
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN00:06
guaany ideas on a good way to quickly set up method of file transfer for a single client? i'm thinking of stunnel+nfs or maybe rsync+rssh00:09
pmatulisgua: scp?  maybe provide some context00:31
guarather than relying on usb sticks, i'm hoping to figure out a good way to temporarily share files on a public network/wifi that's encrypted somehow00:33
pmatulisgua: investigate the fuse-based sshfs filesystem00:35
Adam__hi all, I'm having issues with my server, I just ubuntu 11.04 server edition with lamp, open ssh, etc. I cped the default sites-available file and made my own for my fqdn, and to point to my site's directory, and I have DNS setup to point to my IP, forwarded port 22 - 80 to my server computer, but when I try to go to my site ( www.adamgleason.com) it won't connect, but I can ssh into it remotley, so it has to be something wrong w00:50
Adam__ith apache, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.00:50
twbFun tip: next time lucid's mdadm gets completely confused on --assemble --scan, try using --metadata=1.2 instead of the default 0.902:51
twbSee, what happens with 0.9 is, it puts the metadata at the end of the partition.  If the partition happens to end at the same place as the disk ends, mdadm --assemble --scan will try to assemble the *disk* instead of the partition.02:51
twbThis is usually not noticed because (I guess) partman/sfdisk align at the last CHS boundary or something, rather than running the partition to the very end of the disk02:52
twbAlso newer non-LTS releases don't default to 0.9 format02:52
mauricioI'm having some trouble with work and I'd love to get some help.  I'll be happy to paypal a few bucks if anyone can help me out. I'm trying to run firefox/konqeuror from shell_exec in php03:12
mauricioim using suexec and i have no issues normally doing it from the terminal03:13
mauricioran whoami on both ends, same user03:13
mauriciohttp://cl.ly/1O201A1W450M3d3O1M2w is a screenshot of what keeps happening03:13
mauricioKeeps saying ~/.kde can't be written to03:13
mauricioand i think with firefox it can't write to ~/.mozilla03:13
mauricioI'm not sure if its a permissions error or how to fix it or what03:14
twbIsn't suexec an apache thing?03:20
twbWhy would apache be trying to write to .kde03:20
mauriciono thats when im running shell_exec03:20
mauricioand konqueror is just loading/writing settings03:21
twbI don't know what shell_exec is, either.03:21
mauriciosimilar to system()03:21
twbBut probably what's happened is that root has overwritten dotfiles in your home directory, and now you can't overwrit them again.03:21
twbTo get around this, you should use "sudo -i" or "sudo -H -s" or "su -" instead of just "sudo" or "su"03:22
twbDoing so will cause HOME to be set to /root03:22
mauricioill put it this way03:22
mauricioim not using a root account at all for this03:22
mauricioif i ssh and run DISPLAY=:1 konqueror &03:22
mauricioit works03:22
mauricioif i use php and use shell_exec or system(), and do the same command, it does not03:23
twbIf you're doing systems programming in PHP: don't.03:23
mauricioim trying to get a simple screenshot server to work03:23
mauricioheck id settle for any lightweight way to generate multiple screenshots at once03:24
qman__yeah, PHP is just not up to a task like that03:38
qman__its system call methods are just plain awkward, even for simple tasks03:38
twbAlso PHP is just plain wrong03:40
mauricioi tried python as well03:41
mauriciosame behavior03:41
mauricioshould i be thinking of running a simple http server, and starting that up from the terminal? im not sure03:43
qman__I wrote a user time management system for an all0windows Active Directory environment in PHP03:44
qman__boy was that ever a nightmare03:44
qman__unfortunately I don't know any other languages well enough to actually do it03:45
mauricioim talking start browser -> DISPLAY=:1 import03:45
mauricioits 2 commands which is a really pity03:45
mauricioi tried moz-repl but that was too slow :(03:45
qman__<- not a programmer03:45
mauricioyeah thats alright03:46
qman__I know how to program, I'm just not any good at it03:46
qman__said system I made does actually work though03:47
qman__took several weeks to work out the bugs03:47
guamauricio: might be the lack of env vars from the thing you're launching konqueror from03:49
mauriciohow would i go along with fixing that03:49
mauricioi did try something along those lines but maybe i did something different03:49
mauriciothats what the issue sounded like to me at first03:50
guado a thing like "bash -c "DISPLAY=:1; konqueror"03:50
guawith your script03:50
guaso it'll load up .bashrc and .bash_profile and all that goodness03:50
mauricionot working at all on first try, give me just a minute03:52
mauriciobash -c DISPLAY=:1 konqueror & isn't working from the terminal either03:53
guamauricio: gotta quote the stuff after bash -c03:53
guabash -c "echo foo; echo bar"03:53
mauriciothat was exactly what i was looking for!03:54
mauricioyou have no idea how much time i wasted03:54
guagl then03:54
guabtw srsly, switch to python03:55
mauriciowell to be honest for this it wouldnt matter03:55
guabash+python will do 99% of stuff03:55
mauricioit makes no difference to me i guess03:55
mauricioin the end its just a tool03:56
mauricioi did code the same thing with python but this has more to do with suexec i think03:56
van7huI've installed snort-mysql successfully, where could my alert go in?03:57
