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sunredskyI'm trying to install xubuntu on an old Dell with 128Mb Ram.  Its not going well...05:08
Unit193I wouldn't think it would go well...05:09
sunredskyWhy not?05:09
Unit193What's the CPU like though?05:09
sunredskyPIII 900MHz05:09
Unit193You are using the AltCD, right?05:09
sunredskyChanged Bios to boot from CD and try to install and just get the xubuntu logo for a long time05:10
sunredskyThen the system locks up and I cant do anything but reboot05:10
sunredskyBy AltCD, you mean the iso?05:12
Unit193Alternate CD, not LiveCD05:12
sunredskyHmmm, don't know the difference.05:12
Unit193Xubuntu can't exactly run on 128, I would recommend maybe checking out Lubuntu or something smaller like that.05:13
sunredskyThe docs say it will run on 128.  Am I doing something wrong?  By the way I forgot to mention that Windows ME is already installed on the system.  Do I need to uninstall first?05:15
Unit193You wouldn't need to uninstall ME first. Would you mind pointing me where it says that in the docs? As it says here http://www.xubuntu.org/get that you would need 256 for minimum05:17
sunredskyMaybe I misread it.  Sorry.  I'm just trying to get a machine running that I can learn about linux and bash.  Command line is fine, I don't need much.  Will lubuntu do the trick?05:21
Unit193I don't mean to sound harsh, but this is the Xubuntu support channel so I'll direct you to #lubuntu and give you https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu (Says on the page 128 would be slow, but usable)05:25
Unit193I've personally run it on 512M and 500MHz :P05:25
sunredskyNo, I understand - you're right.  Thanks for the help.05:25
Unit193Sorry that Xubuntu won't work for you, it's great though :D05:26
sunredskyI'm off to find a distro that I can run on a 128 machine...05:26
Unit193distrowatch too :D05:26
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* Unit193 sleep05:26
aLeSDhi all07:48
aLeSDI am thinking in returning back to Xubuntu07:48
aLeSDbut I hav a question : I am developing in Qt07:49
aLeSDis it ok ?07:49
aLeSDand is Xubuntu really faster than (K)Ubuntu ?07:49
aLeSDI am on an Atom07:49
ulasnothing to discuss ? :)08:07
SysiaLeSD: xubuntu uses a bit less RAM08:24
aLeSDSysi: no problem of ram here08:25
aLeSDonly need fastness08:25
Sysiabout Qt, you can do it as well as on any *buntu08:25
Sysixubuntu may feel a bit snappier than unity/kde08:25
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xubuntu848geil ich kann wärend der installation im irc chatten13:23
xubuntu848blabla schwafel13:24
Sysiin english actually13:24
xubuntu848wtf i can chat while the instalation of xubuntu13:25
xubuntu848blabla bla13:25
charlie-tcaYes, you can13:25
charlie-tcaFirst time installing Xubuntu?13:25
xubuntu848yep, i tried ubuntu before, but the "unity" desktop is not good in my opinion :/13:26
xubuntu848then i tried kubuntu, but it stops suddenly, only restart possible13:27
xubuntu848and now xubuntu13:27
anton_unoI have usb sound card and can't setup it. It only works in VLC because there is a choice of output device.14:38
Sysiinstall pavucontrol14:43
anton_uno<Sysi> it works, thanks14:53
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)14:53
xubuntu411dove posso chiedere aiuto?16:00
xubuntu411nessuno mi dà una mano16:06
knome!it | xubuntu41116:10
ubottuxubuntu411: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:10
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stephanhey i have installed a panel plugin via ./configure, make, sudo make install. but i can't choose the new plugin in the panel. how can i add the new plugin?17:29
TheSheepstephan: you should use the packages provided by the package manager17:40
stephanTheSheep: but i want a plugin that i cant find in there17:42
TheSheepstephan: which plugin is that?17:43
stephanTheSheep: is there a reason why the ./configure, make, sudo make install commands are not working?17:45
TheSheepstephan: as that page says, you need to change the path where the plugin goes17:46
TheSheepinstead of /usr/lib/xfce4/xfce4/panel-plugins it's /usr/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins in xubuntu17:46
TheSheepand instead of /usr/share/xfce4/panel-plugins it's /usr/share/xfce4/panel/plugins17:47
TheSheepor so it seems17:48
TheSheep(I'm guessing from the paths on my own system)17:48
stephanoh ok17:49
TheSheepyou need to edit Makefile for that, as the author wrote17:50
stephanjap, thank you.17:51
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kiichirohey where would I find the drivers on my xubuntu and will they work with windows xp?20:19
Sysino chance20:20
Sysifor the second and that makes first not needed I guess20:21
TheSheepkiichiro: xubuntu has all the drivers that work with it included already, and they won't work with windows20:21
kiichiroah great now I got to go find a stupid on board nic driver,20:21
kiichiroyou know they really should find a way to make it not need one, maybe have a ROM chip storing the info on it?20:22
TheSheepyou can just use xubuntu instead20:22
kiichirono since it doesn't support silverlight which I need for my online class20:22
kiichiro and mozilla doesn't want to accept moonlight20:23
TheSheepkiichiro: ehem, http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight20:23
Sysiif you gat1GB ram, I recommend win7 instead of XP20:23
Sysi*got 1GB20:23
TheSheepkiichiro: what does that have to do with mozilla?20:23
kiichiroI don't have 7 and I've had the xp disc for awhile that's why I'm not upgrading,20:23
