
_deXter_Wow, 11.04 sure is buggy as hell00:10
_deXter_I'm doing a re-install and the installer crashes00:11
_deXter_First it picks up the wrong drive - my *external* drive00:12
_deXter_thank God I actually read before clicking next next next00:12
SubCooli've noticed i have to detach things even with a  bios setup00:12
_deXter_yeah, I learnt it the hard way; hence the reinsatll00:13
_deXter_I had a backup drive attached the first time around.. and my internal drive got assigned to sdc00:13
_deXter_and because of that my external wouldn't mount anymore -.-00:13
SnowhogSubCool: In a console type: sudo apt-get install -f00:13
Snowhogsudo dpkg --configure -a00:13
Snowhogsudo apt-get update00:13
Snowhogsudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:13
SnowhogSubCool: Repeat until no errors00:13
SubCoolcool- thanks.. ill try it00:14
SubCool_deXter_, i ran into that on two of my backup drives, but that was years ago with mandriva00:14
SubCooli still have to decrypt one of them. lol00:15
_deXter_damn, the installer crashed again00:16
_deXter_What's up with this stupid thing00:16
SubCoolSnowhog, giving it s first go- :)00:16
SubCoolneeds a breather00:16
SubCoolkinda like i shouldj ust not have a working copy of ubuntu on flash drive.. for some reason.00:18
_deXter_..and again00:20
SubCoolSnowhog, getting no where00:30
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FushigidaneI'm looking for help setting up Quessal01:32
bazhang#quassel perhaps Fushigidane01:33
Fushigidanethank you01:33
FushigidaneNobody in Quassel is replying01:38
bazhang!cn | kai_04:08
ubottukai_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:08
sanromhola, en español?04:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:18
sanrommuchas gracias!04:18
Unit193Su bienvenida04:19
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DaskreechHullo eh Canadian ?04:22
sanromhola, hice una actualización y ahora me quedaron varios kerneles instalados y ahora tengo programas que no funcionan, hay alguna forma de hacer una recuperación del sistema?04:23
sanromo tengo mucho wingubs en la cabeza aún?04:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:52
ubottuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca aussi #ubuntu-qc04:52
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LINKSWORD2Hey guys. Been a while.05:01
LINKSWORD2... D'oh! NickServ, don't kick me!05:01
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LINKSWORD2Blasted connection....05:11
DaskreechHI LINKSWORD205:14
LINKSWORD2I'm looking for a program like Synthesia that's compatible with Kubuntu.05:14
LINKSWORD2My decrepit machine can't tolerate WINE.05:15
DuolosI see a LOT of "Missing Plug-In" errors all over the web (using Chrome).  Any idea how I can figure out what plugins are actually missing?05:40
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lethuhello, I would like to run kmail directly into systray without showing its window, is there a way I can achieve this?06:28
lethuI have tried "dcop" but apparently it doesn't work under kde 406:29
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
simion314hi all07:26
simion314i got no sound in Amarok07:26
simion314youtube works so it might be some silly configuratyion i have to do07:27
szaldo you have no sound or does it not play at all?07:27
simion314szal: the progress bar shows thast is playing07:29
szalthen open KMix (speaker icon in tray -> Mixer), switch to Playback streams while Amarok is playing & see what device it outputs to (right-click -> Move to change device)07:31
simion314szal: i made it now to work, i put one of my cards to Off, but i am not sure if this breaked my microphone07:31
simion314the thing is that in SystemSettings i have listed 2 audio devices, i think one is from my video card, it suports hdmi o but i am not sure, i know i spent a lot of time making my microphone work in skype07:32
simion314not sure why turning off something helped07:32
simion314what should i read to u8nderstend what is happening?07:33
szalyou should stop ranting, turn that device back on & do as I told you ;)07:33
simion314szal: i am not ranting,sorry if i seem to, i want to understend what you tell me realy does, so i do not break anything else07:34
szalit'll tell Pulseaudio to route audio from Amarok to the device you set there (same analogously for every other audio stream if you set it; you can also set the volume for each audio stream separately that way)07:36
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simion314szal: thx, i fixed it07:39
byneoselam türk varmı08:05
Unit193!tr | byneo08:07
ubottubyneo: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.08:07
giuliahello. I have downloaded Thunderbird from Mozilla's site. I wish to put it in the apps menu. But i found no where where to do it. Any idea ? Thank you08:41
