
fishsceneuser: I'm not finding a whole lot of information on the m1100, you may need to file a bugreport so someone can fix this.00:00
urlin2u_riz_, follow this link it defaults to using a live cd booted to load grub to a mbr, be sure to run the fdisk -l command to identify the mbr,and the installed partition, and read carefully there is a specific command if running natty, also use a natty cd for this, if you have a natty install00:01
_riz_urlin2u: ok, thanks.00:01
itaylor57KM0201, free ubuntu sticker for your PC http://www.system76.com/article_info.php?articles_id=900:01
urlin2u_riz_, no problem00:02
KM0201itaylor57: i hate stickers.. :)00:02
PDunnyWhat's up?00:02
userfishscene: How can I update pulseaudio? I have noticed that all my problems are gone with Ubuntu 11.04 but don't like the interface. I'm on 10.1000:02
PDunnyAnyone feel like helping me with a chroot?00:02
itaylor57KM0201, has an ubuntu sticker for meta key00:02
CoreyPDunny: Not if you don't ask a real question. :-)00:03
qin!classic > user00:03
ubottuuser, please see my private message00:03
bittin_itaylor57: they don't have any place in Sweden =(00:03
PDunnylol Corey, well I am trying to do a chroot from my hd and having problems with it00:03
fishsceneuser: in terminal: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"00:03
fishsceneYou can also use the software update (which I recommend)00:04
fishsceneIn Gnome, It's under administrative stuff00:04
userfishscene: I did all that but still get a cracking sound when booting and just before previewing a sound00:05
userIs their a way I can use the driver database from 11.04 in 10.10?00:06
adanteis unionfs available in fuse only?00:06
fishsceneuser: There could be a couple of reasons for that (grounding/close wiring/driver issue) Other than those, I wouldn't know what would cause that.00:07
userfishscene: It works great in Windows Xp, Vista & 700:08
userfishscene: No I get this error: W: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'extras.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)00:10
fishsceneuser: Yes, but that's because the company appears to only support Windows. I haven't found anything for Ubuntu.00:10
fishscenelol. I love that error "something wicked happened..." sounds like a DNS resolving issue though :(00:10
urlin2uryan-c, Donald00:10
tacosrbossi removed proprietary nvidia driver and now i get a mode not supported error from my monitor. even happens with failsafeX. how can i get that to not happen?00:10
urlin2uryan_46,  Donald00:11
userI also get this error: W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'security.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)00:11
urlin2uuser, is that the full error?00:12
fishsceneuser: hmm... I wasn't able to go there either at first, but now I can. Weird.00:12
userfishscene: Let me try again...00:13
media-serverHello everyone.  I just upgraded my motherboard, cpu, ram in Ubuntu Server 11.04 and have a small problem at boot, this error, sp5100 tco timer mmio address already in use.  And the grub2 splash screen is broken.00:13
fishsceneI'm having some real issues connecting to that security link too00:13
urlin2uuser, change the mirror to begin with, and or post your sources list in a pastebin.00:13
userurlin2u: How do I change the mirror? And where do I post my source list?00:15
dio525ihow do i add a custom script to shutdown ubuntu 11.0400:15
fishsceneok back00:16
urlin2uuser, changing mirror is software sources, the other in a terminal cat /etc/apt/sources.list  copied and pasted to   http://paste.ubuntu.com/  then post the url00:17
=== bittin_ is now known as bittin_fi
mustardAnyone know how do a install a program i have compiled using Checkinstall and have it not overwrite older versions of the program?  For example, GIMP 2.7 needs to use intltool 0.40.1 but Ubuntu 11.04 has a younger version then that.00:18
userurlin2u: Ok I did that...http://paste.ubuntu.com/674929/00:19
phillyjanyone know the command "wget -O www.whatismyip.org" returns a missing url error?00:19
safetynetIs there an app that runs in Ubuntu that you could print a page as a .pdf ? ? Something like Cute PDF for windows.00:19
phillyjsafetynet: yea, its in print00:20
phillyjprint to file00:20
urlin2uuser, the list looks okay so changing the mirror probably will fix it.00:21
hjaxi tried xfce for the first time today (via xubuntu), why isnt it as popular as other desktop managers? It's fast, light, and pretty to look at00:21
phillyjsafetynet: is that what you want to do? print a webpage or something?00:21
safetynetphillyj: Thanks could n't remember where I had found it before....00:21
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safetynetphillyj: Yup00:21
bazhanghjax, thats more of a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic00:21
PDunnyAnyone here familiar with the kubuntu-mobile project?00:21
bazhangPDunny, whats the real question00:22
PDunnyHow do I launch the GUI for Kubuntu Mobile from a terminal?00:22
phillyjsomeone help me with trying to get wget to return the result of www.whatismyip.org?00:22
th0rphillyj: that site appears to be down00:22
userurlin2u: But will it solve my audio problem? Dam, actually I have many problems. Maybe I not cut out for Ubuntu.00:23
th0rphillyj: and it just seems to have come back up...try that wget again00:23
urlin2uuser, you will notice though that the address throwing the error is not in the list where did you get it, a ppa?  A far as predicting your computer success in audio who knows to be honest.00:24
Amindown with the Islamic Republic regiem00:26
NonConformistubuntu hates me now00:26
userurlin2u: If I do a complete system backup with Remastersys can I then install it on a desktop....then updating drivers00:26
bazhangAmin, wrong channel00:26
urlin2uuser, I am not familiar with Remastersys, I use clonezilla00:27
urlin2uuser, where did you get this address  Remastersys00:28
KrazyKrivdaI'm trying to use a thunderbird 6 profile from windows 7 on ubuntu 11.04.. all seems well but I cannot get the lightning to install properly.. any advice?00:28
urlin2uuser, sorry this  http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg00:28
bazhangurlin2u, its in a ppa from a random 3rd party source00:28
phillyjth0r: hmm, seems i didn't give a location for the save file location00:28
anthonyAnybody know how i can update my 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx to a 64 bit version to allocate all of my system RAM ?00:29
bazhanganthony, you have 32 bit now?00:29
userurl2u: You got me...I did some updates today00:29
urlin2ubazhang, I figured that thanks just wondering which one.00:29
th0rphillyj: when I first tried that url it refused to respond. Continued to fail until just after I sent the irc comment. But it seems to be working ok now.00:29
bazhangurlin2u, webupd8 iirc00:29
electrodibphillyj, lynx -dump www.whatismyip.org00:30
urlin2ubazhang, what package it is a bin download00:30
bazhangurlin2u, its a repo (ppa)00:30
th0relectrodib: nice trick00:31
userurlin2u: I did that update & upgrade and it is working now...it only did an java update00:31
bazhanganthony, you on 32bit now? or want to use the pae kernel00:31
userurlin2u: Can clonezilla make an complete system ISO?00:31
urlin2uuser, cool so that is working, I'm not familiar with any possibilities as far as sound though00:32
anthonybazhang what is the pae kernel00:32
phillyjelectrodib: nice but doesn't help me since I need it for conky00:32
anthonyYou are using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS00:32
anthony                - the Lucid Lynx - released in April 2010 and supported until April 2013. - pretty much all i know00:32
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info00:32
urlin2uuser, no it copies the OS to packages with a cd and installs back using that cd.00:32
bazhanganthony, it lets you use more than the limit normally under 32bit systems00:32
anthonyfor a new to ubuntu guy would you recommend just using the pae00:33
anthonyor going witht he full 64 bit, what would be the advantages/disadvantages of the two00:33
urlin2uuser, best and easiest when the second partition is the same number, and it has to be the same size as the original or bigger.00:33
bazhanganthony, install linux-generic-pae to get it, or full reinstall to get 64 bit, first do uname -m in terminal please00:33
electrodibphillyj: what wants conky, a text file ? lynx -dump www.whatismyip.org >myip.txt00:33
userurlin2u: I need a program that can make a complete system ISO...do you know of any?00:34
th0relectrodib: returns two lines....he will need only the second line00:34
bazhanganthony, thats 32bit,00:34
urlin2uuser, not really but there are some maybe others know.00:34
phillyjelectrodib: i got it00:35
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electrodibcool :-)00:35
phillyjelectrodib: i forgot a dash00:35
anthonybazhang what would be the benefit of having 64 bit linux00:35
bazhang!info genisoimage | user00:35
ubottuuser: genisoimage (source: cdrkit): Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.11-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 519 kB, installed size 1400 kB00:35
bazhanganthony, none that I know of, up to you (no real drawbacks either)00:36
userurlin2u: The other problem I'm having is with Google Chrome and Chromium00:38
urlin2uuser, I don't use ethier but go ahead.00:38
coz_anthony,  since you are new to linux,,, installing PAE kernel could be a way of  getting some fast knowledge however,, if you want to first run with full memory capablility,, install the 64 bit,, learn what you can , and at a later point,, give the pae a whirl when you feel more experienced,, but as already said ,, it is up to you00:39
anthonyI think i'll try the PAE for now00:40
anthonyas I'm still learning00:40
bazhanganthony, then install the package ----> linux-generic-pae00:40
userurlin2u: I need to delete the data they store or something. When I open any of them they work fine until and search webupd8 in google and the result are displayed. 5 seconds later it crash.00:40
bazhanguser you were asking about this yesterday; why do you have chromium-browser and chrome?00:41
anthonyinstalling now,00:41
anthonyi installed a version of flash for gnome00:41
anthonyand its not working properly00:41
urlin2uuser, http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?answer=9558200:42
bazhanguser you are using the repo from google for chrome, correct?00:42
bazhanganthony, installed how, from where00:42
anthonyby the GUI, from a site requiring swf object00:42
anthonyor something00:42
anthonyit let me select from 300:42
bazhanganthony, thats not the way to install it, use the package manager00:43
coz_anthony,   sudo apt-get install  ubuntu-restricted-extras00:43
anthonyhow can i find what i just downloaded00:43
anthonyand delete then?00:43
coz_anthony,  that will install the proper version of flash among other things00:43
WillowMouseok so, I got my earlier problems solved00:43
WillowMouseand now my dual monitor is giving me problems00:43
PDunnyQuestion: From a terminal, how would I launch a login screen with KDE (I believe)00:44
coz_WillowMouse,   which video card?00:44
userbazhang: Yes....I had Google installed then Ubuntu installed Chromium00:44
WillowMouseATI Radeon 320000:44
bazhanguser you mean you installed chromium, are you on gnome, kde4, xfce4, or lxde+openbox00:44
coz_WillowMouse,  ok then I will have to let someone else take this,, I only use nvidia00:45
WillowMouseBasically, it can see that there's another monitor plugged in, but it wont dual screen it, something about automatically finding the right resolution, I hit yes and it says log out, and then back in, then when I do, it just says the same thing.00:45
bazhanguser ubuntu does not install things itself, without user interaction00:45
rodmena_anyone here?00:45
bazhangrodmena_, yes00:46
chachingswaggerah huh00:46
WillowMousewat do?00:46
userbazhang: I'm on gnome...Ubuntu 10.10. I installed Google Chrome and when I did an Ubuntu update it automaticlly installed Chromium00:46
chachingswaggeri got ylmf00:47
nekotreciwhat is the minimal requirment version of linux, i now have ubuntu and it is too good for my machine00:47
bazhangchachingswagger, thats not supported here, try their support forums00:47
chachingswaggerits like a 300mhz for cpu00:47
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WillowMouseCan anyone help me with my problem?00:47
DoctorBlackbirdHow do i compile?00:48
urlin2uchachingswagger, not supported here00:48
WillowMouseI know I have all the right drivers, I just updated them today.00:48
anthonybazhang its showing the disclaimer for mscorefonts00:48
chachingswaggerwha u mean im not?00:48
JoeR1I would like to change the text on my trash bin from "Empty Trash" to "Exterminate Trash"  does anyone know how I might do this?00:48
bazhang!compile > DoctorBlackbird00:48
ubottuDoctorBlackbird, please see my private message00:48
chachingswaggerits working rite now....00:48
WillowMouseBasically, it can see that there's another monitor plugged in, but it wont dual screen it, something about automatically finding the right resolution, I hit yes and it says log out, and then back in, then when I do, it just says the same thing.00:48
anthonyin my terminal00:48
nekotreciwhat is the lightest version of linux ?00:48
urlin2uchachingswagger, the ylmf is not supported here this is ubuntu only.00:48
JasonnI need help fixing locales.00:49
bazhangchachingswagger, ylmfos is not supported here, try their support forums00:49
uns0b1ll_anyone with ser2net experience ?00:49
anthonyfixed it00:50
bazhangnekotreci, the lightest ubuntu variant is lubuntu00:50
chachingswaggerso what? for what?00:50
bazhang!lubuntu | nekotreci00:50
ubottunekotreci: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.00:50
usernekotreci: Try "Damn Small Linux"00:50
wolfganghow do I register a nickname here?00:50
urlin2unekotreci, http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/   and the multitudes of puppy linux and it's pupplets00:50
urlin2uwolfgang, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup00:52
nekotrecican i install damn small linux on ubuntu ?00:52
wolfgangthank you00:52
bazhangwolfgang, /join #freenode00:52
bazhangnekotreci, no00:52
urlin2unekotreci, in a virtual yes00:54
dsnydersnekotreci, You could try setting up a dual boot, or something.  I'd recommend DSL on a USB flash drive.00:54
Kyle__How do you prevent the updatemanager from popping up?  I tried gconftool-200:54
userWhat's the best internet browser for Ubuntu?00:55
dsnydersnekotreci, Why would you want to?00:55
nekotrecii have weak machine , 512 ram00:55
anthonyAfter i did the command to instal PAE must i reboot to activate?00:56
bazhangnekotreci, then try lubuntu00:56
bazhanganthony, yes00:56
SubCoolcan i use a kubuntu startup disk as a usable operating system00:56
anthonykk brb00:56
nekotrecii need just bluefish, chromium and conection to server, i am scared to this gonna not work00:56
urlin2uKyle__, software sources accessed from synaptic in natty, turn off updates, or in startup applications-update notifier00:56
nekotrecii installed lxde on ubuntu and there i cant connect to server00:56
bazhangnekotreci, installed what exact package00:57
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dsnydersnekotreci, I recommend going to pendrive linux and giving some of the lightweight distros a try.  Then when you find one that works, you can install it permanently.00:57
nekotrecii typed in synpatic lxde and installed first00:57
bazhangdsnyders, lets stay on ubuntu support here please00:57
urlin2unekotreci, make sure the network manager is set to all users, in the first desktop00:57
bazhangnekotreci, thats not it, it's lubuntu-desktop00:57
urlin2ubazhang, lxde installs it00:58
nekotrecibut with lxde i caoont connect to ftp using simple folder like in ubntu00:58
wolfgangexcuse me Mr. Admin,01:00
userurlin2u: Can I use Alsa instead01:00
wolfgangthe nicknam wolfgang seems that the owner not use it any more...01:01
bazhangwolfgang, /join #freenode01:01
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Aminwolfgang, for that matter join #help01:01
urlin2uuser, I'm not real familiar with sound in general, I just use the stock setup.01:02
anthonywho man, its really choppy now...01:02
Adam__any ubuntu server gurus in here that can help me out with a problem01:02
bazhangAdam__, whats the real question01:02
wolfgangthank you01:02
wolfgangjoin /#help01:02
AminAdam__, what's your f*ckin' problem?01:03
wolfgangI can't join help01:03
Amintype: /join #help01:03
userurlin2u: How can I reload the update that Uubntu did? Or do I just have to wait until Ubuntu sets out the next update?01:04
bazhangAmin, watch the language and attitude01:04
wolfgangit's for invite only01:04
wolfgangit says01:04
Aminhmmm :-?01:04
wolfgangya, funny isnit?01:04
urlin2uuser, that is a confusing question reload a upload already there?01:05
bazhangwolfgang, you are in #freenode , no need to join that, ask your questions there please01:05
Amintry #freenode01:05
MDesignerhey guys, anyone know who I can talk to about composing a new Ubuntu login tune/sound?01:05
trond-does anyone know of an editor where I can use regexp, get a result on many lines can copy the selected lines? (let's say 100 lines are marked)01:05
Kyle__So I've got a system that runs gconftool-2 --set /apps/update-notifier/show_apport_crashes --type bool false on startup (it's a VM, hence running it every time), but it doesn't stick.  I log in, and gconftool-2 tells me that show_apport_crashes is true.01:05
Kyle__Any ideas/01:06
Adam__bazhang: I just installed ubuntu server 11.04 with lamp, ssh, etc. To setup apache I just copied the default site to www.adamgleason.com (my site), changed it around to fit my site directories etc., but when I try to go to www.adamgleason.com it doesn't connect01:06
=== wolfgang is now known as newnick
Aminwhat's that +j mode FloodBot1 sets on channel all the time?01:06
th0rtrond-: you might be able to do that in nedit01:06
trond-nedit, ok. thanks. I'll check it out01:06
userurlin2u: I need to redo the update that Ubuntu gave me to do. I think I uninstalled some programs that was needed for Google Chrome01:06
Kyle__ /ignore Amin01:06
anthonyi just installed the PAE kernel, and now when i click and drag windows it seems really choppy01:06
MDesignerI'd like to contribute to Ubuntu by producing a new login sound... who should I get in touch with?01:06
dsnydersAdam__, Are the IP addresses correct?01:06
=== newnick is now known as wolfgang
uns0b1ll_need command to view usb devices01:07
Adam__bazhang: and everything I read online says that you don't have to configure anything for apache to work, just copy the site file, and a2ensite01:07
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MDesigneruns0b1ll_: lsusb01:07
th0runs0b1ll_: lsusb01:07
Kyle__anthony: PAE kernels give you a consistant performance hit, something like 10% +-5.01:07
=== wolfgang is now known as newnick
urlin2uuser, if they are needed they will be in a update if you run one, were the removed things not addons?01:07
Kyle__anthony: That said, choppy dragging windows sounds strange.01:07
anthonyKyle_ then why would anyone reccommend...01:07
=== newnick is now known as wolfgang
anthonyi just added 6 gigs to memory and it looks sluggish01:08
Kyle__anthony: If you have over 4GB of ram and are on a 32bit system, PAE is neccesary.01:08
dhevilany videographers here?01:08
anthonymy system monitor window is fine...01:08
kobhqltHi there. i'm looking for something like crontab, but for execute a command every n times, in background. does is exists ?01:08
anthonywhen i click and drag title bar01:08
anthonywhen i click and drag title bar of irc, or mozilla01:08
anthonyit looks sluggish01:08
=== wolfgang is now known as newnick
userurlin2u: What do you mean "were the removed things not addons?01:09
userurlin2u: I didn't have any addons for Google Chrome or Chromium01:09
urlin2uuser, all browser have addons, extra stuff, not in the ubuntu repos. Are you talking about downloads you have removed that were not from the ubuntu repos01:10
hellhammerI'm running ubuntu 10.04 is there any way i can make it so it mounts a partition on boot?01:10
h00kubottu: fstab | hellhammer01:10
ubottuhellhammer: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:10
=== newnick is now known as w0lfgeng
urlin2uhellhammer, fstab01:10
anthonyill get back to it gotta run for now01:10
dhevilhellhammer edit fstab01:10
kobhqlti'm looking for something like crontab, but for execute a command every n times, in background. does is exists ?01:10
IdleOnekobhqlt: yes, cron01:11
kobhqltcron is for every day at xx:xx:xx no ? i need every N min for exemple01:11
dhevilany one on video editing here?01:11
th0rkobhqlt: cron will do that01:11
bazhangdhevil, whats the real question01:11
kobhqltth0r: how?01:12
uns0b1ll_lsusb doesnt show /dev/ttyS devices01:12
th0rkobhqlt: 'man cron'01:12
uns0b1ll_i need to view /dev/ttyS devices01:12
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm01:12
kobhqltwell ok thx th0r01:12
userurlin2u: When I did an update I did an update from the Ubuntu repos...then it reinstalled crape like "mines". I then uninstalled programs but I think I removed something that is required for Google Chrome01:12
dhevilbazhag looking for first hand experience on vid edit sofware...  preferablly on IFX ant.01:12
Kyle__dhevil: Not too much, but a tad.  If you're wondering, yes pitivi is pathetic, you can do more with clever use of mencoder.01:12
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zattalovsalu tt le monde01:12
dhevilkdenlive and pitvi plus live is not sufficinet for me.. thinkin deeper.01:13
somsipkobhqlt: your crontab would be something like */5 * * * * for every 5 mins01:13
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IdleOne!fr | zattalov01:13
ubottuzattalov: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:13
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urlin2uuser, without you knowing what it is, all I can recommend is a try a update in the update manager.01:13
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dhevilplus color correcting. primary, secondary01:13
acovrigwhat would cause an IO error for `hciconfig hci0 inqmode 0' ?01:13
Kyle__dhevil: There are better linux video editing apps, but they are much more advanced, big learning curve.01:13
kobhqltsomsip: nice thanks01:13
somsipkobhqlt: yr welcome01:14
dhevilkyle. referring to cinelerra?01:14
userurlin2u: That doesn't work...geuess I have to wait for the next Ubuntu update01:14
dhevilam sniffing around forany personal reviews on ifx software for linux.01:14
Kyle__dhevil: that's one of them.  I think there's another as well.  I've never done more than poke at them myself.  My wife has a nice mac from her work, and it has all the adobe suite on it, as well as imovie, so I just use that :)01:14
uns0b1ll_and how can i trying01:15
uns0b1ll_trying to view /dev/ttyS devices01:15
urlin2uuser, if you removed a needed part it would show now not necessarily in with a regular offered update.01:15
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, sudo cat /dev/ttyS ?01:15
dhevilKyle, ye. i use adobe plus final cut. but how i wish i could keep to linux for work even. :(01:15
urlin2uuser, you could purge it and reinstall, if you want, if you really think something is missing.01:15
uns0b1ll_i need to view which /dev/ttyS devices active01:16
dhevilIFX looks most promising. yet i cant find some one with first hand experience.01:16
urlin2uuns0b1ll_, please don't repeat.01:16
uns0b1ll_urlin2u,  sorry01:16
Kyle__dhevil: I'm OK with OSX: it's a real unix, even though they try and hide it.  That said, I'd love to do it under linux, just haven't had time to learn the tools.  When I do it under linux, I generally build a hefty mencoder script...tedious. :)01:16
userurlin2u: Then it must be something cached but OK I'm willing to Purge. How does that work?01:16
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, what is your goal, you trying to see who is logged in as who?01:17
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, no, cat /dev/ttyS0 returns nothing01:17
urlin2uuser, sudo apt-get purge "package name"01:17
=== C0rey is now known as Plasmaster
userurlin2u: I also ran Bleechbit but still the same01:17
dhevilkyle> is there anyhting other than cinellera?01:17
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, no, i'm trying to use my serial port to connect to switch01:17
IdleOnedhevil: take a look at openshot01:17
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, use putty, much easier01:17
bazhang!nickspam > Plasmaster01:18
ubottuPlasmaster, please see my private message01:18
uns0b1ll_i need telnet to cisco switch01:18
userurlin2u: Must the package be installed? Coz I allready uninstalled Google Chrome01:18
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, so i need to setup ser2net first01:18
vincenzohello i have a little problem01:18
vincenzocan iu help me01:18
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, if you need to telnet to a cisco switch, then you would do: telnet ip-of-switch01:18
urlin2uuser, you can only purge installed packages01:18
vincenzomy external display is off01:18
amflirvincenzo, lol01:19
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, you can't use ip networking on switch before it was configured01:19
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, if the switch has an ip then you would telnet to it, if you must monitor it via the console port, then use putty to access your com ports01:19
urlin2uvincenzo, go to  monitors and see whats up01:19
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, correct, so you are trying to "console" the switch. use putty to access your com poart01:19
userurlin2u: I'm going to dowmload the Google Chrome again and Purge it and see what happens.01:19
bazhangamflir, thats enough01:20
=== amflir is now known as bburhanz`
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, oh you mean use putty instead of telnet01:20
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, okay01:20
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, use putty, choose com port, and click open01:20
uns0b1ll_let me install putty on my buntu box01:20
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, sudo apt-get install putty01:20
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, you forgot the last portion of command :"...and get some beer"01:21
InvaderZimokkkkkkk anyone here good with spreadsheet formulas?01:21
InvaderZimthat can help me?01:22
thunsuckerInvaderZim, this is a chat room for linux not speadshets01:22
thunsuckerInvaderZim | topic01:22
thunsuckerInvaderZim | topic!01:22
InvaderZimthunsucker: well, since I'm using libreoffice, shipped with stock ubuntu01:22
InvaderZimthunsucker: i'm having trouble with using it, so I guess it counts01:22
IdleOneInvaderZim: try #libreoffice01:22
PlasmasterAww, they stopped shipping OpenOffice?01:22
PlasmasterWhat a shame!01:22
thunsuckerInvaderZim, #libreoffice01:22
InvaderZimi'm trying there no one answers maybe a good soul here could help01:23
urlin2uvincenzo, have you looked for the monitors app in applications?01:23
IdleOneInvaderZim: your issue is not an Ubuntu issue please use the appropriate channel/forum01:23
uns0b1ll_as d���a�a sd���as d���01:23
InvaderZimIdleOne: okie dokie01:23
IdleOnethank you :)01:23
uns0b1ll_all i get on telnetting to cisco switch01:24
uns0b1ll_as d���a�a sd���as d���01:24
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, don't choose telnet, choose the com port01:24
vincenzothe monitor is on01:24
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, nothing01:24
vincenzoend mouse follow the other screen01:24
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, black screen perhaps bit parity options01:24
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, what did it give you as the default com ?01:24
uns0b1ll_/dev/ttys0 i mean01:25
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, try /dev/ttsys101:25
uns0b1ll_no its01:25
uns0b1ll_/dev/ttys1 and /dev/ttys1001:25
urlin2u!pm | vincenzo01:25
ubottuvincenzo: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:25
IdleOne!it | vincenzo01:25
ubottuvincenzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)01:25
urlin2uvincenzo, I asked you to not contact me do not continue to do so 4 times is enough.01:25
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, make sure the speed is set for 9600 and try moving the /dev/ttys0 to /dev/ttys1 and /dev/ttys2 and so on to see if you get a response01:27
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, you will also have to click in the black screen and press enter to get a response01:27
urlin2uvinces, I will be glad to help you here,  have you looked for the monitors app in applications?01:27
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, also, are you using a blue cisco monitor cable?01:27
bazhangurlin2u, he quit01:27
IdleOneurlin2u: he parted and is now seeking help in -it01:27
uns0b1ll_basically i have 2 usb to serial adapters01:27
uns0b1ll_blue cable01:27
uns0b1ll_and bunch of cisco sexy switches ;)01:27
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, is it the actual cisco one?01:28
uns0b1ll_umm yes its blue cable01:28
uns0b1ll_not sure if its from cisco or china01:28
IdleOne!enter | uns0b1ll_01:29
ubottuuns0b1ll_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:29
urlin2ubazhang, it's not that I mind a PM but every one turns into a phishing fest get to wierd fast.01:29
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, well can't help you further from here if you can't anser questions, however the ubuntu part is done01:29
bazhangurlin2u, yep, better to all support here01:29
urlin2ubazhang, I agree, we all learn01:29
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, thank you too much :D01:29
thunsuckerurlin2u, i feel your pain, i hate the random begging to download US based software that they can't from their country01:30
urlin2uthunsucker, I don't like being fished, my narcissism is already running at full speed. ;-)01:31
=== larry is now known as Guest83166
FirefisheI have a new install of kubuntu 11.04.  I am having terrible problems with X and the nvidia-current (proprietary) driver, both 173 and the 'recommended' one.  Under certain conditions, when I resize konsole, that action causes the entire computer to freeze, forcing me to hard-reboot.  Is this a known problem?01:32
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Firefishe...this is also prevelant across Unity (although I can use the compiz workaround to solve gnome/unity's issues).01:32
thunsuckerFirefishe, did you ask in the #kubuntu channel?01:33
userCan someone help me with Teamviewer?01:33
thunsuckertopic! | user01:33
thunsuckeroff topic! | user01:33
Firefishethunsucker: aeons ago .. I find there's a good mix of cross-desktop knowledge in this channel--and this channel is usually more active, from my own experiences.01:33
thunsuckerdarn it, i don't know the command :(01:34
bazhangthunsucker, dont do that01:34
Firefisheheya baz01:34
thunsuckerbazhang, but i really want to!01:34
userthunsucker: My browsers just stop working01:34
bazhangthunsucker, wrong place for it.01:34
Firefishe11.04 is proving to be mildly problematic on my box.  Would switching back to 10.04 LTS really be so bad?01:35
thunsuckerFirefishe, yes i understand. Are there any bleeding edge drivers for your card?01:35
urlin2uuser, here is a natty instructions link, thats all I know. http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/03/install-teamviewer-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/01:35
thunsuckeruser, browsers stop working? does anything else die?01:35
Firefishethunsucker: I guess I can check out nvidia's website.01:35
bazhangurlin2u, I imagine he wants someone to remotely fix his system01:35
thunsuckerFirefishe, you won't have much luck there01:35
urlin2ubazhang, I was about to discourage that, in that I doubt any will. ;-)01:36
bazhanguser, remove the google repo is the first step. then try again (ie uninstall chrome)01:36
phrostbiteWhat app do i need to open 7z files?01:37
thunsuckerFirefishe, you might look here but i don't knwo if it applies to nvidia or not01:37
thunsuckerFirefishe, https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa01:37
userthunsucker: Everything else is fine...browser works fine until I get a Google page result that include multiple sites like Downloads, Contacts, News ext01:37
thunsuckeruser, try a different browser01:37
Firefishethunsucker: thank you.  I'll look there.01:37
userthunsucker: Firefox works but don't like it01:38
thunsuckeruser, if it solves your problem for a few minutes to get teamviewer workign then it's worth it01:38
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, its okay i think i found it :)01:38
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, my tap0 interface required also i think01:38
userthunsucker: I have teamviwer ready01:38
uns0b1ll_user, why not use join.me ?01:39
thunsuckeruns0b1ll_, it's not a hard concept. you plug your com port into the console port of the switch, open putty and tell it to open a connection to the com port, stop bugging me01:39
uns0b1ll_user, its pretty nice01:39
=== huawa_fraunz is now known as othernickname
uns0b1ll_thunsucker, lol get lost then01:39
userI allready have Teamviwer installed...should I get Join.me instead01:40
Sargaluscan anyone help me get identd installed on ubuntu01:40
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uns0b1ll_user, you dont need install it, just type it in your browser and create session01:41
uns0b1ll_user, and i would be carefully giving remote sessions to people on irc chats01:41
bazhang!nickspam > huawa_fraunz01:41
ubottuhuawa_fraunz, please see my private message01:41
NonConformist-.- This is pissing me off. It seems ubuntu is trying to force me to install with a usb or cd......01:41
NonConformistNothing else seems to be working01:41
thunsuckeruser, so teamviewer works but then your browser stops?01:42
thunsuckerNonConformist, how are you trying to install?01:42
useruns0b1ll: I' desprate. I don't have any information on this pc.01:42
=== huawa_fraunz is now known as butnowtosomethin
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NonConformistthunsuck, i've tried a frugal install with unetbootin and using grub on a seperate partition to run the iso....01:43
betanickdoes anybody know a good guide on how to setup an access point with ubuntu?01:43
Firefishethunsucker: I'm going to try the driver on nvidia's website for my particular chipset:  9800M GS  It'01:43
fishsceneI always set up my AP's with the built-in webpage on the AP.01:43
NonConformistI'm not sure what else to try .... lol01:44
th0rbetanick: that would depend on the AP...best bet would be the manufacturers website01:44
thunsuckerNonConformist, you can boot the unetbootin stick and install ubuntu directly from that?01:44
userthunsucker: Yes I have internet but my Chromium doesn't work. But Firefox work01:44
Firefishethunsucker: last characters typos01:44
=== butnowtosomethin is now known as huawa_fraunz
thunsuckeruser, then your problem is with chromium, remove it and then reinstall01:44
thunsuckerFirefishe, cool!01:44
NonConformistthunsucker, well I can't do that i'm using unetbootin to install from my HD not from a usb01:44
urlin2uNonConformist, that only works on occasion01:45
NonConformistI don't have a usb or cds01:45
thunsuckerNonConformist, okay i get it now, you don't have a cd or usb stick and are trying to setup your hard drive to host the ISO so you can can just install from that?01:45
thunsuckerNonConformist, you would make your life much simplier to buy a pack of $1 cd's01:45
userthunsucker: I know my problem is with Chromium, I can't fix it. I did remove repos and unistalled it..still doesn't work. Same with Google Chrome01:45
thunsuckeruser, when you installed it, did you amke sure it was updated?01:46
fishsceneuser: did you remove any user-settings chromium might've dumped in your user folder?01:46
urlin2uuser, purge them then go to home and remove the file then reinstall01:46
NonConformistthunsucker, if only it were that easy.... i just recently got honorably discharged and really don't have the money to pay for anything right now lol... so i'm looking for other methods of install01:46
userthunsucker: I did an update...still doesn't work01:46
urlin2uNonConformist, use the partition boot to install to the external01:47
th0rNonConformist: would virtualbox be an option?01:47
userfishscene: I used Bleechbit. I think my pc is clean of cache. temp files01:47
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=== Sargalus is now known as evobot
NonConformistth0r, heh I'd rather not, but i'm not sure if i have any other options left01:48
craigbassSo, my wife is on our desktop.  I'm also logged in, but she did a switch user on me.  I have an instance of gedit and xchat open on that box.  Is it possible to send them from that x server to this one?  I know I can ssh -X and fire up a new app, but I wanted to have a look at the existing one without a vnc app01:49
thunsuckeruser, disable bleechbit, remove temp files, remove any chrome settings, then try again01:49
Firefishethunsucker: For the benefit of the community using the 9800M GS nvidia chipset on their laptops, the direct link for the driver I'm *trying* is:  http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-280.13-driver.html01:49
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NonConformisturlin2u, install to the external? not understanding maybe i misread01:49
=== huawa_fraunz is now known as wolfgang
magic_ninjahey I just found out I have a rootkit on my mbr, I dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu.  I need to rewrite my MBR, so do I need to do this through grub, or is the windows mbr still there?01:50
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urlin2uNonConformist, have you looked for veterans support as far as computrr stuff,  have a friend who works with re-integration team they do that sort of thing01:50
thunsuckermagic_ninja, when you boot up do you get a grub boot menu?01:50
craigbassAnd I'd also like to know that I've bent the ear of the alt ed person at a local school; he had no idea you could set up a free web server in the classroom for kids to learn the process of making and uploading a site.  I think I'm going to be stopping into his classroom in the near future.01:50
thunsuckermagic_ninja, when you need to rewrite your MBR with grub again01:51
magic_ninjabut grub also uses chainloader, so is there still a windows 7 mbr there?01:51
userthunsucker: Where do I remove the settings. Do I have to reinstall then remove settings vai the browser?01:51
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craigbassOops, I meant like YOU all to know...01:52
thunsuckeruser, should be /home/username/.chromium01:52
craigbassthunsucker, user I think it's ~/.config/chromium/01:53
NonConformisturlin2u, I'm sorry what do you mean exactly? You mean veteran support as in my current job situation?01:53
userthunsucker: I'll have a look.01:53
qwazWhat is the rc.local file used for I dont understand01:53
thunsuckeruser, read what craigbass just posted he suggested a different path01:53
craigbassuser, it is in fact that; I just checked01:54
craigbasschromium just HAS to be different...  although there's a bunch of other stuff in there I see...01:54
craigbassSo, my wife is on our desktop.  I'm also logged in, but she did a switch user on me.  I have an instance of gedit and xchat open on that box.  Is it possible to send them from that x server to this one?  I know I can ssh -X and fire up a new app, but I wanted to have a look at the existing one without a vnc app01:54
thunsuckercraigbass, hmmm not sure if thats possible or not01:55
betanickwhere can i get reconstructor?01:55
urlin2uNonConformist, I have a friend who is part of the veterans re-integration team, these are veterans leaving the military as of now, they help in many areas one of which is helping with economic areas if possible.01:55
ForSparePartsanybody know how to scale the screen image?01:55
ForSparePartsI'm using an old TV and the image is off the screen01:55
ForSparePartsand I don't have a remote yet...01:56
thunsuckerForSpareParts, go to monitors and change the resolution01:56
ForSparePartsthunsucker it's not the resolution, unfortunately01:56
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craigbassthunsucker, oh.  I thought I exported it to a different display, once upon a time, like Fedora1...01:57
I-want-moneywhere is the X11 configuration file on ubuntu?01:57
craigbassI-want-money, /etc/X11 ?01:57
userthunsucker: I just checked...It's not in their but in my user/.config01:57
=== clive is now known as CliveGun
gartralhey all, I bought a few peices of software off the Software Center a while back, suffered a hard drive crash, and had too reload Ubuntu. Now it appears as though Software Center won't let me download the software I payed for. I'm on 11.0401:57
JokesOnYou77craigbass: I'm far from an expert, but I do not believe that's it's possible to transfer a client program between X-server instances01:57
I-want-moneygartral: you should not pay for software. you should use the free ones. now pay me. I want some money.01:58
ForSparePartsthunsucker I have the resolution set to my monitor's native, but on any resolution it's off the screen...01:58
NonConformisturlin2u, I haven't actually only because I didn't think there were many civilian jobs that could relate to my military experience.01:58
PrimedeathHello, I had to forcefully shutdown my computer and now whenever I try to open the Package Manager I get ..01:59
aeon-ltdI-want-money: when does the narwahl bacon?01:59
Zwei_Hey everyone01:59
PrimedeathCould not open file /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - open (22: Invalid argument)01:59
magic_ninjahmm is there an easy way to reinstall grub01:59
I-want-moneyPrimedeath: hi ! give me $5 this channel is commercial01:59
gartralI-want-money: be quiet before I sick an OP on you01:59
userthunsucker: I manage to delete all user settings. It startsup asking which is my seach engine. But still the same problem01:59
urlin2uNonConformist, here is a PDF, I think it might be a option.  http://www.oregon.gov/ODVA/TASKFORCE/reintegration/Minutes_010510.pdf01:59
I-want-moneygartral: come kma01:59
qwazWhat is the rc.local file used for I dont understand01:59
thunsuckeruser, learn to google you lazy bum01:59
PrimedeathIs there anyway to purge the dkpg cache?02:00
userthunsucker: ?02:00
gartral!ops | I-want-money02:00
ubottuI-want-money: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!02:00
=== maku` is now known as maku
I-want-moneylol user he got off. buy the way. do you have any tobacco?02:00
Zwei_thank god he left02:01
gartralthank you IdleOne02:01
Zwei_-hugs IdleOne-02:01
tom_Hi, I can't get my Belkin F5D8053 v3 to work with ubuntu.  I can't connect to any wep networks.02:01
gartralhey all, I bought a few peices of software off the Software Center a while back, suffered a hard drive crash, and had too reload Ubuntu. Now..02:01
urlin2uNonConformist, besides the listed services my friend has gotten computers for people so some cd's might be a viability if you find an organization in your state.02:01
tom_Bus 002 Device 003: ID 050d:815c Belkin Components F5D8053 N Wireless USB Adapter v3000 [Ralink RT2870]02:01
gartraltom_: can you connect too WPA/2 networks?02:02
urlin2uNonConformist, can we pm02:02
Singham<gartral> : So whats the problem ?02:02
[THC]AcidRainis my dvd burner burning at 17000+kb/s normal?02:02
NonConformisturlin2u, Yes sorry I was reading over the pdf02:02
userurlin2u: Their are no results on Google relating to my problem02:03
IdleOnegartral: you should be able to download the software again from software center, if not you will need to contact canonical/vendor to get help.02:03
gartralSingham: I want too reinstall the software i payed for.. software center is saying i need too buy it again02:03
PrimedeathHello, I had to forcefully shutdown my computer and now whenever I try to open the Package Manager I get ..Could not open file /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - open (22: Invalid argument)02:03
[THC]AcidRainhow do i fix the issue in 11.04 where the drive wont open after burn? ive installed 11.04 on at least 5 computers now, and they all seem to have this issue02:04
urlin2uuser, which are what now the chrome/chromium02:04
[THC]AcidRainit worked fine in 9.04. i dont understand how some things downgrade02:05
userurlin2u: Can you have a remote session with me to see what I'm talking about02:05
PrimedeathI want to fix my Package Manager.02:05
[THC]AcidRainPrimedeath, wht is your issue?02:05
PrimedeathWhenever I try to run it, I get Could not open file /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - open (22: Invalid argument)02:06
PrimedeathI had to forcibly shut down, due to Chrome locking up the computer.02:06
[THC]AcidRainPrimedeath, my brother had that same issue. i think its because you tried to update the repositories manually and added a bad argument02:06
PrimedeathNo, it was because it was forcibly shut down.  I did not change any repositories.02:07
charliehay anyone like satilites02:07
bazhangcharlie, thats not on topic here02:07
IdleOnePrimedeath: try a !fsck02:07
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot02:07
SubCoolok, the ubuntu guys arent helping.. um- after creating a USB Kubuntu with unetbootin, do i HAVE to reboot the system for which i created the USB on?02:09
hellhammerI'm getting this message when i attempt to install anything "The installation could have failed because of an error in the corresponding software package or it was cancelled in an unfriendly way. You have to repair this before you can install or remove any further software." whats going on? im running ubuntu 10.0402:09
ParkerRSubCool, umm we are the ubuntu guys02:09
bazhangSubCool, yes, and set bios to choose that as first boot option02:09
anthonyHow do i fix the choppy scrolling in mozilla firefox02:09
IdleOneSubCool: if you intend on installing to that same system, yes.02:10
anthonyseems like a video card thing02:10
DasEihellhammer: try sudo dpkg --configure -a02:10
Singham<gartral> : Try installation using terminal02:11
SubCoolbazhang, so that setting is only required on the computer ill be booting into.02:11
DasEihellhammer: and an sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade           afterwards02:11
aeon-ltdanthony: choppy like lag or just a little stiff?02:11
th0ranthony: turn off compiz, use a lighter desktop environment, turn off some of the resident services02:11
bazhangSubCool, yes02:11
IdleOneSubCool: you need to set the system you are booting to boot from USB02:11
hellhammerits installing  updates i never finished when i ran sudo dpkg --configure -a02:11
betanickhow do i install a Ubuntu 11.04 command-line system?02:11
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server02:12
anthonyth0r how do i turn off compiz02:12
anthonyi have an i7 processor02:12
SubCoolIdleOne, ya, i got that. im just making sure im not missing something for this installation process.02:12
anthonyand 8 gigs of ram02:12
DasEibetanick: use alternate or minimal, don't install gui02:12
anthonyi dont understand why that would cause choppiness02:12
IdleOneSubCool: a prepared USB installation medium, pc that boots from USB. good to go.02:12
betanickDasEi: i'm using alternate but it doesn't ask with what i want to install02:13
aeon-ltdanthony: heh even this late into dev, compiz is still rather buggy, though is it laggy scrolling?02:13
betanickDasEi: i'm using alternate but it doesn't ask me what i want to install02:13
DasEibetanick: you decide in firsthand expert install, that let's you have that fine grained choices02:14
betanickDasEi: ok02:14
betanickDasEi: F6 -> expert mode?02:14
DasEibetanick: when the cd booted first screen, there you choose repair broken sys, install, other options is where it's at02:15
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betanickDasEi: ty02:16
=== Shade_Tornado is now known as ShadeTornado
anthonyth0r how do i turn off resident services02:21
muktiI don't have 11.04 yet, but I'm going to upgrade soon. I can go back to GNOME 2 look/functionality by selecting "classic ubuntu" at logon, correct?02:21
th0ranthony: there used to be a package called bum02:21
bazhangmukti, correct02:21
Zwei_Hello everyone02:22
muktibazhang: it won't be any different from GNOME2?02:22
anthonyi can't open package manager02:23
bazhang!classic | mukti02:23
ubottumukti: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".02:23
blognewb_hi.. can i install lubuntu using wubi? (thank you)02:24
DasEiblognewb_: you can, though I don't like it really02:24
bazhangblognewb_, installed wubi already?02:24
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe02:24
blognewb_bazhang not yet02:24
DasEiblognewb_: defrag on ntfs often causes trouble02:24
blognewb_DasEi why do you not like it02:24
Singham!classic | Singham02:24
ubottuSingham, please see my private message02:24
muktiAlso, I've only ever installed 32-bit Ubuntu. Are there any major compatibility issues with 64-bit?02:25
DasEiblognewb_: crashed image and it's recovery, rather use a vm02:25
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications02:25
bazhangmukti, not really no02:25
jamescarrmy disk became 100% full02:25
blognewb_essentially my question really is if i could install lubuntu directly since i already have the iso file02:25
jamescarris there some place to find out where the space is taken up at?02:25
blognewb_i dont have a blank cdr i think02:25
DasEiblognewb_: a usb stick least 1 GB ?02:26
blognewb_DasEi so are you implying that partitioning is not a good idea?02:26
Singhambazhang : how to type this "|"     ?02:26
blognewb_no usb stick02:26
DasEiblognewb_: vm is more reliable and easier to backup in my eyes02:27
DasEiand no need for installer medium, too02:27
anthonywhere can i find my recently installed programs02:27
anthonyor software02:27
anthonyvia terminal02:27
DasEianthony: dpkg -l02:27
bazhangSingham, shift key and \02:27
Singhambazhang : Thanks dude..Got it now .... :|)02:28
blognewb_DasEi what is with the ntfs defrag trouble?02:28
blognewb_what do you mean trouble?02:28
DasEianthony: apt-history [install | remove | upgrade]  , one of the three for a history02:28
blognewb_what issues02:28
DasEiblognewb_: wuby sets itself as a image-like file, which sometimes gets corrupted so os won't start, and recovery is rather a hassle, often on defragged ntfs-systems02:30
solrize_hi, i'm on an acer laptop, is there an easy way to turn off the touchpad?  i see a preferences option to turn it off when typing, but my thumbs keep touching it even when i'm not typing... thanks02:31
dustin_has anyone here used a "desktop" system monitor? I just installed a remix of ubuntu that has one but with my dual monitors it is on the wrong screen02:31
qwazWhat is the rc.local file used for I dont understand02:32
aeon-ltddustin_: yes02:33
=== Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80
usr13qwaz: It's used for anything you want to use it for.02:33
anthonysomebody told me to apt get install something to get flash to work, and other plugins, now its all choppy02:33
aeon-ltddustin_: if you know the name of the application that would help02:33
anthonynot sure if its that or the pae i installed02:33
dustin_aeon-ltd, what do I need to do to change settings for it?02:33
usr13qwaz: rc.local runs at the end, after all others have run.02:33
aeon-ltddustin_: can't help you without the app name02:33
dustin_aeon-ltd, I am trying to figure out its actual name however it comes with pinguy02:34
usr13qwaz: it is a quick and easy way to add a command or service into the mix of things.02:34
dustin_aeon-ltd, on there site they simpy call it "the desktop system monitor"02:35
aeon-ltddustin_: this one? http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/9441/desk1001.jpg02:35
dustin_aeon-ltd, yes that one02:35
aeon-ltddustin_: conky02:35
anthonyi think im going to re-install alltogether and start over, i have a 1 tb drive, how should i format it before installing02:35
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qwazusr13: oh so it;s not used for adding commands or other things to startup?02:35
anthonythis is going to be my main and only OS02:36
REK_007how to know which services are enabled on start up ? and how to disable them02:36
=== Machiavelli is now known as Mach
dustin_aeon-ltd, ty, I will look for adjustments for it now I know the real name02:36
usr13qwaz: yes02:36
aeon-ltddustin_: it has a config file, .conkyrc02:36
Machhi, I'm new here.02:36
bazhang!partition > anthony02:36
ubottuanthony, please see my private message02:36
aeon-ltddustin_: it will be hidden, i haven't used it in a while but if it doesn't have a dedicated desktop param, then you can offset x and y positions02:37
qwazusr13: Yes you can use it to add commands to startup? Or yes it does not add commands to startup?lol :P02:38
usr13qwaz: both02:38
qwazusr13: ok cool. Just to clarify say I add a line to the rc.local file that says touch /home/user/Desktop lol.txt , would that create a file named lol.txt everytime I log onto the system?02:39
anthonyCan anybody help me out, switching to ubuntu from windows, i only want ubuntu, and i was wanting to reformat my hd accordingly, but i'm not sure what the best setup is02:40
usr13but  touch /home/user/Desktop/lol.txt   would02:40
anthonyI don't know which should be bigger the ubuntu partiton or the / partition02:40
qwazusr13: ok i still have no idea what rc.local does then ><02:40
DasEianthony: if you use a seperate home, mostly home will be bigger than root, assuming disk > 30G02:41
coucherdoes anybody know if you can have sea02:41
