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ionitehow do i upgrade to kde 4.7 ?00:54
ionitei am currently useing 4.500:56
iRabbitJust installed Fedora 15 on my netbook, lost the Ubuntu 11.04 (KDE) grub menu, how fix?00:58
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ActionParsnipiRabbit: don't ask ni multiple channels01:02
ActionParsnipionite: there may be a ppa01:03
ioniteActionParsnip: ppa? how do i go about?01:03
ActionParsnip!ppa | ionite01:03
ubottuionite: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa01:03
ioniteActionParsnip: so the best advise is do a clean install from scratch?01:04
ActionParsnipionite: no, you just need a ppa to get the newer version, who mentioned clean installing?01:06
ioniteActionParsnip: they are unsupported packages. and poses a risk.01:08
ActionParsnipionite: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-KDE-SC-4-7-on-Ubuntu-11-04-214686.shtml01:09
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ActionParsnipionite: but yeah01:12
ioniteActionParsnip: 7z not found. This is required for either install mode. Install the "p7zip-full" package or your distribution's equivalent. what does this means? i'm using UnetBootIn01:17
ActionParsnipionite: you can install p7zip-full and get the functionality needed01:25
ActionParsnipionite: should have installed what was needed when you installed unetbootin01:26
ioniteActionParsnip: apparently it doesnt01:26
ActionParsnipionite: i suggest you log a bug01:27
ioniteActionParsnip: hmm.. alright i'll consider.01:27
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ioniteActionParsnip: i'm a noob and i don't even know if it's a bug. dun wanna log a wrong bug01:32
keithzg_arghhh, just got a new Acer (Timeline X 1830T-6661), and every report I can find through google says its fine, but the wireless card just isn't being detected.03:33
keithzg_arghhh, just got a new Acer (Timeline X 1830T-6661), and every report I can find through google says its fine, but the wireless card just isn't being detected.03:38
keithzg_oops, sorry, reposted03:38
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bala_hi everybody04:35
bala_when will next kubuntu release04:37
SIR_Tacomiddle of October04:39
SIR_Tacooh... I think my Ubuntu server is going for a record for uptime haha04:50
DasKreecHSIR_Taco: 14 seconds?05:16
DasKreecHkeithzg_: WHat's the card?05:16
SIR_Tacono, it's personal best is 12 days at the moment and counting (but that was a hardware issue)05:17
keithzg_DasKreecH: it's an Atheros which has a known bug associated on Acer laptops apparently; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/778168 suggested blacklisting an acer module and that worked excellently :)05:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 778168 in linux (Ubuntu) "WiFi does not function on Acer 1830T with 11.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:27
keithzg_'tis all good now, thankfully.05:27
DasKreecHok :)05:29
DasKreecHSIR_Taco: My friend hated Apple. They would send out Monthly updates that made him reboot to apply them. Ruined his uptime05:29
DasKreecHBroadcom is putting FOSS drivers for the wireless card in Linux 3 kernel ^_^05:30
DasKreecHSoooooo pumped05:30
SIR_TacoDasKreecH: haha not my problem... I went to the garage and made a Frankenstien web server. I'm more surprised that it works than the uptime haha05:32
DasKreecHYeha he was really proud of his 4months uptime on his laptop05:37
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nnishantsigrahello sir,07:48
nnishantsigrai'm having problem with disk space07:49
nnishantsigraanyone can help me?07:49
oali installed Kubuntu on a Samsung laptop now, and it boots up fine, but 5-10 seconds after entering kde, the shadows behind windows turn solid black, and not long after, the screen also turns black09:06
oalI can still go to ctrl+alt+f6 for example, but when I go back to kde, it's still black, and I can't press ctrl+alt+f6 again. Any ideas what's causing this?09:06
bulldog98oal: what kubuntu version? and have you all upgrades for your version installed?09:11
oalKubuntu 11.04 64bit09:12
oalAnd I don't even get time to connect to the internet, as the screen goes black09:12
oalSo I haven't been able to upgrade09:12
oalbulldog98: It's a fresh install09:12
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bulldog98oal: wlan?09:13
oalAny ideas, bulldog98?09:14
bulldog98oal: boot your live cd and open konsole09:14
bulldog98oal: have you expirience with konsole? things like mount?09:15
oalbulldog98: not much09:17
bulldog98oal: do you still know if you modified something in partioning?09:18
oalI chose to use the whole disk, and automated partitioning09:19
oalI can just try a reinstall, and see if that helps09:19
bulldog98oal: no09:19
bulldog98oal: have you opened the konsole yet?09:20
oalOk, booting into the liveusb now09:20
oalbulldog98: I'm in konsole now09:23
bulldog98oal: have you wlan connection setup?09:24
bulldog98could you paste me somewhere the output of sudo blkid09:24
oal2 sec09:25
oalbulldog98: http://dpaste.com/605798/09:26
