
dholbachI have ubuntu one notifications popping up every minute, it's always the same text - does anyone else see anything similar?07:26
vdsdholbach, maybe rye could help here07:50
ryedholbach, what text is popping up?07:55
dholbachrye, "Uploading X and 200 other files to Ubuntu One." or some such07:55
fagandholbach: what version of ubuntu?~07:56
dholbachand it doesn't seem to pay attention to the upload limit I set :)07:56
* fagan hasnt actually been able to test oneiric yet :/07:56
dholbachI hope somebody else was able to test it already :)07:57
ryedholbach, could you please open ubuntu one control panel and see what state it is in08:00
dholbachrye, "Files are being synced"08:01
ryedholbach, ok, and in the terminal - u1sdtool --status?08:01
dholbachrye, in the meantime it stopped displaying the message, but it showed it at least 20 times when I started my session this morning (and indeed, I gave it a big task of uploading a lot of files yesterday night)08:02
dholbachrye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/675082/08:02
dholbachdo I have to stop/start the u1s daemon to make it accept the upload limit?08:15
faganmandel: morning need anything?08:19
ryedholbach, could you please pastebin grep MARK ~/.cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.log ?08:19
dholbachoh, the file does not exist?08:20
* fagan thinks that may be part of the problem :D08:20
dholbachah, found it in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log08:20
JamesTaitHello, hello! Happy Friday!08:37
ryedholbach, well, it is progressing extremely slowly08:46
ryedholbach, what's u1sdtool --waiting ?08:46
ryelike... 1 file per 2 minutes - this is weird, unless the files are huge08:46
dholbachdaniel@daydream:~$ u1sdtool --waiting | wc -l08:46
dholbachthey're MP3s and I upload them with ~70-80K/s08:47
dholbachmy connection is not exactly fast, so I realise that it will take a while08:47
dholbachbut still I'm wondering why it doesn't respect my upload limit (showing 20-30 notifications I can more easily ignore :-))08:48
mandel_morning all!09:00
ryedholbach, re: download limit - bug#72070709:01
ryebug #72070709:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 720707 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol "Bandwidth limit is not correctly enforced: Transmission delays are inserted between data chunk writes (of arbitrary sizes) (affects: 24) (dups: 6) (heat: 83)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72070709:01
dholbachthanks rye09:02
dholbachI'll subscribe09:02
dholbachok, I'll try out wondershaper too09:04
* mandel says hi from the bip server!09:17
* mandel is very happy :)09:17
faganmandel: bip?09:18
faganoh and do you need any help with anything?09:18
mandelfagan, not really, I'm looking at failing tests on windows to try and find if they are related to the download nany... very boring :(09:21
mandelfagan, last day, right?09:21
faganmandel: yep :(09:22
mandelfagan, well, I hope you will still be around, is free software at the end, right?09:24
faganmandel: true but its not really the same and ill be busy hopefully working09:25
* fagan emailed his cv around a bit 09:25
mandelyeah, I know, I was in the community of ubuntu one before... you work less but nevetheless you already know all of us :)09:26
faganmandel: yeah true and really you guys are really cool :D09:26
* fagan isnt sucking up 09:26
mandelfagan, you should go out 2night and drink some tequila ;)09:31
faganmandel: I have an uncle's wedding to go to09:31
faganill be on the soft stuff :D09:32
karniGood morning!09:35
faganmorning karni09:39
karniyo fagan09:39
faganI wonder if its a good thing that my cv fits on 1 page09:43
faganChipaca: ^ :)09:43
karnifagan: so what? so does mine. are you ashamed of that fact?09:45
fagankarni: well ive seen CVs that span like 3 pages09:45
karnifagan: it's not about the page count, it's about quality09:45
karniplus, at that age, it's hard to have a 3 page CV, come on09:46
fagankarni: well I do have an nice CV I suppose09:46
karnifagan: nothing to worry about then09:46
faganim actually fiddling around with the look09:46
faganthe funny thing I was at 2 seperate interviews that said they just throw out CVs that are really really long09:47
* fagan coffee09:48
karnifagan: I keep mine simple. Once they wanted to hire me (just before Canonical), and first thing he did with my documents was.. to put them aside and talk to me for 1 hour.09:51
mandelfagan, yes, that is common, also writing that you know lots of langs with your age is also a bad idea...09:52
faganmandel: well I have used a good few by now09:52
faganmandel: like I did 3 alone in college09:52
faganor was it 409:52
faganthats not including html css..etc09:53
faganmandel: I did cut out a few langs though09:53
faganlike I left out C# even though I did a project in it because I havent used it in a while for example09:54
faganAnd I pulled 8086 since no one would care if I could write it anyway :D09:55
faganI wonder should I put in some of what I did during my internship in the work experience bit09:57
mandelfagan, yes, put languages that you are ok with and certainly do write the amoun fo exp in years...09:57
mandelno one minds if you just have 6 montsh of experience in a lang when you just got out of uni09:57
faganmandel: well im down to the main languages that ive written stuff in09:57
mandelfagan, and yes, do put more or less what you did in the internship09:59
faganmandel: cool09:59
faganhmmmmmm I think I have it good now10:01
* fagan spell checks and stuff10:01
