
* apachelogger waves fist in the general direction of CDs00:00
DarkwingDuckWe need a better Kubuntu default wallpaper00:02
apacheloggerwhat is wrong with that one?00:02
DarkwingDuckNot... Kubuntuy enough IMO00:03
apacheloggerwhat is more kubuntu?00:03
apacheloggerhttp://i.imgur.com/cV9Lt.png ? :P00:04
DarkwingDuckI've got to finish writing this Kubuntu Doc guide00:05
DarkwingDuckbefore I go to bed.00:05
DarkwingDuckThis way the Kubuntu Doc Jam can launch00:05
JontheEchidnaNubuntu, powered by NDE00:06
apacheloggeractually isnt there a nubuntu?00:06
apacheloggerprn os or something00:06
apacheloggerthere, so you can stream your prn over the networx00:07
JontheEchidna"remaster it with tools needed for penetration testing"00:10
JontheEchidnayup, .prn os00:10
apacheloggerkubotu: order bed00:14
* kubotu is placing a cot for apachelogger in the corner of #kubuntu-devel.00:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it would be great if you could drop a mail about how our qtwebkit snapshot needs updating because apachelogger gets loads of crashes from it00:15
JontheEchidnadebfx touched it last :P00:17
JontheEchidnarekonq can't edit LP blueprint whiteboards :(00:18
JontheEchidnaoh, it does, it just doesn't stop spinning afterwards00:18
JontheEchidnabrb, rebootin00:18
jjessegotta love documentation, especially when every release we decide from application to name see Kontact vs Personal Information Manager00:45
DarkwingDuckjjesse, I'm finishing this Kubuntu Doc Guide and then I'll be posting for the Kubuntu Doc Jam tonight.00:51
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: from what I can see, installing flashplugin-installer on and amd64 system is supposed to install a bunch of i386 packages00:51
micahgJontheEchidna: that's correct00:51
micahgmultiarch FTW!00:52
JontheEchidnabefore it was just using ia32-libs, yes?00:52
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ok, so then Muon's lack of support for multiarch is display-only. You just can't tell the difference between packages from Muon's display: http://i.imgur.com/VFPId.png00:53
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: what I think that should happen is that the QSortFilterProxyModel that the PackageModel drives can grow support for filtering by arch00:54
micahgia32-libs is on its way out00:55
JontheEchidnathat's nice. code copies are always un-nice00:55
micahgyup, it's a security nightmare00:56
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: so, there's nothing magic needed to be done to support installing multiarch packages. The issue is that Muon needs to display them in a way to minimize confusion.01:05
JontheEchidnaWhat I think I'll do is add the Package::architecture() and Package::isMultiArch() functions and have PackageProxyModel filter out archs based on filter mode. (Controllable by something in the GUI to specify "show only native" and "show native and foreign"01:07
JontheEchidnathen PackageModel's data() function can check for multiarch and then return "foopackage (i386)" for the display name01:07
JontheEchidnaas a bonus, we could even have PackageProxyModel tell PackageModel not to do any checks when PackageProxyModel is in native-only mode01:08
JontheEchidnasince it'd be filtering out the multiarch ones in the proxy model01:08
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: the only question is, should it default to "show both native and disambiguated foreign" or native-only for 11.10?01:21
JontheEchidnaI don't know if it'd be prudent to include a GUI-method way to change the multiarch view policy in any patch I backport from Muon's git master since it wouldn't have translations... (only l10n'd in the languages that rosetta users will translate)01:22
JontheEchidnamicahg: btw, about bug 831768. Is step 3 of the test case referring to performing upgrades on the flash package?01:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831768 in aptitude (Ubuntu) "aptitude cannot handle the same packages of different architectures being installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83176801:25
JontheEchidna(I'm trying to make sure Muon doesn't have the same issues)01:25
micahgJontheEchidna: any upgrade01:26
JontheEchidnaoh, wow. that's busted01:26
micahgJontheEchidna: and I'm using muon right now and it seems to be fine, my new choice until aptitude is fixed :)01:26
micahgit shows me installed package size diffs which I like to look at01:26
JontheEchidnathe only multiarch issue in Muon right now is that the entries for the multiarch packages look basically identical to the native ones01:27
JontheEchidnaif you're clever, you'll remember that amd64 packages are usually larger than their i386 counterparts, and can check the size in the Technical Details tab :P01:28
JontheEchidnabut otherwise it's quite confusing01:28
micahgyou can't display it like dpkg does? foo:i386?01:28
JontheEchidnaI can, Muon just doesn't at the moment01:28
micahgah, ok01:29
JontheEchidnadue to some unfortunate timing (and the lack of an amd64 install until today) I wasn't able to get multiarch support in for 1.2.001:29
JontheEchidnaso we're discussing how to best go about implementing it while keeping binary compatibility of the shared library and translations in mind01:30
JontheEchidnaAt any rate, I should have a patch that I'll backport to the oneiric packages fairly soon01:31
micahgwell, it seems like displaying foo:arch for foreign arch packages is the easiest solution01:31
micahgthat doesn't need to be translatable either01:31
JontheEchidnaah, the translations are a GUI way for optionally filtering out the foreign packages, if you want.01:32
JontheEchidnathe end result will be foo:arch, we're just quibbling about the details :P01:32
JontheEchidnabtw, how do we want to get gtk2-engines-oxygen:i386 on the CD by default?02:04
JontheEchidnaor, at the least, installed alongside flash02:04
micahgis this only needed for KDE?02:07
JontheEchidnamicahg: actually, flash will probably be unthemed in Unity/GNOME too unless and i386 gtk theme is installed02:14
JontheEchidnaso maybe not just KDE02:14
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: http://i.imgur.com/NLcth.png02:59
JontheEchidnaI'm going to filter out packages that don't explicitly support MultiArch installation (E.g. have the Multi-Arch debian/control field)03:02
micahgJontheEchidna: you do realize that a large part of the archive still isn't multiarch ready, right?03:12
JontheEchidnaright, but apt shows the :i386 versions of packages that aren't03:13
JontheEchidnathose are what I'm proposing to filter out03:13
micahgah, just for multiarch, sounds good :)03:13
JontheEchidnatechnically apt considers them to be a separate package internally ;-)03:13
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JontheEchidnaapachelogger: hmm, performance with this is pretty abysmal. any solution where we check for multiarch is going to slow down things immensely04:25
JontheEchidnaI think I should just throw down an "Architecture" column and be done with it04:26
JontheEchidna(always showing a package's arch in a separate column)04:26
JontheEchidnaI'll still filter out non-multiarch enabled foreign archs. That doubles startup time, but isn't too horrible04:27
JontheEchidnaI can eliminate the double startup time for non-multiarch systems, at least04:56
JontheEchidnahmm, I could cache the check for multiarch05:06
JontheEchidnaand maybe initialize it in the package constructor05:06
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I think I can get this to work, actually.05:10
JontheEchidnabut it is bedtime05:11
Daskreechhi JontheEchidna05:14
DaskreechNIght I shuld say :)05:14
Mamarokhi all. Are you aware of this? -> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=280356#c306:51
ubottuKDE bug 280356 in general "Impossible to reuse the System Settings window once Partition manager is started" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]06:51
djszapiHi! Quintasan_ Could you make the changes against kde-runtime since that we discussed it ?07:43
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* bambee needs two motus to review touchegg-gui (the FFe is approved, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/touchegg-gui)09:13
apacheloggerbambee: one issue here and there09:29
bambeeoh, indeed09:30
bambee"I do not think that attributing debian/* copyright to Kubuntu developers makes any sense"  , Do I remove this copyright... ?09:36
apacheloggerbambee: attribute yourself09:45
apacheloggeryou can claim that copyright is with Darth Vader, but without legal basis you are still actual copyright holder09:46
bulldog98yofel_: where do the build fails for kdevelop daily ppa go to?09:53
bambeeeverything is fixed09:59
RiddellScottK: not applying for UDS sponsorship?10:21
Riddellrbelem: you're down as "Sponsorships requested on behalf of another" what does that mean?10:27
