[00:22] I'm about to give up and just use evolution - but I hate that! [00:22] akgraner: apt-get install enigmail [00:22] I did that [00:22] DOH! [00:23] and it wasn't compatible? [00:23] where did you get thunderbird from? [00:23] I was following the instructions on this page - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto [00:23] I downloaded from the software center [00:24] hmmm, compatibility issues from teh repos isn't good [00:24] I'll figure it out - but I'm not looking at it anymore tonight... I was able to send an encrypted email but Pete could not unencrypt it [00:24] did you encrypt it to him? [00:24] I don't know that that is the problem - I'll let Pete look over it [00:25] heh, ok [00:25] apparently I did but he can't unencrypt it - and he said he wasn't doing any work or trouble shooting on a Sunday night [00:25] you should rage-blog with Michelle [00:26] also you should try ReadFeeder ;) [00:26] but mostly the blogging [00:26] I'm not good at rage blogging b/c righteous anger posts usually show it was my fault and ignorance of my subject matter [00:27] who said anything about righteous? [00:27] I'd rather just calm down an re-approach with some new insight at a later date when my mind is more open to suggestion [00:27] that's how mine would come across :-) I know me [00:27] aw, that's so reasonable [06:14] good morning all [06:27] howdy dpm [06:29] hey jono, evening :) [06:38] dpm, good weekend? [06:43] jono, an interesting one. Flew to Germany on Friday for a friends wedding, made a stop to Anne's parents, to find out just an hour earlier a hailstone storm had destroyed all of the roofs, windows and cars parked outside in town - the stones were like a tennis ball, no kidding, I had never seen something like that. So we spent Friday cleaning up the mess, Sat morning took the train went to the wedding, had a blast and came back yesterday night. [06:43] dpm, holy crap [06:43] dpm, that's *nuts* [06:45] I'm never asking dpm "good weekend" ever :P [06:45] jono, yeah, it was unbelievable. Fortunately, we didn't notice anything of the storm during the flight, and there weren't any casualties in town - there was one somewhere else though :/ [06:45] lol [06:45] wow that sucks [06:45] sorry to hear that dpm [06:45] and the lol was meant for nigelb [06:45] I am not that much of an asshole [06:46] * dpm hugs jono [06:46] haha [06:46] * nigelb hugs jono [06:46] * nigelb hugs dpm as well [06:47] jono, no worries. No one from the family got hurt, and material damage are, well, just things :) [06:47] * jono hugs dpm and nigelb [06:47] dpm, indeed :-) [06:57] * dpm hugs nigelb ;) [06:59] good morning [06:59] Good Morning dholbach! [07:07] morning dholbach [07:07] hi dpm [07:16] hey dholbach [07:28] night everyone! [09:22] aloha [09:24] timezones give me a headache what is 6am PDT [09:29] 2PM [09:29] cheers [09:31] Oh No. Cranberry is crying again. [09:33] stick a dodo in it [09:34] mhall119 is going to wake up unpleased. I'm sure his inbox is exploding as well as mine. [10:40] nigelb, because of LD ? [10:43] daker: I don't think its happening because of LD. But we''re getting emails from LD. [10:43] because of what ? [10:57] No clue :) [10:58] nigelb, what kind of issue are you getting ? [10:59] Out of Memory error [10:59] I see :( [11:03] mhall119, why they are still using mod_python ? [11:12] sigh, I don't know :( [11:12] probably no reason [13:10] http://i.imgur.com/Hvihr.jpg [13:17] Good morning jcastro [13:18] jcastro: is that yours? [13:19] heh no, who drinks arizona green tea, really. [13:25] lol [13:27] so definitely you. === salgado_ is now known as salgado [14:16] nigelb: re your new project on gh - have you seen "the jargon file" or "the hacker's dictonary" ? [14:17] I have a copy of THD always :) [14:17] nigelb: http://www.dourish.com/goodies/jargon.html [14:18] paultag: I haven't, looking :) [14:18] paultag: ooh. My project was to build an open source place where you can put data on. [14:18] nigelb: I have like a 300 some odd page book of stuff :) [14:18] \o/ [14:19] oh sorry, 500 :) [14:19] nigelb: