
HazRPGanyone here heard about the latest vulnerability found for apache?00:28
HazRPGhmm, anyone awake?04:30
HazRPGgot a bash script question, I want to end my script by running a command, and then issuing "exit"... even if the command is still doing something, I want the script to end but let the command run nicely in the background04:32
Azelphuruse &&?04:33
HazRPGah, heh didn't think of that04:33
HazRPGnope... that doesn't quite work04:34
HazRPGstill got the debug stuff of the other command flowing through04:35
ali1234use exec04:36
HazRPGali1234: you mean: exec `command` && exit 104:38
HazRPGwould that work?04:39
ali1234exec runs a program without making a new process04:41
ali1234ie it exits the shell04:41
HazRPGhmm its not doing that04:44
HazRPGthis is the command I want to run and then exit: google-chrome ${OPTS_USER_DIR}${P_BLANK}04:44
HazRPGobviously with those parameters defined elsewhere in the script04:45
HazRPGrunning that in with "exec " in front of it, isn't closing the script04:46
HazRPGhowever if I do that in the terminal by itself (not in a script file) it does04:46
HazRPGif it helps, its getting run from inside of an if statement04:48
HazRPGMartijnVdS: o/04:58
HazRPGali1234: hmm, I think its because of the fullscreen hack05:00
EarthlingMorning friends and trolls05:47
harry_i got the error msg when i fire "make" command in the directory which has the whitespace in the directory name..??06:21
BigRedSharry_: what does the error message say?06:39
BigRedSI'm not in front of my PC much today, but nobody else'll be able to help you either without that bit of info :)06:40
harry_*** No rule to make target `h/harry/harry12/LoadKernalObject/EventDriverModule'......06:44
harry_but the actual path is $ /Desktop/h h/PolyVision/PolyVisionDriver/LoadKernalObject/EventDriverModule06:44
BigRedSah. The obvious fix would be to rename that 'h h' directory, else I'm afraid you'll have to fix the makefile yourself, or get the maintainer of it to06:47
harry_BigReds: remove the 'h h' thats just a demo..i want to work the 'makefile' perfectlly well in case of if user pass the dir name with the whitespace in it..06:49
HazRPGyou know you've been awake too long when red bull is the key ingredient to the day07:36
HazRPG(or rather morning?)07:36
HazRPGMorning Earthling, how art thou?07:37
HazRPGharry_: erm... I don't do much makefile stuff, but well shouldn't it just be encapsulated inside of quotes?07:39
GreenDancedoes the ubuntu cd have a rescue mode?08:25
HazRPGGreenDance: I think it does, not entirely sure though08:43
GreenDanceHazRPG, what it is, is, I have received an old computer with an old linux distro installed but it's missing it's bootloader, so I'm just trying to find out how to go about reinstalling the bootloader08:46
GreenDanceMorning daubers08:50
GreenDancedaubers, by any chance do you know how to reinstall a missing bootloader (lilo)08:51
lubotu3lilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.08:52
dwatkinsoh, I was hoping it would provide a link to the documentation on reinstalling lilo, sorry GreenDance08:53
GreenDancedwatkins, np :)08:53
dwatkinsGreenDance: you should be able to boot from the installation medium (to have the same version of lilo available) and then reinstate it with a lilo command, the option escapes, me but I imagine it's listed in the documentation08:53
dwatkinsyou may need to chroot at the same time08:54
GreenDancedwatkins, thanks ill give that a try08:54
dwatkinsyour mileage may vary, backup everything beforehand, and be aware there may be unrecognised other operating systems etc.etc.08:54
* dwatkins finally found the tune which was going around in his head all week by putting Chicane's discography on a playlist on from youtube (Chicane - Overlap) :D09:02
* daubers had forgotten lilo existed09:07
daubersDo people still use it?09:07
dwatkinsme too, daubers09:07
dwatkinsI guess it's the default on old distros09:07
GreenDanceI think I might have to give up on this :(09:15
* daubers goes brambling09:17
MartijnVdSdaubers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIcJTsGePBE09:17
GreenDancehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjCLQaTFXx0 :)09:21
* GreenDance dancing09:22
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:31
dwatkinsshame GreenDance left - I was about to link to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk5_OSsawz4 :D09:40
dwatkins"...kiss a Wookie, kick a droid..." etc.09:40
=== imexil1 is now known as imexil
oimon_webno irc client on touchpad ...boo. Took me 5 attempts to get the captcha right for the Web client10:24
oimon_webneed to catch up with directhex to find out how his debian chroot is getting on10:26
directhexoimon, wirc works on touchpad.10:27
directhexoimon, also, http://twitpic.com/6ct48e10:27
oimon_webwoah dude, got a link to the howto?10:29
directhexgot preware?10:31
oimon_webnot yet, need to do it via my work pc tomorrow lunch10:34
directhexbasically, the first thing you need is an ext3 partition. to create one, you use "meta doctor", which is a tool which takes hp's webos doctor reimaging tool, and modifies it to create a custom version with superpowers10:34
directhexin this case, there's a space in the makefile where you can set the size of the ext3 partition10:34
directhexonce you reimage using your custom doctor, install preware, enable the testing feeds, install xecutah, edit /etc/fstab to mount your ext3 partition on boot, mount it, and finally install debian or ubuntu from preware10:35
directhexthat'll bootstrap into your ext3 partition, and add a link in xecutah which opens an xterm inside your chroot10:36
directhexfrom there... apt-get whatevs10:36
oimon_webperformance ok?10:38
directhexbetter than my efikamx11:01
penguin42the only problem with having a week and a bit off is the frightening thought that I'm going to have to wake up 4 hours earlier tomorrow11:28
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/677151/ argh. dpkg is broken, any ideas what to do?11:37
AlanBell/usr/lib/grub does not exist11:38
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Do you know why this error happened? .: 97: Can't open /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib11:38
penguin42hmm - that file doesn't exist on my machine that has a newer install and thus never had Grub1 on11:40
penguin42it is on my old machine that still has Grub111:40
AlanBellit exists on my laptop11:40
AlanBellwhich is running Natty11:40
TheOpenSourcererIt's on mine (10.10)11:40
AlanBellcan I just copy from one machine running 64 bit natty to another I wonder11:41
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: It's a bash script11:41
