[00:00] on the bright side, the rivers around philly seem to have finally crested so the flooding should stop ruining my life \o/ [00:00] (stupid power and internet outages) [00:00] good to hear [00:00] * pleia2 detatches from computer [00:00] oki, see you [02:03] knome: what is the status of the logo for the menus? [02:06] Looks to me as if it's still pending, but what would I know? [02:10] apparently, knome has decided to keep it a secret. I will have to guess it is not going to happen [02:12] It's up to someone else now, nothing he can do but bug him [02:25] my university proxy is blocking irc :| [02:28] GridCube: ssh then? :) [02:29] i can't even use webirc, tho that might have to be whit the university's servers are failing [02:29] i dont know how to ssh [02:29] :( [02:29] Well, do you have a box that is mostly online all the time at home+ [02:29] ?* [02:29] i can have [02:30] if i turn it up when i leave :P [02:30] * GridCube thinks this is offtopic [02:30] Ill assume it'd be running xubuntu :P so just apt-get ssh-server [06:15] charlie-tca: https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/debian-cd/xubuntu-logo/+merge/72497 (knome gave this link, and it's not really a secret…) [12:59] mr_pouit: I still don't know what the url means. Is the updated logo on hold until after beta1, or until LTS, or what? [13:07] "Status: Needs review", and "Reviewer: Colin Watson; Status: pending" [13:07] no more info than that [13:08] I guess you'll have to ask Colin for a timeframe [13:13] Thank you [13:14] I will push cjwatson after beta1 then. [13:18] I don't think I will ever understand all this stuff. I can push when someone tells me what needs pushing. [14:19] mr_pouit: another lightdm configuration change taking place [14:19] ev | http://paste.ubuntu.com/678006/ [14:19] superm1 | that will be fine for mythbuntu, xubuntu will need to add a commented out #autologin-user= line to their default conf [14:21] ev | patches welcome, should be fairly straightforward [15:06] charlie-tca: we don't ship a default conf [15:07] I thought we had one in /usr/share/xubuntu/ something [15:08] not for lightdm [15:08] Oh, okay. I can't get them to tell me more, either [15:09] I am tired today. Maybe I am just getting frustrated, they just dropped a new kernel, too. Maybe it will not affect us, though [15:16] mr_pouit: [15:16] charlie-tca | superm1: Xubuntu is not shipping any lightdm.conf file [15:16] ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [15:16] superm1 | charlie-tca, yeah you are, the postinst creates it [15:16] superm1 | via lightdm-set-defaults [15:30] alternate images will be re-built again [15:48] hm, I sure am hating software center. It is difficult to tell an application is even installing. [15:48] no password required to install either [16:00] mr_pouit: can you upload https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/debian-cd/xubuntu-logo/+merge/72497 [16:01] so we can get it in beta1? [16:01] or knome ? [16:01] or micahg ? [16:01] I have it approved [16:02] charlie-tca: in the middle of something at the moment, will get back to you when I have a minute [16:02] okay [16:02] Approved by pitti and skaet [16:14] I think that is what it is waiting for, is the approvals [16:27] lightdm on 64bit upgrade has no icons, clock in center across top; black panel on top [16:38] this seems to be limited to upgrades. Fresh installs are fine [16:39] plymouth looks great! [17:54] hm, probable problem with plymouth... It doesn't tell me to remove the cd anymore, it just waits for me to and then hit enter. [17:58] That is acctually quite odd, because thats a message, and messages should be handleded properly [17:58] let me try [17:59] maybe related to the disappearing splash screen then? [17:59] I get text, and the bouncing slider, but no splash [18:01] yeah the message function works [18:02] * madnick checks if the prompt works [18:03] hm, I don't have a camera, so I can't get a picture. I have on screen: [18:03] * Stopping save sound card(s') mixer state(s) [18:04] * Starting Userspace bootsplash utility [18:04] and the bouncing slider [18:04] but the cd ejected from the drive [18:04] I don't get a prompt to remove it and hit enter to continue [18:04] hm, hold on ill check something [18:06] These are both live cd's [18:17] charlie-tca: hm [18:17] It is possibly [18:17] that they are sending an "ask-question --prompt" [18:17] to plymouth [18:18] and that is not implemented, because I honestly did not think it was used [18:18] But I am unable to confirm this [18:18] Because I cannot find where the commands sends to plymouth are located [18:18] I see [18:18] anything is possible [18:18] probably comes from caspar or ubiquity [18:19] caspar runs the live session, ubiquity runs the installer [18:19] yeah [18:21] well, I must say, colors when installing using "install Xubuntu" from the menu are really unique! [18:21] charlie-tca: but if this is the case, it must not have shown anything like this for 11.04 either [18:21] Oh, that is possible [18:22] We didn't get a lot of things to work in 11.04... [18:22] I fixed this locally [18:22] I need to get an image [18:23] Acctually, its