http://www.manybooks.net/titles/anonetext92jargn10.html <- it's really good [14:19] nigelb: might want to import that data into your project if it's not duplication [14:22] paultag: of course! Like I said, my project isn't about data. Its about getting an open source platform to put the data out there [14:22] nigelb: just letting you know it exists :) [14:22] :) [14:27] any packaging ninja here ツ ? [14:28] * nigelb points to paultag [14:28] o.O [14:28] I'm not even MOTU :) [14:28] daker: What's up? [14:29] paultag, https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/+archive/slumber/+build/2750501 [14:29] oop, ftbfs, cool [14:29] let's see what's up [14:29] daker: ah, it's a snap [14:29] pyversions: missing X(S)-Python-Version in control file, fall back to debian/pyversions [14:29] daker: you just need to throw a tag in your control [14:29] let me find you an example [14:30] daker: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~paultag/locolint/debian/view/head:/control [14:30] daker: if you have any other (more complex) issues, the python maint team in Debian rules [14:33] actually, at it's core it's because of setuptools, but I think that is included by default [14:33] crud, yeah [14:34] daker: that won't work, that tag is non-fatal, add python-setuptools to your build-deps [14:34] sorry [14:34] my bad, I should have read more. I got back to work and that was bugging me [14:34] paultag, it's there http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~daker/slumber/deb-packaging/files [14:34] but it doesn't want to work [14:35] interesting [14:36] daker: I don't see it in the build-log [14:36] daker: are you sure you dput the version with that on the build-deps? [14:36] can you explain ? [14:37] daker: looking through your build logs, it shows packages to be installed -- I don't see python-setuptools in it [14:37] daker: when you built and uploaded the package, was python-setuptools in the build-deps? [14:37] daker: also, on an unrelated note, python-central is deprecated [14:37] same with -support, dh_python2 is prefered [14:37] ah no [14:38] daker: just give it a re-upload with the fixed up debian directory, and it should be fine :) [14:38] worry about the deprecated stuff later [14:38] it's noncritical [14:39] paultag, look at "Recipe contents" https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/+recipe/slumber-daily [14:39] paultag, and i didn't upload any package [14:40] i am using the bzr branch [14:40] daker: Ah. When did you add that to the build-deps? [14:40] you mean the setuptools ? [14:40] daker: yes [14:41] yesterday [14:41] daker: and when was that build log? [14:41] 18 minutes ago [14:42] daker: because I don't see it grabbing that build-dep anywhere [14:43] rebuilding again [14:43] well hold on [14:43] let's actually find the issue before we waste more builder time :) [14:44] ok [14:44] paultag, look now http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~daker/slumber/deb-packaging/view/head:/debian/control [14:45] let me just clone your stuff and try a local build [14:45] then we can see if it's a recipe / lp issue or actually an issue [14:45] ok thanks [14:48] akgraner: how's the email encryption going? [14:50] Don't ask... [14:50] heh [14:51] I swear if I have to change to evolution to get this set up I am going to scream [14:51] GPG - screaming guaranteed. [14:51] I installed enigmail [14:51] akgraner: what version of thunderbird? [14:51] daker: built correctly locally in a pbuilder chroot [14:52] daker: I'd ask LP folks. You're looking in the clear :) [14:52] ツ [14:52] and Thunderbird asks me a lot of questions I answer them - but somehow I sent the test message to pete but he couldn't unencrypt it for some reason [14:52] daker: dpkg-genchanges >../slumber_0.2.4-1_i386.changes [14:52] daker: it worked here [14:52] daker: so that means it's an issue with lp's recipes, which are woefully incomplete, I might add [14:53] daker: I'd ask them why it's using a stale cached copy or if it's ignorning a build-dep [14:53] because it is correct in a chroot [14:53] version 3.1.12 [14:53] paultag, thanks [14:53] daker: sure, good luck [14:54] paultag, maybe filing a bug report ? so i can follow [14:55] daker: ask in #launchpad :) [14:55] daker: just say that the recipie is failing on the lp builders, but not locally in a pbuild chroot [14:56] ok thanks [14:56] the lp build is not pulling in a needed build-dep so something is either stale or ignoring the build-deps [14:56] daker: sure thing [15:25] hey dholbach [15:25] hey dholbach [15:25] hey jcastro [15:25] hey jcastro [15:26] Good morning! [15:26] you got lucky, I was going to figlet you [15:26] but I mispasted === salgado_ is now known as salgado [15:27] go on then - what were you going to figlet? [15:28] just hello [15:28] hey jono [15:28] and to ask if jono was around today, but he just answered that [15:28] I am discombobulated, I didn't even know ahmed was on holiday [15:29] yeah, Eid al Fitr [15:30] hey dholbach [15:30] akgraner: have you tried enigmail from mozilla.org instead of the repos? [15:30] dpm, about set? [15:30] may the calls begin :-) [15:30] * jcastro heads off to the land of lunch and metal. [15:30] akgraner: also, what is your GPG key id? [15:30] mhall119, yep and I get the incompability errors [15:31] akgraner: you got compatibility errors from both moz.org and the repos? [15:31] akgraner: you wouldn't have a problem if you stopped being a drug dealer [15:31] jcastro, didnt realize you were coming round for lunch [15:31] ;-) [15:31] jono: oh right [15:31] as if hetfield is hanging out right now [15:31] jono, all set! [15:31] it's called a mercy friending [15:31] jcastro, lol [15:31] jcastro, friends with Hetfield and Rob Flynn now [15:31] jcastro, :-P [15:31] feeling good [15:31] who is rob flynn? [15:31] and Jorge Castro [15:31] I know so many metal people [15:32] jcastro, singer from Machine Head [15:32] oh, and Tony Iommi [15:32] lol [15:32] I read that as mental people [15:32] https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/hatUS7MKVuL7gIiV1AnCdw?feat=embedwebsite [15:32] akgraner, steady [15:32] :-) [15:32] akgraner: close enough [15:32] I only have collected one [15:32] jcastro, I hate you [15:32] back soon [15:32] dpm, firing up the hangout [15:33] mhall119, I'll figure it out - I tried to import a key for someone but it wouldn;t let me [15:33] I just need to send one person and encrypted email [15:33] akgraner: use gpg by hand :) [15:33] s/and/an [15:33] and just attach it :) [15:34] paultag, I don't know how to...:-( [15:34] dpm, invite sent [15:34] akgraner: my key id is 8981F572 [15:34] send me one [15:34] akgraner: what's the reciever's GPG key ID? [15:35] gpg --encrypt -r 8981F572 < ./file.txt [15:35] to send to mike there [15:35] 83707638 [15:35] gpg --encrypt -r 83707638 < ./file.txt # where file.txt is your message [15:35] ahhh ok [15:35] then attach the .txt.asc or whatever it creates [15:36] gotcha [15:36] dpm, rebooting [15:36] apparently Wil Wheaton prefer encrypted emails [15:36] akgraner: ah yes. He's a snazzy fellow [15:37] you can poke him on reddit too [15:37] akgraner: might want to GPG sign your message if he likes it secure [15:37] paultag, I'm learning :-) [15:37] :) [15:38] I'm also learning why it's easier to learn something when you want to accomplish something...it makes more sense [15:38] than just learning it for the sake of learning it [15:38] yar [15:38] akgraner: where did you import his key from? [15:39] I searched for it on some key ring or something [15:39] once sec I'll tell you exactly [15:39] http://wilwheaton.net/contact.php [15:39] I know I went to passwords and clicked on find key [15:39] he has a pubkey there [15:39] typed in his name and got his key [15:39] yep I got his key from his sute too [15:39] that's not the "best" way [15:39] site [15:40] I knew which one I was looking for but still it would not let my import anything [15:40] dpm, lets do skype [15:40] using my other machine [15:40] jono, ok, firing it up [15:40] I am having some weird kernel sound issues [15:40] thanks dpm [15:40] apologies for this [15:41] jono, no worries :-) [15:41] paultag, daker: your debian version