
Onlyodinlibreoffice dependency issues now?00:07
zhiweiMy problem resolved.00:16
zhiweiinstall ccms,and use the unity plugin.00:17
min|dvir|us_dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu18_amd64.deb (--unpack):01:35
min|dvir|us_  trying to overwrite '/usr/lib32/libv4l2.so.0', which is also in package lib32v4l-0 0.8.3-201:35
min|dvir|us_Please help.01:35
Onlyodinia32-libs has been broken for me for a couple of days01:41
OnlyodinI believe I got lib32v4l-0 0.8.5 somewhere along the way, which in turn broke ia32-libs and wine.01:42
Peddywhich file is responsible for the volume OSD in gnome shell?01:45
min|dvir|us_Onlyodin: any fixes?01:47
Onlyodinmin|dvir|us_, not that I'm aware of01:51
Onlyodinin your case you could possibly remove lib32v4l (not sure what its dependencies are though), or just wait until they release a fix.01:52
Peddyoh I had this problem too, I just removed ia32-libs, upgraded, then reinstalled ia32-libs (it'll remove skype, wine, etc)01:56
Onlyodinlooks like the LibreOffice dependencies I noticed this morning are fixed now too01:57
OnlyodinI just successfully reinstalled ia32-libs and wine02:01
PeddyOnlyodin, out of interest, are you on an amd64 platform?02:02
Peddyare you on 64bit*02:03
aroman1hi, when I try to install flashplayer I'm told i have package conflicts and i have broken packages being held. Did something break?02:06
aroman1(as in something in the repos)02:06
OnlyodinPeddy, yes02:08
PeddyOnlyodin, do you mostly use unity or gnome shell?02:08
OnlyodinI'm trying to stick it out with unity02:09
OnlyodinI don't mind the launcher, but I really don't like the "Ubuntu Start" or "Dash Home" as it seems to have been renamed to tdoay.02:10
OnlyodinI'd much prefer to have Applications, Places, Etc in a Menu format - I have a mouse and I'd prefer to use its strengths.02:12
min|dvir|us_Peddy: thanks!02:13
Peddymin|dvir|us_, did it work? :D02:14
Peddyglad to hear it!02:15
zhiweihello,everyone. how to disable pptp vpn to remember password on ubuntu11.10?03:02
OnlyodinIf anyone doesn't see window geometry (cols x rows) when resizing gnome-terminal windows, please feel free to mark this bug as affecting you too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/76413403:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764134 in compiz (Ubuntu) "gnome-terminal no longer displays geometry on resize" [Low,Confirmed]03:08
hd1anyone running oneiric on an eee?04:50
hd1aside from me, of course04:51
Smedleshi all - currently running 11.10 with latest updates - if I logon with default 'Unity' after system starts up, I get n Unity sidebar or anything just the Evolution menus across the top05:00
Smedles'Unity 2D' works as expected05:01
Smedlesany tips?05:01
urlin2uSmedles, genearlly associayed with the graphic card and drivers, have you looked in additional drivers in the menu?05:03
Smedlesurlin2u: I think I already have the ATiI drivers installed05:07
Smedlesrunning 'additional drivers' from system settings from unity 2d triggered a crach in jockey-gtk05:08
urlin2uSmedles, sometimes the drivers from ubuntu work better then direct from a card manufacturer or other source, do you know which you have.05:09
SmedlesIIRC, on 11.04 I had the ATI 3rd party drivers - not sure if 11.10 kept that or changed it to something else05:09
urlin2uSmedles, the ones in Natty  don't belive follow with a upgarde, are you upgarde or a fresh install?05:10
urlin2uupgrades don't carry drivers I believe.05:10
urlin2uto the upgrade05:10
Smedlesahh graphics is running in VESA mode with fallback05:11
Smedlesthat would explain why Unity isn't working05:11
urlin2uthis command will identify the card   lspci | grep VGA05:11
urlin2unot my best area just so you know, but I wont advise anything that causes breakage05:12
Smedles01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Cedar PRO [Radeon HD 5450]05:12
sagaciI like that your name appears up the top right again05:14
urlin2uso that card as you know is supported in Natty and may or will be in oneiric, it may just be a little help from somebody more knowledgeable and/or your persistence in looking. It may be available through the app that crashed or a command or in sysnaptic not sure there really05:17
urlin2uthis link has a link at the top that may be it. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man4/radeon.4.html05:18
bullgard4_jbicha: Thank you for your help yesterday about "Launch a restricted guest session".05:19
Smedlesurlin2u: thanks for tips - will try changing display driver05:22
voozehey, i'm playing around with 11.10 daily (from yestoday) in virtualbox, but i can only run unity2d by default.. And the "new drivers" GFX does not appear.. how can i install it though terminal? Its an nvidia geforce GTS250M (1GB) card.. ? :)05:41
voozejust running 11.10 daily in virtualbox, cant wait for beta1 or 2! ;)05:47