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Axlingiulia: It's easier to install Thunderbird through KPackagekit, which can be found in the app menu by searching. If you prefer the most up-to-date version, you can add the repository by entering "sudo add-apt repository ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable" without quotes in Konsole.08:45
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giuliathank you :)08:46
giuliaAxlin > but I've just have downloaded my Thunderbird, will it be possible to add it to my apps without adding a deposit package ?08:47
giuliaAxlin > At least, I learn something truly new ;)08:47
AxlinIt's much easier to just install it through the package manager. Otherwise you have to unpack the .tar.gz archive and run "thunderbird-bin" from it08:50
AxlinYou could create a symlink for thunderbird-bin to /usr/bin, and then add it manually to your apps menu. This works fine, but the benefit of using the package manager (apart from ease) is that the package manager keeps it constantly up-to-date08:51
giuliaI already ran it, and it was a piece of cake to tell you the truth08:51
giuliabut to add the link in the app menu, well, it's truly something else08:51
giulia(nearly worse than making a law change honestly)08:52
AxlinYeah. I'm actually firing up my laptop right now (which runs Kubuntu) so I can take a look at this myself.08:52
giuliafiring up ? What do you mean ? (English is not my mother tongue)08:53
AxlinOh, sorry. I'm turning it on :-)08:53
giuliaok, a new expression in my vocabulary bag ;)08:53
AxlinHaha yeah, we Americans have some interesting phrases :)08:54
giuliabut still, learning foreign languages has been very useful08:54
giuliaespecially when you have to fight to make a law change in your own country08:55
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AxlinMust be complicated if you have to know a foreign language for it o.o08:57
giuliaactually, I speak 4 languages09:00
giuliabut as studies in peer-reviewed journals are in English, so yeah, I have to know at least one foreign language09:00
giulia(don't worry, mom was and is sometimes still freaked out about this law change)09:01
AxlinOh I see. I wish I was skilled enough to speak 4 languages, heh09:02
giuliayou can09:03
AxlinOkay, this should do it. If you move the thunderbird folder where you want it (like ~/.thunderbird), then "cd" into that directory in Konsole, then enter: ln -s thunderbird-bin /usr/bin09:03
AxlinThen right-click the Kickoff icon (the apps menu) and choose "edit applications". Then I would select the "Internet" category, or whichever category you prefer Thunderbird to be in09:03
AxlinThen you click the "New Item" button, and name it "Thunderbird". Select the new item, and give it whatever description and comment you want, and for command, enter: thunderbird-bin09:04
AxlinThat should do it09:04
AxlinDon't forget to click Save09:05
AxlinOh, shoot, I'm sorry. You actually want to do this with the "thunderbird" item in the thunderbird folder, not thunderbird-bin.09:09
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
Integral-solverhello, I am bash user of Linux from several years. Do you have any experience with UNIX? Is it a big difference in using it in comparison with Linux? Will I manage to use it easily?09:33
Tm_TIntegral-solver: sure, and documentation helps when needed. I'm bit wondering why you ask about unix here though09:36
TorchIntegral-solver: depends on the flavour of unix and the shell used.09:42
TorchIntegral-solver: a default install of, say, solaris feels a lot less polished when on a shell than kubuntu would09:43
Integral-solverOK, thank you. You are right Tm_T.It would be better idea to ask on some #unix channel ;-)09:45
=== ross is now known as Guest43092
hallmanAnyone know why xorg sucks up 25-100% of my cpu? Seems to be a common problem, yet the many suggested solutions doesn't seem to work for me.12:11
david1234567890i was thinking to reinstall my kubuntu12:42
david1234567890but idk where is the installed updates so i make a backup from it12:42
david1234567890the package files12:43
bulldog98david1234567890: /var/cache/apt/archive/12:44
david1234567890even the nvidia driver is there?12:45
david1234567890the one i downloaded12:45
david1234567890from the Additional Drivers12:46
david1234567890bulldog98: thanks a lot for the info12:48
bulldog98david1234567890: just copy that files into your new install and do apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade, it won’t download the files :)12:49
david1234567890well thanks thats cool :)12:49
david1234567890have a good day :) thanks a lot i go make the backup :) take care12:50
ionitejames147: hey13:20
James147ionite: hey13:21