mauricioi got mixed up, bash -c did not work from php :(04:08
mauricioill try to figure out but it didnt work04:08
mauricioill setup python with the correct configuration first04:09
mauricioand try from there04:09
guamauricio: same issue?04:22
mauricioactually i solved it just now04:23
mauricionot pretty but i got it04:23
mauriciotook a python webserver script and using os.popen04:23
mauricioand from the terminal im starting it using python server.py04:23
mauricioand since i already have enough php code im calling that using php curl04:23
mauricioit works04:23
mauricioi tried it a while back but i got lucky this time04:24
mauriciobut yeah not pretty but this is work and i gotta find a way04:24
mauricionow i just gotta see what i can come up with to scale this a bit more (want to generate multiple screenshots at once) but i can take it from here04:25
twbmauricio: you might want to ask #python or ##php instead of here04:26
mauriciowell sure but yeah i came on here because normally i have the same issue with both04:26
mauricioand it has to do more with suexec04:26
mauricioeither way i got it now04:27
kirklandDaviey: RoAkSoAx: I'm thinking cobbler-enroll or orchestra could use something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/675028/05:04
kirklandDaviey: RoAkSoAx: to take the target baremetal system and give it tags or classes for the instance types that this baremetal machine could host05:04
kirklandDaviey: RoAkSoAx I'm thinking this would make the ensemble bits be able to deploy to the "right" or "best" physical machine more easily05:05
shangkirkland: ping, after I install Orchestra on Oneiric, I tried running cobbler check, but nothing shows up. any ideas?05:23
MACscrso i have a working ubuntu guest that I am going to create an image of so I can use it to create other guests. I currently dont use ipv6, but would still like the image to be ipv6 friendly. For some odd reason the ubuntu system is showing ipv6 addresses in ifconfig. I dont have ipv6 setup for the guest in the guest xen cfg, so where is it adding these addresses? they arent in network/interfaces05:42
twbMACscr: ipv6 is on by default05:43
twbMACscr: the design of ipv6 is that you get an address automatically, even without DHCP or similar05:43
CluelessPersonhey guys.05:43
CluelessPersonI have a question about ddclient05:43
CluelessPersonit's giving me an error, cannot get ip address or something ismilar to that.05:43
twbMACscr: for more about this, read up on ICMPv605:43
MACscrrwb: how can get addreses by default if nothing is serving them? thats stupid05:43
twbMACscr: your machine *will* respond to requests on those addresses05:44
twbIf it's (say) physically unplugged, that just means it'll still respond, but nothing can actually talk to it.05:44
MACscrwhy the hell did they design things that way? whats the point in a system mysteriously creating its own addresses?05:44
twbMACscr: for the same reason DHCP exists -- networks that require less babysitting are easier for non-technical people to maintain, and cheaper for technical people to maintain.05:45
twbMACscr: and it's only "mysterious" to you because you don't understand how IPv6 works.05:46
MACscrbut the point of dhcp is to have a central place to control things imho05:46
MACscrwhich this obviously defeats05:46
twbMACscr: I suggest you either study IPv6, turn it off on your machines, or just live with the way it is.05:47
trapmaxhow can i get rid of "File descriptor 15 (socket:[6111]) leaked on lvremove invocation. Parent PID /bin/bash" when running a cron job?05:47
twbMACscr: I am not interested in discussing whether it's a good or a bad thing.05:47
MACscrrwbyou obviously dont have to reply here if you dont want to05:47
twbMACscr: you've had over a decade to discuss it with IETF if you cared.05:47
MACscrnot thanks for the info05:48
MACscrer, but thanks05:48
twbNo worries05:48
twbFWIW because I am not an IPv6 expert and because I am not actually using it yet, *I* explicitly disable the IPv6 stack on most of my systems05:48
MACscrtwb: so is there not a way just disable the automatic part and still allow it to be assigned a static ipv6 if needed?05:49
twbMACscr: I'm not 100% sure, I think it picks an address only if you don't assign one, but it might keep that address *in addition* to any you assign.05:50
twbIncidentally, I highly recommend O'Reilly's IPv6 book05:51
CluelessPersonI'm getting an error from ddclient "unable to detect ip address"  why would it do that?05:51
twbMACscr: got a turtle on the cover05:54
twbCluelessPerson: are you running it on the host that does PPPoE?05:54
MACscrtwb: thanks anyway. I have enough info to absorb in my work, let alone techs that techs that i dont use05:54
twbCluelessPerson: that is, did you type your adsl username and password into the modem, or into the ubuntu box?05:54
CluelessPersontwb  I don't think so, I'm not very knowlegable about that though05:54
CluelessPersontwb didn't at all05:55
twbCluelessPerson: ok, are you using adsl at all?  This is a home network, yeah?05:55
CluelessPersontwb  Verizon Fios.05:55
CluelessPersonso no.05:55
twbOK, so what gets the dynamic IP address, the cable modem or the ubuntu box?05:56
twbCluelessPerson: how about: pastebin the output of "ip a" on the ubuntu box05:56
CluelessPersonthe verizon fios modem/router.05:56
twbCluelessPerson: you need to run ddclient on the host that has the public IP05:57
CluelessPersontwb  I set it up the same way on my previous server and it worked.05:57
