=== darkmatter1 is now known as darkmatter [15:06] Hello ubuntu artwork ppl [15:07] Every release cycle I see a request for submissions for community wallpapers... and every release I see the continued reliance on flickr [15:07] I have submitted to the brainstorm site a request to move away from such a service [15:07] http://www.reddit.com/tb/inj9n [15:07] and reddit! ;) [15:08] It has since been closed on brainstorm by Cheesehead - who suggest I address this issue directly to the artwork team [15:09] please, please, please, consider the fact that some TRUE die-hard FLOSS fans don't want a yahoo account. I want to take part in the wallpaper contest every time, but refuse to open a yahoo account purely to submit some pictures for inclusion. [15:10] There are many canonical sites that could be used instead. We can use our universal launchpad logins, we can use gallery software provided in the Ubuntu repos... etc [15:11] why are we relying on a 3rd party (who has a huge pact with Microsoft of all people) [15:11] I sure hope someone sees this in the logs and actually takes this onboard [15:19] * neurochrome ? [15:19] yes === daker_ is now known as daker === daker is now known as daker_ [18:17] ooh, want: http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/30/wacom-inkling/ [18:18] hey troy_s, you latest blog post made me imagine giger-style na'vi === Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie