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charlie-tcano on screen keyboard for oneiric?16:40
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 739812 in unity "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity" [Medium,Confirmed]16:40
charlie-tcasee last comments16:40
Pendulumcharlie-tca: I think the on screen keyboard is there, it's the part about having it work with the Dash that won't be there?16:40
charlie-tcaMaybe, but doesn't that say "to hell with a11y, what works, works, and the rest is too bad"?16:41
Pendulumis this anything new?16:42
charlie-tcaWe only been pushing this very thing since they announced unity back in natty UDS16:42
macoaccessibilty always gets the backburner to shiny16:42
charlie-tcaYeah, back to "Accessibility is very important, as long as it doesn't get in the way again"16:42
charlie-tcaOh, yeah. I forgot. I won't complain about that no more. I promised.16:43
AlanBellon the plus side it does work in unity 2d16:44
AlanBelland I have been asking about it in #ayatana16:44
AlanBell17:23 < DBO> AlanBell, it's actively being worked on, I have done the part I could do (make it so that the dash doesn't grab mouse/keyboard)16:45
AlanBell17:24 < DBO> IM support in dash is up to the dash guys now (they have some test work done)16:45
AlanBelland this is a problem shared by everyone who wants to use Ubuntu on a tablet16:47
* AlanBell likes sharing problems16:47
charlie-tcaAccording to the blueprints, we aren't even defaulting to 2d?16:53
AlanBellprobably not, no16:53
charlie-tcaDoesn't that kind of kill accessible installations?16:54
AlanBellthe 3d one should be accessible to orca now (there is loads of code for it)16:54
charlie-tcasince 3d doesn't work with orca16:54
AlanBellhave you tried it?16:54
charlie-tcaNo, I just been looking at the ML16:54
charlie-tcaI will be trying it this weekend, so we know whether or not to include it in the ISO testing16:55
AlanBellloadsa ATK code stuff16:55
AlanBellI am not testing that right now, but I saw all that code earlier, if it doesn't work it should do16:56
AlanBellnot sure if unity 2d will be accessible to orca (I suspect not)16:57
charlie-tcayeah, that was the goal this cycle, though16:57
AlanBellthe plan was always to go for a fully accessible 3d before dropping the classic option16:57
AlanBellunity2d accessibility was more likely to be next cycle with the QML stuff upstream done this cycle16:58
charlie-tcaThen I must have misunderstand this blueprint - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-dx-o-unity-a11y17:04
macocharlie-tca: jsut pretend you see the word "POSTPONED" at the end of each line :)17:07
charlie-tcaApparently from the day after UDS?17:11
AlanBell"Hard target: Unity must have accessibility in Oneiric"17:15
AlanBellI think that refers to Unity 3d17:15
AlanBellthere is a work item for setting unity-2d to be the default, but that might not be a good idea17:15
charlie-tcaall the items were for 2d, because we would not be able to make orca work correctly in 3d17:17
AlanBellwhy not?17:17
charlie-tcagnome3 and gtk317:17
AlanBellwhich should be fine17:18
AlanBellit was the Qt stuff that was the major toolkit problem17:18
AlanBellanyhow, it needs testing17:19
charlie-tcayes it does17:19
charlie-tcabut the original blueprint really does say 2d, not 3d17:19
AlanBellcharlie-tca: I made a dummy speech dispatcher module the other day which doesn't speak out loud, but logs a transcript of everything it would say17:52
AlanBellso you can have a terminal window open with tail -f speech.out to see it scroll past if you want to test stuff with orca silently, or if you want a transcript of the session for structured testing purposes17:53
charlie-tcaI don't honestly know yet how to set up automatic tests18:07
charlie-tcaWill be working on them, since we can now automate any tests I can figure out18:07
charlie-tcaI will be wanting that, when I get tests automated18:11
valorieare y'all talking with fregl about qt a11y?21:04
valoriebecause he's a genius, and very committed, and working really hard21:04
valoriehe lives in #kde-accessability21:05
valoriehe and Harald / apachelogger can accomplish miracles, if asked21:06
valorieand by y'all, I mean Pendulum, AlanBell and charlie-tca, since you are the movers and shakers21:07
macovalorie: thats for unity 2d, which is pretty dandy at this point21:09
macovalorie: trouble is unity 3d still cant work with onscreen keyboards and is supposed to be default21:09
valorieright, I read up21:09
valorie" it was the Qt stuff that was the major toolkit problem"21:09
macofregl's in the channel,ya know :P21:09
valoriewas what I was responding to21:10
macoyes, "was"...past tense :)21:10
valorieoh well, he gets a compliment then21:10
valorieare you ready for the storm, maco?21:10
macoi have lots of wool to spin if the power goes out21:11
valoriewell, water to drink, food to eat21:11
valoriecandles, board games21:12
macowho needs board games? i have wool and a spindle!21:12
macobut yeah i have candles. was camping recently ;)21:12
valorieyou have the skillz, for sure21:12
macoand food...im one of those people who keeps lots of beans around21:12
macoi dont really expect much disruption beyond maybe a day or two of lost power21:13
macoif that happens...go to boyfriend's apartment. that building's got a giant diesel generator that can go at least a day21:13
macoif the power's out at my place, i can still cook *real* food, just no microwave burritos :P21:13
valoriewe're set up, out here, since occasionally it's out for up to 6 days21:14
valoriethat was the longest21:14
AlanBellmaco: so unity2d should work with orca now?21:17
macoAlanBell: idk about orca. i know i was able to use some kde apps with kde's screenreader. fregl'd know about the state of the gnome<->kde accessibility communications stuff21:19
macoanything qt *should* work with kde's screenreader i think though21:20

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