Riddellah and so is ScottK hidden in that category10:27
bulldog98Riddell: has bazaar something like .gitignore?10:46
Riddellbulldog98: see  bzr ignore  command10:47
Riddellalso  bzr ignored10:47
bulldog98ah ok10:47
rbelemRiddell, i did not apply yet11:28
Riddellrbelem: someone seems to have applied for you11:28
rbelemRiddell, nice :-) I completely forgot11:29
RiddellI think there's about 8 Kubuntu related people who have applied, probably we don't get everyone11:29
rbelemno worries11:30
Riddellbut you all get a vote from me of course11:50
* rbelem hugs Riddell 11:57
* ScottK waves from Panera (restaurant with wifi) as there's still no power at home due to the hurricane.12:30
bulldog98ScottK: you need independent power production at home :)12:33
ScottKI had that at one point, but the generator got stolen (several years ago)12:33
bulldog98ScottK: were you goblins and dragons sleeping? :P12:34
ScottKIt was an inside job, someone they knew.12:34
ScottK(no proof, of course)12:34
bambeenothing serious ? I mean, I hope you've not serious damages at your home...12:37
* bambee needs to watch tv to be informed better about this hurricane12:39
ScottKNo.  Just no power.12:51
ScottKWe were only at the fringes of it.12:51
Mamarokpower seems to be one of the things to always break first in the US, regardless of the natural forces involved13:05
bulldog98in Europe everything else will break first (e.g. TV)13:07
Sputcan't remember my TV breaking because of natural forces13:11
ScottKIt's very localized. 13:11
ScottK5 minutes drive from where I live, there was never any power loss at all.13:11
Mamarokfor some unkown reasson the latest Oneiric update caused the default file manager to be konqueror instead of Dolphin13:21
bulldog98is there a way to reinstall all packages?13:21
shadeslayerbulldog98: not entirely sure, but i think you can do sudo apt-get --reinstall install * or sth like that13:24
bulldog98shadeslayer: that’s exactly what I tried and that didn’t work13:25
shadeslayertry the same with dpkg?13:25
shadeslayeri know you can reconfigure using dpkg-reconfigure -a13:25
shadeslayerbut thats all i've used dpkg for ...13:26
apacheloggershadeslayer, bulldog98, debfx, yofel_: we need a nu qtwebkit!13:29
bulldog98apachelogger: yes even rekonq git build crashes with current one13:29
apacheloggerbecause the crash is in qtwebkit13:29
debfxapachelogger: will that actually fix your problems or is it just a vague hope?13:30
apacheloggervague hope13:30
apacheloggersince 2.2 is frozen IIRC the newer the better13:30
apacheloggerthe newer the more bug fixes13:30
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shadeslayeri can take that up tonight13:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: upload yer code13:34
apacheloggerwhat code13:36
shadeslayerGSoC code to code.google.com13:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code-2011-kde/13:38
apacheloggergoogle code13:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: where was the documentation for code sample structure?13:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2011/codeguidelines 13:40
Riddellapachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/dolphin-plugins-bazaar updated13:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: just do : git log 'HEAD@{24-05-2010}'..'HEAD@{16-08-2010}' -p > mywork.diff13:40
shadeslayerchange the dates of course xD13:41
apacheloggerRiddell: advocated13:41
apacheloggeror not13:41
apacheloggerrekonq broken13:41
apacheloggerRiddell: consider it advocated13:41
* shadeslayer goes back to reading stuff 13:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: git diff master :P13:42
shadeslayerhah, that works too13:42
Riddellapachelogger: awooga, do I need a FFe for new packages in universe?13:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw wouldn't that give only a diff between your branch and master? i mean, adding a history along with each patch looks much better :P13:43
apacheloggerRiddell: yes13:43
apacheloggerhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze Exceptions have to be approved by the release management team for all packages in the archive (ie main, restricted, universe and multiverse). 13:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: why?13:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: personal preference13:44
