
hylianhello all.00:42
charlie-tca!hi | hylian00:52
ubottuhylian: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:52
* hylian thanks charlie-tca, and enjoys xfce very much.. goodbye!!!01:08
Sue__I am stuck on switch over from ubuntu to Xubuntu it seem to lode properly and then it gave a message No Support for Locale: EN_Us.utf8 I need step by step Line by LIne instruction can some one walk me thru this02:02
Sue__can anyone see me ? I mean is this shwing up my typing?02:04
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Anom01yhi, I have Xubuntu 10.04 installed, after doing all the updates the bootsplash is now a blurry mess. is there a way to change the bootplash or restore it ?04:03
redspikehi all, is there any application like "ubuntu-tweak" for application/repository installation that works on xubuntu ?10:14
xubuntusnoopyxubuntu is veeeery fast10:18
XubuntuKrisAnybody know how to get xchat to switch to another screen when opening a url in a browser, instead of bringing the browser window to my current screen?12:59
charlie-tcaWindow Manager Tweaks, Focus gives two options, one to switch to the opening apps window, one to bring that app to the current window.13:01
charlie-tcaIt won't move xchat to the browser window, but you could set it to not move the browser to the current screen13:02
XubuntuKrisThanks. That's exactly what I'm looking for.13:02
redspikecharlie-tca: ubuntu-tweak dosent work in xubuntu 11.04 ?  get some error when starting it about sudo .13:03
charlie-tcaI don't use ubuntu-tweak, myself13:06
charlie-tcaI have no idea what it does, actually13:06
charlie-tcaI set repositories in Synaptic Package Manager13:06
charlie-tcaclick on Settings, Repositories13:07
hylianis there a keyboard shortcut for changing desktops in xfce? (workspaces)14:31
madnickhylian: ctrl+alt+arrow key14:31
Picihylian: Does ctrl-alt left/right not work?14:31
hylianYes it does, thank you!14:32
hylianmadnick, Pici, it works perfect! I really don't need the workspaces switcher on the top very often, so I wanted to remove it, thanks!14:33
knomehylian, you can always just scroll on the wallpaper with mouse14:34
Picihylian: you can also use that to 'drag' windows to other desktops by pressing the shift key at the same time.14:34
knomePici, no need to press shift in xubuntu :)14:34
knomeat least iirc, that's the default (no need for shift)14:34
Piciknome: Then how else would you specify that you wanted to bring a window with you to the next desktop?14:35
knomePici, just drag it to the edge14:35
knome(and over)14:35
Piciknome: No, I mean using ctrl+alt+shift+arrow14:35
knomePici, ah, yes. true with the keycombo14:36
knomei thought of dragging with mouse14:36
Piciknome: sorry, thats why I said 'dragging' in quotes ;)14:36
hylianI would like to say that since I decided to escape the gnome 3 / unity options a month ago, I have not been dissapointed. xfce 4 is awesome.14:36
pteague_workany ideas as to why i can't get alt+enter to work in firefox? looking in settings -> keyboard -> application shortcuts there's nothing listed for alt+enter15:12
Picipteague_work: What is alt+enter supposed to do?15:13
pteague_workalt+enter from urlbar is supposed to open the url in a new tab... which it's done for quite a long time - http://lifehacker.com/399252/alt%252Benter-to-open-a-typed-url-in-a-new-tab15:14
charlie-tcaYou should not need a shortcut in keyboard for firefox, that is an application specific shortcut defined in firefox itself15:18
hyliancharlie-tca, i think pteague_work wants to know how to set it up via firefox, or in firefox...15:20
charlie-tcaI would say ask mozilla, or macworld, which is what the article references15:21
pteague_workcharlie-tca, yes, i realize that... i wanted to point out i had already checked to see if there was some global shortcut that might be overriding it or something15:21
charlie-tcaah, got it15:21
PiciI looked in about:config here on windows, didn't see anything relevant, perhaps you'd hav better luck?15:22
charlie-tcaI don't really know if that is valid in the current firefox versions.15:22
charlie-tcaThat article is three years old. A lot has changed in firefox since then15:22
madnickalt+enter works fine here15:22
charlie-tcamadnick: firefox version?15:22
madnickIt works like this: you type an URL, then press alt+enter and it opens in a new tab15:23
pteague_worki did find https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/246236 so i know others have had the issue before... although i don't know if that is due to some global shortcut overriding it or not15:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246236 in firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu) "alt-enter doesn't work anymore in Ubuntu/Linux" [Undecided,Invalid]15:23
madnickcharlie-tca: 615:23
PiciFF3 is a bit old..15:23
charlie-tcapteague_work: which version are you using?15:23
pteague_workalt+enter worked fine up until i updated to 6 i believe15:24
charlie-tcaMaybe it is one of those things that only works typing the url, instead of pasting or something?15:24
genii-aroundhttp://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Keyboard%20shortcuts seems to indicate that emacs shortcuts can also conflict with the ones in Firefox15:24
