
* Squirm dies03:22
=== scar[w]_ is now known as scar[w]
=== Superhuman_ is now known as Superhuman
Kilosmorning superfly and everyone else08:21
superflymorning Kilos08:21
Kilosanyone explain to me what wesley is doing with the virtualization thing10:02
Kilosis he trying to make a virtualbox10:02
Kilosthere is virtualbox-ose-qt in synaptic10:05
Kilosoh he is using CentOS. I must learn to take in what i read10:11
Kilosaw missed the monkey11:25
Kiloshiya kbmonkey hows things?11:32
kbmonkeyhello Kilos11:32
kbmonkeyah you know things get busier with other things, that's how it goes11:33
Kilosare you winning at least?11:33
kbmonkeyhow goes it there?11:33
Kiloswell ty11:33
Kilosi read your mails to the list and get lost but otherwise fine11:34
kbmonkeyI'm trying to enable kvm on my pc so virtual machines work better11:36
kbmonkeythere's always something.. ;)11:36
Kilosarent you using ubuntu?11:37
kbmonkeyeven so its hardware 11:37
Kilosah thats why you looking other virtualization stuff11:38
kbmonkeyim using the same that ubuntu would11:38
Kilosbut on ubuntu it works11:39
Kilosvirtualbox and kvm are in synaptic11:39
kbmonkeytheres a switch in the bios that triggers the functionality11:39
kbmonkeylet me try it again, brrb11:39
superflykbmonkey: your reply was of no use to bill11:40
superflykbmonkey: his problem is that he made his / partition 10G while his /home partition is 140G11:41
kbmonkeymy / is 10G superfly. 50% used with all dev tools too.11:41
kbmonkeyi was just trying to suggest some help11:41
superflydo you have a separate /usr ?11:42
superflysilly boy11:42
superflykbmonkey: easy mate, I wasn't trying to moan at you11:46
kbmonkeyworks Kilos :) can you believe it, i had to completely cut off the power before the bios enabled the setting. lol11:46
kbmonkeysure thing superfly ;)11:46
superflykbmonkey: <superfly> do you have a separate /usr ?11:46
kbmonkeyno I don't11:47
superflyhow much space have you got left in / then?11:47
superflyI'd never be able to use that little space - I have too many games installed :-P11:47
kbmonkeyover time older package archives accumulate 11:48
kbmonkeyha ha ;) i don't have that large games11:48
kbmonkeyor i store game files on my second large hard drive11:49
superflymine are mostly installed from the repos11:50
kbmonkey10gb is a bit little if you are someone who tries all the apps. each app you install keeps the .deb file in archives on disk too11:54
superflyyep, I know, but apt does clean up the archives every now and then too11:56
kbmonkeyreally? I always has the thought apt does not clear those out automatically. 11:59
superflyyeah, it does... very occasionally, but I have had times I've gone back to look for packages, and they weren't there.11:59
kbmonkeyperhaps if you put the command in your bash startup it might11:59
superflynot in my startup script12:02
kbmonkeyI think you are misinformed friend :) 12:03
kbmonkeyapt does not auto clear unless you give it the autoclean option. i doubt ubuntu would want to waste user's bandwidth by auto clearing12:03
kbmonkeyoh that's a shame, unity won't run inside a virtual machine :(12:05
somaunnhello everyone12:13
Kiloshiya Langjan 12:42
kbmonkeyek soek n biejtie boeretroos nou Kilos :)12:42
KilosMaaz, coffee on12:42
* Maaz puts the kettle on12:42
kbmonkeyMaaz coffee please12:43
Maazkbmonkey: Yessir12:43
LangjanHi kilos, how are you keeping?12:43
Kiloswell ty Langjan and you12:43
LangjanFine thanks, just over the top packing12:43
LangjanKilos, do you know whether there is a scan facility on Ubuntu to scan a text document to editable version?12:43
Kilosmassive job that12:43
Kiloswhat do you want to scan for Langjan 12:44
LangjanI used t do it with the standard scan utility on Windows...12:44
Langjanan article from a magazine 12:44
Kilosyou want to edit it?12:44
Kilostry right click and open with12:45
superflyLangjan: are you talking about using a scanner on a physical magazine?12:45
Kilossee if gedit is there, if not go to other options12:45
Langjanyes, I wrote it years ago but only have the print and want to edit it12:46
Kilosoh you want to scan a document, sorry12:46
Kilosoh my12:46
LangjanI have gedit but how do I get it to editable format?12:46
Kiloscan you open it in gedit?12:46
superflyLangjan: you're looking for something called OCR - Optical Character Recognition12:46
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and kbmonkey!12:46
KilosMaaz, ty12:47
MaazEnjoy Kilos12:47
superflyLangjan: there's an app called Xsane that does scanning, I think it might be able to do OCR as well12:47
LangjanHi Superfly, yes OCR12:47
LangjanI have Xsane, let me see if I can find OCR option 12:48