apacheloggerso it looks like you did more work than you really did? :P13:44
* shadeslayer just tarred up everything and uploaded it13:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: Riddell yofel_ Quintasan_ what do you guys think about Project Neon ISO's ?13:46
shadeslayerlive disks etc13:46
Riddellbug 83669813:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836698 in Ubuntu "Feature Freeze Exception for New Package dolphin-plugins-bazaar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83669813:47
Riddellshadeslayer: sounds interesting but I suspect it would be a lot of work for not many users13:47
ScottKDid someone figure out how to fix -runtime-active installability?13:47
apacheloggerjust drop the depends13:49
apacheloggerI thought someone was working on it?!!?!?!@13:49
ScottKapachelogger: I've got crap bandwidth and high latency (due to working from public wifi at a restaurant).  Could you please find someone to fix it?13:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: btw, you should learn how to tar with a terminal because your tar contains rubbish13:50
apacheloggeralternatively you could just stop using proprietary patent supporting products13:50
apacheloggerScottK: yeah13:50
apacheloggerbulldog98: do something!13:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: i did tar it with the command line13:51
bulldog98apachelogger: I’ve got 56 kbit/sec down so ScottK has more13:51
shadeslayerwill fix in a couple of minutes, gotta run a errand13:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: and yet there is rubbish, that is one cool OS you are using there13:52
apacheloggerbulldog98: I did not say you should fix it, you should make someone fix it for you13:52
apacheloggercause I think you said that it was a known issue13:53
apacheloggerso you are the perfect person to make it go away13:53
bulldog98apachelogger: you mean rekonq?13:53
bulldog98apachelogger: I thought you meant kde-workspace-active13:53
bulldog98apachelogger: maybe I’ll try to fix that13:54
apacheloggerbulldog98: I mean runtime-active13:55
apacheloggerwhich has depends: runtime and conflicts/replaces: runtime13:55
apacheloggermaking the thing uninstallable13:55
* ScottK hopes claydoh didn't get flooded out and can do release notes ...14:06
bulldog98apachelogger: what do you think about -active providing kdebase-runtime?14:08
bulldog98and kde-runtime to, so we can drop that metapackage14:09
apacheloggerbulldog98: what metapackage?14:10
bulldog98apachelogger: transitional package I meant14:11
apacheloggerbulldog98: what transitional package?14:11
bulldog98apachelogger: we drop doing kdebase-runtime and provide it with kde-runtime and kde-runtime-active14:11
apacheloggertransitional packages are there for a reason14:14
apacheloggerbulldog98: why not have kde-runtime-active provide replace and conflict kde-runtime14:14
apacheloggerhas the same effect14:14
apacheloggerkdebase-runtime can still depend kde-runtime, but -active would fullfill it just as well as -runtime14:14
bulldog98apachelogger: cause something depends on kdebase-runtime and that depends on kde-runtime14:15
bulldog98apachelogger: what about doing kdebase-runtime depends on kde-runtime|kde-runtime-active14:15
apacheloggeryou did not read what I wrote14:17
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apacheloggerif -active PROVIDES -runtime, then -active will fullfil kdebase-runtime's dependency on kde-runtime14:17
bulldog98apachelogger: ok14:19
bulldog98apachelogger: I think it’s kubuntu-debug-installer’s failt it’s still depending on kdebase-runtime14:21
* ScottK is fixing kalzium installability.14:21
apacheloggerbulldog98: someone should fix it then? :P14:22
bulldog98apachelogger: maybe14:22
apacheloggerScottK: can I throw stuff at the archive and have it stay in new until after freeeze?14:23
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.14:23
ScottKNew/Unapproved, but in concept the same.14:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: heh, fixing14:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: fixing what?14:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: tarball14:28
yofel_bulldog98: build failures for kdevelop dailes should go to the ~kdevelop mailing list (currently empty)14:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerbulldog98: I think kubuntu-debug-installer just needs a re-upload14:30