mandelfagan, do not put too many details, give hints so that they have thins to ask you about10:02
faganmandel: yeah I put in a 1 line thing no detail at all10:02
mandelfagan, back in manchester uni we had a student center that hlped writing cv, don you have that in yours?10:02
faganmandel: nope :/10:02
faganthe carlow IT one is just more or less a place to send your CVs so they can be passed on to employers10:03
mandelfagan, hmm and they don't give you a hand... lame...10:06
mandelit seems that student services in UK are better then10:06
faganmandel: well my college is really small10:06
faganso I suppose they cant afford it10:06
faganlike we still have a building more or less made of cardboard10:07
faganmandel: http://ubuntuone.com/p/1Cyu/ good?10:08
fagancrap need to fix capital letters10:09
faganI added the gaming bit because real time stratagy games require problem solving skills, mental speed..etc10:11
faganso it might be something for talking about in an interview10:11
karnifagan: :O10:15
fagankarni: sup?10:15
karnifagan: I just read that "gaming bit" and I felt it was way out of place. But that's just me.10:16
fagankarni: well do you get why I put it in?10:16
faganI had a chat with someone about it before and he made a good point about it10:17
karnifagan: If "problem solving skills and mental speed" are the arguments, you just made my day ;d10:17
karni"Yes, Mr Fagan. We like that you've been playing games. We haven't had anyone like you before! You got the job." ;)10:17
fagankarni: no no its more like shane so you put this thing about gaming on your cv explain :D10:18
karnihmm ;)10:18
karni"Right! So.. [goes on for 3 hours about strategy games ;>]"10:19
fagan"well it requires real problem solving skills, mental speed, fast typing..etc"10:19
faganIts not like im saying im a great fifa player10:19
fagan(which I am too)10:20
* fagan forgot to put in he can play harmonica :D10:20
mandelfagan, let me take a look10:23
mandelfagan, by the way, I'm really picky :P10:23
faganmandel: well shoot away :)10:23
fagankarni, mandel what do you guys think of the look overall of it10:29
* karni hasn't had time to look. I'll have a look.10:29
fagankarni: cool thanks :)10:29
karnid'oh! "Could not locate object" o_O10:30
karnipublic files down or is it just me?10:30
karnifagan: plz check if you can download it from public link10:30
fagankarni: I just updated it ill fix it10:30
mandelfagan, looking know.. I had some issues with the network... again10:34
faganmandel: ah ok10:35
faganits cool dude10:35
mandelyeah, but thkx to rye bip server I get all the backlogs \o/10:35
faganmandel: whats a bip server?10:35
karnifagan: shouldn't course elements start with capital letters? (?)10:36
karnifagan: IRC proxy. google bip irc10:36
fagankarni: ah ok fixing10:36
ryefagan, looks ok from here, so there appears to be only some updown servers are having issues10:36
faganah cool I just ssh when I could be bothered :)10:36
ryetesting my awesomely limited rest api app...10:36
karnifagan: wordpress10:37
karni *Wordpress10:37
fagankarni: cool10:37
karnirye: written something cool?10:37
ryekarni, blog.rtg.in.ua :)10:37
ryehm, updowns look ok to me...10:38
karnirye: OMFG how awesome is that! *pulls his hairs off his head* :D10:39
ryeooh, something broke upon upload10:39
karnirye: people will LOVE it!10:40
ryekarni, well, it is not unicode friendly and not yet reliable enough. I plan to sit and add everything it is missing one evening... such as login, config, etc - that would make it a self-contained application10:41
karnirye: what is .gpass if I may ask?10:41
karnirye: yeah!!! you're full of awesomeness dude10:42
ryekarni, password management application. Looks like already abandoned but works for me10:42
karnirye: publishing files from command line and everybody loves you (as if we didn't already.. :P)10:42
karnirye: that one? http://projects.netlab.jp/gpass/10:43
* karni uses keepassx but misses CLI utilities10:43
ryekarni, you know, I was pretty confused when I found nobody has done a simple shell for U1 files... But now I have a reference implementation I can send people to... as well as sso login. Looks like it help a lot to have code around10:43
ryekarni, no, it is not CLI, unfortunately.10:43
ralsinarye: this is meant to be self contained (ie: not require SSO to be installed?)10:44
karnirye: I did a really simple client in Java last holiday, but it used u1-client-protocol instead of REST API10:44
karnirye: by the way, thanks for your kind words in the first paragraph! :)10:45
ryekarni, once blogger fixes their escaping i will make that web&Mobile back into Web&Mobile. But you are very welcome. The application is awesome. Period10:47
ryekarni, i tried to do that to10:47
ryeralsina, yes10:47
ralsinarye: cool!10:47
karnirye: :))10:47
ryekarni, it was quite a hard experience. Then i tried to do that with the zero version of file api, found that i cannot upload/download files and gave up10:48
ralsinaok, off to take the kid to school10:48
karnirye: uhm, right.10:48
karnirye: I just thought "omg if somebody writes a GUI backed by rye's client, we'll have user friendly access from any python-supporting platform" :)10:49
ryekarni, if nobody else picks this up, fuse backend ftw!10:49
karnirye: wohooo!10:49
* karni facepalms, fuse of course!10:49
ralsinafuse backends are a thing of the devil. But yes, would be cool :-)10:50
ryekarni, you might like to know that U1 was at one point a fuse backend, I learned a lot from tcole about this10:50
karnirye: w00t, why did we leave it?10:50
ryekarni, kernel panics10:50
