
sum1nilhi all! I need to learn how to apply a patch described in the website: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=553706 - message # 10. Any help is as always appreciated.01:05
ubottuDebian bug 553706 in glob2 "FTBFS with GCC 4.4: 'class GAGCore::StreamBackend' has no member named 'getc'" [Serious,Fixed]01:05
sum1nilwhat is ubottu? sorry01:05
sum1nilDo I put the patch in the src folder and use edit-patch?01:09
sum1nilI put it n the same src folder as the original *.cpp file; what do I do next?01:21
jbichaubottu is a bot, one of its job is to give more info about bugs mentioned in chat01:36
sum1nilthank you sorry for the delay. I manually re-arranged the headers, but would love to know how to use the patch file properly. ty01:38
jbichasum1nil: that patch has already been applied, what version of glob2 are you trying to use?01:40
sum1nili download the tarball from their site. For some reason I could not download the ubuntu package.01:40
jbichasee message 24 on that bug report01:41
jbichaif the current version in Ubuntu doesn't work, then it probably doesn't work in Debian either so it should be reported there too01:42
sum1nilone moment please...01:43
sum1nilI clicked the linux link for downloads and it took me to ubuntu Beta 4 ( but couldn't click and download01:44
jbichawhy aren't you just using the Ubuntu package in Software Center?01:45
sum1nilIn retrospect that would have been easier.. I would also like to know how to patch things though01:46
jbichasum1nil: quilt is the magic tool for Debian packaging patches01:47
sum1nilThanks. I'll do more research. You guys do an awesome job BTW. Many thanks for providing the work you do.01:48
ScottKjbicha: BTW, quilt isn't just used in Debian.  It was originally developed for (IIRC) kernel developers (which is why debian/patches isn't the default place quilt looks for patches).03:27
jbichaScottK: thanks, I think his question wasn't about packaging any way but he left too quick03:38
ScottKjbicha: BTW, I proposed a serverguide branch for merge today, I was wondering if you might have a look at merging it.03:39
jbichaScottK: I'll take a look but I haven't touched the serverguide much03:40
ScottKUnfortunately no one who has is around since sommer moved on.03:40
ScottKjbicha: Would it be possible to give core-dev access to push to the serverguide branch and just let us handle the merges since it doesn't go in a -docs package anyway?03:41
ScottK(just thinking out loud)03:41
jbichamy simplistic understand was that core-dev were supposed to have write access to everything Ubuntu03:42
jbichaScottK: how is server guide distributed these days?03:43
ScottKJust via the web site.03:43
ScottKDunno.  I know I can't push to the serverguide branch.  I tried.03:43
jbichaScottK: you mean just help.ubuntu.com?03:43
jbichaScottK: why don't you ask that on the ubuntu-doc mailing list? it sounds reasonable to me03:45
ScottKSince I'm not subscribed to it?03:45
hakermaniasladen, Hello. What happened ? I received 2 emails saying 'Brach linked ubuntu/wallch' one for the need packaging and one for the FFe, do you know anything?06:12
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sladenhakermania: there appears to be something strange with the buildds;  'libnotifymm-dev' is in the archive when I try and download it, but doesn't show up as published10:42
tumbleweedDeleted 23 hours ago by Colin Watson (From Debian) RoM; dead upstream, blocks libnotify 0.7; LP: #69199010:44
sladentumbleweed: mid-air collision timing eh!11:14
tumbleweedyeah :/11:15
tumbleweedhakermania: you've got some hacking to do :)11:15
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hakermania UNBELIEVABLE, just returned from my lessons, it seems that God don't wont this application to be in ubuntu12:59
sagacimaybe in ubuntu+113:00
hakermaniatumbleweed, why kind of hacking? Can't I just link the libraries statically?13:02
hakermaniaAnybody knows what should I do?13:05
hakermaniaI've freaked out13:05
hakermaniasagaci, what do you mean?13:14
tumbleweedhakermania: it's *in* ubuntu, the problem is that it isn't building13:19
tumbleweedhakermania: you nee to make it not need the library that was removed13:19
hakermaniatumbleweed, nice! So, do I require to do any 'ha(c)king'? xD?13:19