CluelessPersonThis server is just an upgrade, so I have to assume this is the host?05:57
twbCluelessPerson: in that case I dunno05:58
MACscrtwb: i added the following to my sysctl.conf 'net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra = 0' and i rebooted. When i run: lsmod | grep ipv6, it doesnt show any info. Which is good. But the ip's are still showing in ifconfig05:58
twbMACscr: ipv6 is compiled in05:58
twbMACscr: i.e. it's =y not =m05:58
twbMACscr: 15:59 <dpkg> To disable use of <IPv6> on Lenny: echo install ipv6 /bin/true >> /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf (and reboot for this change to take effect).  From Squeeze onwards, IPv6 is built into the kernel (excluding loongson-2f flavour), add the kernel command line option ipv6.disable=1 to your bootloader.05:59
MACscrah, looks like 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1' was the updated setting06:03
twbaccept_ra will be Router Advertisements, which is how IPv6 automatically acquires rules for "ip r".06:04
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philipballewwhats a good guide to setting up a vpn server?07:50
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CluelessPersonI have deluge installed on my server08:24
CluelessPersonand it looks like the webui isn't running for some reason.08:24
CluelessPersonI can't access the webui of deluge, can someone help me figure this out?08:34
linociscohi all, I would like to ask generic questions on DHCP08:38
CluelessPersonmost are asleep and I barely know anything08:44
CluelessPersonand my effing deluge webui won't f****** start and gives no errors or log08:44
CluelessPersonso fu**08:44
twbCluelessPerson: did you read README.Debian and /etc/default/deluge-web ?08:45
twbCluelessPerson: is deluged installed and running?08:45
CluelessPersonI have before but that was a long time ago08:45
CluelessPersontwb  The deluge daemon is running, but I don't think the webui is.08:46
twb!ask > linocisco08:46
ubottulinocisco, please see my private message08:46
CluelessPersontwb  and deluge is set to start at startup08:47
CluelessPersonbut I don't see a web ui.08:47
CluelessPersontwb  It worked earlier, then I restarted the server, I think that's what happened.08:47
CluelessPersontwb  and now I have no idea of what to do.08:47
CluelessPersonrestarting the server, see if something stupid might make the deluge webui work again08:51
* CluelessPerson is annoyed that people don't make their applications simply autoinstall similar to basically all windows applications08:52
CluelessPerson"Would you like this to run automatically at startup?"08:52
CluelessPersonbam, autoinstall, take care of it's own crap instead of having me manually configure every detail, frustrating08:53
* CluelessPerson sighs, because he bitched like a little child and it works after simply restarting his server.08:53
CluelessPersonI just installed Samba, and for some reason my netbook isn't seeing my server on the network, anyone know why this might happen?09:33
_rubenlinocisco: i assume you're not looking for help but are here to spam?09:42
linocisco_ruben: no spam09:45
linocisco_ruben: as I got no reply so far, and according to forum rule, I am reposting it09:45
CluelessPersonI've been watching.09:45
CluelessPersonand I'm a linux newb so I can't help you. ;_;09:46
_rubenfirst 3 times within a minute, then 8 times within a minute .. that's not conforming any forum rules i'm aware of, nor is this a forum09:46
CluelessPersonhe's certainly not harming anything though.09:47
linocisco_ruben: as the screen is scrolling down, I am afraid others won't be aware. that is why I am reposting. It is just gentle reminder not to bother you with full paragraph like essay09:48
CluelessPersonlinocisco  Also, the english of your pastebin is a little bit hard to undestand09:48
CluelessPersonCan you explain again what's happening09:48
CluelessPersonYou only want to use one server, the ubuntu server for dhcp service to the child machines?09:49
linociscoCluelessPerson: sure. I am afraid it is diffcult for you to understand.09:49
CluelessPersonturn off the dhcp service on the other new server.09:49
linociscoCluelessPerson: that is the point. you got. it.09:49
linociscoCluelessPerson: I did09:49
ersilinocisco: I'd take a look at the DHCP config on that new box and set up some restrictions. Or setup a firewall.09:49
CluelessPersonso what's happening?09:49
linociscoCluelessPerson: but my some clients are still searching old DHCP server and as they could not find. they got no IP.09:50
CluelessPersonall on the same lan?09:50
linociscoCluelessPerson: I turned off the other DHCP source. I left only one. but some clients are still seeking that stopped DHCP source09:50
linociscoCluelessPerson: sure. in the same lan with same subnet09:51
CluelessPersonI assume everything has been rebooted09:51
ersiThere's no need to restart anything :P09:52
CluelessPersonthat's just what I'd do.09:52
CluelessPersonrestart the clients still seeking the new server having been removed09:52
_rubenonly broken clients wouldn't pick up a new dhcp server automagically09:53
_rubenunless the network's broken too09:53
linociscoCluelessPerson: I have rebooted /shutdown every clients. that does not solve. all clients are windows XP09:57
linocisco_ruben: network or cable or clients are not broken.09:58
CluelessPersonlike I said, I know very little about this09:58
CluelessPersonbut I'd check the DNS/similar settings of one of the clients and see if yhou can force it to get the ip from the ubuntu server's lan ip address09:59