ioniteJames147: i fixed the external hdd problem.13:21
ioniteJames147: btw, do u know how do i install barry for black berry phones?13:21
James147what was wrong with it?13:21
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ionitedoes anyone knows how to install barry for black berry phones?13:32
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BluesKajHiyas all13:36
ionitedoes anyone knows how to install barry for black berry phones?13:44
ioniteJames147: are u there?13:51
ioniteJames147: can u help me with this? http://www.netdirect.ca/software/packages/barry/cvs.php13:52
ioniteJames147: what does ./configure means?13:52
david1234567890hi i am back13:53
ionitedavid1234567890: welcome back13:53
david1234567890look idk why but when i try to put the cd in it wont load13:53
david1234567890like it will do a lot of stuffs but the installer wizard wont load13:53
James147http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=barry&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all  ^^ ionite: are you sure you dont just want to install one of them?13:54
James147david1234567890: installer wizard?13:54
ioniteJames147: seems alot easier. but which one should i choose?13:54
david1234567890when u put the cd then it starts to boot right13:55
James147ionite: i would go for "sudo apt-get install barrybackup-gui13:55
James147david1234567890: cd for what?13:55
ioniteJames147: gd idea13:55
david1234567890then it must show u a wizard that u select the drive13:55
ioniteJames147: what's the command to uninstall ?13:56
James147ionite: sudo apt-get remove | purge <package.   remove removes the packages, purge also removes the configs13:56
david1234567890well my problem is that the installer stops loading13:56
david1234567890like it loads then stops13:57
david1234567890do i have to format the drive of my Kubuntu?13:57
James147david1234567890: are you trying to do a wubi install (install from within widnows) or install it to a partition?13:57
ioniteJames147: barry is installed. but i wanna install the software that manages blackberry phones.13:58
david1234567890install it to a partition13:58
david1234567890i did it before it worked gr813:58
James147david1234567890: have you done a cd check on the iso (should be one of the option when it first loads?)13:59
James147david1234567890: also an md5sum check on the iso13:59
david1234567890well i did it all my iso and cd are fine13:59
david1234567890but idk if i can install over my curent kubuntu14:00
James147david1234567890: you should beable to boot the cd no matter what your current disks have on :p14:00
david1234567890ah ok14:01
James147david1234567890: when does it get stuck?14:01
david1234567890when i click to install then it start to load but it stops after a min14:01
ioniteJames147: barry is installed. but i wanna install the software that manages blackberry phones.14:02
OerHekswhy does my Keyring question show up áfter 2 minutes, when i am allready using a password protected site ?14:02
James147ionite: everything I can find points to those packages... dont use blackberrys so i cannot really help any more14:02
James147david1234567890: what hapens if you click "try"?14:02
david1234567890see after the cd boots14:03
david1234567890there is some options then i click install then after a min of loading it stops but14:03
James147OerHeks: possibally you have set that site to auto login? and kwallet is responding to something else?14:03
david1234567890i tryed the opening the "try"14:04
david1234567890i didn't open14:04
david1234567890it gave me a lot of lines14:04
david1234567890error idk14:04
James147david1234567890: what version of kubuntu?14:05
david1234567890can it be from a failing southbridge chip14:05
david1234567890Kubuntu 11.0414:06
OerHeksJames147, not to wireless or a share or something else, just xchat and dropbox and chromium14:06
James147david1234567890: do any other versions work?14:07
Gargoyle1976Can someone please tell me what the dbus-daemon is?14:08
david1234567890idk it's my first ver14:08
James147Gargoyle1976: it handels interprocess comunication14:08
James147(so one application can talk to another)14:08
Gargoyle1976James147: ok...do you know why it would be dominating the cpu?14:09
Gargoyle1976James147: Maybe14:09
James147Gargoyle1976: does it happen all the time? or just sometimes? or just this once?14:10
James147david1234567890: not sure what to do... I would try some other versions of kubuntu to see if they work ^^14:10
Gargoyle1976James147: I thought it was just once.  But it seems to be happening regularly now.  trying to pinpoint what is causing tho14:10
david1234567890i try to format the drive hope works this time14:11
Gargoyle1976James147: I just didn't know what it was14:11