charlie-tcapteague_work: see above: madnick says it works in 6 for him15:24
hylianpteague_work, i am runnign xubuntu 11.04 with firefox 6, and alt enter works here... i don't know what to say15:25
pteague_workgenii-around, thanks, i'll dig through that & see... although if that is the case, how do i disable gnome shortcuts in xfce? ;)15:25
charlie-tcaGot to be something else interferring with it then15:26
genii-aroundpteague_work: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Emacs_Keybindings_%28Firefox%29 looks possibly useful in this15:26
pteague_workactually...  http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Keyboard%20shortcuts#w_navigation states alt+enter for "Open Address in New Tab" from location bar or search bar... i'm noticing it works from search bar, but not in url bar which is where i need it15:27
hylianpteague_work, i just used it though in the url bar. (im too old fashioned to use the nice search bar, i just go back to google the old fashioned way...)15:29
pteague_workhylian, heh, same on the search bar15:29
pteague_workplus in a lot of cases i'm slightly modifying the url & opening multiple tabs to check different pages during development15:34
hylianpteague_work, this is probably something you have done already, but just try it going to google.com...15:35
pteague_worknope, alt+enter still acts like i just pressed enter15:36
pteague_workunless i do it specifically in the search box15:36
ubottuMozilla bug 201011 in Keyboard: Navigation "custom key bindings no longer possible" [Major,New: ]15:38
pteague_workoops, that's mozilla, nm15:38
hylianpteague_work, strange... could this be somehow a problem cause by an addon?15:41
pteague_workcould be, but i'm not aware of any of the ones i use using alt+enter for anything...15:42
genii-aroundHave you tried with -safe-mode to see?15:51
hylianpteague_work, sorry, wish i was more fluent with firefox, but for me, firefox has been a "it just works" solution since 6. i used to use chrome because of how buggy firefox was with flash, but even that problem is gone now for me, sorry. :(15:58
pteague_workfound the plugin... which means i need to dig through it & figure out why it's messing with that  - http://tmp.garyr.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1448716:03
pteague_workhylian, buggy flash? are you on 64bit?16:04
hylianpteague_work, no.16:05
pteague_workah, that was my problem with flash... the 32bit wrapper was crap... there's finally now a ppa for 64bit flash16:06
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Guest31713hi, i am having trouble trying to make the keyboard switch to greek from us and vice versa, can anyone please help?17:20
Guest31713and for some reason i don't have a xorg.conf file...!17:23
ruby90hi, doe anyone know a real (not like http://superuser.com/questions/155758/how-to-change-keyboard-layout-change-shortcut-in-xubuntu) fix for switching keyboard layouts?19:00
ruby90so xfce can't handle keyboard switching...?19:08
Sysiwhats wrong with that, bind that command to some hotkey in xfce keyboard settings19:08
Sysior you can try keyboard switching panel applet, though it has been buggy19:08
ruby90thank you19:08
XubuntuKristhunar doesn't seem to recognize my home directory, keeps throwing an error saying "host is down"19:15
ruby90though it's not a proper way to do things19:15
XubuntuKrisAnyone know what's going on.19:15
XubuntuKrisThe problem started after installing a font and running the command "sudo fc-cache -f"19:25
TheSheepXubuntuKris: do you have any free space left in your home?19:26
XubuntuKrisYeah, tons19:26
XubuntuKrisbut I can't get to it at all19:26
XubuntuKristells me that the "host is down"19:27
TheSheepXubuntuKris: can you get to other directories?19:27
XubuntuKrisYes, Every other directory is accessible, including directories inside my home directory (desktop, etc)19:27
TheSheepXubuntuKris: did you maybe mount some directory using samba?19:28
TheSheepXubuntuKris: what if you start thunar in your home directory from a terminal?19:28
XubuntuKrisit's telling me that it cant open the home directory because the samba directory host is down.19:29
XubuntuKrishow do I open home directory from terminal19:29
TheSheepXubuntuKris: 1. open terminal, 2. type 'thunar' and press enter19:30
XubuntuKrisstill loading, it never takes this long to load19:31
TheSheepXubuntuKris: ok, open another terminal, type 'mount' and pastebin what it says19:32
TheSheepyou probably have some samba share mounted at your home by mistake19:32
XubuntuKrisbut it was opening fine earlier19:33
XubuntuKrislike I said, it only did this after installing a font and running "sudo fc-cache -f"19:33
TheSheepthat command couldn't have caused this19:34
XubuntuKrisIdk, cause it was opening fine earlier today.19:34
TheSheephow did you install the font, with the software center?19:34
TheSheepmaybe earlier today the windows host from which you monted the directory was available19:34
TheSheepanyways, please pastebin the result of a 'mount' command and we will see what's wrong19:35
XubuntuKrisThere you go.19:38
TheSheep//JOHNSON-PC/Ozzwin/ on /home/kristopher/ozzwin type cifs (rw,mand)19:38
TheSheeptry this command: 'unmount /home/kristopher/ozzwin'19:39