CluelessPersonand by very little I mean nothing.09:59
trapmaxlinocisco: maybe try flushing xp client's dnscache and release/renew dhcp conf10:00
linociscoCluelessPerson: unless we can give static IP on each clients. getting DHCP IP , will have the same problem unless we can change mac10:00
RudyValenciaIt's kinda weird, I'm sitting here listening to the "Cisco default hold music" on loop - it feels like really being on hold10:01
CluelessPersonRudyValencia  I can tell you that Toshiba's hold music hasn't changed in 5 years.10:02
RudyValenciaDo they use the "Cisco default hold music"?10:02
CluelessPersonPlease don't ask how I know that, needless to say, I'm never buying a toshiba product again.10:02
RudyValenciaI see - too much time on hold with them eh?10:02
CluelessPersonlol, I'm sure it's just their brand of your song. ;p10:03
RudyValencialike, whatever hold music their default is?10:03
RudyValenciaEver been on hold at a place that uses a Cisco VoIP system?10:04
RudyValenciahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5ZvUYhIeoQ <- this is what I've got on loop10:05
RudyValencia(not the YouTube video, but the actual WAV file10:05
trapmaxbetter with ytrepeater: http://www.youtuberepeater.com/watch?v=K5ZvUYhIeoQ10:15
RudyValenciaI prefer the original file10:16
trapmaxwith repeater one can simulate proper waiting times10:17
RudyValenciaIt seems about right with the WAV10:17
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linociscohow to install openERP offline on ubuntu server?10:57
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linociscohow to install openERP offline on ubuntu server?11:28
linociscohow to install openERP offline on ubuntu server?11:28
ersiI'd assume you'd fetch the packages (.deb's) and then do some command line parameter to apt-get or so11:28
ersilinocisco: ^11:29
ersior put the debs in the 'package cache' that apt maintains.. If you hold your horses, I'll check what dir it is11:29
linociscowhere is package cache ?11:30
linociscoersi: where is package cache that apt maintains ?11:30
ersiSeems like it's in /var/cache/apt/archives/ from reading 'man apt-get'11:30
ersiDude, I'm not all knowing.. I need to look stuff up, even if I know where to look. Please be patient when asking others to help :(11:31
linociscoersi: so I should copy or move installer .deb file into that path and run from that location ?11:31
ersiif you'd grab the .debs needed for all the packages that you need, I think you should just put the .debs in /var/cache/apt/archives/ and run "apt-get install packages-wanted"11:32
ersiI'm not 100% sure, but pretty sure it'll work11:32
linociscoersi: i see. If someone is taking into action on my questions , I wont buzz others.11:32
ersiremember dependencies (which you can look up on packages.ubuntu.com) if you don't know which they are :)11:32
linociscoersi: I know where package.ubuntu.com. there are nested dependencies. DO i need to download all down the path ?11:33
ersiyes, you need the dependencies as well, to install the package you want11:33
linociscoersi: apt-get install or dpkg -i  filename.deb ?11:34
ersiI was talking about apt-get install11:34
linociscoersi:  ok thanks TGIF. I will try in the weekends see you11:35
linociscoersi: because I have no ubuntu around11:35
ersiGood luck mate11:37
kim0Howdy everyone .. Some chapters in the serverguide need reviewing (Email, File-servers, LAMP...etc). If you can spare some time to do it, please add your name to http://pad.ubuntu.com/serverguide .. Thanks!12:03
hggdhDaviey: good afternoon, you wanted to talk with me about beta testing12:18
sorensmoser: Can you boot the image in https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/826798 using kvm directly?12:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 826798 in nova "ubuntu vmdk uploaded does not boot" [High,Confirmed]12:43
Davieyhggdh: hola.. just grabbing some food.. then i'll shoot you back?12:47
hggdhDaviey: certainly12:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #834672 in nagios3 (main) "Apache2: overlapping scriptalias" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83467212:51
EriksLVstupid question: I have a box with Intel i3 CPU. Can I install amd64 version of server?12:55
EriksLVthis "Choose this to take full advantage of computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon, Core 2). If you have a non-64-bit processor made by AMD, or if you need full support for 32-bit code, use the Intel x86 images instead." makes me ask12:55
EriksLVah, nevermind12:56
EriksLVcore 2, so it will work12:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #795087 in netifaces (universe) "[MIR] python-netifaces" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79508712:57
ersiEriksLV: Indeed, correct conclusion mate :)12:59
EriksLVany major differences between 32bit and 64bit versions?13:00
EriksLVI'm not asking about memory support13:00
_rubensupport for 64bits apps :)13:04
ersiEriksLV: Yeah, what _ruben wrote. You can't run 64-bit compiled applications in a 32-bit environment. But wise versa works just fine13:06
_rubenunless the 32bit app requires some exotic 32bit libs13:08
ersibut you could have that exotic 32bit lib in a 64-bit env ;o13:10
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smosersoren, yes.13:30
smoserno.  you cannot.13:31
sorensmoser: Then how would it be an..13:31
sorenGood :)13:31
smoser(I thought you were referring to a different bug)13:31
sorenI never do.13:31