apacheloggerthe runtime dep seems to be added by the pkg-kde-tools14:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: i can't update the tarball?14:30
apacheloggerthe JontheEchidna has pending changes there too14:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: *Shrug* google code is awesome14:31
apacheloggerlike lunchpad14:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: you probably can delete the download14:31
apacheloggerand create a new one14:31
shadeslayeryeah, thats what i'm doing14:31
ScottKSigh.  Need to get 16.0 MB/110 MB of archives. After unpacking 487 MB will be used.14:31
yofelsomeone implement debdiffs14:32
shadeslayerthats like a bazillion releases away14:32
yofelIIRC it was on the todo list for 12.04, as it was like forever14:33
CIA-1[kubuntu-debug-installer] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110829143406-2unl2f15rbqvwa4x * debian/changelog Upload to rebuild and get rid of kdebase-runtime dep (renamed to kde-runtime)14:34
apacheloggeryofel: debdiffs?14:35
yofelbah, I'm sleepy today, debdelta14:35
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apacheloggeroh well14:39
* apachelogger still prefers having a longer download over stuff eating away his cpu while watching 1080p prn14:40
shadeslayerSput: no keycombos to switch between channels?14:40
shadeslayerin Quassel14:40
Sputshadeslayer: yeah, look into the shortcuts settings14:41
bulldog98apachelogger: I’m doing a test if Provides: kde-runtime for kde-runtime-active solves the problem14:44
bulldog98otherwise we have to fix pkg-kde-tools14:45
shadeslayerah, yes, found them14:45
apacheloggerbulldog98: what is to be fixed in pkg-kde-tools?14:46
bulldog98apachelogger: adding kde-runtime as dep, if the package breaks and conflicts with kde-runtime14:47
apacheloggerit is doing that14:47
apacheloggeronly you people did not start a rebuild party for stuff that has kdebase-runtime :P14:47
bulldog98apachelogger: can rebuilding be tiggered within launchpad, without uploading a newer version?14:49
apacheloggeroh 14:49
bulldog98this should go to the wishlist for launchpad14:49
bulldog98apachelogger: should I paste all the packages that need a rebuild?14:52
ScottKapachelogger: What kubuntu-debug-installer the thing that should wait until after beta1 or should that go in?14:52
ScottKWhat needs rebuild?14:53
bulldog98ScottK: it’s a rebuild for getting rid of kdebase-runtime dep14:53
bulldog98ScottK: you simply build it again14:53
bulldog98 apachelogger: these need a rebuild, too: plasma-widget-tictactoe plasma-widget-teacooker plasma-widget-stockquote plasma-widget-simplemonitor plasma-widget-searchmoid plasma-widget-playwolf plasma-widget-nextwallpaper  plasma-widget-memusage  plasma-widget-makestatus plasma-widget-fortunoid 15:01
bulldog98even wine needs a rebuild since they depend on kdebase-runtime15:01
bulldog98ok they only recommend it15:02
apacheloggerbulldog98: wine probably has it hard coded in the control file though15:06
bulldog98apachelogger: that’s what I think too15:06
bulldog98but still we could simply adjust that, but it’s not that important for kde-runtime-active15:07
bulldog98apachelogger: what can be reasons for icecc not working in an pbuilder?17:16
apacheloggernot petting it enough17:17
bulldog98I’ve got ICECC_VERSION set and the PATH adjusted is there anything else needed with our awesome hook?17:19
apacheloggerI dunno17:22
apacheloggerhavent used it in ages17:22
yofelhm, as long as the hook is executable it should work17:24
yofelalthough I'm using icecc AND ccache so my setup is: http://paste.kde.org/11576517:24
bulldog98yofel: that’s what I intend to use, too17:30
yofelbulldog98: maybe use export ICECC_DEBUG=debug too so you know if it's even called17:30
bulldog98yofel: it’s called, but it uses local building and I don’t know why17:31
yofeldoes the system show up in icemon?17:31
yofeldo you have a scheduler running?17:31
bulldog98yofel: no and yes17:35
bulldog98and even better cmake uses /usr/bin/gcc17:36
yofelforgot about that17:37
yofelbulldog98: pull pbuilder from ninjas (oneiric)17:37
bulldog98yofel: is there a bug in pbuilder?17:37
yofelor someone go fix bug 82603117:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 826031 in pbuilder (Ubuntu) "pbuilder unsets PATH when building" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82603117:37
bulldog98that’s really nice thing to do17:38
* bulldog98 hugs yofel for pointing me to that17:38
yofelwell, it's the new su / sudo behaviour that breaks it17:38