ryekarni, and no proper refresh ability (the underlying fs could not signel "hey, there is something new in the folder"!)10:51
karniI see rye.10:51
ryekarni, and I suspect that it would have been slow w/o client cache10:51
ryeI see karni10:51
karniback to work :)10:52
ryewhat's wrong with my typing. Ergonomic keyboard makes me mistype things :(10:52
karnirye: btw I didn't notice 'publish remote' before, sweeeet! :)11:00
ryekarni, yeeeah, an extension of ftp protocol11:01
karnihi facundobatista \o11:01
ryeso, oneiric, will you run today?11:01
facundobatistaHola karni!11:01
karnifagan: "Engineering manager online services11:01
karniEngineering Manager, Online Services11:02
karnifagan: etc with uppercasing stuff11:02
karnifagan: if you want, have a look at how I've laid out mine http://ubuntuone.com/p/1CzI/11:05
faganmorning nessita11:11
nessitahello everyone!11:12
fagankarni: hmmmm I was told not to put most of my info on my CV just to strip it down to the phone since they would need that for the interview process11:13
karnihello nessita !11:13
nessitahi fagan, karni!11:14
* fagan just removed email..etc from my CV11:14
karnifagan: Perhaps that depends on the country. I submitted nothing for interview process apart from my email (so they could test my skills online, pre-interview), so later they had all my info on cv.11:15
fagankarni: well they would have the email from the address you sent the cv in from right?11:15
karnifagan: I gave it on paper, right before the interview. Like I said, they weren't even interested. It's a young company, and they cared what I had in my head, rather than on paper.11:16
fagankarni: interesting11:16
karnifagan: Perhaps because I was found by them /by a friend/, not that I found them.11:16
fagankarni: same with me in a way :)11:17
karniSo that may be an exception. anyway, we include that info in Poland11:17
fagankarni: yeah I dont know need a second opinion11:17
fagannessita: to put the email on the CV or not?11:17
nessitafagan: email always in the CV11:18
fagannessita: cool11:18
fagankarni: I changed the colours to light grey and orange for links now :)11:20
* karni likes to keep it simple11:21
fagankarni: was talking with mandel and he reccomended spicing up the look11:21
karnipimp my cv ;)11:22
fagankarni: yo dawg I hear you like CVs11:22
* fagan just giggled at his own joke 11:22
faganOk new revision http://ubuntuone.com/p/1CzT/11:24
fagannessita: what do you think ^11:24
faganis it me or is the @ in the ubuntu font really interesting looking11:26
faganhmmmm and removing the underline from the hyperlinks makes them look so much cooler11:27
nessitafagan: I need to prep some stuff for a call I'm having soon, sorry, I can't look at the pdf now11:29
fagannessita: its cool have a look later im not going anywhere for a few hours at least :D11:29
jo-erlendI thought I'd move my music collection to Ubuntu One. In the beginning, it looked fine, but now the transfer is so slow that it seems impossible. I'm talking about speeds in the range 50Bytes/second up to 4KiB. When you're talking about gibibytes, that means it'll take approximately a half infinity. Any ideas why this is happening?11:32
nessitajo-erlend: let me ask around11:33
faganjo-erlend: there is something going on rye was saying11:33
fagannessita: updown is having issues11:33
nessitafagan: oh11:34
nessitajo-erlend: seems like the server that actually manages content upload/donwload is having issues11:34
ryejo-erlend, are you using the file sync client or the web interface?11:35
jo-erlendoh, ok.11:35
rye'cause updowns are only for public files/web file access and rest api...11:35
jo-erlendrye, the filesync client. When I open a file from the web, it seems fast enough.11:36
jo-erlendI should've mentioned that. Sorry.11:36
ryejo-erlend, ok, let me check the logs11:36
jo-erlendin about 6 hours, I've been able to download 425 MB. I can normally download about 2MiB/s.11:37
jo-erlendoh, and I'm on oneiric, upgraded yesterday.11:38
ryejo-erlend, are you uploading or downloading files, sorry?11:38
karniNote to self: duplicates in off-line play list http://ubuntuone.com/p/1Czd/11:39
karniworse, some tracks multiple times. probably problem with cache deserialization11:39
jo-erlendrye, yes, I am. :) My desktop has a wired connection to my laptop, which has a wireless connection that is shared with the desktop. The desktop is uploading and the laptop is downloading.11:40
ryejo-erlend, uh. that makes it go to U1 and then back to local network, where do you see 50Bytes/s - on desktop or laptop?11:42
nessitagatox: hi there. DO I owe you any review?11:42
jo-erlendrye, both.11:42
gatoxnessita, only a REALLY small one11:43
nessitagatox: shoot11:43
gatoxnessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/cancel-prompt/+merge/7292911:43
gatoxralsina, nessita question...... i don't know for which one... now that the button "show terms of service" will dissapear and became a link..... the TOS page/widget... shouldn't be removed??11:45
nessitagatox: yes, it should11:46
jo-erlendis the windows client usable?11:47
gatoxnessita, ok....... removing it11:48
nessitajo-erlend: not yet, but soon :-)11:48
jo-erlendis there only filesync for Windows, or does it have desktopcouch as well?11:48
nessitagatox: also, the checkbox about the terms do not have to be checked by default11:52
nessitagatox: I just confirmed with liseete11:52
nessitagatox: so, can you please also solve https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/834152 while you're at it?11:52
