
micahgugh, indicators seem broke on armel02:02
micahgwas missing xfce4-indicator-plugin...wonder what's missing dependencies03:26
knomecharlie-tca, https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/debian-cd/xubuntu-logo/+merge/7249709:02
knomecharlie-tca, as long as there is no progress on that, there is no way the logo would be on the livecd09:02
knomecharlie-tca, so you might want to subscribe to the branch09:03
Unit193Not bad, but you didn't add glow to it? ;)09:14
knomei did09:18
Unit193Hmmm... Ok, I'll wait since seems I'm looking at the wrong image :P09:22
Unit193Anywho, nice update, maybe I should try sleep :P09:25
Unit193Mon, 29 Aug 2011 05:25:26 -040009:25
Unit193Normally yes, but not quite :P09:37
knomeanywho is not a word :P09:37
Unit193Yeah, but I actually use it in person too much09:37
Unit193Good night09:39
charlie-tcaknome: Just saying "no, it isn't done yet. it is waiting for ???" would be a much nicer update12:46
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: hey, the alacarte/garcon issue isn't reproducible with the default xubuntu session. But if I use a vanilla xfce desktop (not customized by xubuntu, e.g. the "xfce" session), simply opening and closing alacarte triggered the bug here13:38
mr_pouitand installing the package from -proposed fixed it13:39
mr_pouit(but since I'm the uploader, I can't really mark as "verification-done" my own upload ;-)13:39
charlie-tcaOkay, I will try that then.13:41
charlie-tcaI will get it verification-done today13:42
charlie-tcamr_pouit: don't even have to start alacarte in the xfce session if it was run in the Xubuntu session. 14:05
charlie-tcaThe xfce session doesn't have any menus14:06
charlie-tcamr_pouit: verification-done14:23
charlie-tcaThanks for the help getting the thing done.14:27
mr_pouitno, thank you for the verification ;-)14:33
charlie-tcayou are very welcome14:33
charlie-tcamadnick: I am getting the plymouth script error at L:205 C:2 also now16:02
madnickcharlie-tca: Yeah, thats probably the 16 bit fix that moved down the error16:08
charlie-tcaWe have two solitarie entries now, in Games, Freecell Solitaire and Aisleriot Solitaire16:49
charlie-tcaAisleritot lets you play many different games, but Freecell is a single game16:50
charlie-tcaBoth from Gnome Games, though16:51
micahgcharlie-tca: can you tell which package has the freecell desktop file?16:52
charlie-tcaexec=/usr/games/sol --freecell16:54
charlie-tcacomes with aisleriot16:54
micahgso aisleriot ships 2 .desktop files?16:54
micahgthat's silly :(16:54
charlie-tcaappears to be true16:54
charlie-tcamy natty to oneiric upgrade just dumped 16:55
charlie-tcalooks like a core dump on my monitor16:55
charlie-tcakeyboard is frozen; maybe it is a kernel panic without the lights16:56
charlie-tcaI guess upgrading after verifying the -proposed package was a bad idea16:57
charlie-tcawill install natty and try again.16:57
micahgcharlie-tca: the othre question is do we care, this seems intentional from upstream16:59
charlie-tcaI don't care. If our menus get cluttered, we can fix it, but realistically, not unless mr_pouit finds it necessary17:00
charlie-tcaI can live with two games, as long as we know about it17:01
charlie-tcaochosi: what are chances of putting places in the launcher panel, instead of thunar as we have it17:01
charlie-tcaochosi: what I find is I have too many folders in /home/USER, and the list is about two times longer then my monitor17:02
ochosicharlie-tca: the only problem i see with places is that afair the mounting/unmounting doesn't work anymore (or not yet, depending on viewpoint)17:03
charlie-tcaI thought that was fixed, but if not, that is a good reason17:03
ochosii mean we could replace it with a simple link that will open /home/$USER in thunar17:04
ochosiunfortunately i'll be really busy till the end of this week, so no chance for me to do serious testing17:04
charlie-tcaIt doesn't matter. I haven't seen any complaints about it, so it must be okay the way it is.17:05
ochosihmyeah. true. also: it's easy enough to remove/exchange that item in the panel17:05
charlie-tcaAlthough that doesn't happen until we do tell them it is simply launchers in a panel17:06
