
LPCIBotProject devel build #1,006: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 30 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1006/04:04
nigelbGah, no jtv.08:22
nigelbI think I caused a bunch of lint problems :(08:25
wgrantnigelb: Oh?08:35
nigelbwgrant: Yeah, jtv emailed me saying there are a bunch of lint warnings. Updaging devel and branching to poke at it.08:36
nigelbhm, what's pipes?08:40
nigelbbzr plugin?08:40
StevenKnigelb: Yes. lp:bzr-pipeline08:42
wgrantnigelb: bzr-pipeline08:43
wgrantIt's packaged.08:43
wgrantAt least in oneiric.08:43
nigelbNo lint warnings.08:43
nigelbNot from a fresh branch from devel08:43
wgrantmake lint only lints changed files.08:43
wgrantBecause the tree has so much damn lint still.08:43
nigelbwhat if I have no changed files?08:43
wgrantTo lint the whole tree would cause you to die.08:43
wgrantjtv wasn't talking about your branch?08:44
nigelbyeah, excepct I have no idea which one :D08:44
wgrantWhat does the email say?08:44
wgrantAnyway, now you have bzr-pipeline installed you'll see lint for any future branches.08:46
wgrantAnd people will fix the lint you've just created as they see it.08:46
nigelbOkay, so I don't need to get worked up into fixing it right now.08:46
wgrantJust try to avoid it in future :)08:47
nigelbI should just use lp-propose, why I didn't so far is baffling me08:48
nigelbHrm, I'm trying to add (UTC+foo) to person-index08:49
nigelbExcept I'm failing spectacularly.08:49
wgrantDoes pytz give you that information?08:49
nigelbNot easily.08:49
nigelbI wrote a function that does this. http://dpaste.com/603992/08:50
nigelbI'm fairly sure somone is going to stab me for that.08:50
nigelbMore importantly, I just have oops than it working.08:50
wgrant>>> pytz.timezone('Australia/Melbourne').utcoffset(datetime.datetime.utcnow())08:53
wgrantdatetime.timedelta(0, 36000)08:53
nigelbAdding this as a property to the PersonView class is the right thing?08:54
wgrantdatetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone('Australia/Melbourne')).strftime("%z") is slightly less confusing that what you wrote, but I think it might be what you want.08:55
wgrantUnless you want to convert the 36000 to +1000 yourself.08:56
wgrantWhich seems silly.08:56
nigelbThis works as well.08:56
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nigelbYay OOPS09:02
nigelb"LocationError: (<Person at 0xe7d252c name16 (Foo Bar)>, 'show_time_offset')<br /> "09:07
nigelbDoes that mean my function is not in the object?09:08
nigelbhm, OOPS-2066CP2609:20
nigelbI can't see the https://code.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel page09:20
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=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
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nigelbHow do I fix "./bin/lint.sh: line 125: pocketlint: command not found"?13:29
wgrantnigelb: sudo apt-get install python-pocket-lint13:33
wgrantDo you have launchpad-developer-dependencies installed?13:34
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nigelbwgrant: I followed the instructions to set up launchpad14:18
nigelbI don't know if the developer dependancies wewre part of it14:18
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* nigelb fails at tests15:07
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LPCIBotProject devel build #1,007: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 46 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1007/18:20
lifelessnigelb: the dependencies package is part of the scripts18:58
lifelessnigelb: did the scripts glitch or error ?18:58
nigelblifeless: Installing python-pocket-lint fixed it.19:20
nigelband the scripts were not working actually.19:20
nigelbI now realize doing a make lint until today was ineffective :(19:21
nigelbI'm having some trouble with create_initialized_view20:10
nigelbI did a html = create_initialized_view(person, '+index')()20:10
nigelbhtml turns out empty20:10
wgrantlifeless: Go away.23:07
lifelessI am gone.23:09
wgrantGood :)23:10
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jelmerwgrant: 'morning23:12
jelmerwgrant: do you know what the status of staging is?23:13
wgrantStill broken.23:13
wgrantDon't expect it for a few more days at least.23:13
wgrantIt's a little over two weeks out of date now.23:13
jelmerok :-/23:13
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wgrantWhat does it do that you desire? bzr 2.4?23:13
jelmeryeah, I landed my bzr 2.4 branch on db-devel two weeks ago with plans to do extensive QA on staging.23:14
wgrantI will try to coerce LOSAs into unbreaking it today, but failing that I will convince bigjools to bump the prio of the ticket.23:14
wgrantOr maybe I need flacoste.23:15
wgrantOh good, qastaging is broken now too.23:15
jelmerwgrant: seems alright here23:16
wgrantMaybe buildbot-poller.23:16
wgrantIt's 20 revisions out of date.23:16
wgrantYeah, buildbot poller is broken, it seems.23:16
wgrantStale lock.23:17
wgrantLOSA ping.23:17
wgrantspm: Could you please bzr break-lock lp:~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/stable?23:17
wgrantUnable to obtain lock  held by launchpad-pqm@bazaar.launchpad.net23:17
wgrantat crowberry [process #1008], acquired 64 hours, 30 minutes ago.23:17
wgrantThankyou sir.23:18
wgrantIt worked.23:21

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