James147Gargoyle1976: it might be another process causing it ^^ though I dont know for sure14:11
david1234567890take care gtg14:12
Gargoyle1976James147: I will pay more attention and try to localize the issue.  Hope I can...14:12
Gargoyle1976James147: Knowing what it does helps, however14:12
James147Gargoyle1976: do you won the process or does someone else?14:14
Gargoyle1976James147: I own it.  Desktop env14:14
Gargoyle1976James147: Not root14:14
James147Gargoyle1976: what happens if you create a new user? do they suffer from teh same problem14:14
* James147 notes that three is normally a system and user dbus sessions :)14:15
Gargoyle1976James147: Hadn't thought of that...14:16
Gargoyle1976James147: BRB14:16
Gargoyle1976James147: Ok...back14:17
Gargoyle1976James147: Can't really do that right now...too much work to do...I will test that when I can14:18
Gargoyle1976James147: Thanks for your help tho14:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
giuliahello. i have downloaded an icon theme. I unzipped it, but now, where do I have to put it ?14:35
systemclientwhere is kde installes? I try to build okular and I need KDE's path14:59
BluesKajsystemclient, ~/.kde15:01
systemclientBluesKaj: would I install my manual build of okular into there?15:01
MamarokBluesKaj: that is not an install patch15:01
systemclientcmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/your/kde4/install/dir ..15:01
systemclientthis is the line bothering my15:01
BluesKajMamarok, ok then tell him what it is instead of correcting me15:02
Mamaroksystemclient: if you build packages outside the usual distribution ones you should do that locally15:02
Mamarokjut a minute15:02
systemclientI found "/usr/bin/kde4", is that it?15:02
BluesKajusually the install path is /usr/bin , but not always15:04
Mamaroksystemclient: yes, but if you do a system installation there is normally no need to indicate that15:04
BluesKajhaven't bothered to figure out why :)15:04
systemclientMamarok: I want to build the current dev version of okular15:04
systemclientBluesKaj: "which okular" gives me /usr/bin …15:04
Mamaroksystemclient: yes, I understood that, but you should not do that in the system with unstable packages, do it locally in your $HOME15:05
James147systemclient: the path you want is just "/usr"15:05
BluesKajdunno, systemclient  , must be a readme in the build folder , chgeck that15:05
systemclientMamarok: okay, that was my question basically. So I can do /opt or so?15:05
genii-aroundIf you're building custom software versions, the usual system place to put them is in somewhere like /usr/local/bin or so on15:05
Mamarokor that, yes15:05
systemclientgenii-around: afaik opt is the safest place for custom stuff15:06
Mamarokgenii-around: you still need sudo rights for that, if you build in your home you don't, and its very easy to remove15:06
systemclientMamarok: I'll just use project/build then15:06
James147^^ though you sould put /usr/local (which is the default if you dont spicify _DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)15:06
* James147 notes where ever you put it dont spiicify the bin directory, just the directroy bin is in15:07
systemclientJames147: good to know15:07
genii-aroundI usually make in my home directory somewhere, test, then copy them to the /usr/local hierarchy and chown15:09
James147systemclient: the general convention is /usr for anything built and packaged, /usr/local for anythign that is just goning to be installed directly (ie without packaging) and somewhere in your home if your just messing around :)15:10
systemclientJames147: and the very latter is what I am doing. thanks!15:11
yofelsystemclient: also, if you want to find out the install prefix of your running kde install use 'kde4-config --prefix'15:12
yofelbut /usr/local would be correct here15:12
systemclientyofel: that command tells me usr, which makes sense15:13
James147systemclient: just so you know, the seperation between /usr and /usr/local is that things in /usr are managed by a packagemanager and things in /usr/local are managed by the administrator  ^^ it makes it easier for the admin to remove things manually installed :)15:15
systemclientJames147: I know, that is why it makes sense that my distro put it in /usr and not /usr/local15:16
hallmanAnyone know why xorg sucks up 25-100% of my cpu? Seems to be a common problem, yet the many suggested solutions doesn't seem to work for me.15:40
hallmanI've also looked through the ubuntu wiki on X troubleshooting, HighCPU in particular.. I find it hard to believe that it's a client application. It's not software rasterizing. I've tried various drivers. Logs seem fine.15:42
Daskreechhallman: I would presume video card drivers working to show your display?15:54
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david1234567890bulldog98 u still there?18:02