gatoxnessita, make sense11:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 834152 in ubuntu-sso-client "The agreement checkbox shouldn't be checked by default (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]11:52
gatoxnessita, yep11:52
nessitagatox: there is no need to add the " \ when cutting long strings inside parenthesis11:55
nessitaand is actually not recommended by pep811:55
gatoxnessita, ok..... removing it......11:55
mandelnessita, can you open the google doc I sent?11:55
mandelnessita, I'm useless with that tool...11:55
nessitagatox: "them", I see 211:55
nessitamandel: trying11:56
gatoxnessita, yes, i mean that11:56
nessitamandel: I can, yes, no problems at all11:56
mandelnessita, cool :)11:57
mandelso, I think we can do part of it in the event nany for windows... at least for the current time11:57
mandelmainly the one related to the lock files..11:58
nessitahi alecu!11:58
gatoxalecu, hiiii11:58
faganhey alecu and gatox11:58
gatoxnessita, done11:58
nessitaalecu: I approved the ussoc branch with a tiny request and I asked a question in the u1client one11:58
gatoxfagan, jeje i'm here since 3 hours ago :P11:59
alecunessita, cool11:59
alecuhi fagan11:59
fagangatox: hehe11:59
faganyou were quiet so I didnt notice :)11:59
nessitafacundobatista, alecu, mandel, nessita: mumble?12:00
gatoxfagan, :P12:00
alecunessita, already there!12:00
nessitaYES YOU ARE! :-)12:00
mandelnessita, let me move somewhere with less people12:01
mandelthey are drinking and are noisy...12:01
facundobatistanessita, yes, baby12:01
nessitamandel: you still in mallorca? I thought I understood you were there until yesterday12:01
mandelnessita, 2day is the last day.... I'm taking the ferry on sat...12:02
mandelnessita, I cannot argue with my mother...12:02
* fagan break12:10
nessitagatox: seems like there is a conflict now: Text conflict in ubuntuone_installer/gui/qt/tests/test_gui.py12:16
nessita1 conflicts encountered.12:16
gatoxnessita, let me check :S12:17
gatoxnessita, conflict resolved12:26
ralsinagatox: when that branch that removes the TOS widget lands, remind me to remove QtWebkit from the binaries12:26
ralsinaand good morning!12:26
faganmorning ralsina12:26
ralsinagood last morning as an intern fagan!12:26
gatoxralsina, okkk12:27
nessitagatox: approved12:28
faganralsina: yep :)12:28
gatoxnessita, thanks12:28
ralsinaanyone has a review so I have stuff to do while having crappy caffeine-free herbal tea?12:28
nessitaralsina: me! any ideas what do to with https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/clean-test-run/+merge/72938 ?12:32
nessitashall we land?12:32
ralsinanessita: I was looking at it late last night12:32
ralsinanessita: I say yes, and we consider it an incremental pproach12:32
ralsinanessita: maybe since I have the failures, I can look at some of them eventually, or alecu after he finishes more urgent suff12:33
nessitaralsina: agreed12:33
ralsinasince you can't reproduce, it's a waste of your time to push it further. Anyway, it's a big improvement12:33
ralsinanessita: want a +1 on it?12:36
ralsinanessita: you got it12:39
dobeysigh, way too stressed right now12:44
faganwell hurricanes will do that to you12:44
mandelnessita, alecu I got dropped from mumble or no one is talking?12:48
alecumandel, we are still there.12:48
nessitamandel: we're there, you are not12:48
nessitamandel: GET SOME REAL INTERNES! :-)12:49
fagannessita: you left out the T12:49
* fagan looked at that and thought you wanted more interns :D12:50
nessitafagan: it was intended12:50
dobeyralsina: what's the minimum set of projects that need to land branches over the next couple of days that I likely won't be around for?12:53
ralsinadobey: u1-client u1-control-panel u1-windows-installer12:53
ralsinadobey: and ubuntu-sso-client12:54
ralsinapeople, standup in 6'!12:54
gatoxralsina, ok12:56
mandelI believe my problems are related with mumble... If I connect to it, irc goes down...12:57
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
nessitadobey: I can land tarmac with your exact settings. Would you please share those with me? Or do we have another backup plan?12:58
nessitadobey: also add, jic, u1storageprotocol, no?12:58
dobeynessita: openstack is current plan12:59
nessitadobey: nice!12:59
dobeyhopefull i can get it up and running in < 2 hrs13:00
nessitadobey: let me know if you need branch to test13:00
fagan* More CV pimping13:01
fagan* Internship :D13:01
fagan* Only once in 6 months I believe13:01
faganmandel: go13:01
mandelDONE: Look at how to treat download nany on Windows. Done some IRL to see other approaches and wrote a small doc about it.13:01
mandelTODO: Mumble with alecu, nessita, and facundo to decide what to do and implement it.13:01
mandelBLOCKED: no, but I want to leave this island now! blooody internet!13:01
mandelgatox go go go13:01
gatoxBug #829365 from SSO side complete. Bug #831985.13:01
gatoxFinish Bug #829365 from the Installer side. Reset Password Page.13:01
ubot4gatox: Bug 829365 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/829365 is private13:01
ubot4gatox: Bug 831985 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/831985 is private13:01
gatoxnessita, go13:01
ubot4gatox: Bug 829365 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/829365 is private13:01
nessitaDONE: proposed clean-test-run and found out that we still have timing issues due to test interaction, kept working on disconnect-flow for the controlpanel, reviews13:01
nessitaTODO: mumble re: FS events, chase reviewers for login-email-password-for-everyone, finish disconnect flow branch, university13:01
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes13:01