superflyMaaz: ubuntu ocr12:48
Maazsuperfly: Huh?12:48
superflyMaaz: google for ubuntu ocr12:48
Maazsuperfly: "OCR - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR :: "Optical Character Recognition With Tesseract OCR On Ubuntu 7.04 ..." http://www.howtoforge.com/ocr_with_tesseract_on_ubuntu704 :: "easy-ocr - Easy Ocr package for ubuntu with 99% accuracy and 24 ..." http://code.google.com/p/easy-ocr/ :: "Howto Make scanned PDFs searchable (OCR) using ... - Ubuntu Geek" http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-make-scanned-pdf12:48
superflywow, 7.04, that's OLD12:48
Kilosmust still be the same thing12:48
superflyLangjan: it looks like OCRFeeder + Tesseract or CuneiForm is your best bet12:51
LangjanThanks Maaz, superfly,  I'm going to have a look in the links you sent12:51
superflyLangjan: look for those apps in Synaptic12:51
superfly(or software center)12:52
LangjanOK, installing, thanks guys12:53
Kiloshe got a lekker job superfly 12:55
Kilosrunning a christian youth camp kinda thing in the magaliesberg12:56
superflyoh, ok, that's cool12:57
superflyKilos: I should tell him about OpenLP then12:59
Kiloswhat is that superfly ?12:59
superflyit's an open source app for churches to project the words of the songs using a data projector13:00
Kilossend him a mail13:00
Kilosthey do weddings as well and its open to others as well at very good rates13:01
Kilosthats why he is busy packing13:01
Kiloslong way from bronkhorstspruit to the magaliesberg13:01
Kiloshere is the link   http://www.sikelele.co.za/13:02
magespawnhowdy all13:03
Kiloshi magespawn howzit13:03
superflyyo magespawn13:03
magespawnhi superfly13:04
magespawnany body know how to scp over your home network?13:04
superflymagespawn: how do you mean "over your home network"?13:04
magespawnbehind your router13:04
superflymagespawn: like, between 2 PCs on your network?13:05
magespawnyup laptop and server13:05
magespawnlet me show you in pastebin13:05
superflyscp <files> user@host:/dest/dir13:05
Owkkurigranted, openssh-server needs to be installed too :P13:06
magespawnyeah have that done 13:06
magespawncan ssh no problem.13:07
magespawnhave also tried to ftp the files but i get the same error13:10
superflymagespawn: looks like you don't have permission to write13:10
magespawnokay so i need to change the permissions of the folder then13:11
magespawnis this the right command:13:17
magespawnsudo chmod -u -rwx Joomla13:17
superflymagespawn: the user you're trying to copy the files as is "gregory" - I'd suggest you start with that13:18
magespawnyes that is the user on the server. i am trying to copy from my laptop to my server. using scp. over a network13:19
magespawni control the server, if you can call it that, through an ssh connection13:20
superflymagespawn: rather than blindly setting permissions on the folder, first have a look at who owns the folder13:21
magespawnokay brb13:22
magespawni am doing something wrong13:27
superfly<superfly> magespawn: rather than blindly setting permissions on the folder, first have a look at who owns the folder13:28
superflymagespawn: you're using ls incorrectly. "ls <dir>" shows the contents of <dir>13:31
superflymagespawn: your problem is not what is inside Joomla, it is Joomla itself13:32
magespawndid i do it right?13:43
magespawnman this is bending my brain today13:47
Symmetriaif you can read that (if you speak half decent afrikaans you should be able to)14:45
Symmetriathats the funniest shit Ive seen in a while 14:45
superflymagespawn: sorry, it was home time, and the other half of my lift club wanted to go home ;-)15:08
superflymagespawn: just do an "ls -l"15:13
Kiloshiya nlsthzn Tonberry sakhi 15:56
nlsthznKilos: Hello... and a hello to everyone else too :)15:58
kbmonkeyhello nlsthzn 16:00
nlsthznHey Mr. kbmonkey ... welcome back (seems you went missing for a little while)16:02
kbmonkeyi have nlsthzn and i will be missing for a while more16:02
kbmonkeybut not for too long :)16:03
Kiloskbmonkey,  have you got work down there?16:03
kbmonkeyno offers yet Kilos :)16:04
nlsthznkbmonkey: hopefully something comes up soon!16:08
kbmonkeynot a problem Kilos, and im sure something will present itself even if i go find it!16:08
Kilosput the info to the lists16:09
kbmonkeyi am wary of big corporates after spending nearly a decade of my life with those, so i am playing my cards carefully :]16:09
Kiloswe all hold thumbs for you lad16:16
kbmonkeyag thanks oom Kilos!16:18
Kilosgrrrr 30 min power outage18:54
nlsthznKilos: Becuase of bad weather, or bad management?18:56
Kiloswell duh18:57
Kilosweahter great18:57
Kilosweather too18:57
Kilosthats what made my maverick sick18:57