AlanBellyeah, but there is other  stuff in /usr/lib/grub that is probably important11:41
TheOpenSourcererAhh - the dir doesn't exist?11:42
AlanBellI copied it over, but have to pop out for a bit now, will test later11:45
GreenDanceis it possible to customise the ubuntu installer?11:50
directhexGreenDance, sure. which one? there are two ubuntu installers11:59
GreenDancedirecthex, which one is which please?12:01
directhexdebian-installer does the text-mode installer (server & alternate & netinstall CDs)12:01
directhexoh, i guess there are three, thinking about it12:02
GreenDanceI'm thinking of the graphical one12:02
directhexwubi is the Windows-based installer, if you run it from inside windows12:02
GreenDancethe graphical one from the live cd12:02
directhexUbiquity, then.12:03
directhexthat one's called Ubiquity12:03
GreenDancethank you directhex12:04
brobostigonis there a FB message client for android, that manages those messages, ie, replying etc, without having to go to the website?13:06
brobostigonand unlike FB's own app, isnt dead slow, and prone to malfunction.13:08
dwatkinsbrobostigon: you should be able to configure a jabber client for facebook13:24
dwatkinsThere's also Fring, but I havn't used that in a while.13:24
brobostigondwatkins: however wont that only work for FB chat, and not Fb messages?13:24
dwatkinsoh sorry, I see what you mean - can't you use the official FB app for those?13:24
brobostigondwatkins: i am finding it somewhat slow and unstable, so looking for an alernative.13:25
dwatkinsI think it's just using the browser, so that's understandable.13:25
brobostigonit keeps it all in app, it doesnt open the browser, at any time.13:26
WesterhamHello. Trying to see if anyone can shed light on the account login on my Ubuntu machine being really slow - you have to keep each key for the password depressed for sometime. I've posted a boot extract at http://paste.ubuntu.com/671690/13:29
ikonia-remoteWesterham: are you logging into the gui locally ?13:44
WesterhamYes, on the same PC.13:47
ikonia-remotewhat video card do you have ?13:48
livingdaylightHaving trouble installing Brother DCP-167 printer on Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit. Anyone have experience with this?13:54
livingdaylightI seem to have met all 64-bit requirements13:54
livingdaylightAnyone can tell me what dpkg  -i  --force-all does?13:54
ikonia-remoteit forces the install13:54
ikonia-remotelivingdaylight: why do you need to force it ? what's the error13:55
livingdaylightis that a way of installing a 32-bit deb file on a 64-bit machine?13:55
ikonia-remoteyou don't want to do that13:55
livingdaylightsudo dpkg -i dcp167ccupswrapper-1.1.2-2.i386.deb13:55
livingdaylightpackage architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)13:55
ikonia-remoteno, it won't, as you're running 64bit and that package is 32bit13:56
ikonia-remotethat just tells you to install the 32bit libs13:56
ikonia-remotewhich I assume you've installed13:57
WesterhamThink its an nVidia MPC61 - will check though.13:57
ikonia-remotelivingdaylight: then it tells you to foce the 32bit package to install.13:58
ikonia-remotehave you followed what that guide says ?13:58
livingdaylightikonia, yes, which I'm told is not a good idea13:58
livingdaylightyes, except for the forcing bit13:58
ikonia-remotelivingdaylight: in my view it's not, however you don't really have a choice13:58
ikonia-remotelivingdaylight: you have a choice of using the 32bit driver, or not using your printer13:58
livingdaylightthe 32-bit driver only has a chance of working if I force it. Forcing something never sounds like a good idea. In a computing context I don't know what the ramifications could be13:59
ikonia-remoteno ramifications,14:00
ikonia-remoteit will either work as a software product or not, which as this is from a main vendors such as Brother, it should work.14:00
ikonia-remoteit's an official package, with official instructions, you can trust brother and hope your printer works, or not use your printer. Your call14:00
livingdaylightok, thank you14:01
MartijnVdSPrinter manufacturers should stop providing software, and work with distros to get stuff packaged and distributed properly14:01
livingdaylightMartijnVdS, yes14:01
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: no they shouldn't14:02
livingdaylightUbuntu has been around long enough, and Brother are a big enough company. Given they provide some support why not go the whole way and provide up to date drivers for both 32 AND 64 bit ?14:02
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: it's not realistic/practical14:02
ikonia-remotelivingdaylight: maybe the drivers don't work in 64bit.....ever thought about tha t?14:02
WesterhamJust confirmed graphics card is ATI Radeon HD 4550 512MB14:03
ikonia-remoteWesterham: have you configured the correct graphics config for this card, sometimes visual lag is not actually real lag and just the graphics card mis-configured14:03
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: Then you can expect 600MB printer drivers, like on Windows14:04
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: what ?14:05
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: never had an HP printer in Windows?14:05
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: If you're lucky, it comes with 3 JVMs and is 600MB14:05
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: yes, but how has the size of the driver got to do with being package for inclusion in a distro ?14:05
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: hardware manufacturers are VERY bad at writing drivers.14:06
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: what ?14:06
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: they are the people who makes the hardware.....they are the best people at writing the drivers for them14:06
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: except they don't know anything about the framework(s) they're programming for -- CUPS, the kernel, etc.14:06
ikonia-remotemore so when most of the products are closed source, so they are the only people who can write teh drivers14:06
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: you talk an amazing ammount of nonsense14:06
ikonia-remotepeople like HP are VERY aware of cups and the kernel14:07
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: so they give you a blob that works for them.. and say "We support Linux! [X] Check"14:07
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: no they don't14:07
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: HP, yes. And wifi chipset devs are improving14:07
