
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== daker is now known as daker__
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakernewz2000, ping15:04
newz2000hey daker15:05
dakerquick question: is http://www.canonical.com/rss.xml have always 10items ?15:08
dakernewz2000, ^15:08
newz2000daker: let me look15:09
newz2000daker: sorry, I can't easily find where that's set at15:51
dakernewz2000, no problem15:56
Ronniemhall119, cjohnston: i have a question about event timezones20:09
Ronniewhy is the timezone only localized if the event contains an venue or channel?20:09
mhall119Ronnie: channel doesn't matter20:18
mhall119it'll use the venue if it has one20:18
mhall119then it'll try using the team's default timezone20:18
mhall119otherwise it'll be UTC20:18
Ronniemhall119: http://pastebin.com/iyu2S24K20:30
Ronnieit specifically checks for a venue, then channel, else UTC20:30
mhall119so it does, I didn't remember that22:24
mhall119I'm not really sure what the rationale was behind that either22:25
Ronniemhall119: did you wrote that code?22:25
mhall119I might have....but for the life of me I can't understand why I would22:26
mhall119so I'll just blame nigelb for it, since he's asleep and can't defend himse22:26
Ronniemhall119: what do you think of this? http://pastebin.com/RCUe5M4Y22:44
mhall119Ronnie: .all should be .filter22:45
Ronniejust noticed, but was too slow to type22:45
Ronnieany other remarks?22:47
mhall119Ronnie: nope, that looks sane to me22:50
Ronniehey daker22:50
Ronniemhall119: ill go testing and pushing than22:50
mhall119good evening daker22:50
dakermhall119, is the test looking good now ?22:57
mhall119daker: sorry I haven't gotten to it yet, been fixing summit22:57
dakermhall119, any idea what's the problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/676242/ ?22:59
dakerah got it23:01
Ronniemerge is ready to be reviewed: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/team-event-timezome/+merge/7315223:23
dakerwoow my first ppa https://launchpad.net/~daker/+archive/slumber23:44
mhall119PPAs are awesome23:44
dakerpackaging is not easy :/23:46
mhall119it gets easier23:49
mhall119especially with bzr builddeb23:49
mhall119also, once you get the packaging files done, you don't have to do much besides "dch -i" to update the changelog23:50

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