sorenI always refer to the bug I mean.13:32
sorenExcept when I don't, but that never happens.13:32
smoseri've updated the bug a bit. with hopefully some more info.13:39
Ursinhahelloooo server team13:40
koolhead17hi all13:53
Davieylynxman: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openvswitch/+bug/829250 :)14:03
Davieyhave fun.14:03
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 829250 in openvswitch "datapath dkms module does't built automaticly" [Medium,Confirmed]14:03
lynxmanDaviey: thanks!14:13
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Davieylynxman: heh14:17
DavieyHow are things looking?14:18
DavieyEveryone working on something fun?14:19
EriksLVanyone knows how to get 82579LM to work with 10.04.314:19
TheEvilPhoenixEriksLV:  wth is 82579LM?14:19
EriksLVnetwork interface14:19
lynxmanDaviey: yeah :)14:19
TheEvilPhoenixDaviey:  does sitting in class being bored beyond reason count?14:19
ersi_I'm working on holding my horses before I check out of work14:20
ersi_Do I have to say; Friiiiiidaaaaay?14:20
DavieyTheEvilPhoenix: You could be doing ubuntu development concurrently :)14:20
TheEvilPhoenixDaviey:  could, but cant.  its chem, so i have to take notes >.>14:20
TheEvilPhoenixs/chem/chem 101/14:20
TheEvilPhoenixbut yeah, i'd rather be developing stuff for ubuntu :P14:21
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: hey14:24
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: howdy14:24
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Davieysmoser: Do you think there is still merit in the qemu-* still being so different from Debian?14:26
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: am great. tried cobbler to provision  Oneiric today, working to make sure cobbler makes some love with my preseed file. i might come with one bug soon, i need to test it few times before asking you :)14:27
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: hehe alrighty! I'll be here14:27
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: yay!! Something to do with hostname. am testing preseed few more times before troubling you :D14:29
koolhead17hey kim014:29
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kim0koolhead17: hey htere14:30
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: alrighty14:31
koolhead17kim0 few more days left :D14:31
kim0heh yeah14:31
* koolhead17 bows to robbiew Daviey zul :D14:32
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EriksLVdoes even "Intel Rapid Storage Technology" RAID5 work in Ubuntu?15:09
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pmatulisEriksLV: dunno, provide some specs for the card maybe15:17
EriksLVnevermind, 11.04 can use it15:18
EriksLVany recommendations on partition setup? I have 2.7TB RAID15:19
EriksLV / /home15:19
EriksLVany other?15:20
cloakableWhat're you using it for?15:20
EriksLVmaybe /var/log on a seperate partition?15:20
genii-aroundMight want some separate non-raid5 for mbr15:20
EriksLVgenii-around - separate hdd for booting?15:21
genii-aroundEriksLV: Possibly, yes15:21
genii-aroundgrub and raid5 don't usually get along well15:21
EriksLVok, I'll think about that15:22
EriksLVbut how about partitions?15:22
EriksLVany recommendations about them?15:22
ScottKkim0: Did you see my mail on ubuntu-server about getting a serverguide update merged?15:29
kim0ScottK: hey .. I can't really merge things myself either15:33
kim0I didn't check the bug .. but I dont have merge access15:33
ScottKkim0: Could you ask around then.  Someone is going to have to merge this stuff from the docs team.15:34
kim0ScottK: yeah they do .. I proposed a merge earlier, and a few days later they merged it15:34
ScottKWho did the merge?  I'll ping them.15:34
kim0ScottK: #ubuntu-doc people .. they said the mailing list is best to contact them though15:35
kim0ScottK: btw you mention bug 83473 (installer bug?!)15:36
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 83473 in ubiquity "Installer crashed (dup-of: 76976)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8347315:36
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 76976 in ubiquity "[feisty] no autopartitioning options presented?" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7697615:36
ScottKIt was supposed to be an LP bug.  I'll check the number.15:36
kim0ScottK: I am surprised your branch is named you/+junk/serverguide .. I thought it must be you/serverguide/branchname ?15:38
kim0otherwise stacking breaks ? but I'm no bzr expert :)15:38
ScottKThat's what I picked.  Maybe that's why I couldn't merge it.15:38
kim0ScottK: yeah probably ..15:38
ScottKI'll push it again with a different name.15:38
ScottKI usually can just push :parent since I rarely touch branches I can't push to directly.15:39
kim0ScottK: thanks for the reviews :)15:40
DavieyGrueMaster: Have you documented the results of server related testing on arm?15:45
jdstrandhallyn: I have a sneaking suspicion bug #694029 may be fixed now15:46
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 694029 in linux "kvm guests become unstable after a while" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69402915:46
jdstrandhallyn: not ready to call it, but I ran my test script for 24+ hours with now guest corruption. This was after recent kernel and linux-firmware updates15:47
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KM0201is there a way to stream mediatomb files, from the server to other machines on the network?16:04
KM0201i've read the documentation, and it always refers to streams from other sources (like youtube, etc.)16:04