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: do you have any idea of what you're saying or any factual information to back up what yo uare saying14:07
ikonia-remoteHP wifi chipsets are improving.14:07
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: Check the staging/ part of the kernel to see what I mean14:07
ikonia-remotethey don't make a chipset14:07
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: HP + Linux is fine, I know14:07
ikonia-remoteand HP labs where the people who made wireless-tools14:08
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: But other manufacturers tend to be bad.14:08
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: no they don't14:08
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: please give me an example14:08
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: rt2x0014:08
ikonia-remote_sorry, my stupid web connection dropped14:09
ikonia-remote_didn't get your last message14:09
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: rt2x0014:09
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: most DVB hardware, too14:09
ikonia-remote_MartijnVdS: errrr no14:09
ikonia-remote_MartijnVdS: please show me a DVB hardware provider that has Linux support that doesn't actually work or has "bad" drivers as you call them14:10
MartijnVdSikonia-remote_: twinhan14:11
ikonia-remote_MartijnVdS: so that says it supports linux but doesn't ?14:11
MartijnVdSikonia-remote_: Well the linux-dvb community seems very separated from the "mainline" kernel people14:12
ikonia-remote_no, that's not what I asked14:12
MartijnVdSikonia-remote_: and bugs don't get fixed for long times.14:12
ikonia-remote_according to this only 2 devices are supported14:12
=== ikonia-remote_ is now known as ikonia-remote
ikonia-remotein fact they appear to have removed Linux as a list of supported platforms14:13
MartijnVdSeven worse, imho :)14:13
ikonia-remotenot really14:13
ikonia-remotea company doesn't have to support Linux, in a lot of places it's not a worthwhle investment to do so, more so for rolling distros like ubuntu14:14
MartijnVdSBut if they do, they should do it right or help other people do it right14:15
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: name me one that doesn't do it right ?14:15
MartijnVdSbecause bad drivers are worse than no drivers, imho14:15
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: like I said, since staging/ the kernel drivers are improving14:16
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: name me one that doesn't do it right14:16
MartijnVdSnvidia ;)14:16
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: nvidia do it fine, it's a closed source product14:16
ikonia-remoteI don't agree it's a good solution, but it's actually one of the best closed source compatible options14:16
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: you're making these wild statements but not really providing anything to back it up14:16
ikonia-remotecopmanies should stop making bad driver............"who".............errrrrrrrr everyone14:17
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: When I go buy a printer, I have to have my phone with me to check linuxprinting to see if it'll work properly.14:17
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: that's not anything to do with bad drivers, that's general linux support14:18
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: and I don't want to download untrusted(!) code from some random website (printer manufacturer) for it to work14:18
ikonia-remoteha ha ha ha ha14:18
ikonia-remoteuntrusted from the manufactures website14:18
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: if it's not signed, it's untrusted.14:18
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: please stop talking nonsense14:18
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: Please stop talking.14:19
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: so that means you don't use any external repos or PPA's?14:19
ikonia-remoteor no software that is not in the ubuntu repos14:19
ikonia-remotedo you use flash ?14:19
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: so to confirm you only use software that is hosted within the ubuntu repos ?14:20
ikonia-remoteoh dear, how dissapointed, your statments don't make sense so you've gone on mute.14:21
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: You could try to be less argumentative about it, you know. Or help me make my point in a more constructive way and not shout me down at every opportunity.14:22
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: then don't make bad statments as fact14:23
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: or, you know, provide proof for your own statements too14:23
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: what would you like proof of14:23
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: I can't help you make your point......because it's wrong, which is why I was discussing it with you.14:24
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: There you go again. "Inaccurate" doesn't have to mean "bad". I don't mean to insult anyone. I'm trying to describe how I feel I have to use things and what I do (and don't) like about it.14:24
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: if you're making statements such as "vedors write bad drivers" or "software outside the repos" to people - that is wrong and missleading people, it's "bad"14:25
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: OK, I should have worded that differently then.14:25
ikonia-remotein an ideal world everything would be open and distro maintainers could incorperate the packages they want, however, it's not. So you have to work with the situation14:25
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: To answer your questions --  I use as little software from outside the main repo as possible.14:26
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: ok - so then you use unstrusted software by your own statement14:26
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: If we don't describe the perfect situation, we don't know what to work towards :)14:26
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: you're not describing the perfect situation, you're just saying people make bad software14:27
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: No, those repositories are signed by keys I trust14:27
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: oh.....so how is a key you trust different from a website you trust14:27
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: I can spoof DNS. I can't spoof a PGP signature.14:27
ikonia-remoteoh really......come on14:27
