=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion [05:20] yo everyone. when i try to install 11.04 on my desktop the screen is really blury when the gui starts to load. [05:41] press automatic screen adjustment from your display ;) [05:42] maybe. [05:42] let me see bioterror [05:43] it might need the drivers. but this is a new monitor [05:43] what drivers?-) [05:46] well i did a fresh install last week.the screen showed fine on my old monitor, but now the now one looks like crap [05:53] ya dig bioterror [05:53] w00t? [05:53] did you check your monitor settings [05:53] that it's set to 60Hz if LCD/TFT [05:53] and correct resolution [05:54] just checking [05:54] i cant even see the screen. its all static [05:54] as I've never had any blurry image [05:54] philipballew, are you using HD-15 or DVI? [05:54] whats that again? [05:54] cable [05:54] its hooked up via vga [05:54] is your singal analog or digital [05:55] is it possible to use DVI? [05:55] as DVI will offer always the best image quality [05:55] its analog [05:55] no. comp doesnt have a port [06:05] i might post on a form bioterror [13:40] could there be a reason some sites are slow to connect? [13:40] lately I have trouble with transmission and irc [13:40] taking for ever to connect [13:42] does that sound just weird? [13:45] my IRC is fine, but some web pages take a while. Then again when at home the link is not very fast :) [13:46] so, I might be my connection? [13:47] most sites load fine though [13:47] transmission have been a bit weird [13:48] I am connected to two seeders, or one seeder and one peer. It takes for ever to download, a lot of the time not downloading at all [13:48] are you behind NAT? [13:48] is your port forwarded? [13:49] I have no ida [13:49] idea [13:49] start from those [13:50] and when I am finished downloading and seeding to two peers, there is hardly any upload at all? [13:52] oh, so NAT issues are real [13:53] for a while there I thought it was a snarky remark [13:53] lol [14:00] rather tricky issues [14:01] I shall need some time on it [14:13] I have a closed port [14:17] wonder why torrent works not so well [14:17] lol [14:17] but what to do? [14:18] take your routers manual in your hands and read how to do a port forward [14:19] darn, the router is on the second floor, and my neighbor isn't home [14:19] we share internet [14:57] hi [15:05] hi leszek [15:48] how do I close Transmission if it resists ending? [15:50] silverarrow: use the CLI [15:51] the what? [15:51] worked [15:52] I mean Ctrl Q [17:20] i read that lubuntu only requires 2gigs installed. --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements Where can i get a lubuntu iso ? or flash dish image ? [17:20] disk* [17:21] i am currently using easypeasy. [17:21] it used my whole 4gig ssd [17:21] is anyone willing to test putty with me? [17:21] * bluelight does not golf :P [17:22] lol [17:22] :) [17:22] you know, the computer to computer communication [17:23] nope. i do not know... i am currently seeking a lubuntu install cd before it is time to goto work [17:23] I see [17:23] any problems? [17:23] i realize pu and tty have different meanings though :) [17:23] i do not know where to get it [17:23] oh let me [17:24] you know where to get the current lubuntu iso ? [17:24] or what ever form it is distributed in .. [17:25] yes [17:25] what distro do you need? [17:25] i tried EB4 but it seems as though they are more concerned with their "full time jobs" then hassling with eeebuntu any more [17:25] 32-64 bit? [17:26] i have a 32bit asus netbook [17:26] 4gig ssd , 512 system ram. ... [17:26] with som GB hard drive space? [17:26] 900MHz [17:26] all fine [17:27] the hard drive is a SSD (flash drive) [17:27] $gig [17:27] 4Gig* [17:27] http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-11.04.iso [17:27] oh I see [17:28] rather minimal [17:29] yes, who is gilir ? [17:30] i was reluctent to get a machanicle HDD because of power consumption [17:30] I'm not shore, but that is the download I used [17:30] thanks... [17:31] I have a regular IDE 320GB in an old loptop, it runs lubuntu all fine [17:31] 1GB ram and 700MHz cpu [17:32] it alows for plugging in a seperate ssd seated next to the system ram. the four gig is soldered on the board [17:32] yes, my ubuntu (current version) runs well with 1gig of ram on my laptop. it rarely demands more then 1/2 [17:34] lubuntu has 256 recommended [17:35] 690 megs system ram now... kvirc, firefox, pidgin, thunderbird, dropbox, and a download happening... it has made use of less then 500megs swap [17:35] 512 should be all fine [17:35] windows could never accomplish this ... [17:36] my other computer has 3GB RAM and 750GB HD, but will not take lubuntu easily [17:36] sweet, my 512 netbook will be fine :) i dare not use a swap partition for preservation of my SSD [17:37] I'm not shore about ssd really [17:37] why does the 3gig system have troubles with lubuntu? [17:37] it will not boot [17:37] sort of resists the ubuntu boot up [17:37] a bit weird [17:37] puppy linux boots fine though [17:38] but I need a hard drive install really, not just frugal [17:39] flash storage has a low number of write cycles before it becomes unstable , unlike a spinning disk whos metal serface can be magneticly altered freely with little concern. [17:39] yes I know, just a regular usb memory stick? [17:39] flash is more like a rewritable CD [17:40] I know there are 1TB hard drive flash version these days [17:41] I think they are optional on new stationary macs and hps [17:42] so this is a SSD with IDE input? [17:42] or just regular USB? [17:44] no.. pci-e ssd --> image of one at amazon --> http://www.amazon.com/16GB-SaberTooth-AA-50mm-PATA-Mini-9/dp/B002E6YYMI?