=== doko__ is now known as doko === Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87 === Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away [11:48] rsalveti: I just found your lp bug with the fix for thumb2 crash on webm content [11:48] rsalveti: been looking for a solution to this for a while [11:48] rsalveti: I am wondering if we can make it available in the natty updates [11:49] rsalveti: I know many ppl who run natty on ARM tablets etc. and it would be nice to get webm on all these images floating around on the net === Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth [18:26] GrueMaster: Hi [18:26] :D [19:14] I'm downloading 10.04 Netbook live image since it says it's for OMAP3 devices and I have an IGEPv2 OMAP3. But how do I use it? Can I just dd it onto the memory card and boot? [19:15] and if so... Is there an image for oneiric as well? [19:15] jo-erlend: You would be better off with the 11.04 image as the omap3 kernel there covers more hw. The 10.04 was a tech preview only for Beagle. [19:16] oh, ok... I think I remember that, now that you mention it. [19:16] I'd really prefer oneiric, if there is an image for it? [19:16] And yes, dd is how you write to an SD. Instructions are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM [19:17] I can't find an image for 11.04 either. That's why I started to download 10.04. [19:17] The last released image for Oneiric was Alpha 3, but Beta 1 release testing begins tomorrow with release on Thursday. [19:18] there's no daily image? [19:18] It is now under http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled. It more closely matches the x86 desktop, so we dropped the netbook name. [19:18] ah. [19:19] I suppose upgrading from a3 to b1 will take quite some time on an OMAP3? [19:20] Possibly. But if you grab the daily-preinstalled/current, it won't be as bad. [19:20] where can I find that? [19:20] ah.. :) [19:21] I found it. :) [19:21] will I still have to compile a kernel, etc, or should it just work? [19:21] I have to run. It's my day off, so massive yard work is commencing. Need to get a load of gravel before they close. [19:21] I don't know how much support for iegp2 you can expect. [19:21] oh... Have fun and thanks for helping :) [19:22] GrueMaster, I'll let you know then :) [19:22] Good luck. [19:22] thanks. :) [20:16] now I remember. The IGEPv2 doesn't boot from boot.scr. I think it uses some kind of ini-file. [20:19] jo-erlend: Assuming our uBoot and xLoader work on igepv2, you might just be able to cp boot.scr boot.ini and be done. [20:20] jo-erlend: If not, you might been the uBoot and xLoader from here, and have to re-create the boot image: http://labs.igep.es/index.php/How_to_get_the_Ubuntu_distribution [20:23] infinity, it's only for 10.10 though. [20:24] Those old bootloaders would still work with our newer kernels. But, there's a fair chance our current bootloaders might Just Work anyway, if you rename boot.scr. [20:24] I can't say for sure, since I've never had a chance to play with an IGEPv2 board. === michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1 [20:28] infinity, I had a brief look at the boot.scr file from the Ubuntu image. It seems to be configured for a resolution my monitor doesn't support. How do I change it? [20:33] jo-erlend: Is it using omapfb.mode=dvi:?? notation? [20:34] infinity, I think so. I don't really know what that means. [20:34] that's what it looks like in the boot.scr file. [20:34] If so, something like omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x768MR-16@60 might work on your older monitor. [20:34] yes, but how do I make that into a valid boot.ini file? [20:35] Just copy boot.scr to boot.ini, and edit the command line. [20:35] what command line? I have no screen. [20:35] boot.ini is the same format as boot.scr, just a different filename to be difficult. :P [20:35] Err. I mean, edit the kernel command line in boot.ini. [20:35] Surely, you're doing this on another computer. [20:36] One with a monitor. :) [20:36] yes. But is it just a text file? [20:36] Yes. [20:36] Well, ish. Some implementations have a whacky hex header. [20:36] But if you edit in something like vim, it will happily just leave that alone. [20:36] it can't be opened in gedit. [20:37] oh, ok. [20:38] * infinity wanders off to have a Sunday. [20:38] Good luck. :) [20:40] :) [20:40] doesn't seem to want to boot. [20:40] perhaps I'll just have to use 10.10 and then upgrade and upgrade and upgrade :) [20:42] I don't understand why they don't just make an image and make it available. [20:42] the last time I wanted to boot that thing, I spent a week getting it to start. [20:46] is it normal for these kinds of ARM boards to require so much labor in order to boot? [20:46] heh.. I mean.. Installing Ubuntu on my laptop takes about 15 minutes. Installing it on ARM takes about 15 days. :) === MrCurious_ is now known as MrCurious