ikonia-remotein that case, I don't trust ubuntu developers......I don't trust my ISP, I don't trust your machine has not been compromised and your keys changed14:28
MartijnVdSI think you're paranoid :)14:28
ikonia-remotewe can go to that level if you want, or we can live in a realistic position14:28
MartijnVdSTime to go home.14:28
ikonia-remotehow dissapointing14:28
MartijnVdSnow you have to find another IRC punching bag? :P14:28
ikonia-remotenot at all, it's a valid conversation14:29
ikonia-remoteI wasn't trying to punch you, however you seem to come out with a lot of your views as "fact"14:29
directhexhe's right, though14:32
directhextake a look at Canon's drivers for high-end ten grand printers14:32
directhexthey were subcontracted to a teenager in Lyon. they only work on i386 with 2.2 kernel14:33
ikonia-remoteI don't think he is "right",14:33
ikonia-remoteif thats the documented support.......then that's the support14:33
directhexhardware vendors are often spectacularly bad at software engineering. when they keep stuff closed and unredistributable, there is no hope for fixing it14:33
ikonia-remoteI don't agree with it, I don't buy cannon and brother for similar reasons14:34
ikonia-remotedirecthex: that's the point, it's closed, so what can you do ?14:34
directhexbtw, the brother printer driver does sorta work. but the scanner driver will hose your install14:34
ikonia-remotethe vendors are trying to write software for mulitple different distributions with different product versions (especially the rolling ones) they can either work within their limitations, or open the platform....which they won't do14:35
directhexat least you can print on tuesdays now on brother printers. that used to be broken :)14:35
ikonia-remoteif distributions centralised their activities to few more supported distros you may see a change14:35
ikonia-remotedoubtful, but possible14:35
directhexikonia-remote, it's a distribution issue though - given Mac OS X uses CUPS (and apple bought the CUPS project), most mac printers are simple PPD files that work fine on ubuntu, whereas the linux downloads are often defective14:35
directhexthere's the rule o' thumb: use mac drivers on linux, not linux drivers (!)14:36
ikonia-remotenow that is an interesting point14:36
ikonia-remoteis there a compatability list for the mac printer support (googling)14:36
ikonia-remotewhat the devil is an Apple printer ?14:37
ikonia-remoteapple make their own printers ?14:37
ikonia-remoteI've never seen one14:38
AlanBellor they used to do so14:38
ikonia-remotemassive brother and cannon support, directhex are you saying that's all in cups ?14:38
directhexikonia-remote, some of it.14:39
ikonia-remoteAlanBell: surprising ammount of legacy apple printers in mac os 10.614:39
directhexnow, here's how brother work it14:39
ikonia-remotedirecthex: ahhhh some of it,14:39
directhexit's "just" cups, but their cups ppd specifies to pass data through a filter14:39
directhexthat filter is an i386 executable14:39
directhexso you can't use the brother ppd without the i386-only executable14:40
directhexshort version: no printing on ARM gear14:40
directhexrelated note: need to configure my printer on my touchpad14:41
AlanBellprinting through qemu :)14:41
ikonia-remoteI wonder if that factor is one of the limiting reasons the ipad/iphone has limited HP printer support14:42
AlanBelldunno why printers don't just do postscript, end of story.14:43
directhexAlanBell, cheaper to use the host cpu than add a cpu to the printer14:43
directhexnothing to config. it autodetected the printer, i can just print from printer dialogs14:44
ikonia-remotedirecthex: is that from the tablet ?14:47
ikonia-remotedirecthex: to what printer ?14:48
directhexan hp inkjet w/ wifi14:49
ikonia-remotedirecthex: that's cool, I've got a reasonable HP inkjet (C8100-something) and neither my ipad or iphone can printer to it over the wireless network or bluetooth14:49
directhexi need to buy a dongle for bluetooth on it14:49
ikonia-remotethere is a list of these HP cloud printing printers that the iphone/ipad support.....other than that, you can't print. Which is poor show14:50
ikonia-remoteairprint - that's what it's called14:50
ikonia-remotecouldn't remember14:50
ikonia-remotethought about upgrading my printer based on some of the conversations in here, the HP 8500 pro deskjet seems a reasonable device, however there appears to be many models called the HP  8500 pro desktop with a £150 price difference from £140 to £299......seems a bit mental as there isn't good details as to what is different beyond wireless/not wireless networking15:10
HazRPG\o I'm awake honest o.O15:26
HazRPG*runs to grab a either a blank CD or DVD lying around*15:26
=== bjwebb_ is now known as bjwebb
* daubers has made jam15:45
MartijnVdSis it good jam?16:22
GreenDancewhen a release of ubuntu reaches eol, does that mean it's cut-off from updates16:23
GreenDancemeaning an upgrade is needed16:23
GreenDanceI was wondering, is the sudo in ubuntu the same as the sudo in debian?16:29
brobostigoni believe so, yes.16:29
GreenDancebrobostigon, if the gui is removed from ubuntu desktop distro, does that make the cli install the same as ubuntu server?16:33
brobostigonGreenDance: good question, no idea.16:34
AlanBelldifferent kernel amongst other things16:34
GreenDanceAlanBell, ubuntu server stronger than ubuntu desktop?16:34
AlanBellerr, not sure what that means16:35
GreenDanceAlanBell, ubuntu server more secure than ubuntu desktop *16:35
GreenDancebut different kernels?16:35
AlanBelloptimised differently16:35
GreenDanceAlanBell, ok, so if you install gnome on ubuntu server, would it preform better than ubuntu desktop distro?16:36
* GreenDance scratches his head16:37
AlanBellyou would be unlikely to notice the difference, but the server is optimised for server type workloads and the desktop kernel is optimised for desktop type workloads16:38
GreenDancegot-cha :)16:38
GreenDanceso ubuntu is better than debian :D16:39
brobostigondpends on your preference.16:39
brobostigoneach is designed for different applications.16:39
brobostigoni am on my eeepc right now, so i use debian, it is lighter in certain ways than ubuntu, and less resource heavy in certain ways.16:41
* daubers has pondered just running ubuntu server on his eeepc16:44
daubersas I tend to boot it, load a terminal and then do everything in vim16:44
GreenDancebrobostigon, which window manager do you use?16:46
brobostigonGreenDance: mutter.16:48
brobostigoneeek. logged into irc as root, bad idea Earthling.16:50
EarthlingIm old school16:51
GreenDanceplaying with the new ubuntu, i'm not one for the unity, i prefer the standard d/e16:51
EarthlingHack of and I would pay a thousand16:51