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duckduckgo-r-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B002E6YYMI [17:44] i do not know the detials [17:45] i lost interest in electronics... [17:46] looks fine [17:46] i doubt 1TB will fit in flash memory for a sane cost [17:46] if at all. if so, would be a lage board [17:46] I have no idea really, I just noticed the new top of the line models come with flash hard drives as an option [17:47] same price as regular sata drive [17:50] new technology is always ridiculously expensive, in 5 years it's mainstream [17:50] here is a likely explination for your statement of an existing 1TB flash device --> https://fakeflashnews.wordpress.com/2010/09/29/kingston-dt200-offers-new-capacity-%E2%80%93-1tb-usb-flash-memory-stick-the-biggest-capacity-for-a-usb-flash-drive-is-available-from-aliexpress-com-wholesale-cost-for-dt200-is-not-expensive-it-is-c/ [17:52] I doubt what I read was fake, I mean it was HPs home pages I think [17:52] ok... [17:53] then it would not be flash, it would be a spinning disk type HDD [17:55] netbooks have extreemly small HDD though.. [17:55] smaller then 2.5 i think [17:58] no, still 2,5 but superslim [17:58] oh... thanks [17:59] download is compelte, thanks for the link [17:59] oh, you are correct [17:59] how can i assist you with putty ? [18:00] i see mac book air has a 1.8 inc hard drive [18:00] you found a hdd smaller then 2.5 ? [18:00] ahh ... [18:00] do you have putty? [18:00] well, i am sure i can install it... [18:01] if you tell me what to do for this test... i will do my part [18:01] I what to try if it works on this laptop [18:01] ok, i will check for putty, brb [18:01] I found it in package manager [18:02] im am checking ubuntu software center [18:02] i see, you are in ubuntu [18:02] am an in lubuntu now [18:03] PuTTY Terminal Emulator ? [18:03] yes [18:03] yes, the netbook is for work... it alows me to read my PDF books when i am not driving [18:03] installing [18:03] it's a tiny thing [18:07] putty running [18:07] now what ? [18:07] I'm not shore lol [18:07] my ip is [18:08] i do not know how to operate putty [18:08] what is the command to connect to your ip address ? [18:08] that is what I want to try out [18:08] you have to fill it in [18:09] you can just goohttp://whatismyipaddress.com/ [18:09] I have to fill out yours too i think [18:10] are you in putty configuration now? [18:10] i am looking over "help" in putty... [18:11] i do nto see aconfiguration options that would not take more time then i have .... it seems i would have to learn how to use putty first to be of any use to you [18:12] it apears to be a scripting language rather then a list of commands [18:12] ?? [18:12] o_O [18:13] it has commands for desision making [18:13] I open putty, and end up on a config page [18:13] you do O_o [18:13] mayb later then [18:14] perhaps another person. i seem to have already made an error [18:14] maybe not [18:14] thanks for the link.. [18:14] how so ? [18:14] maybe it's a bit different in ubuntu, but it shouldn't really [18:15] no it shouldnt [18:16] my only other optiion is to install PuTTY SSH Client [18:16] PuTTY 2010-12-08 copyright simon tathham [18:16] tatham [18:17] hmm, maybe that's it then, you have too putty alternatives in package manager? [18:18] There only one putty option in synaptic package manager, which is sort of the lubuntu version of Ubuntu software centre [18:18] yes, i am installing PuTTY ssh client now [18:18] well, Ubuntu used to have package manager too [18:19] yes, i can run synaptic... [18:20] nope.... not your version [18:20] oh, I downloaded about two or three days ago [18:20] ? [18:20] may be a repository listed in lubuntu that is not listed in ubuntu [18:21] maybe [18:21] bioterror ? [18:21] is there a way if I get to grub and tell it to boot a cd, not winXP or Lubuntu 9.04 which is installed on harddrive? [18:21] O_o huh [18:21] daveo, should be [18:21] he is one of the clever guys ehre [18:21] bioterror I mean [18:21] sorry lol [18:22] well, that's good, but what do I enter? [18:22] go to rescue mode and try and mount the cdrom from there? [18:22] IAmNotThatGuy? [18:23] no, you should have a grub menu of sorts [18:23] hey silverarrow [18:23] boot, then quickly press tab or somthing [18:24] right, but it doesn't show a cdrom, so tab? [18:24] IAmNotThatGuy, do you have any idea about Putty in lubuntu? [18:24] daveo, I think you have to go in bios [18:24] erm! nope. Lemme have a look. 10 mins [18:25] bioterror tricked me into putty from package manager [18:25] somehow, someway, this old, old computer now refuses to boot