anthonydefine using separate home02:41
couchersorry, separated layouts per each keyboard you are using?02:41
anthonydasei, i just want it to where i can update all i want, but keep system files by themselves02:41
anthonywithin reason...02:41
coucherie. when laptop use this, when external use that...02:41
usr13qwaz: What is it you do not understand?02:42
bazhang!home > anthony02:42
ubottuanthony, please see my private message02:42
DasEianthony: It's organized like that in default, and your old win partition can just be made to another automounted partition for storing stuff02:42
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving02:42
anthonydasei, so just keep everything default02:43
qwazusr13: I'm trying to figure out a way to add a command like my example previously or a command like /etc/init.d/ssh start to run on startup. I thought rc.local was used for that but I don't understand what that file does.02:43
anthonydasei i have a lot of partitons, and i'm wanting to just cut it down to 2 if possible, 1 for root 1 for home02:43
DasEianthony: yes, which size has the disk /the old win partition ?02:43
anthonyit was 439gb02:43
anthonyjust formatted it02:43
\u03b5hello, what group do I need to be in in order to view all processes with ps or top?02:43
anthonyto ext 402:43
wonginator1221Hi guys.  I found that the CPUusage of XOrg is about 40% upon return to my 11.04 box after going into screen saver/monitor off mode.  Both ubuntu and gnome are laggy and sluggish to respond.  Any ideas?02:44
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
DasEianthony: and have you already a seperate home or just used default install (so /home is under root)02:44
anthonydasei to be honest, im not 100 percent how files work on ubuntu, otherwise id know how to format, im just wanting to make this my Sole OS, but i don't know how the best way to set it up would be,02:45
zykotick9\u03b5, do you need to be in a special group?  "ps aux"02:45
\u03b5ps aux only lists my own processes02:45
anthonytrying to get rid of all the bits and pieces on the hd, have just this one on the whole disk, but im not sure how to set that up02:45
DasEianthony: run gparted, do a screenshot and put it to imagebin02:45
anthonywhat button for ss02:46
zykotick9\u03b5, are you sure?  certainly shows other users stuff here?02:46
anthonyprint screen?02:46
\u03b5yes, there's no root or daemon, just epsy(me)02:46
zykotick9\u03b5, is this a standard install, or a VPS?02:47
zykotick9\u03b5, good luck.02:47
qwazHow do I make commands/programs run on startup from the CLI02:47
\u03b5I'll try stracing ps on here to see what files it tries to access02:48
anthonyI've just installed gparted from the synaptic package manager where would i find it, thought it would appear on desktop02:48
xjuniorhey, what's the channel for ubuntu oneric (alpha)02:49
zykotick9xjunior, #ubuntu+102:49
xjuniorthanks zykes-02:49
anthonyI've just installed gparted from the synaptic package manager where would i find it, thought it would appear on desktop02:49
qwaz:anthony you can type sudo gparted into the command line and it will open the program02:50
anthonynm i found it02:50
bazhanganthony, you are trying to edit a running system?02:50
anthonyould not display "/media/81228f90-a41b-4d15-91...stall/desktop/gparted.desktop".02:50
bazhang!gksudo > qwaz02:50
ubottuqwaz, please see my private message02:50
anthonyjust trying to take a screenshot of how my volumes look02:50
anthonyon my disk02:50
anthonywhere do i go to post screeny02:51
zykotick9!paste > anthony02:51
qwazubottu: sry im new with irssi how do I open PMs in irssi?02:51
ubottuanthony, please see my private message02:51
ubottuqwaz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:51
edwinkcwI am using ubuntu 10.04LTS and I want to upgrade the vim to 7.3, is there any ppa I can use?02:52
FloodBot1pizda: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
bazhang!pl | pizda02:52
ubottupizda: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.02:52
bazhangedwinkcw, check the ppa search page on launchpad02:52
qwazHow do I make commands/programs run on startup from the CLI02:52
bazhang!ppa > edwinkcw02:52
ubottuedwinkcw, please see my private message02:52
edwinkcwbazhang: yes, I checked that, but there are only 7.2.13002:54
zykotick9qwaz, check out rc.local usage02:55
anthonyDid u guys see the link?02:55
anthonythat is how my disk is formatted02:55
qwazzykotick9: Ah ok so rc.local does run program on startup!?02:55
=== Guest6726 is now known as bluemoon
zykotick9qwaz, yes, on bootup actually - prior to login02:56
qwazzykotick9:  hmm thats even better. So no matter who logs in the program I say to run for example /etc/init.d/ssh start will run for any user02:57
kiptDoes anyone have any experience w/ the Equinox GTK engine?02:57
zykotick9qwaz, ssh server should automatically be running on boot after installation?02:58
qwazzykotick9: yeah it does i'm just using it as an example.02:59
blsh0pwhat are some cool things for begginers to do on UBUNTU?02:59
REK_007anyone can help me install deluge 1.3.1 from the source02:59
KinglyCitruskipt: check your PM02:59
zykotick9qwaz, gotcha ;)02:59
soreaublsh0p: Depends on what's cool to you02:59
qwazzykotick9:  but eh what I said was right though right? It will run for no matter what user logs on if I put it in rc.local?02:59
blsh0pfor instance, is there a way i can add a new toolbar to the desktop?03:00
zykotick9qwaz, well, what is it that you are running?  a service should yes.03:00
blsh0por have something to view applications better than the applications option03:00
wildbat!ops | pizda03:00
ubottupizda: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!03:00
blsh0ppizda, make up your mind, lol03:01
wildbatban petrus.pl may be :>03:01
blsh0phe banned03:01
qwazzykotick9:  anything, say I want to put in a command like touch /etc/user/desktop/ lol.txt   or maybe I want to start netcat to listen on a port03:01
soreaublsh0p: There are many animated window switchers and ways to view windows with compiz03:01
Dannypizda means cunt in romanian03:02
soreaublsh0p: There is also cairo-dock, if you wanted a mac-style dock03:02
blsh0pdany no way! how do u pronounce03:02
zykotick9qwaz, ummm, i'm not sure "just anything" will work.  Good luck man, but research/test/try rc.local.03:02
soreau! who | blsh0p03:02
ubottublsh0p: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:02
Dannythe same way is written03:03
blsh0pis there a website were i can learn a bunch of tips on using ubuntu? like tons of features and things i should know about? i couldnt find anything of use on the ubuntu website03:03
jribblsh0p: help.ubuntu.com ?03:03
qwazzykotick9:  one more question. Im seeing an rc.local in my etc directory and i'm seeing one in my init.d directory? Whats up with that?03:03
soreaujrib: I think it's the same guy03:03
blsh0pjrib, no something where it gives me tips and shows me features03:04
blsh0pthe help page is kind of more for troubleshooting03:04
Dannygood job jirib03:04
Dannywhy jirib?03:04
zykotick9qwaz, sorry, i'm not sure.  I'd try the /etc one myself.03:05
qwazzykotick9: hmm im pretty confused because of it now lol. thanks for all the help man!03:05
lowbudgetlaptopsany  lpic1  administrators03:06
jribblsh0p: help.ubuntu.com educates about many aspects of ubuntu03:06
dFshadowhow long should it take to install preware on my touchpad?03:07
dFshadowi already waited 15 minutes once and had to end task and try again03:07
dFshadowbeen waiting another 15 minutes03:07
Tech-1maybe you burned it 2 fast03:08
zykotick9dFshadow, how is Preware an ubuntu issue?03:09
dFshadowit's the first step to installing ubuntu on my touchpad03:09
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zykotick9dFshadow, interesting.  Best of luck.03:10
wildbatLOL ! some one don't wanna give up XD03:11
wildbatfinally :)03:11
flammiferHi, I'm somewhat new to Linux and just installed Xchat to get some help here, so please be patient if I don't know my way around how this community works! I have a laptop with a broken CD drive on which I have been trying to install Ubuntu for my friend who doesn't have any computer, but for some reason it won't boot from the bootable USB stick that I made even though I set the boot options that way in BIOS. I have been se03:12
flammiferarching all of the forums and tutorials looking for some way to install Ubuntu without a CD or USB stick, but most of the non-CD methods inevitably come to a step further down where it says "now, insert your install CD...!" So does anyone know how to install Ubuntu in this situation? I currently have Windows XP on the system, but it is such an old install and bogged down with residual background tasks and files all over th03:12
flammifere place from previously "uninstalled" programs that I just want to give a clean start before passing on the computer. Can anyone help?03:12
bazhang!install | flammifer please have a read03:13
ubottuflammifer please have a read: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:13
urlin2udFshadow, here a couple of other links,  http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Application:Preware      http://preware.org/#/index/03:14
dFshadowthanks! that gives me their irc03:14
dFshadowvery helpful03:14
soreau! usb | flammifer03:14
ubottuflammifer: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:14
soreauflammifer: There are several ways to create a bootable usb stick. It's probably your best bet to try and get it working03:15
* soreau eyes fgfgfg suspiciously03:16
Machubuntu sucks balls.03:17
Machand you all know it03:17
jrib!ot | Mach03:17
ubottuMach: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:17
Machbut hey, nothing to be ashamed of03:17
Machlol, just kidding.03:17
anth0nyI somehow broke my main Ubuntu account.  I was messing around with the Workspace Switcher, seeing how many workspaces I could add.  Long story short, after adding 20 workspaces I think I broke Compiz. The Workspace Switcher reverted back to 1x4 and looks different (also, different preferences).  Also, the AWN colors are different, and when editing the theme I see the message that I must "enable desktop effects (compositor)" before making cha03:18
anth0nynges.  Worst thing: my network connection is all messed up, can't connect to wifi (switched to guest account now).  Any ideas of how to fix this?  A reset does nothing.03:18
[THC]AcidRainare there any linux website builders? like dreamweaver?03:19
bazhang!html > [THC]AcidRain03:20
ubottu[THC]AcidRain, please see my private message03:20
goerCan someone PLS help me with setting up projector? I hv tried everything. It used to work on my old computer ok.03:20
soreaugoer: What have you tried so far that isn't working?03:21
centHOGGlike dw... negative03:21
goerMy monitor is 1920x1080 and Epson prjector is 800x600. I only get half the screen with the epson03:22
FloodBot1fgfgfg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:23
soreaugoer: Do you have compiz enabled?03:23
[THC]AcidRainbazhang, thx for the info03:24
zuruzuruSo I seem to be having a problem with apt-get update.03:25
zuruzuruI keep getting this message: W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/jp.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_universe_binary-amd64_Packages Hash Sum mismatch03:25
zuruzuruI've tried apt-get clean, but that's not doing the trick03:25
zuruzuruAny suggestions?03:25
goersoreau: metacity makes no difference03:25
bsmith093how do i make a launcher for a terminal shell script03:26
soreaugoer: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep -i max_texture_size'?03:26
goersoreau: I typed in glxinfo|grep -i max_texture_size but nothing happened03:27
soreaugoer: You have to install mesa-utils to get glxinfo..03:27
soreau!info mesa-utils03:28
ubottumesa-utils (source: mesa-demos): Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.0.1+git20110129+d8f7d6b-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 26 kB, installed size 132 kB03:28
soreaugoer: What graphics card/driver are you using?03:28
[THC]AcidRaineh... kompozer looks hard. id rather use notepad03:30
Piobairesome one explain to me why ubuntu is better than fedora?03:30
Piobairenot being sarcastic<< :)03:30
bazhangPiobaire, not on topic here03:30
bazhangPiobaire, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat03:30
Piobaireokie ;) sry03:31
goersoreau: Geforce 315/PCI/SSE203:31
soreaugoer: What is the output of 'grep -i driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep -i nvidia' ?03:32
soreaugoer: or actually, 'grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf'03:32
goergrep -i driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep -i nvidia03:34
goersoreau: http://pastebin.com/KecvQL3g03:34
flammiferSoreau, my USB stick is already bootable. I know this because I installed Ubuntu on a different computer using the same USB stick earlier that same day. So the problem with the USB booting seems to be that my old laptop just isn't booting from it for some reason.03:34
zuruzuruSolved my problem, looks likes there's an error on the JP natty universe sources.03:36
anth0nyCan anyone assist me?  I think I royally fucked up my Compiz settings, looking for some help as how to corect it03:39
=== boss is now known as Guest70130
bazhanganth0ny, no cursing here please03:39
anth0nybazhang, ym apologies03:39
Guest70130ok i am a gous03:39
goerYeah Anthony!!! Aplogise!03:39
=== root is now known as Cobarde
anth0nyanyways, anyone know how to reset Compiz settings?03:40
JokesOnYou77flammifer: Your laptop won't boot your Ubuntu USB, but the BIOS has the opton to boot from USB?03:40
Guest70130i need help03:40
Guest70130in pidgin i cant (video call)03:41
Machuse skype03:42
gmachine_24Running 11.04 and Win7 on dual boot Compaq laptop. Everything is fine except I cannot get the wifi working on Ubuntu. The wired connection works fine. The wifi works fine on Win7. I get "06:00.0 Network controller: roadcom Corporation bcm4311 801.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)" without the quotes03:42
MachGuest70130, use skype03:42
ForSparePartsDoes anyone know of an app that lets you resize the desktop WITHOUT changing the display resolution?03:42
Guest70130skype is diened in my contry03:43
Machwhat country is that?03:43
ForSparePartsI know I could use xorg.conf, but I'm still kinda confused about how to use it.03:43
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/9217/audo-video-with-pidgin Guest7013003:43
Guest70130no no skype he is diened03:43
JokesOnYou77Guest70130: Google video chat also blocked?03:44
Guest70130from him03:44
bazhangGuest70130, then check my link03:44
MachGuest70130, try downloading UVC driver03:44
=== guestguest is now known as silvery
rhin0where do I put an NFS mount command -- I have a mount command with complicated options don't want ot suse autofs or anything just wnat to issue the mount command and it to be in effect03:45
gmachine_24what is the link to pastebin please?03:45
Guest70130i remamper some thing in ubuntu help center i found some thing about VLC but i dont aderstute03:45
propman_gmachine_24:  might want to check out the following  http://computerandu.wordpress.com/2011/05/04/how-to-solve-no-wireless-networks-in-ubuntu-11-04/03:45
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo  rhin003:45
bazhanggmachine_24, paste.ubuntu.com03:46
gmachine_24propman, OK, I'll do that now.03:46
gmachine_24bazhang, thanks.03:46
goersoreau: still with us?03:46
rhin0ok bazhang03:46
bazhangGuest70130, did you check the link I sent you?03:46
da13374there's this fantastic program "proxifier" for windows that hooks into the os at a very low level, allowing me to send ALL my network traffic through a socks5 proxy of my choice, without screwing with per-application proxy settings - anyone know of a linux equivalent?03:47
Guest70130i am there03:47
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> yes, so the BIOS option isn't doing what it says03:47
JokesOnYou77flammifer: Can you tell me exactly what BIOS option you changed?03:48
betanickis it normal to just a a blinking cursor?03:49
bazhanghttp://ask.metafilter.com/121833/Global-Proxy-in-Ubuntu-with-SOCKS-and-ssh da1337403:49
tomlikestorockI just upgraded to 10.10, and I can't get access to any drives (like my nook) that I plug into my usb ports. "Permissions Denied". They mount, I can see the files, but I can't write. Is this common?03:51
JokesOnYou77betanick: Sounds like one of the following: boot failure of some kind; you put a terminal in full screen and didn't realize it; or you switched to a virtual terminal that has no prompt for some reason03:51
goersoreau: are you still with us pls?03:51
CEKHow do you configure keyboard layout using gconf-tools-2 or by scripting?03:52
tomlikestorockoh, I mean 11.0403:52
tomlikestorockfrom 10.1003:52
ForSparePartshey, does anybody know of an app that'll let you adjust screen size without directly manipulating xorg.conf?03:53
ForSparePartsScaled size, that is, not resolution.03:53
ForSparePartsI ask because I have an old TV, and my image is falling off the sides.03:53
ForSparePartsAnd I don't have a remote for the damned thing.03:53
betanickJokesOnYou77: i'm able too ssh03:54
JokesOnYou77betanick: Into the system from another computer?03:55
betanickJokesOnYou77: ya03:55
JokesOnYou77betanick: But on the computer in question you boot straight to a screen with just a blinking cursor?  Is there a login, gdm?03:57
betanickJokesOnYou77: just a blinking cursor no login03:57
JokesOnYou77betanick: GRUB?03:58
betanickJokesOnYou77: yes03:58
Bry8StarCan someone please recommend me few more articles related to updatin BIND/named.conf & related files by using Shell Script ? like this : http://bash.cyberciti.biz/domain/create-bind9-domain-zone-configuration-file/ ... i want to update records inside the "named.conf" when my dynamic IP changes , and place that dynamic IP inside the named.conf or related zone/host files ... i want to use the 'checkip' feature to get my IP and place inside zon03:58
Bry8Stare/host records03:58
betanickJokesOnYou77: i ran the alternate installer in expert mode03:59
JokesOnYou77betanick: Can you switch to a virtual terminal from the blinkie?03:59
betanickJokesOnYou77: how?03:59
=== puffin is now known as The_Troll
JokesOnYou77betanick: Press: Ctrl+Alt+F2 (with out the "+")04:00
=== The_Troll is now known as puffin
betanickJokesOnYou77: that works04:01
JokesOnYou77betanick: have you done a successful install using the alternate installer before? And this was supposed to install a command line system, right?04:01
JokesOnYou77betanick: got you a prompt?04:01
betanickJokesOnYou77: ya i got one after Ctrl+Alt+F204:02
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> I just changed the boot order. I made HDD first (and also experimented making "FDD" first, since I don't know what that is). It also has a sub-option to set the HDD order, and I set PC-car first (which I'm assuming means a USB stick), and internal HDD second. I also put them the other way around, and everytime it just starts right up in XP without getting to the USB stick installer. The other boot options ar04:02
flammifere CD-ROM (which my CD-ROM drive is broken) or network04:02
betanickJokesOnYou77: i was attempting to do a command line install system and this is my first attempt04:03
edbianflammifer: fdd = floppy disk drivve04:03
flammiferOh, that makes sense04:03
flammiferI don't have a floppy drive anyway04:03
flammiferIt's a laptop04:03
betanickJokesOnYou77: i think i'm just going to install ubuntu server :)04:05
JokesOnYou77flammifer: Ok, on the BIOS screen there are usually 2 buttons you can hit, one for entering the BIOS setup, and the other is for a boot menu.  Reboot and instead of going into BIOS go into the boot menu and see if your USB is there04:05
chaospsychexhow do i automatically load a command when starting xchat, such as '/msg nickserv identify ***' ?04:05
ouyeswhat dpi is suitable for a particular screen?04:06
JokesOnYou77betanick: Go for it.  I've done a couple command line installs just to learn how, it can get really tricky tho.  My advise (having messed up quite a few times now) is to do it in a VM first04:06
betanickJokesOnYou77: thanks04:07
__serialNice little ubuntu update script i wrote: wget http://updateubuntu.webs.com/Ubuntu.py && chmod a+x Ubuntu.py && ./Ubuntu.py04:07
NonConformistAnybody have any other update options without cd or usb?04:07
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> Actually, it never gets to the BIOS splash screen when I start up. The screen goes from black right into the Windows startup icon. The only way I can get in is by hitting all different keys at once so it has an error, and the error message says "press F1 to enter setup." This is an old DOS-style screen with several options, and on the right side of the page is the boot order section. I'm not sure how to get04:08
flammiferinto a special menu just for the boot order though.04:08
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> This is a Toshiba Satellite laptop that I bought in 2004, so it's a little old.04:09
JokesOnYou77flammifer: Try googleing your model: Toshiba {model} boot menu04:10
MachNonConformist, update?04:11
NonConformistoops sorry i meant install options lol04:11
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
MachNonConformist, you cannot install from CD or USB? what version do you have?04:14
NonConformistMach, it's not that I can't I don't have the means so I'm looking for other ways to install. I've tried 11.04 and 10.0404:14
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konamhi guys04:15
Machbut what version of ubuntu are u runing now?04:15
MachNonConformist, Alt+F2, type in "update-manager -d"04:16
konami have this bug on ubuntu 10.04 where the title bar doesn't update the title in a timely manner. i have to click it in order for it to refresh the title of the respective window. i found it initially on firefox because normally i'm always changing tabs, closing them, etc. but it also appeared on gedit...04:16
konamsome people seem to have a similar ocurrence on 11.04 on the unity window decorator or something04:17
Guest70130GOOD BAYE04:18
NonConformistMach, I'm not running ubuntu at all right now.04:18
MachNonConformist, sorry to say that I don't have any clue then.04:19
JokesOnYou77flammifer: Reboot and the second it turns off just keep hitting F12, that usually works...04:20
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CEKhow to configure keyboard layout by shell script?04:31
theadminCEK: "setxkbmap us" for USA English, other layouts available too04:32
CEKtheadmin: thanks04:33
=== bluemoon is now known as Guest88186
theadminCEK: That works only for X though, for TTYs look into the "loadkeys" command04:34
CEKtheadmin: im using natty livecd.. and every time have to set it up. kind anooying.04:35
theadminCEK: Huh. LiveCDs do not save changes, so what do you expect?04:35
CEKtheadmin: i know it. Im looking for making a shell script to run on startup for preset my preferences04:36
theadminCEK: I see.04:37
theadminCEK: Or, you could just copy all the hidden folders in your home directory after configuring everything somewhere ;)04:37
theadminCEK: And files04:37
CEKtheadmin: my hope is to configure all by this script.. key layout. sound card.. volume..04:37
CEKtheadmin: hows that? are there any tutorial? I dont know much on linux04:38
theadminCEK: Hm... I don't think there is any tutorial on "how to do everything with a shellscript" xD04:39
CEKtheadmin: I meant that. I was talking about copying hidden folder04:39
DasEiCEK: why not use a persistant usb install ?04:39
theadminCEK: Oh, that? That's quite simple, uh... Just find them and copy them04:39
theadminCEK: In Nautilus (ubuntu's default file browser), it can be done by hitting Ctrl+H to show hidden files. If you're using Kubuntu, it's Alt+., if you're using Xubuntu it's Ctrl+H as well04:40
DasEiCEK: also you can do custom-cd's04:40
betanickDasEi: using Universal-USB-Installer-
zykotick9theadmin, me too!  for that "how to do everything with a shellscript" ;)04:41
DasEibetanick: rather unetbootin or pendrivelinux for storage04:41
CEKDasEi: i wanna experience living with just livecd, without persistence04:41
DasEi!remaster | CEK04:41
ubottuCEK: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility04:41
CEKtheadmin: ill try that! tks04:41
CEKubottu: already read those. thks04:43
ubottuCEK: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:43
DasEiCEK: ubott.. is the chan's ro-bot04:43
CEKtoo late hahaha04:44
DasEi!brain :)04:44
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:44
codeperlhello everyone. how r u?04:45
theadminHello, bundai04:45
theadmincodeperl: That's offtopic here.04:45
bundaihow mount network driver which contain password04:45
theadmin!ot | codeperl04:45
ubottucodeperl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:45
* betanick is starting to like ubuntu :)04:45
centHOGGubuntu police04:45
bundaifstab parameters04:46
DasEibundai: kinda encryption ?04:46
theadminbundai: Depends on the type of the drive.04:46
bundaismb://hyper;user@ nobody0  0 is this correct theadmin04:46
theadminbundai: I don't think so.04:47
bundaitheadmin actally the share drive is in win2003 server while connecting to that driver from ubuntu its asking passowrd even i gave correct04:47
bundaitheadmin may be this one // nobody0  004:48
theadminbundai: //server/share /mountpoint smbfs username=yourname,password=yourpassword 0 004:48
somsipbundai: dunno if overall approach is right, but should be : not ; between user and pass for basic auth04:48
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> I read a bunch of things about my computers BIOS, and one person who was having the same problem commented that they read in several places that this model has a "legacy BIOS" that does not support booting from a flash drive, in which case I am back to my original question which is: how can I install Ubuntu without a flash drive or CD drive?04:50
codeperli 've some problem with easy install. when i type "sudo easy_install cctrl" it says "easy_install command not found". so i think easy_install does not installed till now and type "sudo apt-get install python-setuptools". In this command, after running some process it turns to a failure. message is: "The following packages have unmet dependencies: python-setuptools : Depends: python-pkg-resources (= 0.6.14-5ubuntu1) but 0.6.15-1ubuntu1 is to be installed04:50
codeperl. E: Broken packages". What i should do now. I am a beginner on ubuntu 11.04. so, please help me.04:50
bundaitheadmin no its not its working but its ask password even i gave correct04:51
JokesOnYou77flammifer: And there's no CD drive?04:51
bundaitheadmin let me ask you user mean that windows user or ubuntu user?04:51
theadminbundai: Um, it's the username of the samba share... Guess the windows user04:52
andrewh192hey, so, lets say that i have put ubuntu on next to windows04:52
andrewh192and the space that i allotted to ubuntu was very small, and wanted to change the size of the allotted space on the hard drive04:52
andrewh192can i do that04:52
andrewh192and how is that done04:52
theadminandrewh192: LiveCD with gparted04:53
codeperlcan anyone help me, please for the last question of mine?04:53
andrewh192as a part of the Ubuntu Customization Kit04:54
andrewh192Live Magic04:54
bundaitheadmin no its not working while from windows we are giving u/p user:user it fine04:54
io_errorHello. I inherited an Ubuntu 9.04 server, which I want to upgrade to 10.04 LTS. When I run sudo do-release-upgradeAn upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool."04:54
theadminio_error: You can't do that04:55
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.04:55
theadminOh wait04:55
io_errortheadmin: I gathered as much from the error message.04:55
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.04:55
io_errortheadmin: That is NOT helpful.04:55
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:55
theadminio_error: Jaunty is EOL... And, you can only upgrade to the next release, meaning Karmic, i.e. 9.1004:55
theadminio_error: From THERE, you can upgrade to 10.0404:56
io_errortheadmin: And how do I upgrade to 9.10, so I can then upgrade to 10.04?04:56
zykotick9io_error, fresh installing 10.04LTS is probably easier04:56
io_errorzykotick9: I'm in New Hampshire. The server is in Atlanta. Not happening.04:56
theadminzykotick9: It's a server, often meaning there's no physical access04:56
theadminio_error: Try editing /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades setting "Prompt=normal"04:57
io_errortheadmin: It was already on Prompt=normal. And it decided it wanted to go directly from jaunty to lucid, with that error message I started with.04:58
theadminio_error: Weird... :/ Well this tool has no freaking manpage so I can't really know the syntax for specifying what to upgrade to04:58
theadminOh wait04:59
bundaitheadmin no its not working while from windows we are giving u/p user:user it fine04:59
theadminThere is no such syntax :/ I don't think I can help04:59
theadminbundai: I can't help any further.04:59
bundaitheadmin ok !!noproblem05:00
io_errortheadmin: LOL, when I have to resort to IRC for a question, run like hell :)05:00
theadminio_error: lol :D05:00
io_errorOh, it's a python script. Let's hack it.05:00
theadminio_error: Another reason why a rolling release distro for a server is a better idea tho05:01
bundaiis there anyone to help to mount network driver which contain password ?05:01
io_errortheadmin: I'm just NOT going there :P05:01
theadminOh, Python script... That can't be too hard :D05:01
theadminio_error: I know, just saying05:02
io_errortheadmin: Most of my other boxen are CentOS :P05:03
theadminio_error: Um... ew. Sorry but anything RPM-based freaks me out05:04
io_errortheadmin: heh, I must be used to it. I've been using red hat since it was in somebody's garage.05:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:05
bundai is there anyone to help to mount network driver which contain password ?05:06
BlackFlagGood evening! I have a notebook with Video Card from SIS 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter, and I would like to know how to reduce the bright of the screen05:06
urlin2uBlackFlag, try the fn key and the arrow keys05:07
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> The CD drive stopped working a few years ago05:08
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chaospsychexi want to configure my desktop beyond gnome05:09
chaospsychexwhat window manager does gnome use?05:09
BlackFlag<urlin2u> it doesn't work05:09
theadminchaospsychex: Nautilus and Compiz, depending on your setup05:09
zykotick9chaospsychex, metacity or compiz05:10
=== c_nick is now known as dragonball
theadmins/nautilus/metacity/g; #oops05:10
bundaiblackflag recently i had simlar problem but low brightness you need to load all drivers related the notebook05:10
=== dragonball is now known as c_nick
JokesOnYou77flammifer: Without some way to access the hard drive without the OS there isn't any way to initialize an installation environment.  The only other thing I can think of is wither Wubi, or taking out the hard drive and attaching it to another computer to do the installation. Did you try hitting F12 or U as it boots?05:11
grendal-primeok werid stuff. goings on.  I got a drive..was the primary drive..i put in a new drive in this machine and installed 64 bit.  Now i stuck first drive into second sata socket and want to mount second drive.05:11
urlin2uBlackFlag, look in power management preferences, there is a slider there05:11
urlin2uBlackFlag, mine doesn't work on my netbook when plugged into a monitor otherwise it does05:12
grendal-primeto get my stuff off of it.  machine will mount primary drive sdb1 and...i only seem my kernels.  I cant mount sdb5 says its alread mounted?05:12
urlin2ugrendal-prime, does it show in the left panel of home?05:14
DasEigrendal-prime: enter mount in trml to see where sdb5 is mounted05:14
BlackFlagurlin2u, the slider doesn't appear in the power management, i'm using Ubuntu 11.04. In my Debian appear this slider, but doesn't work05:15
DasEigrendal-prime: then use rsync to copy05:15
JZApplesI am trying to configure my Turtle Beach Ear Force HPA 2 microphone with Ubuntu 11.04 and having no luck.  Suggestions?05:15
grendal-primethats the thing mount does not show sdb5 being mounted05:16
grendal-primethis is werid05:16
DasEigrendal-prime: if you want non root access, might have to chown the mountdir05:16
DasEigrendal-prime: sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:16
urlin2uBlackFlag, you don't see this?  http://imagebin.org/16970105:16
sunitI am getting Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException when trying to run jasper iReport. please see url http://dpaste.com/602495/05:16
DasEigrendal-prime: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit05:16
bambanxwassup guys05:17
DasEi!support > bambanx05:17
ubottubambanx, please see my private message05:17
grendal-primehere is what i get...05:17
grendal-primemount: /dev/sdb5 already mounted or /mnt/drive2 busy05:17
DasEigrendal-prime: cd /mnt/sdb5 && ls05:18
DasEifiles there ?05:18
devishi see M$ has made a driver two connect to 2 networks at once05:18
devishhow can this be done in ubuntu05:18
bambanxubottu send again pls05:18
ubottubambanx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:18
BlackFlagurlin2u, no, i don't, but in Debian I see, but doesn't work05:18
grendal-primeDasEi, no it shows nothing05:18
DasEidevish: configure two nics in /etc/network/interfaces05:18
JZApplesI am trying to configure my Turtle Beach Ear Force HPA 2 microphone with Ubuntu 11.04 and having no luck.  Suggestions?05:19
DasEi!support > bambanx05:19
ubottubambanx, please see my private message05:19
bambanxanyone here is using photoshop in wine?05:19
devishchanging conf here will allow my computer to connect to 2 wi-fi at once?05:19
grendal-primeembrace it05:19
urlin2uBlackFlag, you keep mentioning Debian why?  The picture I posted is from 11.04, the unity desktop, but the classic is the same.05:20
grendal-primeya DasEi i dont understand...i mean im sure it created this drive with lvm sooo im wondering if that is the issue05:20
devishDasEi: changing conf here will allow my computer to connect to 2 wi-fi at once?05:20
DasEidevish: same time on one nic ? I doubt so05:20
urlin2uBlackFlag, what desktop are you using?05:20
theadmindevish: I don't think that's possible, same network interface can only have one ip at a time05:20
devishDasEi: thats what i am loking for05:21
DasEidevish: link of the ms thingy ?05:21
grendal-primetheadmin, ? could alias it..but the wifi part seems unlikely05:21
devishbut when i google i find people doing it05:21
codeperli am trying to install setuptools by command "sudo apt-get install python-setuptools". but it shows a message like, "The following packages have unmet dependencies:05:21
codeperl python-setuptools : Depends: python-pkg-resources (= 0.6.14-5ubuntu1) but 0.6.15-1ubuntu1 is to be installed05:21
codeperlE: Broken packages05:21
codeperlhow to solve can anyone please help05:21
zykotick9theadmin, you've never used jails in FreeBSD - many IPs for one nic ;) </OT>05:21
theadminzykotick9: s/jails in//;05:22
devishDasEi: see herehttp://research.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/994abd5f-53d1-4dba-a9d8-8ba1dcccead7/05:22
devishDasEi: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/994abd5f-53d1-4dba-a9d8-8ba1dcccead7/05:22
grendal-primezykotick9, ya or simply aliasing the nic out...or..well crap there are other ways of doing that as well...but the wifi part one radio connecting to two base sattions at one time...it just seems unlikely05:23
DasEidevish: yes, but it's switching, too05:23
bundaiis there rsync savvy?05:23
grendal-primeIm no wifi expert..i just play one on tv.05:23
BlackFlagI mentionate Debian, because I Installed to test it, and when I pull the power cable in it, reduces the bright, but i want to reduce more than it does, and I want to do it in any Distro05:23
DasEibundai: man rsync ?05:23
codeperlsorry to say. but the ubuntu forum is not so helpful i think. i am asking this question perhaps from lat 45 mins. but no help05:23
zykotick9grendal-prime, oh i don't think it's likely with wireless.  Just addressing the statement 1 IP per Nic05:23
bundaidasei i need help reg rsync05:24
BlackFlagurlin2u,I mentionate Debian, because I Installed to test it, and when I pull the power cable in it, reduces the bright, but i want to reduce more than it does, and I want to do it in any Distro05:24
theadmincodeperl: Well, quite often nobody knows the answer05:24
grendal-primeya  jesus i had a production server with 20 aliased ips on it.05:24
DasEibundai: reg rsync I don't understand05:24
grendal-primeand ..yes..i was praying.05:24
urlin2uBlackFlag, what OS are we dealing with right now and what desktop?05:24
codeperlnothing to say.05:24
devishDasEi: so mean to say that this thing is H/W dependent and nothing can be done from software end05:24
rypervenchecodeperl: Do you have any PPAs installed?05:24
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=== Wolf is now known as Luig1
codeperli am a very beginner05:25
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> Yes, I tried all different keys to get into BIOS settings. I tried F1-F12, del, esc, bksp, tab, etc. Usually pressing a bunch of keys will eventually pause the startup before starting to load up windows, and then I can press "enter," which brings up a black screen that just says "Press F1 to enter setup," which takes me into the BIOS settings, but the problem is that the BIOS settings aren't working. Changin05:25
flammiferg the boot order doesn't do anything; it still just loads up Windows off of the hard drive. I tried using Wubi a bunch of times, but it always gets right to the end of the installation, and then gives an error message saying something like "error: could not copy files"05:25
codeperlso, i don't know about ppa05:25
grendal-primeand i think your english may need some work as well codeperl05:25
devishzykotick9: can it be done05:25
DasEidevish: I just read the description and it says it switches or jumps between networks, that can be done by simple script with a loop in ubuntu, too05:25
BlackFlagurlin2u, now I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and my PC are a notebook... can I send in private the lshw output to you?05:26
zykotick9devish, for wireless I don't know05:26
grendal-primeNot that i dislike that...but...expect some lag on responce wile we figure out exactly what yor asking05:26
codeperlok. grendal-prime. but i don't wanna  hurt anyone.05:26
rypervenchegrendal-prime: That wasn't really necessary, the English comment.05:26
codeperlis it rough, actually?05:26
zykotick9devish, for wireless it's more then just an IP issue though05:26
devishDasEi: but it will be too hectic i suppose05:26
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> Oh, and I also tried taking out the hard drive and attaching it to this computer (the one I am typing from), but then I don't know what to do from there.05:26
rypervenchecodeperl: I sent you a PM.05:26
urlin2uBlackFlag, can you answer my question of the desktop?05:27
grendal-primerypervenche, i was just letting him know that sometimes it takes some time to figure out exactly what he needs05:27
devishzykotick9: so you see a possibility there05:27
bundai i need help reg rsync05:27
bundaiany help?05:27
JokesOnYou77flammifer: did you get it attached? Did the connector work?05:27
devishzykotick9: perhaps you can tell mme the way to try out05:27
zykotick9devish, i highly doubt it (on GNU/Linux)05:27
grendal-primebundai, what do you want to do?05:27
DasEidevish: not really, just have a while loop and in it ifup btw. down with desired settings05:27
DasEibundai: reg rsync I don't understand05:28
grendal-primebundai, i sync terrabytes a day with rsync.05:28
DasEireg ?05:28
grendal-primeon the fly..type rsync?05:28
Luig1Hey folks, I was just watching the USA Network show Suits, and they're definitely using Linux. This being the most popular distribution and their workspace switcher/trash applet being in the same places as the default in the Gnome 2 versions of Ubuntu, it looks to me like that show uses Ubuntu with a blue Gnome 2 theme for their computer shots.05:28
urlin2u!pm | BlackFlag05:29
ubottuBlackFlag: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:29
devishDasEi: will give it a try thanks any way:)05:29
DasEiLuig1: ot here, could be gnome305:29
theadminLuig1: Could well be.05:29
bundaiDasEi synchronization between two folder whic doesn't have delete rights05:29
BlackFlagOk, I will answer, wait a moment please05:29
Luig1Just thought you might like the encouragement, sorry if this is the wrong place for it.05:29
io_errorI found a solution to my own question, which was how to update an old version of ubuntu when do-release-upgrade doesn't work. The solution is to find the UpgradeTool at http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release, download and unpack it and run it manually.05:30
grendal-primeLuig1, and...we missed it!!!???05:30
urlin2uBlackFlag, do not pm me and go to the correct channel you are evading a simple question.05:30
grendal-primedamn it05:30
DasEibundai: ah reg=syntax, ic , well : sudo rsync -Pr /path/first/folder  /path/second/folder05:30
bundaigrendal-prime i need to sync two folder in network05:30
DasEibundai: always safer to delete afterwards05:31
grendal-primeDasEi, i think he means regular.05:31
grendal-primebundai, right..on a timer or triggerd by file write?05:31
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> yes05:31
bundaiDasEi I need to make live sync05:31
grendal-primeya this is a confusing part of rsync.05:31
DasEibundai: see above, and man rsync for more05:31
grendal-primetypicaly its triggerd by like...cron...but you can do it by file right with incron05:32
DasEibundai: is this a returning task ?05:32
grendal-primewich will monitor a dir for file change...new file...05:32
BlackFlagurlin2u, Here are my desktop description http://paste.ubuntu.com/675037/05:32
JokesOnYou77flammifer: if you get it attached, just booth that computer into a live CD and boot into the live desktop and click the install Ubuntu icon on the desktop and select the laptop drive. Just make sure you pick the right drive, you might want to remove your other drive if you're worried05:32
DasEibundai: ifso consider a cronjob or something like05:33
DasEi!info unison05:33
bundaigrendal see it should work like this  what ever i put in A folder it should be apper in B and whatever i put in B it should be apper in A but both foder dont have delete option05:33
ubottuunison (source: unison): A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.32.52-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 574 kB, installed size 1376 kB05:33
grendal-primebundai, look at incron (wich uses inosync)   or cron05:33
grendal-primeincron will run a script ..(wich you put your rsync params into) wich is triggerd by..file creation, update...open close..you can specify what events will trigger it.05:34
grendal-primebundai, how many files in this dir typically?05:34
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> All of the tutorials I could find on installing Ubuntu onto an external hard drive require that you have a CD-ROM drive, and even if I could get it to install by taking out the hard drive and attaching it to this computer, once I put it back into the original computer that it goes in, I don't think it would start up right. I know I tried several years ago while installing Windows, and I think it configures a05:35
flammifer bunch of things specifically for the hardwar05:35
flammifere of the system it is installed on05:35
bundaigrendal approx 80 per day05:35
BlackFlagurlin2u, was this your question?05:36
grendal-primeflammifer, ubuntu is not windows.05:36
grendal-primeits linux, you can move bootable drives between machines very easyily05:36
grendal-primebundai...ya that is a synch, look into incron.05:36
urlin2uBlackFlag, no and I'm done here.05:36
grendal-primeit will sync on file creation.05:37
bundaigrendal does it do both ways05:37
DasEiflammifer: if you do a full install, it'll rather work with ubuntu than win , best way is use an usb installer and install directly to external enclosure05:37
grendal-primeyou would instal it on both sides05:37
flammifer<grendal-prime> that's right05:37
bundaigrendal no05:37
DasEiflammifer: choose expert install and take whole option, not just box-specific ones, then mostly graphics could matter05:37
grendal-primeincron uses inosync (kernel level file monitoring basically)  it watches the inode actions of the kernel05:38
bundaigredal then it doesn't work from me !05:38
flammifer<grendal-prime> So are you saying that an Ubuntu install is not hardware specific to the system it is installed on like Windows is?05:38
bundaigrendal I need only sysn two folder one on centos other is on ubuntu05:38
BlackFlagurlin2u, sorry, I don't understand what do you mean with Desktop05:38
urlin2uBlackFlag, is it ubutnu, kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu?05:39
ActionParsnipflammifer: you can even switch the drive between systems if you get a new one and it wi fly05:39
JokesOnYou77flammifer: I think I missed something.  The internal hard drive from the laptop should have an IDE or SATA (or something proprietary) connector which should connect to the relevant cord on your other computer's motherboard and register with the mobo's hard drive controller.  That would NOT be an external hard drive, it would be seen as a secondary internal drive.05:39
DasEibundai: it'll work as grendal-prime tells you, but maybe use a tool as unison, easier to set up (for cli-nogo)05:39
grendal-primeflammifer, i have taken a hd that was an unbuntu distro router config..out of a dead machine(powersupply failed) droped it into a machine that was brand new (5 years difference in mb) and it booted right up.05:39
BlackFlagurlin2u, Oh, I use Ubuntu, with Gnome05:40
grendal-primeI had to make adjustments for the number of ethernet cards and whatnot but system booted up just fine05:40
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> That idea sounds good, except that I don't have a CD-ROM drive on the other computer either. But the other computer can at least boot from the USB drive, so I could do it that way. I would be worried about wiping the hard drive, so maybe I'll do it on another computer that doesn't matter if it gets wiped clean, other than wasting time to reinstall Ubuntu onto that machine again.05:41
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ActionParsnipflammifer: does it have floppy drive?05:41
wsagentneed help wifi is not working rfkill list shows software blocked yes05:42
grendal-primeflammifer, in fact i frequently throw old hd's into a other machines and the bios is not set ot boot from cd..everytime the os just boots up.05:42
bundaiDasEi I try Unison Long back I need live one but in unision once sync finish its get stop05:42
urlin2uBlackFlag, I can't really help you, I showed you a app that should be just like mine that isn't so I know not what else to do.05:42
grendal-primeit happens all the time05:42
grendal-primeit will usually bitch about something not being right..but the os still boots05:42
ActionParsnipflammifer: there is a floppy image on pendriveLinux which makes a bootable floppy to then boot usb.05:42
grendal-primedude it takes 5 min for a basic instal..what do you have to loose?05:43
BlackFlagurlin2u, thank you for your attention!05:43
grendal-primehere i am talking about how easy it is..yet i got this werid similar problem05:43
grendal-primenot quite the same thing but close...i got a drive that was a primary drive im trying to mount and it is only showing me the primary partition05:44
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> Oh, or maybe I missed something. I thought you meant take it out and hook it to my other machine externally, without taking the existing hard drive out of that machine. These are all laptops and netbooks that I'm working with, so they're not always that easy or safe to open up and move hard drives around. I would be opening the laptop, removing the hard drive, opening an external hard drive out of it's case,05:44
flammifer then putting the hard drive from the laptop into that case in order to allow it to connect to my other computer by USB. That was how I did it before.05:44
JokesOnYou77flammifer: I would take out the hard drive on the working computer and then put in just the laptop drive so you don't have to worry.  The only thing is the laptop drive might not have a connector that fits if it's really old05:44
grendal-primeim wanting to get my vms off of the drive05:44
flammifer<grendal-prime> Cool!05:46
JokesOnYou77flammifer: Yeah, I wouldn't recommend that...and you're right, it wouldn't install the way you want without some extra work05:46
grendal-primekinda werid05:46
ActionParsnipflammifer: laptop drives, along with the RAM, are made easy to replace. You can get adapters so you can connect them to ordinary desktop controllers. Dead handy.05:46
flammifer<ActionParsnip> No floppy drive because it's a laptop, CD-ROM drive broke years ago, and USB won't boot because the BIOS is antique05:47
JokesOnYou77flammifer: ActionParsnip is right, the HDD shouldn't be too hard to take out.  Also, I had another idea, can you just replace the broken Cd drive?05:47
BlackFlagI tried this prompt "setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=60" but doesn't work too05:47
ActionParsnipflammifer: some netbooks use hard wired flash storage but some use conventional style drives05:48
ActionParsnipflammifer: some laptops (especially old ones) have floppy drives.05:48
ActionParsnipflammifer: got a usb optical drive you ca05:51
ActionParsnipCan use/borrow05:51
BlackFlagbundai, where can I find the drivers? I tried, but the way I did, didn't work.05:51
ActionParsnipflammifer: and can the bios boot that?05:51
JokesOnYou77ActionParsnip: That would be a USB device so I'm guessing, no05:52
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> I could try an external CD drive, but I assume that it might not work if it won't boot from an external hard drive. But maybe I will try that. I just thought there should be a simpler way to install that doesn't require all kinds of external media. The Wubi installer is really what I needed in this situation, but it always quits with an error.05:52
grendal-primeya this is werid.05:53
grendal-primeumount: /dev/sdb5: not mounted05:53
grendal-primemount: /dev/sdb5 already mounted or /mnt/drive2 busy05:53
ActionParsnipflammifer: could setup a PXE server if it can netboot05:53
grendal-primeand drive2 is not busy.05:53
aLeSDhi all05:54
aLeSDI am thinking in buy a new computer05:54
aLeSDa netbook05:54
betanickError "Can't create PID file /var/run/dhcpd/dhcpd.pid: No such file or directory." Ubuntu 11.04 Server05:54
aLeSDwhat cpu do u suggest ?05:54
ActionParsnipflammifer: download the iso, md5 test it then use magicdisk/daemontools to mount it.05:54
urlin2uaLeSD, /join #hardware05:55
betanickcan i specify where dhcpd creates its pid file?05:55
JokesOnYou77flammifer: I actually was thinking maybe you could open it up and just attach a different INTERNAL CD drive to the motherboard05:55
ActionParsnipaLeSD: one suiti05:55
io_errorbetanick: Does the directory exist?05:55
grendal-primeaLeSD, i have an acer aspire1 d255.05:55
betanickio_error: no.. should i just create it?05:55
io_errorbetanick: sure05:56
ActionParsnipaLeSD: one suiting your needs05:56
aLeSDcause yesterday night a glass of milk fallowed on my pc05:56
grendal-primelove it.  does have a kernel compile to get physical nic to work..but wirelesss worked out of the box05:56
flammifer<ActionParsnip> Well, the BIOS settings has a boot order option for hard drive order that boots "PC-card" first, and then "internal hard drive" second, but the problem is that this doesn't actually do anything, it still just loads straight into Windows without ever booting from the bootable USB stick05:56
grendal-primeaLeSD, linux drinks milk05:56
uns0b1llXubuntu question here - got Nvidia Geforce 210, wonder which drivers to get and how to enable compiz05:56
aLeSDmy acen not05:56
ActionParsnipaLeSD: either way its not ubuntu related, its hardware05:56
flammifer<ActionParsnip> It has a PXE option, which I wondered about, but I don't know anything about doing a netboot05:56
grendal-primeaLeSD,  the d255 has 4 procs.05:57
ActionParsnipflammifer: go find out ;-)05:57
grendal-primeflammifer, you should read up on that i would fix your situation quickly05:57
grendal-primesorry not I but IT05:58
grendal-primenight guys ill fix this in the morning05:58
urlin2uaLeSD, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141503805:58
urlin2uuns0b1ll, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1415038  sorry alsed05:59
Roklobstahow do I found out who a package maintainer is?06:00
uns0b1llafter i enabled features i cant move windows around anymore without holding CTRL06:01
uns0b1lli mean ALT06:01
uns0b1lli just did compiz --replace06:01
urlin2uuns0b1ll, compiz?06:01
uns0b1llurlin2u, yes06:02
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> I wouldn't know how to attach an internal CD drive onto a laptop motherboard. I opened this laptop up once or twice a few years ago to change some components that had gone bad, and it was A LOT of trouble, taking a probably a few hours (It's a big old laptop where all the components are burried under other ones, and each layer has hidden or inaccessible screws, so you never know if you just haven't yanked ha06:02
flammiferrd enough, or if there is another screw hiding underneath something!).06:02
urlin2uuns0b1ll, click move windows06:02
wilderHello world.06:02
uns0b1llurlin2u, its checked06:03