TheSheepthat's 'umount /home/kristopher/ozzwin'19:39
TheSheepwithout 'n'19:39
XubuntuKrisumount: /home/kristopher/ozzwin mount disagrees with the fstab19:40
TheSheepdid you use giggolo?19:40
XubuntuKrisuse it for what?19:40
TheSheepmaybe try unmounting that directory in gigolo19:40
TheSheepif you used it to mount it19:40
XubuntuKrisI don't think I used gigolo to mount it.19:41
TheSheepyou have a network directory mounted as /home/kristopher/ozzwin from a computer that is not available anymore19:41
TheSheepthat computer is JOHNSON-PC19:41
TheSheepit tries to access it an times out, that's why it doesn't work19:42
TheSheephow did you mount that directory?19:42
XubuntuKrisbut the computer is available. Everything is up and running fine19:42
XubuntuKrisOh shit, we had a power outtage this morning.19:42
XubuntuKrismaybe if I reset my network?19:42
TheSheepI would just unmount that directory19:43
TheSheepbut no idea how you mounted it19:43
XubuntuKrisgigolo won't unmount it19:43
TheSheepI hate samba :(19:43
XubuntuKrisi'm gonna try resetting the network.19:44
XubuntuKrisdamn, same error19:50
charlie-tcaDid you reset the other machine?19:51
XubuntuKrisno, but it's in use.19:51
XubuntuKrisOtherwise, I would19:51
charlie-tcaI have to restart my server, then my client to get my remote directories back after power failures19:52
charlie-tcabut, I don't use windows, either19:52
XubuntuKrisThis is my only linux machine on what is basically a windows network.lol19:52
XubuntuKrisOkay, restarting the other computer19:58
XubuntuKrisHow do I change where an external harddrive is mounted?20:30
XubuntuKrisIt's physically attached to my windows desktop, and mapped to my home folder.20:30
TheSheephow did you map it?20:32
TheSheepthere is a line in /etc/fstab for it maybe?20:32
XubuntuKrisYes there is20:32
TheSheepthat line has the path where it is mounted20:33
XubuntuKrisThe drive started showing up as a broken link today for some reason.20:33
XubuntuKrisAnd I can't access my home directory because of it.20:33
TheSheepyeah, I remember20:34
XubuntuKrisI'm thinking if I change where it's mounted, I'll be able to access my home directory20:34
XubuntuKrisOr hell, remove the mount entirely and start over20:34
TheSheepyou have to umount it first20:34
TheSheepyou can try unmounting it as root20:35
XubuntuKristhis is the line for it in /etc/fstab20:35
XubuntuKris/JOHNSON-PC/Ozzwin    /home/kristopher/ozzwin        cifs    credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 020:35
XubuntuKrisI did "sudo umount" to unmount it, and it worked20:36
XubuntuKrisa step in the right direction.20:36
XubuntuKrisSo it's unmounted20:37
XubuntuKrisHow do I remove it entirely?20:37
TheSheepnow you should be able to access your ~ just fine20:37
XubuntuKrisand then remount it20:38
TheSheepcomment out that line in your /etc/fstab20:38
XubuntuKrisindeed, I can access ~ just fine20:38
TheSheepoh, if you want to remount it, then just do 'mount /home/kristopher/ozzwin'20:38
XubuntuKrisI already tried that, it breaks again.20:39
TheSheepwell, there is some samba magic involved that I don't really understand20:39
TheSheepyou could try #samba20:39
XubuntuKrisIs samba my only option?20:40
TheSheepXubuntuKris: samba is the network protocol that windows computers use to send files over the network20:41
XubuntuKrisSo I have to use samba...20:42
TheSheepXubuntuKris: since the other computer is windows, and they don't support other protocols very well...20:42
XubuntuKrisno other options.20:42
Sysi*smb/cifs is protocol, samba is made for using those20:42
TheSheepthere might be some options that would make it more responsive when the host is down, I don't know20:42
TheSheepalso, you could mount it outside of your home directory20:43
TheSheepbut that doesn't really solve the problem20:43
XubuntuKrisI'll look into that later, I just remounted it again, and it all works fine20:44
XubuntuKrisand to think, all this stuff I went through and all I had to do was "sudo umount"20:44
TheSheepnext time you will know20:46
XubuntuKrismaybe. my memory isn't all that great.20:46
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nekotrecihow can i connect to server using xubuntu ?21:41
nekotrecii use bluefish and i had ubuntu, in ubuntu i just make connection and open that as folder using bluefish21:42
nekotrecinow with xubuntu i cant find option connect to server21:43
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Fudgeguys guys23:48
Fudgewhats the default wm for xfce23:48
Fudgeand how can i use metacity instead23:49
gusnanFudge, the default wm for xfce is called xfwm.23:49
Fudgegusnan  i just used metacity --replace and then found tha ti can use gnome-panel, with gnome-orca23:51
Fudgehow would i configure it, or just save session23:51
gusnanI dont know - I guess you could just save the session to get metacity to replace xfwm permanently, but I dont really see the point... If you want gnome, why dont you just install gnome?23:53
Fudgei have gnome23:54
Fudgebut i want to see if xfce will run faster even though it seems i have to use most stuff from gnome23:54
Fudgei cant stop xfce4-panel from working23:55
Fudgeit respawns23:55
Fudgeoh -q23:55

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