[03:03] * InHisName did not make a comment in a while. [09:49] Morning [10:14] Morning. [10:16] Morning [10:19] o/ [10:25] I see a small 'o' with a '/' is that supposed to be some kind of smiley? Pidgin doesn't convert that one, what is it ? [10:26] InHisName: raising hand. [10:26] o/ hi [10:26] \o [10:26] \o/ [10:26] o/// [10:27] o/ o/ \o [10:27] I have a page full of smileys and none are showing up from those lines....:-$>:o:-*:-(:P:-X [10:28] must be none of those or others have any '/' or '\' in them. [10:29]  [10:29] what was thaat ? [10:30] one eyed smiley [10:31] Looks more like a smudged up chinese character than any smiley [10:32] :-/ [10:32] must be the char setting [10:32] Now that one worked [10:38] (jackson:)please observer the first char, I see a smiley instead of a : then ) then p. aggravating when no smiley intended. [10:38] that is my only complaint of pidgin. Otherwise I like it better than most others. [10:39] ') [10:40] ') doesn't do anything [10:42] maybe person with a disability [10:42] I checked options, but didn't find way to turn off / on the smiley interperter. [10:46] \o [10:46] :-D [19:09] 'bout time I got a connection [20:00] it's so unfair [20:00] I just get here and now it's time to shut down and go home :P [20:01] bye-bye [21:22] teddy went to work ??? [22:22] Evening. [22:25] SFD SFD SFD! [22:29] DFS DFS DFS! [22:32] calm down [22:33] there is still like two and a half weeks to go [22:33] make that 3 weeks from Sat