[03:09] DktrKranz: did you mean to subscribe sponsors for bug 835416? it's in universe now, but also seeded in lubuntu [03:09] Launchpad bug 835416 in gdebi (Ubuntu) "Sync gdebi 0.8.1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/835416 [07:27] micahg: indeed, I didn't notice it was demoted. [07:27] DktrKranz: well, from the look of the bug, requestsync didn't help you at all :) [07:28] * DktrKranz hasn't launchpadlib integration yet :P [07:29] sladen, Good morning, why in armel it failed to build? It seems that it didn't use gcc, otherwise I cannot explain it. Also, notice it says: 'sh: gcc: not found' [07:30] If it fails to build in some architectures, will it be available to the successful ones? [07:31] hakermania: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/78351164/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-armel.wallch_2.1-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz, it seems to be a problem with an arm specific symbol in libav [07:33] micahg, thanks, but how do ou know? [07:33] you* [07:33] hakermania: I read the build log, you look right at the end before the packages start to be removed [07:38] micahg, Which symbol? I can see an undefined reference inside the libhighgui (opencv) lib... [07:38] yep, that would be it [07:39] micahg, but that's not problem of my code, it's architecture's or lib's dependend... [07:41] hakermania: it could be that opencv just needs a rebuild against the latest libav [07:42] micahg, any action from my side? [07:44] hakermania: doesn't look like it [07:45] * micahg really needs to upgrade his armel machine to oneiric [07:46] unfortunately, I have to take care of something else before bed, maybe I can look later today [07:47] * hakermania is grateful [08:11] blackout :P === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [09:32] sladen, if there's no action required from me, why did you asigned me to the bug? === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away [11:07] hakermania: you can mark it "Won't Fix"/deassign yourself---just thought as it's your package it was the easiest way to alert you to it [11:08] hakermania: (if you subscribe to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wallch/+subscriptions you should get bugmail automatically) [12:13] sladen, I've already subscribed wallch team, in which i am a member === Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth [13:30] hakermania: okay [14:15] sladen, will it be available for the architectures in which it successfully built, or? [14:32] hakermania: it is [14:33] hakermania: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wallch/2.1-0ubuntu2 [15:29] sladen, which will be Wallch's icon in USC? I don't want it to have this ugly 'box with tools' icon. Do I submitted somewhere or it will automatically take desktop file's icon for use? [16:51] hakermania: it's taken from the .desktop file + icon inside the binary, …when the database is rebuilt [16:52] hakermania: which is done sporadically IIRC [17:00] sladen, what is IIRC :P ? [17:19] hakermania: "If I Recall Correctly", but I don't already recall/remember correctly [17:19] usually right before milestones [17:36] micahg, milestones? Before betta release for example? [17:42] wow, I had installed in a virtualbox aplha3 oneiric the 0ubuntu1 and it updated to 0ubuntu2 at once :O [17:47] it's on the repos :D === _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero === paul__ is now known as Elbrus [18:35] Ok, I would like to thank this channel very much for all the help I got, but especially tumbleweed, jtaylor, sladen, micahg and surely other ones that I've forgotten since winter... Also the AA and his instant reaction... Thanks you guys, really ! [18:36] hakermania: thank you for contributing to Ubuntu!, do you intend to try to get the package in Debian now? [18:41] micahg, Why NOT :D ? I know nothing about Debian BUT, I knew very few about Ubuntu and C++ when I started this project and now it's in! So, yes, I will. [18:44] hakermania: that's great!, then your program can get even more exposure :) [19:05] you'll get to have fun making the ubuntu specific features optional [19:14] Laney, heh, I don't use to say good things for myself, and if I do i'm ironic, but I was quite clever to associate the Unity options with the start-up ones. If you mean to remove them from the .desktop file for Debian, then it's easy [19:14] I mean that Unity options exist because of the start-up ones, also cli communication with the program through DBus is fun! === SWAT___ is now known as SWAT [19:26] Also, what's going on on revu? will it stay there? [19:27] it's the path of most resistance [19:28] wtf is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/676740/ [19:28] !wtf jtaylor [19:28] !wtf [19:28] :( [19:29] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [19:29] jtaylor: something not cleaning up after itself? [19:31] that can only be gcc/ld then [19:33] to reproduce: http://paste.ubuntu.com/676746/ [19:40] micahg, should I port it somehow or upload it manually to http://expo.debian.net/ ? [20:16] anyone have an idea how to solve the ncurses issue? [20:21] jtaylor: so, libncurses.so.5 is a symlink to libtermcap.so which is a linker script saying read libncurses.so.5 :) [20:23] hm [20:23] shouldn't that be a major problem for a lot more builds [20:24] most likely [20:24] I oly found a single failure [20:24] it was only uploaded 3 days ago [20:25] seems no bug reported [20:25] aha, 5.9-1ubuntu1 was the culprit [20:25] looks like a trivial fix [20:28] bug 836246 [20:28] Launchpad bug 836246 in ncurses (Ubuntu) "cycle between ncurses/termcap linker scripts" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/836246 [20:35] jtaylor: got a patch? [20:36] have no experience with linker scripts [20:45] zZzZZz how large is this ncurses branch ._. [20:46] jtaylor: I've realised I have no idea where /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5 comes from [20:47] it isn't there in a clean chroot [20:49] interesting [20:50] right, ldconfig created it when 5.9-1 is installed [20:50] but when it was transitioned to a linker script, it didn't know to clean it up [20:51] so its an upgrade problem? [20:54] yeah, I think a bug in ldconfig [20:55] although I don't know if ldconfig deletes symlinks, so maybe not === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away