cloakableStreaming local content is the main purpose of mediatomb o.o16:05
KM0201cloakable: thats my point, i just can't figure out..16:05
KM0201i can download files just fine via the mediatomb "web page"16:05
cloakableKM0201: Been a while since I use MT16:05
KM0201but i can't stream them.16:06
cloakableCan your media renderers see the server?16:06
KM0201i dunno lemme try again16:06
KM0201i was trying to play it through a web browser, but now that i think about it, that doesn't make sense16:07
cloakableNot really16:07
KM0201what do i put for URL?.. the path to the file i want to stream?16:07
cloakableIt should show up automatically via UPnP16:08
cloakableThat's the point of mediatomb16:08
KM0201whats a UPnP client i can use on Ubuntu?16:09
KM0201i dont think i really understood what mediatomb was supposed to do...16:09
cloakabletry the rhythmbox upnp plugin16:10
cloakablewhat did you think it was for?16:10
KM0201you can't watch movies w/ rhythmbox16:10
cloakableNo music in it?16:11
KM0201no, not right now, just videos16:11
cloakabletry djmount, it's a fuse filesystem to mount all detected upnp mediaservers into the filesystem16:11
cloakableuseful for testing16:12
uvirtbot`New bug: #834837 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83483716:23
genii-aroundAnother install script not converted yet to upstart16:28
DavieyRoAkSoAx: You might be hitting bug #834868.16:38
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 834868 in cobbler "Cobbler Ubuntu theme relies on external web resources" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83486816:38
mattiDaviey: ;]16:39
Davieyhey matti16:39
RoAkSoAxDaviey: i haven't experienced that16:43
uvirtbot`New bug: #834868 in cobbler (universe) "Cobbler Ubuntu theme relies on external web resources" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83486816:46
DavieyRoAkSoAx: via ssh socks?16:50
marshallhey ubuntu server, I'm having some issues with some NFS home directories mounted with autofs. It seems that applications and scripts aren't allowed to write into my home folder, even though I'm able to write into it just fine.16:51
pmatulismarshall: why do you assume a script can write somewhere just because you can?16:53
pmatulismarshall: i.e. what user is the script running as?16:53
RoAkSoAxDaviey in any situation16:53
marshallI'm running the script. Also, vim seems unable to write to ~/.viminfo16:54
pmatulismarshall: nfsv4 prolly right?16:54
marshallanother case is where I'm trying to install packages through npm (node package manager), and it reports that it doesn't have permission to add the packages to a cache inside ~/.npm16:55
marshallyeah I believe I'm using v416:55
pmatulismarshall: well, v4 can have some acl stuff going on16:55
marshallwhat does that stand for?16:55
pmatulismarshall: http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=nfsv4+acl&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-816:56
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marshallpmatulis: ok. So v4 uses a different ACL from standard posix?16:59
pmatulismarshall: it can, yes17:00
marshallpmatulis: so I guess I want to force it to use posix acl?17:00
pmatulismarshall: first determine what's running on the server, is it really v417:00
marshallpmatulis: when I do nfsstat, the only category with values is v417:01
pmatulismarshall: and the mount command should show some stuff17:02
marshallpmatulis: ok17:02
DavieyRoAkSoAx: So what is the pain point you are getting with ssh socks?17:04
marshall/home/jeff on /home/jeff type nfs4 (rw,soft,port=2049,proto=tcp,sloppy,addr=,clientaddr=
marshallpmatulis: ^17:05
pmatulismarshall: yup, v417:05
pmatulismarshall: do you have access to the server?17:05
marshallpmatulis: yessir17:06
marshallpmatulis: You can just call me... The Administrator17:06
pmatulismarshall: i'm not familiar with nfsv4 acl.  so you'll need to do some research17:07
* marshall backflips onto a motorcycle and speeds off17:07
marshallmaybe I should have taken the IPs out of there...17:08
* pmatulis hears goblins17:14
ersi_Yay, closed my first bug.17:25
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Davieyersi: \o/17:28
GrueMasterDaviey: Sorry for the late response, I was called out of bed and been away until now.  What kind of documentation are you looking for?  We have a wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/QA/Server.17:37
zulSpamapS: what do you think of getting a FFE for php-5.3.8?17:39
zulthats what i thought17:39
zuljdstrand: asked me17:40
SpamapSzul: 5.3.8 has some regression in it they have to revert17:40
SpamapSsomething borken in is_a()17:40
adam_gkirkland: ping17:40
* zul goes back to swap day17:41
RoAkSoAxzul: lol17:41
uvirtbot`New bug: #834901 in bind9 (main) "Apparmor profile blocks geoip db access" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83490117:42
kirklandadam_g: yo17:42
DavieyGrueMaster: just wanted to sniff the results of the testing..17:42
adam_gkirkland: does bug #834874 look like a reasonable request of orchestra at some point? if so, the issue of storage devices for swift would be solved17:44
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 834874 in orchestra "Orchestra should make storage as generic as possible" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83487417:44
GrueMasterDaviey: I need to update it with the iSCSI info and a few others.  As soon as the citiy finishes making a mess in front of my shop, I'll add that info.17:49