bulldog98david1234567890: yeah18:02
david1234567890look it wont let me copy the files18:03
david1234567890how i copy the files18:03
david1234567890to /var/cache/apt/archives/18:04
david1234567890is there any command?18:05
bulldog98cd FOLDERWEREYOURDEBSAREIN&&sudo cp *.deb /var/cache/apt/archive18:05
david1234567890look is there any way to run the Dolphin in admin?18:07
genii-aroundkdesudo dolphin18:08
david1234567890thanks a lot for the info :)18:10
david1234567890it workd i save the both commands :)18:11
david1234567890take care bye18:12
riffhaving trouble editing the grub menui can't seem to change the default os18:21
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aniruddhhi i finding trouble updating kubuntu from kpack could anyon tell me the konsole command to update to 11.0418:30
riffhow do i edit the grub menu file18:49
genii-aroundriff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Initial%20Default18:50
genii-aroundriff: To edit the /etc/default/grub as it shows there, use: kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub   or else command-line editor like sudo kate /etc/default/grub18:51
genii-aroundsudo nano rather18:51
* genii-around needs more coffee18:52
riffokay when i went to edit the file the first line is GRUB_DEFAULT=018:53
riffi changed the line to GRUB_DEFAULT=4 for the fifth os option but it ddin't seem to do anything am i missing something?18:54
genii-aroundriff: You need to run sudo update-grub for it to build the new menu with proper settings after that19:02
riffreboot see if this works thanks19:04
riffgenii-around thanks that worked19:16
mellhenIs this the right place to ask about soundproblems in Kubuntu?19:29
BluesKajmellhen, ok tell us your issue19:43
mellheni would like to play a 24bit / 66kHz wav file.19:45
mellhen*96kHz sry.19:46
mellhenthe problem is that it does not use 24bit.19:46
mellhenthe soundcard is a sb live! 24bit. iam using kubunt 11.0419:47
BluesKajmellhen, which player ?19:47
mellheni could try amarok or dragon. but i do not know how to get an output if it is using 16 or 24bit.19:48
well_laid_lawntry aplay in a terminal19:49
mellhenaplay: http://pastebin.com/PT7EvK1i19:52
mellhenthemes that my card does not provide s24le. strange19:53
mellhen*themes = seems19:54
mellhennot a native and dyslexic19:55
mellhenwell. is there a chance to use 32bit instead of 16bit as output? or better native 24bit.19:59
BluesKajmellhen, sorry , I don't know where to find to find asla settings for codecs ..I just use the pcm/spdif out to an audio receiver digital input.. whatever digital ratres are used from my experience seldom above 96khz , mostly it's 48khz from the readout on my audio receiver20:03
mellheni have no external dau.20:04
mellheni sry its DAC in english20:05
mellhendigital analog converter20:06
BluesKajwell. unless you are using powered monitor speakers then the bit depth is probly irrelavent above 16bit20:06
BluesKajin terms of sound quality20:06
BluesKajmellhen, http://www.comx-computers.co.za/download/SBLIVE-24.php20:09
mellheni will use http://www.vincent-tac.de/de/produkte-nach-typ/vollverstaerker/sv-400.html and http://www.chario.it/panoramica.php?IDP=12&IDO=40 in about 4 month ;)20:09
mellhenBluesKaj: sry i do not understand, what this links is for?20:10
mellhenBluesKaj: its exactly my soundcard.20:10
BluesKajit says it passes /converts 24 bit. mellhen20:13
mellhenmhh. i made a new test with mplayer. i forced it to use s24le and s32le. see results. http://pastebin.com/gxBDLyPS20:15
BluesKajmellhen, do you have pulseaudio installed ?20:21
HaDAki'm not sure how i managed to pull it off, but somehow i have widgets running off screen. they show up in the "running" list... i'd like them back. i don't have any other activities, and i was messing with the screen placement prior. any ideas?20:21
BarkingFishHaDAk, Ỳou have widgets running outside your visible desktop area?20:21
HaDAkit would appear that way.20:22
BarkingFishI've done that before, all I did was increase the screen resolution to allow me to get to the widgets and move them into the area where I work, then drop the screen back to normal size20:22
HaDAki can't increase the screen past where it's already at >.>20:23
BarkingFishThe other option then is to kill off the running widgets20:23
HaDAkis there a way to just...collect the widgets?20:23
HaDAkidk how to kill em off.20:23
HaDAkit's irritating, because my system tray is there. so, apps like pidgin and thunderbird that minimize to the tray are inaccessible20:24
BarkingFishHaDAk, When you say they appear in the "running" list, which list do you mean?20:24
HaDAkif i go to add widgets, choose categories, and click running20:24
bbeckHow do I make the kontact conflict resolution dialogs from coming up all the time?20:24