oemi recently switched distro's but had ubuntu 11.10 alpha 2 installed i used the same login thats found in 11.04 and am curious to know if the update manager could have updated the login that caused it to crash well anyways i will wait for a working copy of 11.10 now btw gnome3 is awesome if for no other reason it just fills right for me05:53
oem^feels lol05:53
voozeHow do i switch to unity3d? I think i still use unity2d in virtualbox after installin guest additions and rebooting virtualbox06:11
urlin2uvooze, 2d will only work in vbox in a install you choose the option at the login06:12
urlin2uregular install06:13
voozeah okay :/ sad06:13
voozebut thanks06:13
voozeI should still use compiz manager in 11.10 right? To modify launcher etc.06:18
urlin2uvooze, you can but know what your doing.06:47
SmedlesTPhi all07:02
SmedlesTPuggh I tried to change video driver from vesa to ati and now the system hangs on startup after a message about  "the default security mechanism will be upgraded"07:03
SmedlesTPsomething relating to ntlm07:03
SmedlesTPI'm assuming this hang is related to trying to change display driver07:03
SmedlesTPI tried editing /etx/X11/xorg.conf to show Driver "vesa" but it still doesn't work07:04
Mirvthe alt key problem I described yesterday was now found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/83468407:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 834684 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Switcher shortcut to flip through windows breaks on !us layouts" [High,Confirmed]07:38
Mirvnot much testing done I guess07:38
jbichaof course Ubuntu is still alpha...07:43
Ian_CorneMirv: i've turned it off in ccsm07:59
SmedlesTPugghh Xorg.0.log shows "vesa: Ignoring device with a bound kerel driver'08:00
SmedlesTPso I guess I have to figure out how to stop the proprietary ati kernel driver loading08:01
SmedlesTPyay fixed (i think)08:05
SmedlesTPbut still no 3d support :(08:06
LynoureOn oneiric, on kubuntu I can no longer find the place where one sets the default ogg quality10:03
Lynoureit used to be under Multimedia, but I cannot see it there. Where can I set it now?10:04
zhiweihello,everyone. How to disable pptp vpn password autosave in ubuntu 11.10?10:13
zhiweiI found the solution,change password-flags=2 .10:39
nocturnHow can I uninstall :386 packages on amd64 multiarch11:44
nocturnthe package name looks like virtualgl:38611:44
jtaylori386 not 38611:45
nocturnbut dpkg -r virtualgl:386 or virtualgl says there's no installed package matching...11:45
nocturnjtaylor: this is the new multiarch functionality11:45
nocturnok, I see11:45
nocturnjtaylor: Thanks!!!11:45
heslamhey guys. is there a bug already submitted for the "Theme to be used for the UI" text in the Appearance section in System Settings?11:48
heslami am happy to make one if not, but i'm having trouble double checking11:49
jtaylorwhats the bug?11:53
jtaylorUI -> User Interface?11:53
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step2Is it possible to disable that the dash tint always tries to look a colour similar to the background? Always looks weird, I'd rather have it black/grey-transparent as before12:20
BluesKajHiyas all12:57
jtaylorhm I seem to have lost sound since13:01
jtaylorwas working yesterday13:01
jtaylorok weird mplayer and vlc don't work, but the falshplayer does have sound13:03
sagacistill ok for me :/13:05
Volkodavanybody installed on on Macbook 7.1 ?13:28
kyubutsuany changes to unity2d at all? have only seen unity3d news14:05
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carli2i have a question to oneiric: how can i set up multiple desktops?14:16
carli2and how can i start a program like with alt+f2?14:17
carli2from where can i get a working gnome2 environment?14:19
Ian_Corneyou cannot14:21
carli2where is the setup for my virtual desktops?14:21
carli2i cannot edit my panel14:21
Ian_Cornethat is correct14:21
Ian_Cornetype in display in the dash lens14:22
carli2where can i set up the window properties?14:23
carli2a lot of gtk components also dont work any more14:26
carli2where can i access the window properties?14:39
Onlyodinwhich window properties are you looking for?14:41
carli2the one where i can move the windows with kmod4 and auto-focus windows on hover14:42
OnlyodinYeah, good question. No idea.15:00
carli2and how can i move elements on the gnome-panel?15:06
Ian_Corneyou cannot15:06
carli2i'm using the fallback mode because other modes dont work properly15:06
Ian_Cornefallback is unity2d15:06
Ian_Cornewhich is also unity15:06
Ian_Corneand not gnome-panel15:06
Ian_Corneare you on 11.10?15:07
carli2i'm on 11.1015:08
Ian_Cornethen fallback is unity2d15:08
carli2i installed teh package gnome-fallback15:09
Ian_CorneN: Unable to locate package gnome-fallback15:10
Ian_CorneE: No packages found15:10
Ian_Corneyou did?15:10
Ian_Corne!info gnome-fallback15:11
ubottuPackage gnome-fallback does not exist in oneiric15:11
step2you mean gnome classic? at least on my syste some weird gnome-classic session still exists but it looks quite weird, as is to be expected if it is also deprecated by gnome themselves in favour of g-shell15:14
carli2ah, and the scrollbars dont refresh the window content when i move them15:29
