[00:30] how is the ubuntu 11.10 [00:30] ISO [00:30] is it safe for a production environment? [00:30] or still really buggy ? [01:05] Can some one help with lightdm on ubuntu 11.10? it fails to start to keeps trying to but after about 20 time it just stops. right now I am using slim it works but it does not support xubuntu [01:05] Hello. [01:05] I'm wondering why Xorg ignores my xorg.conf unless I use recovery mode. [01:07] here is my lightdm log http://pastebin.com/33vXqxXV [02:17] what's the /etc/gdm/Init/Default for LightDM? [02:18] that file has to be tweak to optimize dithering for MacBook displays [04:38] anybody still having problems with updating packages? [04:43] nope [04:43] what's your troubles [04:46] earlier was getting error that apt couldnt verify the key or something.. others were getting the error to. was wondering if anybody else still was before i tried again [04:56] ssargennto, apt is working here in the command line for me [04:59] aye, i just did an apt-get dist-upgrade and all went well [05:23] ssargennto, i heard peeps having problems with update manager and the gui, i always stick to cli and it's always worked for me [05:25] yeah, im getting sick of update manager, always wanting to offer me partial upgrades [07:38] hi .. is there a patched libnotify for oneric? i want to use notifyosdconfig :) [09:40] what's the /etc/gdm/Init/Default for LightDM? [09:45] X11/default-display-manager:/usr/sbin/lightdm [09:45] /etc/X11/default-display-manager:/usr/sbin/lightdm [09:45] there you'll find it wers [09:48] Ian_Corne, thanks! [09:50] Ian_Corne, wait i'm lost. what's the counterpart of the /Default file? [09:52] doh, i just assumed you wanted to knwo how to make lightdm the default :p [09:53] Ian_Corne, ah no. I'm on lightdm. For my MacBook Air, I have to tweak something on /Default for the display to function correctly [09:53] I want to do the same with lightdm [09:55] and there's nothing in /etc/lightdm/ for you? [09:56] Ian_Corne, yep, none [09:56] or at least, I think. nothign looks like /Default for gmd [09:56] *gdm [09:59] yes maybe it doesn't look like it [09:59] but might give you some options [09:59] like setting DPI [09:59] Ian_Corne, I basically need to set dithering [09:59] at 6 bits per colour channel to smooth colour gradients [10:01] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1835756 [10:01] is that you? :p [10:02] top google result :D [10:02] Ian_Corne, yes lol [10:02] pretty small world, eh [10:02] i'm guesing you could mail the dev-list [10:02] for lightdm [10:02] because I don't know [10:03] Ian_Corne, will do. thanks [10:03] seems to be a fresh problem === eyes_ is now known as EyesIsMine [10:04] btw, I tried gdm on oneiric to solve my issue. it did fix gradients with proper dithering but graphics became slow for some weird reason [10:06] i don't know how/if gdm will be supported === Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca [10:43] Anyone else having a signature verification issue for de.archive ? [10:44] Hi. Would you have any information about ubuntu 11.10 and llvm-pipe? I have a ATI RS690 (x1250) which will need llvm, as the hardware has no vertex shaders. According to this article (http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTQ0MA), Ubuntu 11.10 may enable llvm... For my card, it would be great... https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31635 [10:44] Freedesktop bug 31635 in Drivers/Gallium/r300 "[r300g]Bad performance of 64-bit compilation compared to 32-bit." [Normal,Resolved: notabug] [10:50] W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com oneiric Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key [10:50] This seems bad [10:53] !badsig [10:53] Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com » [10:53] Hi everyone. I'm thinking of transitioning to 11.10 even though it's not ready yet. how ready is it? Can I use it for general websurfing, development, etc? [10:54] Johnny_Giggles: if you depend on your machine to be stable for development then wait. [10:55] I'm just going through the exercises from K&R [10:55] C Programming book [10:55] Johnny_Giggles: I would wait. I had some problems with a Intel Ironlake GPU for example. [10:55] ok [10:56] antihero: sudo apt-key update [10:56] what does that tell you? [10:57] the signing went wrong yesterday [10:57] some mirrors may still be affected [10:57] it has nothing to do with your local keys [10:57] 2 unchange [10:57] see what jtaylor just said. Besides it is just a Warning [10:58] probably will be fixed in a few hours [10:58] no [10:58] its an error [10:58] which must not be ignored under normal circumstances [10:58] bad signature could mean someone is doing messing with your connection to your repo [11:00] :O [11:00] It's times like these I'm glad I'm not using Arch linux. [11:00] in this case there was some issue with automatic signing in the main repo, which was reported and fixed yesterday [11:01] so I shouldn't update my keys [11:01] right? [11:01] because they might be compromised :| [11:01] no the keys should be fine [11:02] gpg --list-keys --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg should have a key with id 1024D/437D05B5 and fingerprint 6302 39CC 130E 1A7F D81A 27B1 4097 6EAF 437D 05B5 [11:04] how do I know someone hasn't MITM'd and edited your message? [11:04] PARANOIA [11:04] I can sign it with my key :) [11:04] but I have never had your key on a trusted connection [11:05] so they could be re-signing it [11:05] and giving me a false key [11:05] fuuuu [11:05] but yeah I do have a key with that ID [11:26] Hey, I need tomcat7 on ubuntu, but it somehow won't work on 11.04 so I tried updating to 11.10 (it's only for developing apps on my own), but I get the error: "Error authenticating some packages" (and a list of all packages). Any help with either tomcat7 on 11.04 or the upgrade error? [11:29] yes there are signing issues [11:29] wait a while [11:29] aah okay! Thanks! :) [11:29] I just checked the newest signature from today is also bad [11:29] apparently its nto fixed yet [11:29] I thought it was my bad as I'm behind a firewall and had some serious problems with rsync easier today [11:30] :) === KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_ [12:00] signature on main archive is good again === eyes_ is now known as EyesIsMine [13:19] Hey all === 92AAD5TJP is now known as sno- [14:11] firefox 7 already here, great [14:13] it is?? [14:13] yes [14:14] well, beta available on oneiric repositories, that is [14:14] ah beta [14:16] been avoiding FF , due to clunkiness ...does this one seem less bloated than previous versions ? [14:16] my big issues is flash, not ffx itself [14:51] is shotwell still the default photo manager in oneiric? [15:26] I am using daily build of 28 August installed the restricted extra but can't stream web radio. any help [15:36] francis__: "can't stream web radio" is pretty hard to debug. Can you describe your symptoms? [15:39] when I click play on the radio nothing happens just the black screen. [15:41] francis__: what "radio" [15:41] francis__: and do other sounds work? [15:42] if i right click to use totem it tells me 'could not read from resource [15:42] yes other sounds work can play movies and mp3 [15:43] the radio station request for text/html plugin [15:44] radio is www.myjoyonline.com/services/radio/# [15:46] francis__: yeah I think you need to enable some restricted plugins for that. [15:51] I have installed the restricted extras and also xine-plugin. used to be enough when I was using 11.04 [15:51] Any suggestions for me [15:55] francis__, which browser ? [15:55] BluesKaj_, firefox [15:56] FF works well with the mozilla-plugin-vlc [15:57] so should i remove the xine plugin first? my first distro was 11.04 just this year bear with me [15:58] no [15:59] thanks will install now [15:59] if mozilla conflicts , which I doubt then xine will probly be disabled by default [16:06] BBL, lunchtime [17:06] how goes it everyone? [17:10] i just read earlier that the main archives signature is working but when i 'apt-get dist-upgrade' it seems its not working. anybody having troubles at the moment? [17:31] Hello, All. Anyone now try testing skype in ubuntu 11.10 [17:32] I've error "skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" when I try run it. [17:33] Does anyone know how to fix it? [18:02] !file libXss.so.1 [18:04] ugh. if he comes back in, tell him to install libxss1 [18:04] and whack him on the head [18:04] also qtgui4 qtcore4 [18:10] jtaylor, which repos are the qts in ? [18:11] main? [18:11] yes main [18:12] libqtcore ..ok [18:13] still din't help my skype install [18:13] the 32 bit variants you need [18:13] see the bug on the skype package [18:14] static skype as well ? [18:14] sudo apt-get install skype:i386 should be simplest [18:14] for "64bit" sudo apt-get install libxss1:i386 libqtcore4:i386 libqtgui4:i386 [18:16] BluesKaj, is it just a coincidence that you're testing it too? [18:21] bjsnider, testing ... well I suppose if you