nessitaNEXT: ralsina13:01
ralsinaDONE: ton-o-reviews, meeting, calls, release, little coding TODO: finish making the wizard start u1cp if there are creds, finally fix the stderr thing, release, reviews BLOCKED: no13:01
dobeyλ DONE: package list, bug #829186 releases/uploads (ubuntu-sso-client, ubuntuone-control-panel, ubuntuone-client)13:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 829186 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) (and 12 other projects) "Mixes static and GI library bindings (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82918613:01
dobeyλ TODO: tarmac (sigh), GTFO13:02
dobeyλ BLCK: Irene. She's so mean.13:02
dobeyhrmm, richmond and b'more seem to be just outside the projected path now13:03
karniralsina: Do you have the standup every day?13:03
ralsinakarni: yes we do13:03
ralsinakarni: most teams do13:03
karniralsina: cool. took me a long while to figure that one out, eh :D?13:03
karniralsina: do you have team weekly call as well?13:03
ralsinakarni: he, "again they are saying me, what a weird habit!"13:03
ralsinakarni: we used to but lost the habit13:04
dobeyi think i am more prepared for zombie outbreak, than hurricane13:04
ralsinakarni: I don't think we got much out of the weekly call13:04
karniralsina: the 'me' I understood. It jsut occurred to me now "hey.. they have a standup every day, don't they"13:04
* alecu is writing notes13:04
karniralsina: I see. We have a weekly call, but some changes may come, the team is discussing it.13:05
dobeywhat's ironic13:05
mandelkarni, we are really chatty, mot of us speak spanish hehehe13:05
mandeland argentinians like to talk a lot, or at least that is what is said in spain ;)13:05
karnimandel: aaaaaaaa :D right :)13:05
ralsinadobey: ironic is when you say something and you actually mean the opposite. I learnt that in "Generation X" with Jeaneane Garofalo and Winona Ryder13:05
dobeyi *just* moved my server/printer into my office from the other end of the house where the WAN connection is, last weekend13:05
* mandel lunch13:06
dobeyralsina: that's not ironic. that's bullshit.13:06
karnimandel: I used to be a chatter box. I've worked on it and I try to be concise.13:06
dobeyor sarcasm13:06
ralsinadobey: Irony: "The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning." says the dictionary.13:06
alecuDONE: discussed download nanny events, worked on bug #834224, discussed hasher queue changes13:07
alecuTODO: more discussion, and some branches13:07
alecuBLOCKED: no13:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 834224 in ubuntuone-client (and 1 other project) "Removing a dead client skips the next alive one (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83422413:07
ralsinaAlso "An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning." which seems like the same thing to me13:07
dobeyanyway, i wans't asking a question13:07
dobeyi was making a two part statement. questions have question marks :)13:08
dobeyironic == "that's what she said!"13:08
ralsinadobey: I assumed it was that charming online speak without punctuation ;-)13:08
ralsinatwo part statements have semicolons; they do!13:09
dobeynot on-line13:09
dobeyalso, on-line has a hyphen :)13:09
* ralsina has unlocked "worst use of semicolons; ever"13:09
dobeyi didn't feel like typing the …13:10
* ralsina starts writing long things hy-13:10
ralsinaOk, back to fixing the 47 failing tests in my 50-line branch13:11
nessitaalecu: friendly ping re: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/login-email-password-for-everyone/+merge/7273513:15
nessitaralsina: agree to land https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/clean-test-run/+merge/72938 with one approve?13:15
* alecu is now curiously waiting for the unfriendly ping13:16
ralsinanessita: yes13:16
ralsinaalecu: the udriendly ping is provided by the hurt fairy: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/boingboing/iBag/~3/kI3H3MHQZkU/how-to-make-a-spike-knuckled-butyl-rubber-glove-wired-to-discharge-a-disposable-camera-flash-cap-across-the-spikes.html13:16
nessitaalecu: I can not give an example of an unfrindly ping in a public channel :-D13:17
nessitaralsina: saw my question from before?13:33
nessitaand yes13:33
nessitaand you answered! I missed the answer :-)13:33
ralsinaand now I dodn't answer but you guessed it :-)13:34
nessitaralsina: wans't this your answer? (10:16:06 AM) ralsina: nessita: yes13:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofle
=== yofle is now known as yofel
ralsinaYes, that was my answer to the original question. I had not answered "saw my question?"13:35
nessitaah, what a mix of answers!13:35
* nessita remembers "squab, squab, squab"13:36
alecunessita, I've opened a bug for your needs info in https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/fix-disconnected-removal/+merge/7298713:44
nessitaalecu: great, approving then13:44
gatoxralsina, if i want to create an enhanced check box.... sso would be the proper place?? it's for the installer13:48
ralsinagatox: would it be used in the SSO screens?13:48
gatoxralsina, it's for setup account page13:49
ralsinagatox: and would you put it in the SSO version of that page or in the installer's?13:49
gatoxralsina, mmmm i don't think so...... it's for replace the check box of accept the terms and service in the setup account page in the installer13:50
ralsinagatox: separate module in the installer then13:50
gatoxralsina, ok13:51
ralsinalater on we may want to "fix" the default SSO UI and may move it back13:51
