
pleia2holstein: w/ Ubucon just points out the reason we're including it00:11
pleia2it needs a summary00:11
akgranerpleia2, by morning they'll all be done so don't worry00:39
akgranerif they aren't already00:40
akgranerI ran into an issue here00:40
pleia2summaries are all moved over (thanks everyone!) so we need editors now05:26
pleia2I'll add "In this issue" and all the stats tomorrow05:26
nlsthznI see that all the editing has been done on #229... sorry I couldn't have done more myself... working the whole week-end and then having to go and have a birthday too cut in on my on-line time...15:54
pleia2nlsthzn: 23016:00
pleia2we still need editors https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue23016:00
nlsthznpleia2: oh sorry... seems I am one behind >.< ... will be having a look as the night allows (the Muslim holidays puts extra strain on the non-muslims at this time of year...)16:03
nhandlerpleia2: Are you and akgraner  publishing again? Or do you want me to?16:17
akgranerI can edit and publish  - I'm free for the next hour is you need me16:17
akgranerI just can't do the fridge part yet16:18
pleia2nhandler: if you could give us a break and publish tonight that'd be great16:36
pleia2I am dead tired from too much work (stupid hurricane)16:36
pleia2also I won't be around next weekend (not back until late late monday night) so someone else will need to make sure summaries get written, etc16:37
akgranerpleia2, we can handle it - don't worry16:37
akgranernhandler, thanks!16:38
pleia2akgraner: can you collect the meetings links again?16:42
pleia2I'll do stats in a bit (need to make coffee, oatmeal, and do a little work first :))16:42
akgraneryep on it16:42
nlsthznSo far the news letter looks good... except for the missing edition number at the top and some of the other missing information (Also, are we leaving "Your name here" in the contributors list?16:42
nhandlerakgraner: I have a class 4-5pm central time. I'll probably publish when that is done (assuming we are all good)16:43
* nhandler thought he removed the 'Your name here' from the template16:43
akgranernhandler, great - thanks16:43
akgranerpleia2, I'll go ahead and pull out the ## lines as well while I am in there16:44
pleia2akgraner: sounds good, thanks16:46
akgranerThere are no new popular brainstorm ideas for the last week - so I'll pull that section16:46
akgranerI'll pull out team reports as well   - as next weekend these should go in right16:50
pleia2probably the week after next, takes a while for teams to get them done :)16:50
akgranerok I pulled that as well - I let in the ## for the stats sections until the information is added saving now16:51
akgranerok I'm out of the wiki16:56
* nlsthzn likes to see the guru's in action making the magic behind the scenes17:12
pleia2ok, stats and in this issue stuff is done17:23
nlsthznwhat are all the "end of file" messages - see updates and security?18:02
pleia2end of life, not file :)18:02
pleia2that's when support ends for the release18:03
* nlsthzn needs to learn to read :/18:04

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