carli2but that's buggy since 11.0415:29
carli2and when i switch the app with alt+tab, the cursor in the terminal is not highlighted even with focus15:40
carli2didnt you know enet 1.2 and enet 1.3 are incompatible from their function signatures?16:04
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carli2why is it then overwritten?16:05
carli2i need the old enet;16:05
carli2this will also break sauerbraten and other network based games16:05
Ian_CorneI don't, what, how? What are you talking about?16:05
carli2upgraded to version 1.316:06
carli2but 1.2 and 1.3 are incompatible16:06
carli2this breaks a bunch of games16:06
carli2and i have to build enet-1.2 from source and distribute binaries16:07
carli2and building enet from source means downloading codeblocks :strangle:16:08
carli2the correct package libenet0debian1 was removed since (dunno)16:13
carli2who is reliable for up- and downgrading libs and packaging all these things?16:18
carli2please bring this package back16:20
carli2and the software center is not able to install downloaded .deb files16:21
jbichacarli2: that's not true, software center can install .deb's but the dependencies have to be available16:24
jbichaand you can't install things that conflict with each other16:24
carli2they were. but it did not install16:25
carli2i installed with dpkg -i and it worked16:25
carli2and i got no feedback what went wrong in the software center16:25
carli2please bring that lib back: http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/lucid/libenet0debian116:26
carli2otherwise sauerbraten and a few other games are broken16:26
jtaylorgames in the ubuntu repository?16:29
Ian_Cornei doubt it16:29
carli2from enet 1.2 to enet 1.3 they changed the order of the struct content and the function signatures16:30
carli2in some cases, it crashes; in other cases i get data garbage16:30
carli2ubuntu should have named them different16:30
jtaylorit appears they did16:31
jtaylordifferent version library packages are mostly coinstallable16:32
carli2libenet0debian1 was removed from the sources; libenet-dev points to the newer version16:32
jtaylorjust install the version that works, and get upstreams to change to the newest one16:32
carli2i had to manually download the older version from a lucid repos16:32
carli2getting to the newest one requires to change my code _and_ i dont have enet 1.3 dll for windows; and i dont have a windows system to offer any more support for my game16:33
Ian_Corneso you want ubuntu to stay on the old version, because you can't update to the new?16:33
carli2the problem is that LTS's libenet-dev points to the older version16:33
carli2ubuntu should name them different and keep both versions in the sources16:34
jtaylorubuntu only supports its repository16:34
jtaylorif your program where packages the old version would not be removed from users systems16:34
carli2you cannot simply replace a kernel 1.2 by 3.0 without changing any driver code (if you know what i want to point out with that)16:34
jtaylorthere was not program in the archive which required the old version, so it was removed16:35
carli2well that causes me to extend the readme for my game;16:37
carli2and no one reads the readme16:37
carli2that makes it more and more complicated16:37
jtaylorthe best solution is to get your game packaged and added to the archive16:38
jtaylorthen library transitions will take it into account16:38
carli2libNewton could be packaged first.16:38
Ian_Corneyou could also set up a ppa16:39
Ian_Cornefor the older library16:39
Ian_CorneIt's not that easy to get into the main archive, or so I've heard16:39
carli2that requires a lot of work... packaging, cross compiling, ...16:41
carli2but i will try16:41
yofelwell, would need some packaging changes, but would be doable I guess. We don't maintain enet in ubuntu though, it's just synced from debian16:41
yofelwhy cross compiling?16:41
carli2i386, amd64, arm16:42
carli2but for arm i only plan android and pandora; dunno if arm desktop will come16:42
yofelah, no arm support in the PPAs, but the other 2 will be built16:42
carli2i'm using newton game dynamics. should i put it into an extra package?16:43
jtaylorif you attempt to get it into the archive it is preferable to add it to debian16:44
Ian_Cornecarli2: is your game free or payed?16:44
Ian_Cornejust wondering :)16:44
jtaylorfor that it must fullfil the debian free softawre guidlines16:44
carli2i dont know if i will keep it as a hobby or earn money with it.16:45
Ian_Cornefor android, you could probably easely make a paid and an add version? :)16:45
carli2and if i earn money with it, i have to decide between gaming fees or buying.16:45
carli2the game itself is open source under an ISC-like license16:46
carli2but the source is not released yet because we're developing (http://goldenwipf.de)16:46
jtaylorthe source has to be available for it to go into the regular archives16:47
carli2the source of newton is available. i will see if i maintain the dependencies at first.16:48