ochosibut the faq is around the corner, no?17:06
charlie-tcayes, is that in it?17:16
ochositbh i dunno, i assumed it would be17:16
charlie-tcaWe better ask GridCube just to make sure17:16
charlie-tcareinstalling Natty to see why my upgrade blew itself up17:16
ochosik, g2g now, see you17:19
madnickI am unable to get lightdm's test mode to work17:25
madnickand I cannot rely on the developer docs, since the examples are wrong, this is really quite frustrating17:26
charlie-tcaWe fight that battle constantly, it seems17:35
madnickIm not the one to give up, but, it really seems like a good idea to wait with this until LightDM has a stable foundation17:35
madnickThat isnt changing every week17:35
charlie-tcaOkay, what we have works, right?17:35
charlie-tcaLet's not break you trying to get it fixed,t hen17:35
charlie-tcaLet's give it until we start on the next release, and see if it can be done then.17:36
charlie-tcaThanks for trying so hard to make it work.17:36
madnickNot really sure why they are not interested in having correct information in the docs17:38
charlie-tcaSingle developer for lightdm, he has done it from scratch, and probably doesn't have time to keep it working for Unity and update docs17:43
madnickI suppose17:44
charlie-tcaI know the developer, he has tried hard to keep the docs as up-to-date as he could, but it does become overwhelming17:48
* charlie-tca adds (it was not his primary job either)17:48
madnickWell, he has made something really cool :) 17:52
madnickBut the rush to send it out, has created alot of problems for several distrubtions17:52
madnickship it*17:52
charlie-tcaheh, actually, those issues didn't exist until unity got involved17:53
charlie-tcaIt worked befor17:53
charlie-tcaI guess I blame Ubuntu for screwing it up for all the rest of us17:53
dtchenuploaded a new xubuntu-docs (11.04.1) to resolve the FTBFS and resync it with ubuntu-docs's semantics WRT the removal of the firefox-homepage alternative18:37
dtchen(it's awaiting archive admin approval currently)18:37
dtchenI couldn't find a bzr/git/etc. branch to push the changes to, however18:37
dtcheni.e., please scream loudly and poke me if I overlooked something :-)18:39
micahgdtchen: please version as 11.10.018:42
charlie-tcaIs this the branch? bazaar/xubuntu-docs/desktop-guide/index.xml18:42
micahgdtchen: bzr branch at lp:xubuntu-docs18:43
charlie-tcaI don't really know, it is very convoluted as I recall18:43
micahgdtchen: and thanks!18:43
dtchenmicahg: ok, I can do that for the next upload.18:44
micahgactually, lp:xubuntu-docs points to the natty branch, I'll have to get someone to push an oneiric branch for it18:46
dtchenyeah, that's one reason I chose 11.04.118:47
dtchennevertheless, not a bug deal to bump18:47
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Oneiric Ocelot Feature Freeze in effect | #xubuntu for support | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Xubuntu Community meeting 2011-09-05 at 19:00 UTC | Oneiric Beta1 Candidate images at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/
marc_smithhello all. I hope it is a right channel to ask my question. What is the future of Xubuntu? can I be sure that no Unity or other non-XFCE gadgets would be added to Xubuntu? I'd like to stick to Xubuntu to create solid OS platform for me and for my clients20:07
marc_smithI wasn't able to find information about Xubuntu future or a roadmap20:07
charlie-tcaUnity is a shell for Gnome, Xfce is not Gnome20:08
charlie-tcaWe can not guarantee that Xfce will never add a shell to it's environment, of course, but there is no plan at the present to do that20:09
marc_smithcool. That's what I wanted to know I guess. Thank you very much20:09
charlie-tcaThe plan for Xubuntu is to use Xfce, and add what is needed to make a usable desktop 20:09
charlie-tcaThis is our guidelines we try to maintain:20:10
marc_smithI just thought to myself: "Xubuntu is XFCE and Ubuntu, but who knows the future?". That's why I wanted to make sure20:10
charlie-tcaWe build on Ubuntu, because it allows to use the repositories and servers20:11
marc_smiththanks, charlie-tca. I highly appreciate your help20:11