urlin2uuns0b1ll, you have to use the cursor in the window header to move it without the alt06:03
uns0b1llurlin2u, i cant select window header with mouse pointer, i can only move it with holding ALT and clicking header06:04
uns0b1llurlin2u, i just enabled put window feature06:06
urlin2uuns0b1ll, that fix it?06:06
uns0b1lllet me run compiz --replace06:06
JokesOnYou77flammifer: Yikes.  I know you said that there should be some other way to install, there isn't a way to install anything if you can't boot to something that's not the OS.  The only thing I can really think of is to take out the hard drive.  I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but that's all I've got if ActionParsnip or someone else can help you go for it, but I got nothin else06:07
urlin2uuns0b1ll, problem is there are alot of plugins in compiz none of us knows how yours is setup, there are many web pages with specifics, for say having the cube...etc, so if you don't get help here you might try #compiz as well.06:08
uns0b1llurlin2u, okay06:10
uns0b1llurlin2u, thanks06:10
urlin2uuns0b1ll, no problem, I have the cube and all and know how to set mine up did you want the cube?06:11
endipOut of the blue a couple of days ago my laptop fan starts spinning up for like 3-5 seconds and then dies back down, sometimes it does it for like 1 second and then spins down again. Sensors are showing my CPU sporadically jumping up and down 10-15 degrees. Any thoughts on what might be causing this? I'm running ubuntu 11.0406:11
the_intel_Which version of Ubuntu is more stable ?06:12
the_intel_10 or 1106:12
dr-willisfor max stability go lts.06:13
the_intel_Because , I am currently using 11.04 and I am not happy :\06:13
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)06:13
the_intel_It gives me some problems in display some times06:13
the_intel_I also didn't liked the idea of unity bar , sorry.06:13
centHOGGlts ftw06:13
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".06:13
the_intel_I have changed my 11.04 to classic06:14
the_intel_It gives me errors like the window dosn't loads correctly06:14
dr-willisclasdic gnome 2 is going away in next release.06:14
the_intel_dr-willis, what do you mean?06:14
the_intel_they are removing classic gnome?06:14
DasEithe_intel_: gnome will be completly dropped soon06:15
dr-willisno more gnome2/clasdic06:15
the_intel_Well, But atleast make the unity bar configurable?06:15
DasEithe_intel_: good question, wrong place here, either go lubuntu or similar or debian, a poll for #ubuntu-offtopic06:15
dr-willisgnome devs are killing it for one reason...06:15
the_intel_left side is irritating for me.06:15
dr-willisi just hide it and use awn.06:16
DasEi!info awn06:16
ubottuPackage awn does not exist in natty06:16
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ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.06:16
DasEithe_intel_: window manager06:16
the_intel_Like rocket dock ?06:16
pindropperI have a server setup with 10.04 wih apache 2 . I just installed ssmtp and configured it to use gmail's smtp to send emails. Everything works fine, but the username for the email address is always set to"www-data". Even though I've enabled from override. What I am missing?06:17
dr-willisavant - awn06:17
the_intel_dr-willis, Well, How do you hide unity?06:18
dr-willisthere will be gnome shell in the next release also. so i wont miss gnome 2 much. ;)06:18
dr-willisccsm unity plugin has settings.06:18
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz06:18
the_intel_I have compizconfig setting manager.06:18
pindropperAlso, what is the best mail server for simple email service (no need to access web based interface etc).06:19
dr-willissometimes i set it to never hide. ;). depnds on my mood06:19
wilderhow do i get vncviewer to allow remote access, so that I don't have to be on the same network06:19
wilderremote is enabled but it seems to be for local network only06:19
dr-williswilder:  a ssh tunnel is the secure way06:19
ParkerR\o/ Woo finally turned 18 :D06:19
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:19
betanickhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint => outdated?06:20
wilderdr-willis, so i could just 'ssh user@IP'?06:20
wilderwhat do i need to enable to allow that access?06:20
dr-willisyou make a ssh tunnel wilder06:21
flammifer<JokesOnYou77> OK, thanks! I guess I was hoping there was something like Wubi, but that would not always end in a crash. But I was also looking for other ways. I can still try an external CD drive, but I need to get blank CDs that actually work before I can do that (no one uses CDs anymore, so they're getting hard to find, and the old blanks I had laying around from years ago are all rotted out by now, since most CDs only06:21
flammiferhave a life of 1-5 years). And I am looking into a network install, although I have very little experience in that area thus far.06:21
ParkerRbetanick, yeah I bet there are some newer tutorials06:21
dr-willisinstall ssh.  check that url above06:21
BlackFlagI have a notebook with video card from SIS, 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter, with Ubuntu 11.04 with Gnome (Unity doesn't work here) and I need to reduce the brightness of the screen. I tried this prompt "setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=60", but doens't work; in power management have no slider to control it...06:21
ParkerRBlackFlag, tried System > Preferences > Power management? Theres a brightness slider on that first page06:22
BlackFlagParkerR, the slider doesn't appear06:23
ParkerRBlackFlag, hmm dunno then. Sorry.06:23
flammifer <JokesOnYou77> I also looked into upgrading the BIOS, but it seems that Toshiba is trying to get me to download a BIOS upgrade that is not actually rated for my model of laptop.06:24
flammiferOK, thanks everyone! I guess I have a few directions I can try out now. I'll see if any of them work!06:25
wilderi am having difficulty with that06:25
tdnI have just attached a USB mouse, however, it does not seem to work. It works fine in other computers though. How do I fix this?06:26
betanickParkerR: do you know of any?06:26
endipA few days ago my laptop fan started this thing where it spins up for 1-30 seconds and then spins down. My laptop CPU isn't running hot at all, but sensors shows that my cpu temp keeps jumping up 5-15 degrees hotter very quickly for no apparent reason, and the fan spins up. It goes from 38 degrees to 66 degrees for no apparent reason. I'm in a basement in Alaska and it's 65 degrees in here so I have no idea why my laptop would be running hot. Any ideas06:26
tdnThe cursor does not move.06:26
ParkerRbetanick, not off the top of my head06:27
zrutyWhat is a good prog to rip CDs to MP3?06:27
ParkerRzruty, either rhythmbox or banshee will do it06:27
ParkerRThere are prolly some cli programs to do so too06:27
zrutyParkerR: I will try that, thanks!06:27
endipAnyone have any idea why my fan starts spinning up for like 1-30 seconds at a time, and why lm sensors is showing my cpu heat jumping up 15 degrees in 1 second for no apparent reason?06:31
mechafenrisendip: it could be a really persistent program taxing your machine... like a scheduled job or something.06:32
slobrohas anyone used srware iron browser on ubuntu?06:33
sunitI am getting Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException when trying to run jasper iReport in ubuntu 10.04. please see url http://dpaste.com/602495/06:33
slobrojust installed the newest .deb package, and cant find out that with witch command it starts it.06:34
slobro..from terminal06:34
endipmechafenris, I don't think so in this case. System monitor doesn't show any program jumping up in CPU usage. It happens even when i have just my terminal open. And it just started happening a few days ago. I've had 11.04 on this laptop for a while.06:35
harpalI have Lenovo S10-3t note book , I have installed ubuntu 10.10. My WIFI is showing as disabled, but its already enabled06:37
endipmechafenris, I did notice that cpu usage jumps way up, but system monitor doesn't show any programs using my cpu. The cpu usage just spikes for no apparent reason.06:37
YadaBadais there a way to backup the system files in ubuntu 10.04?06:37
qinendip: Use htop, since System Monitor is hog itself.06:38
endipqin,  k06:38
zrutyParkerR: Doesn't seem to work.... Seems the program is stuck. Also I see no controls at all to rip....06:38
YadaBadais there a way to backup the system files in ubuntu 10.04? or the whole partition and restore it whenever?06:38
ParkerRzruty, which one are you using?06:39
qinYadaBada: You mean whole system?06:39
YadaBadaqin: yes06:39
zrutyPardon me ParkerR: RhythmBox06:39
ParkerRzruty, why twice? XD06:40
zrutyParkerR: I fo9rgot to address you06:40
ParkerRThats ok I pay attention06:40
qinYadaBada: Well, apart of home and package list there is not much sense in back up of system files.06:40
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ParkerRzruty, try sudo apt-get install ripoff06:41
mechafenrisendip: once I had a malfunctioning driver spew (every so often) errors to syslog at such a rate, it would spike up the cpu heat and usage at specific intervals (probably a timeout, I don't know), but when I updated that driver the machine went back to behaving...06:41
YadaBadaqin: yes there is a lot of sense of doing so, specialy when so many people are new for ubuntu, and keep formating thier pcs again and again for the smallest mistakes06:43
ParkerRzruty, then ripoff06:44
endipmechafenris, do you know if there is a way to look up which processes are taxing the system like that?06:44
ParkerRShould be a little gtk window to rip06:44
endipmechafenris, currently, i'm trying to watch htop, but everything is going by so fast I can't track what's going on. When the fan speeds up the processes that go up in cpu usage are ubuntu-syncdeamon and ubuntu-login06:45
qinYadaBada: Well, recovering full back up will be propably slower than new install, besides, for experiments, use virtualbox and spare image.06:45
tdnzruty, k3b06:47
Guest27242any brasilian channel here? i'm new on this...06:47
uns0b1llhow to setup compiz to boot on xubuntu load ?06:47
Slart!br | Guest2724206:47
ubottuGuest27242: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.06:47
qinYadaBada: If you have same size (or biggeer hard drive) you can just make image of system, but it is vary stiff method.)06:47
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qinYadaBada: And: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem06:48
endipI have no idea what's causing my cpu to explode like this for literally like .5 seconds at a time. It's really starting to piss me off though. I'm going to install xubuntu and see if I get the same problem06:48
YadaBadaqin: can i restore it from the hard drive? what app?06:49
endipHow can a process make your CPU heat spike 15 degrees in .5 seconds? Something isn't right in Ubuntu, or kernal or something.06:50
YadaBadaqin: i will read it all friend, thank you06:50
ubuntuxis anyone here using an hp probook? If so, what's you experience with linux on it?06:51
endipIt appears that my CPU and CPU fan are spiking whenever a process at /user/bin/python goes up in CPU usage. Even though the usage is only like 3% in htop, my fan goes crazy for like 1 second, and my CPU temp spikes between 5-15 degrees.06:51
wildbatendip what is your idle temp? 5-15 degrees C ? or F :)06:54
tdnI have just attached a USB mouse, however, it does not seem to work: The cursor does not move when the mouse has been inserted. The touchpad works. The mouse works fine in other computers though. How do I fix this? This is what is written in dmesg when inserting the mouse: http://paste.adora.dk/P2142.txt06:54
endipwildbat, 38-39 C.06:55
wildbatendip: and full load temp ?06:58
endipwildbat, when it spikes up it spikes up to 65 degrees at the most, but often just 55 or so. Then the fan kicks in for about one second and spins back down to a lower speed again. Sometimes it will kick on for 30 seconds if my system is a little warmer, but right now it's really cold where I'm at and the whole laptop is pretty cold.06:59
tdnendip, cpu temp of 5 degrees C seems extremely low.06:59
endiptdn, I never said 5 degrees C07:02
endipwildbat, ubuntu login seems to be jumping up to like 50% cpu usage sometimes. It's one of the programs that seems to cause this problem. I wish I could copy the lines out of htop to show you.07:03
wildbatendip, that's strange ~ i don't think is physically possible for 15 spike up and down in a second. unless there is a failing sensor.07:04
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endipwildbat, well, that could be. I'm out of my league there. Don't know much about sensors.07:05
Nomad77Hi all I have broken packages.I found this out trying to installsomething via synaptic package manager,synaptic wouldnt fix the broken packages.can anyone direct me on how to fix the issue?07:07
wildbatendip: do you have try other OS ~ see if there is issue on them too ~ i doubt it is ubuntu fault.  even 100%CPU every random sec shouldn't cause that.07:07
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makak
Nomad77if someone could tell me how to get to where you can choose kernals on startup and go into the safe mode or whatever there and choose fix broken packages that might help07:08
endipwildbat, you know what's strange is that the programs that jump up to #1 in the CPU usage in htop and system monitor tend to be a random mix of the same 5 or so programs. I don't know if any of them are actually causing the problem or not07:08
endipwildbat, good point.07:09
Nomad77I have broken packages,how can I fix?07:10
zagibuuse duct tape07:10
wildbatendip: unless there is some program jump up and down 100% ~ i don't see a issue in your case as it is just 3% of your cpu.07:10
zagibufixes everything07:10
Nomad77sorry not being impatient,figured people might lose interest in my long question lol07:10
Nomad77lol zagibu07:10
zagibuNomad77: what is exactly the problem? can't you boot anymore, or what?07:11
endipwildbat, I'm not really worried about my system, I'm really annoyed by the fan. I would rather it just stay on max all of the time than jump up and down.07:11
Nomad77zagibu,I am trying to install ubuntu tweak and it tells me it wont cause I have broken packages,boots fine07:11
endipwildbat, but it just seems to be really random. It doesn't look like any one program is causing it.07:11
BlackFlagI have a notebook with video card from SIS, 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter, with Ubuntu 11.04 with Gnome (Unity doesn't work here) and I need to reduce the brightness of the screen. I tried this prompt "setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=60", but doens't work; in power management have no slider to control it...07:11
io_errorNomad77: open a terminal, and type in:   sudo apt-get install -f07:11
wildbat!fan | endip this may help ~07:12
ubottuendip this may help ~: fan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html07:12
Nomad77replace the f with ubuntu tweak?07:12
omoblazeWat would be preferable , a slow pc with fast internet or fast pc with slow internet???07:12
endipwildbat, sometimes after it jumps up I notice that system monitor takes like 3-5 seconds to respond and it shows everything as 0% CPU usage.07:12
airtonixawesome. :< can't right click the time/date panel bar widget to get "copy time/date"07:12
* airtonix rages07:13
Acid190is there a way to manipulate the keyboard in terminal?07:13
endipwildbat, yeah, I installed fan control earlier. I just need to figure out how to write a script to make it run on startup and just run the fan at a higher speed, or lower speed consistantly. Do you happen to know of a good place for a tutorial on that?07:13
YadaBadaqin: what do you mean about this "If you have same size (or biggeer hard drive) you can just make image of system, but it is vary stiff method.)"07:14
Nomad77terminal didnt install anything07:14
Nomad771 not upgraded07:14
wildbatendip, #bash for scripting help07:14
Nomad77anyone know how to get ubuntu to ask what kernal to install on startup?07:15
zagibuNomad77: broken packages have nothing to do with the kernel07:16
Nomad77zag,but you can fix broken packages there I believe07:16
zagibujust remove the broken packages with apt-get remove --purge packagename07:16
zagibuthen reinstall07:17
Nomad77it dont tell me what package it is07:17
Nomad77I run ultimate ubuntu and done the upgrade and I think that was a giant mistake and it caused this issue07:18
zagibuNomad77: try what second last poster is saying here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94712407:19
Nomad77I'm on it zagibu thx for the effort in helping07:20
geliancan someone explain the output of "apt-cache policy" to me? i get this for "python-glade2", and I'm wondering what the 980 and 995 numbers mean. I tried pinning all packages from winswitch to 995, except glade2, which i wanted to have 980. however, the numbers end up in different places...07:21
gelian     2.22.0-1ubuntu1 98007:21
gelian     2.22.0-1ubuntu1 98007:21
gelian        995 http://winswitch.org/ natty/main i386 Packages07:21
FloodBot1gelian: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:21
gelian        995 http://winswitch.org/ natty/main i386 Packages07:21
Nomad77zagibu it never located a broken package07:21
io_errorNomad77: Whatever happened with:  sudo apt-get install -f07:22
io_errorAnd maybe comcrap won't throw me off again07:22
Nomad77io_error doing that basically told me that package was already installed07:22
Nomad771 not upgraded was its wording07:22
io_errorNomad77: You didn't type it correctly. Try again, this time do it exactly as shown, type in   sudo apt-get install -f   and then press Enter. Nothing else.07:23
Nomad77ok i installed java 6 plugin without error,so it was a ubuntu tweak specific error07:24
Nomad77I copied and pasted it07:25
Nomad77its odd because a dependancy error would seem more likly07:25
beef2011can anyone spare the time to help me with my rt3090 card? I need 1 to 1 because it seems like a really deep problem and I'm not that skilled.07:26
io_errorbeef2011: Just ask your question :)07:26
beef2011my rt3090bc4 card refuses to work under ubuntu, is there any way I can get it running? (Has tried blacklisting etc etc and Markus Heberling drivers)07:29
Nomad77Iwas able to install ubuntu tweak via software center after adding the ppa via terminal07:31
betanickhas anybody here turned Ubuntu 11.04 Server into a wireless access point?07:32
beef2011my rt3090bc4 card refuses to work under ubuntu, is there any way I can get it running? (Has tried blacklisting etc etc and Markus Heberling drivers)07:34
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alphawhat does the authentication type "login" mean in evolution?07:38
dragonkeeper_type of login authentication the server uses id expect07:39
beef2011how do I get my rt3090bc4 card to work?07:39
alphayes, I know that. But exactly what does that mean?07:40
alphawhat's the difference between PLAIN and LOGIN, say07:40
beef2011my rt3090bc4 card refuses to work under ubuntu, is there any way I can get it running? (Has tried blacklisting etc etc and Markus Heberling drivers)07:41
=== bluemoon is now known as Guest24164
dragonkeeper_not used evolution in a long time07:42
dragonkeeper_but alpha if you know the server details then just select the type u need07:43
oCeanalpha: there's various ways for esmpt authentication. Here's some explanation: http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/smtpauth.html##FRAMEWORK07:44
io_errorbeef2011: What problem are you having?07:44
betanickhas anybody here turned Ubuntu 11.04 Server into a wireless access point?07:45
beef2011io_error: well when I get into ubuntu it won't let me connect to networks it thinks for a few moments and then says 'Network disconnected' and blacklisting or using markus Heberling drivers doesn't help07:46
FloodBot1piIIu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:46
beef2011io_error: it won't display any networks either07:46
beef2011io_error: but ubuntu seems to know it's there because it shows a bluetooth symbol in the panel07:47
charlieanyone there07:49
charliei think where the last ones07:49
ralliart888i just setup irc in terminal07:50
ralliart888this cool07:50
dragonkeeper_yh till it times out07:50
charlieyou there07:51
dragonkeeper_logged in via a terminal then it will usually log you out when its inactive07:51
beef2011io_error: you see the ever so slight problem now? :-)07:52
valdur55Hello. I have problem with radiotray in 11.10. It shows first time config. App indicator is only right , when i choose System tray icon, it fails to load07:55
oCeanvaldur55: 11.10 is still alpha, support in #ubuntu+107:56
=== Jens is now known as Guest2701
zertyuihi all08:07
zertyuimy server is down i have 3 users can able to connect how to check who switched off my server ?08:08
wildbatzertyui: check sudo log in auth.log08:10
adde89Hey guys, Is there anyone online who could help me regarding changing kernel on Xubuntu?08:10
zertyuiwhere is it that file ? wildbat08:10
egrhi there. can I find gnome-terminal color-theme somewhere onoline ?? google didn't help..08:11
zertyuiperfect wildbat  and for centos08:12
bundaiis there anyone who can help in twoway live sync08:12
wildbat!info unison08:14
ubottuunison (source: unison): A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.32.52-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 574 kB, installed size 1376 kB08:14
adde89Hey, can anyone help me change my kernel from 35 to 32?08:14
bundaiubottu in unison once sync complet it get stop i can't do live08:16
ubottubundai: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:17
vltbundai: Define "live" then, please.08:18
adde89No one ? :p08:18
ActionParsnipbundai: you can use dropbox...08:19
bundaivlt I have to two pc with centos and ubunt i want make rsyn to both live mean if i put file or foler in centos it should be apper in unbuntu visvers but both share folder don't have delete option08:22
bundaido you understand08:22
ActionParsnipbundai: https://www.dropbox.com/help/13708:23
bundaiActionParsnip I have more than 25gb perday08:23
ActionParsnipbundai: yes, read the link though, it may help08:24
adanteso there is an outstanding bug that non-root users can no longer mount cifs shares08:26
adantereported october 2010 and outstanding august 2011, importance undecided08:26
Lulzа кто тут админ?08:27
bundaiactionparsnip its not free08:27
IdleOne!ru | Lulz08:27
ubottuLulz: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:27
bullgard4_A DEB program package includes a package description. What directory stores all descriptions of the iinstalled DEB program packages in Ubuntu 10.04?08:27
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:28
ActionParsnipbullgard4_: there is a file named 'status' I forget where it's stored08:32
ActionParsnipbullgard4_: /var/lib/dpkg/status08:32
Lulzwho speaks Russian?08:32
IdleOneLulz: #ubuntu-ru08:33
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:33
Lulzа что мне сделать с "!ru"08:34
Lulzbut what can I do with "! ru"08:34
ActionParsnipLulz: it tells you haw to join the channel08:35
bullgard4_Lulz: This is to tell you how you can get help in Russian language.08:35
bullgard4_ActionParsnip: Very good! Thank you very much for your excellent help.08:39
golgothaanyone know good sites for people trying to learn linux08:39
Lulzhow to create a room on the server "Ubuntu"???08:39
bullgard4_golgotha: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam08:40
valdur55Lulz, just type: /join #channel08:40
golgothathanks @ bullgard408:41
golgothais wow still a pain to install on here btw08:41
Asad2005Ubuntu sees my disk as /dev/hdd How can i identify the disk physically from its sata port on MB ?08:44
tomodachiAsad2005: you can use the uuid to identify a disk08:45
tomodachiAsad2005:  its better than actaully using a specific port since if you switch the disks around they will still mount the same08:45
=== eluxzen is now known as evanluxzenburg
QlassysOla bruda08:49
Asad2005tomodachi: I have 5 disks in this PC and this one is having problem. I dont want to remove the wrong one these are ZFS08:49
Qlassysikonia bruda && Pici bruda ola!08:49
tyronearg...... my ubuntuone account has spazzed out. does anyone know why the connection would keep dropping? it simply won't sync on my work PC. all out of nowhere... anyone?08:50
tomodachiAsad2005: hmm i understand what you are after. the command dmesg will give you a list of your devices (and also what mapping they have like sdb etc) it will also give you a serial number of the drive.  Compare it on the serial number of the drive then08:53
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bullgard4_!patience | tyrone08:55
ubottutyrone: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:55
tyronebullgard4_ thanks. at least I know someone read my question.08:55
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=== evanluxzenburg is now known as ameerirshad
=== ameerirshad is now known as evanluxzenburg
Asad2005tomodachi: thanks i will check that08:57
ActionParsniptyrone: not something I use, I've always used dropbox :)08:57
tyroneactionparsnip. have never had an issue except when I got into the office this morning and all my work from home doesn't want to load up.....08:58
=== Mud is now known as Guest14572
bullgard4_ActionParsnip: Why is the security copy /var/lib/dpkg/status-old 18 bits larger than /var/lib/dpkg/status?09:01
REK_007please someone tell me how to install deluge 1.3.1 manually09:01
=== kalina is now known as dos
qinREK_007: sudo apt-get install deluge09:02
REK_0071.3.1 qin .. not 1.3.3 from thePPA09:02
doshello, what's the name of archive manager command?09:02
=== dos is now known as Guest21573
qinREK_007: Do you use natty?09:03
REK_007no i use lucid09:03
REK_007default is 1.2.2 and ppa adds 1.3.309:04
bullgard4_dos: file-roller09:04
qinREK_007: Natty version is 1.3.109:04
Guest21573bullgard4: thank you09:04
REK_007qin how do i get that on my ppa ?09:04
glebihanREK_007, look at "apt-cache policy deluge" to see which version are available in the repos09:05
qinREK_007: Rether get package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/deluge-torrent and build deb09:05
REK_007glebihan: a little more help will be better09:05
REK_007qin i tried building from source give some file error at linux x86_6409:06
glebihanREK_007, that's just a first step to check if version 1.3.1 could be installed directly with apt or not09:06
REK_007glebihan: ok how do i find it ?09:07
glebihanREK_007, use the command I just gave you : apt-cache policy deluge09:07
REK_007ok :P am so silly09:07
JuozasI can't update ubuntu package lists, it says about checksum errors and speed is a very slow. Why's it like that?09:08
glebihanJuozas, could you use pastebin to give us the complete output of "sudo apt-get update" ?09:09
Juozasi'll do after reboot, i'm on windows now09:10
ActionParsnipJuozas: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get update    use a pastebin to host the text please09:10
glebihanActionParsnip, you rephrased me well :)09:11
REK_007glebihan: http://paste.pound-python.org/show/11574/09:11
Guest14572ActionParsnip :W09:11
ActionParsnipglebihan: I like to rephrase the best :D09:11
glebihanREK_007, do you specifically need version 1.3.1 or is version 1.3.3 ok ?09:13
REK_007glebihan: 1.3.3 has bugs with LSD . 1.3.a is the most stable . Thats what i have come to know09:14
REK_0071.2.2 works fine but lacks a few features ..09:14
glebihanREK_007, ok then I guess you'll have to install it manually (I can't find a ppa containing version 1.3.1)09:14
REK_007glebihan: last day i saw a source for natty or other version having 1.3.109:15
glebihanREK_007, yes current version for natty is 1.3.1 but not for lucid09:16
REK_007I cant use natty on lucid by any means /09:16
REK_007glebihan: will this do the work http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/GitRepo09:17
glebihanREK_007, not sure but I think this will get you version 1.3.309:18
Juozasok. I'm on ubuntu now. apt-get update log's here http://pastebin.com/1TvdFxSX09:18
ActionParsnipJuozas: http://pastebin.com/EQyruC9S09:20
Drake|what is the ubuntu offtopic chan? :p09:21
glebihanDrake|, #ubuntu-offtopic09:22
bsmith093how do i make a launcher that blanks and locks the screen WITHOUT enabling the screensaver09:22
Drake|ty glebihan :)09:22
ArnoldHello. In which channel could I get information about a progress made in the development version of Ubuntu (11.10) ?09:22
bsmith093ubuntu +109:23
ActionParsnipArnold: #ubuntu+109:23
Arnoldbsmith093 and ActionParsnip: Thanks.09:23
bsmith093wjats the command to turn off the display, and lock the screen without enabling the screensaver09:24
glebihanREK_007, I really can't find a built package of version 1.3.1 for lucid. If you really want that version, I think you'll have to build it from source.09:24
bsmith093im on a laptop, if it matters.09:24
REK_007glebihan: yeah am doing it09:24
glebihanREK_007, ok, have fun :)09:25
chavobsmith093: zset09:25
chavobsmith093: xset sorry09:25
knittlhi. how can i mount a secondary partition so it is writable from normal users?09:27
JuozasThanks ActionParsnip, seems to work09:27
knittlin fstab09:27
Inky-_oops sorry lol09:28
bais... I hate win7... but I must use it for work... :(  but sometime I can switch to my ubuntu installation... and today... GRLDR error blocked my passion... :( any help? I found something about grub4dos is it a good tool to resolve my situation ?09:29
Guest33412what is the error msg?09:29
baiscannot find GRLBR in all devices: press Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart09:30
glebihanknittl, what filesystem in on that partition ? fat32 ?09:30
baisntfs :(09:30
baisI'm using ubuntu 11.0409:30
Guest33412did you try to run ubuntu live and check whether ur ntfs partition is accessible ?09:31
baisI'm on ntfs partition atm under (sob) win709:32
Guest33412so, win7 works out fine yeah?09:32
snuglepusshas anyone gotten the gomtv stream to work in vlc?09:33
baisfine... works like win709:33
knittlglebihan: ext309:33
baisI'm searching on google: http://reboot.pro/7109/09:33
knittlbut currently it's only root-writable …09:33
glebihanknittl, then permissions are not set in fstab but on the partition itself, use chmod/chown to set the correct partitions09:33
glebihanknittl, but be careful : is there another system installed on that partition ?09:34
knittlchown user.user /media/partition?09:34
knittlglebihan: no, it's simply for data09:34
Nrmhi everyone09:34
* Boothk waves "I need some help on Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10. Netbook-launcher ignores the mouse on Sony Vaio VGN-B3VP models"09:34
baisgrub4dos is updated of I risk to break all my partitions ?09:34
Guest33412bais: did you install grub4dos manually or did you use a utility?09:34
ActionParsnipknittl: sudo chown user:user /media/partition09:34
knittlglebihan: ActionParsnip: yay, worked. thanks09:35
ActionParsnipknittl: use: chown -R      for recursive09:35
knittli wonder why i never thought of that09:35
baisI never installed grub4dos, I used ubuntu cdrom installation09:35
glebihanknittl, ok then you could do "sudo chown user:user /media/partition" (: and not .)09:35
ActionParsnipknittl: np man09:35
glebihanknittl, you're wleomc09:35
knittlglebihan: . works as good as :09:35
improveuponi am about to clone a hard drive dual-booting windows and ubuntu to an external hdd using either dd or clonezilla. t or f: the external drive should be formatted to ext4.09:35
Guest33412ok, so you installed ubuntu using wubi?09:36
baisyes wubi09:36
glebihanknittl, weird, it's undocumented09:36
zvacetBoothk : 9.10 is not supported any more that can be source of your troubles09:36
knittlglebihan: i know ;)09:36
g0thI bought a 120Hz 3d monitor09:36
knittlprobably non-standard09:36
g0thIn system settings on kubuntu I however only can select 50Hz09:36
Guest33412bais: there's a pc that had ubuntu installed using wubi but unfortunately i uninstalled it!09:36
g0thor 50-55Hz09:36
Guest33412bais: ok, are you on windows right now? i mean the same pc?09:37
baisguest: do you think if I start wubi again it will fix me ?09:37
baisyes same pc09:37
ActionParsnipg0th: what video chip?09:37
Guest33412bais: no i don't think it's a good idea09:37
REK_007glebihan: I did it finally :)09:38
Boothkzvacet: I know, but I haven't got a script set up to configure Ubuntu 11 for a school environment yet09:38
glebihanREK_007, nice :)09:38
Asad2005tomodachi: dmesg did not display the serial but i got it with smartctl -a /dev/sdd09:38
Guest33412bais: could you please show all hidden AND system files and go to the root of C: drive?09:38
HyperbyteDoes anyone here know how to get an inittab style respawn going with systemd?09:38
pindropperI don't know if this is the right place to ask, but I am using ssmtp on ubuntu 10.04. I've configured it use my google apps account. Everything works perfectly, except the "From" name is always www-data. What am I missing? I tried to override this by using the override config option of ssmtp, but to no avail. Any ideas?09:38
Boothkzvacet: So I'm using my 9.10 script. I'm having these issues on fresh installs09:38
REK_007glebihan: is there a way to check which libtorrent is packed with 1.3.1 ?09:38
glebihanHyperbyte, I think you just have to put a line containing "respawn" in your init script09:39
Tech-1ActionParsnip , i have a eeepc with 10.10 on it, i also had 9.10 on another part of it, i deleted 9.10 and now grub is asking 4 rescue, mind you, it only has a sd card port, how can i rescue grub ?09:39
Hyperbyteglebihan, systemd uses init scripts?09:40
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
g0thActionParsnip: video chip in the monitor?09:40
Tech-1no goth, your graphics card09:41
g0thmy graphics card is nvidia gtx 26009:41
glebihanHyperbyte, oh sorry read you post a little too fast... I don't know about systemd09:41
Guest33412bais: i know how to use grub4dos or install it. but i don't know how does wubi name the files and where it places them. so i searched google and found the following:09:41
Guest33412bais: I had this problem as well:09:41
Guest33412Error.cannot find GRLDR in all devices. Press ctrl+alt+del to restart09:41
Guest33412I solved it quite easily after checking some blogs.09:41
Guest33412I searched the WUBILDR.* files on my Windows 7. They were located on the ubuntu folder. I copied -not moved- the 3 files directly to c:/09:41
Guest33412and it worked!!09:41
FloodBot1Guest33412: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:41
dubs_hi, anyone about to help me figure out best way to dual boot windows with existing ubuntu install on two hds?09:42
zvacetBoothk:  can you upgrade to 10.4?09:43
baisGuest331412: I check that files09:43
g0thActionParsnip: Nvidia Geforce GTX 26009:43
idefixis a HTC android phone a PalmOS device?09:43
Boothk'fraid not, these are old, old machines. Essentially, we just need them to be able to browse online and use openoffice09:43
REK_007glebihan: do i have to keep the source ?folder anymore09:43
Boothkzvacet: 'fraid not, these are old, old machines. Essentially, we just need them to be able to browse online and use openoffice09:44
dubs_ideflix: nope09:44
dubs_idefix: even: it's androidOS09:44
bobdobbsmy firewall won't stay dead.09:45
idefixis there a way then to synchronize your HTC with your computer?09:45
TFGBDWill 11.X still work with a 2.4 kernel?09:45
dubs_anyone help me with dual boot?09:45
zvacetBoothk:  if machine is old you can trz Lubuntu see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde09:45
bobdobbsIf I do service iptables stop, it stops... but not for long.09:45
hell_razerhello all, i am trying to istanll ubuntu 11.04, i can not find installation option "WITHOUT GRUB"09:45
bobdobbsiptables just turns itself on again, at a random time from after I kill it09:45
bobdobbsI can't find any documentation for this behaviour09:46
baisGuest33412: I found on c:\ubuntu\  some files with wubildr.*  I must copy all these to c:\ and overwrite exits ?09:46
glebihanREK_007, you shouldn't need to09:46
zvacetBoothk:  if you af09:47
bobdobbsI want to put my firewall down to use some web services, or ssh into the computer... but I can't if the firewall randomly keeps resurecting.09:47
Boothkzvacet: af?09:47
ActionParsniphell_razer: you can use the alternate ISO and it should ask where you want it installing (if at all).09:47
ActionParsnipbobdobbs: which firewall?09:47
daedrahello, I would like to set my iPod up for use with gtkpod. How do you do this?09:48
daedraI have a 2nd gen shuffle, and it /used/ to work with gtkpod. However, now it only charges by USB and does not show up in /dev09:48
zvacetBoothk:  if you don't want to that you can try sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop that way you will have both desktops and you can remove ubuntu desktop if you want to09:48
bobdobbsActionParsnip: I'm using ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop.09:48
hell_razerActionParsnip: where i can fint these iso?09:48
dubs_hell_razer: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download09:49
Boothkzvacet: Alright, thanks. I'll try that09:49
van7huhow could I install gcc if my system does not have gcc?09:49
ActionParsniphell_razer: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso   I assume 32bit09:49
th0rbobdobbs: how are you killing your firewall?09:49
bobdobbsiptables -F09:50
ActionParsnipbobdobbs: ok so you are certainly using iptables, do you use a GUI app to configure it?09:50
bobdobbswell, first I tried turning off iptables with ufw, then gufw09:50
bobdobbsbut the fw wouldn't stay down09:50
hell_razerActionParsnip: thnx09:50
bobdobbsSo I switched to just using iptables from the commandline09:51
bobdobbsFor some reason my iptables rulesets stop me from using hostgators cpanel, so I need to take it down every time I connect to hostgator...09:51
alphaHow do I make a diff between two folders (including subfolders) and get a list of which files are in one folder but not the other?09:51
ActionParsnipbobdobbs: why not add a rule to allow the traffic, then you can keep the firewall up09:52
bobdobbsbut I kept finding that while I was connected to my cpanel, the cpanel would stop being responsive. So I'd do 'iptables -L', and there was suddenly a ruleset, from out of nowhere.09:52
th0rbobdobbs: did you use gufw to define the firewall in the first place?09:53
bobdobbsActionParsnip: because adding and removing rules via ufw seemed to be unreliable09:53
bobdobbsth0r: no09:53
bobdobbsinitially, I was using ufw to add allow and deny rules.09:53
bobdobbsbut the rules wouldn't always take effect09:54
dubs__hi again, if i want to install windows on second hd and not mess with ubuntu on first what is best way?09:54
bobdobbsLike, I was trying to allow the use of the port that my hosts cpanel uses to connect to my browser09:54
bobdobbsand I tried 'ufw allow 22', as well, to allow ssh09:54
bobdobbsbut, those commands weren't effective,09:55
bobdobbsso I just drop the firewall09:55
bobdobbsBut then, the firewall comes back up, from out of nowhere.09:55
Unknown_Frequenchello! Is there a way to change the terminal name into the name of the file your working on (in vim in my case)09:56
ActionParsnipdubs__: just go for it, the windows boot loader will be added to the other drive, the BIOS will still point to the Ubuntu drive and you can add windows to Grub after the install09:57
ActionParsnipdubs__: try having patience, somebody will answer09:57
dubs__ActionParsnip: cool thx09:57
bobdobbsthe firewall also doesn't allow my computer to icmp traffic... which is very inconvenient09:58
VictorCl2hi, how can I access a share folder on a windows machine from ubuntu 11 ?09:58
bobdobbsufw wouldn't allow me to allow icmp traffic09:58
dubs__sry :o)09:58
bobdobbsSo I need the firewall down sometimes09:58
cyphahow do I unmount something?09:59
bobdobbsI dropped my fw about ten minutes ago, and it's come up by itself already10:00
bobdobbsthis makes me sad10:00
glebihancypha, use "umount"10:00
ActionParsnipcypha: sudo umount /mount/point10:00
bobdobbszombie firewell10:00
th0rbobdobbs: I would try deleting the rules using ufw. I suspect ufw has the ruleset stored somewhere and is the culprit resetting the firewall. Also, have you checked to see if ufw is running as a process?10:00
bobdobbsah, no.10:00
bobdobbsthanks... I'll look into that.10:00
bobdobbsno, ufw is not running as a  process10:01
cyphaActionParsnip, it says umount: /mnt: device is busy10:01
th0rbobdobbs: I never used ufw so this is just conjecture10:01
bobdobbsWell, I'm ripping it out in case it is the culprit10:02
cyphaActionParsnip, it's a shared folder with my Windows Host10:02
bobdobbs'apt-get purge ufw'10:02
ActionParsnipcypha: do you have any files open which ae in that folder, is your pwd in that folder?10:02
zertyuiif i do cat /var/log/messages i got list of info with it representative date and my question is how to grep to a specific date ?10:03
VictorCl2why isnt smbclient installed by default?10:03
ActionParsnipcypha: try:  lsof | grep mnt10:03
ActionParsnipVictorCl2: it is10:03
cyphacwd   DIR    8,1   409610:04
cyphabash lsof grep and lsof10:04
bobdobbshm... it did it again.10:05
bobdobbsI tore out ufw, and dropped my firewall with 'iptables -F'10:05
bobdobbsand the firewall started again10:05
A_JHey All can som1 tell me how i can fix my movie player it crashes when i try to open a dvd10:05
drudge01sudo apt-get install vlc10:05
A_Jdrudge01, for me10:06
ActionParsnipA_J: does it happen in all apps?10:06
dr-willisA_J:  you did install the decss stuff like the dvd guide mentions?10:06
A_Joh hai ActionParsnip. no just movie player10:06
ActionParsnipA_J: thought to try another...10:06
th0rbobdobbs: is there perhaps a cron script running? I know when I configured iptables ages back I had to write a script for bootup to install all the rules. Haven't messed with it in years so not sure now10:07
drudge01im gonna be in the UK in 2 weeks bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!10:07
A_JActionParsnip, well VLC is not running. I had told you why if you can remember10:07
ActionParsnipdrudge01: been here all my life, it's not that exciting ;)10:07
qinzertyui: grep hh:mm /var/log/messages10:07
ActionParsnipA_J: try it, see if it is all apps, or just totem10:07
g0thcan anyone help me: how do I setup 3d vision in linux?10:07
drudge01actionParsnip: im coming from South Africa10:07
bobdobbsActionParsnip: unlikely.10:07
g0thI have an nvidia geforce gtx 26010:07
bobdobbsI'll have a look though10:07
cyphaActionParsnip, it worked, thank you10:08
ActionParsnipcypha: sweet10:08
A_Jit's just movie player. vlc has other issues. when i keep the pc on for a long time, the display doesnt work after a while10:08
ActionParsnipbobdobbs: its good to explore10:08
ActionParsnipA_J: did you install the dvd decoder?10:08
fossalaCan anyone reference me to an artical on mutitouch trackpads in ubuntu/unity10:08
drudge01ActionParnsip: where in england u from?10:08
A_Jyes ActionParsnip10:09
ActionParsnipdrudge01: leeds10:09
th0rbobdobbs: I am working on the assumption the machine does as it's told. I don't think iptables has any ability to resurrect itself, so something else must be doing it10:09
sunit_I am getting Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException in lucid when running jasper ireport. please see http://dpaste.com/602495/10:09
ActionParsnipA_J: does it happen a another user10:09
A_Jyes all users10:09
drudge01ActionParsnip: im going to Lake District :D then to New Quay10:09
A_Jperhaps a reinstall ActionParsnip ?10:09
ActionParsnipA_J: hmm, try running the app from terminal, the output may be useful10:09
ActionParsnipdrudge01: lakes is niiice :)10:10
drudge01ActionParsnip: What is affordable internet i can go?10:10
A_Jvlc or movie player ActionParsnip ?10:10
ActionParsnipdrudge01: 3G is fine10:10
ActionParsnipA_J: either10:10
ActionParsnipA_J: or even both10:10
dr-willisand mplayer. ;)10:10
g0thhow do I set the refresh rate of my monitor to 120Hz?10:11
iceroot_what is a process in top using []? what is the difference to a process without []?10:11
A_Jno ActionParsnip. I had told you a while back, after keeping pc on for a day the display module of vlc i think crashes10:11
ActionParsnipA_J: then just run totem, see how it goes10:11
g0thI have an nvidia geforce gtx 260 graphics card, i.e. nvidia-settings10:11
ActionParsnipg0th: should be in nvidia-settings10:12
daedrahello, I would like to set my iPod up for use with gtkpod. How do you do this?10:12
daedraI have a 2nd gen shuffle, and it /used/ to work with gtkpod. However, now it only charges by USB and does not show up in /dev10:12
ActionParsnipA_J: could install gnome-mplayer and try that too.10:12
ActionParsnip!info ifuse | daedra10:12
ubottudaedra: ifuse (source: ifuse): FUSE module for iPhone and iPod Touch devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1-2 (natty), package size 13 kB, installed size 76 kB10:13
A_JActionParsnip, :http://pastebin.com/hrRxpBfS10:13
g0thActionParship: it doesn't allow me to select 120Hz?10:13
g0thActionParship: only up to 60, does this depend on the hdmi cable?10:13
=== VictorCl2 is now known as VictorCL
th0rbobdobbs: try this....issue the iptables --flush, then 'service iptables save'. See if that keeps it from resetting10:17
userGooday all, what trouble do we have today with Ubuntu. I can tell you I've got plenty today. How can I re-update the last kernel?10:18
bobdobbsth0r: will do. thanks.10:18
th0rbobdobbs: but that will erase the rules, so make sure you have a way to retrieve them10:18
bobdobbsis 'service iptables save' a frontend for 'iptables-save' ?10:19
daxuhi somebody can help me10:19
=== maku is now known as maku`
userdaxu: I'll try10:19
daxucan u help me,download Sun Java Wireless Toolkit10:19
VectorXhi, i am interested in setting up a multiseat setup, is there a place that explains some scenarios, like images that can be loaded for specific users, ie, programers will have programming apps, graphics people will have there stuff, so when you create a new user account it will have what ever apps for the user ?10:20
th0rbobdobbs:  I believe they do the same thing. Here is what I am looking at...seems Centos might have some good info on iptables operation...http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.1/Deployment_Guide/s1-iptables-saving.html10:20
daxuand send to my email10:20
oCean!details daxu10:20
oCean!details | daxu10:20
ubottudaxu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:20
th0rbobdobbs: from that page, maybe 'service iptables stop' would work10:21
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th0rbobdobbs: it indicates a difference between the iptables command and the iptables service10:21
ActionParsnipg0th: you could run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings    set a resolution and a refresh rate in the app and click "Save to X config file" then run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and change the refresh rate there10:21
dr-willisVectorX:  not seen any guides on setting up custome sessiins like that. it could be doable with custom changes to the users configs.10:21
bobdobbsth0r: I have an interesting relationship with iptables. I feel like an abused spouse with recurrent amnesia10:21
daxui have a problem with Sun Java Wireless Toolkit ,i can not download it ,can somebody download and send to my email :daxubb@163.com.thank u very much10:21
ActionParsnipA_J: any bugs reported with /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4 ?10:22
VectorXdr-willis ic\10:22
th0rbobdobbs: it has been years, but I recall that once I figured it out it was nice, but it took a bit to learn how to control it10:22
A_JActionParsnip, not sure10:22
bobdobbsLike, it beats me around, so I deal with it. Problem sorted, I forget about it... then, a few months down the track, it becomes problematic again, so I have to relearn it to figure out the how to solve the problem10:22
userdaxu: I'll try t download that10:22
zertyuithanks qin10:22
zertyuithanks qin10:22
g0thActionParsnip: I don't trust the "save to X config file" option10:22
bobdobbsDoes that make me a recurrent amnesiac, or a recurrent expert?10:23
oCeandaxu: how is that an ubuntu issue?10:23
th0rbobdobbs: one thing that made life easier was to use a text file in ~ for the rules, and tell iptables to read it. That way looking at and editing rules was easy. I just -F and then -L10:23
daxuthank you user10:23
g0thActionParsnip: can you maybe give me the correct line in the configuration file?10:23
daxu11.04 i use10:23
ActionParsnipg0th: you'll see it, the file is very readable10:23
oCeandaxu: yes, but your download problem10:23
g0thI dont see a refresh rate anywhere there10:23
ActionParsnipg0th: look in the monitor and screen sections10:23
rectec794613hi just a general question about ram. Will using less memory improve performance? Will it use less electricity?10:23
bobdobbsth0r: in a way, saving config's for iptables is a part of the problem... because saves ruleset let you forget how iptables actually works :010:24
daxui live in china ,in here i can not download it10:24
g0thActionParsnip: I dont see it10:24
g0thhmm, xorg.conf is soooo small10:24
g0thit used to be like 20 times bigger10:24
dr-willisrectec794613:  i would doubt if it would10:24
g0thwth is going on?10:24
userdaxu: My browser is just broken at the moment...now waiting for the download10:24
oCeanrectec794613: try ##hardware channel for general discussion10:24
daedraActionParsnip: googling ifuse gives: "libimobiledevice: Teaching Penguins to talk to fruits"10:25
bullgard4_mc shows the timestamp of a file valid at the time when mc has displayed the directory of that file. Is there a key combination to update the displayed timestamps of the files in the current directory?10:25
daedragreatest. tagline. ever.10:25
th0rbobdobbs: well, like I said, I would just empty iptables and then tell it to reread the file. Only had to remember two commands, and could sit in front of a text editor tinkering with a new rule at my leisure10:25
rectec794613oCean: ok just thought i could get a quick answer here while it's on my mind10:25
Hadokenhi people10:25
oCeanrectec794613: no problem, but we try to keep this channel on topic.10:25
dr-willisbullgard4:  you mean reload or refresh the listing? ctrl l. perhaps10:26
Hadokenkernel: [27326.778969] mysqld[6839]: segfault at 328 ip 00007f4ee62811bd sp 00007f4ddef81820 error 4 in libpthread-2.11.2.so[7f4ee6275000+17000] anyone knows this error is about?10:26
A_JActionParsnip, any idea how to fix vlc10:26
th0rbobdobbs: I remember now....I wrote up a script with the individual iptables commands and kept it in ~. I would -F and then run that script, which reentered the rules one by one.10:26
bobdobbsth0r: I discovered that an old site I used to use to generate rules is still online (after all these years). I used it to generate a ruleset, and I saved the ruleset.10:28
bobdobbsI loaded the ruleset a few minutes ago, and so far the rules haven't reverted...10:29
bobdobbsI'm still10:29
bobdobbsstill able to see my hosts cpanel and use ssh to get in to the troublesome computer.10:29
bobdobbsth0r: that was the other problem. Douchebag firewall was blocking ssh.10:29
th0rbobdobbs: well, I wouldn't blame iptables itself. After I figured out how to handle it I found iptables to be very nice...much more efficient than any other firewall I ever used10:30
bobdobbsth0r: true10:30
bobdobbsYeah, I don't blame iptables.10:31
bobdobbsI was about to start blaming ubuntu for maybe doing something unconventional perhaps, that I couldn't see.10:31
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bobdobbsbut, I'm not sure what it is/was10:31
stalkersI just restarted my server 11.04 and it installed some updates, now after the restart I cant access the internet, any one know why?10:31
th0rbobdobbs: that was a thought nagging at me as well <smile>.10:31
bobdobbshehe :)10:32
userMy browser STILL doesn't work. Can anyone tell me what files Google Chrome & Chromium are using10:32
bobdobbsYeah. I like ubuntu. But's it's funny like that sometimes.10:32
bobdobbsuser: lsof ?10:32
th0rbobdobbs: well, that is what sent me to debian eventually10:32
airtonixuser: excellent bug report there old chap... not much we can do with such vague reports10:33
bobdobbsuser: I think you can use lsof to see which files are being accessed by which program. If that's what you want to do.10:33
ActionParsnipA_J: what version do you have and what release do you have?10:33
bobdobbsth0r: I see10:33
Arthur7xCould somebody explain me how to make my micro works well on Skype? It works now when I try to record my voice on Audacity, but that's because I chose the cam option, so it also record my voices (the cam comes with micro), but on skype it only displays pulseaudio, could somebody tell me what to do please :( ? thanks10:33
A_Jthe latest version ActionParsnip.10:33
airtonixa: "whats wrong?" b: "it doesn't work" a: "..."10:33
ActionParsnipuser: files in what way?10:33
bobdobbsth0r: I used to use debian years ago, but I was on 'stable', and so GIMP was always outdated.10:33
bobdobbsth0r: I switched to 'unstable'...10:34
bobdobbsnever again!10:34
ActionParsnipA_J: what is the output of:  apt-cache policy vlc; cat /etc/lsb-release      use a pastebin to host10:34
th0rbobdobbs: well, I was brought up old school and would have no problem compiling from source if I really needed something up to date. But in retirement I only need something that works10:34
userGoogle Chrome & Chromium are working fine..UNTIL I search with Google and I get a result which include mulitiple results under on site10:35
A_JActionParsnip, : http://pastebin.com/yhh9nhm310:35