tyronetoday my ubuntuone stopped working for no reason as far as I can tell. I have not been able to work all day cos it just refuses to sync14:27
tyroneanyone had the same experience?14:27
nessitatyrone: what do you mean with 'it refuses to sync'?14:32
tyronenessita. it says file sync in progress and then it drops the connection and then repeats all the while not syncing :(14:37
nessitatyrone: we were having some issues with our servers, let me confirm the current status14:39
tyronenessita thanks. have had this problem all day and have been really frustrated as all my code was at home and on the cloud14:39
nessitarye, joshuahoover: do we know something about that ^?14:40
joshuahoovernessita, tyrone: i have not see this, but maybe duanedesign has?14:42
nessitafacundobatista: we're  rady in mumble14:43
nessitajoshuahoover: my client was stucked in CHECK_VERSION for a while, then it moved fast14:43
mandeltyrone, no, rye do you know anything?14:43
tyronehey all, thanks. I tried uninstalling, reinstalling the works. is there any way you could look at logs on my account and see what might be wrong or should I start from scratch?14:44
duanedesigntyrone: their is an issue causing SSL failure. The engineers are working to resolve this ASAP14:49
duanedesigntyrone: If you run this command to look at the end of the logs :  tail -fn 50 ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log14:50
duanedesigntyrone: you should see:  Connection lost: [('SSL routines', 'SSL23_READ', 'ssl handshake failure')]14:51
tyroneduanedesign I will have a look14:53
duanedesignjoshuahoover: ^^14:53
joshuahooverduanedesign: ah, thanks...i wasn't aware that was still an issue14:53
tyroneduanedesign, yes that is there. so I take it I should sit back, relax and it will be sorted at some point. It is not on my side14:57
duanedesigntyrone: that is correct14:57
tyroneduanedesign. I know you probably don't wanna hear this. any idea of how long (estimated for my info only)??14:58
duanedesigntyrone: I would expect it to be soon. If i find out something more concrete I will let you know14:59
tyroneduanedesign: thanks so much.. it is really a relief to know it isn't just me :)15:00
tyronenessita, thanks for the help15:01
nessitayou're welcome15:02
mandelnessita, ups, I was down...15:03
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
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gatoxnessita, the links for "terms of service" and "privacy policy", are stored in some constant?15:53
nessitagatox: they should if they are not15:54
faganOk looks like thats it15:55
mandelfagan, catch u later :)16:03
ralsinafagan: bye man, have fun!16:04
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
faganAh ill be around :)16:16
alecubye fagan!16:17
elopiofagan: bye. I hope we have the chance to work together soon.16:21
ralsinanessita, alecu, gatox, mandel: branch for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/no-credentials/+merge/7293516:35
ralsinaif anyone has one that needs reviewing, now is a good time to ask me, too16:35
mandelralsina, I'll take a look yet I'm close to my EOD16:37
gatoxralsina, nothing for now... i'll review that after lunch16:37
mandeland EOW and EOM (end of Mallorca!!!)16:37
ralsinamandel: don't stay up late for it :-)16:37
mandelfinally! \o/16:37
ralsinagatox: thanks16:37
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mandelralsina, there is a conflict in your branch16:40
ralsinamandel: gack, it got stale :-( I'll fix it16:40
mandelralsina, np :)16:40
nessitamandel: did you resolve the plane ticket stuff?16:41
faganThanks everyone ill be around so if I can help ask away16:41
mandelnessita, waiting for Chipaca` to let me know...16:44
nessitafagan: good look!16:44
Chipaca`mandel: get it on your own -- *if* the sprint happens, we can get it reimbursed :)16:44
Chipaca`ralsina: nessita: sprint planning depends on mgmt planning we need to do after release16:45
nessitaChipaca`: ah16:45
fagannessita: luck ;)16:45
nessitaChipaca`: are you braving us implicitly? :-D16:46
nessitafagan: that!16:46
Chipaca`nessita: not sure you meant what you said, but for either parsing (the english or the translated spanish one), answer is no :)16:46
nessitaChipaca`: lol, I meant bribe*16:47
nessitaChipaca`: I'm doing several stuff in parallel, I should stop16:47
* nessita stops16:47
Chipaca`nessita: yes :)16:47
mandelChipaca`, ok, I'll start looking at it asap16:51
* mandel EOD, EOW, EOM16:52
* Chipaca` hugs mandel16:52
mandelI'll see you all on Monday in Barcelona :)16:52
Chipaca`not me, you won't16:53
Chipaca`monday is a holiday here :-D16:53
alecunessita, approve!17:27
nessitaralsina: you still available for a review?17:28
nessitagatox: what about you?17:28
ralsinanessita: yes, in 5'17:28
ralsinanessita: trade you yours for https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/no-credentials/+merge/7293517:31
nessitaralsina: sure! please read the MP description first (added lots of disclaimers): https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/disconnect-flow/+merge/7308417:32
ralsinanessita: got it!17:33
ralsinanessita: BTW, dobey was merging windows-installer without tests. Could it be setup that way while I fix the suite on Linux?17:33
ralsinawhich is what I start after your review17:33
nessitaralsina: I think so, let me dig tarmac config17:33
ralsinanessita: cool17:34
ralsinanessita: what's with the commented chunk in lines 1124+ of the diff?17:35
nessitaralsina: my bad, that will be used when resolving the other bug (add logic)17:36
nessitaremoving now!17:36