EarthlingAh I love stroking my route16:52
EarthlingHow many bounces tonight sir?16:52
GreenDanceis it just me or is it that unity looks like osx?16:52
EarthlingUnity is a sack of cow pat16:52
EarthlingOsx looks like unity though16:53
GreenDanceAlanBell, can anyone watch tonights meeting?16:54
brobostigonEarthling: old school has nothing to do with it, running your irc client as root is just plain stupid, however if you want to take that risk, that is your choice.16:54
brobostigonGreenDance: take part in tonights meeting, yes definatly.16:55
EarthlingLol oh you are cute16:55
GreenDancebrobostigon, seriousally? take part16:55
GreenDancebrobostigon, yes please16:55
brobostigonGreenDance: yes, of course. :)16:55
GreenDancebrobostigon, fantastic :)16:55
* GreenDance is excited16:55
brobostigonGreenDance: it is in #ubuntu-uk-meeting16:55
EarthlingI am root I am root I am root! So what? Please poke me! You will just get something else.16:55
suprengr_Earthling, I remember that recently at least two dictators have boasted themselves indefeatable as well ;D16:58
EarthlingBe my guest. Like I care. Its just a box. Lol16:59
* suprengr_ has better things to poke than a box ;)16:59
MartijnVdSsuprengr_: pokemon!17:00
* suprengr_ slaps own wrist - reminds self this is a family channel17:01
suprengr_MartijnVdS, just seen yours - nice one!17:01
daubersWho chaired the last meeting?17:08
AlanBellme I think17:08
* daubers notes the agenda is out of date, and there are no meeting notes for the last one :)17:08
AlanBellit was the pre-reapproval one17:08
* AlanBell will fix17:09
daubersAlso, I'm going out with the inlaws this evening so won't be able to make the meeting. My apologies for that17:09
brobostigonhave fun daubers :)17:10
AlanBelldo we have a volunteer to take the chair?17:12
GreenDanceAlanBell, what would the chair have to do?17:13
AlanBellrun the bot and keep things moving17:13
* mgdm takes the chair and runs away with it17:13
AlanBellwatch one and you can chair the next17:14
GreenDanceI will watch tonight's to see how the process goes :).17:14
* TheOpenSourcerer should be around if you need a chair :-)17:15
daubersAlanBell: Should probably cover some of the stuff in http://blip.tv/episode/550444717:16
ikonia-remoteam I still connected ?17:16
ikonia-remoteahh, yes17:16
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda please add items17:17
AlanBelldaubers: cool, glad that is up now :)17:17
* TheOpenSourcerer points directhex here: http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/29/cyanogenmod-team-gets-android-working-on-hp-touchpad/17:17
daubersAlanBell: 2 left I think17:17
ikonia-remoteTheOpenSourcerer: be interested in seeing the definitinon of "working", reading that now17:18
ikonia-remotewhy the devil do you need lvm support on a touchpad17:19
daubersAlanBell: I think the video stuff went quite well for a first run17:22
AlanBellyeah, and you did an awesome job on the encoding17:27
daubersI think I've sussed how to make it much better next year, including automating the title text if  can get it to connect to campfire manager17:28
daubersWould also mean we could stick a monster encoding machine somewhere to just eat the streams and encode as it goes17:29
daubersAlso, I want to see how powerful gstreamer can really be17:29
* AlanBell contemplates purchasing http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280716112085?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l264917:39
* penguin42 had expected some super geeky technical item to talk about17:41
AlanBellnot this time :)17:44
penguin42don't drop table;17:44
penguin42sorry, best I can do17:44
AlanBellgood effort ;)17:46
* daubers goes to the pub17:55
directhexTheOpenSourcerer: urgh.17:56
ikonia-remotedirecthex: please tell me you wear the holster18:03
* suprengr turns Ch4+1 to watch Simpsons Halloween Special18:03
directhexikonia-remote: nope. but i remember many years ago seeing mobile phone holsters in pc magazines18:06
ikonia-remotedirecthex: please get one, I want a photo of you wearing one18:06
zleapwhere does apt store .deb files18:11
MartijnVdSzleap: in /var/cache/apt18:14
zleapsynaptic is telling me i need to reinstall the brother printer package dcp310cnlpr but it can't find an archive18:15
zleapi have copied the 2 .deb packages to the above location what else should i try and do18:15
zleapnote nothing now works with synaptic18:15
zleapinternal error opening cache (1) please report18:15
MartijnVdSzleap: open a terminal, and type: dpkg --configure -a, please18:16
zleapas root18:16
zleapor as sudo18:16
MartijnVdSsudo dpkg --configure -a18:16
zleapi didn't get any errors or messages from that18:16
MartijnVdSzleap: ok.. sudo apt-get -f install18:18
zleapok from that i get the message18:18
MartijnVdSzleap: please put it in pastebin :)18:18
zleapE: the package dcp310cnlpr needs to be reinstalled but i can't find an archive for it18:19
MartijnVdSzleap: ok.. do you still have the .deb?18:19
MartijnVdSzleap: sudo dpkg -i that_package.deb18:19
zleapok i will attempt to use paste bin then try and copy the right link to netbook18:20
MartijnVdSzleap: that package is very broken.. it requires lprng (which nobody uses anymore).18:22
zleapwell the printer now works18:22
zleapso how do i get my printer working with ubuntu18:22
MartijnVdSzleap: to fix it, remove the line that tries to start "lprng" from /var/lib/dpkg/info/dcp310cnlpr.postrm (and .postinst)18:22
MartijnVdSwait no18:23
MartijnVdSthat will only fix removing that package18:23
MartijnVdSnot installing18:23
MartijnVdSas I said .. the package is broken18:23
zleapinstalling is a mess,  as it uses csh to install18:23
MartijnVdSit might work now, but now apt is  broken18:23
zleapso i need to fix apt without breaking the printer18:23
TheOpenSourcererbloody ethernet switches. They're everywhere!18:23
MartijnVdSzleap: hacking in /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.post{inst,rm} is deep voodoo, but it's the only way to get apt to work again on your system18:24
TheOpenSourcererTrying to get a wireshark trace of what my nanode is up to18:24
TheOpenSourcererbut I don't have a hub.18:24
TheOpenSourcererAny suggestions how to capture the traffic?18:24
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: I have some redundant hubs18:24
TheOpenSourcererDo you?18:25
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: hub, or second ethernet port in a PC that you bridge with the "real" ethernet18:25
TheOpenSourcererEven the bloody router appears to be switched.18:25
AlanBellADSL modem/router18:25
zleapi cd to dcp310cnlpr.postinst18:25
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: or arp poisoning :)18:25