Arthur7xCould somebody help me? I've installed Skype and micro doesn't seems to be working. I had to chose an option on Audacity (the cam comes with a microphone, so I selected it on input) but that option isn't displayed in Skype Settings. Please, I really need somebody ): thanks10:35
bobdobbsth0r: I started on distro's that you installed without a gui. Kind of a psudeo-gui from what I remember.10:35
bobdobbsth0r: So, I learnt a lot.10:35
ActionParsnipA_J: you are using a PP, which we cannot support.10:36
th0rbobdobbs: gui? I started with slackware 1.0 on a 386 machine <smile> We didn't know how to spell 'gui'10:36
Arthur7xCould somebody help me? I've installed Skype and micro doesn't seems to be working. I had to chose an option on Audacity (the cam comes with a microphone, so I selected it on input) but that option isn't displayed in Skype Settings. Please, I really need somebody ): thanks10:36
bobdobbsth0r: redhat made me dumb. That and ubuntu do so much thinking for you, that I've forgotten a lot of fundamentals10:36
A_JActionParsnip, well you linked to the PP10:36
yrghttp://search.cpan.org/~chrmue/Socket-Class-2.256/Class.pod <-- Is this packaged in Ubuntu?10:36
bobdobbsth0r: heheheh10:36
A_Jcause the normal version was not working ActionParsnip10:36
userFor example. If I do a search for cat & dogs then I get single listings. BUT if I do a search for Webupd8 then I get multiple results under their listings. THAT stalls Chrome & Chromium10:36
th0rbobdobbs: well, Irene is about to start making my life interesting so time to get off the boat and find shelter. Good luck with the firewall10:37
bobdobbsth0r: thanks. Enjoy the weekend :)10:37
bobdobbsth0r: and stay safe10:37
Arthur7xCould somebody help me? I've installed Skype and micro doesn't seems to be working. I had to chose an option on Audacity (the cam comes with a microphone, so I selected it on input) but that option isn't displayed in Skype Settings. Please, I really need somebody ): thanks T_T10:38
userMaybe I should just delete or scrap Ubuntu. Maybe that will solve my problems10:38
jribuser: please stick to support10:39
p1l0tuser: And what use Windows PFFT10:39
userWindos can tel me what files are missing10:39
p1l0tuser: They will tell you to call india who will tell you to buy something10:39
VectorXdr-willis in a multiseat, does each user have their own ip address ?\10:40
jrib!skype | Arthur7x10:40
p1l0tPredatory Proprietary Vendors10:40
ubottuArthur7x: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga10:40
jribArthur7x: try the troubleshooting link in the first page ubottu links10:40
jribArthur7x: ubottu gave you a link, click it, then click the link to troubleshooting.  It works through some common audio issues10:41
stalkersI just restarted my server 11.04 and it installed some updates, now after the restart I cant access the internet, any one know why?10:41
ActionParsnipstalkers: can you ping
daedraActionParsnip: I've had no luck after installing iFuse10:42
daedraalso, cool IRC nick10:42
stalkersActionParsnip it just gives me "From icmp_seq=2 destination host Unreachable"10:43
dr-willisVectorX:  if you are referint to a multi monitir/key/mouse on a single pc.. no.10:44
userDid anyone get a kernel update today? Around 30MB10:45
hoshi411anyone recommend software that can fix a video with out of sync audio?10:45
userhoshi411: VLC10:45
jribuser: why?  Check packages.ubuntu.com for current package versions10:45
VectorXdr-willis yes that is what i am refering to10:45
Someguy2|HomeWhen will 11.10 get RTM?10:46
jrib!11.10 | Someguy2|Home10:46
ubottuSomeguy2|Home: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:46
userjrib: I tried t delete my kernel to reload it or update it agian.10:46
jribuser: why...?10:47
AmaranthSomeguy2|Home: oct 13th10:47
Someguy2|Homesoo long10:47
Someguy2|Homebut whats the current stage?10:47
Arthur7xThank you so much guys, it works now :)10:47
hoshi411user: VLC just lets me watch it fixed right? it can't actually correct the audio right?10:48
userjrib: 2 days ago I did an kernel update. After that I uninstalled something that is required by Google Chrome. Now my browser is broken10:48
AmaranthSomeguy2|Home: Alpha 3, Beta 1 is Sep 110:48
jribuser: what is the "something"?10:48
jnsl_i just installed safari with wine, but i get a blank screen where pages are suppose to be shown10:48
jribjnsl_: why don't you use one of the many native linux browsers?10:48
Arthur7xThank you jrib and ubottu for helping me :)10:48
jribArthur7x: no problem :D10:48
userjrib: Thats the problem I don't know. The only way to get that back is to redo the last kernel update10:49
jnsl_jriv i develop websites and need to test sites in different browsers, i use firefox10:49
jnsl_jrib * :)10:49
jribuser: why did you remove it?  How did it get removed?10:49
yrghttp://search.cpan.org/~chrmue/Socket-Class-2.256/Class.pod <-- Is this packaged in Ubuntu? (Perl's Socket::Class)10:49
ActionParsnipjnsl_: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/03/howto-install-safari-on-ubuntu-with.html10:49
jribjnsl_: check appdb.winehq.org10:49
jribjnsl_: if you can't get it to work in wine, consider using a vm with windows instead10:50
userjrib: It install all these crape like "Mines" and stuff so I uninstalled via the software centre.10:50
jnsl_might have to make a vm for each safari and ie :(10:51
jribuser: Mines?10:51
Hoythi , what's a recommended DVD burner ?10:51
Hoytxfburn doesn't recognize my 4.5G ISO image and a 4.7G DVD-R10:51
=== Someguy2|Home is now known as Someguy2
userjrib: The game plus other software which I don't need10:51
yrgHoyt: brasero?10:51
Hoytyrg: installing , i'll take a shot10:52
ActionParsnipHoyt: did you MD5 test the ISO?10:52
jribuser: what action did you take that prompted this?10:52
yrgHoyt: ok10:52
daedraanyone got their iPod docking successfully in 11.04?10:52
HoytActionParsnip: no , i modified a ISO image with isomaster10:52
daedraif so, how did you get it working?10:52
ActionParsnipHoyt: i see10:52
userjrib: Do you mean what my problem is?10:53
daedradamn you ipod shuffle! it's not even showing up in dmesg10:53
HoytWired , my disc says it has 4.7GB space , while brasero only recognize it as 4.4 GB10:54
daedrabut it charges when I plug it in via USB10:54
auronandaceuser: i think he wants to know how you uninstalled the software10:54
jribuser: well you gave some vague description above about how chrome behavior changed after some package was removed.  I'm trying to understand what package was removed by determining how/why it was removed.  Thus why I am asking you what action you took that removed the package10:54
userjrib: I had Google Chrome installed and later I did an update and saw that Chromium was installed so I removed that plus other related sottware from the software entre10:56
jribuser: what is "that and other related software"?10:57
bullgard4_dr-willis: I have found three statements for 'Ctrl+L': i.) Currently Ctrl+L is used to refresh the screen. ii.) Ctrl+L will repaint the screen. iii.)Ctrl+L = Refresh. What does that mean precisely? Probably not to take a sip out of a Coca Cola bottle.10:57
userjrib: I'm not sure anymore...I have been removing and updating software for n week now to get this sloved10:57
auronandaceuser: sounds like you've removed dependancies that you didn't realise you needed10:58
userjrib: How do I get that back?10:59
dr-willisbullgard4:  redraws the screen10:59
jribuser: I don't know what "that" is10:59
auronandaceuser: if you don't know what you've removed it would be better to start anew with a fresh install10:59
bullgard4_dr-willis: But my intention is not to redraw the screen image but to update the data displayed. Can you see the difference?11:00
userjrib: I think is must be related to diplaying HTML5 page result that stalls Chrome11:00
daedraHello, I have an interesting problem: iPod 2nd gen shuffle 4GB used to mount and work with gtkpod in ubuntu 11.04, now it doesn't even show up in dmesg when docked. However, it does charge.11:01
dr-willisbullgard4:  it may do both. never noticed.  check the man page perhaps11:01
wilderWhat's up chickens11:01
daedraAFAIK nothink has changed in my system, but the iPod may have changed. Has anyone experienced this?11:01
bullgard4_dr-willis: Thank you.11:01
userHow do I refresh my taskbar menu to show an Icon?11:02
jwalkercan anybody help me with enabling aladdin etoken on ubuntu...11:03
userauronandace: If I have to reinstall then I'll rather go back to Windows. With Windows I only need to reinstall with Virus related issues.11:04
ActionParsnipdaedra: it will charge due to the +5v line on the USB.11:04
nunnehaving problems with mdadm.. just created a node /dev/md0 and everything worked, mounted it etc.. after reboot it was gone (probably misconfigured mdadm.conf)... but when trying to create it again with the same mdadm --create -command i get /dev/sdb1 not suitable for any style of array11:04
nunnewhat gives? :/11:04
ActionParsnipdaedra: does it mount in a different OS?11:04
stalkersActionParsnip any idea what my problem might be?11:04
userHow do I refresh the Taskbar Menu to show Icons11:05
ActionParsnipstalkers: about what?11:06
stalkersActionParsnip you told me to ping, and I wrote. ActionParsnip it just gives me "From icmp_seq=2 destination host Unreachable"11:07
nunneahh, found it.. ubuntu has named my md-device something totally different from my mdadm.conf :)11:08
daedraActionParsnip: I have tried in 3 types of Linux11:08
daedraActionParsnip: unfortunately I have no other OS available to test11:09
auronandace!yay | user11:09
ubottuuser: Glad you made it! :-)11:09
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.11:09
daedra!boo | daed11:09
ActionParsnipstalkers: could be route related, or IP related. Does the interface have an IP address?11:10
ActionParsnipdaedra: sounds like a damaged device, when you last unplugged it, what steps did you take?11:11
ninozhey, i have a xvnc4 server running and i cant remember how i started it at boot, looked in xinetd and init.d but nothing obvious, can i track the calling script using the PID?11:11
Pepinghello. I have a Lenovo V560 with a new hard drive. The laptop comes with a Broadcom Wi-Fi. The problem is that when I installed Ubuntu 11.04 (i tried twice, once using Wubi next to Windows 7, once to a separate partition), the WiFi stops working on *both* systems. Is it possible, that Ubuntu install is messing with BIOS? The first time i had to solve it through a re11:12
Peping-install of Windows 711:12
ActionParsnipPeping: do you hibernate the Windows OS?11:13
ActionParsnipPeping: or the Ubuntu OS?11:13
PepingActionParsnip: Not usually11:13
daedraAlexC_: unfortunately it's my grandad's and I wasn't there to see him bork it. It's linux 2.6.3811:13
PepingActionParsnip: I did not when installing Ubuntu11:13
ActionParsnipPeping: is there a switch to enable/disable the device?11:14
PepingActionParsnip: Yes, and it seems like Windows registers it correctly - that is it registers correctly the state of the switch, but it does not affect the state of Wi-Fi, which seems to be "turned off" in either position of the switch11:15
PepingActionParsnip: The main thing that bugs me though is how is it possible that it stopped working in Windows? Right after installing Ubuntu.11:16
ActionParsnipPeping: disable Windows' ability to power manage the device, also turn of Windows' ability to be woken up by the device (all in device manager)11:18
user_758***Attention*** Firefox Users = If you ever what to use Google Chrome or Chromium. Please rememnber to uninstall "Ad-Block Plus" That just F@cksup all Google Browsers11:19
PepingActionParsnip: Done, should I restart now?11:19
ActionParsnipPeping: sure, see how it goes11:19
auronandaceuser_758: works here for me (firefox and chromium)11:20
JWayi5 intel hd graphics, ubuntu 11.04 - constantly there is tearing in youtube videos and mkv videos. Like vsync is disabled?11:21
user_758auronandace: Do me a favour. With Chromum go to Google.com and search Webupd8 and press enter. Wait for 5 seconds11:22
ActionParsnipJWay: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep "flash|gnash|swf"11:23
ActionParsnipJWay: use a pastebin to host11:23
PepingActionParsnip: Nothing changed. I have an idea though. When I was installing Windows onto the new hard drive, I've noticed that a lot of the drivers on Lenovo's website were out of date... I'm going to check this now.11:23
auronandaceuser_758: done11:23
ActionParsnipPeping: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network    do you see the device?11:23
user_758auronandace: What version Ubutnu are you using?11:23
auronandaceuser_758: what happens for you?11:23
auronandaceuser_758: 11.04 xubuntu11:24
JWayActionParsnip, , sure -> http://pastebin.com/AjBN4u7i11:24
user_758auronandace: Google Chrome & Chromium stalls when I did that. Now it's fixed11:24
user_758I'm on Ubuntu 10.1011:24
Wiz_KeeDhey guys, can anyone please tel me how i can find out if my distribution is strictly the server one or if it does have a gui11:24
Wiz_KeeDi'm in 10.10 too11:24
PepingActionParsnip: That's the other problem that I'll be solving later. I may have messed up installing GRUB, Windows bootloader seems to still be the default. Now I'm going to try to fix Windows :)11:24
JWayActionParsnip, happens in vlc also when playing mkv files11:25
ActionParsnipJWay: try: sudo dpkg -P flashplugin64-installer; sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer11:25
user_758auronandace: whats diffrent in Xubuntu compared to Ubuntu?11:25
auronandaceuser_758: xfce instead of gnome or unity11:25
ActionParsnipuser_758: it uses XFCE and lighter apps, rather than Gnome11:25
dagerivI am trying to create 1000 threads with pthread_create, the the 380th thread creation always fails. (sometimes it fails on 379). is this some limit in ubuntu?11:26
user_758Is it more user friendly? Or should I stay with buntu for that?11:26
ActionParsnipuser_758: depends, sometimes yes, sometimes no. Smae with any DE11:27
user_758How do I refresh my Icons in my taskbar11:27
auronandaceuser_758: depends on what you like, I don't like unity's interface and I've never liked gnome2 (and especially don't like gnome3)11:27
ActionParsnipunity runs in gnome2 on natty11:28
user_758auronandace: It just seems that most apps are for gnome11:28
JWayActionParsnip, done still tearing. Do I need to reboot? My xorg.conf is here http://pastebin.com/pxrpxhLN - does it need more info on setting the monitor refresh rate? it is a laptop.11:28
ActionParsnipJWay: no, this isn't windows11:28
ActionParsnipJWay: not sure otherwise man, you have 64bit flash to match your 64bit OS though :)11:29
auronandaceuser_758: I like gtk apps over qt and xfce uses gtk (just like gnome)11:29
JWayActionParsnip, okay thanks anyway11:29
auronandaceuser_758: anything that works in gnome works in xfce11:29
ActionParsnipyou can run KDE apps in XFCE too...11:31
bullgard4_What actions will cahnge the contents of the file /var/lib/dpkg/status?11:31
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ActionParsnipbullgard4_: upgrades/installs and removals11:31
user_758Can I run Compiz in xfce? I like the effects11:32
auronandaceuser_758: yes11:32
user_758Can anyone tell me how to refresh icons listing in taskbar!11:34
dr-willisin xfce?11:34
dr-willisand clarify what icon listing means.11:35
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TheishiI am having trouble sending emails. I am trying to use exim4 and after running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config', I get an error message about paniclog containing errors. Paniclog says something about 'socket bind' port 25, and localhost already in use11:40
bullgard4_ActionParsnip: I have removed a tab in my Firefox. The output of '/var/lib/dpkg$ stat status' has not changed.11:42
ActionParsnipbullgard4_: yes, you haven't uninstalled firefox, a tab in firefox will not alter that file11:44
AldusHi. Trying to activate an iPad on my ubuntu laptop and following this tutorial: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/185-ubuntu-ipad-activate I get stuck at one point where i have to do: ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr  .... It says "no package libusbmuxd found"11:44
Aldus"Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you11:44
Aldusinstalled software in a non-standard prefix."11:44
daedraHello, I have an interesting problem: iPod 2nd gen shuffle 4GB used to mount and work with gtkpod in 3 linux distros, and it now only shows up in dmesg.11:44
ActionParsnip!find libusbmuxd11:44
ubottuFound: libusbmuxd-dev, libusbmuxd1, libusbmuxd1-dbg11:44
ActionParsnipAldus: install libusbmuxd-dev11:45
AldusActionParsnip, great.11:45
AldusActionParsnip, however installing it didn't change the error11:45
bullgard4_ActionParsnip: But you said: "removals will change the contents of the file /var/lib/dpkg/status.11:45
ActionParsnipbullgard4_: yes, of packages. Think about what dpkg command does ;)11:46
AldusActionParsnip, ok, fixed it :) now next package11:46
Aldusthere are plenty of them11:46
delinquentmehey all im doing a brand new install and im wondering about this screen here http://cache.techie-buzz.com/images/posts/Screenshot-Edit%20partition.jpg <<  if I have a windows 7 partition sitting next to my ubuntu partition .. are these the right settings?11:52
theadmindelinquentme: That looks right for the / partition, yes, however please do note that I can't tell anything about your Windows 7 partition from this11:53
delinquentmespecifically im after what the correct mount point11:53
PepingActionParsnip: Oh, looks like I solved it in windows... It was turned off in a way I didn't expect. I found some sewer drivers though, so I'm glad I did this.11:53
theadmindelinquentme: / is correct.11:53
PepingActionParsnip: Thanks for help, imma solve the grub problem now :)11:53
delinquentmetheadmin: could you explain what that means?11:53
bubuhi guys, could anyone advise on best way to duplicate users/groups on different servers? rsync?11:54
theadmindelinquentme: Well, the Linux filesystem is a bit... weird. / is the root directory, meaning everything resides there11:54
delinquentmeoh ok so its mouning the partition at that dir11:54
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: you can mount anywhere you wish except in /proc11:55
w_good morning. can anybody help me to type a command in ubuntu to find out my video board model?11:55
delinquentmeok awesome11:55
theadminActionParsnip: Or /dev... I wouldn't suggest mounting anything on /dev11:55
theadminw_: inxi -G11:55
delinquentmetype of new partition? primary or logical?11:55
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: if you are instaling you need at least one partition assigned to / to store the system files11:55
delinquentmeprimary bc i want grub managing the boot?11:55
theadmindelinquentme: Should be primary11:55
ActionParsniptheadmin: oh that'd be fun11:55
daedraHello, I have an interesting problem: iPod 2nd gen shuffle 4GB used to mount and work with gtkpod in 3 linux distros, and it now only shows up in dmesg.11:56
daedra(note, this has changed to now being recognised in dmesg)11:56
ActionParsnipdaedra: if you run:  sudo fdisk -l    does it show up?11:59
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Guest35100Подскажите как мне выставить ограничение скорости на интернете ?12:00
ultrixxGuest35100: CCCP?12:00
theadmin!ru | Guest3510012:00
ubottuGuest35100: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:01
Guest35100Мне надо ограничить скорость интернета. У меня 4 мб а надо выставить что бы скорость не привышала 112:01
theadminGuest35100: Присоеденитесь к #ubuntu-ru, этот канал англоязычный.12:04
yeshuahI have a dedicated user account owning / running some code for an app. Is it possible to SU into this account and keep SSH and GIT variables and keys from my own user account?12:04
zertyuiсумасшедшие меня в покое Guest3510012:05
theadminyeshuah: su --preserve-environment USERNAME12:05
theadminyeshuah: Or, for short, su -p username12:05
bubuhi guys, could anyone advise on best way to duplicate users/groups on different servers? rsync?12:05
alecatHi :)12:06
alecatI have installed ubuntu 10.10 on a macbook. It's a standalone install, no more mac osx ! It works quite well except a veeeeeery long boot time. What can i do ?12:06
jwalkercan anybody help me with enabling aladdin etoken on linux...12:06
yeshuahtheadmin: doesn this also work with id_rsa.pub keys? I still get permission Denied from github12:07
theadminyeshuah: I'm not sure how Git works there12:07
stealzhow can I type symbols that are not on my keyboard in ubuntu?12:08
theadminstealz: There is a virtual character map preinstalled, gucharmap12:08
stealzthanks theadmin12:08
ActionParsnipalecat: run:  dmesg | less    after a boot, look for long gaps in time on the left hand side12:09
yeshuahtheadmin: It just uses id_rsa.pub to authorize12:10
ninozim trying to get VNC running on display :0 but im getting a grey background with and X cursor :S12:12
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izinucsI have a 13gig / partition that seems to be full enough to prevent me from booting correctly or upgrading packages from a root rescue prompt.. I'm open for ideas on how to fix this..12:15
glebihanizinucs, "apt-get clean" might free up some space12:16
izinucsglebihan: thanks.. did that but no effect unfortunately12:17
HSarenahi... I have big problem, i don't have toolbar , launcher, desktop theme , desktop wall, i think because of i use compiz12:17
Bundestrojaneri just installed qtcreator on kubuntu 10.04 lts, but it doesn't start: http://pastebin.com/2bib5pN012:17
HSarenaplz help me12:17
Bundestrojanerafter the 4 lines, it's in endless loop with 100% cpu load12:18
bubu\aany ideas how to sync users/groups on natty multiple servers?12:18
ActionParsnipHSarena: log in to Ubuntu Classic, may help12:18
user_496Anyone ever used the ***The ~200 Line Linux Kernel Patch That Does Wonders***12:19
Quantum_Ionhuh ?12:20
improveuponi am about to clone a hard drive dual-booting windows and ubuntu to an external hdd using either dd or clonezilla. t or f: the external drive should be formatted to ext4.12:20
Quantum_Ionimproveupon, Good luck12:20
Bundestrojanerplz helpo12:20
Quantum_Ionimproveupon, Windows uses NTFS filesystem12:20
bubu\aanyone help?? ^^^12:21
Quantum_Ionimproveupon, Linux uses EXT3 and EXT4 filesystem12:21
HSarenaActionParsnip: i have these before but i just use compiz for enable cube for rotate desktop and then i think it's disable desktop wall, i don't know how to enable it12:21
glebihanizinucs, do you know why your disk is so full ? did you store data on the root partition or is it just packages ?12:21
ActionParsnipHSarena: use ccsm12:21
izinucsglebihan: gotta be packages.. I have a separate /home partition for my stuff.. unless it's because of /var/www/ stuff..12:22
improveuponright well the image is one file, and i will be restoring it using linux. the image will also be compressed using gzip. (i do not usually clone drives obviously)12:22
HSarenaActionParsnip: so how to enable unity and desktop other tools12:22
bazhangHSarena, ccsm12:23
bazhang!ccsm | HSarena12:23
ubottuHSarena: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz12:23
izinucsglebihan: no /var/www stuff.. I've got unity and kde loaded.. probably too much for the root.. any idea how to eliminate one when there isn't enough temp space to do the removal?12:23
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:24
Sargalushow do I instll tcl on ubuntu 11.0412:24
ActionParsnip!find tcl12:24
glebihanizinucs, you might want to try "sudo du -hs /*" to find out what is using all that disc space12:24
ubottuFound: libqtassistantclient-dev, libqtassistantclient4, python-dictclient, rrdtool-tcl, tcl, tcl-dev, tcl-doc, tcl8.4, tcl8.4-dev, tcl8.4-doc (and 83 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=tcl&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all12:24
bazhangSargalus, via the package manager?12:24
ActionParsnipSargalus: sudo apt-get install tcl12:24
HSarenabazhang: i use it but i don't know how to enable unity mode12:24
improveuponthanks anyway12:24
glebihanizinucs, even with unity and kde it shouldn't use that much spadce12:25
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bazhangHSarena, you need good enough graphics to enable unity mode, and the correct drivers. make sure of that first12:25
sh3rar3am beginer and i want shorcut keys12:25
izinucsglebihan: I agree... never had this issue in 6 yrs of running ubuntu..12:25
bazhangsh3rar3, for what12:25
SargalusActionParsnip: yeah it sys it's already installed yet if I do a search for libtcl.so nothing is found12:25
glebihanizinucs, did you delete the content of /tp12:26
glebihan /tmp12:26
ActionParsnip!find libtcl.so12:26
ubottuFile libtcl.so found in libhamlib2-tcl, tcl-dev12:26
Kingsyanyone had a problem with vlc sound? if you skip through a video the sound goes off? it then take about 5 mins and the sound suddenly starts again?12:26
ActionParsnipSargalus: there you go12:26
SargalusActionParsnip: ty12:26
HSarenabazhang: i have unity before but i think i disable desktop wall and unity and i lose it and i want to restart that setting12:27
bazhangHSarena, disabled how. please be very clear.12:27
izinucsglebihan: I'll look.. I'm running off a live cd right now and have mounted the /12:27
HSarenabazhang: i use compiz option to use desktop cube and then i lose my toolbar,unity,launcher,....12:28
NoobHaxorhey guys12:28
HSarenabazhang: i wanna it's back like first12:29
HSarenabazhang: plz help me12:29
bazhangHSarena, how did you disable it. you have not answered that12:30
Bundestrojaneri installed qtcreator on kubuntu 10.04 lts, but starting it results in endless loop: http://pastebin.com/2bib5pN012:30
MN--hey im wanting to create a computer thats just used as a server so my media pc can stream the moviess stored on it12:33
MN--whats the best os to use?12:33
izinucsglebihan: there's a directory /var/spool/cups-pdf/SPOOL that is 3.4 gigs ?? what's that?12:33
bazhangMN--, this is ubuntu support, what do you expect us to say12:33
bazhangMN--, look into mediatomb12:34
Sargalusdoes ubuntu come with a tempature widget or something to tell you the tempature of your system?12:35
bazhang!sensors | Sargalus12:35
ubottuSargalus: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.12:35
ActionParsnip!sensors | Sargalus12:35
bazhangSargalus, you can add that to conky if I recall correctly12:35
CarlFKhow do I force a version from my ppa?  https://launchpad.net/~carlfk/+archive/ppa/+packages  I want          dvswitch - 0.9.1-ubuntu1, I am getting 0.9~rc2-ubuntu312:36
bazhangHSarena, how did you disable it, and have you got ccsm installed or not12:36
MN--bazhang i was thinking maybe use ubuntu server thats why12:36
bazhangMN--, thats fine, there are other options as well (ie cli)12:36
glebihanizinucs, that looks like the printing queue for the "print to file" fonction12:37
ActionParsnipMN--: you can use ubuntu server then setup samba shares12:37
ActionParsnipMN--: any cli distro will do it though if you go that way12:37
perlsyntaxWhen is ubuntu going to update there perl to perl
iceroot_perlsyntax: never12:37
izinucsglebihan: that's what I was thinking. there were 3 files in there taking 3.4 gigs.. that's just huge12:37
perlsyntaxnot funny12:37
iceroot_perlsyntax: you will only get security-updates within one ubuntu-release12:37
glebihanizinucs, you can delete those files safely12:38
iceroot_!backports | perlsyntax12:38
ubottuperlsyntax: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:38
glebihanizinucs, oh guess you did...12:38
izinucsglebihan: :)12:38
ActionParsnip!ppa | perlsyntax try a ppa12:38
ubottuperlsyntax try a ppa: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa12:38
Quantum_Ionperl is not that big of a deal12:38
theetaAnyone bored enough to help a newbie? :)12:38
glebihanizinucs, don't know what you tried to print there...12:38
bazhangtheeta, ask the channel12:38
theetaWell actually i don't know how this happened. But suddenly my only Useraccount is not an admin anymore.12:39
Ray-Tuxhi guys12:39
theetaI tried rebooting to recovery mode and restoring the /etc/sudoers file. But it said: root not a sudoer.12:39
izinucsglebihan: whatever it was must have got stuck in a loop or something..12:39
ActionParsniptheeta: boot to root recovery mode and run:  usermod -a -G admin username12:40
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glebihanizinucs, yes probably12:40
izinucsglebihan: where is the "root" trash.. what I deleted I need to purge12:40
baisno way... wubi killed my ubuntu partition :(12:40
theetaAssuming that will do something, what shall i do next? ( as i said: newbie)12:41
iceroot_izinucs: there is no trash for root12:41
Quantum_Iontheeta, How did you manage to screw up your /etc/sudoers file ?12:41
iceroot_izinucs: trash is also a gui feature and of course you are not starting your gui with root12:41
theetaI have no f***ing idea12:41
ActionParsniptheeta: reboot and you will be able to use sudo12:41
baisthere is an expert of wubi online ?12:41
theetaI rebooted about 25 times now. :(12:41
Quantum_Iontheeta, You might hve to use your Ubuntu Linux live cd to fix that file12:41
MN--so is mediatomb the best or is there others?12:41
izinucsiceroot_: use to be there was a directory that deleted files went to when you did a sudo rm <something>12:41
ActionParsniptheeta: after running the command I gave, and in the root recovery console??12:42
ActionParsnipMN--: there is no best anything12:42
glebihanizinucs, no rm just deletes files12:42
iceroot_izinucs: no12:42
iceroot_izinucs: the bash doesnt have a trash12:42
Quantum_Ionsome people are careless when they use rm command12:42
iceroot_izinucs: so everything deleted with rm is gone12:42
theetaWell no not after your command. I will try that first. Thanks so far :)12:42
izinucsglebihan: iceroot_ good.. time to reboot and see if I have enough room to get into the system.12:42
Quantum_IonFor example, if you do this as root you are fucked rm /12:42
izinucsglebihan: brb12:42
iceroot_Quantum_Ion: nothing happening with that12:43
glebihanizinucs, you might want to try "df -h" first to make sure12:43
bazhangQuantum_Ion, dont even joke about that, and no cursing here12:43
oratedCan anyone help me find out why my network management is showing like this - http://imagebin.org/169730 ?12:43
iceroot_Quantum_Ion: first -r is missing, second, bash has a feature to not delete / directly12:43
oratedeven after being connected to network12:43
MN--okay whats the most recommended to use?12:44
ActionParsniporated: are the lights on the nic flashing?12:44
ActionParsnipMN--: same12:44
izinucsglebihan: I've now got 2.9 gigs of space.. might be enough to eliminate some packages I've install12:44
glebihanizinucs, should be12:44
ActionParsnipMN--: I suggest you use samba, your clients will be able to access the shares like windows shares and can stream that way12:44
oratedActionParsnip: Yeah, packets are sent/received12:44
bazhangActionParsnip, he's gone12:44
oratedActionParsnip: I'm on the same connection12:44
Quantum_Ionizinucs, You should try install bleachbit it removes files you dont need too and frees up space on your system12:44
oratedActionParsnip: Moreover, I've no other interface on use12:46
experiMENTALhi. i've got sompe problems to autostart my python file on ubuntu. can i get some help here?12:46
experiMENTAL*some, not sompe (i'm a bit ill today)12:47
ActionParsniporated: can you ping websites by name? Can you ping them by IP ( is a good one to test with)12:47
glebihanexperiMENTAL, what do you mean by autostart ? executing it at the beginning of your session ?12:47
sagaciexperiMENTAL- so what's the problem or are you starting from scratch12:48
oratedActionParsnip: Yes, 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=54 time=86.4 ms12:48
theetaHi again, usermod -a -G admin username did not help. :(12:48
ActionParsniporated: can you ping www.bbc.co.uk ?12:48
experiMENTALglebihan: yes. my thread is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=182928012:48
Quantum_Iontheeta, Use your Ubuntu Linux live disk to repair your filesystem12:48
ActionParsniporated: ?12:48
delinquentme_YESSS thanks to you guys im nowww talking on my NEW laptop!!!12:48
Quantum_Iontheeta, Mount your live disk and copy the /etc/sudoers file over to your corrupted system12:48
oratedActionParsnip: Yes.12:48
theetaIt'll be enough if i mount the image right?12:49
ActionParsniptheeta: is the user now in the admin group?12:49
theetaActionParsnip how do i see that? :(12:49
Quantum_Iontheeta, Do you have your Ubuntu Live disk ?12:49
delinquentme_aweso .. so next question .. when were talking hard drives .. ive got a spare .. and id love to stick it in the laptop .. but is there a way to not have it power on unless i tell it to?12:49
BluesKajHowdy folks12:49
ActionParsniporated: ping to may pss but to names my fail if DNS is failing, so its a perfectlyintelligent question12:49
ActionParsniptheeta: run:   groups12:49
theetaYea I got one (somewhere).12:49
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, That's not going to work12:49
oratedActionParsnip: Yes, it can. I've done this thing12:50
ActionParsniporated: a lot of users wil get an IP by DHCP but for some reason they will not get a DNS service given.12:50
glebihanexperiMENTAL, when exactly do you want that file to be executed ? at each start of a shell ?12:50
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: what isn't?12:50
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, She is going to have to use her Ubuntu Live disk12:50
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: who will?12:50
theetaWith groups I get username root ........12:50
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, theeta12:50
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: I'm talking to 2 people ;)12:50
ActionParsniptheeta: booting to root recovery mode will do it too ;)12:50
glebihanexperiMENTAL, or at the beginning of the GUI session ?12:50
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theetaQuantum_Ion I just hoped there was another way. :p12:50
ActionParsniporated: ok so what is the issue?12:51
ActionParsniptheeta: why are you logging on as root?12:51
experiMENTALglebihan: i want that file to be executed at the beginning of my GUI session. my python file is GUI.12:51
theetaActionParsnip I did that and tried your command from the root shell prompt and then rebooted twice. No effect.12:51
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, Tell her to use her Ubuntu Live disk and select try ubuntu linux and mount the filesystem and copy the /etc/sudoers file from the live disk to your corrupted filesystem12:51
glebihanexperiMENTAL, ok then .bash_login is not the right place to put it12:51
theetaAm I ?12:51
glebihanexperiMENTAL, why don't you simply use the "startup applications" tool to add your script to the applications started at the beginning of the session ?12:52
Quantum_Iontheeta, Do you have the Ubuntu Live CD ?12:52
theetaAs I said I'm new to Linux. I just created an account when installing and thought that would be my usual account.12:52
experiMENTALstartup is not catching it (more details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1829280&page=3 )12:53
oratedActionParsnip: I've done ping test. And as I said, I'm connected to IRC through same network. I've no other interface enabled. I saw in System Monitor, it reports received.sent data correctly. But only the network management I showed you above is not working ..12:53
theetaQuantum_Ion yes and i will try that now. :)12:53
Quantum_Iontheeta, Since you are new this is going to be kind of tricky12:53
Striker3070is there a history file somewhere that stores the commands that have been typed on command line in the past?12:55
chavoStriker3070: .bash_history12:55
delinquentme_when were talking hard drives .. ive got a spare .. and id love to stick it in the laptop .. but is there a way to not have it power on unless i tell it to?12:55
Striker3070chavo:, thanks hidden no wonder I could not find12:56
delinquentme_i just dont think theres a reason to put that HD into use and further degradation unless it needs to be12:56
glebihanexperiMENTAL, looks like the problem is in your script12:56
Striker3070chavo: can I increase the number of commands it retains in history12:57
experiMENTALglebihan: my script is working fine when i doubleclick it.12:58
theetaSo where do I find the /etc/sudoers file on the boot CD?12:58
glebihanexperiMENTAL, yes but that  doesn't set all variables (such as path for example) to the same values as launching it at session start12:58
glebihanexperiMENTAL, did you try launching it from a terminal (and from different paths)12:59
solenzohello there12:59
theetaOops, I should start labeling my CD's. That was win7 :ugly:13:00
solenzocan someone help me with small problem?13:00
tomodachisolenzo: dont ask just ask13:00
Quantum_Iontheeta, this is why its going to be tricky13:00
experiMENTALglebihan: message from terminal: bash: ./1.py: /usr/bin: bad interpreter: Permission denied13:00
solenzook :)13:00
experiMENTALglebihan: diffrent paths OK13:00
Quantum_Iontheeta you have to run the ubuntu linux live cd as try not install13:00
glebihanexperiMENTAL, I though from the thread that the permission denied issue was solved ?13:01
solenzoi have to run MS SQL SERVER on one machine and app in Yii framework on another. Itried to use MDB2 class mssql connect and nothing works to establish connection with MS SQL database13:01
Quantum_Ionthey you have to mount your old filesystem and copy the /etc/sudoers file from your ubuntu live cd to your corrupted filesystem13:01
bazhangsolenzo, connection to ubuntu there?13:01
solenzoconnection from ubuntu to windows machine13:01
solenzoeach machine in the same internal network13:02
glebihanexperiMENTAL, the first line of your script should be "#! /usr/bin/env python"13:02
experiMENTALglebihan: your right. it is working from terminal - not "bash: ./1.py: /usr/bin: bad interpreter: Permission denied" message13:02
glebihanexperiMENTAL, you cannot run a python script with bash...13:02
experiMENTALglebihan: there is no message, it is working from terminal.13:02
glebihanexperiMENTAL, then what is that error message you just pasted ?13:03
Quantum_Iontheeta, Go to Places->OS->yourcoruppted filesystem13:03
solenzobazhang: could you give an advice or channel where i can get help :)13:03
experiMENTALglebihan: i thought it still exists, but file is OK, so no more messages like that (i'm a bit ill, so i'm thinking poor today, sry :)13:04
glebihanexperiMENTAL, ok so the script is working fine both from double-clicking on it and from terminal (whatever the path your run it from) ?13:05
DeadmanIncJSgot a question on Ubuntu 11.04 64 bit. can i run that on my Win7 machine since Win7 is 64 bit?13:05
experiMENTALglebihan: yes, script on terminal OK, on double click OK, running from Desktop folder13:05
glebihanexperiMENTAL, could you pastebin the .desktop file used to launch it ? (the one from ~/.config/autostart)13:06
Quantum_IonDeadmanIncJS, Absolutely13:07
theetaQuantum_Ion: sorry, my Girlfriend just came around... :(13:07
Quantum_Iontheeta, I thought you were a woman13:07
theetaAnd now youre not going to help me anymore? :p13:08
Quantum_Iontheeta, I told you what to do13:08
Quantum_Iontheeta, You are going to have to use your Ubuntu Live CD to fix your corrupted filesystem13:08
theetaYea I know. Thanks! :) I'll try that as soon as i get a chance. :)13:08
theetaI'll come by later again just to tell you if it worked. :) Thanks!13:09
user_689Does enyone know if the "profile" set next to "quiet splash profile" is still working in todays Ubuntu 10.10?13:09
qweqqHello, i accidently erased my /dev with rm -R, is there any way to recreate it without reinstall ?13:09
glebihanexperiMENTAL, btw, does double-clicking on the .desktop file launch your script ?13:10
experiMENTALglebihan: ill check it13:10
experiMENTALglebihan: "The application launcher "1.py.desktop" has not been marked as trusted. If you do not know the source of this file, launching it may be unsafe."13:11
user_689Hi, Does enyone know if the "profile" set next to "quiet splash profile" is still working in todays Ubuntu 10.10?13:11
glebihanexperiMENTAL, oh yes forgot about that... well could you pastebin the file then ?13:11
BluesKajuser_689, dunno about profile but in some cases , nomodeset is required to boot into X with some nvidia graphics cards13:12
user_689BluesKaj: It's to improve boot performance13:12
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DeadmanIncJSQuantum_Ion: i thought so, but im always having boot issues after I update :(13:13
experiMENTALglebihan: autostart file: http://www.pasteall.org/2431313:13
BluesKajuser_689,  , it's the first I've heard of the "profile" option13:13
NetSplitzDeadmanIncJS, What kind of computer do you have ?13:13
glebihanexperiMENTAL, is your file set as executable ?13:14
DeadmanIncJSi got the partitions all set13:14
DeadmanIncJSw/help from another user on here13:14
DeadmanIncJSit'll give me the option to choose Ubuntu/Win7 but after a few reboots it wont go into Ubuntu13:15
DeadmanIncJSjust a blank screen13:15
defunktsiocsifflags error 132   <--- anyone seen this when trying to enable a wifi adaptor?13:15
NetSplitzDeadmanIncJS, HP is the worst13:15
experiMENTALglebihan: \/ allow executing file as program <- that?13:15
CoJaBoew, hp13:15
DeadmanIncJSbtw, i am re-installing Ubuntu.  for mount point i want "/" right?13:15
NetSplitzDeadmanIncJS, HP does something to their BIOS which is strange13:15
glebihanexperiMENTAL, yes13:16
DeadmanIncJSi like HP's laptops.  i got this 17" widescreen one for 800 :)13:16
NetSplitzDeadmanIncJS, You need a Linux friendly computer maker13:16
coder2Hello. Please help me to get sound in wine. I do not have pulseaudio, only alsa.13:16
experiMENTALglebihan: it was allowed all the time13:16
DeadmanIncJSZaReason didn't have any big screen laptops cheap enough13:16
DeadmanIncJSand it runs on here, i did the "live cd" for a day and worked fine13:17
CoJaBomy last hp caught fire13:17
DeadmanIncJSbtw, i am re-installing Ubuntu.  for mount point i want "/" right?13:17
DeadmanIncJSor "/boot"13:18
NetSplitzDeadmanIncJS, /13:18
glebihanexperiMENTAL, did you try replacing the "Exec" line by "Exec=/usr/bin/python /home/user/Desktop/1.py" ?13:19
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DeadmanIncJSif it acts up again guess i'll give up :)13:19
DeadmanIncJS*searches ZaReason.com*13:19
qweqqHello, i accidently erased my /dev with rm -R, is there any way to recreate it without reinstall ?13:22
experiMENTALglebihan: .desktop double click: "The application launcher "1.py.desktop" has not been marked as trusted. If you do not know the source of this file, launching it may be unsafe."13:22
glebihanexperiMENTAL, this doesn't matter. to edit the file, open a terminal and type "gedit /path/to/file"13:23
auronandaceqweqq: how did you rm something that important accidentally?13:23
NetSplitzqweqq, Good question13:25
experiMental_glebihan: i'll relogin now13:25
glebihanexperiMENTAL, ok13:25
qweqqauronandace: i mounted it in a chroot which then i did sudo rm -R on13:25
auronandaceqweqq: why13:26
eguest309i want  a shell script which will setup two chrome windows in fullscreen on  one machine in kiosk mode wth another external montiro connected13:27
* CoJaBo umounted / a few hours ago, tho that was on a system dumb enough to let you do that unprivileged -_-'13:27
eguest309is that possible ?13:27
qweqqauronandace: i built a debian chroot with debootstrap and mounted my /dev, sys, proc with --bind to the created chroot, i finished my job in the chroot, and instead of unmounting the devices first i just did sudo rm -R on the folder holding the chroot which wiped /dev, sys and proc seem to be ok13:28
CoJaBoit still runs, but I can't login to reboot it myself D=13:28
qweqqauronandace: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/need-to-rebuild-dev-354950/ i found this thread which says if i am using udev (i am using ubuntu 10.10) everything should be ok, but i am not sure about it since this is a machine i do not have physical access to13:29
experiMental_glebihan: current autostart file: www.pasteall.org/24314 gives no autostart after login13:30
qweqqauronandace: i mean that i don't know how safe it is to try to reboot and if i am using udev13:30
glebihanexperiMental_, ok then could you pastebin the python script itself13:31
adantei have a disk that can only dd at about 25 meg a second - it's a 1.5tb 7200rpm so i thought it should be much faster than that, anybody have tips for diagnosing?13:31
frostschutzadante: exact dd command?13:31
izinucsglebihan: back.. worked.. doing a full system update now.. AND getting a new kernel.. joy.. I should look for old kernels too to eliminate13:31
adantefrostschutz: dd if=/dev/sdd of=/dev/sda bs=32M13:32
adantefrostschutz: 369098752 bytes (369 MB) copied, 15.8826 s, 23.2 MB/s13:32
glebihanizinucs, nice :)13:32
NetSplitzAlways keep your Ubuntu Live disk on you just in case13:33
auronandaceqweqq: I'd reinstall and be more careful next time when you do anything as sudo13:33
frostschutzadante: bs=32M doesn't make much sense. use bs=1M at most. 64-128k is sufficient. only 512b is really bad. How fast is it if you of=/dev/null?13:33
cfeddeadante: try dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/dsa bs=32M count=10013:33
NetSplitzYou need that Ubuntu Live disk to repair filesystems13:33
experiMental_glebihan: www.pasteall.org/2431513:34
cfeddeadante: also frostschutz's advice.13:34
frostschutzadante: yes, try with of /dev/null and if /dev/zero resp. to find out which of the two disks is the one being slow13:34
qweqqNetSplitz, auronandace yeh, i guess i will reinstall, thanks for the help13:34
cfeddealso try a smaller block size.  4k or 8k even13:35
glebihanexperiMental_, you should replace the value of the "plik" variable by the absolute path to "1.txt"13:35
buttonswhat is the default command line utility for sending email with an attachment?13:35
adantefrostschutz: wow... to dev null it is 129mb/s - it must be my e-sata (on /dev/sda ) which is bunk13:36
adantefrostschutz: thanks!13:36
CoJaBohuh. mine runs faster with bs=32M, and that's with a really sucky sata card lol13:36
experiMental_glebihan: what line?13:36
glebihanexperiMental_, line 43 : plik='1.txt'13:36
coder2no answers. Thanks anyway, bye :-(13:36
CoJaBo107m/s vs 92m/s13:37
JillesCodeGuys, I have a ubuntu server running now13:37
JillesCodehow do I acces it from other pc's?13:37
osseqweqq, if you are going to reinstall, can't you then just try to reboot anyway?13:37
frostschutzCoJaBo: at that buffer size you're limited by dd implementation oddities rather than read/write overheads.13:37
spacebug-JillesCode: install openssh-server (if that is not already installed)13:38
CoJaBomy laptop gets 907 kb/sec at default size.. lol13:38
CoJaBoincredibly sucky hdd13:38
alecathow do you do a pipe in ubuntu on macbook ?13:38
qweqqosse: problem is that i did it over ssh, and someone else is working on the machine right now, i know the machine has a raid setup and if i reboot and can't get to boot back maybe all his info will be lost13:38
scarleoThe side menu in Unity (Dash?) is being reset everytime I switch user. All my personally added programs get removed and it reverts to default. Can it be fixed somehow?13:39
spacebug-scarleo: that is a personalized "menu" so it is how it should work13:39
BluesKajJillesCode, install openssh-client on the pcs youwant to ssh into the server13:39
scarleoLauncher might be the correct name13:39
experiMental_glebihan: i'm not shure i understand the meaning of "absolute value" - double quote instead of single quote, is it this?13:39
Hoythi , what's a recommended calendar program ?13:40
scarleospacebug-: I think you get me wrong. If another user is using his account, MY launcher gets reset to default.13:40
coiaxHey guys, how do you determine which patches have been applied to an ubuntu package? I want to know how the source differs from the vanilla13:40
glebihanexperiMental_, no I mean that instead of '1.txt' it should be '/path/to/1.txt' (I guess /home/user/Desktop/1.txt)13:40
beef2011random wifi disconnects, ubuntu 11.04 with rt3090 (conflicting drivers already blacklisted)13:40
kingofswordscan anyone tell a channel where i can help with slipstreamed ver of windows?13:41
qweqqosse: i am atm downloading a fresh ubuntu on which i will erase /dev too and restart my pc, let's hope it works, got any better ideas ? :)13:41
spacebug-scarleo: oh I see. Then it is not how it should work ;/13:41
experiMental_glebihan: can this be "./1.txt" instead of "1.txt"?13:41
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glebihanexperiMental_, no it would be the same as what it is now13:41
scarleospacebug-: Have you seen any bug reports on that matter?13:42
osseqweqq, smart! are you doing it in a VM or on an actual computer?13:42
experiMental_glebihan: is there any universal solution for different folders?13:42
lotuspsychjeI tought ubuntu was secure...http://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/ubuntu-fixes-webkit-flaws-other-issues-updates-08231113:42
spacebug-no. Haven't looked though. I'm the only user using graphic login13:42
glebihanexperiMental_, is the "1.txt" file always in the same folder as the python script ?13:43
experiMental_glebihan: yes13:43
Josh_If I want to edit something in folder other than home folder , Do everytime I have to open terminal type sudo gedit?13:44
glebihanexperiMental_, ok then use "plik=os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], '1.txt')"13:44
beef2011random wifi disconnects, ubuntu 11.04 with rt3090 (conflicting drivers already blacklisted)13:44
glebihanexperiMental_, you'll have to add "import os" at the beginning of the file13:44
benni am in windows and i cannot enter any folder O_o13:44
Jordan_U!gksudo | Josh_13:44
ubottuJosh_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:44
experiMental_glebihan: ok, ill try :)13:44
lotuspsychjebeef2011: did you try WEP security instead of WPA?13:44
bazhangbenn, how is that related to ubuntu support13:44
bennneed to be administrator...is there a software i can use to access any problems?13:45
glebihanexperiMental_, let me know how it goes13:45
qweqqosse, yes, that's a better idea, will try it in a VM :)13:45
adantefrostschutz: now going at 85, thanks for your help13:45
Josh_Thanks JonathanD13:45
spacebug-Josh_: there is plugins for nautilus. One of them lets you open folders and such as administrator. That way you dont have to use the terminal if you dont want to13:45
beef2011lotuspsychje: unfortunately I can't change it, the router/network isn't mine13:45
BabboonAnyone know why when I run the who command there are three of my username logged in?13:45
bennbazhang:the guys off #windows dont want me to hack13:45
bazhangbenn, its offtopic here13:45
lotuspsychjebeef2011: i had issues with rt drivers not being abled to access wpa13:46
spacebug-Babboon: some terminals open?=13:46
bennbut maybe someone else want to answer my question13:46
Jordan_UJosh_: And yes, pretty much any file outside /home/you will require root priveleges, though there are exceptions like /tmp/ so check the permissions before immediately using [gk]sudo.13:46
Josh_Thanks alot spacebug-13:46
beef2011lotuspsychje: oh no I can access WPA, I'm connected to the network it just suddenyl drops on me and won't connect again unless I reboot13:46
bazhangbenn, no, not here. stop asking.13:46
Babboonyea spacebug13:46
spacebug-Josh_: yw13:46
spacebug-Babboon: then that is it13:46
Babboonthere are three13:47
bennbazhang yes i can13:47
osseqweqq, actually, I was thinking a VM will give a "false positive" in the sense that the VM probably will try to make the OS boot13:47
Josh_I just installed lighttpd , server with sudo apt-get install13:47
Babboonwhy is that though?13:47
bennis there a way to access any folder in windows xp with a software?13:47
silvercatguys, i'm trying to install ubuntu 11.04 but my cd is corrupt. I've gotten as far as to network setting up, but it fails at core installation. is there a way to make it download the packages its unable to install from the internet instead of cdrom? like a net install?13:47
Josh_now I want to edit stuff , every time writing sudo gedit was painful :P13:47
bazhangbenn, stop that now13:47
spacebug-Babboon: you should see something like you name and maybe tty8 and them some with name and pts/213:47
lotuspsychjethat was exact same error for me beef2011: wpa disconnected me after a while, had to reboot the router..13:47
qweqqosse, hm, you're right, got a laptop, will try on it13:47
Babboonyea pts/0 , 1, 213:48
spacebug-yeah, because that user is on those terminals13:48
beef2011lotuspsychje: I don't mean rebooting the router I mean rebooting my laptop, it'll connect just fine but a about a minute or so later just dies13:48
BabboonI got ya13:48
experiMental_glebihan: it is working. i love you!13:48
jpmhI am using the onboard video and an external monitor - when I do things like start firefox - they start in the external - how do I force it to start things  in one or the other myself13:49
spacebug-Babboon: you can also jsut type w to see more13:49
lotuspsychjebeef2011: maybe try to pastebin syslog errors for network manager here in chat, someone might be able to fix13:49
BabboonNice! Thank you spacebug!13:49
beef2011lotuspsychje: how would one go about doing that?13:49
glebihanexperiMental_, :)13:49
spacebug-Babboon: yw ;)13:50
dsnyderssilvercat, I'm not sure, but I don't think there is.  These days I prefer using a USB flash drive instead of a CD.13:50
lotuspsychjebeef2011: go to /var/log/syslog and copy paste the text to pastebin website, tne copy url into chat with your problem13:50
JillesCodeI use fedora for my laptop, and ubuntu for my server ^^13:50
experiMental_glebihan: do you need some help?13:50
Josh_Ubuntu's file system is quite tricky for a new user :\13:51