jdstrandSpamapS, zul: 5.3.7 had a regression I thought, and 5.3.8 was ok. I haven't looked a ton at it, but 5.3.8 has a bunch of security fixes17:54
zulphp is one big regression ;)17:55
SpamapSjdstrand: they're talking about it on php-internals right now17:55
SpamapSIf anything we'd want to do 5.3.917:56
jdstrandSpamapS: I see. ok. we need to get oneiric updated and a merge seems the path of least resistance there. sounds like you are on top of it though17:56
SpamapSMaybe we can look through the changelog, but we all know what massive balls of change php patch releases are.17:56
SpamapSjdstrand: well I'd resolved to shipping w/ 5.3.6 ...17:57
SpamapSjdstrand: but if thats going to make security's life difficult..17:57
SpamapSI really do wish they'd split the security fixes into like,
mdeslaurSpamapS: +1!18:01
SpamapSI wonder if anybody has ever asked them to do that tho18:01
mdeslaurSpamapS: would be nice to have the regression-causing security fixes split out from the regression-causing improvements18:01
jdstrandphp5 is always a pain. natty has 5.3.5, so it is at least conceivable that that it won't be hugely more difficult. but a merge would be easier. we'll defer to the server team18:01
SpamapSjdstrand: let me take a peek at the changes list in 5.3.7 and 5.3.8 .. they *have* been deferring a lot to 5.4 lately18:05
jdstrandSpamapS: thanks18:06
Davieyzul: Is there anything left to do for bug 810051?18:06
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 810051 in nova "Copyright/legal issues in Nova (from Debian upstream)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81005118:06
zuldont think so..18:06
Davieyzul: contrib/boto_v6 is under a MIT like license that is not mentioned in18:07
Davieydebian/copyright, nor are its copyright holders18:07
Davieybin/nova-manage carries a BSD license which is not mentioned in18:07
Davieydebian/copyright, nor are its copyright holders18:07
DavieyIs that resolved now?18:07
zulDaviey: not yet...ill do another pass of it next week18:09
SpamapSjdstrand: so, the changes look like 99% fixes, just a few small things thrown in to the FPM and Curl extensions.18:09
jdstrandSpamapS: ah, good news :)18:15
JRWRin natty, php5-mysqli doesnt seem to exist, is this a issue on my end, or has ubuntu forgotten about it18:17
patdk-wkit's still there18:21
JRWRwhere? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/ shows it nowhere, and apt-get cant find it18:21
JRWRthats not mysqli (doesnt show in phpinfo();)18:22
JRWRor have they been combined18:22
patdk-wkapt-cache show php5-mysql18:22
SpamapSjdstrand: http://news.php.net/php.internals/54961 .. THIS is the regression that blocks 5.3.8 for me.18:22
patdk-wkIt includes the generic "mysql" module which can be used to connect to all versions of MySQL, an improved "mysqli" module18:23
patdk-wkbeen that way for a long time now18:23
adam_gDaviey: cool if i grab Bug #834868 ?18:54
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 834868 in cobbler "Cobbler Ubuntu theme relies on external web resources" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83486818:54
Davieyadam_g: I think that is a great idea :)18:55
Davieyadam_g: Before release, i wanted to seperate upstream theme and ubuntu theme and make it an option.18:56
DavieyIt shouldn't be too much work.. I really don't like forcing a theme :)18:56
adam_gDaviey: agree18:59
jeeves_mossI'm running into "/etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default[159]: Failed to load module "sql".",  what should I be changing?19:08
adam_g is installing a symlink from one package to a file that is installed as a dependency acceptable?19:10
adam_gDaviey: ^19:11
jeeves_mossadam_g, what files are you messing with and why does the package not see the repo installed version?19:12
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adam_gjeeves_moss: installing a font via a font package (dependency) and referecing the font from a web root via symlink to /usr/share/fonts19:16
Davieyadam_g: that is the correct approach19:19
Davieyadam_g: if it was a Recommends then you'd get bad karma19:19
marshallI'm having some problems with my home directories exported with nfsv4. I'm able to read and write everything in my home folder, but it doesn't seem like applications are able to write to it. For example, vim isn't able to write to ~/.viminfo. What could be causing this problem?19:26
jeeves_mossadam_g, if it's just something dumb for web, then yes, a syslink for the foler, or just a link for the file would work.19:27
uvirtbot`New bug: #835009 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "package open-vm-dkms 2011.03.28-387002-0ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83500919:46
uvirtbot`New bug: #835012 in samba (main) "package samba-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subproces installed post-installation script gaf een foutwaarde 10 terug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83501219:46
genii-around835012 looks like 83483719:50
RoAkSoAxkirkland: you might wanna take a look at bug #83486820:00
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 834868 in cobbler "Cobbler Ubuntu theme relies on external web resources" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83486820:00
uvirtbot`New bug: #834967 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83496720:02
kirklandRoAkSoAx: thanks, commented20:03
RoAkSoAxkirkland: cool thanks20:04
adam_gi think the issue is that requests to grab font from google will hang/timeout instead of falling back to local20:04