MartijnVdSzleap: you've never edited shell scripts before, have you?18:25
MartijnVdSzleap: because this might get messy quick :(18:26
zleapnot that much18:26
AlanBellI have two ADSL routers that are 4 port hubs18:26
MartijnVdSzleap: the .postinst should be a file (shell script) that does lots of things, starting/stopping lprng among others18:26
TheOpenSourcererI have an old router which I think is a hub.... Might drag that out of retirement and gic it a go.18:26
MartijnVdSzleap: you need to rip out the "lprng" bits, without breaking the shell script18:26
MartijnVdSzleap: then dpkg --remove should work (then you can't print anymore, but apt will work again)18:27
MartijnVdSzleap: I don't  think you can install the package properly without lprng installed18:27
MartijnVdSbecause you can't intercept postinst scripts in time18:27
zleapso i need to ask brother to do a proper job with the printer driver18:27
MartijnVdSzleap: what's the model?18:27
MartijnVdSzleap: how is it connected?18:27
ikonia-remotezleap: does it not complain about missing dependencies ?18:27
MartijnVdSzleap: then it probably just works anyway18:28
MartijnVdSzleap: let me check18:28
zleapi am sure before i have grabbed a ppd file and told cups where it is18:28
zleapthen its worked,  i had to fix things before as their scripts were looking for non existant directories so created them manually18:29
MartijnVdSzleap: first, let's get your system working again :)18:30
MartijnVdSzleap: then worry about the printer18:30
zleapok i am in the directory with the scripts in18:31
MartijnVdSzleap: /var/lib/dpkg/info ?18:31
MartijnVdSzleap: sudo gedit dcp310cnlpr.postrm18:31
zleapok there is a line with lprng18:32
MartijnVdSzleap: can  you pastebin it and the lines around it?18:32
MartijnVdS(2-3 should be enough)18:32
GreenDancehas anyone here ever replaced the power jack on a laptop before?18:33
MartijnVdSzleap: does /etc/init.d/lprng exist?!18:34
zleapnot sure18:34
MartijnVdSif it does.. why?! :)18:34
MartijnVdSyou don't want lpr or lprng.. you want the CUPS version of everything18:34
zleapi just run install scripts to install drivers18:35
MartijnVdSdon't ;)18:35
MartijnVdSI saw two options on the brother site: one for lpr/lprng, one for cups18:35
MartijnVdSI think you've downloaded the wrong one of the two. But let's fix it :)18:36
zleapi got the impression from the site i needed bothj18:36
zleapor one expects the otehr or it did a few years ago18:36
MartijnVdSit's either/or18:36
MartijnVdSthough if it's a networked printer, I wonder why it needs special drivers at all18:36
MartijnVdSmost of those speak "proper" printer languages, like PCL or PostScript18:37
zleapcos lookng at the supported printer list in cups my printer isn't listed18:37
zleapi go to add printer18:37
MartijnVdSI know I know18:37
zleapok so lprng exists18:37
MartijnVdSzleap: ok, dpkg --purge lprng :)18:37
MartijnVdSthat'll remove lprng18:38
MartijnVdSand that should automagically fix the package reinstall (dpkg -i)18:38
zleaper ok its telling me its not installed18:38
MartijnVdSzleap: dpkg -S /etc/init.d/lprng18:38
penguin42pity, I like lprng18:39
zleapno path found matching pattern /etc/init.d/lprng18:39
MartijnVdSzleap: what's in that file?18:39
zleapwell its a script18:40
MartijnVdSzleap: sure, but it should come from somewhere :)18:40
MartijnVdSzleap: can you move it to ~root (sudo mv /etc/init.d/lprng ~root)18:41
MartijnVdSzleap: that should ALSO fix  the problem.. though hacky18:41
MartijnVdSand it's strange that a script that's not under package management is on your system18:41
zleapi take it if i am inj that directory i don't need the path18:41
MartijnVdSzleap: best to include it if you do rooty things18:41
MartijnVdSJust in case18:42
zleapoh its ~root18:42
MartijnVdS~root = /root :)18:42
zleapok sorry i thought you did - not ~ small screen18:43
zleapthat seems to be done18:43
MartijnVdSok.. now do the sudo dpkg -i again18:43
zleapcan i search back through the chat window to find it18:45
MartijnVdSzleap: sudo dpkg -i the_file_you_downloaded.deb18:45
zleapthat should reinstall it18:47
MartijnVdSbut that shuold work now18:47
zleapwhat did we do with that lprng file just move it or got it out the way18:47
MartijnVdSzleap: moved it out of the way, so the install script doesn't see it there18:47
MartijnVdSzleap: so it doesn't try to run it18:47
MartijnVdS(because running it fails)18:47
zleapso if its renamed it doesn't matter18:47
MartijnVdSno, as long as there's no file named "lprng" or "lpr" in /etc/init.d18:48
MartijnVdSzleap: there's an /etc/init.d/lpd as well?18:52
MartijnVdSzleap: I think you've installed some packages you don't want18:52
MartijnVdSzleap: and it's going to be hard to clean up18:52
zleapgrrr.  why can't things be easy to use18:53
MartijnVdSzleap: you shuoldn't have installed lpd and lprng :)18:53
zleapso should i remove the lpd file too18:53
zleapwell i fiollow instructions18:53
MartijnVdSzleap: dpkg -l lpd18:53
MartijnVdSzleap: and dpkg -l lprng18:53
zleapohh ok18:54
zleapi have removedf lpr18:54
MartijnVdSzleap: the package, or the file?18:55
zleapas it won't remove the package18:55
MartijnVdSthen try dpkg -i again18:55
zleapi did18:55
zleapit wants the directories /var/spool/lpd/DCP310CN18:55
zleapwhich i had this issue before and did it manually18:56
MartijnVdSMaybe someone else can help you, I have to go afk in a few minutes18:56
zleapok i created those and its happy with installing18:56
zleapdoes dpkg -r remove a package18:57
zleapthanks for your help18:57
zleapyay thats fixed it18:58
suprengrhave a peek at slashdot's:  http://interviews.slashdot.org/story/11/08/29/1737257/Ask-Kevin-Mitnick18:59
* MartijnVdS whistles in suprengr's phone and calls for free19:00
suprengr[especially anyone boasting re using IRC as root] ;)19:00
* suprengr notices a sudden rise in phone bill :(19:01
MartijnVdSTime.. for something to drink19:03
suprengrMartijnVdS, cheers - just grabbed one [glug]19:04
MartijnVdSsuprengr: I'm sticking to water :)19:04
suprengr[but so am i!]19:05
Guest74831evening all19:05
* suprengr wonders why nose is growing19:05
=== Guest74831 is now known as diplo
TheOpenSourcererAnnoyingly my old router also appears to be a switch rather than a hub.19:06
TheOpenSourcerer/me makes note to self to go and buy a cheap 4 port HUB for sniffing duty.19:06
MartijnVdSthey don't exist anymore, TheOpenSourcerer19:06
MartijnVdSVERY hard to find, anyway19:06
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: That would appear to be the case. So how do peeps sniff now then?19:09
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: you take a machine with 2 network cards, bridge the cards and attach the device to sniff to one card, and "the network" to the other19:10