off CD, no matter where I place it in the bios boot order [18:26] hmm [18:26] it is a bit reluctant [18:26] i might have screwed / messed up cabling when replacing burned out cd drive some ages ago [18:26] though it is an option in Bios? [18:27] right [18:27] boot up from usb drive then? [18:27] that's not an option in bios [18:27] you often have to boot with usb preconnected to get that option though [18:27] there is away about that too [18:28] i'll go try , the puter's in the next room, got puppy on a usb stick [18:29] silverarrow, what bioterror told? can you just explain? [18:29] daveo, on the startup, you have to make the BIOS find the CDROM first and boot it [18:29] go to BIOS settings (mostly F2) [18:29] there you can find the option [18:31] IAmNotThatGuy, he recommended putty for communication computer to computer [18:31] silverarrow, okay and what is your issue now? [18:31] putty is the easiest GUI way of connecting [18:31] daveo, does you bios let you arrange priority for booting? [18:33] IAmNotThatGuy, I was going to try it out and get some help from bluelight, but we sort see totally different picture when opening putty [18:33] silverarrow, imagebin link please [18:33] that might be due to the version changes [18:33] there's only one version in lubuntu it seems [18:34] at least package manager [18:34] silverarrow, and also avoid pinging people who helped you before and have no idea now =]. coz some of them might be away. use Short forms of their nick [18:34] IAmNotThatGuy it seems I can't copy putty? [18:34] !imagebin | silverarrow [18:34] picture I mean [18:34] silverarrow: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it. [18:35] IAmNotThatGuy, no stage before pasting [18:35] No PrtScn button?? [18:35] O_o? [18:37] IAmNotThatGuy, ok, I am a bit daft at this [18:37] I have a prtScr button but how to use it lol [18:37] you press it [18:37] and then you look into your ~/ [18:38] just press Alt+ PrtScr [18:38] bioterror, :P [18:38] IAmNotThatGuy, alt + print screen, are you using windows or what+ [18:38] ? [18:38] bioterror, look at your back :P [18:38] yep. Currently working window [18:40] http://imagebin.org/170177 [18:41] sorry, majorly slow [18:41] first time [18:41] !ssh | silverarrow [18:41] silverarrow: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [18:42] did it work IAmNotThatGuy? [18:43] though I have a feeling you are exactly that guy [18:43] silverarrow, yep and follow bio [18:43] bioterror, he is all yours =]. /me is not in a good mood [18:43] me neither [18:43] silverarrow, :P [18:43] I had a worse workday [18:43] sorry [18:43] mostly listening to some music [18:43] argh! [18:44] we can put it off to a better time [18:44] * IAmNotThatGuy is listening to the song that he posted in his fb wall ^_^ [18:44] using SSH is not a magic [18:44] though we live on earth, will it ever come? [18:44] you install openssh-server [18:44] you connect to that with ssh client [18:44] just some basic stuff [18:44] silverarrow, no probs. read the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH [18:44] bioterror, I just wanted to try it out, [18:45] dont try, you might get hooked! [18:45] though I think blulight is gone by now, installing lubuntu to SSD [18:45] look at me [18:45] I'm taking SSH connection even from my toaster to my servers [18:45] silverarrow, probles comes on each day. cant stop helping others for that ;) [18:45] problems* [18:46] bioterror, do you know the full form of SSH? :P [18:46] * IAmNotThatGuy hides [18:46] IAmNotThatGuy, what full form? [18:46] bioterro, the aeropress has come in handy, I shattered my press can, well the glass part [18:47] i'm part way there, getting it to boot off usb - now to put antix on stick instead of puppy, thanks for the suggestion silverarrow [18:47] IAmNotThatGuy, did you know SSH is a finnish invention, just like IRC ;) [18:47] bioterror, learn something kiddo :P [18:47] IAmNotThatGuy, and Linux Kernel ;) [18:47] :o [18:48] daveo, is it working? [18:48] bioterror, but you are not those guys :P [18:49] daveo, one often has to fiddle a bit with stuff like this, but there are ways about ut [18:49] it [18:49] bioterror, have you ever been a part of an invention? :P [18:49] silverarrow, he left :P [18:49] who dares to test putty on my old laptop? [18:49] oh [18:49] silverarrow, try typing the first three letter of a name you wanna mention and press tab. (autofil) [18:50] oh [18:50] cool [18:50] I didn't know that [18:50] * IAmNotThatGuy steps back and moves bioterror to the front [18:50] darn long nick you have lol [18:51] with shit key and all [18:51] shift* [18:51] silverarrow, xD [18:51] lol [19:07] pidgin closed [19:14] noone dares to try out putty? [19:14] wimps [19:14] never mind, [19:18] silverarrow, you're still behind NAT [19:18] learn more about networking [19:20] bioterror, yes, closed ports and all [19:21] though, my neighbor is home I think [19:21] I mean, he has the router in his flat [19:21] we share an old house, [19:22] yeah, I should learn more about networking [23:27] anyone by the computer? [23:28] I am searching through the Tor packages, and there's lots of them [23:28] anyone using Tor?