntu) "Number of songs available not representative of actual number of songs" [Undecided,New]17:59
jonolamalex, is the plan to show album art in the lens?17:59
lamalextheres a branch18:00
jonowant me to file a bug for that?18:00
jonoahhh sweet18:00
lamalexwaiting for a banshrr release with a patch18:00
jonolamalex, should clicking on an album load the full album into the queue in Banshee?18:02
jonoI just noticed another interesting bug18:05
om26erlamalex, if i click on a song in the lens its added to the queue but shouldnt it play instantly?18:07
jonolamalex, not sure if you saw https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-music/+bug/834933 too18:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 834933 in unity-lens-music (Ubuntu) "Clicking song/album in music lens loads in Banshee but does not focus on play queue" [Undecided,New]18:10
jonoom26er, I think that is a bug too, filing it18:11
om26eri'll play the 'confirm' part ;-)18:12
om26ercould be the way banshee handles it though18:13
jonoom26er, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-music/+bug/83493718:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 834937 in unity-lens-music (Ubuntu) "Clicking on a song or album does not play instantly" [Undecided,New]18:14
lamalexjono, yah i have to patch banshee18:14
lamalexbanshee's kind of messed up there18:14
jonoI am filing one more bug and then should be done18:14
jonothese are all small issues18:14
jonothanks lamalex18:14
lamalexmusic lens is a focus for next week, but go nuts18:14
lamalexgive me a list of things to work on :)18:14
om26ermusic lens is not up for bugs as well (yet) :/18:15
lamalexi know18:15
lamalexdbarth, ^ please set up bugs for music lens18:15
lamalexom26er, you can file on the ubuntu package though18:16
om26erjono, thanks, confirmed :)18:16
jonothanks om26er18:17
jonook I added https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-music/+bug/83494318:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 834943 in unity-lens-music (Ubuntu) "Clicking a song or album does not switch to Banshee" [Undecided,New]18:17
jonolamalex, om26er so the full bugs list is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-music - would be cool if you could confirm and prioritize them18:18
jonothe music lens is gonna kick ass when it is working18:18
lamalexjono, yah, will do on monday most likely18:18
jonowell, it works now, I mean these bugs are fixed18:18
jonothanks lamalex :-)18:18
lamalexyup! it's going to rock18:18
jonograbbing lunch, biab18:22
DBOjono, do we know anyone using a german keyboard?18:27
lamalexall of germany18:32
jcastroI'm going to go out on a limb and guess "Mirco"18:36
htorque_öäüß ;-)18:36
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DBOhtorque_, oh oh18:48
DBOI need your help18:48
DBOget and build that branch18:48
DBOthen run tests/test-keyutil18:48
DBOand give me the output18:49
htorqueDBO: on it18:49
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jonoDBO, yo21:28
DBOhey jono21:28
jonoyou know how I mentioned the readability of the text in the dash?21:28
jonosee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/83509521:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 835095 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash text unreadable with some wallpapers" [Undecided,New]21:28
jonoI added a screenshot there21:28
kenvandinei really liked the dash better black21:29
kenvandineplaying with opacity is "cool" and all... but sometimes it just isn't the best way to solve the problem21:30
jonoI think it looks cool if it had an underlying blackness to it21:30
jonoand then mixed in the shade of your wallpaper21:30
jonothe effect of the wallpaper color does look cool21:30
jonojust that some colors look weird as the base21:30
kenvandineit just really needs to be darker i think21:30
DBOjono, release the bug report21:31
kenvandineand maybe blur even more21:31
DBOthats how you report a design bug21:31
jonoDBO, release what?21:31
DBOmy brain has given up21:31
jonoDBO why is it incomplete?21:32
DBObecause its a design problem21:32
DBOso in unity its incomplete21:32
jonosurely it should be Confirmed then?21:32
DBOin ayatana-design it's new21:32
kenvandinejono, he is saying that isn't a unity bug, it is a design choice21:32
kenvandineso we need to plead to them21:33
jonobut the bug is still confirmed in Unity though21:33
jonoit is not incomplete21:33
DBOnot a bug21:33
jonolook at the screenshot21:33
jonoit's a bug :-)21:33
DBOnot a bug21:33
kenvandineif design changes their mind, we re-open the unity task21:33
DBOthat is how it was designed21:33
kenvandineto fix it21:33
jonoI think it wasn't designed to have the effect in the screenshot21:33
jonoI think it was designed to have the effect if you have the purple wallpaper21:33
DBOjono, they gave use the exact color algorithm to use21:34
jonotherefore it is a bug21:34
DBOwe told them it would let it go too bright21:34
jonoDBO do you honestly think the design team desire the effect in the screenshot?21:34
DBOthey did not change it21:34
jonoI am not denying it is a design problem, but I disagree it is not a Unity bug - it makes the dash unreasonable21:34
DBOI have no choice but to believe that21:34
DBOwe told them21:35
jonoas such it should be marked as Complete21:35
jonodude, come on21:35
kenvandinejono, but it isn't something the unity team can fix21:35
jonothey dont want it that way21:35
DBOdude, I showed them21:35
jonokenvandine, I agree it is a design problem21:35
jononot disagreeing21:35
jonoand they should provide a solution21:35
jonofull agreement there21:35
kenvandinejono, it is effectively blocked on design right now21:35