TheSheepalso, try ##windows for windows support20:24
kiichirogotcha, well they won't be able to help me on my linux based questions like where to find stuff etc, I know xp well20:25
Sysilspci tells what hardware you got20:25
kiichiromkay thanks, hate taking the computers apart just to plug a nic in for 60 seconds and have to put it back in the orignal computer and blah blah blah20:26
andres-kainhello all, you must get this question alot. How do I change the login screen?20:53
andres-kainthe image only really20:55
hat1hey all.  is there a way to disable tap-to-click in xubuntu natty, without mucking about in config files?20:56
hat1fantastic.  you've been a big help.20:57
hat1what is it?20:57
TheSheep!info gpointing-device-settings20:58
ubottugpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-4 (natty), package size 58 kB, installed size 584 kB20:58
TheSheepjust install and use that20:58
charlie-tcaandres-kain: TBH, I think you are the second person I have seen wanting to do that20:58
hat1thank you.  you've been an even bigger help now.20:58
TheSheepsorry for the delay, I had to find the exact name20:58
hat1no worries, of course.20:59
charlie-tcaandres-kain: and, I don't know if it is possible20:59
andres-kaincharlie-tca: !gdm ?21:00
andres-kainis gdm some sort of program I need to install?21:00
charlie-tcagdm is what creates the login21:00
charlie-tcaso, to change the login screen, you change something in gdm21:01
andres-kainI see... it is some sort of xml file?21:01
TheSheep(I didn't test that myself)21:02
andres-kainthank you!21:02
andres-kainI'have seen the same link in a diferent ircchannel so must be on the right track21:03
patricehi, i have a problem. I can't create files on my desktop21:32
patricei can create a folder but not a file, on the desktop21:33
Sysitry in file manager21:35
patriceplease, can anybody help me?21:35
patricefile manager?21:35
patriceno, i just want to be able to right click on the desktop and to create a new file21:36
patricelike normal. Like before21:36
Sysiiirc there's bug making that fail21:36
Sysiyou didn't install nautilus before it started to not happen?21:36
patriceit happens since i have a problem with a mounted disk21:37
patricei don't know why he wants to mount a disk at the os loading21:37
patriceit fails all the time21:37
patricei had problems since that21:37
patricewhat is iirc?21:39
Sysiif I remember/recall correctly21:40
patricearf sorry :)21:41
patriceso why my desktop doesn't let me create a file with the contextual menu?21:41
patricewhat can i do to fix that bugg?21:42
num8erhello everybody21:44
num8erplease help21:44
num8erI've Dell Inspiron n5110  with  i915   and  nvidia gt 525m  vga cards. but I cannot use nvidia, I've installed proprietary drivers21:45
num8erput after restart21:45
num8erit says "No Screen"21:46
Sysiyou propably have nvidia optimus system, that doesn't work in linux21:46
num8erit's optimus21:46
num8erbut why doesn't?21:46
Sysibecause nvidia doesn't want to support it on linux, there are some projects for making it work but not anything really stable21:48
num8erwhat is bumblebee21:48
Sysiproject to make nvidia optimus work on linux21:49
num8erso cn' you help me with installing21:49
num8eror give me a link21:49
num8erwith instructions21:50
SysiI google as well as you propably21:50
num8eri've found21:51
hyliani lost my windows decorations, please help21:53
Sysialt F2 "xfwm4 --replace"21:53
hylianSysi, thank you, that fixed it. I hate the indicator applet, so i was looking for a decent replecement. don't use knetworkmanager... :)21:54
Sysinm-applet should work on notification area too21:55
hylianSysi, i don't see that as an option in xubuntu, because they made nm-applet part of indicator applet now.21:56
Sysithey're totally separate panel applets21:57
Sysiwhops, misread21:57
hylianSysi, it doesn't show it under add panel item... i guess i'll have to do some research. thanks again for the help!21:57
Sysiremove indicator-applet, log out and back in and you should have nm-applet on your notification area21:57
hylianSysi notification applet is greyed out... is that because indicator applet is running?21:58
Sysino, it's because you already have it in your panel21:58
hylianyou're right, it is there, but it isn't showing my network manager data...22:01
hyliani will reboot and see what happens22:01
patriceanybody can help me please?22:08
hylianSysi, thank you. that is exactly what i wanted. works like a charm now :)22:09
* hylian dances the cha-cha...22:10
farchordalmost like if the update just.... turned everything upside down23:24
farchorderm sorry23:24
farchordHey guys, got a problem and it's annoying the bejeesus out of me. I used xubuntu yesterday and it worked fine, did system updates and rebooted. Now, when I start xubuntu, I get to the desktop, but windows have no title bar, the start bar appears but disappears soon after, and I can't type anything anywhere23:24
farchordmeant taskbar sorry, old windows habits die hard23:25
charlie-tcaDoes Alt+F2 work?23:26
charlie-tcaIf it does, type xfwm4 and hit enter23:27
farchordThat's the thing23:30
farchordI can't type in textboxes either23:30
farchordEXCEPT in the root prompt23:30
farchordyou know, where it asks you to type your administrator password23:30
farchordOr if I do CTRL+ALT+F1 to F623:31
charlie-tcaHit Ctrl+Alt+F2, log in, type xfwm4 &23:31
farchordthen I can type in console23:31
farchordbut the gui's totally.... well borked23:31
farchordill try later, but thanks for the tip charlie23:32

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