=== szczur is now known as test === test is now known as szczur [04:41] hey so I have a slightly new monitor and when i plug it in to my desktop the screen is all fuzzy [05:06] nobody i guess... [05:51] hey so I have a slightly new monitor and when i plug it in to my desktop the screen is all fuzzy [06:01] hey! whats a way to kill x server or just boot into the cli mode? [06:42] can someone help me de-bug a monitor problem [16:33] * suprengr would shout "Boo!"... but doesn't want to wake anyone in here up! [17:20] doesnt look like thats gonna happen lol [17:20] ah well.... BOO! ;D [17:20] Dmstrdj, ;) [17:21] kind of dull huh [17:22] not so much dull as a complete yawn job... [yawn] === bobweaver is now known as b08z80 === b08z80 is now known as bobweaver === bobweaver is now known as b08z80 === b08z80 is now known as b08z80-|-Z === b08z80-|-Z is now known as bobweaver === bobweaver is now known as b08z80 === b08z80 is now known as bobweaver === bobweaver is now known as b08z80-|-Z === b08z80-|-Z is now known as bobweaver [19:55] What should I do to remove all 'buy' options in Ubuntu ? [19:57] I never been so disappointed in Ubuntu. In the default installation the software centre try to sell me things. I think I'm out for ever. [19:57] what is that? :D [19:58] oh [19:58] dont use software center ;) [19:58] maybe that's why I didnt know about buying things [19:58] thank god Lubuntu team is making a new software center ;) [19:59] I thinking about never use Ubuntu again. I saw amazon in that buggie Banshee & now I'm ask to pay/buy. Its horrible. [20:00] I could understand if you're dissapointed in other things than a software center [20:00] Making a new centre without those commercial bulls*t [20:00] E3D3_1: this is a support channel, please watch your language and use this channel for asking for support (not complaining about the OS) [20:00] E3D3_1, pardon the bluntness... but I think you're being stoopid [20:00] suprengr: please be nice [20:01] E3D3_1: you can use the program "synaptic" if you want a graphical interface for installing software and don't like the software center [20:02] I use Synaptic normally but because it was there I tried the software centre. I never saw this face of Ubuntu before & it just scared the hell out of me. [20:02] pleia2, [i was trying to be nicwe - i was referring to using a limited section of Ubuntu.. not the character concerned [20:02] *nice [20:02] E3D3_1: please watch your language [20:02] this really isn't the place to insult Ubuntu [20:03] E3D3_1, now you have a good reason to move to Gentoo \o/ [20:03] ...& hi pleia2 [20:04] What ? Im not insulting, don't be so silly. Im serious, Im an Ubuntu fan for > 10 years & never saw something on my system asking for money. This was the first time. Yes I seen very good things about Gentoo but I hope I just can disable all the commercial annoyance. [20:05] Ubuntu has only been around for 7 years [20:05] Whatever, I have even an official Ubuntu sticker on all my laptops [20:05] synaptic has more fine tuned controls for what you want to see, the software center is designed to show you everything available (including paid and non-free) [20:08] Please can you help me to avoid another commercial question from my OS. In wich repositories are those. I never saw that kind of software although I install way to much. [20:08] you can try Debian [20:09] the Debian project is very committed to providing a free (as in beer and speech) Linux experience, it won't even install non-free drivers by default, and it's the base on which Ubuntu comes from [20:10] E3D3_1, confused... you started on Software Centre.. but next you complained about Banshee? You seem to know there are alternatives within Ubuntu... I'm confused with your line of thought. [20:11] suprengr: Banshee has paid services offered too [20:14] pleia2, but they are *choices* aren't they [as in not compulsory use] [20:16] suprengr: I agree, and they are features that people use and like, I think some folks are just bothered by being offered a paid option at all [20:17] Debian is probably a better option for these folks :) [20:18] pleia2, yea... like U1 offers itself free *and* a paid option... still you can't please all etc.! Y, perhaps other distros are better for those concerned