
=== Guest31587 is now known as gorilla
benonsoftwareis it me or did a message from the list arrive 7 hours late?09:45
benonsoftwareI only just recieved "Re: Sound in Skype"09:45
gorillaI can't comment. I didn't read my email for several hours.09:49
benonsoftwareI read my mail 2 hours ago and just got that09:49
elkyemail is like that. sometimes the email servers get inundated and it takes time to process stuff09:52
head_victimIt was moderated.09:56
head_victimIt was probably sent this morning and I just approved it in the last hour or so.09:56
benonsoftwareOh thanks09:58
head_victimNo worries10:01
airtonixhead_victim: looool. how do you perform write actions on a source with a copy action?11:30
airtonixi know, it baffles the mind11:31
head_victimairtonix: I missed something?11:53
airtonixsomeone modified your home page by copying it?11:54
head_victimOh the team wiki home page.11:54
head_victimThey've copied our structure and somehow they started updating ours to be their information.11:54
head_victimSo they thought they were working on theirs but were mangling ours.11:54
airtonixmost likely because php sucks and they didn't change the database connection details11:55
head_victimYeah simple reversion and email sent to the person that made the changes.11:55
airtonixi mean i assume you just let them copy the php11:56
head_victimairtonix: nah I think it was simple human error.11:56
sagaciah ok11:56
head_victimThey copied our page to set theirs up a while ago and modified it to be their team page11:56
airtonixphp still sucks thought11:56
head_victimLook familiar??11:56
airtonixyeah looks like the main ubuntu site11:57
head_victimI don't mind, I stole half the stuff on our front screen from random wiki's and then adusted them for our needs.11:57
airtonixyou deprived other people of software?11:57
airtonixyou pirate you11:58
head_victimHah it's all CC-BY-SA anyway11:58
head_victimAnd reproduced under the same license.11:58
sagaciit looks good11:59
head_victimOurs is significantly different from the source that it was really just a mismash of ideas.11:59
airtonixso you're not talking about the css then ? 12:00
head_victimJust the wiki editing.12:00
airtonixoh ok12:00
head_victimI'm no good on anything but wiki's :/12:00
head_victimAnd I'm about as creative as a house brick.12:01

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