
apacheloggerScottK: all up07:43
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
bulldog98_yofel_: I have a new tip for speeding up package installation in a pbuilder. See: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PbuilderHowto#Speeding_up_the_package_installation10:12
* apachelogger points out that unsafe-io is misspelled, that we have a hook for it and that it is not an apt setting but a dpkg one10:14
* bulldog98_ is going to correct that10:15
bulldog98_apachelogger: better?10:16
apacheloggerof course mentioning tmpfs and then not explaining it seems a bit silly :P10:17
bulldog98_apachelogger: it’s explained earlier10:17
apacheloggerwhy mention it again then? :P10:17
apacheloggeror at least link to the former description10:18
bulldog98_apachelogger: ok it isn’t I’ll change that10:18
bulldog98_apachelogger: added that10:22
bulldog98_apachelogger: saw the hook right now10:24
bulldog98_apachelogger: still it’s good to mention that in the pbuilder HowTo10:25
apacheloggerjust saying10:25
apacheloggerthe hooks should be mentioned :P10:25
apacheloggeras they can do all the important bits anyway10:25
bulldog98_apachelogger: you are the author, so you could mention them :)10:26
apacheloggerif network explodes while ubiquity is downloading language packages10:29
apacheloggerit will get stuck10:29
apacheloggervery nice feature10:29
* apachelogger fiddles about and hopes it will eventually start doing things again :S :S S10:30
apacheloggermaco, ScottK: I totally think the installer could be done in QML ;)10:31
apacheloggerthat might eventually get rid of the insane overlap issues in the slideshow10:31
bulldog98_apachelogger: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PbuilderHowto#Using_the_Kubuntu_pbuilder_hooks10:34
bulldog98_why is icecc refusing to work with following pbuilderrc? http://paste.ubuntu.com/675857/10:38
bulldog98_has someone pushed a new kubuntu-dev-tools to archive?10:42
apacheloggerdont think so10:47
apacheloggerI was supposed to add licenses or something10:47
apacheloggermgraesslin: http://paste.kde.org/114835/ any ideas why that is?11:07
apacheloggernewly installed oneiric with 4.7.0 in vbox11:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: is it just me or is our cia kaput?11:08
apacheloggerwho had a fight with astyle?11:12
bulldog98_apachelogger: in which branch?11:12
apacheloggerdid whoever had a fight with astyle at the DS push a new kubuntu-astyle into kubuntu-dev-tools?11:12
apacheloggerbulldog98_: in RL code11:12
* apachelogger doesnt get why cia is broken11:14
apacheloggeror maybe my local cia client thing is11:14
apacheloggerthis is all rubbish anyway11:14
bulldog98_apachelogger: was shadeslayer11:15
* apachelogger waves fist11:15
mgraesslinapachelogger: reason: broken drivers and I think it's fixed in 4.7.111:15
* bulldog98_ likes to blame guys :) (or using bzr blame)11:15
apacheloggermgraesslin: kthx11:15
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apacheloggerbulldog98_: well at least he fixed it in the branch11:16
bulldog98apachelogger: astyle-kubuntu has no copyright11:17
apacheloggerof course not11:17
apacheloggerif you tell me that thing deserves a copyright then I'll need to throw up and go to opensuse11:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: i fixed it in the kubuntu-dev branch11:43
apacheloggersheytan: http://paste.kde.org/~phonon/114871/12:05
apacheloggeroh wrong12:06
apacheloggersheytan: http://paste.kde.org/~phonon/114877/12:06
sheytanapachelogger first i need to setup an environment for it. Give me 15 minutes ;)12:09
sheytanapachelogger: btw, do you really switch to ldm for 11.10?12:24
sheytangood, couse kdm-plasma is going to be done with my ldm mockup :)12:25
CIA-1[kubuntu-dev-tools] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110827111300-t29ddeahpsi7vpuz * bin/astyle-kubuntu random change of the day to test cia14:09
apacheloggerthat only took ages14:10
CIA-1[kubuntu-dev-tools] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110827105008-yhl6wrls7i3egxjs * bin/ (kbranchmover kbzr) add copyright and license notice to make everyone happy14:15
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dlbike76Hi.  Who should I contact about a dead link in the debian/control file for digiKam?18:44
ScottKdlbike76: I think yofel was working on updating digikam, so just mention it here.18:44
yofeldlbike76: which link?18:45
dlbike76vcs-bzr, and vcs-browser both contain dead links.18:45
yofelfixed in 2.0.018:46
yofelwhich isn't in the archive though18:46
dlbike76ah ok.  I checked in the oneiric branch and it wasn't updated there.  Thanks18:46
ScottKyofel: How's it going (digikam)?18:56
yofelnot much progress. The opencv MIR isn't my level, I sent the person that filed the original MIR a mail but didn't get a reply yet. If he doesn't do it I'll have to find someone else to look at it18:59
ScottKCan we skip opencv for now?19:02
yofelnot really, digikam isn't designed to build without libkface which requires 3 of the opencv libraries19:03
ScottKOK.  Is libkface one of the embedded ones?19:03
ScottKThen let's upload with the embedded one and sort it out later.19:08
yofelwell, without opencv digikam will be FTBFS19:08
CIA-1[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/digikam] Philip Muškovac * 32 * debian/ (19 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)19:15
CIA-1* New upstream release (LP: #781128) - debian/control: + Add libcv-dev,19:15
CIA-1libcvaux-dev, libhighgui-dev, libboost-graph1.46-dev, libksane-dev, libxml2-dev,19:15
yofelforgot to update the branch...19:15
ScottKOh, so it still needs opencv even with the embedded lib?19:27
yofelScottK: digikam has libkface embedded which needs opencv to build19:28
rbelemScottK, ping22:49
rbelemapachelogger, i pushed s-l-c and plasma-mobile to lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/22:50
apacheloggeroh, I was already looking for it the other day ^^22:50
rbelemapachelogger, :-)22:51
rbelemapachelogger, is there anything that still needs to be fixed there?22:51
ScottKrbelem: pong23:10
rbelemScottK, can we still upload slc and plasma-mobile?23:11
rbelemnice :-)23:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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