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bulldog98yofel: yeah now it works18:02
bulldog98yofel: ICECC: building myself, but telling localhost18:05
bulldog98apachelogger: does the hook handles if you want to compile for i386 on an amd64?18:06
yofelsure, the tarball in ICECC_VERSION distributes your compiler in the grid so cross compilation isn't a problem18:08
yofelthat includes building in a i386 chroot18:09
bulldog98yofel: problem is that it creates an amd64 instead of the i386 distrop18:09
yofelwell, you do need a i386 pbuilder chroot for i386 binaries, and amd64 chroot will build amd64 binaries18:10
bulldog98yofel: yes18:10
yofelor if you build locally you'll need to set ICECC_VERSION to a tar of the i386 compilers18:10
yofelwhich needs a chroot too18:11
bulldog98yofel: ICECC[19121] 18:10:50: env: x86_64 '/tmp/icecc-pb.tar.gz'18:11
bulldog98that’s in an i386 chroot18:11
yofelicecc-pb.tar.gz is created by the hook?18:12
bulldog98yofel: yes18:12
* yofel tries here18:12
bulldog98yofel: I guess problem is icecc --build-native18:13
yofelwell, in the i386 chroot that should do the right thing18:14
yofelgreat, failed here too18:15
yofelthis did work at some point...18:15
bulldog98yofel: problem for me is I only owe one amd64 CPU so i386 nearly halfes my build time (if everything compiles)18:18
bulldog98yofel: the hook is executed within the chroot, isn’t it?18:20
yofelit is, but maybe it uses uname -m or so to get the machine type, which would be a problem18:20
bulldog98yofel: has icecc an irc channel?18:25
yofelno idea18:25
apachelogger#opensuse-kde? :P18:27
bulldog98yofel: is icecc really not using cmake and is in the kde repro?18:38
yofelwell, it's the opensuse kde folks that made it, don't ask me more18:38
debfxyofel: is that pbuilder PATH issue a regression from natty?18:43
debfxthe sudo in natty seems to reset PATH as well18:44
yofelit's a regression from sometime before, I would agree though that natty is probably broken as well18:44
yofeldidn't use icecc in a while18:44
apacheloggerdebfx: so, are you doing a qtwebkit snapshot?19:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: wait, there's no proper release?19:42
apacheloggerof who?19:44
apacheloggernot yet, no19:45
debfxapachelogger: I'm kind of busy right now and creating new qtwebkit snapshots is a PITA19:49
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: oh, those changes were meant to go in to Kubuntu 11.04 :s21:07
JontheEchidnaguess I forgot to actually upload before release ^^21:08
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ok, so I have multiarch display that increases startup time from 1.5s to 2.5s (but only on amd64), only increases total mem. usage by 72 KiB, and has no noticeable speed affect on package filtering/sorting :D23:09
apacheloggerhm, 1 sec, that is not too bad IMHO23:09
JontheEchidnaand it's non-blocking on the GUI with a nice indicator so it's not anything too bad23:10
JontheEchidnathe end result is that not every package is duplicated within muon, and those that are specifically multiarch-enabled look like this: http://i.imgur.com/mGuz7.png23:12
JontheEchidnaa good enough solution for a backport for our 1.2.x packages in oneiric, imho23:12
JontheEchidnathat 1 sec was unavoidable for any solution where you segregate out multiarch packages23:14
JontheEchidnaso overall I'm pretty happy23:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: as long as there are no duplicates in the software center :P23:14
JontheEchidnahmm, the only place that would be an issue is in the PPA views that show all packages in the PPA, and not just apps23:16
JontheEchidnabut it won't be hard to fix at all :)23:16
JontheEchidnaafter the QApt magic this is all that had to be done for MPM + the updater: http://paste.ubuntu.com/677546/23:18
JontheEchidna(QApt magic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/677548/)23:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
JontheEchidnaok, so I've got the multiarch changes in git master/1.2 branch. The next QApt/Muon release is in two weeks, and since this is just a display issue I think it can wait until then without needing a backport23:53
JontheEchidnahttp://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/u/echidnaman.html I am doing so good that I'm trending the absurdly-low burndown line initially given. :D23:54

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