hakermaniawhat kind of?13:21
hakermaniaoh i see, sorry13:21
hakermaniaIs statical linking permitted?13:21
jtaylorstrongly discouraged13:22
hakermaniaBut how do C++ applications now display notifications???13:22
hakermaniasladen, Should I drop the libnotifymm dependency and reupload to revu?13:44
hakermaniaPity, I'd spent some hours on making the automatic image update and text work :(13:44
hakermaniaAlso, what about the other applications depending on this library? I bet there are plenty c++ showing notifications... Vlc, clementine...Both qt ones13:50
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debfxhakermania: why can't you port it to the libnotify C API?13:51
hakermaniadebfx, which is the libnotify C API? Synaptic shows only libnotifymm as c++ libs for showing notifications13:54
jtaylorc++ can use C libraries13:55
sladenhakermania: if you can make it use the native C libnotify API that would avoid the dependency, yes13:56
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hakermaniajtaylor, I use the plain libnotify lib, not the libnotifymm, watch this screenshot, notice that I have the option to use libnotifymm and libnotify but I do use only libnotify (as seen in the above row)http://i.imgur.com/nfI38.png14:29
jtaylorwhy does it depend on mm then?14:29
hakermaniagood point14:30
hakermaniajtaylor, the package is called 'libnotify' as is? I though this provided the cli tool notify-send14:34
jtayloryou probably want libnotify-dev14:34
hakermaniajtaylor, yes, you are right, I just checked the dependency and it's libnotifymm-dev, hehe I was too lucky using the plain c lib14:38
jtaylorbugfix only upstream releases can be synced from debian without a ffe or?14:52
jtaylorhm but debian changed to dh_python2 when packaging it :/ that will need one14:54
Laneyalso correct14:55
tumbleweedif it's a sync, I'm less worried about the FFe for the dh_python2, but that is what we asked for14:56
hakermaniaSo, now that I fixed the dependency do I re-upload to REVU?15:02
tumbleweedhakermania: no, we genearlly use debdiffs in launchpad bugs for sponsorship15:03
hakermaniatumbleweed, how-to?15:03
tumbleweedalso, please subscribe to the bugs for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wallch15:03
tumbleweedhakermania: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess15:03
hakermaniatumbleweed, so, in sort, I provide you with the .debdiff file after I make the changes?15:09
hakermaniaAlso, should I edit the debian/changelog and add a new entry describing the change?15:18
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hakermaniaBut changelog should close a LP bug....Should I open one? 'Wallch faulty depends on libnotifymm-dev'? And close it in changelog?15:34
hakermaniaAnd dch forces it to be 0ubuntu2, is this correct?15:35
tumbleweedhakermania: yes, yes, yes (whith a title like "FTBFS, depends on libnotifymm-dev, which was removed"), yes, yes15:39
hakermaniatumbleweed, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks lol15:40
hakermaniatumbleweed, the bug to be against the Wallch project or against 'wallch in ubuntu'?15:47
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tumbleweedwallch in ubuntu15:56
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hakermaniatumbleweed, I cannot ofcourse attach the DEBDIFF on the initial post because I don't know what number the package has so as to update debian/changelog first :P Or just mark it 'to progress' and then in another reply post the debdiff?16:06
hakermaniathe bug has*16:06
hakermaniaCan I do any upstream change and include it to this debdiff?16:18
jtaylorno upstream changes should be in debian/patches16:22
jtaylorfor v3 packages16:22
tumbleweedjtaylor: "no, "16:23
hakermaniatumbleweed, thanks for the correction because yes, i misunderstood it.16:24
hakermaniaSo, I cannot correct any upstream code for the time being.....16:25
tumbleweedyou can correct it, preferably with a quilt patch16:26
jtayloryes you can but it will have to be in the form of a patch in the debian.tar.gz (= a quilt patch in debian/patches)16:26
hakermaniajtaylor, and then send both the debdiff and the quilt patch or debdiff will inlude the upstream patch as change?16:28
jtaylorthe patch will be in the debdiff16:28