bulldog98oal: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt09:27
bulldog98sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev09:27
bulldog98sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys09:27
bulldog98sudo mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc09:27
bulldog98sudo cp /mnt/proc/mounts /mnt/etc/mtab09:27
bulldog98sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf09:27
bulldog98sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash09:27
bulldog98then you are in your system09:27
bulldog98and can do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:28
oalThanks, it's getting the packages now :)09:32
bulldog98oal: I only hope the updates will fix your problem09:35
oalTime will tell. A few minutes until the dist-upgrade is done09:36
oalbulldog98: same thing still09:46
oalbleh, I'll just do a reinstall09:46
James147oal: might also want to check the disk :)09:47
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mime1111hey ppl! in fvwm-crystal, as prefered app gwenview for opening images, does anything... any idea? thnx09:59
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lagerimsihi all!10:42
lagerimsihow to use pastebin for screenshots10:42
lagerimsiok i see doesnt work10:44
lagerimsiwell - maybe someone read about my problem using an imap account with disappearing messages - updated to kde4.7.0 using kmail i get the following error (translated): upload of message failed (my question: wh<y does it upload - it just fetched the message from the server) ;  final destination was INBOX; message from the server: unexpected end of data --- so my final question - bug in kmail or a server error? what do you suggest me to do?10:51
lagerimsi - other imap accounts work well10:51
alvinlagerimsi: You're probably looking at bug 81967610:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 819676 in kdepim (Ubuntu) "Missing required argument to Append command" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81967610:52
lagerimsiubottu > thx! that's what i've been saerching for10:54
ubottulagerimsi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:54
lagerimsisry thx alvin10:54
alvinYou're welcome. I don't think the bug has a solution though10:55
lagerimsiwell yes - theres a workaround by disabling the spamfilter and virus filter11:00
lagerimsinot nice but i will try wheter it works11:01
lagerimsiseems to work - you can still have the spam filter working for pop3-accounts (just go to properties > filter > and there choose (for every spam-/antivirus-filter)  on but imap-accounts)11:08
lagerimsion all but imap - thats what i wanted to say11:08
lagerimsithx so much - this bug nearly drove me crazy ;)11:09
BluesKajHi folks12:05
faLUCEhi, How can I see if an usb device is working with 2.0 or 1.1 ?12:52
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glanikРусские есть?13:04
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spazz93hello enyone useing an apple g5 and kubuntu os16:16
spazz93im tying to install it naw on a g516:17
OerHeksspazz93, nice. you do use the PPC version from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/releases/10.10/release/  ?? 11.04 is not released yet.16:21
spazz93ya i did try the ppc iso but it wont even run the live os so i found a 8.04.1 and it will run as far as starting the install16:23
James147dose kubuntu support ppc anymore?16:24
OerHeksJames147, no. these ppc versions are community supported. not official Canonical, as fas as i understand.16:25
spazz93yes it seems to but i dont know a thing about macs so ime lerning as i go here im not even shere wut ram is in theis thing16:25
OerHeksthere is a mac wiki > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation16:25
James147spazz93: then you may want to try debian ^^ they support just about every architecture :p16:25
spazz93i did try ydl with out buch luck il look for a dabian kernial16:28
spazz93hins the gift of a freebe lol16:29
OerHeksPlace cd in drive > power off machine > hold down option key > power on machine. > click on cd > click on right arrow16:29
BluesKajKwin doesn't remember windows settings -size and placement set in /advanced>special windows settings or special application settings16:30
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spazz93well thank you i got to run for naw tolk to ya all later16:33
hazamonzoAnyone know why the kde4 process might be eating 25% CPU all the time?17:31
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, I'm in a weird situation...17:50
LINKSWORD2My system is acting very unresponsive. For example, I press Alt + F1 to get the launcher menu open and it just won't open.17:51
BluesKajLINKSWORD2, , maybe the "lock" key is on17:52
LINKSWORD2What "lock" key?17:53
BluesKajon my KB it's beside f1217:53
LINKSWORD2I've got a very simple keyboard.17:54
PhilRod_LINKSWORD2: do other keyboard shortcuts work? is anything on your system running slower than usual?17:54
LINKSWORD2Yeah, other things work.17:54
LINKSWORD2But it seems like the system is very slow.17:55
LINKSWORD2How can I open the process monitor?17:56
