[02:23] about to file a bug, is it ok to link to a screenshot of the bug? [02:54] sagaci: you can add it as an attachment, then it won't get lost. but generally it's fine... [02:55] sometimes i link to youtube videos of bugs :) [02:55] make sure there's nothing private in the screenshot though [02:58] righteo thanks, didn't even see the attachment link :P === abhinav_ is now known as abhinav- [09:37] hi all, wanting to test a diff patch at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/festival/+bug/778619 - how would a newbie such as myself go about applying the diff to test it? Thanks. Looked at the man pages already but looking for specific guidance on this case. [09:37] Launchpad bug 778619 in festival (Ubuntu) "Festival TTS starts 'paused' for blocks of text (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] [14:13] hey is a triager around i believe i have a bug that can be triaged [14:13] its bug 835920 and i just added the bugwatch, that should be sufficient right? [14:13] Launchpad bug 835920 in checkgmail (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "CheckGmail with 2-step verification doen't work (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/835920 [14:16] trinikrono: you should comment on the bug that you have triaged it and sent it upstream [14:16] charlie-tca: i just put one :D [14:17] do you think that it has enough info to be considered triaged? [14:17] Okay, I will mark it, then. Importance desired? [14:17] sure, it is upstream already, right? also it has a duplicate, which confirms it. [14:18] done [14:18] Thanks for working on bugs. It does help! [14:19] charlie-tca: i would say low because it does not seem to be affecting a lot of users, only people wanting to use two step auth [14:20] I can agree with that. [14:22] thanks charlie-tca [14:23] You are welcome. [14:42] charlie-tca: if you are not busy can you look at bug 762392 [14:42] Launchpad bug 762392 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus Crashes On Opening Directory With Large Number Of Files (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/762392 [14:42] i am thinking to tell the reporter to run nautilus from the command prompt and see what it says when it crashes [14:44] i saw this page also http://live.gnome.org/Nautilus/Development/Bugs [14:45] where it says if nautilus crashes it makes a debug file [14:46] I would have the reporter do that. Then they can attach nautilus-debug-log [14:46] but, make sure to tell them to remove that .conf after or it will keep building the logs [14:58] where does the log end up charlie-tca in the ~/ folder? [14:59] That is where I think it will be, yes [14:59] It should be in the same directory as the .conf file [15:04] charlie-tca: i put it too incomplete and asked for them to check out the wikipage and attach the file [15:04] so hopefully that would cover it for now [15:04] since apport did not collect anything useful [15:05] yeah, that should be good [15:05] Without something showing what is happening, it is not going to be possible to fix it [15:06] :D thanks i am off now charlie-tca [15:06] Thank you for helping === paul__ is now known as Elbrus [19:20] Hiya everyone, I have reported a bug but it seems that no one has a answer for, could anyone help me sort it out? [19:21] bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/816145 [19:21] Launchpad bug 816145 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Atheros AR5001 wireless card "wireless is disabled by hardware switch" (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Medium,Incomplete] === SWAT___ is now known as SWAT [19:27] Evening all! [20:36] can someone set importance on bug 551432 - I won't do it myself because I'm one of the people suffering from it and I'm about out of ideas to debug it [20:36] Launchpad bug 551432 in virt-manager (Ubuntu) "virt-manager create disk image with LVM hangs for ever (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/551432 [20:38] Okay, what importance you want? [20:40] well I guess it's either medium or low depending if virt-manager is a 'core application' [20:40] (although for me it's a pit....) [20:40] it's in main, so I guess it's core - Medium [20:41] done [20:42] Thanks - it's time I learn't some more python :-( [20:46] python? No one said I have to learn python to do this now... ;) [20:54] oh it's just virt-manager is written in python - and a window is falling down a crack somewhere and I don't understand why [21:15] penguin42: what virt-manager version are you getting that issue on? [22:10] mdeslaur: 0.9.0-1ubuntu3 [22:10] penguin42: ah! thanks [22:11] let me just gather that stuff you asked for [22:16] ok, done - back in 10min [22:23] * penguin42 returns [22:25] mdeslaur: Would you expect virsh vol-list main to give me something useful - it doesn't [22:25] penguin42: did you create the "main" pool? do you have any idea