Josh_when you install something with apt-get it gets so much distributed everywhere13:51
Jordan_U!fhs | Josh_13:51
ubottuJosh_: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier13:51
beef2011lotuspsychje: ok thanks, will return after a reboot13:51
Josh_I just installed nautilus now , I don't know where I can start it from :P13:51
silvercatdsnyders, I'm trying to install server x64, what i have on my flash drive is the desktop version, not sure if its even x64 but it should work right?13:51
glebihanexperiMental_, no why ?13:51
experiMental_glebihan: than thank you. have a nice day :)13:52
oCeanJosh_: when installed from repositories, executables are installed in your PATH variable, for example /usr/bin/nautilus.13:52
glebihanexperiMental_, you're welcome. have a nice day too13:52
oCeanJosh_: since it's in your PATH, you don't need to provide the full path to the executable, just type nautilus13:53
anadonwhen I try to install grub2, it errors with "./grub-mkfont -o unicode.pf2 /usr/share/fonts/unifont/unifont.pcf.gz      ./grub-mkfont: error: can't set 16x16 font size."  How do I fix this?13:53
Josh_oCean, just type nautilus , where?13:53
Josh_in laucher or something?13:53
oCeanJosh_: I would use a terminal13:54
dsnyderssilvercat, Can't help.  I've only installed the server version once, via CD.  I didn't like it, so I wiped it and reinstalled.13:54
Jordan_Uanadon: What version of Ubuntu are you using? Grub2 should be installed by default.13:54
spacebug-Josh_: alt+F2 and type nautilus13:54
Josh_Thank you both of you , worked by both methods13:55
Josh_But I still don't know where it is installed :P13:55
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vrshttp://pastebin.com/xGr7Tu3e http://pastebin.com/GEbhqtwn I probably need a new disk, comments?13:55
Josh_Also, Nautilus just opened basic file manager of ubuntu :\13:55
vrsfirst is syslog, second smartctl13:55
dsnydersJosh_, you could use the whereis command if you really need to know.13:56
Josh_But why wasn't it just installed in my home folder?13:57
Jordan_UJosh_: Nautilus *is* Ubuntu's default file manager.13:57
Josh_Ohh , dumb me.13:58
Kingsyapt-get contains vlc 1.1.9 how can I install 1.1.12 ?13:58
KingsyI have already installed 1.1.9 so I guess i need to upgrade13:59
trionsCan anybody please tell what is the difference between synptiks touch pad and eGalaxTouch controller drivers?13:59
dsnydersJosh_, Apt never installs programs in the home folder.  That's not where they belong.13:59
trionsI need to setup finger touch on my touch screen tablet. Digitizer already works. Its just the finger touch which I need to figure out13:59
Josh_dsnyders, How can we control where it get installed , like we can in windows.13:59
Josh_Or we don't need to?14:03
trionsI followed this http://samiux.blogspot.com/2010/11/howto-ubuntu-1010-on-gigabyte-touchnote.html but still it does not recognize finger touch.14:03
LarryBirdhows everyone today14:03
ultrixxis there a speech recognition software for ubuntu? like dragon for windows14:03
Jordan_UJosh_: You can't. You also generally don't ever want to.14:03
Kingsythis is the thing with ubuntu, I love it but say I wanted to upgrade a program, there seems to be no standard way of doing it? how do I know if I can do it through the repos at all?14:03
mattt__What's with all the Ubuntu forum results that show up on google that require one to login when trying to access them?14:03
Moshanatorkingsy, is tjere a specific reason you want .12?14:03
Josh_Jordan_U, Ok , thanks alot14:03
Josh_Just one more question14:03
Josh_is there any task manager?14:03
Jordan_UJosh_: You're welcome.14:03
KingsyMoshanator: 1.1.9 has a pulseaudio bug that is screwing with my playback14:03
Kingsy1.1.12 doesnt14:03
Jordan_UJosh_: Yes, "System monitor".14:05
Josh_I am currently on
ActionParsnipJosh_: use network manager14:12
KingsyActionParsnip: no, how would I know if there is one?14:12
Josh_I want to change it to
ActionParsnip!ppa | Kingsy14:12
ubottuKingsy: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa14:12
supercom32ActionParsnip: That will not work. I can't see the drive on my "fdisk -l" list.14:12
damnocan I add a username as member of two different groups?14:12
ActionParsnipdamno: yes, you are already a member of many groups14:12
KingsyActionParsnip: https://launchpad.net/~bdrung/+archive/ppa/+build/2638424 <-- looks like vlc 1.1.12 is in there14:12
damnoActionParsnip: ok. thanks.14:12
beef2011lotuspsychje: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/675271/14:12
supercom32ActionParsnip: Consider the drive "ejected" via Ubuntu or a USB device error.14:12
KingsyActionParsnip: I am on 64bit btw14:12
ActionParsnipKingsy: https://launchpad.net/~bdrung/+archive/ppa14:12
user_46Can anyone tell me where I can see my Bootlog. Sometimes Ubuntu just stop booting for some reason14:12
DeadmanIncJSwell that was just crazy14:12
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KingsyActionParsnip: ok, so what exactly happens if I add that PPA to my system? all I want to do is install vlc 1.1.12 thats it, I don't want anything else...14:12
ActionParsnipKingsy: then yuo will install vlc from the PPA and if you get any issues, we cannot support your vlc14:12
user_46Can anyone tell me where I can see my Bootlog. Sometimes Ubuntu just stop booting for some reason.14:12
beef2011user_46:  maybe in /var/log/???14:13
beef2011user_46: minus the ?'s of course14:13
KingsyActionParsnip: but if I install vlc from that PPA, and it does go faulty because its been install through a PPA I can remove it using apt-get ?14:13
ActionParsnipKingsy: also, if the PPA gets updated, you will pull down the new version14:14
supercom32cat /proc/scsi/scsi14:14
ActionParsnipKingsy: yes it can be easily removed and the ppa can be easily removed too14:14
Josh_If I want to kill some process , can I?14:14
qweqquser_46: you can view your logs in a more organised way in System -> Administration -> Log File Viewer14:14
ActionParsnipJosh_: yes14:14
Josh_ActionParsnip, how?14:14
KingsyActionParsnip: cant I just add the PPA to sources.list install vlc then remove the PPA? that way I wont be updated with the PPA ?14:14
user_46I'm in var/log/Bootlog-----inside ((Nothing has been logged yet.)14:14
ActionParsnipJosh_: either something like:  killall programname14:14
Josh_all seems dangerous there :P14:15
beef2011user_46: might this help? http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-view-boot-log/14:15
ActionParsnipKingsy: no need to use sources.list, just use: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:name14:15
KingsyActionParsnip: and then audo remove-apt-repository ?14:16
beef2011lotuspsychje: out of that log it looks almost like some other driver is trying to control my card that I haven't blacklisted14:16
bazhangKingsy, ppa-purge14:16
user_46beef2011: I just accessed the bootlog. It's empty14:16
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bazhang!info ppa-purge | Kingsy14:16
ubottuKingsy: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB14:16
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KingsyActionParsnip: ok I have added the ppa.. apt-get install vlc stills says I have the most up to date version.. do I need to update apt-get ?14:18
beef2011user_46: then unfortunately I can be of no more use, just trying to help a little but knowledge of the beast as it were is not that big :-)14:18
beef2011user_46: that should say my knowledge of the beast, freakin' keyboard14:18
user_46beef2011: Thanks anyway14:18
bazhangKingsy, yes14:18
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ActionParsnipKingsy: how did you add it?14:18
GalvatronI have a likely Compiz related problem with Ubuntu 11.04 (classic GNOME) and both Compiz 0.8.6 and as far as I remember also with 0.9.4: applets on the right side of the upper panel (notofication area, weather and clock) frequently load and work in the background, but don't show up on the panel, either partially or entirely and I must restart them or the panel itself to make them visible. If it matters, I have 7300GT + latest proprietary b14:19
Galvatronfrom nVidia's website. Compiz is added to autostart by being added to required session components in Gconf Editor.14:19
rrykuaHi. How do I find out process id by window in Ubuntu?14:20
bpooleI want to create a patch for a bug. I read (ok skimmed) the packagingbuild and see how to generate a patch (dch/debuild/debdiff) but I had one question. My change is essentially undoing a couple of lines of an existing patch. Is editing the src files and letting debdiff create a new patch file the correct solution or is there a way to fix the errorneous patch file?14:20
jribrrykua: xprop or xwininfo14:20
ActionParsnipKingsy: was it:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bdrung/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install vlc14:20
theetaps aux | less14:20
KingsyActionParsnip: exactly14:21
KingsyActionParsnip: but now ppa-purge is saying that if I remove that PPA vlc will be dowgraded..14:21
KingsyI guess I should just keep the ppa then14:21
ActionParsnipJosh_: killall is the command, you can also use:  ps -ef | grep name    use the leftmost value as the PID and run:  kill PID14:21
bazhangKingsy, then dont use it14:21
stu1nonono kingsy14:21
stu1You don't want PPA14:22
rrykuajrib: Thank. I'll try that now. Also I remember in some variant of Linux there was a nice tool, when mouse cursor turned into a cross with skull and that allowed to kill any process by clicking on its window. Is there something like that for Ubuntu?14:22
bazhangstu1, yes he does14:22
Kingsystu1: I had no choice14:22
ActionParsnipKingsy: well it assumes you installed vlc, did you get the 1.1.12 installed ok?14:22
jribbpoole: try #ubuntu-motu but I'd suggest just creating a patch that modifies the existing patch14:22
Kingsybazhang: what do you mean don't use it? isnt it automatic ?14:22
jribrrykua: xkill14:22
GalvatronKingsy: It's exactly how ppa-purge works - roll back the changes made by a PPA.14:22
KingsyActionParsnip: yeah thats install ok14:22
bazhangKingsy, that removes the ppa and the version, you said "what if?"14:22
rrykuajrib: thanks a lot14:23
user___Hello, could someone tell me the meaning of phrase "Rep Sales" and what is "Rep", in other words? About what it is (context - maybe form or report)14:23
bazhangKingsy, its not sudo remove-apt-repository14:23
bazhang!ot | user___14:23
ubottuuser___: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:23
bazhanguser___, try ##english14:23
qweqqKingsy: to disable updating from the PPA: sudo software-properties-gtk, then go to the Other sofware tab, and uncheck the lines containing the ppa to vlc14:24
Josh_IRC is the best thing ever made in world :P14:24
ActionParsnipJosh_: i can think of better ;)14:24
rrykuaAnd finally one more question. Sometimes my Ubuntu hangs up because some process it taking all resources (e.g. linking Google Chrome browser). In Windows I am able to start Task Manager at all times since it has highest priority, while on Ubuntu System Monitor is running with the same priority and thus takes forever start. Is there some way to make it always start with higher priority?14:24
Josh_ActionParsnip, lol14:24
ActionParsnipJosh_: sex14:24
Josh_I need to change my statement now.14:25
irrumator_curious why Lucida grand doesn't look the same or as nice in Ubuntu as on Macs? Monaco font though looks great.14:25
Josh_For Knowledge , IRC is the best thing  ever made in world :P14:25
IdleOneJosh_: get on topic please if you want to chat join #ubuntu-offtopic14:25
ActionParsniprrykua: you could edit the menu item to run:  nice -15 command    giving it a higher cpu time14:25
=== MikeB is now known as technoviking
Kingsyqweqq: thanks.. great stuff14:26
beef2011wifi randomly disconnecting in 11.04 wth rt3090 card (blacklisted drivers) here is the sys log http://paste.ubuntu.com/675271/14:26
KingsyActionParsnip: bazhang: thanks for your help :)14:26
theadmin!hi | vahid14:26
vahidi have problem in linux14:26
vahidpls help me14:27
theadminvahid: You should just state your problem14:27
vahid  ok14:27
bazhangvahid, what version of ubuntu, what is the issue14:27
Galvatronirrumator_: Have you adjusted antialiasing settings?14:27
theadminvahid: 11.04 or 11.10?14:27
rrykuaActionParsnip: Thanks. I have also shortcut key (Ctrl+Esc) mapped to it. Can I make Ubuntu treat shortcut key handling with highest priority? Essentially all I want is that I can always hit the hotkey and kill any process despite that some other process may be taking all resources.14:27
theadmin!ubuntu+1 | vahid14:27
ubottuvahid: Oneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+114:27
bazhang#ubuntu+1 vahid14:27
irrumator_Galvatron: not that I know of, no. Is this not the default? How can I set it to turn out "correctly"?14:28
ActionParsniprrykua: whatever command the combination uses, make sure it uses the nice command14:28
Josh__IdleOne, sorry, It was just 1 sentence.14:28
ActionParsnipKingsy: you got it installed ok?14:28
vahidi install squid in my server and use this server as a cacheserver and config wccp14:28
rrykuaActionParsnip: Okay. Thanks. I will test it... hopefully it will work. I am just worried that shortcut key handling may not get through, i.e. it won't even get to run "nice" command :)14:29
bazhangvahid, #ubuntu+1 for 11.1014:29
ActionParsnipvahid: oneiric isn't supported here14:29
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Galvatronirrumator_: In my case Lucida Grande was looking nice with smoothing method set to subpixel and hinting to slight.14:29
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vahidi install squid in my server and use this server as a cacheserver and config wccp14:30
irrumator_yeah, that's what I've got right now Galvatron. Maybe the size is too small? I had the same issue with Monaco before. I resized it to be slightly larger, and it's suddenly gorgeous.14:30
bazhangvahid, hi14:30
KingsyActionParsnip: yeah installed great :)14:31
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bazhangvahid, this is not the channel for 11.1014:32
beef2011wifi randomly disconnecting in 11.04 wth rt3090 card (blacklisted drivers) here is the sys log http://paste.ubuntu.com/675271/14:32
vahidwhat chanel?14:32
bazhangvahid, /join #ubuntu+114:32
auronandacevahid: to get help with 11.10 you'll need to /join #ubuntu+114:32
Galvatronirrumator_: On my 17" 1024x768 display it was fine with 10 points.14:32
irrumator_well i'm on all 9s, so maybe one higher should do the trick. i'm actually at a much higher res than you as well ;014:32
Galvatronirrumator_: Try 10pt + bold window titles.14:33
ActionParsnipKingsy: easy peasy ;)14:33
makarabeef2011, open a terminal, type dmesg | pastebinit<enter>14:33
Galvatronirrumator_: I initially also had all 9pt, but quicly decided it's too small.14:34
irrumator_Galvatron: yep, windows are already bold. 10 makes everything just look fat :( I'm going back to my normal Droid Sans, an amazing font that doesn't hog space and looks beautiful anyways14:34
beef2011makara: what will that do?14:34
Galvatronirrumator_: Try playing with the hinting settings, so maybe you'll find optimal ones.14:34
makaraoh you're not getting direct probe error14:34
irrumator_ok, thanks Galvatron14:34
makarasorry, I see you sent pastebin14:35
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:36
oCeanJosh_: calm down please14:36
theadminOh, I didn't even notice :D14:36
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Josh__Damn this14:39
bazhangJosh__, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic , you know that14:40
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beef2011wifi randomly disconnecting in 11.04 wth rt3090 card (blacklisted drivers) here is the sys log http://paste.ubuntu.com/675271/14:41
suigenerisI have just re-installed, and I get a grub rescue>. help me please14:41
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: boot to liveCD and reinstate grub14:42
makarabeef2011, what have you tried? you done any research? is this first time you're seeing this? did you change something?14:42
vahid2i have a problem14:43
dnivra!ask | vahid214:43
ubottuvahid2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:43
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makarabeef2011, can you connect without wicd?14:43
suigenerisActionParsnip: would http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=b668443ef7ce65e686935c8d00a6ffa3&p=8324482&postcount=5 help me?14:43
theadminvahid2: As stated before, 11.10 is NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS CHANNEL (chat room), please type: /join #ubuntu+114:43
auronandacevahid2: to get help with 11.10 you'll need to /join #ubuntu+114:43
stu1I have a question. I deleted the partition that had grub on it. How do I get it back?14:43
theadminstu1: Well, that's a toughie... Testdisk might help here14:44
delinquentme_SO ive got a bit of an issue while im typing my thumb seems to graze the touchpad .. and my cursor will jump across the screen .. this wasnt an issue in my previous install of ubuntu ... anyone happen to have any suggestions as to how to get this to be less sensitive or to filter out random taps?14:44
beef2011makara: I've tried blacklisting a couple more suggested drivers but it doesn't help, this is indeed the first time I'm seeing this and I haven't changed anything at all apart from adding dkms + a package for the card and blacklisting drivers14:44
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin7   is what I always advise14:44
alephHi. How much megabytes exactly (+- 50MB) does 11.04 Desktop i386 standard installation takes after fresh install?14:44
alephI, know that 8.04 takes 2.10 GB14:45
beef2011makara: I've read about wicd but how will it help?14:45
theadminaleph: Around 4 gigabytes from what I'm aware14:45
ActionParsnipaleph: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements14:45
makaradelinquentme_ usually you can press super and F9 to toggle the mouse14:45
AxonetBE1how can I access a server when I lost my public key?14:45
alephtheadmin, ActionParsnip: this is not "exactly""14:45
ActionParsnipaleph: 4 or 5Gb is minimal, you'll struggle with updates with any less.14:45
suigenerisActionParsnip: I typed sudo grub and I got grub: command not found14:46
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: in the liveCD?14:46
delinquentme_makara, is super going to be windows button .. or alt or funtion?14:46
makaradelinquentme_ not super, FN + F914:46
alephActionParsnip: i'm debian user for 10 years, and I just want exact information. what df -h tells, after first boot.14:46
theadminaleph: If you really need to worry about disk space, you probably should consider Arch, Gentoo, SliTaz or other minimalistic distros...14:46
makaradelinquentme_ you want to access the special laptop functions. they're drawn small on the keys14:46
delinquentme_makara, good idea! bu that key combo doesnt work ... lemme google14:46
theadminaleph: Want me to do a check on this? I can install a Ubuntu in a VM and tell you the output14:46
alephtheadmin: yes, sure. I just want to determine this on my own. :)14:46
compdoc`aleph, I have a fresh install sitting here - its using 2.8 Gigs14:46
alephcompdoc`: THANKS!14:47
alephtheadmin: no, no need. I can start qemu here too :D14:47
* delinquentme_ feels like a nub14:47
delinquentme_makara, thanks a buncha14:47
makaradelinquentme_ sweet14:47
alephtheadmin: compdoc` says it is 2.8 GB :)14:47
ActionParsnipaleph: lubuntu is a bit less ;)14:47
compdoc`I installed updates and a couple of programs so far14:48
theadminaleph: Okay, that's great14:48
alephtheadmin: is this i386 or amd64 ?14:48
* theadmin lol'd at "your pc, your way" on ubuntu.com xD14:48
theadminaleph: Um, I'm running an AMD machine right here if that matters, but with a i386 OS -- so that's the only thing I can check. Can't install a 64-bit guest with a 32-bit host14:48
makarabeef2011, make you remember what you blacklisted. why were you blacklisting stuff?14:49
suigenerisActionParsnip: find /boot/grub/stage1 gives me Error 15: Fıle not found14:49
beef2011makara: I was blacklisting stuff because there are conflicting drivers for my wireless card under ubuntu14:49
alephActionParsnip: I have debian testing on 1gb pendrive and my gf have also debian stable on 4gb pendrive.14:49
alephhowever he wants Ubuntu :)14:49
makarabeef2011, so it didn't work, then you blacklisted, now it works but intermittently14:50
boy_rm_bsxhi everyone14:50
Galvatronaleph: It all depend on whether you have a separate /home partition or not. Around 3GB for the system + 0,5-1GB or more for /home14:50
theadminaleph: Wow... Nice job there :D14:50
makarabeef2011, what's the signal strength list? what's the refresh period on your WLAN set to?14:51
beef2011makara: this is what I blacklisted and yes it wasn't working before blacklist and now it is but it conks out after a minute or so rt2800pci rt2800lib rt2x00usb rt2x00pci rt2x00lib rt2860sta14:51
ActionParsnipaleph: could try xpud ;)14:51
Galvatronaleph: Size  can be reduced significantly by getting rid of old kernels, cached packages, help files, Samba, Mono, nvidia-current etc.14:52
beef2011makara: signal strength when connected is full and I've no idea what the refresh rate is14:52
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ActionParsnipaleph: or install minimal and install from the ground up the things you want, keeps things tidy14:52
alephGalvatron: I have managed to use debian on 700MB + 300MB fat. on 1gb pendrive :D. I really do not want TRICKS.14:52
alephGalvatron: ActionParsnip: I know all tricks, and hacks. belife me. I just wanted simpler approach for my girlfriend :D14:53
ActionParsnipaleph: lxde + lxdm + wicd + chromium is my base OS :)14:53
Phong_hi guys, is it safe to pay online bills with ubuntu ?14:53
theadminaleph: I installed Arch with a full XFCE desktop, Opera, Pidgin and Thunderbird on a 2GB-space netbook xD14:53
Phong_i dont trust windows14:53
theadminPhong_: It is safe, but you're paranoid14:53
phillyjPhong_: yea14:53
ActionParsnipPhong_: sure, the browsers obey defacto standards so is just as safe as windows browsers14:53
Galvatronaleph: No tricks here, just the basics not to wast ~1GB14:54
phillyjPhong_: I use it for ebay, etc14:54
alephtheadmin: Arch is greate. I also tested Mint few days ago, really userfridnely. However considering this is #ubuntu, I will not discuss this :D14:54
|Slacker|I even pay  my bills over my cell phone14:54
makarabeef2011, didn't happen after a kernel update perhaps? i wouldn't go wicd yet. its will help if there's a bug in network-manager (I think)14:54
Phong_theadmin, why do u said i am?14:54
Phong_philly, how is philly?14:54
theadminPhong_: Well this was a joke14:54
Phong_phillyj, i live in philly too14:54
Phong_ok theadmin14:54
alephGalvatron: I generally disable automatic installation of Recomands and Suggest, and use localepurge to remove all localizations.14:54
Phong_phillyj, aren't you suppose to work?14:54
beef2011makara: no I haven't changed a thing since my wubi install, it can't update the kernel because of the wireless conking out14:55
phillyjPhong_: student and looking for work14:55
Phong_phillyj, oh14:55
beef2011makara: when I say I haven't changed anything i mean nothing I haven't said14:55
Phong_i'm at work and looking for new job14:55
oCeanPhong_: chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here14:55
Phong_ok sorry14:55
artisboy95i am new to irc14:55
Galvatron!question | artisboy9514:56
ubottuartisboy95: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:56
phillyjartisboy95: whats the question?14:56
artisboy95okey thanks14:56
makarabeef2011, you'd probably be best off going somewhere with an ethernet connection and updating everything. then see if that doesn't solve your problem14:57
ActionParsnipupdates help a LOT14:57
JillesCodeguys I want to make a print server14:57
beef2011makara: hmm ok14:57
artisboy95i have no question i have followed a tutorial and came here14:57
JillesCodebut i can :(14:57
JillesCodewhat is the default username and password for CUPS?14:57
beef2011makara: might as well just try Oneiric when it comes out if I'm gonna do that14:57
ActionParsnipJillesCode: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/PrinterSharing14:57
oCeanartisboy95: ok, that's fine. This is the support channel. If you wish to chat, then /join #ubuntu-offtopic14:57
makarabeef2011, i'm still trying to get my wifi working even after updates, 11.04 and Oneric. Mine is AR927114:58
rpj8what does this do: sudo chmod 700 !$14:58
ActionParsnipmakara: oneiric isn't supported here14:58
bubu\aanyone shed any light on this...trying to scp using > sudo scp -i pem.key user@ip:/home/user/file /home/user/file, debugging shows /home/user/file no such file or directory - i know its there!!!!14:58
Galvatronmakara: Oneiric should be "ubuntu+1"14:59
makarabeef2011, wifi is not linux's strength. But if all else fails you can try linuxwireless.org, the #linux-wireless channel, and really get into things with iw and wap-supplicant14:59
rpj8bubu\a: does /home/user/file exist on the remote14:59
bubu\arpj8, no15:00
bubu\ahome/user/ exists15:00
bubu\abut its not trying to overwrite a file..15:00
bubu\aits pointing to the local file location that does not exist...15:00
rpj8bubu\a: what is its? How are you debugging?15:01
suigenerisActionParsnip: I was disconnected15:01
bubu\a-v argument on scp command15:01
suigenerishow do I reinstall GRUB?15:01
tomodachisuigeneris: there is a command named grub-install15:02
bubu\athe same syntax works fine from another box so i know its not that15:02
bubu\amaybe a permissions thing on the local file? but i would think it would tell me no permissions etc rather than cant find it?15:02
bubu\aalsot tried as root and still no luck15:02
rpj8bubu\a: can you copy over a different local file?15:02
suigeneristomodachi: I try sudo grub-install /dev/sdb1 and I get "Could not find device for /boot"15:03
glebihansuigeneris, you should not grub install grub on a partition but on a disk, ie "sudo grub-install /dev/sdb"15:04
bubu\ano rpj815:04
bubu\acant scp any file over....15:05
rpj8bubu\a: what command are you running to try a different file15:05
suigenerisglebihan: I get the same message15:05
suigenerisbrb wıth live cd15:06
bubu\arpj8, sudo scp  -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/drop.pem user@IP:/home/ubuntu/filename /home/ubuntu/filename15:07
suigenerishi, I am back15:07
bubu\arpj8, sudo scp  -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/drop.pem user@IP:/home/ubuntu/anyfilename /home/ubuntu/filename15:07
bubu\aand it always says it cant see it....15:07
suigenerisglebihan: sudo grub-install /dev/sdb Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.15:08
rpj8bubu\a: try it without sudo.15:08
glebihansuigeneris, are you on a live cd now ?15:08
suigenerisglebihan: yes15:08
glebihansuigeneris, then in order to reinstall grub you'll have to chroot into your installed system15:08
glebihan!chroot | suigeneris15:08
ubottusuigeneris: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot15:08
suigenerisglebihan: chroot, then grub-install?15:09
glebihansuigeneris, yes15:10
bubu\arpj8, still no go...15:10
hcaineI trying to install a new LMCE RC1 (8.10). I have read at morning that we dont need to do a apt-get distupgrade... should or should not15:10
daxuhow i can install JAVA SDK in UBUNTU 11.04.15:10
bubu\aauthentication etc everything ok15:11
rpj8bubu\a: oh. you have the arguments wrong15:11
rpj8bubu\a: it's  -i authfile from to15:12
oCeandaxu: hey back? You have to enable 'partner repositories' to be able to install SUN's jdk:  then, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk15:12
bubu\ayeh thats what im doing rpj815:12
bubu\auser@ip:/home/ubuntu/file /home/ubuntu/file15:13
suigenerisglebihan: there is  no grub-install or apt-get inside chroot :(15:13
bubu\a                           ^^^^^ local file15:13
bubu\athe first file even*15:13
ActionParsnipoCean: http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-java-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-ppa/15:14
ActionParsnipoCean: easier, and updates more frequently :)15:15
oCeanActionParsnip: I'll remember that15:15
rpj8bubu\a: not sure. I can't replicate your situation. sorry.15:15
bubu\arpj8, i used the same syntax (same script) on another box of mine and it worked without a problem15:15
bubu\amust be a permissions thing...?15:15
bubu\atried putting the local file to 777 though and still nothing15:15
rpj8bubu\a: try copying somethign from your home directory locally to user@server:/home/user/ where user is the same user15:16
rpj8bubu\a: break it down to the simplest usecase15:16
suigenerisglebihan: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)15:17
glebihansuigeneris, did you follow the guide I linked you to to perform your chroot ?15:17
suigenerisglebihan: sorry I thought I knew so I didnot15:18
glebihansuigeneris, then exit your chroot and start over, following the instructions in that guide15:18
mattt__anyone know how to configure the capture and playback volumes for a bluetooth headset?15:20
ActionParsnipoCean: in most search engines:  natty java    find is well15:20
suigenerisglebihan: Unable to locate package dchroot15:20
bubu\arpj8, what ports does scp use??15:21
rpj8bubu\a: your ssh ports15:21
glebihansuigeneris, you shouldn't need to install those as you're on the live cd15:21
bubu\adamn thought so but thoguht could be that15:21
KrishnanduHi, I've few images. I want to batch compress them, without compromising resolution, means I don't want to resize them. Each of the pic is of 5MB, so I want each of them in KB's. How can I do that??15:21
thomas5Enter text here...Hi is there anyone out ther?15:22
foo38krishnan: use convert with only quality settings15:22
Krishnandufoo38, Sorry didn't got you. Which app to use?? GIMP??15:23
foo38non, you mentioned batch conversion so I referred to a command line tool, convert15:23
modonovananyone know what a perfectly working optiarc drive would stop being recognised by bios all of a sudden?15:24
foo38you can also use gimp, but I don't know about batch processing with gimp15:24
modonovanit's not been moved in any way15:24
modonovanand has been functioning perfectly for a couple of years no15:24
modonovannow even15:24
Krishnandufoo38, Ya, CLI tool would be fine :) Thanks lemme check the docs and get it :)15:24
modonovanweirder still15:24
rpj8bubu\a: did you try with a clean ssh (without the -i or anythign extra) on the same machine15:25
foo38modo: disks die, that's life15:25
modonovanthe drive is working fine within ubuntu (natty)15:25
THJCsaying hello15:25
daxuEnter a path to the Java 2 SDK?how can i do?15:25
modonovanfoo38: disk ain't dead15:26
modonovanplayin cda as i type15:26
bubu\atrying now15:26
foo38Krishnand: install imagemagick then run convert -quality XX input.jpg output.jpg15:26
moriramarExcuse me. I need to change root password of my x86_64 system from a x86 LiveCD. While I am told that chroot does not work, shall I use "passwd -r /mnt/root/etc/shadow root"?15:26
Sekkuarhi, which is the right room for me to get some help?15:26
modonovanSekkuar: what you need help with15:27
Sekkuarits an error message I get when I try to run libreoffice, I can't seem to fix it15:27
ashka_hi, I have reformated my computer in a strange way15:28
ashka_and my /boot is now /dev/sdb315:28
ashka_but in gparted, it's on the 2nd place starting from top15:28
ashka_so what should be set root ?15:28
ashka_(hd1,3) or (hd1,2) ?15:28
modonovanSekkuar: what's the error15:29
Sekkuarjavaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!15:29
SekkuarPlease ensure that a JVM and the package libreoffice-java-common15:29
Sekkuaris installed.15:29
SekkuarIf it is already installed then try removing ~/.libreoffice/3/user/config/javasettings_Linux_*.xml15:29
suigenerisglebihan: there are no instructions for mountibd /dev15:29
Sekkuarand yes, I have a jdk installed and configured, and I downloaded the package with sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-java-common15:30
SekkuarI deleted that file, and it still doesn't works15:30
drussellSekkuar: when did the problem start?15:30
glebihansuigeneris, oh didn't notice that, sorry15:30
glebihansuigeneris, do the same as for proc15:31
Sekkuareven since I installed ubuntu pretty much. two weeks ago15:31
modonovananyone know my my dvd drive my know be recognised at boot but works fine within natty?15:31
modonovanthat's odd Sekkuar15:31
drussellSekkuar: fresh install or upgrade?15:31
ActionParsnipSekkuar: do you need java in openoffice? It is disablable you know15:31
Sekkuarit was fresh, I installed alongside windows 715:32
modonovanvery strange15:32
suigenerisglebihan: mount: /dev is not a block device15:32
ActionParsnipmodonovan: so it can be booted from but not recognised in the OS15:32
modonovanActionParsnip: other way around oddly15:32
Sekkuarand... i'm not sure if I need java15:32
ActionParsnipSekkuar: disabling it makes it run faster too15:32
tpedisablable = new favourite word.15:32
ActionParsnipmodonovan: then I suggest you ask in ##hardware15:33
Sekkuari'm developing an java app which used the openoffice API15:33
todolnxim noob to linux15:33
Sekkuarso, I guess I do need it15:33
Phong_hi guys, how to install rmp file ?15:33
modonovanActionParsnip: fair enoughski15:33
Phong_i have .rpm file how can i install it?15:33
theadminPhong_: You should not!15:33
theadminPhong_: It's dangerous and likely WILL break your system15:33
todolnxsomebody help me15:33
makaraSekkuar: openoffice or libreoffice?15:33
suigenerisPhong_: use alien to convert in to .deb15:33
suigenerisPhong_: and install that15:33
Phong_ok brb let me google15:33
todolnxpleaseeee some guy here!!!??15:34
genii-aroundtodolnx: If you have a more specific question to ask, it might help :)15:34
drussellPhong_: ideally find a .deb file, but if you're really desperate, you could start looking at alien15:34
oCean!alien | Phong_15:34
ubottuPhong_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)15:34
suigeneris!ask | todolnx15:34
ubottutodolnx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:34
drussellmodonovan: so you're saying it can't be booted from but ubuntu see's it fine? probably a bios setting (cdrom not selected as bootable)15:35
Phong_thanks i install the deb version..thanks alot it run now15:35
todolnxhow can i instal it15:35
suigeneristodolnx: install what?15:35
genii-aroundtodolnx: The most common way is to download the iso file, which you make into a cd. then you set your computer to boot from the cd, and install your linux that way.15:36
suigenerisglebihan: so, what do I do?15:36
Sekkuari just find it weird. even though it gives a message saying java is not working, my app does run normaly as it should15:36
modonovandrussell: that's what i'm thinking alright15:36
Sekkuarso, I don't know if that message is legit or not15:36
Phong_ok i install realvnc server enterprise ...anyone know how i can configure it?15:37
Phong_in windows it run as service15:37
suigenerisPhong_: to act as a server_15:37
genii-aroundtodolnx: The page for selecting which cd image of Ubuntu you would like to download is at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download15:37
suigenerisPhong_: there is vino for that15:38
Phong_i wan tto configure to have password15:38
Phong_not sure where i can bring up the configuration screen15:38
Phong_i'm not good at ubuntu15:38
suigenerisPhong_: go to System > Pereferences > Remote Desktop15:38
drussellSekkuar: have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure libreoffice-base15:38
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Sekkuarnope, let me try that15:39
drussellSekkuar: sorry, should be libreoffice-base-core15:39
suigenerisI think glebihan is dead15:39
Sekkuarokay, I tried it, and it's same15:40
Phong_suigeneris, i thought it should be realvnc config screen15:40
Phong_this is complicated man..w15:40
Phong_in windows, i install real vnc and i saw it on the lower icon15:41
Phong_anyone help?15:41
ActionParsnipstrange boy15:42
Sekkuarso, lets try something different: how I disable java on libreoffice?15:43
SystemDefault0Phong_: Well, I have just arrived. So I could help you, if you tell me your problem.15:43
ultrixxPhong_: are you the one who created phong shading?15:43
theadminSekkuar: You can't, and it brings a ton of problems... You should install Java15:43
SekkuarI hava java already15:44
ActionParsnipSystemDefault0: its some vnc thing15:44
Sekkuardev@Desenvolvimento:/home/nucleos/Produção$ java -version15:44
Sekkuarjava version "1.7.0"15:44
SekkuarJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147)15:44
SekkuarJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode, sharing)15:44
FloodBot1Sekkuar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:44
SystemDefault0ultrixx: Ha! Good question!15:44
ultrixxSystemDefault0: thanks15:45
marklinwinonaubuntu newbie with permissions questions.15:45
PhoenixSTFmarklinwinona, what questions?15:46
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PhoenixSTFmarklinwinona, just ask them dont say you have them15:46
marklinwinonaHow do I get control of root so I can install fonts I need?15:47
hwilde!sudo | marklinwinona15:47
ubottumarklinwinona: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:47
Gentoo64marklinwinona, are they downloaded fonts?15:47
Gentoo64if so they can be placed in a local .fonts folder15:47
marklinwinonaYes, something I downloaded for a project.15:47
ActionParsnipmarklinwinona: use:  sudo -i15:48
Gentoo64as normal user do mkdir .fonts then place them in there15:48
PhoenixSTFGentoo64, I didn't know that ty ;)15:48
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/15:48
Gentoo64marklinwinona, but they will only be available for normal user15:48
JillesCodeguys, I need help. im tryin to make a scanner server15:48
JillesCodesimple scan detects my server, but Scanner Server doesn't :(15:48
PhoenixSTFJillesCode, what server you have on the scanner?15:49
ActionParsnipJillesCode: http://ubuntu.online02.com/linux_scan_server15:49
marklinwinonaThanks, folks! I will try those recommendations and be back later.15:49
Sekkuarmaybe that have anything to do with the fact I installed oracle's JVM over the default OpenJDK JVM?15:50
jkolashDoes anyone know anything about /etc/profile.d in ubuntu? It doesn't seem to get loaded when I open a new shell.15:50
suigenerisActionParsnip: I get this: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?). and yes, /dev is mountes15:50
JillesCodeActionParsnip i did that, simple scan DOES detect the right scanner, however Linux Scan Server doens't15:50
PhoenixSTFJillesCode, you using sane?15:51
JillesCodedunno, I do have the sane-utils installed15:52
drussellSekkuar: ahhh almost certainly15:52
JillesCodei think the problem is here15:52
JillesCode"adduser: The group `scanner' does not exist.  "15:53
Sekkuarso it won't work with the new JVM?15:53
drussellSekkuar: try running sudo update-java-alternatives15:53
SekkuarI did that already15:53
drussellSekkuar: which one did you select?15:53
Sekkuaroracle's one15:53
drussellSekkuar: try setting it back to openjdk15:54
drussellSekkuar: and see if it works then15:54
Arneyis it me, or is firefox extremely buggy on ubuntu? Right clicking sometimes disappears, the address and search bar don't click sometimes.15:54
ActionParsnipSekkuar: do you need java in openoffice?15:54
Gentoo64Arney, sounds like a mouse issue15:54
ActionParsnipArney: which version?15:54
LanglyArney, you need to think in russian to operate firefox15:54
Arney6 version. My mouse is new.15:55
Sekkuarnope, same thing15:55
ActionParsnipArney: and of ubuntu?15:55
Sekkuarand yes, I think I need15:55
ArneyHatty warhal15:55
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Gentoo64Arney, when you click and drag windows around do they sometimes stop moving?15:55
ArneyNarwhal... I keep gettin git messed up.15:55
ActionParsnipSekkuar: if you don't know then you most likely don't use it15:55
jpdsLangly: Not... really.15:55
ActionParsnip!info firefox15:55
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 14881 kB, installed size 30008 kB15:55
ArneyGentoo64: not really... it usually works.15:55
Sekkuarthe thing is: i'm a java developer, using the openoffice API for java15:55
ActionParsnipArney: does it happen in other apps?15:56
Sekkuarso, mostl likely I need java for it, no?15:56
Gentoo64Arney, ok just i had mouse problems in linux before. something to do with the clicking timing15:56
ActionParsnipSekkuar: ahhhh i see15:56
bitcycleHey all.  Can someone help me understand how IP aliasing works?  I can find by searching how to do it, but I'm trying to understand it better.15:56
ArneyIve noticed that desktop switching engages alot of my issues... yes it does actually.15:56
ActionParsnipbitcycle: i'd ask in ##networking15:56
ArneyAlthough it happens more often in firefox... prolly because I use it more often.15:56
suigenerisActionParsnip: can you help?15:56
bitcycleActionParsnip: Yep,  Alrighty.15:56
Sekkuarbut even with that error message, it works fine15:56
Gentoo64Arney, yea it seems a mouse issue, not sure how to resolve i tthough :( its happened to a lot of people iwth new mice15:56
suigenerisActionParsnip: I get this: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?). and yes, /dev is mounted15:56
Gentoo64Arney, new and old mice15:57
suigenerisActionParsnip: outside the chroot though15:57
ArneyGentoo64: Now that you mention it. I'm using alot of custom buttons on my mice.15:57
Phong_suigeneris, i'm back15:57
ArneyGentoo64: Ill try not using them, see what happens.15:57
ubottuThe Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete15:57
SystemDefault0Gentoo64: I guess that's not an issue. That happens in versions like 9.10 and 10.04. Sometimes the mouse gets freeze in the screen. That happened to me.15:57
Phong_le tme log back in with ubuntu xchat15:58
PhoenixSTFJillesCode, hmmm15:58
Gentoo64Arney, im not sure about custom buttons. if you can, try another mouse. i had issues on and off with mine but theyve gone away randomly recently15:58
PhoenixSTFJillesCode, wait a sec15:58
ActionParsnippidgin is awesome15:58
fastaDoes the fglrx driver work with Ubuntu LTS 10.04?15:58
ActionParsnipfasta: yes15:58
phong_i'm back15:58
Sekkuari'm using it now :315:58
fastaActionParsnip: is there also OpenCL support?15:58
SystemDefault0Arney: Hatty warhal? What is that?15:59
SekkuarI was looking for a plugin to group all the messages from the same person15:59
phong_suigeneris, show me how to configure realvnc now15:59
rahahAnyone know how to get those weird gtk2 scrollbars to go back to normal-like while still using the same theme? I'd think it's just a weird gtk thing, but debian didn't do that. Then it ate itself and died horribly, but that's neither here nor there...15:59
ArneySystemDefault0: The most common mistake of the year.15:59
SekkuarI had it before, but I dont remember which was anymore15:59
suigenerisphong_: you wanted a vnc server, and I showed you one15:59
PhoenixSTFJillesCode, do # sane-find-scanner15:59
ActionParsnipfasta: assuming your chip is supported by the driver, yes15:59
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode16:00
=== rahah is now known as Rahah
SystemDefault0Arney: Hahahaha!16:00
phong_suigeneris, isn't it RealVNC ?16:00
suigenerisphong_: no, it's vino16:01
phong_that is the one i download ...a trial for realvnc server enterprise for linux16:01
phong_why i can't use RealVnc?16:01
suigenerisphong_: I think the built-in will be sufficient to you16:01
fastaActionParsnip: and can one install the latest ATI driver on 10.04? Basically ATI always releases a crappy driver, with every new driver being slighty less bad than the previous one.16:01
PhoenixSTFJillesCode, call me when you have done it16:01
phong_suigeneris, what if i want to use on different port?16:02
phong_i know realvnc allow me to change the ports16:02
ActionParsnipfasta: i couldn't comment there. I don't use ati stuffs16:02
Gentoo64phong_, i dont know a lot about vnc but im guessing youll be able  to change ports on most vnc apps16:02
albechwhere to ask VLAN and network questions?16:03
ActionParsnipalbech: ##networking16:03
albechActionParsnip, thanks16:03
suigenerisphong_: no idea about that.16:03
suigenerisActionParsnip: can you help?16:03
Faustus2is it posible to configure the calendar that appears when clicking the date in ubuntu, to start with monday?16:04
suigenerisActionParsnip: I get this: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?). and yes, /dev is mounted but outside the chroot16:04
Gentoo64Faustus2, http://askubuntu.com/questions/6016/how-to-set-monday-as-the-first-day-of-the-week-in-gnome-calendar-applet16:05
Gentoo64i think thta still applies16:05
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: I'm not great at grub, all I know is that guide16:05
=== Rahah is now known as Lyrithya
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:06
Sekkuaroh yeah, I remembered one thing I wanted to ask16:06
Sekkuardoes grub works with free bsd?16:06
usr13phong_: Are you looking for recommendation for VNC server / client?16:06
usr13phong_: If so, x11vnc and tightvnc16:07
suigenerisActionParsnip: what do I use instead of "find boot/grub/stage1" in grub2? do you know16:07
Gentoo64Sekkuar, yes but16:07
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: that link I gave relates to grub2, you'll need to mount the partition first so you can use it16:08
SekkuarGentoo64 but?16:09
andrijkohello All - does anybody know how to connect(from Ubuntu1) to remote camera on Ubuntu2 and used it in ex. Skype - it is even possible ?16:09
Gentoo64Sekkuar, sorry didnt mean to say that16:09
Faustus2Gentoo64: thanks sir!16:09
suigenerisActionParsnip: and I get this: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?). and yes, /dev is mounted but outside the chroot when I attempt grub-install in chroot16:09
Sekkuarokay, then? it works?16:10
bcorneI accidentially firewalled my pc (iptables -F without other commands done after it)16:10
Gentoo64Sekkuar, apparently yes. never tried freebsd myself16:10
SekkuarI want to install windows 7 alongside free bsd alongside ubuntu16:10
bcorne(yes, call me noob or w/e, but I need to fix this)16:10
Gentoo643 os's to maintain nice16:10
SekkuarI guess I should install them in this order so grub can configure itself right. right?16:10
Gentoo64Sekkuar, install ubuntu last16:10
daydr3amerhey all i have a problem with my brothers computer. i have updated his 10.10 to 11.04 and the mono-runtime had an errorcode 2 and now i can not install anything else because mono-runtime is blocking it. apt-get -f install did not help.16:11
Gentoo64Sekkuar, but any reason for triple boot, oither than messing about?16:11
Sekkuaryeah, I want make sure my app runs on all plataforms (except MAC OX, hate apple!)16:11
ActionParsnipSekkuar: install windows but leave some space unpartitioned, then install either ubuntu or bsd, but leave space unpartitioned for the next OS. I suggest you make the BSD partition as primary then an extended partition for Ubuntu's /  and swap. You can use the same swap space in BSD and Ubuntu, keeps partitions down16:11
nimbioticsHello evry1. (using 11.04) I just installed a logitech dual action game pad on my system, but I dont know how to make it work. None of the help I've found so far on the internet seems to work, please help. TIA!!16:12
Sekkuaroh really? I didnt know that. so I need only one swap?16:12
Gentoo64Sekkuar, swap can be shared16:12
Gentoo64Sekkuar, or if you know its ok you can disable swap16:12
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daydr3amerhey all i have a problem with my brothers computer. i have updated his 10.10 to 11.04 and the mono-runtime had an errorcode 2 and now i can not install anything else because mono-runtime is blocking it. apt-get -f install did not help.16:13
Sekkuarif the freebsd swap is already there, ubuntu will know it when I start installing? will it use shared or I need configure it myself?16:13
ActionParsnipSekkuar: sure, use custom partitioning and you can tell ubuntu to use the same partition easily :)16:14
usr13Sekkuar: I think you'll have to tell it to use the swap partition.16:14
usr13Sekkuar: If you don't tell it to, it will create another one.16:15
Gentoo64not with custom partitions16:15
Gentoo64or will it?16:15
Sekkuarbut, if I tell it to use the swap on the same partion there, wont it break bsd's swap?16:15
Gentoo64Sekkuar, no16:15
Gentoo64because your not booted into both at same time16:16
Gentoo64its like having a shared data partition basically16:16
Sekkuarright, that makes sense16:16
Sekkuaryeah, I need to that too16:16
SekkuarI'll leave like... 50gb for each OS, and a partition for data16:16
Sekkuarto be shared16:16
Gentoo64up to you16:16
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Sekkuarnow, this makes me mad16:18
ActionParsnipSekkuar: plan your partitions so you knwo what's what16:18
Asad2005How reliable is smartctl, If it said disk failer expected ? Should i replace my disk ?16:18
Sekkuarit says to run sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk, but when I run it, says the package doesn't exists16:18
Gentoo64Asad2005, try running fsck if thats fine i wouldnt worry about them warnings16:19
Gentoo64theyre so random16:19
icerootSekkuar: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk16:19
icerootSekkuar: there is no version 7 in the 11.04 repos16:19
poisonmy os is very slow16:19
Gentoo64poison, whats the comp like?16:20
poisonterminal is opening after 1 minute16:20
Sekkuaryes. that's how i'm planning it: it's a 650gb disk. so, 50gb for windows, 49,5gb for freebsd, 49,5gb for ubuntu, 1gb for swap and 500gb for data (if my math not fails me)16:20
Gentoo64poison, maybe your eating into swap?16:20
Sekkuaryeah, but I wanted the version 716:20
poisonthanks in advance16:20
Asad2005Gentoo64: the disk is of a raidz1 in solaris but i am testing with ubuntu live cd. Would fsck be ok16:20
Sekkuarversion 6 comes by default with the installation16:20
poisonits amd 64 bit with 40 gb hard disk16:20
Gentoo64Asad2005, no idea about raid. but its only checking the fs16:21
poisonits a comp with 80 gb sata disk and 40 gb ied disk16:21
poisonsata is having two partions16:21
Gentoo64Asad2005, i just know for sure that smart status is unreliable16:21
poison1 is 30 with vista and second is 50gb free and ubuntu installed on 40 gb ied disk16:21
Gentoo64poison, how much ram?16:21
Sekkuariceroot: the openjdk site says that should work on ubuntu http://openjdk.java.net/install/16:22
poison2 gb16:22
lonewulf`can anyone tell me when 11.10 will be "out"?16:22
icerootSekkuar: not with the ubuntu-repos16:22
icerootSekkuar: why you need version 7?16:22
Sekkuaroctober most liekly16:22
icerootlonewulf`: #ubuntu+116:22
bubu\ais it better to have one ssh key for each of your servers or 1 key for all servers?16:22
lonewulf`Sekkuar, iceroot tyvm16:23
Sekkuarideroot: because i'm developing... and I was using 7 on windows, so now my project only runs on version 716:23
Gentoo64poison, try running the system monitor and see if anythings using it. does it still go slow after a reboot?16:23
drussellGentoo64 / Asad2005 : wrt smartctl, it's usually a good indicator16:23
drussellAsad2005: if you're concerned, the manufacturer of the disk usually has some disk diagnostics also (some of them on a livecd)16:24
icerootSekkuar: https://launchpad.net/~openjdk/+archive/ppa16:24
icerootSekkuar: that ppa is holding version 716:24
bubu\ais it better to have one ssh key for each of your servers or 1 key for all servers??16:24
drussellAsad2005: that's the definitive test, as they will usually alert you if there's a disk error that you can raise an RMA for16:24
Gentoo64bubu\a, im guessing 1 for each would be more secure, but for all would be easier16:24
poisonGentoo64---when i open system moniter, except system moniter no process is taking much resources16:24
Sekkuariceroot: cool! and how I use that server to download it?16:24
icerootSekkuar: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk16:24
Gentoo64poison, no idea than :s16:24
Gentoo64poison, try dmesg but i doubt itll say much16:25
poisonGentoo64----no issues...thanks for trying to help me16:25
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Sekkuariceroot: uh oh... failed 404 not found T_T16:26
poisonanyone having idea, why  my unity is not working....its direct taking me to ubuntu classic16:26
xibalbahey all, i recently added another network card to my ubuntu server. it had 2 cards to start, then i added a NIC card with dual ports on it. now one of my NIC interfaces is showing up as eth1_rename  , how do i fix this16:26
poisonGentoo64---just 'dmesg' code?16:26
Gentoo64poison, are you using the proper graphics drivers?16:26
Sekkuarpoison: because unity sucks. that's why16:26
icerootSekkuar: hm16:26
Gentoo64xibalba, rename it to eth216:26
Gentoo64or whatever16:27
xibalbaunsure how, any thoughts?16:27
poisonactually problem started after installing ati drivers....ofcourse they are not now...i've uninstalled them...still unity not working16:27
Gentoo64i think you can do it from the net manager cant you?16:27
xibalbai'm on the server command line16:27
Gentoo64poison, no idea. i hear people have problems with ubnity and gpu all the time16:27
Sekkuaryeah, unity breaks a lot16:28
Gentoo64poison, id install the prop driver and use classic tbh16:28
Gentoo64you wont miss much16:28
poisoncan you plz suggest me a driver for my AMD athlon 6416:28
Gentoo64you dont need one16:29
SekkuarI had finally fixed my unity after three days, then it just broke again16:29
Gentoo64the cpus support is in the kernel16:29
icerootSekkuar: working fine here16:29
xibalbaany docs on renaming the eth interface16:29
icerootSekkuar: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk/ppa16:29
Gentoo64xibalba, you need symbolic links16:29
Gentoo64like ln -s eth2 eth016:30
xibalbareally? thats kind of weird16:30