carli2an other problem in oneric: i dont see the cursor where i write; and pressing left does not move the invisible cursor16:49
carli2its only in the pidgin write window16:49
carli2and only for some tabs16:49
carli2same problem with lazarus, also hidden cursor on some tabs16:50
Ian_CorneI do see my cursor in pidgin16:50
carli2i see it in every tab except the #ubuntu+116:51
carli2are there some scripts to build random libraries into a .deb package?17:04
carli2similar to makekpkg, but for libs17:05
carli2how is a lib like gtk packaged?17:05
jtaylorlibrary packaging is complicated17:07
jtaylorhere is some info: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html17:07
jtaylorbut some of it is outdated17:08
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hdpbI lost Unity3D following update on 8/25. 2D is fine. What should I check to find reasons?18:21
anadonsystem doesn't like some important repoitories, such as security:   http://pastebin.com/K9UEsnxJ18:33
jtaylorhow can mplayer and vlc have nosound, but flashplugin does21:31
jtaylorusually its flash that makes me problems not the program that works best on my desktop ._.21:31
jtaylorany hints on fixing it, worked yesterday both players give no error message, pulseaudio seems running21:32
Ian_Cornesorry, don't know, but lol at the situation :)21:34
notlisteningI just ran an upgrade from 11.04 and chose not to migrate the window manage from gdm is that going to cause me a headache?22:00
jtaylorit might, gdm will probably not be supported by canonical anymore22:10
notlisteningis there a way to force the move after the system installs?22:16
* penguin42 should do that as well - I suspect removing gdm and installing lightdm might do it22:24
Ian_Cornedpkg --reconfigure might also work22:25
Ian_Corneto get the same popup22:25
penguin42well, apt-get remove gdm wasn't too happy, but it did then ask me what to use and let me choose lightdm - I guess I'll find out if it worked next time I boot!22:28
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jtaylorreconfigure should do it22:29
jtaylordpkg-reconfigure that is22:30
Ian_Corneyeh it's dpkg --configure and dpkg-reconfigure22:31
Ian_Cornealways get the two mixed up :)22:31
jtaylorIf I recall correctly from when I changed to kdm it should then ask you which one you want from the installed ones22:31
Ian_Corneit does22:32
* penguin42 might do the same on his other box; I've go ta problem with gdm where it occasionally leaves it's metacity running in my KDE session22:39
penguin42(which feels like a nasty security bug, but that wasn't agreed with when I reported it, hohum)22:39
notlisteningwhat package do i have to reconfigure22:47
notlisteningand keeping gdm just killed the upgrade spectacularly22:47
jtaylorgdm or lightdm22:47
jtaylorshouldn't matter22:47
notlisteningokay it failed22:48
notlisteningIs there a way to get it run install again?22:55
notlisteninglike installing from a CD but from the running system like an upgrade22:56
jtaylorwhat is failing?22:57
Ian_Cornesudo apt-get install -f should continue the install23:00
notlisteningit did23:00
notlisteningI just get a blank screen when restarting how after the splash screen23:01
notlisteninghastens to add i was getting this on 11.04 aswell I can get any output and the video is configured as much as i can tell23:02
notlisteningit is the open-chrome video driver23:02
notlisteningworked on < 10.1023:02
notlisteningI can hear the distored login sound23:04
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zhiweiI can't use banshee to listen music,when I start up banshee, exception info:Exception in Gtk# callback delegate23:13
zhiwei  Note: Applications can use GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException to handle the exception.23:14
penguin42file a bug - is that the only message?23:19
zhiweipenguin42: no,there are many lines of error message.23:21
penguin42zhiwei: Can you put them in a paste bin?23:25
jtaylorok I'm confused, after opening a file with vlc and my pc freezing + reboot sound is working again ...23:47
jtaylorbut its not the first reboot since I have the problem so that did not solve the isse23:47
jtaylorthe crrash seem to have done it xD23:48
Ian_Cornejtaylor: i had that too, vlc crashed my session23:48
Ian_Corneit was not good.23:48
jtaylorok no23:48
jtaylorits not fixes23:48
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jtaylorworked in banshee, started mplayer, sound gone, gone in banshee too ..23:49
jtaylormplayer probably breaks it ._.23:49
penguin42jtaylor: If you do a pactl exit  does it then work?23:50
jtaylorConnection failure: Connection terminated23:52
jtaylordoes not fix it23:52
yofelhm, I can use smplayer fine here, so I doubt that's the problem23:52
* penguin42 has had some hard to define problems lately where it has taken a pa restart23:53
penguin42hmm, bug or feature? comments addressed to me in pidgin seemed to have stopped getting notify-osd'd23:57

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