what /dev/main is? [22:26] mdeslaur: It's an lvm2 volume group [22:26] oh, I see...are you storing stuff directly on lvm volumes? [22:26] mdeslaur: In there are 'archhurd crypt debianvm fedora13 fiddle2disk more server1a server1a-lucid testing' many of which are the disks used for VMs - yes [22:27] hmm...I'm going to need to install a machine with some lvm volumes to try and reproduce this...a few people have mentioned problems with lvms before [22:28] penguin42: has it ever worked? [22:28] mdeslaur: Yes, it worked great on Natty [22:28] mdeslaur: I've been running with this setup for about 18months - since I got this machine [22:30] penguin42: I'll try and reproduce this as soon as I get back from vacation...sorry about that... [22:30] mdeslaur: although I can't remember when I last created a VM was - probably a few months [22:30] mdeslaur: That's fine - can you give me some suggestions as to where to look for more debug; what I don't get is virt-manager is creating the window but it's not getting mapped, so what should be causing it to get mapped? [22:33] let me look at the code, one sec [22:35] something is createvol.py is going wrong I guess [22:37] yeh that's what I guessed - I've scattered debug prints everywhere and nothing seems to be exiting any of the functions early, the cleanup/finish functions aren't getting called [22:39] penguin42: what if you add "logging.debug("DAG: vol_class is %s" % self.vol_class)" to createvol.py line 44 [22:40] is line 44 the one after self.vol_class = ? [22:40] yep [22:40] just to see if it manages to get something sane there [22:41] penguin42: oh, can you also start virt-manager with "virt-manager --debug --no-fork" to see if that works any better? [22:41] 2011-08-28 23:41:48,453 (createvol:46): DAG: vol_class is [22:42] ok, that's fine I guess [22:42] mdeslaur: It happily gets all the way to the end of that function, [22:44] oooh! [22:45] mdeslaur: I think I might see what's going on [22:45] do tell :) [22:45] ok, I partially take that back - but I've got a change in behaviour [22:46] by doing what? [22:46] mdeslaur: I've got virsh vol-list to work, by changing the debug levels of lvm [22:47] 'New Volume' still isn't working - but at least it's now listing the volumes I had [22:47] mdeslaur: It seems to be sensitive to the 'command_names' option in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf [22:47] ah, yeah...it's probably parsing the output of lvm tools, and is sensitive to configuration and/or redhat differences [22:48] I'll need to reproduce this when I get back and go through it all [22:48] mdeslaur: Yeuch parsing the output of the lvm commands is grim! [22:48] so that would actually be in libvirt [22:48] ok, but 'New Volume' still doesn't work any better [22:50] but, that's work-aroundable since I can do it with LVM commands [22:50] (which then makes me wonder if New Volume has ever worked there and I've always done it on lvm commands?) [22:51] so...maybe you should get libvirt logging running and look in the libvirt logs...that would explain why virt-manager isn't printing anything useful [22:51] mdeslaur: I did - the libvirt logs are HUGE [22:51] virt-manager is probably incorrectly handling data that libvirt is returning [22:52] * penguin42 decides to start by filing a bug about the sensitivey to the 'command_names' lvm debug option [22:53] it's an option in the lvm config file, so is a perfectly valid thing to use - although to be honest I'd expected that to change only the output of logging [22:56] yeah...storage_backend_logical.c in libvirt parses the output of various lvm commands [22:56] * penguin42 grabs a bucket - surely there is an API for that [22:57] or use udisks [22:57] are you running en_US? [22:57] en_GB [22:58] oh dear that would get very messy [23:00] yeah, I think storage_backend_logical.c needs to be looked at to make sure all the regexes in there actually work with the tools we have in oneiric and will different locales [23:00] *sigh* [23:00] if it's parsing the output of lvm commands it'll probably break just by thinking about it [23:01] it probably doesn't handle spaces in filenames, that's for sure [23:02] anyway, I have to stop looking at this now... [23:02] I think one of the bugs here is that the command_names option in lvm actually changes the output of the command, not (just?) the stuff that's logged - so I'd happily take that as an LVM bug [23:02] mdeslaur: Thank you! [23:04] np, I'll take a look when I get back. thanks! [23:04] mdeslaur: For reference bug 836329 is the sensitivty to command_names, I'm also going to mark it as affecting lvm and let the lvm and libvirt side fight out which one is wrong :-) [23:04] Launchpad bug 836329 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "lvm volumes not listed if lvm has command_names option = 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/836329 [23:04] thanks!