Sekkuariceroot: that's weird. mine says  http://ppa.launchpad.net/gdm2setup/gdm2setup/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found16:30
genii-aroundxibalba: You can also edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to switch up the ordering of their numbers16:30
poisonwhat is best bit torrent client to use with natty?16:31
icerootSekkuar: from what command is that error? the add of the ppa?16:31
KM0201!best | poison16:31
ubottupoison: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:31
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ActionParsnipSekkuar: ppa only supports up to Lucid16:31
ActionParsnipSekkuar: http://ppa.launchpad.net/gdm2setup/gdm2setup/ubuntu/dists/#16:31
icerootActionParsnip: ah ok16:32
=== Babboon is now known as Babboon4U
Sekkuarwhat's a lucid?16:32
ActionParsnipSekkuar: 10.04 release16:32
usr13!torrent | poison16:32
ubottupoison: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:32
Babboon4Ua lucid dream16:32
xibalbai should have just installed the box with all the cards in it16:32
KM0201Sekkuar: lucid is a state of mind.16:32
Sekkuaroh. so, it means I wont be able to install on 11.04?16:33
poisonubottu, thank you16:33
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:33
ActionParsnipSekkuar: the ppa doesn't support natty16:33
KM0201why would you not be able to install 11.04?16:33
KM0201oh wait, didn't know this was PPA related16:33
poisonas im new to ubuntu and linux i may ask some small doubts too...i request all ppl on this to co operate me16:34
poisonhow do i instlal firefox 5.016:34
Sekkuarpoison: LOL, really? all people?16:34
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins16:34
ActionParsnippoison: what is the output of:  lsb_release -c16:34
poisonfirefox 6.0 is already installed16:34
ActionParsnippoison: so you want the older version?16:34
KM0201so why would you want 5.0?16:34
poison6.0 is beta version right16:35
poisonthts the reason i want to intall the 5.0 as its reliable16:35
ActionParsnippoison: what is the output of the command I gave please16:35
MATAHpoison, 6 is stable, 7 is beta now16:36
poisonActionParsnip, natty16:36
alphaGi'm new to ubunto (nix in general) i've created the simplest of scripts. called it test.sh , it does export EDITOR=testing , i ran it with ./test.sh from it's dir, and then sued printenv EDITOR to see if the value was changed. Nothing. No error... ideas please16:36
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ActionParsnippoison: grab the compressed archive for 5 and extract it to a folder in /opt you can then symlink the executable to /usr/bin/firefox-5.016:37
poisonActionParsnip, I've double checked it...result is "natty'16:37
SekkuaralphaG: go to properties of the file, and mark it to be allowed to be executed as a program16:38
troetehey guys - how can i control the screenbacklight of a laptop via the cli? is it eve possible?16:38
poisonActionParsnip, thts a rocket science for me16:38
poisoncan you plz explain it further16:38
ActionParsnippoison: find the file online then come back to us16:38
alphaGSekkuar: i forgot i did that, and also verified16:39
alphaGusing chmod 70016:39
poisonany idea where i can find that archive file for 5.016:39
MATAHalphaG, your script sets up  its own environment, not your shell's16:39
alphaG(forgot to mention)16:39
poisonwill it be available on any download site16:39
Sekkuarpoison: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/install-firefox-5-in-ubuntu-1104.html16:40
Sekkuarno wait16:40
Sekkuarnevermind that link16:40
ActionParsnipSekkuar: i'll write you a script if you want..16:42
pznMy natty64bits is "locking" screen every about 30 minutes... many times it locks just when I type user/login after booting. loggin via ssh, I can see about 20 processes gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor in the "disk-waiting" status. need to solve this... where to start from?16:42
SekkuarActionParsnip: yes, please16:42
poisonSekkuar, do I enter the code in Terminal?16:42
alphaGMATAH: ok, so how do i force it to run in my shell?16:42
xibalbawhats the easiest way to rename this interface16:42
Sekkuarpoison: did you read the part I said "nevermind that link"?16:42
xibalbaso i can have eth0, eth1, eth2, and eth316:42
xibalbai already have all except eth316:43
xibalbaeth3 was renamed to eth1_rename16:43
Sekkuarpoison: it means I sent wrong, sorry16:43
ActionParsnipSekkuar: gimme a sec16:43
poisonSekkuar: no sorries16:43
xibalbai've never seen a nix do this style of ethernet renaming16:43
xibalbabut i mostly use BSD so it's way different16:44
luigixibalba: Pretty sure you can add a udev rule to do that.16:44
xibalbacould you link me to a document, i'm unfamliiar with udev16:44
xibalbabeen living under my BSD rock for a while16:44
luigiOh fff, I'm sorry. This is #ubuntu. I'm not sure if ubuntu has udev support.16:44
xibalbahmm, square 1 i suppose16:45
poisonis chromium is best or firefox?16:45
poisonsorry.....is chromium is fast browser or firefox?16:45
ActionParsnipSekkuar: http://pastebin.com/cXhhSURZ16:45
luigixibalba: Nevermind. It's there. :) http://www.debianadmin.com/rename-network-interface-using-udev-in-linux.html16:45
ActionParsnippoison: in my opinion, yes16:45
GatorAlliHow can I bind the nice new "scale" effect in Unity to my middle mouse button?16:45
luigixibalba: s/debian/ubnutu and you're all set.16:45
ActionParsnippoison: i find chromium faster16:45
xibalbaluigi , i haven't had a need for udev to be installed on any of my other servers. i'm almost willing to just format this thing16:46
xibalbathe other boxes i install ubuntu with all the cards present in it16:46
xibalbathis is the only one i installed ubuntu, then added on the 2port nic after16:46
luigixibalba: Format it and install something new, I guess.16:46
poisonActionParsnip:  :-) i do same...thts the reason i installed chromium and kicked out firefox.....it gave me lot of problems two hours back16:47
MATAHalphaG, if u want set up some environment variables, write them down in a file in the form "VAR1=val1;VAR2=val2" and do `< file`16:47
xibalbai prefer BSD's method of NIC naming16:47
Babboonkde questions ok?16:47
ActionParsnipBabboon: sure16:48
ActionParsnipSekkuar: if you read the commands, its quite simple16:48
luigixibalba: If you like BSD, go to arch linux.16:49
xibalbacan't ubuntu is the only platform supported by my voip vendor16:49
BabboonIn kde on my first virtual desktop the top toolbox bar wont pull up add widgets or activities but the 2nd virtual desktop works fine16:49
Sekkuaryes, thank you16:49
Babboonthe menu pulls up but does nothing when i click on it16:49
MATAHalphaG, pardon. file content must look like "export VAR=val;export VAL2=val2"16:49
balooohi, I'm having problem reading a file with some applications, although it works fine in others.  So vim / gedit open it fine,  but when I open it in eclispe it's just a bunch of chinese charaters16:51
poisonto all people who can help me in this regards.....the scenario is   1)my computer is having two hards disks one is sata disk for windows and another one is ied disk is for ubuntu...whenever i want to login into ubuntu i use bios option to boot from the ubuntu disk (2) when ever i need to use my usb modem on ubuntu first I need to login into windows and then restart windows and login into ubuntu or else the modem will not be detected by bios .....any solution16:51
MATAHbalooo, maybe change character set in eclipse?16:52
pznin natty, know the "poweroff menu" at screen top right? when I click on it, it shows "label empty / suspend / hibernate / reboot / shutdown" (I'm using translated to portuguese) but "label empty" is really showing for "logout"... what package is missing or should be reinstalled?16:52
ActionParsnipbalooo: are you fully updated16:52
jackoripervideo buffer file is not getting created in one of my laptops, in other its getting created, that is in tmp folder , why its not getting created ...any help16:52
jackoriperim using firefox 3.616:52
alphaGMATAH: i did exactly that..16:52
baloooyeah, but ideally i want to make this file "normal" (i know that means nothing) ...  My end goal isn't to make this file readable in eclipse.  I want it to be a standard utf-8 file16:53
Sekkuarpoison: tried booting from ubuntu CD?16:54
MATAHalphaG, i did what i suggest to you and it works fine except u need to put each export to a new line16:54
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poisonSekkuar: yes...same....after i connecting to internet on windows...then only the ubuntu will detect the connection and it connects to the internet16:55
alphaGMATAH: i sent you in pmsg the content of the file, its only a one line.16:55
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poisonSekkuar: start pc--->select bios-->select windows---->connect to internet using modem---->after few minutes restart pc----->select ubuntu disk to boot from---->now modem will be dected and im with u ppl16:58
ScottR4Hi, I'm trying to learn bash by putting together a simple script that transforms all regex matches from a file's contents into an output file, but I can't figure out how to loop over regex matches in bash16:58
Sekkuarthat's weird. never heard of something like that16:58
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SekkuarScottR4 http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-7.html16:59
ScottR4Sekkuar: how do I get the results of the match, and then loop to the next match?17:01
ActionParsnippoison: what sort of modem?17:02
ActionParsnipScottR4: I'd ask in #bash too17:02
poisonits called tata photon usb cdma modem17:02
poisonhuawei ec15617:02
ActionParsnippoison: is it smoe 3g thing?17:02
Sekkuar ScottR4 have no idea, just found that link for ya17:02
poisonno not 3g17:02
ScottR4ActionParsnip: Probably a better choice, thanks :)17:02
ActionParsnipthought so, install usb-modeswitch if it isn't install17:03
poisonits cdma17:03
rumpe1ScottR4, can you put the script in a pastebin?17:03
rumpe1ScottR4, you know grep -o ?17:03
Sekkuaromg cdma modem? where do you live? africa? O_OI17:03
poisonim from india17:03
ActionParsnippoison: all I can find is usb ones, is it a pcmcia device?17:03
Sekkuaroh. wow. cdma modems are so outdated, even here in brazil they are stopping using it17:04
poisonno idea17:04
SekkuarI guess you wont find a solution for this kind of technology17:04
poisonGPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B517:04
ScottR4rumpe1: there really isn't a script yet, other than the contents curl and the regex match. and no, I don't know grep -o17:05
poisonwhat does above error mean? i get it when i enter "sudo apt-get update"17:05
dubbepoison, there is a gpg-error for one of the repositories, try to unable em one by one and see when it works17:06
dubbehave you recently added some new repository?17:06
ScottR4rumpe1: there's no script just yet, just the content curl and the regex... that's where I got stuck17:07
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poisondubbe: how do i do that17:09
rumpe1ScottR4, well.. if you want to collect the matches of <regex> on a <file1> with output in <file2> just do: grep -o <regex> file1 > file2  (maybe you need egrep with extended regex support)17:09
ScottR4rumpe1: any way to bypass having to stash the contents in a file? I'm currently retrieving them via curl17:10
dubbepoison: check /etc/apt/sources.lst there you can find all the repositories. (or in the /etc/apt folder)17:11
rumpe1ScottR4, sure:  curl <foo> | grep -o ....17:11
ScottR4rumpe1: I suddenly realize that my understanding of the pipe operator *sucks*. I thought that just passed the output from the pre-| command as input to the post-| command, and that in this case, that would make it a list of filenames17:12
Sekkuarmah454 hello17:13
mah454I download and install elementary sourcecode from daviantart.net . but after change theme ... nautilus not changed !17:14
rumpe1ScottR4, well... it does  (stdout->stdin). Why would it make a list of filenames? o.O17:14
ScottR4rumpe1: I missed the part where grep would read from stdin as the file contents and not a list of files17:14
ScottR4rumpe1: as for the o.0, that's how little I understood about |17:15
epderHi. I am using ubuntu on a htpc. I cannot get the sound to work. I have connected a spdif from the htpc to the receiver but no digital sound. Does anyone know how I can fix that?17:17
aaasis there any program that will index pdfs, search inside them WITH a preview pane of the searched items.. like dtsearch for windows or google desktop but with previews?17:18
ScatterBrainNoobie Narly user here.  There used to be a way to show CPU use, etc in the bar at the top of Gnome.  How do I get that back?  (Using unity for now.)17:21
dubbeI am using ubuntu 11.04, some indicators doesn't show depending on the icon-theme... Does anyone have the same issue?17:22
Sekkuartype system monitor ScatterBrain17:22
DrCodehi all17:22
SekkuarScatterBrain alt+f2 then system monitor17:22
DrCodeI  have two 80GB hdd, how can I make them into one 160GB?17:23
poisonis linux having any download managers like DAP in windows?17:23
aveng3rwhy Boost.Process was not packaged in ubuntu packages?17:23
ScatterBrainSekkuar: Yeah, I found that.  But there used to be a way where this info was displayed in small boxes in the (excuse me) "taskbar" at the top of the screen all the time.17:24
theadminpoison: jDownloader and gwget are worth checking17:24
ScatterBrainSekkuar: Is that no longer available?17:24
Sekkuar ScatterBrain I dunno about that. i'm using gnome right now and have no idea XD17:25
Sekkuarmaybe its a plugin?17:25
urlin2uScatterBrain, set up a conky for continuous observation17:25
urlin2uaveng3r, what are you talking about?17:27
phong_hello, can anyone guide me how to install Realvnc serrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrver enterprise and configure it?17:28
phong_thank you so much17:29
ak1t3kthowzit guys17:30
aveng3rurlin2u: I didn't found boost/process.hpp on my c++ include path, but i did install all ubuntu boost packages17:30
lars__i'm looking for documentation/source of the code in /etc/update-motd!17:30
endipwildbat, Just a heads up. Strangely enough, I was able to make my fan stop going crazy by enabling Power Save mode via my battery indicator applet. As soon as I take it off power save mode my fan and cpu start going crazy again.17:31
jriblars__: man update-motd17:31
daimerionI did apt-get update then upgrade. afterwards I went to shutdown and just got black screen so I shut off my lappy. now it wont boot regular but recovery will boot. from reco I resumed normal boot and gave me command. I did sudo startx and the proper files appeared to load but then just blank screen. Help me please. im running mint 11 which is basically ubuntu with a diff ui17:31
SoothsayerWhy do new directories and files I copy over to NTFS drives in Ubuntu get corrupt ?17:32
Soothsayeras soon as I come back to windows to access them, they're corrupt17:32
lars__jrib: thanks, it's part of base-files, but is there a seperate deb package?17:32
rumpe1!mint | daimerion17:33
ubottudaimerion: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:33
rumpe1Soothsayer, corrupt files or corrupt filenames?17:33
ScatterBrainSekkuar: urlin2u: This used to be as simple as a right-click on the taskbar.  Must be something that has been removed.17:33
* ScatterBrain goes to inquire of the almighty Google.17:34
Soothsayerrumpe1, I'm not sure. For example, directories become files with no extensions and appear as Files.17:34
urlin2uScatterBrain, the only add to panel now is 3rd party ppa's17:34
roadfishI could easily mount my 8GB NTFS memory card in the live-Ubuntu CD. But after installation, I get "Unprivileged user ... FUSE ... etc" error ... and have to mount with "sudo". How to I get mounting without sudo?17:34
rumpe1Soothsayer, how did you copy them?17:34
Soothsayerrumpe1, through normal copy paste?17:35
lars__I want to use update-motd in debian, so i'm looking for the source deb otherwise i'll port it17:35
Soothsayerfrom my ubuntu desktop to the mounted ntfs drive.17:35
urlin2uScatterBrain, in unity, I believe the classic desktop as well.17:35
Jcook_5xDatais there a way to remove unity and just keep gnome317:36
rumpe1Soothsayer, which ubuntu exactly?17:36
Soothsayerrumpe1, 11.0417:36
Soothsayerrumpe1, I recall installing those ntfs utils to make NTFS drives accessible under Ubuntu17:36
eydaimonanyone familiar with getting daemontools running on ubuntu? I've followed the instrutions here: http://barkingiguana.com/2008/11/28/running-daemontools-under-ubuntu-810/  but daemontools is not running after reboot.17:36
SoothsayerI've been facing this problem since day 1.17:36
Sekkuaryes there is. I removed it17:37
theadmineydaimon: What on EARTH for?17:37
Soothsayerand its caused me a lot of data loss!17:37
Soothsayerespecially, my backups17:37
theadmineydaimon: Just mount -o loop something.iso /media/whatever17:37
luigiWhy is the 3.0 kernel going to be named 2.6.40?17:37
eydaimontheadmin: what?17:37
eydaimontheadmin: what are you talking about?17:37
theadmineydaimon: Daemon tools17:38
theadmineydaimon: There is no need. Linux can mount ISOs easily, it's got the functionality built right in17:38
eydaimonyou're talking about Daemon Tools. Im talking about daemontools17:38
rumpe1Soothsayer, really strange. Maybe remount and try again.17:38
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:38
eydaimontheadmin: http://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html17:38
nimbioticsHello all. I'm trying to install Qjoypad. I downloaded the tar file, and uncompressed it, but when I try to run the ./config it tells me I need libxtst to compile this program. I went to the SPm and I noticed I've got libxtst6, libxext6 and libxext-dev installed; shouldn't that be what I need to install Qjoystick? TIA!17:39
trismluigi: it isn't? it is currently named 3.0.0-9 in oneiric17:39
Soothsayerrumpe1, I've tried too many times.17:39
theadmineydaimon: Oh, something else then... Sorry, misunderstood. Geez. Such similar names17:39
rumpe1Soothsayer, or try other methods of copy (like via terminal)17:39
eydaimontheadmin: i'm surprised with your nick you don't know of it17:39
topjbirdhello everyone17:39
luigitrism: I thought something was naming it 2.6.40... Nevermind. But I still dislike the extra 0 on the end. :(17:39
theadmineydaimon: My nick means nothing at all :D17:39
luigieydaimon: Just use sysV17:39
Soothsayerrumpe1, this is exactly what I'm facing: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148957317:39
trismluigi: it was causing a bunch of bugs to pop up with programs expecting 3 elements to the version (it was only 3.0 earlier in the cycle)17:40
eydaimonluigi: how?17:40
luigieydaimon: Look into upstart for daemonizing things.17:40
theadmineydaimon: That's the Ubuntu's replacement for SysVInit17:40
Soothsayerrumpe1, do you think it's the ntfs packages i downloaded that is causing it ?17:41
luigitrism: How silly. Hardcode that in...17:41
topjbirdI loaded edubuntu live version 11.04 on an 8gb  flash drive but it won't let me update because it says there's no room.  But it seems there is.17:42
topjbirdIt boots just fine from the drive17:42
lars__Does anyone know how /etc/motd get refreshed?17:42
topjbird'just won't let me update packages17:43
eydaimonluigi: I already have an upstart conf file for starting daemontools. it's in the URL i referenced when asking my question17:43
eydaimonluigi: any idea why it wouldn't run after a reboot?17:43
luigieydaimon: You're running daemontools as a daemon to control other daemons so your daemons take orders from a daemon under a daemon system.17:43
luigiNo wonder it's not working.17:43
eydaimonluigi: if you don't know, just say so17:44
luigieydaimon: sudo service daemontools restart17:44
luigieydaimon: less /var/log/syslog17:44
luigiLook for errors.17:44
uburtI have a problem with my resolution. I am using Nvidia and connecting to my Samsung T190 Syncmaster with a VGA cable because DVI port is dead. I am using NVIDIA's DVI output  with an adaptor17:44
eydaimonluigi:  I was using sudo initctl start svscanboot to start it. Is this different?17:45
luigieydaimon: Hell yes. If it's integrated with upstart you should use service to manage it.17:45
luigiOr /etc/init.d/17:45
eydaimonluigi: upstart says to use /etc/init and the file I made is is /etc/init/svscanboot.conf17:46
luigieydaimon: Then sudo service svscanboot restart17:46
luigieydaimon: less /var/log/syslog17:46
luigieydaimon: Look at your logs, or give them to us.17:46
eydaimonwell, immdiate error17:46
eydaimonrestart: Unknown instance:17:47
luigis/restart/start then17:47
topjbirdI loaded edubuntu on an 8gb flash drive and i can boot from it and everything but it won't let me update packages.  Says not enough room.  But it looks like there is.17:47
eydaimonnow it worked17:47
topjbirdDo I have to allocate more room17:47
luigieydaimon: Read the logs.17:47
eydaimonluigi: ok, so obviously it worked with a manual start. so now why isn't it starting automatically during reboot?17:47
luigieydaimon: You don't have symlinks to tell sysV to start it at boot.17:47
eydaimoner, or after reboot17:47
luigiThere's some command to do it automatically, one moment.17:48
eydaimonlooks like /etc/init.d has symlinks for the name of th eprocess17:48
ActionParsniptopjbird: can you give a pastebin of the output of: dpkg -l | grep linux-image    Thanks17:49
luigiupdate-rc.d <script name> defaults17:49
luigieydaimon: ^^17:49
eydaimonluigi:  thanks17:49
=== Davi0n is now known as Davion
cynicaloptimistCan I get some help with installing software? I've downloaded a debian package but the Ubutu Software Centre isn't doing anything with it. The software centre opens, I click install, and then nothing happens.17:49
topjbirdAction how do i do that exactly im new to linux17:49
jackoriperflash video buffer file is not getting created in one of my laptops, in other its getting created, that is in tmp folder , why its not getting created ...any help17:49
uburtany ideas how to fix the resolution and make ubuntu recognize my screen as LCD and not CRT?17:50
cynicaloptimistIf I can't use the Software Centre, is there another good way to install a package from a .deb file? Perhaps via terminal?17:50
BMJackalhi, is there a way to format the partition Ubuntu is running on?17:50
theadmincynicaloptimist: sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb17:50
ActionParsniptopjbird: press CTRL+ALT+T and paste the comamnd there, copy the output and go to http://pastie.org  paste the text there and hit paste. When the page changes copy the address bar and paste THAT here17:50
BMJackalfrom the OS itself...17:51
rumpelBMJackal, while it's running?17:51
ActionParsnipBMJackal: not possible while it's running, you'll need liveCD for it17:51
LiranVSomeone can help me?17:51
ActionParsnipLiranV: ask and see17:51
BMJackalActionParsnip: that's the problem, I'm running a netbook with only SD cards and one USB slot and I can't use live distributions (won't load them)17:52
topjbirdok thx action17:52
LiranVI've got a problem that my ubuntu 11.04 won't automount usb mass storage devices automatically..17:52
ActionParsnipBMJackal: so you can't boot a USB device?17:52
BMJackalActionParsnip: exactly. Ubuntu formatted the partition for data. it's a Tegra chip, so I can't access it directly17:52
LiranVno, its not it... my system already running ubuntu 11.04 but when I plug let's say a card reader it won't mount automatically17:53
ActionParsnipBMJackal: You'll need a different device then, you can't format mounted file systems17:53
LiranVI need to mount it manually..17:53
ActionParsnipLiranV: when you take it out of the last device, what do you do?17:53
BMJackalActionParsnip: is there a way to access partitions directly? as I said, it's a Tegra device which can be accessed only with nvflash from Nvidia17:54
cynicaloptimisttheadmin: Thanks!17:54
eydaimonluigi: no luck even with that. I'll keep looking thru the docs. thanks17:54
epderHi. I am using ubuntu on a htpc. I cannot get the sound to work. I have connected a spdif from the htpc to the receiver but no digital sound. Does anyone know how I can fix that?17:54
luigieydaimon: Alright, Good luck.17:54
LiranVActionParsnip, what do you mean?17:54
luigiepder: You can run either passthrough, or digital stereo on most cards only.17:55
ActionParsnipepder: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh17:55
luigiepder: Make sure you've configured it to use digital as the output in the sound conf. menu.17:55
LiranVI can see that the system see the usb device using lsusb command but it doesn't mount it17:55
ActionParsnipLiranV: what steps / do you do when you want to remove it from a system?17:55
mah454How can i upgrade only one package in debian ( with apt ) ?17:55
ActionParsnipmah454: debian isn't supported here17:56
librarian-user01hello everyone17:56
mah454ActionParsnip what ? ubuntu do not use apt command ?17:56
ActionParsnipmah454: yes it does17:57
epderluigi, Ive tried enabling iec958 which should be correct but it still aint working..17:57
LiranVwhen i connect my phone or DOK or card reader to my machine.. it just won't mount itself automatically..17:57
mah454ActionParsnip How can upgrade only on package in debian-base distrobusion ?17:57
librarian-user01got a mounting question for a flash drive -- I have a netbook that will not mount a particular sandisk flashdrive...but17:57
ActionParsnipmah454: again, debian isn't supported here, ask in #debian17:57
luigiepder: Then I don't know how to help, sorry.17:57
cynicaloptimistOkay, it's saying one of the modules isn't loaded, when I try to run the program.17:57
K350where do I set the amount of desktops in kubuntu?17:57
mah454ActionParsnip ohhhhh ... ! How can upgrade only on package in ubuntu ...17:58
librarian-user01if I mount -t vfat /mnt/sdb1 /media/tempdrive   it works17:58
mah454ActionParsnip ohhhhh ... ! How can upgrade only on package in ubuntu ... ?17:58
epderActionParsnip, http://kojedahl.no/alsa-output.txt17:58
cynicaloptimistOkay, it's saying one of the modules isn't loaded, when I try to run the program.17:58
BMJackalmah454: I believe it's sudo apt-get update name_of_the_package?17:58
SnarshI opened a djvu file on my ubuntu 11.04 install and it said it was an unknown file type, I then got booted to my login screen and when i logged in again Synaptic is recommending is install a ton of updates I know I've installed before, 173MB worth. What happened?17:59
cynicaloptimistDuring the installation I got an error message stating "dpkg: error processing [module name]17:59
librarian-user01so, if I eject the drive without dismounting, the drive will automatically add and mount on its own17:59
XGaryGI installed Ubuntu-One. What package to I need to install to have it sync my contacts?17:59
ActionParsnipepder: http://pastie.org/243470417:59
MTGapI upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 on an older toshiba laptop with ati graphics. I've been having some troubles where it would freeze, but I think I might have fix that with some boot options. Before when I tried to login to the default 'ubuntu' it said I didn't have compatible graphics. Now it lets me boot into it, but it looks exactly like 'ubuntu classic' and has no unity or desktop effects17:59
librarian-user01^any idea on what I can do to make sure this drive automounts properly each time it is plugged in?17:59
[THC]AcidRainhow do i fix the 11.04 issue where the drive will not automatically open after burning a dvd/cd?17:59
LiranVActionParsnip, when i connect my phone or DOK or card reader to my machine.. it just won't mount itself automatically..17:59
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, librarian-user01 fstab18:00
ActionParsnipLiranV: you still haven't answered my question though18:00
Slartcan people run glxgears with ubuntu 11.04 (nvidia graphics, unity disabled, compiz running) ? when I do it the window freezes and I have to do some ctrl+c magic18:01
mah454BMJackal thank you ... Ubuntu users is very Strict !18:01
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, in previous installation i didn't need to touch fstab... my dok just mounted itself automatically18:01
ActionParsnipSlart: works fine here18:01
LiranVActionParsnip, what question?18:01
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, but like anything. the more advanced it gets, the more problems you will have out of it18:01
SlartActionParsnip: which nvidia driver?18:01
BMJackalmah454: no problem, hope it helps18:02
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, i had the same issue. i just had to modify fstab for my needs. and it works perfect now18:02
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, im talking about the same ubuntu version..18:02
ActionParsnipSlart: 280 I think, I'm not at the system18:02
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, it worked before18:02
[THC]AcidRainah. what version?18:02
SnarshIs anyone aware of any viruses for Ubuntu spread through djvu files? I don't see anything online, but this djvu file apparently did something which makes my OS think I need to update everything I've ever downloaded before after it booted me to login.18:02
SlartActionParsnip: but it's the proprietary nvidia driver?18:02
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, have you hooked your drive up to a windows computer lately?18:02
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, i had 11.04 then linux mint 11 then yesterday installed 11.04 again and it doesn't work..18:03
K350According to my panel ( Kubuntu ) I've 12 (!) desktops. How/where do I correct/adjust this?18:03
ActionParsnipSlart: oh yeah18:03
SlartActionParsnip: ah.. thanks.. I'll see if I can threaten compiz into behaving18:03
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, sounds like the permissions got changed. have you checked permission on the drive?18:03
Pinashello I hope somebody can help me. I try to get a virtual host to run on *:85, so i created a new virtual host under sites-available then I ran this setup command (i cant remember the name sry) and then I added Listen 85 and NameVirtualHost *:85 to the ports.conf18:03
ActionParsnipSlart: unlikely ;). I ditched it when I installed Oneiric18:03
LiranVpermission to what? lets say: /dev/ssd1?18:04
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, thats my main issue, everytime i hook my drive up to a windows computer, i have to manually change its permissions again. just so my box will mount it. regardless if i use fstab or not18:04
urlin2uSnarsh, if there was one why would it just go after updates? make sure you hace it set up correctly.18:04
SlartActionParsnip: mm.. I'm thinking about doing nasty things to it.. but "the shiny" is so addictive =)18:04
[THC]AcidRainok look18:04
epderActionParsnip, Its done. Reboot?18:04
librarian-user01[THC]AcidRain - my fstab shows /dev/sdb1 as mounted to the mount point /18:04
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, open up a terminal. goto cd /dev/sdb118:05
[THC]AcidRainthen type sudo ls- l18:05
[THC]AcidRainand copy to paste bin and post link18:05
librarian-user01i do have a device that is just showing the UUID with no other options18:05
ActionParsnipepder: no need, just try some sounds. itf it's no good, no harm in rebootingf18:06
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, copy what?18:06
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, im not sure. but that may be a permissions issue as well18:06
[THC]AcidRaincopy the output18:06
librarian-user01other flash drives seem to mount fine18:06
Snarshurlin2u: I don't know why it happened at all, I'm afraid the file installed something that will grab my pass when I log in with it or allow remote access. I also have no idea why mozilla automatically opened a djvu file I told it to save to the hard drive.18:06
librarian-user01it is just this one18:06
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, i rly think that both of you have the same issue18:07
[THC]AcidRainor at least this issue that im talking about is what i have experience with18:07
[THC]AcidRainanything outside of this i wont be able to help you18:07
[THC]AcidRainboth of you: sudo ls -l /dev/[drive here]18:07
[THC]AcidRaincopy and past the output of that command to pastebin18:07
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 49 2011-08-26 19:39 /dev/sdd118:08
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, and see, there is your problem18:08
[THC]AcidRainyou need to change owner to your user name18:08
eydaimonluigi: is there seperate upstart documentation for ubuntu? Reading upstart.ubuntu.com and what's on Natty isn't following what the documentation is saying18:08
librarian-user01brw- rw---- 1 root disk 8, 17 2011-08-26 14:03 /dev/sdb118:08
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, same issue for you. i was right18:09
luigieydaimon: I don't know, honestly. I use arch linux now and we use BSD-style.18:09
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, using "chown"?18:09
[THC]AcidRainyeah. that should do it. let me check18:09
librarian-user01chown on what? does it need to be mounted?18:09
epderActionParsnip, Still no sound. But in Spund preferences I dont get any hardware anymore. It was there earlier.18:10
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, but why it happens in the fist place? it wans't happening to me before with mint 11 or my last ubuntu install18:10
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, do "sudo fdisk -l" to find the mount point. and change it like that18:10
ActionParsnipepder: you just updated your alsa to 1.0.23 which seems to help a tonne18:10
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, my guess is that when you changed to mint, you ran something as sudo, and it changed the permission on the drive.18:11
nimbioticsHello all. I'm trying to install Qjoypad. I downloaded the tar file, and uncompressed it, but when I try to run the ./config it tells me I need libxtst to compile this program. I went to the SPm and I noticed I've got libxtst6, libxext6 and libxext-dev installed; shouldn't that be what I need to install Qjoystick? TIA!18:11
ActionParsnipepder: does the system have a make and model or is it a home build?18:11
[THC]AcidRainthat is what happens to me on widows. i hook my drive up and it changes permissions to automatically mount the drive. and messes it up when i want to hook it back to my linux box18:11
lenswipehey guys18:11
epderActionParsnip, Its an Asrock AON 330.18:11
[THC]AcidRainsudo chown [user] /dev/[drive here]18:11
lenswipeanyone home?18:11
ActionParsnipepder: run: alsamixer    and crank all the levels and use M to unmute any muted channels18:11
lenswipeActionParsnip, if i sudo apt-get purge apache2 does it wipe /var/www ?18:12
MATAHlenswipe, hi18:12
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, let me try that18:12
lynxI'm getting some SEVERE errors where it says "fatal error: This is not a software problem" from the kernel18:12
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epderActionParsnip, http://kojedahl.no/alsamixer.png18:12
lenswipeMATAH, hello?18:12
theadminlenswipe: That's a strange question.18:13
lynx____when I say severe, I mean severe... reinstalling the kernel and gnome didn't help either18:13
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, it works!! youre the man... but I don't understant somthing18:13
lenswipetheadmin, why is it a strange question?18:13
theadminlenswipe: Because normally it wouldn't matter whether we're at home or not.18:13
librarian-user01still not mounting18:13
LiranV[THC]AcidRain, everything i plug can be sdd1... so how this permission work?18:13
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, after changing the owner. try to unplug it and plug it back in18:13
lenswipetheadmin, out of interest do you know a way to restore apache to vanilla how it comes from the repos?18:13
lynx____check this out18:14
lenswipetheadmin, would apt-get purge do it?18:14
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, at this point. i would extract its uuid, and add that to fstab18:14
BlackFlagGood afternoon! I have a notebook with video card SIS, 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter, with Ubuntu 11.04 with Gnome and I need to reduce the brightness of the screen. I tried this prompt "setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=60", but doens't work; in power management have no slider to control it18:14
lynx____Someone tell me exactly what type of error message (non-software error) this is:18:14
theadminlenswipe: Yeah18:14
theadminlenswipe: Purge and then reinstall18:14
[THC]AcidRainLiranV, you will also need to know the filesystem18:14
ActionParsnipepder: http://asrockion.wiki.zoho.com/mythbuntu-910-asrock-ion-330.html   mentions some sound stuffs18:14
lynx____http://pastebin.com/Wg9K0Jrc is the website with a list of the types of errors I keep getting... what's wrong?18:14
genii-aroundBlackFlag: You probably have to use a different number than 00:02.0 unless that is the actual slot number your card is using18:14
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ActionParsnipepder: unmute LFE, may help18:15
lynx____http://pastebin.com/Wg9K0Jrc is the website with a list of the types of errors I keep getting... what's wrong?18:15
genii-aroundBlackFlag: lspci  should tell you the correct value18:15
lynx____U\pD| \{ /vf@ AC! rHXOTRs %nBpaz gD7'fde3 _/J!na*" Ej;KRi;18:15
lynx____0`O@+U*v -FO(B})- (mw{`z0 (7',-G% dqw/3@Mq v/lWLZaD GRx/k-B18:15
lynx____>iTBNZ: RIq>UM^ g3Svi%W& :u,YW|v| TWqdpK y }N(KfPU* +r!TNj+18:15
librarian-user01still nothing on my side18:16
JRWRin natty, php5-mysqli doesnt seem to exist, is this a issue on my end, or has ubuntu forgotten about it18:16
genii-aroundlynx____: Please have some patience. We are volunteers.18:16
BlackFlagyou have reason, genii-around, the correct is setpci -s 01:00.0 F4.B=60, but doesn't work too18:16
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, check the permissions again to confirm that they actually changed18:16
librarian-user01it now shows laura instead of root as owner18:17
[THC]AcidRainok. but what are the permissons for laura. paste it here18:17
[THC]AcidRainor well... i would rather you use pastebin. but its fine i guess18:17
librarian-user01but if it is mounted then it flips back to root18:17
librarian-user01if it is plugged back in is shows root18:18
[THC]AcidRainthats odd...18:18
epderActionParsnip, Hm, still no luck :(18:18
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, did you use "sudo" to change permission?18:18
epderActionParsnip, But its kinda weird that sound preferences dont find the hardware though?? It did earlier.18:19
librarian-user01...i did a sudo su18:19
StrangeCharmwhat sort of things can cause a failure to suspend to ram or disk?18:19
BlackFlagVGA compatible controller / product: 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter / vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] / physical id: 0 / bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0 / version: 10 / width: 32 bits / clock: 66MHz / capabilities: pm agp agp-3.0 vga_controller cap_list / configuration: latency=0 / resources: memory:c0000000-cfffffff memory:d4000000-d401ffff ioport:9000(size=128)18:19
genii-aroundBlackFlag: Where you have 60, have you tried another value? The numbering is in hexadecimal where 00 is brightest and ff is darkest. If you put for instance 4f does it get noticeably lighter than from 60 ?18:19
theadminlibrarian-user01: "sudo su" is bad practice. Use "sudo -i" instead.18:19
[THC]AcidRainright. dont use sudo su18:20
genii-around( 60 may have been already close to where it was originally set )18:20
BlackFlaggenii-around, yes, I tried a lot of numbers18:20
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librarian-user01still switches back to root18:21
librarian-user01could the rule in fstab to the mount point "/" be causing this?18:21
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, paste your fstab to pastebin.com and show link18:22
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, also tell me what the drive mount point is18:22
nimbioticswhen I try to install jscalibrator using "sudo apt-get install jscalibrator", I get "E: Unable to locate package jscalibrator", why is this happening and how can I fix it?18:23
librarian-user011 min18:23
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, and the mount point of your drive you are having issues with?18:25
yhagerDoes anyone know how to fix: ImportError: /usr/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_simple_async_result_take_error (11.04)?18:26
librarian-user01only on this one drive18:26
librarian-user01other flash drives work fine18:26
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, right. but other flash drives dont require root to mount18:26
genii-aroundBlackFlag: Could you pastebin your lspci results?18:27
ccb0x45hey, what would I need to do under ubuntu to redirect traffic from localhost:7878 to
SnarshCould a djvu file target the Ubuntu OS? I got it off rapidshare, and saved it using mozilla but the OS booted to login halfway during the download. Also, when I logged in again it said there were tons of updates I needed (I believe I already downloaded most of them). Could a djvu file get root on my computer during a download through mozilla?18:27
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, try this: blkid18:27
[THC]AcidRaintell me what the uuid is of your drive18:27
theadminSnarsh: No, that's nonsense18:27
jikabaajwhich is the best linux distro for HP mini 210?18:27
genii-aroundjikabaaj: Seeing as we're in #ubuntu ...18:27
dsnydersjikabaaj, On this site... Ubuntu of course!18:28
theadminjikabaaj: Maybe the best place to ask would be ##linux18:28
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, with ext4 filesystem. i dont see why we are having issues changing the owner18:28
librarian-user011EA5-0357           TYPE is vfat18:28
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, actually... i think mounting anything at "/" requires root18:28
Snarshtheadmin: Then why was I kicked to login during the download of this djvu file? I was able to reproduce the boot multiple times, and I know rapidshare is likely to host malicious files.18:28
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, type is vfat?18:28
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jikabaajhehehehe.. thanks. but i thought i could get some good pointers here since i trust the ubuntu community a lot! :)18:29
[THC]AcidRainit says in your fstab that its ext4...18:29
librarian-user01fat32  -- but i can mount vfat18:29
[THC]AcidRainlibrarian-user01, and im sure that a uuid is longer than 8 characters. i may be wrong though18:29
theadminSnarsh: Well, it can be an Xorg bug, or maybe a Firefox bug, or... There're multiple options18:29
librarian-user011EA5-0357 is the UUID that it is showing18:29
ActionParsnipSnarsh: malicious in what way?18:29
theadminSnarsh: However, really, there aren't many exploits in Linux that can really give anything root permissions...18:30
theadminSnarsh: Just forget the file if you're suspicious of it18:30
[THC]AcidRainhmmm. i foget how to mount a vfat system. im sure you can find it on google18:30
[THC]AcidRainfirst thing i do when i buy a new drive is format it to ext3/418:30
th0r[THC]AcidRain: I have an mmc card plugged in, and the uuid for that looks like librarian-user0118:30
[THC]AcidRainothers in #ubuntu will say that is not a good idea18:30
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urlin2uSnarsh, here is a manpage getting it from rapidshare makes no sense. http://linux.die.net/man/1/djvu18:30
[THC]AcidRainhey i said i may be wrong :)18:31
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SnarshActionParsnip: On windows, I've had problems with rapidshare offering files that were either viruses or corrupted when I downloaded them.18:31
ActionParsnip[THC]AcidRain: i tend to partition first, then to ext4 ;-)18:31
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ActionParsnipSnarsh: win viruses won't affect ubuntu.18:31
[THC]AcidRainActionParsnip, why do you chose that?18:32
[THC]AcidRainActionParsnip, why not just format the existing partition?18:32
ActionParsnip[THC]AcidRain: choose what? Ext4?18:32
[THC]AcidRainnah. why do you choose to create a new partition, then format18:33
SnarshActionParsnip: I'm aware of that, I just didn't know if they went as far as to try to infect ubuntu as well at this point. When making the download off of rapidshare it showed 2 files in my Download folder instead of 1, 1 being the correct file and the other being a 200kb file that seemed to be a corrupted djvu file.18:33
ActionParsnip[THC]AcidRain: I've never bought a partitioned drive18:33
librarian-user01I can mount it fine, its trying to get it to run automatically18:33
[THC]AcidRainActionParsnip, ... oh.... i thought that all drives you buy come with a ntsf partition on them...18:33
[THC]AcidRainperhaps thats where i been messing up :)18:33
ActionParsniplibrarian-user01: do you unmount it properly after use?18:34
librarian-user01i have18:34
[THC]AcidRainwhat... i always just yank my drives out.18:34
BryanRuizdo i have to partition a new scsi drive before mounting it?18:35
AndChat|Stupid blackspot :(18:35
BlackFlaggenii-around, http://paste.ubuntu.com/675437/18:35
AndChat|BryanRuiz: yes. You cannot mount drives18:35
SnarshAnyone know why a mozilla download of 1 file would produce 2 files in my Download folder? 1 being a corrupted djvu file and the other looking to be the correct djvu file, but before the correct was finished downloading I would be kicked to the login screen?18:36
[THC]AcidRainActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/wjFHNEyg this is his fstab.  i think it has something to do with him trying to mount it at "/" and the fact that hes trying to mount a vfat system as a ext418:36
famgodhow can I get nautilius to automount/auto detect cds?  each time I put a cd/dvd in ive got to 'mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom18:37
[THC]AcidRainno wait... librarian-user01 i dont think thats right dude. sdb1 looks like your internal hdd that you boot from18:37
AndChat|Snarsh: mozilla is a company, not an app. I'm guessing you mean firefox. Does it happen for all downloads?18:37
[THC]AcidRainfamgod, fstab is your friend18:38
famgodif I add it to fstab18:38
GunClivehi. my printer often is displayed as plugged off even when not. when i plug the usb in and out sometimes the problem is fixed then but not always. other times once my printer was plugged in for about 30 minutes it works from alone. how can i always use it? thanks.18:38
famgodit will auto mount/umount18:38
famgodby just putting cd in18:38
famgodor taking it out?18:38
mckalexeeare you trying to automount a hdd in ubuntu?18:39
[THC]AcidRainhmmm.... id google that one. i thought nautilus was just a sudo gui browser18:39
famgodive got already got /dev/cdrom in my fstab...18:39
mckalexeenautilus is the ubuntu file browser18:39
AndChat|[THC]AcidRain: if sdb1 is not ext4 based there will be issues. This is actionParsnip btw. Stupid blackspot drops me out and I rejoin as andchat18:39
[THC]AcidRainfamgod, and what are the permissions on it?18:39
sengewhere is the netbook ediiton of ubuntu on the ubuntu website?18:39
[THC]AcidRainAndChat|, tell that to librarian-user01  :)18:40
ghost_how do i change the display resolution in ubuntu?18:40
SnarshAndChat|: this is the first time it has happened via firefox, and only with these files. But it happens everytime I try with these files so it is reproducable.18:40
famgod/dev/cdrom              /mnt/cdrom      auto            noauto,ro       0 018:40
[THC]AcidRaini hate to leave a soldier behind. but i cant help him18:40
mckalexeesenge| 11.04 is designed for netbooks too now18:40
mckalexeeit comes with the unity interface18:40
Galvatronghost_: It depends on video card and drivers.18:40
urlin2usenge, not in development anymore18:40
AndChat|[THC]AcidRain: nautilus is just a file browser, it can be ran with gksudo to get more access18:40
sengeurlin2u: please recommend some linux OS for HP mini 210 (netbook)18:41
GunClivethere is also a gksu extension for nautilus18:41
urlin2usenge, 11.0418:41
famgodya, the issue isnt really nautilus...i just want a cd/dvd to be automounted when I put it in the drive....its been 5-6 years since ive used linux...if I remembner correctly 'hal' did what I did want it to do18:41
[THC]AcidRainrly now? i thought i had full access with just normal sudo nautilus18:41
AndChat|senge: there is a ppa with the old netbook ui if you want. Its not developed anymore though.18:41
famgodbut 'hal is now depreciated18:41
AndChat|[THC]AcidRain: sudo isn't suitable for gui apps like nautilus.18:42
[THC]AcidRainwell my mine is permissioned like this: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2011-08-25 22:06 /dev/cdrom -> sr018:42
[THC]AcidRainAndChat|, what should i use? just gksu nautilus?18:43
AndChat|famgod: udev does it now18:43
sengeAndChat|: its not about the UI. i just want something to run smoothly on my netbook.18:43
AndChat|[THC]AcidRain: yes.18:43
[THC]AcidRainAndChat|, ooo. i did it. i do see extra files :)18:43
Galvatron[THC]AcidRain: GUI + "sudo" may and up with messed permissions, so it's safer to use "sudo" only for console apps, and "gksu" for GUI ones.18:43
japroOk, so I had 10.04 installed but I needed the newer gcc and also figured updating would solve the problem that the nvidia powermizer doesn't move out of level 1 (second lowest). So i upgraded to 11.04 and now the nvidia is just constantly staying at max clock speeds -.-18:43
[THC]AcidRainGalvatron, note taken. thanks18:44
SnarshAndChat|: any thoughts on the information I provided? The kick to boot screen each time I download those 2 djvu files can be a coincidence and sounds likely with a site like rapidshare.18:44
Galvatronjapro: Try installing the latest drivers from nVidia website instead of those in the repo.18:44
AndChat|senge: lubuntu and xubuntu are light so will run smoother and with fewer resources than ubuntu18:44
urlin2usenge, I run natty on my aceraspire one a netbook but I bought a ram card to use the ma allowed 2 gigs, runs windows7 great as we3ll, and any other linux I install.18:44
AndChat|Snarsh: tried a different browser?18:45
Galvatronjapro: Anyways, what card is it?18:45
urlin2uAndChat|, what they are downloading is available in linux the rapidshare is the problem18:45
AndChat|urlin2u: its worth exploring18:46
japroGalvatron,it's a gtx260m in a laptop18:46
SnarshAndChat|: Other than firefox? I haven't, but I thought the error was related to the corrupted djvu file downloaded alongside the correct file. And that rapidshare or the person who uploaded the file intentionally did this with malicious intent.18:46
urlin2uSnarsh, you have taken one event if even true and made a lot of cause and effect, use some critical thought here.18:47
AndChat|Snarsh: install chromium-browser and see if its the same18:47
BlackFlagGood afternoon! I have a notebook with video card SIS, 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter, with Ubuntu 11.04 with Gnome and I need to reduce the brightness of the screen. I tried this prompt "setpci -s 01:00.0 F4.B=60", but doens't work; in power management have no slider to control it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/675437/ from lspci18:47
Galvatronjapro: I still recommend trying drivers 280.03 and 285.13 beta.18:47
Galvatronjapro: You might also ask in the #nvidia channel.18:48
japroI'm kinda afraid of installing the drivers directly, the last time I tried that I failed and I had to go through a whole of of annoying reparing18:48
SnarshAndChat|: I will do so as soon as I finish updating, in terminal right now and don't wanna startx til it finishes. I can attempt this download again without fear that a djvu file is somehow damaging my system? That's what concerns me the most, although I couldn't find anyone else having a problem like this on google.18:49
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nimbioticsis there a channel for linux gamers?  TIA!18:49
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Galvatronjapro: It's not that hard. First uninstall the ones from repo (in most cases "nvidia-current") and delete xorg.conf. Then download the ones from NV's website to your /home directory, go to terminal mode (Alt + F1), kill X ("sudo service gdm stop"), run the installer ("sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-280.13.run") and restart X with "sudo service gdm start".18:52
=== RA_drc_ is now known as RA_drc
SnarshOne other question, what is the preferred package used to read djvu files? I could possibly be missing it.18:54
Galvatronjapro: To update them you simply download ne one from nVidia and repeat the whole process. If you update the kernel, you must simply kompile new module, by adding "-K" flag at the end of installer command. To uninstall you simply add "--uninstall" flag in the same place.18:54
snowmanIs it possible to add extra activex like components to libre office. I have a pps file which will not run.18:57
CharlieSuHi. I've installed a PPA to get a newer version of CouchDB, however I'm not seeing the newer version after I do an apt-get update, install.  How can I list the contents of a PPA?18:59
CharlieSuThis is the PPA I'm talking about19:00
wildc4rdevenin all19:01
GalvatronCharlieSu: Is the PPA visible in /etc/apt/sources.list.d?19:01
GalvatronCharlieSu: There's also a chance that you already have a newer ersions of these packages in the system.19:01
Aquixrun apt-cache policy  to see if there is repos conflicts19:02
CharlieSuGalvatron: yes it is there..  but the newer version isn't19:02
genii-around!info couchdb natty19:03