BluesKajlin sometimes the run command opens underneath another page , ot you could right click on the desktop and choose "Run command"17:56
BluesKajer LINKSWORD2 ^17:57
LINKSWORD2Well, I can't. The mouse isn't responding.17:57
BluesKajyeah, my other pc was freezing at the screensaver launch, but that was when no action was happening17:58
LINKSWORD2I wish I could blame the screensaver. But that's not it.17:59
BluesKajyeah , i have windows size recaqll probs , kwin suddenly decide to resize to a small window and place it up in the right hand corner ...and no matter how I reset the the size and placement in advanced , kwin doesn't hold the settings'18:03
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werner_Hi #kubuntu18:37
werner_I hope someone can help me18:38
werner_I like using meld for diff viewing (it'18:38
werner_s a gnome app)18:38
Piciyou can use gnome apps in kde.18:38
werner_And I want to integrate meld with kde4's konqueror18:38
werner_So when I right click on two selected files it will have option to send to meld in KDE context menu18:39
werner_does anyone know how to do that, it would make my life so much easier18:39
Piciwerner_: kdiff3 seems to exist.18:39
werner_YEs I use that too, but meld has cool features18:39
Picioh, sorry, I misread the question.18:40
werner_Actually I always preferred kompare18:40
werner_Ok :)18:40
werner_I'm using natty btw18:41
Daskreechwerner_: You can write a script for konqueror but does meld do everythign in app or does it have a shared library?18:52
werner_hi Daskreech I think it's just the app binary meld18:57
werner_Daskreech: meld's command line usage for files is as follows:19:03
werner_meld <file> <file> [<file>] Start a 2- or 3-way file comparison19:03
werner_Now how do I create a konqueror context menu where I can pass the 2 selected files to meld?19:04
werner_Is there some gui tool that I can use to build context menus for KDE4 konqueror?19:05
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kaddihi, where does kde/plasma workspace store the default and/or installed wallpapers?19:36
BluesKajkaddi, right click on the desktop ,"Desktop settings"19:39
kaddiok, I'll start from teh beginning, I have one image in there that will display in preview, but won't display on the desktop. It's the "DamselFly" one. I've tried "reisntalling" it without success.. so my next step would be to go check out the files in its actual folder to see if there's a mess in permissions or similar19:41
James147kaddi: try ~/.kde/share/wallpapers19:41
kaddii have no wallpapers-folder in .kde/share19:42
kaddiah, but I do have one in /usr/share/wallpapers19:42
kaddihmm pictures all seem to work and permissions are identical too.. anybody has a suggestion how i could get that wallpaper to work again?19:44
BluesKajimport some wallpapers from your pictures folder ?19:50
kaddinvm, i renamed the folder and adjusted the X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name.. now it works19:50
kaddiyeah, that would've been my next attempt, copy the picture from the wallpaper folder into my normal folder and then import it into wallpapers again19:51
kaddiwonder what broke it though19:51
BluesKajmy kwin sttings are all messed up , but I'm on 11.10 and everyone has run away  in ubuntu+1 ...or so it seems19:55
kaddithey know you're dangerous.. :p19:56
kaddii'm still on 10.10.. trying to find a good time where i can bork some settings and do an upgrade..19:56
kaddithat time just never seems to be now19:56
BluesKajmaybe everyone in ubuntu+1 is busy trying to fix the same mess I've got :)19:57
kaddiwhat kde version are you on then, if you're using 11.10?19:58
kaddiapart some issues with kwin, how is it?19:59
BluesKajit's default19:59
BluesKajwas fine up until today19:59
kaddii figured.. i just checked and am running 4.5.5 default on 10.10.. so 4.6 for 11.04 and 4.7 looks good for 11.1019:59
kaddii need to find more time to mess with things.. that wallpaper has been broken for 6months and i'm just getting around to fixing it now >.>20:00
BluesKajwish I knew a command to get the Kwinand plasma back to default settings so i could start again from scratch ...don't feel like doing the kubuntu-desktop install --reinstall right now20:02
BluesKajtoo much to delete and fix and configure afterwards20:03
kaddias i don't know how to do that i have an alternate suggestion: create a new user from command line and log in with that.. shouldn't that have default settings?20:08
kaddialternatively you could try to install a different windowmanager and use that one instead.. however i'm not sure how much that'll really "fix" things instead of making it worse ;)20:09
ActionParsniphey guys, has anyone seen that tomboy cannot detect the default web browser when trying to sync to tomboy web??20:09
BluesKajkaddi, thanks for the suggestions , but I think I'll wait to see what's happening next update20:10
ActionParsnipit seems super hung up on gnome/firefox, of which I have neither20:10
James147BluesKaj: to reset the user settings just reneme the appropate file in ~/.kde/share/config20:12
* James147 wonders what happens if you symlink <browser here> to firefox?20:13