bbeckHow do I keep the kontact conflict resolution dialogs from coming up all the time?20:25
BarkingFishHaDAk, The other option would be to decrease the size of the icons on your desktop, I would imagine your widgets will shrink too.20:26
BarkingFishon second thoughts, don't try that, they don't follow.20:27
mellhenBluesKaj: sry that i stoped answering you20:51
mellhenBluesKaj: yes i have pulseaudio installed.20:51
mellhensomeone was writing to me in another irc-channel and i took him for you.20:52
BarkingFishanyone know what the packages for Libreoffice writer's dictionaries are please? I'm looking for a dutch dictionary :)20:52
BluesKajmellhen, pulseaudio might be causing mplayer to crash20:52
mellhenBluesKaj: i was talking in the pulseaudio channel. it seems that my sound cards driver is limited to s16le and s32le:20:54
mellhenBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/8Gfb3zWf20:54
BluesKajstrange , mellhen , your cards native bit depth is 2420:54
mellhenthis is exactly what i thought..20:55
mellhenBluesKaj: another indication for my thesis is: http://pastebin.com/gxBDLyPS20:57
mellhenBluesKaj: i forced mplayer to use a specific format.. s24le does not wirk20:57
mellhen*wirk = wirk20:57
mellhen*wirk = work. i hate my keyboard ;)20:57
BluesKajmellhen, yes I tried 24bit with mplayer, but it played back at 16 bit , altho my card is 24bit capable too :(21:00
mellhentry s32le21:00
BluesKajprobly because I don't seem to have any 24bit wav files :)21:01
mellhenmaybe a bug of mplayer. bit aplay is not able to play it, too21:01
BluesKajmellhen, I have vlc as my default player for all media , since this pc is our home media server , it has to be easy for wife to use ..no command line stuff for her :)21:05
mellhenBluesKaj: is there a way too see, what vlc uses 16, 24 or 32?21:05
BluesKajmellhen, there might be , it has extensive options , I just use the alsa audio output thru option in tools/preferences/audio21:08
BluesKajwith spdif when available21:09
mellhenBluesKaj: found it. What Kubuntu version are you using 10.04=21:11
BluesKaj11.10 , but it works well even in theis alpha OS21:12
riffhaving trouble with some packages21:13
riffinstalled chocolate doom using synaptic package manager but can't find it in the program menus21:14
riffwhat do i need to look at to see where the problem is?21:15
BluesKajriff, look in the kmenu apps games21:16
riffit has tactics and stratagy inside that are two penguin games i was playing with21:17
BluesKajor alt+f2 , type chocolate doom21:17
riffokay it runs but then a few seconds later it closes out21:21
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apol_are there official(-ish) packages for digikam 2.0?22:49
SubCoolok, would someone with experience in Flash Failure like to help me?22:56
SubCoolI have uninstalled it, rebooted, reinstalled it.22:56
SubCoolthere really are only two files that i would uninstall/reinstalled..22:57
SubCooladobe flash plugin, and the flashplugin-nonfree22:58
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medionpalI have one kubuntu box 11.04 where the flasplayer works fine in firefox, another box with the same configuration does not play flash, even though I installed the flasplayer using kpackage!23:29
medionpalwhat is the problem?23:29
AlexZion32 bit or 64 !?! just for curiosity ....23:31
medionpal64 bit23:33
medionpalwell. I don't understand why youtube videos don't play even though I have the flash installer installed through the kpackage kit23:33
medionpalI tried installing from the adobe site, but then it says it is an "unknown partner"23:34
AlexZionhave you tried to use youtube in html 5 !?!23:34
medionpalhtml 523:34
medionpalI just open firefox23:34
AlexZionI mean , we need to understand first of all , where the problem is ....23:34
AlexZionmaybe it could be even a codec problem !?!23:35
AlexZiondo you get the problem with any flash content or just watching video ?23:35
medionpali only tried youtube...23:36
medionpalbut it works on another box23:36
medionpalsame setup23:36
medionpalhave to restart.. brb23:38
medionpalinstalled the non free adobe flash thing through synaptic, still nothing23:41
medionpalit works now23:44
medionpalI deinstalled the flashplayer through synaptic and then I reinstalled it... and now it works... thanks guys23:44
SiegeLordAny clue what might have happened here and how I can fix it? http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/7445/wtfad.jpg23:46
SiegeLordI can unlock the panel and, e.g., try setting the panel screen edge (just clicking on it) and the whole thing snaps back to its normal location... but as soon as I log out and log back in, it returns to this23:46
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