
danilosUrsinha, happy birthday you old lady :)08:19
danilosgary_poster, sorry, I was already out by the time you sent your messages; I am fine with your changes, and I am certain you looked for all the callsites to ensure you ain't breaking anything ;)08:31
danilosUrsinha, (and sorry, that seems to be only tomorrow, Aug is a 31 day affair :))08:32
* danilos -> switching locations11:35
gary_posterdanilos, thanks.  And the fact that you use "ain't" continues to amuse me. :-)12:12
gary_posterbac benji gmb danilos, call in 112:31
bacgary_poster: we need to get danilos to NC to work on his accent now that he has the grammar down12:31
gary_postertrue :-)12:31
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
danilosgary_poster, hi, sorry for being late12:34
bacgary_poster: it looks like i must reference your approval to deploy the AMI in the RT.  do i have it?12:43
gary_posteruh.  yes, bac?  deploy where, out of curiosity?  I meant to ask about the RT on the call12:44
bacgary_poster: As per https://dev.launchpad.net/EC2Test/Image I'm requesting a12:44
bac> corresponding update the PQM / lpbuildbot / production to use this image:12:44
gary_posterah right12:44
bacquoting jtv in the original rt12:44
gary_posterexcept then StevenK said that this is unnecessary, right?12:45
gary_posterI think it is not a matter of using the image but matching the image12:45
gary_posterwhich in this case just means updating launchpad-dev12:45
bacwhere is steven's comment?12:45
gary_posterbac, in mail, looking12:46
bacoh, nm, i see it.  in a different mbox12:47
bacok, now i understand.12:48
Ursinhadanilos: thanks :)15:59
bachurrah, i got the damn recipe build oops18:18
benjigary_poster: I've hit an impass on bug 829210 and intend on performing the "push it forward as far as you can and then go on to something else" maneuver.  (This is your chance to stop me.) ;)20:05
_mup_Bug #829210: Error displayed when I subscribe someone else <regression> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/829210 >20:05
gary_posterbenji, heh, cool.20:05
gary_posterbenji, yeah, if you can't dupe except by pulling Apache down, I'm not sure what you could do.  I guess you could retry, but your proposed approach would sound more appealing to me too.20:07
baclp2kanban rocks now20:35
bacis dell still shipping with ubuntu?  i couldn't find anything and dell.com/ubuntu is not helpful.21:15
* bac waves bye21:27

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