Kilos4 outs in 30 mins about two weeks ago18:58
Kilosbeen slow ever since19:00
nlsthznWhat file system are you using?19:00
nlsthznStrange, it is a journaling filesystem so it should be able to handle it...19:00
SymmetriaI'm reading this fascinating article published in forbes about sex19:01
Symmetriahahaha read the section on better teeth19:01
nlsthznoh, I thought you lol'ed at my comment :p19:01
Symmetriathats so awesome! I gotta quote that to a girl sometime19:01
nlsthznGuess it won't be SFW so I will pass :)19:01
Kilosit did lotsa damage nlsthzn  the recovery mode in grub menu doesnt work anymore either19:01
Symmetrianlsthzn its forbes magazine19:01
Symmetriaits pretty safe :P 19:01
nlsthznAh ok :)19:01
nlsthznguess it is possible that there was actual physical damage to the disc... maybe some bad sectors etc...19:02
Symmetriabut haha still read the section on better teeth19:02
Symmetria:P you gotta use that with a chick sometime 19:02
Kilosit could be nlsthzn 19:03
Kilosbut i dunno how to find that out without formatting19:04
superflynlsthzn: Unless it's sex, drinking or networking, Symmetria's not interested :-P19:04
Symmetriaahhaha superfly not entirely true :P 19:05
Symmetriayou left out really fast cars that I have the potential to own :P19:06
nlsthznKilos: fsck... check the man page... lots of goodies it can do19:06
superflyoh, right, I forgot that.19:06
nlsthznaffordable cars and fast woman... or the other way around?!19:06
Kilosty nlsthzn 19:06
Symmetriasuperfly LOL, at the end of the day, I can make out a case for the fact that everything we do comes down to one of three things, power, money and sex :P19:06
* superfly doesn't really care19:06
Symmetriahuman beings are hedonists by nature :)19:06
* superfly is happily married, with a kiddo, and that's plenty for him19:07
Symmetria(and altruism is a myth created to appease our own self guilt!) 19:07
Symmetriasuperfly :) I don't dispute that marraige is a good idea, infact, lol, there is a pretty high chance I will be engaged in the next few weeks19:07
nlsthznWell it is because humans where able to over come his nature that he is now what he is (and I am not sure if it is good or bad)19:08
Symmetrianlsthzn heh, I am not convinced we did overcome our hedonistic nature, we merely realized that it was in our own self interest on occasion to assist others :P19:08
Symmetriawhich still makes it self serving, which still falls into the definition of hedonism19:09
Symmetria:) I have yet to find anyone who can show me a concrete example of an altruistic action that is beyond dispute19:09
Symmetriaheh, superfly I do also have other interests btw :P I've been a keen student of psychology for 15 years 19:10
SymmetriaLOL, I've probably read more psych text books and done more study into psych than into any area of IT I've ever played in19:10
nlsthznSymmetria: If one believes something isn't possible then you will never see the proof of it not being true ;)19:11
Symmetrianlsthzn heh, this can be true, except that would not negate a concrete example of it in action, and I am willing to consider any example given me :)19:12
Symmetriaand willing to explain in detail my problem with any example :)19:12
Symmetria(hell, if you take it down to its roots, in the Christian religion, if God was not theist (rather than hedonist or altruist), at its core even the death and resurrection of Christ could be considered a hedonistic action, though as I say, that wouldnt really apply because of the theist nature of a deity)19:14
Symmetrianlsthzn lol, you will find I am the ultimate cynic though :) 19:14
Symmetriaheh, I dont believe in absolutes though either, being a fan of systemic theory, there is no such thing as right or wrong :P19:16
Symmetriasince right or wrong is only defined in the context of the specific system with which you are interacting and is therefore not a constant :P19:17
nlsthzn... but for a period it was valid ;)19:19
nlsthznKilos: btw... the disk being checked must be unmounted so easiest way would be a live CD :)19:20
Kiloswill do ty nlsthzn 19:20
KilosSymmetria, where you went to school19:20
* Symmetria bounces around, gf arrives in 17 hours19:20
* nlsthzn thought the bouncing only started af... uhm... never mind :p19:21
Symmetrianlsthzn give it time :)19:24
Symmetrialol, for once in my life Im actually taking this fairly slowly, trying to develop a real relationship before going there :P 19:25
Symmetriamainly because I actually finally found a girl who I seriously think I could build something long term with :P19:25
Squirmnuvolari: ?19:54

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