
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
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=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
Ed____hello : )06:50
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
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dokojanimo, ogra_, rsalveti: the arm test rebuild did finish for main, please file the bug reports. make sure that you don't close any ix86 related reports11:00
=== mayday_jay is now known as mayday_jay-away
rsalvetidoko: great12:15
dokorsalveti, or it manually, it's only a handful12:17
zulhas their been any problems with openssl on the pandabaord?12:23
Guest77075hi to all12:25
Guest77075running ubuntu 11.04 on pandaboard turned out into flash videos bad performance12:26
Guest77075using gnash and also lightspark12:26
Guest77075no idea where the problem could be12:27
Guest77075anybody faced a similar problem?12:27
ndecgnash is not optimized to run on ARM. so bad perf is expected12:42
Guest77075any other solution to display flash videos?12:46
ndecnot really. there is no publicly available flash plugin for omap412:48
dcordesrsalveti: ping13:57
dcordesrsalveti: I am wondering about the mozilla WebM crash problem with thumb213:57
dcordesrsalveti: will the fixed version be available in natty, oneiric  ?13:58
rsalvetidcordes: hey, yeah13:58
rsalvetidcordes: I'll check this today and see, and make the patch available again at the bug13:58
rsalvetishould be doable to have it fixed for both natty and oneiric13:59
dcordesok that would be nice. in the bug it just seems that the interst is low13:59
rsalvetiit's fixed with firefox upstream already, but still need to check why they didn't land ubuntu yet13:59
rsalvetidcordes: sure, don't worry, should be able to cover it in the next few days13:59
rsalvetias it takes a day to build firefox, if needed :-)13:59
dcordesok that would be really cool. I think it's an important thing because of the free flash player lack13:59
dcordesheh yeah I know that problem from OE builds14:00
dcordesare you also including fennec in your testing env ?14:00
rsalvetinot atm14:01
rsalvetibut something to check for sure14:01
rsalvetiseems useful for tablets14:01
ogra_do we even have it packaged ?14:01
rsalvetinot sure14:01
* ogra_ wants asac's minuim back !14:02
rsalvetiI guess fennec would probably be minimo for current mobile devices14:04
* ogra_ thinks minimo wasnt really tablet targeted14:04
ogra_but it was an awesome lightweitght browser that didnt ship any unneeded fat ;)14:04
ogra_like dillo with gecko engine :)14:05
dcordesogra_: rsalveti: last time I checked for rennec in oneiric, it did not show. If it will be dropped that would be a pity imho, because indeed it is useful on tablets, and I even use it on my smartphone14:06
ogra_dropped ?14:06
ogra_it was never packaged14:06
dcordesrsalveti: if you need any testing, I have a cortex-a8 device and natty, oneiric images for it ready14:07
rsalvetidcordes: sure14:08
dcordesrsalveti: just ping me here or via the bug14:08
dcordesI might as well compile it locally but will need to know the exact branch, revision etc14:08
dcordesas the moz repose are quite confusing sometimes14:09
rsalvetisure, np, I have a panda here with an external usb disk14:09
rsalvetiso fine to build it locally14:09
rsalvetiprobably just need help to test14:09
rsalvetionce I have the debs14:09
dcordesok that will be done in a minute here14:10
dcordesrsalveti: oh one thing I should add: I did try webm in natty and in the previous release in fennec and I did experience the same bug as described for firefox on my thumb2 device14:12
dcordesso you can expect same bug14:12
rsalvetidcordes: yes, guess they use the same library14:12
rsalvetisame version or even same code14:12
dcordesrsalveti: I guess so. when I compile fennec in openembedded it takes less than half the time when firefox was compiled before14:16
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=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
=== mayday_jay-away is now known as mayday_jay
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
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=== mayday_jay is now known as mayday_jay-away
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=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
=== mayday_jay-away is now known as mayday_jay
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away

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