hakermaniaim genious16:29
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hakermaniaShould I describe the upstream changes to debian/changelog?16:49
hakermaniaedit-patch forces me to do this16:49
ScottKhakermania: Only very important ones.  It's not needed to describe every change.17:07
LaneyI quite often paste NEWS in there, but you might need to edit it a bit17:07
ScottKAren't you supposed to be bicycling?17:08
hakermaniaScottK, what is this?17:09
hakermaniaI think I will not refer to it at all, its importance is less than minor17:09
hakermaniait fixes a bug happening in non-unity environments17:09
ScottKThere are lots of non-Unity environments in Ubuntu.17:10
ScottKhakermania: The bicycling comment was for Laney.17:11
hakermaniaScottK, still the bug is minor and specific, so it17:18
hakermania's Ok17:18
hakermaniaOK, when debdiff is attached, should this change to 'fix committed', right? Because released requires the solution to be downloadable and installable...17:32
hakermaniadebdiff submitted17:36
hakermaniabug 83552417:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 835524 in wallch (Ubuntu) "FTBFS, depends on libnotifymm-dev, which was removed" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83552417:37
sladenhakermania: yes, but does this actually change the source code?  Or was the 'libnotifymm-dev' requirement a lie (not needed in the first place?)18:09
sladenhakermania: the only change in there appears to be the remaining of a wallpaper.png18:10
hakermaniasladen, no, see closer http://paste.ubuntu.com/676090/18:17
hakermaniaIt changed the dependency18:17
sladenhakermania: I know if changed the dependency.  But it didn't change the program code!18:19
sladenhakermania: the only way that is going to work (and the program still compile) is18:20
sladenhakermania:  (a)  The dependency was wrong in the first place, and not actually used18:20
sladenhakermania:  (b)  The build system checks for libnotfiymm availalbility, and turns it off at build time18:21
hakermaniasladen, yes, it's (a), it worked because libnotifymm-dev has a dependency on libnotify-dev, which is the actual dependency, here's the libnotifymm-dev's dependencies: http://i.imgur.com/men2I.png18:22
hakermaniaSo, there's no reason to change the code, I needed libnotify-dev in 1st place18:22
sladenhakermania: can you add that explanation, clearly to  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wallch/+bug/83552418:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 835524 in wallch (Ubuntu) "FTBFS, depends on libnotifymm-dev, which was removed" [Undecided,Fix committed]18:24
sladenhakermania: noting that it was /incorrect/ dependencies in the first place18:24
sladenhakermania: and that no APIs from  *mm  are actually used18:24
hakermaniasladen, thanks, done18:30
hakermaniaWill somebody apply this debdiff somehow? Any further action from my side?18:45
jtaylorsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug, then someone will have a look18:47
hakermaniajtaylor, thanks, done18:51
hakermaniaAlso, where do I submit an icon for Wallch for USC?19:40
hakermaniaWhat does this reply mean? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnotifymm/+bug/691990 Does (s)he want a quick fix for wallch? Or it doesn't refer to it at all?20:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 691990 in libnotifymm (Ubuntu) "Please remove libnotifymm (universe) from oneiric archive" [Wishlist,Fix released]20:14
hakermaniasladen, thanks again. Goodnight21:47
LaneyScottK: Maybe setting off in a couple of days; got held back by parental hospitality :-)23:16
Laneynot to mention the weather23:17
sladenhakermania: np.  You probably want to subscribe to23:26
* ScottK sits in the middle of a hurricane and wonders what Laney means by "weather".23:27
ajmitchScottK: it's affecting you a bit there?23:31
sladenScottK: does think of it as garden re-landscaping on the cheap23:33
sladenScottK: just think of it as garden re-landscaping on the cheap!23:33
ScottKJust a bit.  We're far enough west to for it to be just some wind and rain.23:34
ScottKIt's also tracking east of the original projection.  I'm sure that's not hurting either.23:35
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