hasn't changed, so it won't do a new build [15:41] daker: you probably want to update it to include the packaging branch revno [15:41] paultag, i don't think i understand [15:42] akgraner: that wasn't wil wheaton's key id, who's was it? [15:42] daker: if you upload n.m-1 twice, it won't rebuild it. If you upload n.m-2 then it will. You might want to add the recipie increment field somewhere in the changelog. I can't remember how to do that or where, but I'm pretty sure you can do it :) [15:42] I dunno I may have transposes a number [15:43] daker: asking for help with the lpers is fine, they might have a wiki [15:43] akgraner: no, it's not even similar [15:43] I imported wheaton's from the website paultag linked to, and got 39EE9CCA [15:43] I don't know it's one I got when I searched for his public keys [15:44] http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x7364BA6639EE9CCA [15:44] I have to get some work done - I'll work on this a bit later [15:44] akgraner: you can copy/paste the key text from his website into a file, then run "gpg --import $file" on that file [15:44] that looks right [15:44] yar [15:44] or just gpg --import, paste and ctrl +d [15:44] then you don't have to have a lame file sitting about [15:44] ah, stdin, better way to do it [15:45] ok I'll do that in a bit...:-) thanks y'all [15:45] akgraner: what's your key id? [15:45] ummm I don't know that I know [15:46] how sad is that [15:46] :( [15:46] akgraner: gpg --list-secret-keys [15:46] akgraner: you want command line or seahorse way of finding it? [15:47] E669DFF5 [15:47] I don't see it on a keyserver [15:47] might want to push it out [15:47] and have the hubby sign it [15:47] How do I do that? [15:47] I'll ask Pete to help me later tonight [15:47] I see an older one on the keyservers, 53F5EB5D [15:47] akgraner: use seahorse and use the sync function :) [15:47] when he is done with work [15:48] akgraner: open seahorse, Menu: Remmote->Sync and Publish Keys [15:48] hmmm I'll get it all fixed tonight [15:48] I never in a million years thought I would have to know how to do this [15:49] wil is a rad dude, I'm sure he'd love a little blurb up top about how much gpg sucks :) [15:49] he has a good sense of humor [15:50] akgraner: you gotta hide your messages from the govment [15:50] besides, cryptography is fun, all the cool kids are doing it [15:50] +1 [15:51] Peer Pressure Cryptography, FTW [15:51] :) [15:52] I need to set up mutt to let me do all this via vim [15:52] I have a exrc that lets me gpg encrypt with a keypress [15:52] but I could make it so nice for emailing [15:52] I thought mutt had that sort of stuff built in? [15:53] Pici: it might, I've never used it. It seems smartish [15:53] perhaps it's time to try it [15:53] I know my mutt attempts to verify key signatures, I haven't fixed it so that it actually works though. [15:53] hehehe [15:54] Pici: any tips for setting it up with gmail, on the off chance you do that? [15:54] paultag: Just a sec, I found some instructions back when I did it with mine. [15:54] Pici: thanks, dude :) [15:56] paultag: I'm pretty sure I used this: http://crunchbanglinux.org/wiki/howto/howto_setup_mutt_with_gmail_imap [15:56] Pici: thanks!! [15:57] paultag: np [15:57] I wonder if I can write little extention-lets to it [15:57] like when I get patches and stuff [15:57] * paultag shuffles off [16:00] jono, ready? :) [16:02] dholbach, give me two mins, bio break [16:02] sure === daker is now known as daker_ [16:04] * dpm goes for a break, to be back in a few [16:04] Pici: just worked famously :) [16:04] Pici: thank you!! [16:05] paultag: great! [16:06] dholbach, ok, sorry got talking to Rick [16:06] lets do skype [16:06] bah, whoever is designing unity likes to hide things - I dont like little appearing on mouseover things :( [16:06] G+ hates me [16:06] ok [16:06] (and, yes, Im trying out unity....) [16:06] bah, I don't have skype installed on the new laptop [16:06] hang on [16:06] booting the old one [16:07] dholbach, I will call your phone [16:07] msg me [16:07] it [16:07] or I can wait [16:07] np [16:07] ah, it's not even