ubottucouchdb (source: couchdb): RESTful document oriented database, system DB. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu15 (natty), package size 6 kB, installed size 88 kB19:03
japrowell, looks like i can reduce the clocks somewhat by just turning on the powersaving feature of the laptop... I guess ill also try what happens when the second monitor is not connected19:04
trismCharlieSu: you can't find them because they failed to build in that ppa19:04
GalvatronUse "gksu nautilus /etc/apt/sources.list.d" to delete it, then add once more, with sudo add-apt-repository ppa:randall-leeds/couchdb".19:04
CharlieSutrism: what do you mean?19:04
CharlieSutrism: ahh.. i see now19:04
genii-aroundCharlieSu: Look in top right of the link you gave where it says failed to build19:04
japrogoing by search results the powermizer thingy seems to be pretty broken anyway19:04
Zenith77Hi all, I am running 10.04. I added a user, but when I login through terminal, what I am assuming to be the bash profile, is not the same as it is with root (no auto tab complete, color scheme, etc). Is it safe to just copy .bashrc and .profile from root's home to /home/useriwant19:05
LunganHmm... So I did have an internal mic on my 11.04 that didn't work, did try some things I found on the internet, ended up having no sound at all. How can i Reset that to pulseaudio again?19:05
mathnoobWhat is the maximum number of possible permutations for any selected 8 bits?19:05
* yakeb is away: I'm busy19:05
genii-aroundmathnoob: 256 I imagine, if you include zero19:06
oCeanyakeb: please disable your away announcement19:06
mathnoobgenii-around: really? there would be 256 ways to rearrange any given byte?19:06
YxvenI'm trying to install PIP which requires me to locate the paths of various image libraries. My current method is to guess and check the locations specified in the package manager. Is there a better way?19:06
japroassuming the bits are somehow unique then there are 8! permutations?19:07
oCeanmathnoob: channel #math would be more appropriate19:07
mathnoobthanks mate :)19:07
japroor do you mean how many "pattern" are there with a certain number of bits set?19:07
mathnoobjapro: yes, that's a better wording.19:08
GunClivehi. my printer often is displayed as plugged off even when not. when i plug the usb in and out sometimes the problem is fixed then but not always. other times once my printer was plugged in for about 30 minutes it works from alone. how can i always use it? thanks.19:08
japroi think then it should be: 8!/(n!*(8-n)!) where n is the number of "1" bits19:08
japroor "0" bits... its symmetric anyway19:09
oCeanjapro: please don't continue that discussion here19:09
oCeanYxven: are you searching for particular files? Then you can run the 'locate' command19:11
YxvenoCean, I'm just supposed to specify the path to the root of TCL, JPEG, ZLIB, TIFF, and LCMS19:12
YxvenIt's not obvious to me which directory should be considered "root", and I don't know anything about the libraries other than they're installed19:13
chaospsychexwhat are the differences between 10.10 and 11.04 excluding gnome3 and unity?19:14
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yeatschaospsychex: are you asking because you're considering an upgrade? or what?19:15
oCeanYxven: oh sorry, I don't know either19:15
YxvenoCean, thanks anyway19:15
chaospsychexis 11.04 lts ?19:15
yeatschaospsychex: no - not LTS19:15
oCeanchaospsychex: no, 12.04 will be19:15
yeatschaospsychex: 10.04 is current LTS19:15
chaospsychexi will just stay on 10.10 then19:16
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yeatschaospsychex: 11.04 in "Ubuntu Classic" mode is almost identical to 10.10 from my point of view, if that helps19:16
chaospsychexyeah, i don't want to upgrade though. my system works! not going to upgrade to non-LTS19:17
acesofskycan questions related to programming be asked here?19:19
oCeanmydokumen: acesofsky no19:19
oCeanacesofsky: there is the ##programming channel19:19
mydokumeni dont now19:19
Galvatronchaospsychex: Newer kernel and software, including an unstable, development branch of Compiz (0.9.x) which shouldn't be there in the first place, but can be downgraded back to 0.8.6 with a PPA, at the cost of resigning from Unity.19:19
renancoelhohello, I cannot watch youtube anymore on firefox ubuntu 10.10. I started having these problems after installing windows media player totem plugin...19:20
renancoelhoany sugestions?19:20
chaospsychexGalvatron: which kernel does 11.04 use?19:20
japrohmm, is using seperate xscreens so exotic? a lot of programs behave somewhat wierd in this context...19:20
XGaryGI want to play a purchased DVD. I installed Ubuntu restricted extras, and Arsta Transcoder. What more do I need?19:20
Galvatronchaospsychex: 3.6.3819:20
irrumator_How do I add a location to my PATH environmental variable?19:20
Galvatronchaospsychex: *2.6.3819:20
chaospsychexi'm using  2.6.30 i think19:21
japromost notably firefox still not being able to open windows on seperate screens... if i remember that issue has been reported as far back as firefox 1.519:21
nitin_hi to all19:21
Galvatronrenancoelho: have you tried uninstalling this plugin?19:21
chaospsychexwhat's the command to check my kernel version19:21
nitin_any1 there?19:21
qweqqchaospsychex: uname -a19:21
acesofskythanks switching to #programming19:21
renancoelhoI am trying, but all I can do is disable it...19:21
phong_anyone know how i can get vnc working?19:22
Galvatronqweqq: He's not on 11.04, so nothing from it.19:22
phong_and given a specifiiiiiiic port?19:22
chaospsychex2.6.35-30 is what im running19:22
chaospsychexhow do i remove 22,24 ?19:22
Galvatronrenancoelho: How about purgging Totem and installing it again?19:22
chaospsychexi have like 6 kernel options in grub on boot19:23
renancoelhoGalvatron: how to do that?19:23
chaospsychexcan someone help me install firefox6.0 ?19:24
chaospsychexive downloaded the .tar from the website19:24
|Slacker|chaospsychex: can't you install it from the software center?19:25
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: what is the output of: lsb_release -c19:25
chaospsychexwon't upgrade to 6.0 because some customized ubuntu version is installed19:25
chaospsychexcodename maverick19:26
ubottuFirefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable19:26
Galvatronchaospsychex: You might use either Ubuntu Tweak > Package cleaner > Clean kernels or Synaptic in which you type "linux", sor packages by installed/not installed (first column) and find all "headers"/"image" files with corresponding numbers. Usually Synaptic doesn't enlist the currently used kernel, so you might safely mark everything for removal, but just to be 100% sure you might check kernel version in the system monitor.19:26
irrumator_How do I add a location to my PATH environmental variable?19:27
Galvatronrenancoelho: "sudo apt-get install aptitude && sudo aptitude purge totem" && sudo aptitude install totem"19:27
chaospsychexhow can i remove old kernels from the terminal ?19:28
chaospsychexwhat's the command ?19:28
ActionParsnipirrumator_: in ~/.bashrc at the bottom add: export PATH=$PATH:/extra/folder19:28
irrumator_ActionParsnip: and if we use zsh? can i put the same thing in my ~/.zshrc file as well?19:29
dttahhey guys, is have a this question I just downloaded PlayOnLinux app went into "install" category and whichever I'm trying to install it says "Sorry, PlayOnMac 2.5 and PlayOnLinux 3.8 are no longer supported" and as im running the app it says  "an updated version of playonlinux is available. (4.0.8) " what should i do to get this work ?19:29
ActionParsnipirrumator_: that will add /extra/folder to the path19:29
ActionParsnipirrumator_: i guess19:29
Galvatronchaospsychex: In this case Synaptic is the fastest way19:29
phong_anyone know how to configure vnc with different port?19:29
phong_i need help19:29
phong_and how do i kknow i have vnc working?19:29
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: run: dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2     these are the installed kernels19:30
chaospsychexok that outputted 3, i want to remove to of them. 2.6.35-22 and 2.6.35-2419:31
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: run: uname -a   that is the running kernel. You can uninstall the installed kernel but you MUST leave the running kernel installed19:31
chaospsychex2.6.35-30 is running19:32
ActionParsnipphong_: ps -ef | grep -i vnc19:32
chaospsychexi want to remo 30-22 and30-2419:32
dAnjouhi, can i use ubuntu one in a way so that i don't have to have the data on my pc but only in the cloud?19:32
dttahhey guys, is have a this question I just downloaded PlayOnLinux app went into "install" category and whichever I'm trying to install it says "Sorry, PlayOnMac 2.5 and PlayOnLinux 3.8 are no longer supported" and as im running the app it says  "an updated version of playonlinux is available. (4.0.8) " what should i do to get this work ?19:33
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: then use software centre19:33
Lung4nHow do i reset my sound installation? Was using pulse audio, somehow i removed it and don't have any sound19:33
phong_ActionParsnip, phong_    4689  4604  0 15:33 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i vnc19:33
phong_ActionParsnip, no idea19:34
KadirBhey all19:34
ActionParsnipDttah:the wine ppa may have a newer version. I suggest you log a bug19:34
chaospsychexi would rather use synaptic or command19:34
dttahActionParsnip, would like to know how to log a bug, what should i do ?19:34
ActionParsnipphong_: that's just grep running, you'll always get that. Vnc isn't running19:35
genii-arounddttah: the page http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html has pretty good instructions for all recent versions of Ubuntu19:35
Logan_dttah: Instructions to add the PlayOnLinux repo are here: http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html19:35
ActionParsnipdttah: run: ubuntu-bug playonlinux19:35
phong_ActionParsnip, well..i've install RealVNC, how do i get it to configure19:35
phong_ActionParsnip, i'm used to RealVNC19:35
tomywinhey can i upgrade bios on ubuntu19:37
tomywinhey can i upgrade bios on ubuntu19:39
binditomywin: consult your motherboard manual19:39
tomywinhey can i upgrade bios on ubuntu19:39
tomywinand how19:39
ultrixxtomywin: depends strongly on the board manufacturer. i suggest you use a usb stick and do it from bios19:39
dttahgenii-around, Logan_  thanks guys:) I went there into Ubuntu category and it says For the Natty version.... Maverick Lucid Karmic... Hardy.. .what are these which one should i download? im running last version of Ubuntu19:40
* bindi sighs19:40
tomywinultrixx when i go to bios setup there is no usb device there19:40
Jordan_Utomywin: Please don't repeat your question so quickly. Give people time to respond.19:40
Logan_!version | dttah19:40
ubottudttah: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »19:40
Gentoo64tomywin, older ones can use floppy19:40
genii-aroundtomywin: It's usually better to make something like a standalone usb stick with something like freedos and then the dos-based bios update utility from your motherboard manufacturer19:40
ultrixxtomywin: is there a menu option in your bios to update from usb memory stick?19:41
Jordan_Utomywin: Sometimes you can with a utility called "flashrom", other times the normal solution is to boot FreeDOS and run the manufacturer's BIOS flashing utility from there.19:41
ultrixxtomywin: Jordan_U is right.19:41
tomywinin my bios setup i see floppy drive,networkdrive,and hardrive no usb device19:41
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dttahLogan_, thanks:) sorry where can i read what are these maverick lucid kameric hardy things? what do they mean overall ?19:41
ultrixxtomywin: i am talking about bios update19:41
ultrixxtomywin: what you are writing about is the setup for floppy, harddrive etc19:42
Logan_dttah: Those are the names of the different versions of Ubuntu.  If that command in Terminal outputs 11.04, it means you're running Natty.19:42
tomywinyes so what to do on bios setup19:42
ultrixxtomywin: you shouldn't play around with bios updates if you have no clue what you are doing19:43
binditomywin: read the manual that came with the mobo, it has pictures and all that fancy stuff19:43
tomywini bought this pc on second shop no manuals19:43
dttahLogan_, I already found out that mine is "Natty" Thanks, it means if it outputs "Maverick" im running one version older than 11.04 ?19:43
ultrixxtomywin: if you haven't got the manual, you can download it from the manufacturer19:43
bindifind it online then, tomywin19:43
Logan_dttah: Correct.19:44
dttahLogan_, got it, thanks :)19:44
Logan_dttah: Maverick is the code name for 10.10.19:44
tomywinwhat to search my computer is intel pentium 4, fujtisu simens19:44
binditomywin: why do you even need to update it..?19:44
dttahLogan_, why did they make all these things so confusing end messed up( it could be simply 11.04 10.10 etc...19:44
tomywinso i can use my usb device19:44
tomywini want to boot from usb device19:45
Logan_dttah: Heh, I think some people prefer the names.19:45
Logan_tomywin: What is the model of your Fujitsu Siemens computer?19:45
binditomywin: and you are certain updating the bios will help?19:45
Logan_bindi: Updating the BIOS can sometimes add new features such as booting from a USB device.19:45
tomywinLogan_ Pentium 419:45
binditomywin: how do you know what bios to flash, when you dont know how to find the manual/know the mobo name19:45
Logan_tomywin: Sorry, but that's the processor.  It should say the model of the computer on the bottom/back.19:46
dttahLogan_, one more and last question, this PlayOnLinux offers various games such as Assassin's creed and some other high-end games, is this app crap or it will REALLY run such games in this os ?19:46
ultrixxtomywin: google fujitsu siemens bios update19:46
tomywinLogan_ Intel Inside pentium 419:46
Logan_dttah: I don't really have personal experience with it.19:46
Logan_tomywin: That's still the processor.19:46
dttahLogan_, Thanks )19:46
Logan_dttah: No problem.19:46
dttahtake care yo'll and thanks for help everybody )19:46
irrumator_Ok, so I added this folder to my PATH environmental variable via ~/.bashrc. In this folder that I added, there's a file.sh that I want to be able to launch from anywhere (like from alt-F2 run command). How do I do this?19:47
dttahi downloaded updated now it works )19:47
tomywincan i still mount my usb even thought there is no option on bios can i mount my usb device on ubuntu19:47
mordofis there any way to find the order of the applications launched at startup?19:49
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tomywinif i have an os on usb flash, can i copy it to dvd19:51
chaospsychextomywin, yes. its just the reverse of putting it on usb from iso19:53
Jordan_Utomywin: It depends on the OS and how the flash drive was prepared.19:54
mordofi'd like to load an application as the last item to load upon startup - is this possible?19:54
Jordan_Umordof: Before or after login?19:55
mordofJordan_U: after19:55
tomywinits os win7 64 bits, now i am on ubuntu, i want to go back to win7 its much easier for me19:55
chaospsychexdont tell em guys,lol ;-P19:55
chaospsychexjust joking19:55
LiranVguys i need some help19:55
chaospsychextomywin #windows19:55
tomywiniam on ubuntu now19:56
LiranVevery time i plug a usb mass storage device to my pc it says that the "root" user own it:19:56
LiranVbrw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 49 2011-08-26 22:51 /dev/sdd119:56
LiranVwhy is that?19:56
alejandroQue onda19:56
chaospsychexthis channel is for ubuntu related issues19:56
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents19:56
yeats!es | alejandro19:56
ubottualejandro: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:56
chaospsychex/join ##windows19:56
mordofJordan_U: i've got the app running in the startup, as well as devilspie. but it would appear depending on boot order - that my app messes up and things just don't react as they should19:57
Jordan_Utomywin: You can get help for that in the channel ##windows. Even though you're on Ubuntu now, you goal is to install Windows, and most of the technicall issues will be related to how Windows works rather than how Ubuntu works (and most of the people in ##windows are also familiar with Ubuntu).19:57
Jordan_Umordof: What is the application? What happens when it fails?19:57
yeatsLiranV: because only root can mount things?19:57
LiranVbut i want my DOK to mount automatically...19:58
mordofJordan_U: prism - loading a localhost app.  i've got devilspie removing the window decoration, and relocating it underneath windows on my second monitor19:58
LiranVit works on linux mint... i just plug the usb and i mounts19:58
mordofJordan_U: when it fails, sometimes the window manager gets removed from EVERYTHING.. sometimes it doesn't reposition right, sometimes the actual localhost page pulls bad values from the mysql database19:58
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:58
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:59
LiranVim not running mint19:59
chaospsychexLiranV ^19:59
LiranVim running ubuntu19:59
mordofJordan_U: i think all of these could be solved by making sure my script is run absolute last after everything is loaded19:59
chaospsychexbut you just referred to it,lol19:59
LiranVi just said that on mint it works19:59
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:59
mordofLiranV: i believe it's possible to change the auto-mount properties, but i'm not sure how..20:00
mordofchaospsychex: the problem has nothing to do with mint20:00
LiranVwhen i previously had ubuntu 11.04 it worked as well. i'd just plug in a disk on key and it mount's automatically..20:00
chaospsychexi know, lolol20:00
cristian_cI would like to operate the keys with the keyboard wireless media desktop20:01
LiranVyesterday i installed 11.04 again and it doesn't work... :(20:01
yeatsLiranV: what is "DOK"? sorry - I don't recognize that acronym...20:01
cristian_cI connected everything and used the KeyTouch program to configure the keys20:01
cristian_cI found this wiki page at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyTouch20:01
cristian_cfrom the back of the keyboard you can see that this is the model Media Wireless Desktop (Y-RAC66) while on the wiki, including keyboards is supported Media Wireless Desktop (Y-RAE68)20:01
BetaArcAnyone can help me with a SSD install on Ubuntu?20:01
cristian_cI selected it from keytouch, and not all the keys worked20:01
cristian_cbut following the keytouch editor manual, I opened Keytouch Editor to make the keyboard supported20:01
Jordan_U!details | BetaArc20:01
ubottuBetaArc: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:01
dlynesworkDoes ubuntu have something similar to RHEL's system-config-authentication application?20:01
cristian_cThe nice thing is that keytouch editor recognizes perfectly all the keys on the keyboard and and suggests the default and right actions for each key20:01
laserbledhi, I need help please - How should I remote login to a redhat server from ubuntu - I can do it through ssh but no commands like startx work in there - I have the credentials - please tell me what I should do20:01
cristian_cadded to the list all keys I saved the keyboard file called labtec_mwd_yrac66_kbd. At this point I open keytouch again to select the new keyboard introduced in the database. I choose it and try to set the keys20:02
Jordan_Udlyneswork: What does that application do?20:02
LiranVyeats, DOK = Disk On Key20:02
cristian_cas the first test I set the mail key (but remember I tried other keys), choosing the program to use and the field is filled with evolution - component = mail20:02
irrumator_Ok, so I added this folder to my PATH environmental variable via ~/.bashrc. In this folder that I added, there's a file.sh that I want to be able to launch from anywhere (like from alt-F2 run command). How do I do this?20:02
yeats!enter | cristian_c20:02
ubottucristian_c: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:02
cristian_cAnd then I press Ok or Apply, but in both cases if I press the key, the computer goes into standby (and of course then asks me the password to unlock it), instead of opening evolution. Even if I fill out the field only with the string 'evolution' the same thing happens20:02
cristian_cWhy with keytouch editor is the keyboard recognized and with keytouch not? How can I find a solution?20:02
dlynesworkJordan_U, allows you to configure user authentication, NIS, LDAP, Hesiod, and Winbind20:02
belgianguyany way to switch an existing XORG to ATI (before it was NVIDIA, this machine died)20:02
yeatsLiranV: I see - so you're able to get it to mount, just not automatically?20:02
belgianguyI can acces the recovery mode, but it refuses to boot20:03
BetaArcI want to install Ubuntu 11.04 on my new SSD, but don't know how to start. Got Ubuntu 11.04 running on my 'old' HDD, but with my fresh SSD I don't know what would be a good setup.20:03
LiranVyeats, yes20:03
belgianguyinto graphical mode, it seems XORG still tries to use the NVidia module20:03
dlynesworkbelgianguy, proprietary nvidia drivers installed by package manager, nouveau, or proprietary nvidia drivers installed by the nvidia installer?20:03
yeatsLiranV: does it show up in Nautilus when you plug it in?20:03
mordofanyone know how to  make my application i want to run at startup - start at the very end of the list on login?20:03
cristian_cyeats, the sentences have often two lines20:03
LiranVyeats, no20:03
BetaArcShould I use GPT or MBR, wich filesystem(s), btfrs/ext4/nilfs?20:03
Jordan_ULiranV: Even when mounted automatically (without needing a to enter a password for root privileges) the device node, /dev/sdd1, will be owned by root.20:03
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:04
yeatscristian_c: you were flooding the screen - which made it hard to read everyone else's comments20:04
bhosiei've been googling this for a while and have yet to come up with a workable solution: I can't get libnotify-bin to display pop up bubble messages for pidgin or empathy on 11.04 on a dell N4110. tried removing and reinstalling libnotify-bin. and notify-send "hello world" ends normally but nothing occurs on the desktop. thoughts?20:04
belgianguydlyneswork, no idea atm, I do think I used the one that was 'recommended' in the hardware settings20:04
LiranVJordan_U, so why doesn't it work?20:04
cristian_cyeats, it's a very crowded channel20:04
yeatscristian_c: yes - that's the point! ;-)20:04
belgianguyI tried installing fglrx, through apt-get, but that didn't change anything20:04
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:05
laserbledI need help please - How should I remote login to a redhat server from ubuntu - I can do it through ssh but no commands like startx work in there - I have the credentials - please tell me what I should do20:05
chaospsychexgotta love ubottu20:05
Jordan_UBetaArc: What is your use case? How large is the drive? Are you comfortable with losing all the files on the drive? (btrfs is still experimental)20:05
Jordan_ULiranV: I don't know.20:05
cristian_cyeats, but my log is difficult to read if it is spaced20:05
LiranVJordan_U, i don't want to own sdd1... just want it to mount as i plug it in... same goes to all others(sde,sdf and so on)20:05
BetaArcJordan_U: Laptop, study, 90GB, Yes (Have dropbox for sync)20:06
GunClivehi. my printer often is displayed as plugged off even when not. when i plug the usb in and out sometimes the problem is fixed then but not always. other times once my printer was plugged in for about 30 minutes it works from alone. how can i always use it? thanks.20:07
yeatsLiranV: does it work for other devices, or just this one?20:07
cristian_cyeats, where can I ask my question ?20:07
yeatscristian_c: here is fine - just shorten it and put it on one line ;-)20:07
LiranVyeats, every device won't mount automatically... i tried card reader, my phone and a DOK20:08
cristian_cyeats, the description it's too long20:08
cristian_cone line is short20:08
yeats!pastebin | cristian_c20:08
ubottucristian_c: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:08
mordofanyone know how to  make my application i want to run at startup - start at the very end of the list on login?20:09
cristian_cyeats, thanks, I hope that users read pastebin for the question20:09
LiranVyeats, any idea?20:09
cristian_can anonymous link20:09
yeatsmordof: System -> Preference -> Startup Applications?20:09
mordofyeats: you can't control order with that20:10
yeatsLiranV: sorry - no - I think you should look at the logs (dmesg for starters) to see what's happening when something gets plugged in20:10
pvh_sahey there, i'm on 11.04 and the unity launcher seems to keep revealing and remaining stuck there.... especially when i'm using FreeCAD... anyknow know how to force the unity launcher to hide?20:10
mordofyeats: i need it at the end because i'm getting bad results having it in the Startup Applications - it's causing problems20:10
LiranVyeats, thanks20:11
raveni cannot connect to ssh any more (wrong password) - how to find out why?20:11
Jordan_UBetaArc: Study as in "I need to do homework" or study as in "I'm experimenting with different technologies to learn"?20:11
drussellmordof: it's a dirty hack but you could put a sleep 60 in at the start of the script?20:11
yeatsmordof: you could create a script that sleeps for a time, then starts your program?20:11
drussellyeats: heh20:12
yeatsdrussell: great minds20:12
drussellyeats: :o)20:12
cristian_cyeats, http://paste.ubuntu.com/675511/20:12
mordofyeats, drussell: i suppose that'll work for now20:13
usr13raven: First off, are you sure you are using correct user name?  If you have access to that computer, check to see if the password has changed.20:13
gridbagDownloaded 0 B of 5 B.20:13
yeatscristian_c: I'm sorry - I don't know how to approach your issue - perhaps someone else in channel can help20:14
cristian_cyeats, but if nobody knows the questions, nobody can help me20:15
cristian_c*the question20:15
cristian_ca pastebin link doesn't help20:16
usr13raven: Also make sure you are using the correct IP address.20:16
ravenusr13, correct username for ssh20:16
usr13raven: Yes20:16
ravenusr13, so this is another problem20:17
usr13raven: Check to see that you are using the correct user name when you initiate the ssh session.20:17
GreekFreakHello. I have 2 questions. My VLC sound is not syncing with my video, yet it's working fine on Media Player. How do I fix this?20:17
BetaArcJordan_U: Both20:17
yeatscristian_c: I never indicated that you shouldn't ask your question(s) - just that you were flooding the screen before (and btw, I'm not a channel mod or anything, just a volunteer) ;-)20:17
jgcampbell300not sure if this is where i should ask this question but here gos anyways ... useing clonezilla server ... have 4 more computers on same net as CZ ... i need to find a way that when i hit f12 to boot from network device and it connects to clonezilla ... I need the option to repartition the client's hard drive in to one partition ... basicly delete all partitions of clinet and build one fat32 partition20:17
jgcampbell300any ideas20:17
ravenusr13, it IS the right username20:17
cristian_cyeats, yes I understand this20:17
yeatscristian_c: best of luck then - let's move on20:18
usr13raven: Well, you have Three coices.  1) Wrong IP  2) wrong user name   or  3) wrong password.20:18
ravenusr13, nothing has changed i do not know what could be wrong how to find out20:19
usr13raven: I just told you.20:19
dr-willisjgcampbell300: clonezila live cd perhaps. om not sure it can netboot itself20:19
yeatsraven: can you pastebin exactly what you type (no passwords, of course) and the error message, then share the link?20:20
GreekFreakApologies, I meant "Movie Player"20:20
ravenyeats, its only "Permission denied, please try again."20:21
Jordan_UBetaArc: Then I would recommend that you try GPT. Ubuntu's installer won't use it by default on a drive that small as the older msdos ("MBR") partition table will have not be running into the 2 TiB limit. While it won't be offered by default (and I don't off hand know how to get it to use GPT, you'll hopefully learn in the process of figuring it out) GPT is well supported. The only issue you might have is if you were trying to dual boot Windows on the ...20:21
Jordan_U... same drive as Windows can't boot from GPT on BIOS based systems.20:21
yeatsGreekFreak: you could ask in #videolan20:21
jgcampbell300dr-willis, no live dosnt .. i have CloneZila CE i bleave it is called ... everything works fine ... but the problem is .. some hard drives have more t han one partition sda1 2 3 etc ... my images are made to go on sda1 ... but alot of these sda1's are to small like 30m or so ... so im trying to find a way i can tell Clonezila to repartition all sd* drives to sda1 so all space is used on sda120:21
GreekFreakyeats: thank you20:22
BetaArcJordan_U: Yes, I have a option to boot with UEFI (bios) and Windows x64 'should' install perfect than :)20:22
yeatsraven: what are you typing in - literally?20:22
yeats(if you don't mind sharing)20:22
GreekFreakAlso, I have a problem with sound. I have 5.1 surround yet my ALSA mixer doesn't play my side speakers20:22
yeatsraven: feel free to anonymize the user/host20:22
Jordan_UBetaArc: UEFI can be a major pain withot signifigant gain. Consider yourself warned :)20:23
usr13raven: CapsLock  ?20:23
ravenyeats, ssh user@host      then the password      then the error20:23
ravenusr13, no20:23
usr13raven: Try a different user, (if there is one).20:24
yeatsraven: do you have any other access to the server?20:24
BetaArcJordan_U: What do you mean? Is it dangerous?20:24
ravenyeats, usr13 root also does not work20:24
Jordan_UBetaArc: No, just annoying in many ways.20:25
yeatsraven: your server? or administered by someone else?20:25
jgcampbell300if i booted from a ubuntu live disk to cli ... what command would i be looking for to partition sd* to sda120:25
Slartjgcampbell300: fdisk is one.. parted is another20:25
Testing123hey dudes, i have recently upgrades to ubuntu11.04 but every time i go to the update manager i get "partial update" but it ends and says no updates availiable till nextytime20:26
usr13raven: "Permission denied, please try again."  is returned when you have entered wrong password or wrong username.20:26
Jordan_UBetaArc: As for filesystems, IMHO the only reasonable choices are ext4 and btrfs. Btrfs is certainly awesome and fun to play with, but be prepared to do a complete re-install at the least convenient time possible (like the day before a major assignment is due).20:26
jgcampbell300cool ... so maybe i make a script to run one of these commands befor loading the image ... thanks gona go read up on those20:26
yeatsraven: I know you feel certain that you're logging into the correct server, but I suspect it's the wrong one20:26
usr13raven: Are you using an IP address or a hostname?20:27
yeatsusr13: was about to ask ;-)20:27
ravenyeats, usr13 i only added me to the vboxusr group nothing else.20:27
kingofswordshi on a dual boot of ubuntu and xp is it possible for me to install win2k over xp?20:27
yeatsraven: okay - so you have console access through VirtualBox?20:27
GalvatronTesting123; Try this; Open terminal and type "sudo apt-get install aptitude && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"20:27
usr13kingofswords: Sure, but why would you?20:28
ravenyeats, no it was only for usb access20:28
ravenusr13, yeats hostname and ip same error20:28
BetaArcJordan_U: Wich I never bought a SSD, so must trouble.. :(20:28
Testing123  Galvatron  doing :)20:28
kingofswordsusr13, i want tinyXP but thought i wasnt allowed to ask about that.20:28
yeatsraven: (repeating myself here, but) is this server administered by someone you can get help from? or is it yours?20:29
usr13raven: If you know for sure that have the IP correct, then it can only be user or password.  Take your pick.20:29
Testing123Galvatron:  done :D20:29
kingofswordsi only use windows for gaming so thought it might be better20:29
Jordan_UBetaArc: What does any of this have do to with the drive being an SSD? That is mostly irrelevant to the choice of filesystem and partition table (at least at the moment).20:29
Testing123Galvatron:  but proboem still is here20:29
ikoniakingofswords: what windows distros you use has nothing to do with ubuntu or dual booting20:30
jusohow can I remove the linux bootloader on a dual boot win/ubuntu20:30
ravenusr13, yeats reset the group settings also does not help20:30
ravenyeats, its mine20:30
BetaArcJordan_U: From what I read ext4 is not the recommend way and btrfs is still experimental, If I still need to reinstall the whole system :(20:31
GalvatronTesting123: Try reboot. I even this won't help, open terminal again and type the following, to reinstall the update manager: "sudo aptitude purge update-manager && sudo aptitude install update-manager"20:31
Oui_Ubuntuhi to all guys20:31
yeatsraven: it's a virtualized server on VirtualBox, no?20:31
ikoniaGalvatron: why are you telling someone to re-insall update manager for a partial update ?20:31
Jordan_UBetaArc: On a quality SSD the wear leveling and lifespan of the drive should be enough that ext4's journaling should not be a problem.20:32
Ramseizei have an issue in my server, i configured the setting in my DNS, and when i restarted Bind , and check my log, I saw that it  is loading the db.example and not my db.mydomain.com? how can i point bind9 to use db.mydomain.com ?20:32
usr13raven: sudo nmap -p22 --version_light 192.168.1.x20:32
ravenyeats, no this was only i hint that i changed anytzhing in the group settings for virtual box20:32
usr13raven: See what it says...20:32
ikoniaRamseize: you set that as a zone20:32
ravenusr13, its open20:33
Oui_UbuntuYou are a team of lamers20:33
GalvatronTesting123: I have a better idea. In terminal type "sudo apt-get update -f".20:33
oCeanraven: so you have access to the server? Can you try (on the server) to ssh user@localhost?20:33
ravenoCean, yes that works20:34
Testing123Galvatron:  done20:34
Ramseize@ ikonia thanks, i check, and i havent change db.example.com, thanks20:34
GalvatronTesting123: Now chceck if problem is gone20:34
BetaArcJordan_U: Oke :D, thanks.. think going for btrfs and use GPT scheme20:34
Testing123Galvatron:  no20:35
Archdaveanyone in the room familiar with getting ubuntu to work with ustream?20:35
Testing123still here20:35
usr13raven: sudo nmap -O2 -sV --version_light -p 22 ###.###.##.#20:35
oCeanraven: so it seems your user/pass are correct. Could it be that /etc/ssh/sshd_config changed?20:35
usr13make sure it is the machine you think it is.20:35
SnakkahHi. I have a problem with the gnome-screensaver. I have my screensaver set to start at five minutes after the computer has been idle. After five minutes the screen will dim black as if screensaver is about to start, but instead a screensaver...the screen dims black and then immediately returns to the desktop. Why would my screensavers start? It happens on all of 'em.20:35
MATAHArchdave: what are u interested in?20:36
SnakkahI meant why won't my screensavers start...20:36
Archdaveustreaming from ubuntu20:36
ravenoCean, not direct but i do not know if anything has changed it20:36
ArchdaveI've had this working before but something has changed20:36
GalvatronTesting123: This is strange20:37
Archdaveustream used to be able to let me select linux microphone as the audio input but not in lists the actual sound card instead20:37
usr13raven: Can you go to the machine and try local login?20:37
Testing123Galvatron:  i know20:37
oCeanusr13: he is locally logged in. Ssh localhost succeeds20:37
oCeanraven: run a sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log on the server and try to ssh in (from remote)20:37
Archdavebtw, the Arch in Archdave is because I live near St. Louis20:38
=== himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf
borillion_guys I have script that expects /dev/mmcblk0 to be like /dev/sdX20:39
GalvatronTesting123: As a last resort try "sudo aptitude purge update-manager", then reboot and "sudo aptitude install update-manager".20:39
borillion_how can I fix that20:39
borillion_are you allowed to make dev smlinks?20:39
nerxgashow do i change my webcam image settings?20:39
ikoniaborillion_: if you want20:39
bluelampwhat is the difference between remove and completely remove20:39
Galvatronbluelamp: Probably "completely remove" will also purge configuration files.20:40
MATAHbluelamp: completely remove = remove with all settings20:40
Archdavecompletely remove also removes the config files20:40
dzupthe word "completely" <-- ??20:40
GalvatronThen my guesswas correct.20:40
bluelampfine. so long as it does not rip dependencies from other packages on its way out :) thanks20:40
Testing123Galvatron:  is asking me to remove ubuntu-desktop and update-notifier and leave unsolved dependencies apport-gtk and software-center, what should i do?20:40
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:41
chaospsychexhow do i switch to another tty from gnome?20:42
Polahchaospsychex: Ctrl+Alt+F1-620:43
XGaryGWhere do I get a list of what is running? I am trying to open something, and the system says it is already running.20:43
PolahXGaryG: man ps20:43
BarkingFishXGaryG, open a terminal and type ps aux - hit enter and it will give you a list of everything which is running20:43
GalvatronTesting123: Let it go.20:43
chaospsychexpolah: why am i on tty7?20:43
chaospsychexi figured gnome session would be on tty120:44
chaospsychexhow can i remotely log in to a tty on this computer?20:44
XGaryGThere is nothing on the desktop to list hidden windows?20:45
chaospsychexsay i want to allow someone to login and use tty320:45
aleuckhello! I need help making the NotifyOSD show the halt notifications when sending shutdown -h [time]20:45
chaospsychexhow is that achieved over a network?20:45
Polahchaospsychex: SSH20:45
Testing123Galvatron:  now what?20:45
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BarkingFishXGaryG, you could try CTRL+ESC - I know that brings up a window with programs running in it, but I'm on Kubuntu.20:46
Zzarkc-20Hey, I'm working with ubuntu server. How do I create another sudo user?20:46
BarkingFishWhether that works from Ubuntu or not (gnome thingy) I don't know20:46
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aleuckZzarkc-20: edit the sudoers file20:46
GalvatronTesting123: If you haven't done so, reboot and install update manager again.20:46
Testing123Galvatron:  brb im on the same pc20:47
Polahchaospsychex: I don't know, that's just where GUIs like to go. Someone else could probably tell you20:47
XGaryGBarkingFish, That doesn't seem to work from the hybred gnome.20:47
aleuckZzarkc-20: /etc/sudoers20:47
chaospsychexok so there are tty 1-9 right?20:47
BarkingFishXGaryG, then your other option is as I said, open a terminal up and type ps aux20:47
bfig(natty 11.04)::my graphic environment just reverted to a grey topic... how can i get it back to normal?20:47
bfiggrey theme*20:48
aleuckZzarkc-20: or add the user to the admin or sudo group20:48
BarkingFishthat will list all the programs running on your system20:48
chaospsychexso i could have 9 different users using this one machine via net at a time correct? each with their own keyboard and monitor?20:48
Polahchaospsychex: 1-8 I think. 1-6 are text, 7 has X and 8 is used if X is killed20:48
SnakkahHi. I have a problem with the gnome-screensaver. I have my screensaver set to start at five minutes after the computer has been idle. After five minutes the screen will dim black as if screensaver is about to start, but instead a screensaver...the screen dims black and then immediately returns to the desktop. Why won't my screensavers start? It happens on all of 'em.20:48
aleuckhello! I need help making the NotifyOSD show the halt notifications when sending shutdown -h [time]20:48
born2trolli unistalled wine but my computer still thinks it is installed. how to fix that?20:48
chaospsychexok so 1-6 with a terminal and 1 with X at a time20:48
Polahchaospsychex: If the system is running in multi user mode, yes.20:48
BarkingFish8 can also be used if you have 2 GUI logins running, Polah20:48
g0thhi, I have an nvidia geforce gtx 260, how do I enable nvidia 3d vision in ubuntu?20:49
XGaryGtop would get me that.20:49
BarkingFishYour base user on 7, and if you login as root, it will go on 820:49
chaospsychexhow do i determine if it's running in multi user mode?20:49
PolahBarkingFish: Log in as root on 7?20:49
chaospsychexso the user that is physically on the machine is 7?20:49
chaospsychexso i could have 1-6 terminal users?20:49
born2trollwine is still installed after i uninstalled it! how can i get rid of it?20:49
BarkingFishno, I open 7 with kubuntu, Polah - and then drop to a tty, login as root and do startx - which open a root GUI session on 8 for me :)20:50
yeatsborn2troll: how did you install it to begin with?20:50
BarkingFishso I have my normal user on 7, and root on 820:50
Polahchaospsychex: I think SSH uses pseudo-ttys20:51
PolahBarkingFish: Oh, I see.20:51
born2trollyeats im not sure i think with apt-get but i allso have the wine ppa in my sources20:51
mouseI just accidentally did sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf when I meant to open it with gedit.  How do I undo this?20:51
PolahBarkingFish: Is 8 a standby for X then? When I go to it it's just a flashing underscore with no input like the other non-7 ttys20:51
chaospsychexi have a login prompt on most of the ttr20:52
Polahchaospsychex: Yes, that's how it's supposed to be, it's just 8 doesn't I think20:52
BarkingFishPolah, I have no idea what 8's normal function is, i just know when I startx from a root login on tty1, it opens a root session on 8 for me.20:52
chaospsychexyeah 8 is the same way for me, just a flashing underscore20:53
born2trollyeats im not sure i think with apt-get but i allso have the wine ppa in my sources20:53
MAREK_BENC_NetBThat's how it shoul'd behave20:53
yeatsborn2troll: can you pastebin the output of 'dpkg -l | grep wine' and share the link?20:53
chaospsychexwhat is tty8 for20:53
testing123Galvatron:  stiil the same :(20:53
chaospsychexi guess i am asking is it possible to access tty1-7 of this machine on another machine "?20:54
born2trollyeats http://paste.debian.net/127530/20:54
Polahchaospsychex, nothing. I guess it just sits there until you start another X server. Also, you can add more ttys by editing some files, I believe.20:54
aleuckhello! I need help making the NotifyOSD show the halt notifications when sending shutdown -h [time]20:55
Zzarkc-20Hey. I'm trying to make a user that has write permissions only within a particular folder on a server. How do I go about making this folder, and restricting his persmissions?20:55
Polahchaospyschex: No, not directly. SSH allows users to log in with text interfaces though20:55
Galvatrontesting123: What a persistent piece of junk.20:55
testing123lol Galvatron20:55
yeatsborn2troll: okay - wine is removed (which is indicated by 'rc'), but a couple of auxilary programs aren't20:55
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chaospsychexaren't there computers that do this? have lots of cores and lots of ram and every user just has a monitor and keyboard?20:56
yeatsborn2troll: do 'sudo apt-get remove wine1.3-gecko winetricks' to get rid of the rest20:56
chaospsychexwhat are those client boxes called? that hook up to the monitor and keyboard and mouse?20:57
XGaryGSo far not having a quick way to list hidden windows to bring to the front is the first real deficiency I have found in Ubuntu.20:57
Polahchaospsychex: They're called thin clients.20:57
chaospsychexahh thin clients20:57
chaospsychexok what is the server of the thin clients called ?20:57
Galvatrontesting123: All I can recommend for now is waiting for the next update.20:57
Polahchaospsychex: But really if all you want is them to have access to text interfaces, install an SSH server on the machine and then have a suitable program installed on the computer you want to connect from.20:58
testing123Galvatron:  OK :)20:58
chaospsychexsay i have a 4 bedroom house and want 1 server and 4 thin clients20:58
Cu3rv0ke tal20:58
Cu3rv0alguien me leee20:58
chaospsychexwhat kind of specs would the server need ? how much ram and cpu cores?20:58
born2trollyeats i did... still when i type "wine" in the shell i get the usage message instead of "command not found"20:58
chaospsychexdoes ubuntu server support this kind of setup ?20:59
Cu3rv0+nadie habla españis+20:59
Polahchaospsychex: Why do you want them connected, file sharing?20:59
yeatsborn2troll: what is the output of 'which wine'?21:00
born2trollyeats the final goal is to get wine on version 1.2+ so i can play a game. but dosent matter what i do i allways get "1.1.12" as version21:00
Pitelhow can I copy some folder, which is in fact symlink, over network using nautilus?21:00
Polahchaospyschex: Here's the wiki page about thin clients on ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP, but if you want file sharing then setting up network shares would be much much easier. You might also want to look into things like Kerberos21:00
born2trollyeats /usr/local/bin/wine21:01
guntberttesting123: did you show us your /etc/apt/sources.list and all files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d  ?  if not please use a pastebin :)21:01
chaospsychexi don't want to buy 4 desktops, i would rather have 4 thin clients and a server21:01
testing123guntbert:  negative21:01
guntberttesting123: let us have a look21:02
born2trollyeats /usr/local/bin/wine do i need a hammer to solve it?21:02
Polahchaospsychex, thin clients still require a system of their own they just get their data and perhaps do processing on the main server.21:02
chaospsychexyes i know21:02
yeatsborn2troll: checking something ...21:02
chaospsychexim going to buy 4 thin client systems21:02
chaospsychexand build a server for them21:02
yeatsborn2troll: did you *ever* build it from source before?21:03
testing123guntbert:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/675537/21:03
Zzarkc-20Can someone help me out with making a user on a server that has write permissions within a specific folder? It's for setting up an ftp connection.21:03
Polahchaospsychex, which is four computers anyway, so why not just do individual installs on them and then use network storage?21:03
chaospsychexread this and you will know why21:03
chaospsychexhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_client cheap client hardware and client simplicity21:04
Polahzzarkc-20: man chmod for changing permissions21:04
yeatsborn2troll: when I install wine from the wine PPA, the path is /usr/bin/wine, not /usr/local/bin/wine - so it looks like you may have installed it manually before...21:04
Polahchaospsychex: Ubuntu would run standalone on even low-end systems that you would set up as thin clients.21:04
born2trollyeats how do i get rid of it?21:05
Guest43614ubuntu rules, man21:05
suigenerisI have a problem21:05
yeatsborn2troll: that's why I'm asking if you've installed it from source21:05
mouseI just accidentally did sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf when I meant to open it with gedit.  How do I undo this?21:05
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suigenerisI have just re-installed maybe 5-6 times21:05
chaospsychexi don't want the each client to have an individual ubuntu install21:05
chaospsychexi want one ubuntu install on the server21:05
testing123guntbert:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/675537/21:06
suigenerisI still get grub-rescue> prompt21:06
Guest43614some stuffs i did on windows took so much time and when i switched to ubuntu those stuffs have been made on a blink21:06
suigenerishow can I install grub?21:06
guntberttesting123: looks normal to my eyes, did you try with sudo aptitude safe-upgrade? that often solves those pesky "partial-upgrade" problems21:06
Polahchaospsychex, if you also read that section it explains that you need a server capable of handling the running the needs of 3-4 systems. Anyway, look at the link I sent you earlier for setting up thin clients.21:06
born2trollyeats now that you are mention it... i think i did once...21:06
=== Guest43614 is now known as Nosphorus
Polahsuigeneris: man grub-install21:06
testing123guntbert:  yes21:06
yeatsborn2troll: can you see anything with 'locate wine'?21:06
Zzarkc-20 Polah: I've been trying to work with that ,but I'm obviously not getting syntax correct. I tried sudo chmod -u user_here /path/to/file21:07
chaospsychexyeah i am going to setup a server capable of doing that21:07
Zzarkc-20and It told me the file didn't exist, which it clearly does as I just made it.21:07
suigenerisPolah, sudo grub-install /dev/sdb21:07
suigeneris/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'.21:07
Jordan_Usuigeneris: Do you have more than one hard drive?21:07
suigenerisJordan_U, yes21:07
Polahzzardkc-20: chmod <permissions> <file>. Perhaps set that user as the owner of the folder or the same group, or perhaps make the folder publically accessible?21:08
suigenerisJordan_U, /dev/sdb is my OS, and sda is storage21:08
Polahsuigeneris: I believe you need to set an install directory, sudo grub-install --root-directory=/path/to/dir /dev/sdX21:08
guntberttesting123: then I don't know either - sorry (although I seem to remember some sort of database corruption within the apt-database...)21:08
Jordan_Usuigeneris: Try just changing the boot order in your BIOS. You're likely booting from a drive with an old broken grub install (i.e. *not* the one that the most recent Ubuntu installation installed grub's boot sector to).21:08
testing123guntbert:  :) np21:09
yeatsborn2troll: if you still have the source directory, you may be able to cd into the directory and do 'make uninstall' (reference http://www.winehq.org/docs/wineusr-guide/installing-wine-source)21:09
suigenerisJordan_U, I even formatted the drive when getting rid of debian21:09
testing123guntbert:  ... database curromtpion? hummm it might be (dunno why)21:09
suigenerisPolah, what should the --root-directory be?21:10
shbkhello, does command `su -` work for anybody(in ubuntu)? as I understand it doesn't work in ubuntu , one should use `sudo -i ` instead21:10
Polahsuigeneris: usually /boot21:10
born2trollyeats yes it seems to work21:10
testing123il try the janitor guntbert21:10
dttahguys I installed iTunes 10 on PlayOnLinux but it field it does't work, I uninstalled it from PlayOnLinux but some files if iTunes left, I found they by search I tried to delete them manually but im getting eror says "Error stating file '/home/dttah/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.itl': No such file or directory" but the file exists21:10
yeatsborn2troll: great!21:10
guntberttesting123: such things happen, but I honestly don't know how to deal with such a beast (I don't expect the janitor to help..)21:10
born2trollyeats it woked! thank you so much!<3 *big kiss*21:11
Polahshbk: I imagine it should work but there's no default root password to log in with so you can't do anything with it21:11
yeatsborn2troll: :-D21:11
Polahtesting123, have you tried installing the later version of wine over it?21:11
suigenerisshbk, since ubuntu doesn't have root, you should use sudo -i or -s21:11
born2trollyeats compleatly forgott i installed from source 2 years ago...21:11
testing123Polah:  no21:11
shbkI use21:11
Jordan_Usuigeneris: That doesn't matter. Grub's boot secotor and core.img are stored in and just after the mbr. All of the grub files can be in a partition on /dev/sdb while grub's boot sector is still in /dev/sda. And after formatting /dev/sda, since the mbr and post-mbr gap still exist, you could have a broken grub install there still.21:11
shbkthanks, just interesting21:11
Zzarkc-20Polah: So to add a file to a user's write permissions, I would have to make them a sudoer, then chmod with them, and then turn them off of sudo?21:12
suigenerisJordan_U, so, how can I fix it?21:12
dttahguys I installed iTunes 10 on PlayOnLinux but it field it does't work, I uninstalled it from PlayOnLinux but some files if iTunes left, I found they by search I tried to delete them manually but im getting eror says "Error stating file '/home/dttah/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.itl': No such file or directory" but the file exists, anyone please?21:13
matthijs_hi there, I'm looking for the "classic application switcher" in 11.0421:13
matthijs_The one that came with metacity21:13
matthijs_any pointers on that?21:13
Jordan_Usuigeneris: The easiest way would be to change the boot order in your BIOS, then for good measure (once booted into Ubuntu) run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and configure the grub-pc packaging to always install grub to both sda and sdb so it doesn't matter which is first in the boot order.21:13
Zzarkc-20Polah: Like, I can log in as either user to the server, but if i log in with root, I can't specify the other user owns the file, and if I log in as the new user, I can't use sudo...21:13
yeatsdttah: what is the output of 'file /home/dttah/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.itl'?21:14
Jordan_Usuigeneris: You can also install grub to both drive's boot sector from the liveCD if you want, but it's more steps.21:14
Polahzzarkc-20: No, use chown to change the file's owner to the user and set the first permissions number to what you want, or chgrp to change the file group to one that the user is in or add the user to the group of the file, or set the public permissions for the file so it's publically writeable21:14
yeatsdttah: actually, I see the problem - add a \ (backslash) before the space in "iTunes Library"21:15
PolahJordan_U: wouldnt' that just require using grub-install twice and specifying /boot on each drive and changing the letter for /dev/sdX21:15
suigenerisJordan_U, I don't think I want to change the boot order21:16