charlie-tcaYou are welcome. I hope it puts your mind at ease20:11
marc_smithPS I really like the way Xubuntu developers make us of the XFCE panel, so it gives some users look and feel of unity. It is easy to change, so others are not force to remove some external software. Very smart20:12
charlie-tcaGot about three more hours on this upgrade test; going buy a pair of shoes while it runs20:16
charlie-tcastill another hour to installing the upgrades...22:12
Unit193I don't want your connection....22:13
charlie-tcaI don't think it is the connection, it is just a slow computer22:14
charlie-tcaI hate doing upgrades, because they take so long22:16
micahgcharlie-tca: you should set up an apt-cache (apt-cacher-ng)22:17
micahgoh, yeah, that part is slow too22:17
charlie-tcaI don't know how to set that up22:17
* charlie-tca is "just a user" :)22:18
* Unit193 is also a user22:19
Unit193Q: Does it matter what time of day I do the tests? What is the cutoff time?22:20
charlie-tcaThe time to test is when you can. The cutoff is Thursday morning by 8:00 UTC. The images and tests required are on the ISO tracker at 22:25
charlie-tcaand the coordination is done using #ubuntu-testing22:25
charlie-tcaI have tried to set up apt-cache, and got lost in the docs. I never could make it work, though22:26
charlie-tcaUnit193: and if I dare say it, I spend about 18 hours a day in #ubuntu-testing for Tues and Wed22:29
charlie-tcaor at least it seems like it22:29
mr_pouitmmh mmh, I just approved a mail from the modeartion queue22:30
mr_pouitbut he already asked his question here ;]22:30
charlie-tcaoh, that one22:31
charlie-tcayeah, he seemed happy with my answer too22:31
charlie-tcaShould I answer again then?22:31
mr_pouitmaybe say it has already been handled on irc?22:32
mr_pouit(so other people won't start writing long mails about that :p)22:32
charlie-tcaWorks for me22:32
charlie-tcano problem22:33
charlie-tcaupgrade i386 natty to oneiric worked22:48
charlie-tcawill now begin the 64bit natty to oneiric upgrade test22:50
charlie-tcamr_pouit: one ML would have been enough. Asked here, on xubuntu-devel ML, and on xubuntu-user ML. Anywhere else yet?23:30
charlie-tcaTesters:  New daily-live image just posted. If you are testing oneiric, please sync again23:31
charlie-tcaGoing out to eat; will finish the 64bit upgrade tonight23:33
pleia2knome: did you see Stephanie's email? Can we split the plugin into another LP project?23:48
knomepleia2, we can, but that seems like hair-splitting23:50
knomepleia2, can it really be so hard to review them as is?23:50
pleia2knome: they probably manage plugins and themes separately (there is a pretty good chance they approve a plugin and make it available for everyone)23:51
pleia2I am just making stuff up, but it's what I'd do, I understand it23:51
knomepleia2, does that mean the plugin will become copyrighted to canonical?23:51
pleia2knome: no23:51
knomepleia2, i thought we only needed a review for the plugin to get it included.23:51
pleia2well, they need to install it too23:52
knomeof course but... i just don't understand.23:52
knomei suppose we can do that, but that increases the amount of work WE have to do23:52
pleia2want me to manage it?23:53
pleia2I don't mind23:53
* pleia2 sympathizes with her fellow sysadmins23:53
* knome breathes in and out slowly23:53
knomecan we create two separate branches for the project, one for the theme and one for the plugins?23:54
pleia2she asked for separate projects23:54
pleia2you can ask though23:54
knomei wouldn't want an another project for the plugin(s), because right now it is only that plugin, and i have no intention to keep it managed in launchpad23:55
* pleia2 sighs23:55
* knome too23:57
pleia2I'll think about it and reply tomorrow, I'm on day 8 of straight work and my mind hurts23:57
knomecan you get back to me before the reply?23:57
knomei'll think about it too, but it just feels weird to manage our stuff in different places23:58
pleia2the other wordpress site I worked on with canonical was the news team one, and they managed the lp side themselves23:58
knomeyeah. we've come the half way now, and i think it's their turn now.23:59

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