
niemeyerhazmat: Sorry about that00:00
hazmatkirkland, yeah.. its something in libevent/epoll handling00:00
niemeyerkirkland: Blame linux, apparently :-(00:00
SpamapSensemble depends on ssh00:01
SpamapSgotta love what testing in clean chroots does00:01
_mup_ensemble/trunk r333 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net00:07
_mup_Workaround lock up bug in tmux/epoll/whatever. [r=hazmat]00:07
_mup_Thanks a lot to Kapil and Juan for debugging this issue for hours.00:07
niemeyernegronjl: Just asked for a build in the ppa00:08
kirklandniemeyer: et al: I'm outta here... talk to you folks later00:10
kirklandniemeyer: hit me with any others you hit00:10
niemeyerkirkland: Thanks for your help00:10
SpamapShm.. trying to figure out the best way to include AWS creds on this jenkins box without giving away everything.00:10
niemeyerkirkland: Have a good EOW :)00:10
negronjlniemeyer: thx.  I'll work with it when I see it.  Thank you and hazmat and kirkland for working on this.00:11
niemeyernegronjl: My pleasure00:54
niemeyernegronjl: I'm glad we managed to find it00:54
negronjlniemeyer: me too :)00:54
niemeyerIt's certainly going towards the obscure side :-) 00:54
negronjlheheh....ensemble bugs are going towards the dark side ...lol00:55
niemeyerWorse than the problem was a friend asking on G+ "Why would you redirect stderr to /dev/null?"00:55
negronjlthe more and more people start playing with ensemble's source, you'll start getting these kinds of questions more and more.... be ready :P00:56
niemeyernegronjl: Hehe :)00:56
hazmatniemeyer, afaics it is a bug in tmux, i don't really see any concrete pointers to why they think its libevent/epoll01:30
=== kim0 is now known as kim0|holiday
niemeyerhazmat: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=63198402:20
hazmatniemeyer, not very concrete, the author says there is a bug.. its not reported/linked to the bug anywhere..02:21
niemeyerhazmat: There's evidence that using select rather than epoll works02:22
hazmatfair enough... niemeyer have a good weekend02:23
niemeyerhazmat: Thanks dude, have a good one02:23
_mup_ensemble/fix-functional-testing r333 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com02:44
_mup_More robust test_bootstrap_and_connect testing02:44
_mup_ensemble/expose-cleanup r332 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:16
_mup_Delete security groups in the background04:16
_mup_ensemble/expose-cleanup r333 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:17
_mup_Removed debugging04:17
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=== daker is now known as daker__
=== daker_ is now known as daker
_mup_ensemble/go-formulas r7 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net14:35
_mup_Implemented initial metadata.yaml reading and parsing.14:35
_mup_Bug #835479 was filed: Parsing metadata.yaml is needed in Go <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/835479 >14:43

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