TheOpenSourcererOK - thanks.19:10
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: you assign an IP to/dhcp on the br0 interface of that host (so you can actually use it for "normal" interwebs)19:10
TheOpenSourcererMy desktop only has one LAN port...19:11
TheOpenSourcererMy laptop only has one too.19:11
TheOpenSourcererMy little server (headless, no gui) has two19:11
MartijnVdSPCI cards/USB LAN dongles are cheap19:11
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: wireshark/tcpdump dump files can be shipped across the network :)19:12
ikonia-remoteTheOpenSourcerer: is this for practice/interest or for a real problem19:12
TheOpenSourcererikonia-remote: Both.19:12
ikonia-remoteTheOpenSourcerer: if it's practice just use a cross-over cable or a switched network card and 1 cable to sniff between PC's19:13
ikonia-remoteTheOpenSourcerer: what is the real issue (not the practice stuff)19:13
TheOpenSourcererI have a nanode (like an arduino) that I am playing with but there is a problem with a data feed from Pachube.com I am trying to debug it by getting a full trace.19:13
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: can't the nanode run tcpdump? or is it too light for that?19:13
TheOpenSourcererHmmm - MartijnVdS This looks promising: http://biot.com/blog/usb-sniffing-on-linux19:15
MartijnVdSthat's USB sniffing19:15
MartijnVdSnot network sniffing :)19:15
zleapMartijnVdS, i think i got it all working now it appears there is a package with the right bits in19:15
ikonia-remotethe usb-sniffing-on-linux gives it away19:15
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: well, yes19:15
TheOpenSourcererYeah - but it sounds like the arduino sends lots of data that way.19:16
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: put your machine (if it has 2 network cards) between the device and the network19:16
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: but USB doesn't do switches, only hubs really :)19:16
ikonia-remoteTheOpenSourcerer: the arduino sends data by USB ?19:16
MartijnVdSikonia-remote: I know, that's what I told him :)19:16
ikonia-remoteMartijnVdS: sorry, I meant that for TheOpenSourcerer19:16
* TheOpenSourcerer installs dsniff19:23
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: dsniff has some nice tools in it, also try wireshark (and its terminal brother, tshark)19:23
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: I have wireshark - that's what I've been using - does that have some arpspoofing integrated?19:25
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: I don't think so19:25
TheOpenSourcererYeah - I still need to set up arpspoof first19:25
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: oh you're not going the bridge/2 interfaces route?19:26
GreenDanceI was just wondering, what makes gnome so hardware hungry?19:28
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: This would appear to be easier and quicker.19:28
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: that method also works for VMs :)19:33
ali1234GreenDance: do you mean gnome 2 or gnome 3?19:35
GreenDanceali1234, gnome 219:35
ali1234mainly the memory leaks then19:36
ali1234gnome developers seem to have a policy of never calling free() unless someone reports it as a bug19:37
ali1234or maybe it is just because C makes memory management hard19:38
gordbecause gnome is written in GObject which handles memory management for you19:40
AlanBellfreakyclown: u r wanted in #oggcamp19:40
TheOpenSourcererTeam Meeting in 7 minutes all19:53
suprengrtik toc - tic tok19:57
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ikonia-remoteI've just visitied www.bbc.co.uk and its got adverts on it ?20:29
bigcalmikonia: what country are you in?20:30
ikonia-remoteBrazil at the moment20:30
bigcalmThen you will see adverts on bbc.co.uk websites20:31
bigcalmIt's only advert free in the UK20:31
ikonia-remoteI had no idea they did that20:31
ikonia-remotewas quite a shock as the sheer volume and size of the averts is quite shocking20:31
bigcalmI didn't until I heard people complain about it a while ago20:31
MyrttiI was going to say I've never seen any adverts on it while in Finland20:32
Myrttithen I realised why20:32
ikonia-remotethat's quite an agressive bit of work for each hit, to do a look up, and work out if it's a UK IP20:32
ikonia-remoteMyrtti: proxy ?20:32
bigcalmMyrtti: UK proxy?20:32
Myrttisimpler than that - I've been using Adblock and the predecessors since 2002 or so20:33
* bigcalm nods20:33
MyrttiI've actually donated to the chrome adblock20:33
ikonia-remoteit looks less credible as a site with the size and volumes of ads20:33
ikonia-remoteI'm sure it's because I'm used to seeing it without adds20:33
Azelphurhttp://newtech.aurum3.com/images/scottevest.jpg anyone happen to know of anything like that but without the $200 price tag? :D20:38
ikonia-remoteseems quite a reasonable price20:41
Azelphur120 quid + shipping/import is pretty expensive for a coat20:41
DJonesAzelphur: The coat is free, you're paying for the storage cupboard :)20:42
Azelphurhttp://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQAsv7VqNeC8ugek&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgadgetcrave.frsucrave.netdna-cdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2010%2F07%2Fscottevestcoat.jpg omg even more xD20:44
ikonia-remoteAzelphur: I think £120 for a coat is quite reasonable, I have coats which cost more, so it seems a reasonable price20:50
ikonia-remotea good coat will cost £70 - £200 (not designer stuff, just a good coat)20:50
Azelphur*shrug* I've never spent more than £10 on any article of clothing20:50
Azelphur£70 would be stretching it, I'd want it to have solar panels for that :D20:50
ikonia-remotewhat was the "Reapproval" being discussed in the -uk meeting ?20:57
ikonia-remoteor mentioned in the topic20:57
AlanBellhi ikonia-remote20:57
ikonia-remotehello there20:57
AlanBellit was the LoCo team reapproval with the LoCo council20:57
AlanBellevery two years we have to demonstrate our awesomeness20:58
ikonia-remotedo you have to get the team re-approved on a regular basis ?20:58
ikonia-remoteahh, every 2 years20:58
AlanBellso they keep sending us CDs and other swag20:58
ikonia-remotefrom what I've seen / read the -uk team is one of the more real and active teams20:58
AlanBelllike a tablecloth that Daviey has20:58
AlanBellactually we are middling20:58
ikonia-remotehow are teams like the malta team getting re-approved, that's been in dead state for years20:59
AlanBellFrance gets 5000 people to their launch parties20:59