uvirtbot`New bug: #834985 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: beschadigd bestandssysteem tarbestand - beschadigd pakketarchief" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83498520:05
DavieySpamapS: Do you want to push for collectd MIR, or should we defer it?20:26
Davieykirkland: Ah, responded to your comment regarding cobbler font issue20:26
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jeeves_mosshow can I track down the source of a segmentation fault?20:47
TheEvilPhoenixjeeves_moss:  debug the code?20:51
TheEvilPhoenixunless its in a precompiled binary20:51
TheEvilPhoenixin which case you should report a bug...20:51
TheEvilPhoenixjeeves_moss:  what segv'd?20:51
TheEvilPhoenix(btw: segv is the small part of the signal SIGSEGV which a seg fault sends to the system.  can be used with `kill -SEGV` if you want to annoy someone :P)20:53
jeeves_mossit's third party software that's a mess. the dev wants EVERYTHING installed from custom compiled packages, and not from the repos20:57
TheEvilPhoenixwell, not sure how to help then, except maybe recompile with `make` and keep a copy of the logs to find whether there was any error in the build20:59
TheEvilPhoenixsometimes missing stuff causes segvs20:59
marshallI've setup an ldap client and for some reason, when I create a file, the file's group shows as 0. When I do `id` it shows my correct user and group stuff. What could be causing this?21:01
smoserutlemming, just fyi, http://www.minimalinux.org/ttylinux/downloadARM.html has an arm kernel/ramdisk that "just works" on qemu-system-arm21:02
smoserget ttylinux-armv5tej-9.10.iso.gz21:03
utlemmingsmoser: I'll take a look at that21:03
smoserfor testing we might be able to use that kernel/ramdisk as a stop gap measure21:03
utlemmingor crib off it21:03
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Davieyutlemming / SpamapS: Have you been able to do triage today?21:23
SpamapSDaviey: I was just sitting down to it. :)21:24
Davieyrocking! :)21:24
nick__________Hi all, I have ubuntu 9.10 server installed on a headless machine in my basement.  I received a thin client from a friend, and installed ltsp on the server.  Upon realizing that ltsp needs a desktop environment to run, I installed ubuntu-desktop on my server.  After restart, my server boots, but my samba shares aren't found, ssh is broken, however I can still ping by host name and ip address.21:34
nick__________i'm assuming that it is all broken, because the server downstairs is hung on the login page?21:35
nick__________is there a way around this? or will I have to go down to the basement and login to a user everytime I restart the server?21:36
qman__nick__________, whether or not X is working correctly would not affect sshd21:36
qman__the default login manager is gdm, and is controlled as a normal service, i.e. sudo service gdm start|stop|restart21:37
qman__what likely happened is NetworkManager got installed and broke your networking21:37
qman__just uninstall that from the system locally, check your network settings, and you should be good21:37
nick__________of course, that makes much sense21:38
nick__________before I go down and hook everything up to the server, if the hostname and ip address didn't change, what in network manager would break sshd and samaba shares?21:41
JRWRim running php-fpm in a chroot (using dchroot) and I wanted to make a app armor profile for it using aa-autodep if my path to my chroot is /var/chroot, how would i tell aa-autodep what path to use21:49
nick__________so I got a monitor hooked up to the server, and the reason my ssh and samba are broken, is because it's only booting to initramfs22:04
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TheEvilPhoenixnick__________:  there's usually an error accompanying the initramfs boot22:30
TheEvilPhoenixwhats the error?22:30
nick__________lemme get the exact, gotta run downstairs, but basically, mounting /sdc1 fails22:31
nick__________ok, well i just restarted from liveCD and it found errors on sda1 and want's to fix them, it also mentioned that it's trying to boot from sda1, when sdc1 is my boot drive22:33
nick__________before all this, it was booting to initramfs, if that is relevent22:34
p3rsistAnyone has found a deb package for DRBD 3.8.11 for Lucid?22:41
TheEvilPhoenixp3rsist:  "DRBD"?23:10
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adam_gp3rsist: 8.3.11, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/drbd823:14
p3rsistadam_g, Yes. But Im on lucid. How can I install a package from Oneiric Ocelot ?23:16
adam_gp3rsist: the drbd package from oneiric wont do you much good on lucid23:20
TheEvilPhoenixwth is drbd?23:22
p3rsistadam_g,  I will compile from source.23:22
adam_gTheEvilPhoenix: www.drbd.org23:22
adam_gw/whois p3rsist23:27
adam_gp3rsist: you can just apt-get install the pkgs in lucid and you'll have 8.3.1123:27
adam_gp3rsist: sorry, 8.3.7 is in lucid.23:30
adam_gp3rsist: the drbd packages for oneiric require a matching kernel, as the kernel modules for drbd now exist within the mainline kernel (as of the kernel after lucid's)23:31
uvirtbot`New bug: #481776 in socat (universe) "Segmentation fault of socat on 9.10 i386, installed from ubuntu repository" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48177623:32
uvirtbot`New bug: #745603 in socat "Please add socat-opensslcompress patch" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74560323:32
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