yeatsdttah: if you do 'rm /home/dttah/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Library.itl' it should work21:16
hzsphi.  I'm looking for some instructions on creating an ubuntu server installation *on* a USB drive.  (I'm not installing /from/ a USB drive)21:16
dttahyeats, Im in GNU mode also there are some other files that say u cant delete the files because your are't owner, and says root is owner, but i have only this account so whos the root ?21:16
guntbertdttah: you need to use sudo21:17
guntbert!sudo | dttah21:17
ubottudttah: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:17
Jordan_UPolah: You wouldn't ever specify a directory on sda, the data drive, as an option to grub-install's --boot-directory= option as no matter where the boot sector + core.img go /boot/ is still on the Ubuntu partition.21:17
Slartdttah: root is the.. base account .. it's always there.. use sudo if you want to do things as "root".. so.. rm somefile   will try to remove the file as your normal user..    sudo rm somefile   will do the same thing, but as "root"21:18
raindoes anyone know how to deny directory renaming?21:18
rainafter executing sudo chmod -R -v 0555 /home/rain/www/ipb I can still rename ipb21:18
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:18
guntbertrain: a use can rename a directory if she has permissions to write in the parent21:18
Polahdttah: If it's owned by root by default then you probably shouldn't delete it21:18
Jordan_Usuigeneris: Follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot and run grub-install twice, once to /dev/sda and again to /dev/sdb.21:18
born2trollsomeone know how to install all dependencys before i compile sth from source?21:18
dttahSlart, ubottu  guntbert should I just run terminal and type "sudo" ?21:19
iluminator101Could not display "smb:///".21:19
iluminator101Error: Failed to retrieve share list from server21:19
iluminator101Please select another viewer and try again.21:19
yeatsborn2troll: what are you trying to install?21:19
guntbertdttah: you open a terminal, and type sudo <thecommandYouwant>21:19
Slartdttah: run the terminal.. but then instead of typing    rm somefile   you instead type   sudo rm somefile   ie you put sudo before the other command21:19
Polahdttah: Prepend your command line with sudo21:19
rainis there any other way to deny renaming ipb than removing write access from www dir?21:20
Slartdttah: but if this is new to you I would recommend you stay away from removing files that are owned by root.. they are usually important in some way21:20
born2trollyeats nothing specific... i just forgott how to get the dependencys and wanted to refresh my memory while im here...21:20
guntbertdttah: and it really helps to actually read the links from ubottu :)21:20
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born2trollyeats but we can say i dl the source of wesnoth and wanna make install it. how do i install all requirements first?21:21
testing123Polah:  guntbert  is there anyway to rebuild the package db?21:21
yeatsborn2troll: usually the steps are download/uncompress-extract/cd into the directory/read the README or INSTALL/'./configure'/'make'/'sudo make install'21:22
guntberttesting123: as far as I remember there is, but I don't know the procedure21:22
yeatsborn2troll: if it's something in the repos, you can do 'sudo apt-get build-dep <package-name>' to grab the dependencies for a source build21:23
Polahtesting123: What do you mean? What exactly are you trying to do again?21:23
guntbertborn2troll: and while running ./configure it tells you about anything missing21:23
born2trollyeats build-dep... thx21:23
suigenerisokay. now to try21:24
testing123Polah:  if i always get to update must measn something aint ok on the pkg db21:24
dttahSlart, guntbert  Polah ok actually it asks for password but i have never locked it with password and have no idea what's the password is on it lol21:24
xavi123I'm running bind9 but i want to use my local name server in /etc/resolv.conf how do i make it so it doesn't get overwritten ?21:24
Slartdttah: read the link ubottu sent you.. please21:24
born2trollyeats u are like a infinite source of knowledge21:24
guntbertdttah: you give your own password21:24
guntbertdttah: and ^^21:25
dttahSlart, guntbert thanks21:25
Polahdttah: sudo uses your own21:25
dttahsu: Authentication failure21:25
Polahtesting123: What? When you run apt-get update it updates your package lists? It's supposed to do that every time...21:25
xavi123i just want to use in /etc/resolv.conf perm21:25
guntbertdttah: sudo, NOT su21:25
dttahoh thanks )21:26
acetolinewould it be really weird if I decided to stay on 9.10 instead of upgrading to 10.04?21:26
testing123Polah:  so why do i get always a partial distributiuon update when going to update-manager21:26
Polahtesting123: Partial distribution update? What do you mean? You try to upgrade distribution and it fails?21:27
guntbertacetoline: 9.10 is !eol21:27
Polahacetoline: Wouldn't be wierd, but wouldn't be advisable.21:27
Jordan_Utesting123: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?21:27
acetolinePolah, will I get a virus21:27
testing123Polah:  my problem started after a dist upgrade21:27
testing123Jordan_U:  yes21:27
yeatsborn2troll: nope! ;-) you're just asking questions I know the answers to ;-)21:27
gridbagHow  do you install the adobe flash player? I've followed the instructions about 20 times now and it FUCKING DOES NOT WORK.21:27
Jordan_U!language | gridbag21:28
ubottugridbag: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:28
gridbag"Click here to install flash player!"   ?!?!?!21:28
DoxHey all. I'm doing a fresh install of Ubuntu. I was wondering if anyone uses the server edition of ubuntu as a minimal install then installs the Windows manager of choice.21:28
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Polahtesting123, Jordan_U: dist-upgrade upgrades package that are distribution-safe, it doesn't actually upgrade your distribution21:28
m1h0hi , any idea why cairo-dock gives unsatisfied dependancies21:28
gridbagReally, how many years does it take to fix this this stuff?21:28
guntbertacetoline: not a virus, but you won't get any security updates any more21:28
PolahDox: There's a minimal ISO already prepared. The server actually comes with things like openssh-server and suchlike I believe.21:28
DoxPolah What is that titled/where can I find it? Thanks for the reply.21:29
Polahgridbag: As many as it takes to install a flash player. What flash player do you have installed?21:29
Polah!minimal | Dox21:29
ubottuDox: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:29
m1h0hi , any idea why cairo-dock gives unsatisfied dependancies http://pastie.org/243563721:29
testing123Polah:  :/ iv made the update manager distribution upgrade21:29
Doxubottu Thanks buddy21:29
Jordan_UPolah: I know that. A "partial upgrade" in update-manager's terms is a dist-upgrade in apt-get's terms. It means that there are some packages which cannot be upgraded without adding/removing others. "sudo apt-get upgrade" will tell me which packages are problematic.21:29
acetolineguntbert, I just want to assess my cost/benefit ratio here. How serious would my security situation be if I stayed with 9.10 ?21:30
gridbagadobe and Chrome says there's a builtin Shockwave Flash player in about:plugins.  Um, wrong.  I'm not even running fancy stuff, and the mainline "help" page are completely, totally wrong.21:30
PolahDox: It's like 12MB, but after you install you need to download almost everything, which may add up to quite a lot.21:30
gridbagI'm so angry right now. I don't even care.21:30
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Polahgridbag: Never heard of a built in flash player. sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer should solve your problems21:30
DoxPolah I just want to avoid any unessary programs. Ubuntu seems to have become more bulky over the years21:30
guntbertacetoline: we cannot know the future... but what is the cost of upgrading?21:31
testing123Polah:  Jordan_U  0 packages to add remove or update either on apt-get update or apt-get dis-upgrade21:31
PolahDox: If you plan to have it fairly similar to a full install minus programs you don't want, it might be quicker to get the normal ISO and remove packages.21:31
nick__________Hi all, I have ubuntu 9.10 server installed on a headless machine in my basement.  I received a thin client from a friend, and installed ltsp on the server.  Upon realizing that ltsp needs a desktop environment to run, I installed ubuntu-desktop on my server.  After restart, my server boots, but my samba shares aren't found, ssh is broken, however I can still ping by host name and ip address.21:31
acetolineguntbert, great and crippling, because everybody I know who has upgraded to 10.04 has had serious issues21:31
Jordan_Utesting123: Can you post a screenshot of the error message you see from update-manager?21:32
GreekFreakHello. How can I make "killall pulseaudio" permanent?21:32
Jordan_U!screenshot | testing12321:32
ubottutesting123: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.21:32
testing123Jordan_U:  ok 1 sec (it will be in portuguese)21:32
PolahGreekFreak: Remove pulseaudio or disable it's init script to stop it coming up on boot.21:33
guntbertacetoline: serious issues? I didn't have any21:33
PolahGreekFreak: Or, do you only want it stopped temporarily?21:33
Jordan_Utesting123: You can run any command / program in English by openening a terminal and running "LANG=C programname", for example "LANG=C update-manager".21:34
GreekFreakno I've tweaked the daemon.conf file a bit (made it 6stack and enabled bass lfe remixing) and it only works if I hit killall21:34
GreekFreakso I kinda want it permanent21:34
testing123Jordan_U:  did not knew doing it21:34
PolahGreekFreak: So you have to restart pulse to have your settings work?21:35
jusohow can I remove the linux bootloader on a dual boot win/ubuntu ?21:35
GreekFreakPolah: Nope. Killall. That's it21:35
Polahjuso: Installing another bootloader will wipe over the MBR where GRUB is installed.21:35
guntbertjuso: you should not if you stil want to boot ubuntu21:35
jusoguntbert, i moved to a dedicate ubuntu machine21:36
GreekFreakand it worked. I had proper 5.1, no video audio out of sync, and my Stereo music had a woofer21:36
jusoi guess i need to overwrite it with the windows boot loader?21:36
Polahjuso: The Windows bootloader only boots Windows.21:36
jusoPolah, yes. i know21:36
suigenerishi again21:36
Polahjuso: GRUB can boot Windows and Linux, GRUB is what you want for Ubuntu on its own or a dual boot system...21:37
guntbertjuso: in that case what Polah said, or use fixmbr (but that is outside the topic of this channel)21:37
Jordan_UGreekFreak: Try asking in #pulseaudio, but I recommend rather than asking how to "make killall pulseaudio" permanent you explain that "killall pulseaudio" seems to fix things and ask how to fix them properly.21:37
jusoPolah, yes. i know21:37
testing123Jordan_U:  screen one http://img.virtual2.net/images/capturyey.png screen 2 http://img.virtual2.net/images/capturada.png21:37
GreekFreakThank you Jordan_U. I'll give it a try21:37
Polahjuso: So why would you want the Windows bootloader on a machine with only Ubuntu on it like you just said?21:37
suigenerisJordan_U, I did what the page you linked me to said, and when I rebooted I got error: no such device: <longstring> grub-rescue>21:38
jusoPolah, what? i never said that.21:39
suigenerisJordan_U, I think some grub leftovers are stuck in my MBR and I must get rid of them21:39
PolahDox: Don't PM me please, speak in this channel.21:39
acetolinethanks all for your help21:39
Polahjuso: "i moved to a dedicated ubuntu machine"21:39
testing123Jordan_U:  screen one http://img.virtual2.net/images/capturyey.png screen 2 http://img.virtual2.net/images/capturada.png21:39
g0thI have a benq 3d monitor that should support 120Hz at 1920x1080, it just shows up to 60 Hz though, 120 Hz shows up for lower resolutions. Any ideas why?21:40
jusoPolah, yes exactly. i MOVED ubuntu to a dedicated machine.21:40
jusohence NOT the dual booting machine.21:40
Jordan_U_baktesting123: Can you pastebin the complete output of "sudo LANG=C apt-get upgrade"?21:40
Polahjuso: That's not what you said, you said YOU moved to a dedicated ubuntu machine, i.e. you were on a system only running Ubuntu. Anyway, I believe you can fix the Windows bootloader from an install disk.21:41
suigeneriswhen I do fdisk -l, both drives show * under Boot. is this normal?21:41
Jordan_U_baksuigeneris: Yes, and irrelevant.21:41
GunClivehi. my printer often is displayed as plugged off even when not. when i plug the usb in and out sometimes the problem is fixed then but not always. other times once my printer was plugged in for about 30 minutes it works from alone. how can i always use it? thanks.21:41
jusolol at you telling me what i ment, when I said it.21:42
testing123Jordan_U_bak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/675560/21:42
jusookay I will try and use boot cd21:42
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francisI am new to Ubuntu21:42
Polahjuso: That is what you said. You didn't say you moved Ubuntu to another machine, you said you moved to a "dedicated ubuntu machine".21:42
Jordan_U_baktesting123: Very odd.21:42
suigenerisJordan_U_bak, what else can I do? how can I get rid of grub leftovers? I had debian before, maybe that's why?21:42
Polahfrancis: Ask any questions you have and we'll try to answer them.21:42
francisand I am confused that when I sudo a command21:43
francisit loses the environment variables21:43
Jordan_U_baksuigeneris: I would recommend installing grub, from Ubuntu and configured to look at Ubuntu's /boot, to both drives.21:43
francisI can be more specific if you like21:43
Polahfrancis: Running a command as sudo runs the command as the root user, not yourself.21:43
rrykGood time of the day. I have started a build at the university machine in a terminal window on the desktop, locked the machine up and went home. Now I would like to view the remote desktop, however I have not configured it previously (like goint to System--Preferences--Remote Desktop and ticking checkboxes). I have root access on this machine and can connect to the shell over SSH. Is it possible to set up remote desktop access to my Ub21:43
francisyes, I understand that- at least I understand the priciple21:43
testing123Jordan_U_bak:  yes in deed21:44
francisbut I do not understand how to preserve my environment variables21:44
francisor to provide them to all users21:44
francismyself and sudo included21:44
francisis this a sensible approach21:44
suigenerisJordan_U_bak, I installed grub without any reported problems, and yet I got that grub rescue>21:44
guntberttesting123: and di you try with aptitude too? I now remember once solving a similar problem by using apt-get instead of aptitude (or the other way round)21:45
guntbert!enter | francis21:45
ubottufrancis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:45
Polahrryk: ssh -X enables X11 forwarding, which I believe should give you a GUI to use if one is running.21:45
userWho can help me with sound problems?21:45
rrykPolah: this will give me a new session, so I won't be able to see that terminal window that I have opened earlier today21:45
usr13!sound |user21:46
ubottuuser: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:46
testing123guntbert: same result21:46
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guntberttesting123: sad - I was just fishing for ideas21:46
francisguntbert, would you like me to repeat the question?21:46
testing123guntbert:  i still have one :p format21:47
rrykfrancis: please do so for me21:47
guntbertfrancis: yes please but try to shorten it a little... :-))21:47
guntberttesting123: ?21:48
Polahrryk: Ah, I see what you mean. I don't know about connecting to existing sessions over SSH.21:48
francisI need some env vars available with sudo21:48
testing123guntbert:  i cann always format and put ubuntu 11.04 fresh :)21:48
guntberttesting123: :)21:48
rrykPolah: It's possible with Remote Desktop, but I have forgotten to set it up on my new installation. Now I wonder if I really have to go to university on Saturday just to press a couple of buttons there :)21:48
suigenerisJordan_U_bak, I found the line GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian` in grub.cfg. I think that means debian's grub still is in my MBR. how can I get rid of it?21:49
Jordan_U_baksuigeneris: No, that is not at all what that means.21:49
guntbertfrancis: not advisable, when using sudo you have the restricted environment that is regarded as secure for the superuser21:49
rrykPolah: asking this on forum would kill the purpose of the question - I will the answer later than I can simply go and set it up in place21:49
Polahrryk: Perhaps this may help: http://www.samlesher.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-704-enabledisable-remote-desktop-from-the-command-line21:50
rrykPolah: *I will get the answer21:50
Polahg0th: What's your question?21:50
Jordan_U_baksuigeneris: If you follow the instructions I linked you to, and install to both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb as I explained, you will not have any problem.21:50
suigenerisJordan_U_bak, is there an equivalent to fdisk/mbr on linux?21:50
rrykPolah: Thanks. Tried that. It still requires me to check checkboxes as described here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/share-your-ubuntu-desktop-using-remote-desktop.html21:50
suigenerisJordan_U_bak, can you link me again? I am on a livecd21:50
keithbfrancis: have you tried sudo -E21:51
Polahsuigeneris: You can use dd to write/read the MBR section.21:51
rrykg0th: what was you questions? I have just arrived and didn't see it.21:51
francisguntbert: I am using 'make install' for golang - without the environment variables the install doesn't know where to go. My alternative is to relax security on the golang directories21:51
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franciskeithb: no, I will try it now21:51
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ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot21:51
suigenerisno, that's not it21:52
JRWRim running php-fpm in a chroot (using dchroot) and I wanted to make a app armor profile for it using aa-autodep if my path to my chroot is /var/chroot, how would i tell aa-autodep what path to use21:52
guntbertfrancis: in that case just prepend the environment settings to your call, like sudo SOMEVAR=somevalue make install21:52
userCan anyone help me with a sound problem I'm having please. It was working fine a couple min ago.21:52
Jordan_U_baksuigeneris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot Be sure to run grub-install twice, once to /dev/sda and again to /dev/sdb. And after you are booted back into Ubuntu run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and when prompted select both sda and sdb as install devices.21:52
francisguntbert: Thx21:53
Polahsuigeneris: I guess you want to wipe your MBR?21:53
guntbertfrancis: Good luck :-)21:53
suigenerisPolah, yes21:53
Polah!ask | user21:53
ubottuuser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:53
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francisguntbert: I will need it :)21:53
userHere is my sound problem: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave21:54
useraplay: main:654: audio open error: Device or resource busy21:54
userBut I'm on Pulsaudio21:54
usr13user: alsamixer21:54
userusr13: But I'm using Puleuadio21:54
xanScaleneed help for installing ubuntu on ac100 (arm)21:55
userHow can I set all to Pulsaudio?21:55
usr13user: What happens when you run alsamixer?  Do you see the sound card identified correctly?21:55
Peder_Hi. I am running ubuntu and xbmc on asrock ion 330. Im having trouble getting sound, even in gnome. I want to use sound via spdif. Does anyone have any ideas to get it working?21:55
userusr13: How do I run that?21:56
usr13user: Open a terminal and type    alsamixer   and hit enter.21:56
Polahsuigeneris: Back up your MBR first:     dd -if=/dev/sdX of=mbrbackup bs=512 count=1, which will write the contents of your MBR to mbrbackup, bootloader and partition table. dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdX bs=446 count=1 should remove the bootloader but leave your partition table intact.21:57
usr13user: See my pm21:57
useralsamixer: Yes a graph table opens21:57
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HotxanScale, try on #ac10021:57
g0th I have a benq 3d monitor that should support 120Hz at 1920x1080, it just shows up to 60 Hz though, 120 Hz shows up for lower resolutions. Any ideas why?21:58
userusr13: Yes I'm using pulsaudio as default21:58
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jkarahalisPersistent USB: If I install a "Persistent USB" copy of Ubuntu, will I be able to save files on the USB?21:59
jkarahalisAnd otherwise use the USB stick as a normal operating system?21:59
slakcphilg0th, my guess would be the video driver... have you tried `xrandr -s 1920x1080 -r 120.0` ?21:59
useralsamixer: Somewhere something got mixed up between the two. Is their a way I can set all sound settings to default?22:00
xanScaleHot im here and there :D22:00
myk_robinsonI need a little help identifying an apt update error.  W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net///ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found    Is this one of the official repositories or something I may have added?22:00
GreekFreakHello. Can anyone here help with 5.1 sound? #alsa and #pulseaudio seem to be pretty dead :P22:00
userGreekFreak: same here...sound problems22:01
g0thjonas@tardis:~/Documents$ xrandr -s 1920x1080 -r 120.022:01
g0thRate 120.0 Hz not available for this size22:01
userGreekFreak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting22:02
slakcphilyeah that probably means the video card or driver22:02
HotXanScale ;)22:02
userGreekFreak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound22:03
lockersnatchhey guys, wanting to start a small consulting firm and am in need of FOSS for billing purposes, scheduling/appointments, contacts, generation of custom reports and timekeeping, any suggestions?  So far through the Ubuntu software center i see the GnoTime Tracking Tool, but it's not an all-in-one solution.  Do you think I am asking too much of FOSS?22:03
GreekFreakuser: thanks. I've checked the first one out. Not the second though. I'm trying to see if anyone can suggest a fix before I go removing and reinstatlling everything22:03
lockersnatch(as far as looking for an all-in-one solution)22:04
userGreekFreak: Do you know a way to set all sound settings to default?22:04
Viking667'llo. Two reasonably similar Ubuntu Nattys, yet one informs me of updates in the gnome panel, the other doesn't. What am I missing in the second? I've checked that the notifier is installed, and it appears to be.22:05
GreekFreakuser: other than undoing all the changes I've made, no.22:05
Polahlockersnatch: Are there non-free programs that combine scheduling/contacts/organiser-type stuff with billing functions? It seems strange they would be together.22:08
GunCliveis it possible to set hotkeys for any program and its own functions you like? thanks22:09
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lockersnatchPolah, yes, there are, but cost mucho dinero22:09
Polahlockersnatch: Hmm, if it costs a lot then I guess they're specially developed for professional applications. I think it'd be unlikely for you to find an AIO free solution.22:10
lockersnatchI would be surprised if there were free programs to do such things, just checking to make sure I wasn't having one of those "doh!" moments :)22:10
lockersnatchPolah, thanks for the response, I must run off now.  Have a good night!22:11
GreekFreakCould someone explain the difference between Alsa, Pulseaudio and OSS (which I read now is deprecated)22:11
userGreekFreak: What soundcard do you have?22:12
GreekFreakHDA Intel22:12
userGreekFreak: On board?22:12
userGreekFreak: Channels?22:13
GreekFreakuser: with the Realtek driver on Windows it works like I want it....22:13
SlartGreekFreak: Alsa and OSS both handle the hardware and lets you use it to play sound.. pulseaudio is a system above this.. it lets you mix sounds and move sounds between different soundcards.. it uses alsa to do the actual sound playing22:13
YottaHey guys, can someone tell me if Ubuntu live cd has error checking for a ntfs harddrive? My windows drive won't boot22:13
SlartYotta: perhaps there's error checking but there's no error fixing utility22:14
GreekFreakuser: Board - Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD7 --- 6 channels22:14
PolahGreekFreak: ALSA and OSS are parts of the kernel that allow interfacing between hardware and the system. Pulseaudio is a software-level sound server that does handles I/O22:14
yeatsYotta: it doesn't - you'd need a windows disk22:14
PolahYotta: Windows is better for NTFS tools22:14
YottaPolah, my windows c:\ drive has been corrupted22:14
userGreekFreak: What have you tried thus far?22:14
YottaSo I can't boot into windows even with a cd22:14
GreekFreakSlart & Polah: Thank you... Thank actually clears things up22:15
YottaI can't format with gparted either, it says input/output error22:15
yeatsYotta: however, you may be able to rescue data with an Ubuntu live CD, depending on the problem22:15
CoverSlideuse systemrescuedisk to recover bad harddrive22:15
SlartYotta: boot from the windows install cd.. there should be some kind of system repair option22:15
PolahYotta: You could put the drive in another computer running Windows and attempt to fix it on there22:15
SlartYotta: but this is better done in ##windows or something22:15
yeatsYotta: ah.. then that won't work either then :-/22:15
PhoenixSTFYotta, try fsck.ntfs22:16
GreekFreakuser: changed my alsa-base.conf to include 6stack, and changed the daemon.conf "enable-lfe-remixing = yes" and "default-sample-channels = 6"22:16
YottaPhoenixSTF: fsck.ntfs in terminal? What do I type?22:16
GreekFreakthen when I do pulseaudio killall it restarts it as I want it (I think)22:16
yeatsYotta: have you booted into a live Ubuntu?22:16
Viking667sigh. No answers to my question then?22:16
PolahGreekFreak: Ah, you're that guy. Did you get no answers in the pulse channel?22:16
YottaYep, I am in it now22:16
PolahViking667, what is your question?22:16
PhoenixSTFYotta, fsck.ntfs /dev/sd* witch ever is your windows part22:16
userGreekFreak: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/how-to-switch-to-alsa-or-oss-instead-of.html22:17
GreekFreakPolah: yes :P It seems dead. Noone's replying to anyone's question22:17
yeatsViking667: you can force a check of new packages with Synaptic or apt-get22:17
g0thslakcphil: I am still waiting22:17
yeatsViking667: it's nothing to worry about though as long as both systems are running ok22:17
Viking667yeats: yes, I understand that, but my wife would like to see the pretty arrow letting her know she has packages to install. She doesn't get that arrow, though I do.22:18
nekkidhmph.. is there a way to make a hotkey that would toggle my mouse to be left/right - handed?22:18
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PhoenixSTFYotta, never mind m8 it seems that pacakage aint on ubuntu anymore22:18
Viking667Guest40316: could be. It's mainly a tweak on xmodmap22:18
YottaDo you want to see the error gparted gives me? PhoenixSTF?22:18
Viking667i.e. bind a key-combo to a function in bash, perhaps.22:18
istrategyCan Ubuntu be installed on quad core machine22:18
yeatsViking667: you've ensured that the update manager settings are the way you want them?22:18
yeatsistrategy: yes22:19
Viking667yeats: seem to be, yes. "Download all packages"22:19
PolahViking667: My system opens up the Update Manager whenever it finds new packages to install. I believe it can be configured how often it checks.22:19
PhoenixSTFYotta, it says it doenst have the pakage22:19
Yottayeah, I mean what gparted says when I try to reformat the drive to ntfs22:19
GunCliveisbric, i am running amd quad core22:19
Guest40316viking667: cool .. that narrows it down some. lemme see what I can find -- thankyou!22:19
Viking667Polah: heh. On my wife's system, it checks but doesn't notify. even though it's set to daily.22:19
YottaBefore even doing that it has a ! next to it  saying error(5)22:19
istrategyMust I use the 64 bit version?22:19
PolahViking667: Is the "Don't download but notify" button checked?22:19
Yotta"Unable to read contents of this file system!"22:20
yeatsistrategy: not a must, but probably desirable22:20
usr13user: Did you solve your sound problem yet?22:20
Yottaand a bunch of other stuff22:20
GreekFreakuser: what is GStreamer. I don't even know if I'm using it since this article is for conflicts with that22:20
Viking667Guest40316: xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 ..." asa clue.22:20
PolahViking667, "only notify about updates" I mean22:20
Polah!gstreamer | GreekFreak22:20
Viking667Polah: hang on, I'll have to check again. And no, I don't see that.22:20
g0th I have a benq 3d monitor that should support 120Hz at 1920x1080, it just shows up to 60 Hz though, 120 Hz shows up for lower resolutions. Any ideas why?22:20
userGreekFreak: Codecs to play audio22:20
PolahViking667: Update Manager > Settings > Updates tab?22:20
yeatsYotta: sounds like a hardware problem - but try a windows disk before giving up22:20
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YottaI tried to zero the HDD with the dd command, but I don't think it went through. I can try it again if you think it's better to do it in ubuntu live disc (I tried in gparted before)22:20
GreekFreakuser: thank you22:21
PolahGreekFreak, user: video too22:21
istrategytx yeats22:21
yeatsistrategy: sure - good luck22:21
Viking667I've got "CHeck for updates ... Daily". Only Notify is set to 0 (unchecked)22:21
Yottayeats: Windows disc boots drivers from the drive you have windows installed to, and those drivers are the problems, so it doesn't start22:21
PolahYotta: Run a SMART test through Disk Utility22:21
userGreekFreak: What Ubuntu verion do you have?22:21
nick__________if my boot drive is /dev/sdc  and the main partition is on sdc1, what should the line in fstab look like?22:21
PolahViking667, so check that and it should open up the Update Manager when it finds updates and ask you to install them.22:21
GreekFreakSo am I supposed to install them (I'm sorry for all these questions guys, but sounf has very sparse info)22:21
GreekFreakuser: 11.0422:21
Viking667huh? CHECK it?22:22
lynIf I install a custom kernel on my computer to fix issues with my laptop keyboard (Asus ... and the fix worked) ... but then THAT breaks my ability to connect my Bluetooth mouse .... what should I do to fix the Bluetooth issue?22:22
Viking667to me, that means. "Notify me but don't download"22:22
YottaPolah: short, extended, or the other one?22:22
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Guest40316viking667: cool found some links talking about using the xmodmap command in a terminal .. how would I go about making a hotkey that would run that command for me?22:22
Viking667My system notifies me AND downloads them.22:22
userGreekFreak: Do you have Medibuntu repo?22:22
Guest40316viking667: using 11.04 - unity22:22
Polahnick__________, /dev/sda1 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1      although I've use the UUID instead of /dev/sda122:22
Viking667Guest40316: check out Keybindings in your command centre.22:22
PhoenixSTFYotta, try sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs and then sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda322:22
PhoenixSTFYotta, dont know if it is going to work22:23
PolahYotta: Short should be fine, it's only to see if there's problems with I/O as you seem to get from gparted22:23
GreekFreakuser: I'm embarassed to say that I have no idea what you said22:23
Viking667Guest40316: hang on, I'll go pull up the item22:23
YottaClicking short didn't do anything but it says Overall assessment: healthy22:23
nick__________polah, is there a way to verifiy the uuid other than in fstab? i'm having trouble booting so I've mounted it in liveCD to check22:23
userGreekFreak: Is that a new installation which you have?22:23
PolahGreekFreak, "Only Notify..." doesn't download. It notifies you and asks if you want to download and install them.22:23
YottaRefresh says error reading SMART data: Daemon is inhibited22:23
Polahnick__________, sudo blkid22:23
GreekFreakuser: about 2 weeks old :P22:23
nick__________thanks polah,22:24
userGreekFreak: Did you have any audio since?22:24
new001Could anyone tell me how I can pass a specific class attribute to a function like in this function? http://paste.pound-python.org/show/11608/ I am getting an error when doing it this way (notice line 7 where I am trying to use 'attr'))22:24
PolahYotta: Do you have any other operations running on the disk. Unmount it, remount it and then try the test22:24
GreekFreakPolah: thanks, I'll check in synaptic22:24
GreekFreakuser: yes I have, but not like I want it22:24
YottaCan't mount it, says Daemon is inhibited22:24
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Polahnew001, ask in #python22:24
YottaCan't mount the other drives I have either even though I am pretty sure they are fine (I hope so)22:25
GreekFreakuser: and I have no control as to when I have 5 speakers or just the centre or woofer22:25
lynIf I install a custom kernel on my computer to fix issues with my laptop keyboard (Asus ... and the fix worked) ... but then THAT breaks my ability to connect my Bluetooth mouse .... what should I do to fix the Bluetooth issue?22:25
Guest40316viking667: cool thx!22:25
lynoops ... up and enter are just too close on this keyboard22:25
YottaKeeps saying Daemon is inhibited22:25
Viking667Guest40316: the way I did it was to create a new shortcut in Keyboard Shortcuts, (you'll possibly need two) and bind a key to that.22:25
Polahlyn: Install bluetooth modules for your mouse?22:25
new001polah: doh, thought that was where i was, hahaha22:25
lynPolah, how and where?22:26
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Viking667i.e. here, I did "Add", called it "Switch Mouse Buttons", put in: xmodmap -e "pointer = ...", and bound that to Ctl-Alt-822:26
GreekFreakPolah: Medibuntu is not in synaptic, and their site says something about legal rights. What is the right way of installing it?22:26
userGreekFreak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound Maybe this could help22:26
g0th I have a benq 3d monitor that should support 120Hz at 1920x1080, it just shows up to 60 Hz though, 120 Hz shows up for lower resolutions. Any ideas why?22:26
Guest40316viking667: that's exactally what I was thinking .. thanks a bunch viking.  really.  I try to learn something every day!!22:26
Viking667for you you'd possibly ALSO add Another one to "Reset mouse buttons", then xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 ..."22:27
PolahGreekFreak, Medibuntu is a distribution of Ubuntu...22:27
nick__________is there a recovery mode from live cd? or a way to reinstall grub? or should i do a clean install?22:27
Ronnieim testing 11.10 and now my system (quit) menu is not in the panel anymore. does someone know how to put it back?22:27
Viking667and bind that to another key. You're stuck using two keys, but hey.22:27
celltechmy VirtualBox is F'ed22:27
PolahGreekFreak, it comes with a handful of proprietary packages that isn't in the normal distributions22:27
Guest40316ya .. figured I use one shortcut to make my mouse a lefty, and a shortcut to make it righty.22:27
Viking667unless you build a toggle shell script that'd need to know which way around your buttons were to begin with.22:27
Polahnick__________, grub-install from a LiveCD22:27
GreekFreakPolah: My bad. I thought it was a package of entertainement software22:27
Guest40316viking667: ya .. I might get that brave once I get a few beers in me. lol22:28
PolahGreekFreak, you could probably add the packages that are in Medibuntu, but I couldn't tell you what they all are22:28
Guest40316thanks again.22:28
Viking667Guest40316: cool. Sounds like I'ev sort of sorted your problem then. By the awy, get your nick registered.22:28
Viking667and no, don't do it when you're plonked. You won't remember the keys when you're sober.22:28
Guest40316keep FOSS cool!22:28
GreekFreakPolah: thanks. I'll try this way first ;p22:28
Viking667meanwhile, I lost track of where we were with my notification issue.22:29
nick__________if my computer is booting to initramfs will reinstalling grub fix that? or is that unrelated22:29
yeats!medibuntu | GreekFreak22:29
ubottuGreekFreak: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:29
celltechWho wants ta help22:29
yeatsPolah: Medibuntu is a repo, not a distro ;-)22:29
ActionParsnipcelltech: details please22:29
YottaI'm going to restart22:30
lynPolah: where might I find a bluetooth module for my microsoft mouse that I can install ... and instructions on how to install it ... no success yet googling22:30
Viking667celltech: hm? We can't read your mind. Spet et awt, dewd.22:30
celltechWhen I connect my Vbox. It shows my mouse, and my iphone. but there's an "Unknown device" which I think would be my usb wifi antenna22:30
userGreekFreak: I think that link I send you will solve your problem if your sound is working but not for surround22:30
Polahyeats: My bad :/ GreekFreak: You'd have to add the repo and install the packages then22:30
celltechHowever. when I sign on to it. The Right CTRL doesn't work and I lose all use of my mouse22:30
Viking667"sign on to it"?22:30
userGreekFreak:: I mean for surround22:31
ActionParsnipcelltech: what OS is the guest? what OS is the host?22:31
Polahlyn: Search for a linux driver for your mouse model, perhaps. Or you could use ndiswrapper with a Windows (XP, I believe) driver22:31
ActionParsnipcelltech: what version of Vbox is it?22:31
Viking667by VBox, do you men "VirtualBox"?22:31
celltechGuest: XP PRO, Host: Ubuntu 11.0422:31
GreekFreakthanks all re Medibuntu. user: I'm checking it out now22:31
mouseI accidentally deleted xorg.conf and I've managed to remake most of it but now I can't get the right resolution set or even one that's high enough.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I'm using a nvidia geforce 9600 gt.22:32
ActionParsnipcelltech: have you installed the guest additions?22:32
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GreekFreakyeats: I'm new to irc, what is the "!" you put in front of the word and before piping my name?22:32
celltechI did a direct instal. If I need more what's the sudo?22:32
rwwGreekFreak: messages beginning with ! are instructions to ubottu, our factbot22:32
PolahGreekFreak, it's to label ubottu instructions22:32
ActionParsnipcelltech: it in the top menu in the running virtualbox, windows doesnt use sudo22:33
GreekFreakthank you. :)22:33
celltechOpening the VBox22:33
celltechNow where22:33
ActionParsnipcelltech: use the menus at the top.  Instead of asking why not RESEARCH based on the direction I have given....22:34
celltechCause most tutorials i've read steer way off the topic before they come back to the point22:34
ActionParsnipcelltech: you'll see, i've given you a new term you haven't searched for22:35
celltechI should just do a dual boot complete. this Vmachines suck22:35
celltechThanks though. ttyl :)22:35
ActionParsnipsome people need to learn to research for themselves, they might just suprise themselves22:36
joserramonwhy is there nobody talking here ??!!22:38
mouseIs there a way to force a resolution?22:39
iceflatlineWe're all listening instead.22:39
Polahjoserramon, ssshhh, the children are sleeping!22:39
Viking667THE CHILDREN AR...oh.22:39
joserramonlistening what ??22:39
Viking667now. This might sound rather obvious, but where do i find a "checklist" of what got installed onto my panel(s)?22:40
joserramonwhat country are you two from ??22:40
Viking667I remember seeing it somewhere.22:40
AllOfMeis there a way i can set desktop icons to sort on the right side of my screen like in mac os?22:41
Viking667I'm from New Zealand. You know? THe one that's gonna win the rugby world cup again.22:41
Viking667... and it's 10:41 am22:41
joserramonI know where New Zealand is, but I don't watch sportds, not even soccer.22:42
japrohmm, anyone experience with desktop streaming? i'm toying around with ffmpeg and it kinda works but i can't get beyound 12fps22:42
yeatsAllOfMe: using Unity?  not in this release22:43
japroapparently its nut cpu power since the cpu isnt maxed and i get the same 12fps for all sorts of output resolutions up to 1080p22:43
GreekFreakok, so I read these links and helps, and they all talk about changing the 5.1 output to something else because "5.1 should be configured by itself"... Go figure22:43
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joserramonI don't use Unity, sorry:(22:43
AllOfMeyeats, no still using maverick22:43
japrocan xgrab be the bottelneck?22:43
jusoubuntu needs to step their game up - its just unusable for me... wtf22:44
joserramonjuso, just use the terminal22:45
yeatsjuso: got a question?22:45
Polahjapro: Something is limiting the FPS if you can't get it above 12 regardless of settings22:45
jusoyeats, no I was ranting. its over.22:45
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t1m310rdhow do i change the boot screen?22:46
userI don't have sound on youtube but can play mp3? Can someoe help?22:47
japroPolah, yeah, i'm trying to figure out what it is and don't really know how to figure that out22:47
joserramonchanging the boot screen is not so difficult, I think.22:47
Polahjapro: Could be the display on the receiver, could be the streaming program, could be due to limited bandwidth22:48
Book_em_DanoI have the root and the home directories on two different partitions, is it possible to reinstall (X)Ubuntu on the root directory w/o overwriting the home directory?22:49
joserramonPolah is always right:)22:49
jusoSo from a general ubuntu user stand point, how many of you have osx/windows machines as well?22:49
rypervenchejuso: I'm sure most people have a windows machine or partition as well.22:49
GreekFreakt1m31l0rd: http://techtimely.wordpress.com/2011/06/21/ubuntu-11-04-simple-tip-to-change-boot-screen-image/22:50
jusorypervenche, ok thats making sense, because as a sole OS, I wouldn't be able to use ubuntu, at all.22:50
daviddoriahow can I tell which video card I have and which driver I am using?22:50
PolahBook_em_Dano: Don't mount the /home/ partition until after installing22:50
joserramonMyself I have a Windows machine (my father's), not a partition.22:50
Polahdaviddoria: lspci | grep VGA should show you your GPU22:51
slideThe stupid Unity Bar is stuck open on my computer. How do I fix it without restarting?22:51
userjuso: I think I'll have a Windows machine very soon if Ubuntu stops giving me problems22:51
japrodisplay on the receiver?22:51
Polahuser: What problems22:51
Polahjapro: Yes, the receiving machines display settings may limit it to 12FPS22:51
japrobandwith is nowhere near maxed out... it uses about 200kbit out of my 7mbit upstream22:52
userjuso: My sound works fine for a couple hours then it just stops22:52
daviddoriaPolah, yep, thanks. And the driver that is currently being used?22:52
t1m310rdcan you get other sound in browser?22:52
rypervenchejuso: It depends on what you want out of your operating system. I only use Linux. THe only time I ever get on WIndows is for a video games...but I haven't had the need to do that in......a very long time.22:52
slidehow do I restart unity?22:52
japrohmm, thos 12fps is what ffmpeg displays on the encoding machine22:52
myk_robinsonneed some help with a make error22:52
AllOfMedocky tells me i need to enable compositing... what is that? where do I enable it?22:52
userjuso: When I try a test then "sound" bombs out. I have to restart again22:53
t1m310rdkill xorg, brings you to login. drop to tty as root to do this.22:53
joserramona make error!! That sound a bit hard.22:53
t1m310rdmake sure you close everything first22:53
myk_robinsonjoserramon: http://pastebin.com/E0FVt2Yn22:53
jusoRunning ubuntu as a sole operating system to me, is a complete joke. I run it along side an OS that gets things done, that I need done.22:53
myk_robinsongot build-essential installed, trying to figure if this error is due to a dependency or just a bad download22:54
jribjuso: do you have an ubuntu support question?22:54
myk_robinsontrying to build compat-wireless for my Intel Centrino N card22:54
rypervenchejuso: It is subjective. For me the OS that gets things that need to be done done, is Linux. :)22:54
Polahdaviddoria: I don't know, sorry.22:55
jusojrib: ....22:55
t1m310rdtrue. i only run windows because wine is not to the point where expression studio and visual studio can run22:55
jribjuso: this channel is solely for ubuntu support topics.  If you want to chat about how people use their computers, please use #ubuntu-offtopic.  Thanks22:56
rypervenchejrib: Sorry. I won't continue with that topic.22:56
jusojrib, i asked questions all day, I made one comment on a topic.22:56
joserramonmyk_robinson, I don't have time now, sorry.22:57
t1m310rdwhenever i try to use just an hdtv for my monitor (regardless of whether i use hdmi or regular monitor cable) it always show 1366x768 resolution22:58
jusothere is a ubuntu general chat channel on here?22:58
jribjuso: yes, #ubuntu-offtopic22:59
daviddoriaPolah, ok thanks23:00
urlin2uAllOfMe, do you have the compiz config manager instaled there is a composite plugin there.23:00
jusojrib: ok i will be watching for anything you say in here, it better be on topic 100% of the time, i will report you23:00
t1m310rdi turn off laptop monitor from monitors program and close lid, but after that it completely fails to work really at all.23:00
t1m310rdshows in 1080p in tty mode though.23:01
PolahJuso: There is no need to act like that.23:01
Polaht1m310rd: Sounds like an issue with X server in that case.23:01
t1m310rdi guessed so, but no matter what i try, it won't fix23:02
t1m310rdalso can't change laptop screen brightness23:02
t1m310rddon't know if that really has anything to do with it, but there it is.23:03
ranjanHi all, i have a HP dv4 and in windows the battery life i am getting upto 4 hours but in ubuntu its just 2 hour. Hear about some power regression or something . any workarorund??23:03
urlin2ut1m310rd, on the monitor or laptop, brightness?23:03
Polaht1m310rd: I guess it's applying the resolution settings for your laptop monitor to you TV. You'd need to reconfigure X for your TV23:04
t1m310rdbrightness controlled by tv.23:04
t1m310rdi think23:04
t1m310rdhow do i do that.23:04
urlin2ut1m310rd, power manager has a slider, and fn and the arrow keys usually work, itf you have not tried this already23:04
t1m310rdfor me it's fn f11-12.23:05
t1m310rdbut that doesn't work23:05
GreekFreakPost #6 in this link is the only one that seems to work (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1640574) Although I have to "killall before I watch. At least I don't have to reboot into Windows23:10
bluebomberHi there. I'm having trouble connecting via SSH to a server in nautilus. I can do it fine from a terminal, but when I do FILE > CONNECT TO SERVER in nautilus, it always refuses my connection.23:11
GreekFreak<rant>Why does 5.1 never work? I had trouble with it even when I installed 8.04 back in the day</rant>23:11
GreekFreaksorry, for that, I've been battling with this for over 2 weeks23:11
SIFTUranjan: what CPU?23:11
cpt_explodohey folks. I need to resize one of my paritions taking some space from ubuntu and giving some to windows. But i don't have enough media to back up my data. What are the odds I'll get data loss and should I defrag all the partitions before i do this operation?23:12
Polahcp_explodo: Resizing partitions shouldn't cause any loss of data, do it through gparted on a LiveCD.23:12
bluebomberYou should have a separate backup, cpt_explodo, even before attempting defragging or partition resizing!23:12
cpt_explodobluebomber I dont have enough media to back up my data :x23:13
SIFTUcpt_explodo: yeah I would still backup at least your critical things23:13
p3rsistHi guys. Im on lucid. Whats the best way to download an Oneiric Ocelot package with apt-get ? How can I update the sources list only to get a specific package?23:13
GreekFreakuser, Polah and guys: thanks for all your help!23:13
SIFTUcpt_explodo: then you do run a risk of losing it23:13
Polahcpt_explodo, I'd back up important data anyway just in case. Perhaps move important files to the Windows partition, resize the Ubuntu partition then move the data back before resizing the windows partition?23:13
cellardoorCan anyone tell me the best tweet-reading client on Ubuntu?23:13
Blacksykecellardoor: how about the installed-by-default Gwibber?23:14
myk_robinsonanyone able to locate a Linux 3.0 pae kernel for Natty23:15
cellardoorBlacksyke, ahh there we go, I thought Ubuntu came with something :)23:15
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Blacksykecellardoor: it sure does. Set it up in the Broadcast Accounts settings page23:16
cellardoorBlacksyke, have done so :)23:16
Book_em_Danof I installed Ubuntu on the first partition as root, won't it23:17
bluebomberHi there. I'm having trouble connecting via SSH to a server in nautilus. I can do it fine from a terminal, but when I do FILE > CONNECT TO SERVER in nautilus, it always refuses my connection.23:20
Book_em_Danoif I install Ubuntu on the first partition as root, everything will be installed on that first partition (root, /usr, /home, etc) & than mount /home from the 2nd partition, what will happen to the newly created /home on the 1st partition?23:20
PolahBook_em_Dano: I think you'd have to remove it first.23:21
neo-Leviathanhallo @all23:23
yeatsBook_em_Dano: if you tell the Ubuntu installer to use a partition as / and another partition as /home, it will work as expected23:23
Book_em_Danoif I specify the respective partitions as mount points, will anything be overwritten?  I don't want /home to be overwritten.23:25
Book_em_DanoOr I don't want the 2nd partition w/ /home to be overwritten23:26
yeatsBook_em_Dano: just keep "Format partition" unchecked23:26
yeatsBook_em_Dano: it will retain your data23:26
Book_em_DanoI'm going to upgrade from a unsupported release to Lucid or Natty, won't there be some hidden files and/or directories that need to be updated/upgraded as well?23:28
yeatsBook_em_Dano: you can delete the .gnome2 and/or .gconf directories if the settings are messed up23:29
Book_em_DanoAre those the only files/directories that will need to be updated in /home?23:31
ZAHERI don't find the file /etc/inittab in 11.04. where is it?23:32
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Guest80419hey everyone, how may i make some changes on lunch bar on the left side?23:33
PolahGuest80419: Getting bored of the food served? :P What kind of changes?23:34
Book_em_DanoMaybe I could copy the newer files/directories from the 1st partition to /home on the 2nd partition and then mount the 2nd partition as /home?23:34
Guest80419Polah, :) like I start menu there are Internet Apps, Media Apps, May i add my own named something and put my likely apps in it ?23:35
PolahGuest80419: I don't think so. You can add launchers by right clicking the icons for open programs and selecting "Keep as launcher" or something along those lines, but I don't know about making openable categories23:36
PolahGuest80419: GNOME's application menu has categories like that but I don't know about Unity23:36
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RedNifrewow, it's crowded in here!23:39
roskojoin #drupal23:40
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poikgesHow to install Steam for  mac on Linux23:46
Polahpoikges: You can install Steam for Windows on Linux through wine23:46
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poikgesBut the mac os using opengl23:48
zombuntucan i run my ubuntu desktop from home behind a router with NAT open?23:48
Willie_DemonNew York23:48
zombuntuas a server for ssh atc...23:49
Willie_DemonNew York....the city that never sleeps23:49
Polahpoikges: What do you mean? Steam for Windows displays fine through Steam23:49
Polahzombuntu: You'd need to forward the port your SSH server is listening on23:49
droptimizecan i run my ubuntu desktop as a ssh server from behind a router? with NAT open?23:51
TFGBD_Are there any ubuntu based distros or forks for MIPS out there?23:52
ZAHERI don't find the file /etc/inittab in 11.04. where is it?23:52
itaylor57!upstart | ZAHER23:53
ubottuZAHER: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:53
exutuxZAHER: I think that inittab doesn't exist from 8.04 ubuntu release, it uses upstart instead of23:53
ryanfhas anyone had an issue where you had a full drive and df -h didn't update after you freed a bunch of space up?23:55
ryanfin this case, not only has df -h not updated, I also can't write to the drive particularly23:55
ryanf"no space left on device"23:56
ryanfI know there is some reserved space that isn't reflected in df -h, but the file I just delete was taking up a third of the drive23:56
exutuxryanf: how do you have deleted the stuffs?23:57
exutuxif you have deleted from GUI maybe you have some .Trash inside the device23:58
shadows090Is there any faster way to share files than using a crossover cable and using scp? is there a faster protocol?23:58
ryanfno, I just used sudo rm23:58
exutuxryanf: so tryed to umount it and remount?23:59
Polahshadows090: If you're doing it locally using an unencrypted protocol should be quicker23:59
shadows090Polah, alright, just ftp or something then?23:59
ryanfexutux: it's the root device, can you even do that?23:59
ryanfbut even if you could, I can't23:59

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