ikonia-remoteAlanBell: it's not all about the numbers....I can get 5000 to a party with "ubuntu launch party, FREE BEER" signs, it's about quality21:00
AlanBellwe have a lot of individuals that do amazing stuff21:00
czajkowskiikonia-remote: eh the french party is quality21:00
ikonia-remoteit's nice that you have to be re-approved, I'm just surprised as so many logo teams have just sat in nothingness for longer than 2 years21:01
czajkowskiand don't advertise free beer21:01
czajkowskiwhat do you mean nothingness?21:01
ikonia-remoteczajkowski: I've heard they advertise free netbooks to each attendee21:01
AlanBellbut in terms of team activity we are not anywhere near the top21:01
ikonia-remoteAlanBell: again....quality......21:01
czajkowskiikonia-remote: that's a bit different than  fRee beer now don't you think21:01
ikonia-remoteczajkowski: I was joking on both21:02
AlanBellikonia-remote: stuff like the Italian team ISO testing project is a huge thing they do21:02
ikonia-remoteAlanBell: I obviously don't follow what all locos do, I just see this one as one of the rarer ones that do "something"21:02
ikonia-remoteAlanBell: what's -uk's stand out "thing" ?21:02
AlanBellwe do indeed do something :)21:02
ikonia-remote(assuming there is one thing that is the selling point)21:03
czajkowskilocos differ I guess, ireland has 3 jams next weekend, will all be kinda small, but will be taking part21:03
AlanBellwell we did do the en_GB translation for one21:03
AlanBellwe have nothing much planned for the global jam21:03
ikonia-remoteczajkowski: yes, I have no issue with that21:03
czajkowskiikonia-remote: glad you approve :)21:03
ikonia-remoteczajkowski: I don't think it has to be big, but I'd like to see people do "something" so many locos just exist21:04
ikonia-remotealthough I wasn't aware of how big things like the -it ones are21:04
AlanBellikonia-remote: the grey ones are not approved http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/21:04
AlanBellthe ones with the colour logos are doing enough to meet the requirements for approval21:05
ikonia-remoteso if you're not approved....does that mean you have to shut up shop ? or just carry on as an unofficial/unapproved team21:05
AlanBellno, you carry right along21:05
AlanBelland get help from the LoCo council if required21:05
ikonia-remoteah, so it's a guidence thing21:05
ikonia-remoteyou're not hitting the criteria, lets help21:06
AlanBellsome teams are cool with not being approved, they don't get the CDs, but don't really care21:06
ikonia-remoteok, so it's not the worst thing in the world to not be approved21:06
AlanBellno, but it would be pretty embarrassing if we had lost it21:07
ikonia-remotesorry, I wasn't saying it was worthless,21:07
ikonia-remoteI didn't mean that at all21:07
AlanBellI understand what you mean21:08
GreenDanceAlanBell, when the UK won, can I ask, what did they send you?21:08
AlanBell"won" isn't quite right21:08
AlanBellthey send us CDs every release21:08
AlanBellI have a decent stash of them still21:09
GreenDanceok  :)21:09
AlanBellI was hoping to get rid of more of them at oggcamp than I did21:09
GreenDanceAlanBell, do you only have 11.04?21:09
GreenDanceI am on that page already :D21:09
AlanBellyeah, 11.04 Ubuntu Kubuntu and Server21:09
ikonia-remoteAlanBell: UK has too good an internet service for people to not have them, plus the Linux Format magazine keeps people stocked21:09
AlanBellyes, but people like the official ones still, and they are good to hand out at events21:11
czajkowskiyup if teams don't need them21:11
czajkowskithey don't have to order them either21:11
AlanBellwhen do we order the 11.10 ones?21:11
ikonia-remoteAlanBell: can you order how many you want ? or just a shed load turns up21:11
AlanBell250 turn up21:11
czajkowskiAlanBell: close to release date21:12
ikonia-remotethat's not massivly over kill then21:12
AlanBellno, it is fine21:12
AlanBellI got them late this cycle because of an ordering mixup, I hope to have them closer  to the release date next time21:12
GreenDanceAlanBell, when you get a shipment of new cds, do you get rid of the old ones first?21:12
GreenDance'get rid' send them out first*21:13
AlanBellI am trying to!21:13
AlanBellI was hoping they would go at oggcamp21:13
AlanBellthe Ubuntu Server ones are rather pointless21:13
GreenDancewhy's that?21:14
suprengrAlanBell,  artistic note: had a look - just out of curiosity - that server cover is soo much more a cooler thing than the desktop cover21:14
AlanBellGreenDance: I wouldn't give it to a random windows/mac user21:14
GreenDanceAlanBell, fair enough21:14
AlanBelland most people who want an Ubuntu server CD will download and burn, or spin up an EC2 machine from the EC2 images21:14
AlanBellthe CD wallets are nice, just folded card, but on the inside there is a hidden image of the narwhal tail21:15
GreenDanceCDs are great for people who have restricted internet allowance21:15
AlanBellyeah, or people who just want to try it21:16
suprengrAlanBell, yum - narwhal tail soup21:17
ikonia-remoteI never think the running from CD is a good experience for people to try, issues with the video card config, performance issues running in ram/cd, things like flash / audio / video codecs not running21:17
ikonia-remotetoo many "X doesn't work ,ubuntu sucks"21:17
AlanBelland your better alternative is . . .21:20
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: How does the meeting page get created then? It doesn't appear to be here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/MeetingNotes21:21
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20110829 put it there21:22
TheOpenSourcererIs there a "caching" thing going on with the LastMeeting redirect?21:30
AlanBellwell that sucks21:32
AlanBellI think it might have changed the redirect type with the wiki upgrade21:32
AlanBellbother, I changed it to an include rather than a redirect and it still bounces firefox across!21:36
TheOpenSourcererI'll mail the list with a link to the actual page for the time being then.21:36
AlanBellmust be a 301 permanent redirect now21:39
TheOpenSourcererHave you finished editing the Agenda for next time? I'm updating it with the actions etc.21:40
AlanBellyes, I didn't edit it21:40
TheOpenSourcererThis page was opened for editing or last previewed at 2011-08-29 21:34:30 by alanbell.21:40
TheOpenSourcerer You should refrain from editing this page for at least another 7 minute(s), to avoid editing conflicts.21:40
AlanBellyeah, I edited it and closed it without saving21:41
TheOpenSourcererOK - Time for bed. NN all.21:51
suprengryup - me too - just as soon as Buzzcocks finishes [gotta getta dose-a Buzzcoks] ;)21:53
ikonia-remoteGreenDance: ping22:52

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