James147^^ or if that failes create a script called firefox and see what arguments it tries to launch it with then edit the sctipr to launch another broswer with those setings :D20:14
BluesKajJames147, rename the appropriate file ? Sorry I don't understand .20:17
James147BluesKaj: all kde settings are in ~/.kde/share/config ^^ if you rename one then that application will load its default settings (and recreate the file)20:18
James147^^ at least all the intresting settings are threre :020:19
apacheloggermarkey: so, hanging in about half an hour or so?20:20
* James147 finds ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc tends to be the most problematic and regularly has to reset it20:20
BluesKajJames147, that would ahve to be all of them ...none of the windows or apps setings in special windows or applications settings are remembered after being set ...they just open in a small size in the upper left and have to be resized every time they're opened20:21
ActionParsnipinstalled gconf-editor will try when I get home20:24
werner_I'm creating a .desktop file that serves as a service menu in konqueror on KDE4 natty20:31
werner_I'm calling meld (a diff viewer) with the [Desktop Action] entry: Exec=meld %u20:32
werner_That sends a single file to meld and it works :)20:32
werner_But how to send all the selected files to meld?20:32
mark___Hey there. I have Kubuntu 11.04 and Flash has stopped working on all of my browsers. Any suggestions as to get this fixed?20:32
James147BluesKaj: window rules are in "kwinrulesrc", they arnt stored for each application20:33
PhilRod_mark___: it happened to me and so I installed flash manually, but that's not really ideal20:33
mark___What would be an idea way..?20:34
PhilRod_(there seems to be a big in the flashplugin-installer package where it downloads the installer, but doesn't actually run it)20:34
James147werner_: try %U20:35
PhilRod_mark___: if you want to do what I did (but I would emphasize that it's certainly not recommended): wget http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.3.183.7.orig.tar.gz20:35
mark___That seems really confusing. To do this though would Ijust do an "apt-get install flashplugin-installer" command?20:35
Daskreechwerner_: Not that I know of. It's kinda like a subset of ECMAscript20:36
mark___PhilRod_:  At this point I don't even mind the hard way. After I do that what would the second step be?20:36
PhilRod_mark___:  tar zxvf adobe-flashplugin_10.3.183.7.orig.tar.gz20:37
werner_James147: Thank you! XD20:37
mark___PhilRod_:  That it?20:37
PhilRod_mark___: a couple more steps20:37
James147mark___: try reinstalling it with apt--get first ^^  "sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer"20:37
OerHeksmark___, empty the flash cookies in ~/.macromedia/Flash_Player/#SharedObjects/ helped me with nonstarting videos20:38
mark___It's not just videos. Flash apps aren't working either - like Rdio.20:38
mark___James147:  Thanks, that worked just fine!20:39
ActionParsnipmark___: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep "flash|gnash|swf"20:39
mark___I really appreciate the help everyone :D20:39
PhilRod_mark___: cd adobe-flashplugin-; sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins20:39
ActionParsnipmark___: ahh then its ok20:39
mark___Help for Linux OS's is always so amazing. I've never had trouble with it, and out of Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and OpenSuse, Kubuntu's is the best.20:40
mark___So thank you guys alot :D20:40
LINKSWORD2... That was not fun.20:40
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.20:41
LINKSWORD2Hmm.... Looks like upgrading the system fixed that problem. Now I have another.20:42
LINKSWORD2Screenshot: http://imagebin.org/17045820:42
James147LINKSWORD2: hmm, I use to see that when i loged out while still having a program launched by running kdesudo... its kde sessions trying to restore the program, but dosnt supply any arguments21:01
James147LINKSWORD2: I think logging out and back in cleanly should fix it (as long as your not running an application with kdesudo at the time :) )21:01
LINKSWORD2Uh... James147, I haven't been trying to launch any programs with KDESudo. This is my first logon after upgrading to 11.04.21:10
hallmanAnyone know why xorg sucks up 25-100% of my cpu? Seems to be a common problem, yet the many suggested solutions doesn't seem to work for me.21:12
hallmanI've also looked through the ubuntu wiki on X troubleshooting, HighCPU in particular.. I find it hard to believe that it's a client application. It's not software rasterizing. I've tried various drivers. Logs seem fine.21:12
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wanerchat en español22:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:43
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smoki am using amarok and i make aa sql base23:36
smokeverithing its ok23:36
smokbut when when i search the FILES with amarok, only i can see .mpe files23:36
smokbut in local collecion i can see the wma files..23:36
smokhow can i fixe this?23:36

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