
gary_posterbac benji (danilos gmb are on vacation IIRC): call in about 212:28
gary_posterbenji, do I get to have a friend at Clojure conj?  :-) I've been practicing in 4clojure.com ;-)12:38
benjigary_poster: I'm afraid not.  I don't see how Katie could keep up with the kids for that long.  I hate to miss it.12:40
gary_posterI very much understand, benji, even though it sucks.12:40
benjigary_poster: wow, I'm getting an aura (it's like a migrane without the pain but with visual disturbances and sometimes other nurological symptoms); I'm going to take a 10 or 15 minute break until I can see the screen again without looking our the corner of my eye :)12:50
gary_posterbenji, of course.  doesn't sound fun :-(13:00
benjigary_poster: it's actally not bad, just jind of wierd no being able to see well :)  I'm just thankful I don't get real migranes13:02
bacwow, memory is super cheap now.  just bought 4 x 4GB for $9513:21
bacon a related note, OS X Lion is a pig13:21
gary_posterand kinda buggy, it seems :-/13:22
baci mainly have trouble with aperture, which was pretty solid pre-lion but hangs and crashes a lot now13:28
benjiok, I think I'm close enough to normal again14:21
bacgary_poster: i've put a pdb breakpoint in some model code and am running a unit test (not doctest).  rather than breaking like normal it is just hanging but not bringing up the debugger.  you ever seen this?14:32
gary_posterbac, sure, but for mundane reasons you have encountered too, I'm sure.  Most often I encounter this kind of thing because model code is doing something thread-y, or because someone has hijacked stdout.  Beyond that...thinking...14:34
bacshouldn't be either of those...14:34
gary_posterbac, you could try adding a print statement before the pdb to verify stdout; could this maybe be job-related?14:35
benjigary_poster: I'm afraid this is getting bad again.  I'm going to have to lay down for a while.15:26
gary_posterbenji, ok. take it easy.15:28

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