
=== jackson is now known as Guest5077
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
Sadinmorning everyone15:01
TheEvilPhoenixmorning is invalid15:02
Sadinim forking the qwebirc project and going to restyle it its to plain for me :)15:12
Sadinand im putting on github i hate mercurial compared to git15:12
MutantTurkeyIt went from summer to fall in the matter of a hurricane17:29
rhpot1991quite nice outside now17:50
rhpot1991I enjoyed finally not sweating while walking my dogs at 1am17:51
MutantTurkeyindeed, the walk to the train station was quite lovely.17:54
MutantTurkeyexcept that septa is a mess right now.17:54
* waltman wonders if the R5 has starting running yet18:14
waltmanDoesn't look like it.18:14
waltmanLast I saw the train platforms at Trenton were still under water18:17
pleia2yeah, I've seen lots of flooding photos18:18
waltmanI'm guessing on the Paoli line the issue is more trees than water18:18
TheEvilPhoenixare sections that were affected the most in PA still under that disaster emergency state?18:19
pleia2one of our customers was ok yesterday, but their T1 went do this morning due to the water continuing to rise :(18:19
knightzeroThere were some power issues along Route 30 when I was driving in this morning.  A lot of streetlights out, and a few downed poles from what I could see.18:19
waltmanI drove down through Strafford and Wayne today at lunch and it all seemed fine except for one crew along Conestoga Rd.18:27
knightzeroI didn't go down quite that far, but I know there were a good deal of streetlights out between Coatesville and Downingtown this morning.  I'm not sure if it extended all the way to Paoli.18:30
MutantTurkeyR5 is down still i think19:06
MutantTurkeyR2 is like running half an hour lae.19:06
MutantTurkeymanyunk is a wreck19:06
MutantTurkeyokay so i've finally amassed enough money for a new laptop. I am thinking a thinkpad.19:41
rhpot1991I like my dell xps19:45
rhpot1991but they stopped making 13"19:46
rhpot1991I'd recommend system 76 as well19:46
rhpot1991sadly its hard to find something smallish that has nvidia in it anymore19:46
MutantTurkeysystem76 has had some terrible reviews on reddit lately.19:46
rhpot1991thats too bad19:47
rhpot1991like support or hardware?19:47
rhpot1991I have a meerkat ion from them, has run well enough19:47
rhpot1991that said I just build a newer ion for cheaper19:47
MutantTurkeyI need a tank also - I tend to be a bit rough on my stuff19:47
MutantTurkeyI do like the look of the system76 stuff19:47
MutantTurkeymy budget is like $1200 - so it's really anything19:47
rhpot1991I splurged for an led screen and ssd on this, glad I did19:48
rhpot1991a bit pricey up front, but I use it every day at work19:48
MutantTurkeyis SSD worth it?19:48
MutantTurkeyI hear they are not reliable19:48
MutantTurkeyand they use more power19:48
rhpot1991speedy quick19:48
rhpot1991small in storage too though19:48
MutantTurkeytheir idle is way higher than regular HDDS19:49
rhpot1991I can't say for sure but I thought it was the opposite19:49
MutantTurkeyhdds have greater max usage though19:49
MutantTurkeyno, phoronix ran a whole test thing if i recall.19:49
MutantTurkeyor it was toms hardware19:49
MutantTurkeybut that was 200919:51
MutantTurkeyeither way - 200 bucks for 64gigs is not worth it.19:51
rhpot1991I'm at 128gb I think19:52
rhpot1991just don't keep music and crap on there19:52
rhpot1991get yourself a nice cowon for that :)19:52
MutantTurkeyI don't want to carry around an external drive.19:52
rhpot1991cowon == media player19:53
MutantTurkeywell I like to use my desktop for music19:53
rhpot1991could do an ipod if you care about looks and not sound quality19:53
MutantTurkeyalso I use/do a TON of audio production stuff.19:53
MutantTurkeyso I need space, and a lot of it.19:53
jedijfthe samsungs(although untested) look real hotttt20:12
jedijfwoot has been teasing me with one20:13
jedijfwoot has had i3  13.3 sammy for 500   twice20:22
MutantTurkeybut i3...20:22
jedijferr 15 iirc20:22
jedijfbest buy has i7 15's for 800-90020:23
MutantTurkeyI think I am going to get an i7.20:23
MutantTurkeyit will be out of date in 2 years, but it will be good for longer20:23
MutantTurkeythan an i320:23
MutantTurkeyI figure I can always upgrade ram and HDD later, processor I am stuck with on a laptop20:23
MutantTurkeyI also want somethng that will last 5+ years. those 800 i7's are probably plastic20:24
jedijfthe woot i5 was aluminum20:24
jedijfthats the tease'20:24
MutantTurkeyoh boy.20:24
jedijfcheck, i think most of the sammy's are alum now20:25
jedijfi'm driving20:25
MutantTurkeythey are duralumin20:25
MutantTurkeyso aluminum with a new name.20:25
MutantTurkeyI looked at system 76, they don't offer a good 13 inch :|20:25
jedijfcheck the other linux house... pleia2 whats their name?20:26
MutantTurkeyzareason ok.20:27
jedijfMutantTurkey: ^^^20:27
MutantTurkeyalso, AMD?20:27
MutantTurkeydo we have opinions on them?20:27
jedijfi don't have any, you, with the audio, may be worth a google20:28
MutantTurkeyjedijf: they are also just i3's on their 1320:28
MutantTurkeyI just see AMD's are so dang cheap20:28
MutantTurkeylenovo offers i7's on 13.3 inch20:28
jedijflenovo is first choice, the sammy's just look hottt20:29
jedijfmodel name: Pentium III (Coppermine)20:29
jedijfstepping: 1020:29
jedijfcpu MHz: 696.96020:29
MutantTurkeyjedijf: oh boy that's high powered.20:29
MutantTurkeyall samsungs are flashy flashy20:29
MutantTurkeynot powerful20:29
jedijfibm x21 that lives and works outside reliably20:30
jedijfall tempa cheer20:30
MutantTurkeyalso a reason for lenovo, they are good all weather and all locations20:30
jedijfmake sure you get an eraserhead model\20:31
MutantTurkeythose are my favorite. though I am likely to buy a bluetooth mouse20:31
MutantTurkeyIt's true.20:31
MutantTurkeyI am just really bad at using touch pads.20:31
MutantTurkeyI am a tiling manager guy anyway :) I stay off the mouse as much as possible20:31
MutantTurkeylenovo = 720p webcame20:32
jedijffrivalous extra device20:32
MutantTurkeythe camera? nope I need it to webchat with my girlfriend20:32
jedijflame, irc is much hotter20:33
MutantTurkeythats what I keep telling her...20:33
MutantTurkeyher excuse is something about my nick...20:33
jedijfdump her20:33
MutantTurkeyalso, I finally thought up a new mobile name20:33
MutantTurkeyjedijf: my mom likes this one.20:33
jedijfdump her faster20:34
jedijfi know this from my own son; let me help you pick20:35
MutantTurkeyshe's actually really great except she isn't a computer geek20:35
jedijfk... lawn time20:36
jedijfsee ya20:36
MutantTurkeyaltavista, baby.20:36
MutantTurkeyor something like that.20:36
InHisNamespend spend spend23:23

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