ralsinanessita: it's ok, if you know it's uncommenting in a coming branch I do't mind17:37
ralsinanessita: alecu's fix-disconnected branches both have the individual approvals. If I set them to approved could you run tarmac for them?17:41
nessitaralsina: of course!17:46
ralsinanessita: there, run it please :-)17:46
ralsinaalecu: just a sanity check... are we *ever* removing the dead IPC clients from that list?17:47
alecuralsina, yes: it's done inside both remote_unregister_to_signals methods17:51
ralsinaalecu: but that's called for clients that just die?17:51
alecuralsina, it's called both for clients that die and for clients that disconnect17:52
ralsinaalecu: ok, cool.17:52
jo-erlendhmm. 13 hours and my 1GB upload is not yet complete, even though I'm capable of uploading 2MiB/s. That's discouraging.17:54
jo-erlendif I move files from my Ubuntu One folder and onto another synced/shared folder... That'll only trigger a rename sync, or will it have to be downloaded/uploaded again?17:55
jo-erlendand would the files be deleted from clients that hasn't synced the new folder?17:56
ralsinanessita: +1 on disconnect-flow, looks great!18:20
nessitaralsina: what do you think about moving the from ubuntuone.platform.credentials import CredentialsManagementTool to inside check_credentials?18:21
ralsinanessita: the problem there is replacing CredentialsManagementTool with another class in the tests18:22
nessitaah, ok18:22
ralsinaI know the code is pretty ugly but it's the only way I managed to make it work :-/18:23
ralsinaand still be testable18:23
gatoxralsina, nessita review please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/setup-buttons/+merge/7308718:26
gatoxnessita, ralsina that one is for sso..... i'm finishing installer18:26
ralsinagatox: cool, checking18:26
nessitagatox: I gotta go, but I will do that in the university18:36
gatoxnessita, ok!18:36
nessitaralsina: your branch, approved, looks good!18:37
ralsinanessita: that's a first :-D18:37
nessitaralsina: tarmac finished all the runs18:37
nessitaralsina: I can run it again when I come back, drop me an email if you need that18:38
ralsinanessita: cool, probably will18:38
nessitaI need to leave now!18:38
nessitagatox: can you do a review?18:38
gatoxnessita, shoot18:39
nessitagatox: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/disconnect-flow/+merge/7308418:39
nessitagatox: interesting disclaimers in the description ;-)18:39
nessitabye all!18:40
ralsinagatox: silly branch18:56
ralsinagatox: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-mode-qt/+merge/7308818:56
gatoxralsina, ok..... i have your other branch yet..... i was trying to finish with the installer..... so i didn't have the chance to take a look at the other one yet18:56
ralsinagatox: do this one first, should take you a whole 10 seconds ;-)18:57
gatoxralsina, yes..... i'm waiting for launchpad to scan the project18:57
gatoxralsina, ready.......18:57
* gatox looking18:57
gatoxralsina, imposible to say no......  +118:58
ralsinagatox: have you seen this, or should I file a bug? http://screencast.com/t/TtNRAL4dsXcS19:10
gatoxralsina, fill the bug!!19:11
* gatox whisper that it wasn't his fault..... :P19:11
ralsinagatox: I know I know :-)19:11
ralsinaOff to pick up the kid, will be back in 30 minutes or so19:14
=== gatox is now known as gatox_away
irssitahello everyone!19:51
irssitagatox_away: hum, you're away. When you get back (can be next Monday), let me know if the comment in your MP makes sense19:52
ralsinahello irssita20:02
ralsinairssita: I have good or bad news about the problem of not being able to create UDFs from u1cp!20:02
ralsinait turns out if you select the "Documents" thing from the shortcuts in the left side of the file dialog, getExistingDirectory returns ""20:03
ralsinawhich means it gets cancelled.20:03
ralsinaSo, in short, on windows, getExistingDirectory sometimes lets you choose things that are not directories20:03
irssitaralsina: well, the things on the left are not dirctories but "libraries"...20:10
irssitaok, speech in front is over, I gotta get back to my groups20:10
irssitaralsina: I'll be back later!20:10
ralsinairssita: yes, but when you click on one, it appears on the lineedit, and accept is enabled :-)20:10
ralsinairssita: see you later!20:10
irssitabug in qt then?20:10
irssitaok, bye20:11
nightwatchhi there, I just installed ubuntuone android client and it is supposed to sync my photos however the folder ubuntu uses is not the default android 's folder... how can I make ubuntu1 automatically sync an existing folder in my android phone?20:39
beunonightwatch, we don't currently support non-default photo folders20:45
beunobut it's on our list of things to improve20:45
nightwatchok, but I havent done anything special20:50
nightwatchisn't supposed to work out of the box?20:50
beunooh, I must of misunderstood20:50
nightwatchI mean, I havent changed the default folder20:50
beunonightwatch, these are existing pictures you took with your camera?20:50
nightwatchdo I need to copy and paste from there to u1 folder?20:50
nightwatchyes but even for new pictures, they are not going to u1's folder20:51
beunoah, now I understand20:51
beunoyou have pictures in your computer20:51
beunoand want them synces to your phone20:51
beunothen I don't understand  :)20:51
nightwatchsorry, let me try to explain .. my bad sorry..20:51
nightwatchI've installed u1 in both, my laptop and my android phone.20:52
nightwatchwhen I take pictures with my android, this picture is not being synchronized with u1...20:52
beunoI see20:53
nightwatchI guess that's because u1's folder in my mobile is different than u1's folder20:53