jonoI take issue though that this is not a bug in Unity21:35
htorque_isn't that a dupe anyway? bug 82491621:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 824916 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Dash is way too transparent, unsuitable for light & monochrome desktops" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82491621:35
jonohtorque ahhh oops :-)21:36
DBOjono, it's not marked invalid21:36
DBOit's marked incomplete21:36
jonoDBO, right, but the bug is complete, the solution is not complete though21:36
DBOincomplete on unity means DX cant fix it for some reason21:36
DBOerm more accurately21:36
DBOit means DX cant fix it because some information about how to fix it is missing21:36
DBO(more than just coding/technical issues)21:37
jonoDBO, well that is inconsistant with most other triage as incomplete means the bug report needs more info to determine if it is actually a bug21:37
DBOyeah but we're inconsistent in the fact that the people who design the product are not on the same team as the people who make the product21:38
jonothats not the point though21:38
jonoagain, I sympathize with the team issues21:38
jonoand I sympathize you need input from design21:38
jonobut marking the bug as incomplete is not accurate21:38
jonoand thinking that they deliberately want it that way in the screenshot seems misguided to me21:38
jonoI Think they dont intend it that way21:39
jonobut they didnt listen to your guidance and warnings21:39
kenvandinenot invalid or anything...21:39
kenvandinejust need them to decide21:39
jonowasnt there gonna be a NEEDSDESIGN status?21:39
jonoor could it be marked Complete and tagged with needsdesign ?21:40
jonoanyway, it's up to you guys, just my $0.02c21:40
DBOif design says to me to keep the algorithm when I ask them tomorrow21:40
jonoit's your bug :-)21:40
DBOI will mark it wishlist21:40
DBOif they say to modify it, they will prioritize their bug21:40
DBOand fix it21:40
jonoDBO, if they deliberately reject that it is a bug, then we will have a different conversation21:40
jonomakes sense21:40
jonoremember, we are all on the same team here :-)21:41
jonoanyway, I have to run, thanks guys21:41
jonoUnity is rocking :-)21:41
DBOthen when they fix release their stuff to us, we mark confirmed21:41
DBOand then we need a UI freeze exception21:41
DBO(which we wont get)21:41
DBOso yeah :)21:41
DBOfun fun fun21:41
kenvandineDBO, you would for this21:41
DBOkenvandine, depends on timing21:42
kenvandineit isn't really going to break translations or terribly affect screenshots21:42
DBOsure but in 4 days is final freeze21:42
DBOdesign team turn around is not 4 days short21:42
kenvandineyou just can't wait for design to notice the bug21:42
kenvandinesomeone needs to ping them21:42
DBOI pinged them today, yesterday, and last week21:42
DBOhow many times can I do that?21:42
DBOso has gord21:43
DBOactually I dont know if gord has but I assume it is so21:43
kenvandineDBO, i understand... the workflow is a bit broken21:43
kenvandinejust you can't assume they will see the bug..21:44
kenvandinejono, that screenshot looks terrible dude21:44
DBOone more tiny issue21:44
DBOfinal freeze is monday21:44
DBOerm whoa21:44
kenvandinewe should mark the bug invalid and say you aren't using the default wallpaper21:44
DBOI am off by a month21:44
kenvandineDBO,  no21:45
kenvandineit isn't even beta yet21:45
DBOsorry, I am very tired :(21:45
DBOand compiz wont do as I tell it21:45
kenvandineDBO, we are in beta freeze now :)21:45
kenvandinedoes it ever?21:45
DBObut right now21:45
DBOit hates me21:45
kenvandinewell i am outta here... have a great weekend guys21:45
nhaineskenvandine: \o_21:46
=== htorque is now known as htorque_
=== htorque_ is now known as htorque
DBOhtorque, present?22:30
htorqueDBO: ya22:31
DBOhtorque, please pull the branch again22:32
DBOand test22:32
DBOrev 1406 is what you want22:32
DBOhtorque, also, if you are wondering, yes, it took me THAT long to fix22:38
DBOKILL me22:38
htorquepoor you :-)22:38
htorqueDBO: \o/22:39
DBOhtorque, please leave a note here that you have tested and confirmed this working: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/unity.keyboard-util/+merge/7311622:39
htorqueDBO: if it should fail to get a preview of the window, that's not to fix in that feature, right?22:42
DBOhtorque, is that window maybe minimized?22:43
DBObasically, right now, NEVER restart compiz with a minimized window22:43
htorqueno no, that was just hypothetical22:43
DBOno its not related22:43
DBObut, that shouldn't happen anymore22:43
DBOunless you restart compiz with a minimized window22:43
DBO(compiz wont see the window)22:43
DBOand then all sorts of funny things happen22:44
DBOwe of course need to fix that22:44
htorqueok, in that case i'll add the comment :)22:44
DBOthanks :)22:46
DBOhtorque, do you also do community code reviews?22:47
htorquenope, just testing22:48
htorqueand i already broke it: with two terminals opened, run "sleep 5 ; exit" in one and initiate the preview → unity crashes22:48
DBOthats not related to this22:49
DBObut okay22:49
DBOI'll fix it :)22:49
DBOthanks, I never even thought to try something silly like that22:49
htorquei'm a living fuzzy testing tool ;-)22:50
DBOI like it22:50
DBOdo you use the blur?22:50
DBOdoes it hurt your performance?22:51
DBOwhen the launcher is blurring22:51
htorquethere was a recent commit that made things much better22:51
htorquewouldn't call it a problem anymore22:51
htorqueheh, i'm loving that feature! wouldn't have used it with the down arrow but accessing it with one hand = win.22:55
htorqueDBO: you earned your weekend! ;-) i'm off, cya!22:55

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