available in oneiric [16:08] heh [16:08] I was just about to install it here... [16:08] I wonder if the one on skype website works [16:08] dholbach, I use it in Oneiric [16:08] did you upgrade? [16:09] dholbach, yup [16:09] this is a new installation :) [16:09] dholbach, just give me your num, we don't have much time [16:09] I will call your phone [16:09] anyway, old machine started, skype started [16:09] ahh cool [16:24] jono: g+ doesn't hate you, the plugin broke in one eyed rick, it hates everyone equally [16:26] all hates are equal, just some hates are more equal than others? [16:26] hey jussi! [16:27] nigelb: o/ [16:28] jussi: Not seen you around lately :) [16:28] nigelb: I have been travelling and am off again in the morning [16:28] jussi: ah! ouch :) [16:29] nigelb: germany, luxembourg, belgium, holland, then on the weekend I was at the summer cottage - which has no phone reception, never mind internet [16:30] jussi: soudns like too much fun for it to be work :P [16:31] nigelb: nah lots of work, had to test most of the day, long days, tiredness gets to you after a while [16:31] * jussi slaps oneiric for being broken [16:31] heh [16:32] and for petes sake, someone tell me how to stop this nasty launcher from hiding itself... :( [16:33] super button to bring it back [16:33] and if you are running in virtualbox you have a single pixel target to hit :) [16:44] jussi: ccsm will let you make it always display I think [16:44] at least it used to [16:44] * mhall119 hasn't played with oneiric [16:44] someone said dconf, but I cant seem to make it work [16:45] hmmm, I'm not sure how dconf works, sorry [16:45] gnome3 fun [16:46] and the alt tab switcher is strange. [16:46] I'm looking forward to that one, actually, I didn't like the old default switcher [16:46] but overall I can see the intent - just not quite doing things how I like them atm [16:46] I currently have alt+tab mapped to scale plugin [16:47] I miss my kde switcher :( [16:47] which makes finding a windows easier, but makes flipping between 2 more difficult [16:47] mhall119: super-w is the default shortcut for that btw [16:48] ooh, thats a nice tip [16:49] right, so curent annoyances. does anyone care to listen? [16:50] what's the problem? [16:50] jcastro: I guess its more things I miss, and may have to change. [16:51] the alt+f2 should search for programs in the same was as if I search for prgrams in the launcher [16:51] s/was/way [16:51] seems to do that in 11.10 for me [16:52] not here, it needs a full command [16:52] (Im on 11.10) [16:52] alright my friends - I call it aday [16:52] jcastro: I know [16:52] see you all tomorrow! [16:52] dholbach: laters [16:52] jcastro: I have alt-tab doing per-workspace scaale and super+tab doing all windows scale [16:53] jcastro: the search for programs should clear when the menu/launcher thing closes. [16:53] yeah it's supposed to do that [16:53] that's a bug [16:53] This is neat attack http://www.azarask.in/blog/post/a-new-type-of-phishing-attack/ [16:53] a bug is that the "more apps" doesnt get me anywhere... [16:54] yeah the dash needs love this week [16:54] but neil has been busy [16:54] the collapser thing doesn't work either [16:54] I'm excited about the Unity changes, looking forward to upgrading [16:55] the expand to full screen on edge touch is too sensitive - I need too be able to also put the window next to the edge sometimes... [16:56] I have annoyances with all the mopuseover effects, menu's, launcher and scroll bars, but if thats the philosophy my complaint probably wont make much difference. === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch [16:57] oh, small bug, that we may or may not be able to fix - the skype in systray restore button doesnt say anything ( it does however work) [16:58] and printscreen doesnt work when I have it clicked... [17:00] mentalist is here, back laters :D [17:01] jono: we might need to phone today, everything is broken for me in 11.10, no skype, no g+ [17:04] jcastro, np [17:04] dpm, all set? [17:05] dpm, actually, can you give me two mins? [17:05] jono, sure, ready when you are [17:15] dpm, sorry, one sec, had a quick call, will be one min [17:15] jono, no worries [17:17] dpm, ok all set === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado === dpm is now known as dpm-afk [18:00] can you give me a few mins, I have been back to back on calls and I just need a few mins to let my brain sooth [18:00] soothe [18:02] jcastro, ^ [18:03] jono: yeah no worries [18:06] jcastro, which phone num? [18:06] 248-677-1006 [18:06] same one I've always had [18:07] oh man [18:07] we have jcastro's number. Wat do? [18:07] you have a google # I screen calls on [18:07] jcastro, I just called [18:07] no answer [18:08] but then again, tiling window manager guys don't even have opposable thumbs, how will you dial? [18:08] he just said he screens his calls ;) [18:08] jcastro: jesus, have you never used Fluxbox? It's not tiling :) [18:08] lol [18:08] jcastro: go back to Unity :) [18:10] nigelb: haha, did you hear about the mozilla community leader ragequitting? [18:10] nigelb: because so many bugs are not delt with, that's illarous [18:11] paultag: I did. [18:11] nigelb: hope that android bugzilla app helps, haha [18:11] they need it [18:11] heh [18:12] I'm going to do some team work with a friend this week to kkick it it into shape [18:12] THATS IT i AM MOVING TO ARCH [18:13] that's too mainstream for me there jono. Mainstream is clearly overrated [18:19] jono: haha, goo done! [18:19] err [18:19] good one [18:20] nigelb: have you got your @mozilla email yet? [18:21] paultag: @mozilla is employees only. === salgado_ is now known as salgado [18:21] what do the oss'ers get? [18:21] not email, no. [18:21] damn [18:22] not even a @firefox or something [18:22] what a shame :) [18:22] lol [18:22] I hate giving out my "real" email addy (any of them) since I filter 99% of my mail [18:22] They're not for-profit. [18:22] nigelb: so? what does that have to do with anything? :) [18:23] paultag: Save money and all that jazz :P [18:23] Not like its very expensive. [18:23] But I think there's some LDAP connection somewhere there. [18:23] they're running the server anyway :| [18:23] Making, doing the whole thing more painful than usual. [18:24] meh [18:24] I'm sure there are tons of community folks who'd love to do it [18:24] anyways, none of that matters :) [18:24] they can do what they want [18:33] paultag: BAM. [18:33] paultag: Awesome retort on the planet [18:33] and gavin shoots! [19:00] nigelb: humm? [19:02] http://www.gavinsharp.com/blog/2011/08/29/thousands-of-bugs/ [19:02] oh, mozilla [19:02] Also, http://tylerdowner.wordpress.com/2011/08/29/even-more-clarifications/ [19:02] nigelb: meh :) [19:02] heh [19:04] nigelb: I deal with enough drama, no need to start getting wrapped up out in mozilla land too, esp when I use Chrome [19:05] heh [19:34] Joeb454: around? [20:36] paultag: sorry I was distracted === daker_ is now known as daker [20:37] paultag, fixed ツ [21:17] you still around? [21:17] oops [22:07] Does anyone here have a nice latex resume template? [22:13] * AlanBell was O_o about that until I realised you meant LaTeX [22:39] jcastro: ping [22:41] cjohnston: YO. [22:41] jcastro: got an answer for my by chance [22:42] asking [22:42] ok [22:44] bah [22:44] she has to work until like 4pm [22:45] ok [22:45] so not happening? [22:46] I can remote in I suppose [22:46] I'll make sure to talk to Jono about taking something out of your pay :-P [22:46] We will be working on LoCo Directory and summit... [22:58] cjohnston, did you see Charlie's response? [22:58] yes [22:58] looks like we may be good to go re. loco.u.c [22:58] yup.. [22:59] we have to get mhall119's db fix stuff in before we can do the blogroll stuff.. he got the db today.. and is working on it tonight [23:04] cjohnston, awesome [23:04] so if that can get wrapped over the next few days we can then see if IS can deploy ASAP to review the live instance [23:07] yup [23:48] http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904787404576535211589514334.html [23:48] man [23:48] this is awesome [23:48] popey: btw my webos tablet order got cancelled, no $99 party for me