not sustainable to install to try the fix, i will need to find the commands sent [18:23] ill run a massive cat :) [18:26] the oneiric desktop images are good today [18:29] charlie-tca: catfish is broken on my image [18:29] but its acctually not todays [18:29] Ill get todays [18:29] I have both installing now. I will check it when they finish [18:31] mr_pouit, knome, micahg : did we get the logo fix uploaded? all images are going to be re-built, and we can get that in them for beta1 [18:32] I should be free in about 30 minutes, can look then, images won't be respun for about 4 hrs [18:32] well, freer... [18:32] Okay. As long we got it, I think it would be really nice to get it in [18:33] knome puts a lot of time and effort into getting things to work, I think. If it just takes the upload now, ... [18:35] hm, i think it runs "ask-question" in order to wait for an enter key, to run "eject" of the install media [18:35] This is not good :| [18:36] Does it automatically eject? [18:37] yes [18:37] eject is automatic, then it should say : [18:37] Please remove the cd and hit enter to continue [18:37] Then perhaps it waits for enter to reboot, oh well, ill fix it [18:38] and it won't go on until the enter key is hit [18:43] http://www.madnick.se/~madnick/xubuntu/fix.png [18:44] I still need to find the acctual command passed tho [18:44] Yeah, that's it, but will it show if the splash screen doesn't? [18:45] Nope, but that is when the text theme kicks in [18:45] okay [18:45] And im not sure that you can script that tbh [18:46] okay. It will be okay, anyway [18:47] Not sure what the .so files does [18:47] so, I will file a bug for that, so mr_pouit has one to put the fix against and we don't forget it. [18:47] it seems the ubuntu version loads a .so file [18:47] which is a libary [18:48] which one is it? [18:48] 1 sec [18:48] Nope xubuntu-text loads that as well [18:49] this is for desktop images only, right? [18:50] alternate give a message to remove the installation media and give the message. [18:50] perhaps it does not run plymouth [18:50] on alternate installs [18:51] it doesn't use plymouth, no [18:51] plymouth is used on live sessions and installations only, as far as I remember [18:52] 386 desktop passes; unfortunately, all images will be rebuilt again tonight [19:05] madnick: does it help if I tell you the message should appear after ubiquity closes? [19:06] Not sure :) I need to find the acctual script that invokes plymouth with that message/prompt [19:13] Okay, I am going for a walk. by the time things get rebuilt, I may be sleeping again... [19:13] ill upload the fix, because i have to go, i still want to know what is invoked, but if someone else figures that out, the fix is ready [19:15] charlie-tca: ok, what needs to be done? [19:15] http://madnick.se/~madnick/xubuntu/xubuntu-draft.script [19:16] micahg: do you happen to know what invokes plymouth with a prompt to remove install media after install? [19:16] micahg: I don't understand all of it, but I asked pitti and skaet if we could push this through and they said okay: [19:16] https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/debian-cd/xubuntu-logo/+merge/72497 [19:16] Then pitti asked if I could upload it? [19:16] madnick: no, I haven't looked at the installer at all [19:17] okay [19:17] ill do an attempt in #ubuntu-devel :) then i have to go [19:18] charlie-tca: I don't think I have access to that either...you need a CD team member [19:19] so, who do I have to go to? [19:19] cjwatson or ev? [19:19] charlie-tca: most of the people in -release can do it [19:20] okay [19:20] charlie-tca: maybe ask slangasek since he's driving this rounf [19:20] *round [19:20] okay [19:26] knome: We are going to get the logo in, at least everything seems to point that way. [20:12] charlie-tca, yeah, i already talked to cjwatson [20:53] Wish you would talk to me, because he ain't really doing it [20:53] That would have been good to know, though [20:54] However, even with a lack of all information, I got it in, and it will be in beta1 [20:56] charlie-tca: it is infact really wierd that you dont get a graphical prompt [20:56] I looked at casper now [20:56] And it sends a message [20:56] not a ask-question, so it should work [20:57] should is good, but it does not, in reality, work [20:57] do you get a blank screen? or is the plymouth animation going? [20:58] I get a black screen with some text on it, and the slider bar only [20:58] That would certainly explain it [20:58] Oh [20:59] That is really outside of the plymouth domain unfortunetly [20:59] Im not sure how one would go about that [21:00] I see [21:01] On the bright side, it shouldnt happen :) And it happens for my labmachine aswell (1 out of 10 times) [21:01] heh, here it is 10 out of 10 [21:01] Ill ask around [22:40] Hey guys, was a little busy with studio stuff this evening. I'll try to test the QA image tomorrow at work, so I can contribute for that one. [22:40] I'm gonna head to bed now. [22:40] Good night [22:43] no problem. They are re-spinning all the images again, anyway [22:46] Oh okay, so it's actually a good thing, then. See ya tomorrow, then. :)