want to get technical about it , yeah :) === gnomitsu is now known as Guest43763 [18:50] Hello, does anybody know how to add a keyboard layout in Oneiric? Keyboard settings seems to lack it and the localization control panel thing does not do anything with the keyboard [19:11] nevermind, bug #834523 [19:11] Launchpad bug 834523 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Can't change the keyboard layout from a default install" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/834523 === CardinalFang_ is now known as CardinalFang [20:31] hi [20:32] after a dist-upgrade cycle last week, logging into regular Unity doesn't give me a taskbar anymore [20:32] I just get a File menu across the very top of the screen, and nothing more [20:32] Unity2D works fine, still [20:32] I tried resetting/removing all my .config and .cache files [20:32] no dice [20:33] any ideas? === nyuszika7h` is now known as nyuszika7h [20:55] syke, perhaps you've got an opengl problem [21:14] anyone else having weird issues with aptitude right now? [21:15] it forgets that i already dismissed the "new packages". Also some packages (for example gnome-shell) appear twice with different states (one is installed, the other one isn't) [21:17] aptitude doesn't support multiarch yet [21:18] which beside the duplicate entries causes bug 831768 [21:18] ah that explains it. I wasn't aware of the switch to multi arch. Thanks [21:18] Launchpad bug 831768 in aptitude (Ubuntu) "aptitude cannot handle the same packages of different architectures being installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/831768 [21:22] is everyone's dash still bork3d? [21:22] ie clicking on media, internet, or more apps closes the dash? [21:23] yes [21:50] hello dudettes [21:55] sup dude [22:12] hi, does multiarch now? I can't install libc6:i386 which is a dependency for a lot packages [22:13] it should work yes [22:13] but as i heard, not via aptitude :) [22:14] Using apt-get [22:14] ah found it [22:14] I had to add [arch=i386,amd64] after deb in my sources.list [22:14] aha [22:14] yep, that works :) [22:15] hmm i have that nowhere [22:15] ohwell [22:15] guess i don't need 32 bit stuff yet :p [22:15] what kind of things do you install Lekensteyn ? [22:16] I am packaging virtualgl for Bumblebee [22:16] on natty and before, I'd just include all libraries in one package. For oneiric, I decided to use multiarch [22:17] yes, that's probably the "proper" way to go :) [22:17] I'm still scared of using bumblebee on my laptop [22:17] with the rm /usr /path/to/file incident :p [22:17] just keep away from mj-casalogic/bumblebee and you'll be fine [22:18] we've forked the project to Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee [22:18] lp:bumblebee/stable [22:18] the 32-bit virtualgl libs are currently broken for oneiric, but I now need to fix it [22:18] wha twould you suggest? I've currently a Depends for the libraries set [22:19] that should be fine with "recommends" or even "suggests" too [22:19] well my laptop is running pae [22:19] so it should be fine [22:19] the arch of virtualgl does not matter [22:19] it's like this: [22:20] application (i386 or amd64 virtualgl-libs) <---> virtualgl (i386 or amd64), all four combinations are possible [22:20] i have no idea about packaging sorry [22:20] but others in here do :) [22:21] I know a bit of packaging, but multiarch is completely new for me [22:21] I don't have any USB drives I can install 11.10 that I own, and 11.10a3 is just too big to fit onto disk. What can I remove in order to successfully copy it using Brasero's tools? [22:22] tiox: what about using a DVD? [22:22] Option, but I don't wish to use DVDs to something that looks like can fit on a 700MB CD-R. [22:22] It's just 6.5MB too big, I think. [22:23] the size should be fixed until beta [22:23] beta is tomorrow right? [22:23] thursday [22:24] So just wait until b1? [22:28] yes [22:28] with luck the daily builds will have correct size a few days earlier [22:29] actually the alternate installer seems ok sized now [22:29] regular installer too [22:34] Can anyone tell me how to force lightdm to use /etc/X11/xorg.conf? [22:36] any experts here with multi-arch packaging? [22:57] o/ [23:17] segfauls all around [23:17] not sure how long ill be here [23:17] seems to be in python and libc [23:17] hey BUGabundo [23:18] anyone knows what's going on? [23:18] * burner wonders why nvidia driver doesn't let X start but nouveau works fine [23:19] BUGabundo: i don't have that issue sorry