beunonightwatch, what version of Ubuntu are you using?20:53
nightwatchmy pictures are stored in a folder called dcim20:53
nightwatchon my laptop natty, on my mobile, I guess the lastest20:53
beunoso, the pictures are stored in a folder called "~/Pictures - $phone model"20:54
beunoif you go to the web interface, you should see it20:54
beunoif you want them to sync down to your computer20:54
beunoyou can open the control panel20:54
nightwatchyes, precisely Pictures - MotoA95320:54
beunoand under folders, tick the box si it syncs down to your computer20:54
beunoit won't sync to you dcim folder, unfortunately20:54
nightwatchok, so I guess to manually move the pictures I take from there to u1's folder in my mobile, whenever I take some picture, right?20:55
beunowe will find a way to make it configurable and easy in the future20:56
nightwatchthis is how it supposed to be or is just an issue with my specific setup?20:56
beunono, this is the way it works now20:56
beunoit's also on our radar on how to improve it20:56
nightwatchit's fine, it's the best service I found so far... it's really a great work thanks, but would be nice to have this issue written on faq20:57
* beuno points joshuahoover to ^20:57
khtaamHi! Any news on the service disruption?20:57
khtaamI can upload and download on my phone, but not on my computers20:58
beunokhtaam, I can see it's generally working, but some servers haven't come back up yet, so you may be associated to one of the rebel servers20:59
beunoit shouldn't be too long20:59
joshuahooverbeuno, nightwatch: so the issue is that nightwatch's pics are in the dcim folder and we're not syncing that? is that correct?21:00
khtaambeuno, ok, I just had too shut down the sync daemon because it keeps notifying me but not uploading anything21:00
beunojoshuahoover, no, the pictures on his desktop live in an arbitrary folder, called dcom21:00
beunojoshuahoover, so the pictures he takes with his phone go to a different place21:01
beunojoshuahoover, and he wasn't clear on how to get to them in his desktop21:01
joshuahooverbeuno: ah, ok21:02
beunokhtaam, I shouldn't tell people to do this, but if you connect and disconnect a few times, you may get lucky and hit a working server  :)21:02
* beuno makes things worse but helps people21:02
khtaambeuno, ok will keep it a secret21:02
nhainesI thought nightwatch just wasn't sure where his photos were going... not that he has a DCIM folder on his desktop.21:03
beunoI understood that it was both21:03
beunohe expected his pictures to live with, well, his pictures!21:03
beunoeverything in between is just software not doing magic21:03
nightwatchno nhaines, I know exactly where my pictures are going. It's just not going to u1's folder...21:04
gatoxnessita, ping21:05
nightwatchand no, in my Desktop the u1's picture folder (the one from my mobile) is empty. btw u1 is working syncing files between two of my latops21:06
nightwatchthanks beuno I just read your explanation and was correct. that's my problem.21:07
beunonightwatch, np, thanks for walking us through it, it helps a lot to focus on the specifics we need to address21:08
nightwatchanother quick question, I tried to overcome the problem by moving the content of dcim folder to ubuntu folder (both in my mobile), however, I wasnt unable to find it (neither in phone or sdcard) I guess u1 doesn't  use an actual folder to store the files right?21:10
beunonightwatch, the files for the pictures you take with your camera?21:12
nightwatchyes, but for a moment forget about that, Im currently trying to copy any folder/file from my mobile file system to any place I can get it synchronized with u121:13
beunothat's intersting21:14
nightwatchwhat I found so far is that It's possible to bring files from my desktop to my mobile but it's a bit pain to copy an existing file on my mobile to my desktop21:14
beunoyou can upload certain types of files by using the upload function in the app21:14
beunoto any folder you're already syncing21:14
nightwatchok got it.. it worked. I'm was trying to do it with my regular file manager app.. sorry21:17
beunonp, it takes a while to get your head around some of this syncing stuff21:18
nightwatchok, I was wondering why u1 mobile app uses a different storage  (perhaps a file similar to truecrypt's approach.. I'm guessing it is because there's no actual folder in any place that could be accessed by the default filemanager) rather than a normal folder... in my mind I thought it was a customized version of rsync..  I'll to read more about u121:22
beunonightwatch, right, most of the complexities come from the fact that we sync to many platforms and devices21:25
beunoso some of the abstractions present some usability challenges21:25
nightwatchyes, that's challenging I know..21:26
nightwatchI'd like to read more about it, before suggesting silly features that you guys surely  have already thought through it.21:27
beunonightwatch, feel free to fire away as many suggestions and questions as you like, sometimes it's more interesting when people suggest things we already have than things we don't  :)21:28
nightwatchthanks for the friendly help, beuno.21:29
nhainesnightwatch: the U1F app for Android doesn't support syncing... so you can download certain folders from the U1 cloud but they don't sync.21:41
nhainesI think they're hoping to add that in the future.  :)21:42
nightwatchI just noticed that the code is available.. I'll take a look to understand more about it. thanks21:43

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