
hugodidierHi guys can i help to config sylpheed?00:13
hugodidierconfigured sucefull guys thanks! :-D00:29
iamfennechi is anyone up ?06:51
* iamfennec pokes the room 06:54
iamfennecis there anyone awake that can offer a hand to a new lubuntu user?06:55
bioterrorif I can lend06:55
iamfennecoh sweet i thought nobody was around06:56
bioterroralmost always someone is06:56
iamfennecwell i'm pretty new to linux in general and was useing ubuntu06:56
iamfennecthen someone turned me towards lubuntu because my computer is a bit on the older side and it runs better06:57
iamfennecand it does06:57
iamfennecbut i'm alittle stuck with a few things06:57
iamfenneclike i just installed wine and it didn't turn up in my drop down list06:58
iamfennecis there a setting or something that i'm doing wrong or does lubuntu rely on terminal way more then ubuntu06:59
iamfennecbecause i'm lost when it come to knowing the terminal protocal07:00
=== zmijunkie_ is now known as zmijunkie
iamfennecsorry hope i didn't miss the answer07:05
iamfennecbioterror ?07:06
bioterrorI'm at work ;)07:06
iamfennecthats not a prob07:06
bioterror!wine | iamfennec07:06
ubot5iamfennec: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:06
bioterrorthat's all I know about wine, I've couple of times played Fallout using WINE07:06
bioterrorand that's all :D07:06
iamfenneci've had it installed on ubuntu and it gave its own listing in the dropdown with everything installed in its dropdown07:08
bioterrorlxde menu reads .desktop -files from /usr/share/applications/ folder07:08
iamfennecwhen i installed it in lubuntu it never loged it in the dropdown07:08
bioterrorif you mean that "start" -menu in your statusbar07:08
bioterrorthat's the reason07:09
iamfennecthats what i'm talking about07:09
iamfennecok so is there a way to add a folder location to the lxde so it will read the programs that i add after the fact ?07:11
iamfenneci don't know the infastructure at all07:11
JadedJacobWould it be possible to setup VirtualBox on lubuntu and run vista on a machine with 2GB RAM and a  dual core 1.7ghz cpu?07:17
bioterror!virtualbox | JadedJacob07:17
ubot5JadedJacob: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox07:17
bioterrorremember, Vista likes RAM ;)07:18
JadedJacobI could give it 1GB ;)07:19
bioterroror if you dont surf web much at the time, you can give easily 1.5GB07:19
iamfenneci'm still really lost07:20
iamfenneci don't see that wine works on lubuntu07:20
iamfennecjust the standard version07:20
bioterroriamfennec, as I said, that menu reads all the stuff from /usr/share/applications/, that's why you dont get your installed wine stuff there07:21
bioterrorhi JohnDoe_71Rus07:22
=== Unit193 is now known as Guest21521
JadedJacobbut won't virtualbox and lubuntu need at least 1gb ?07:22
JadedJacob2GB total07:22
iamfennecok so my question was can i add a folder location to the lxde so it will ?07:23
JohnDoe_71Rusneed some help with pcmanfm. is it good place?07:23
bioterrorJohnDoe_71Rus, just ask ;)07:23
JohnDoe_71Ruspcmanfm %U result no file or folder07:24
JohnDoe_71Ruslubuntu 10.0407:24
JohnDoe_71Rusupdate from lxde and lubuntu-desktop ppa07:25
JohnDoe_71Rus3 times repeat. lubuntu in virtual box and ubuntu 10.04 + lxde and lubuntu-desktop ppa07:27
bioterrorGuest21521, WAKEUP07:27
bioterrorGuest21521, waky waky waky07:27
bioterroriamfennec, you can create .desktop file to your Desktop with certain launch parameters07:28
iamfennecok i would need a compleate walk though on that lol07:29
bioterroriamfennec, take example from /usr/share/applications/07:29
iamfennecis there a linux for dummies book out there hahaha07:29
bioterrorand change exec and some things to match ;)07:29
=== Guest21521 is now known as Unit19
iamfennecok i'll try07:30
bioterrorUnit19, run pcmanfm %U in terminal07:30
Unit19No such file or directory07:30
bioterrorJohnDoe_71Rus, you're not alone ;)07:31
JohnDoe_71Rusbioterror: this comand start FM from menu.07:31
JohnDoe_71Rusbut i can't see files and folder07:32
bioterrorJohnDoe_71Rus, edit /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm.desktop07:32
bioterrorif that's the one that has exec=pcmanfm %U07:32
JohnDoe_71Ruspcmanfm2 0.9.8+git-6240436419-0ubuntu1~lucid307:34
bioterrorJohnDoe_71Rus, with leafpad or nano or vim07:34
iamfennecis there a help doc built into the os like in wins?07:34
JohnDoe_71Rusno /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm.desktop exist /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm2.desktop with Exec=pcmanfm %U command07:36
bioterroredit pcmanfm2 then and remove %U for example07:37
JohnDoe_71Rusjust in console pcmanfm not the same?07:38
bioterrorif you run in terminal just command: pcmanfm07:38
bioterrordoes it work?07:38
bioterrorwithout %U07:38
bioterrorlet's try that first, before we edit that07:38
JohnDoe_71Rusno effect07:39
bioterrorit doesnt work at all?07:39
bioterrorgotta think :D07:40
=== Unit19 is now known as Unit193
JohnDoe_71Ruspastebin.com/RwRVgPy9 .xsessions-error07:43
bioterrorlooks empty07:44
JohnDoe_71Rusafk to 40 minuts07:57
JadedJacobIs there an equivilaint of PowerToysXP for Vista?08:44
JadedJacobwhoops wrong channel08:45
Unit193Haha! Yep, major wrong channel :P08:46
JohnDoe_71Rusbioterror: i'm back. any ideas?08:48
bioterrornot yet08:54
bioterrorbeen rather busy :D08:54
bioterrorUnit193, do you have problems with pcmanfm launching from menu?09:00
Unit193No, checking .desktop file now09:03
bioterroryou can launch it from the terminal without a problem?09:04
Unit193Exec=pcmanfm %U in desktop, but that fails from terminal :P09:06
bioterrorwhat about without %U09:06
Unit193No, that one is fine09:07
JohnDoe_71Rusmenu - Run  pcmanfm and pcmanfm %U not work to09:08
JohnDoe_71Rusdesktop, folders and icons is pcmanfm to? can be problem to start another pcmanfm process?09:13
JohnDoe_71Rusubuntu 10.04. LXDE session and Lubuntu session. One computer. In LXDE session right btn menu = "create, copy...". in Lubuntu session right btn menu = LXDE "applications, desktops, reload config.." For Lubuntu session need menu "create, copy..."09:43
JohnDoe_71Rusthat differents?09:43
=== MichealH is now known as Supernova
weakrefhi guys, I've downloaded a minimal cd of lubuntu in order to install it on my p4 3.20ghz/256mb ram11:24
weakrefit run fine but when i try to click on "install lubuntu" it freeze11:25
weakrefor installation does not start11:25
weakrefany way to start installation without the entire ui?11:25
bioterror!mini | weakref11:25
ubot5weakref: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:25
bioterrorweakref, and when you get to console you run command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends11:26
weakrefthat's strange because that cd start with UI and an icon "Install Lubuntu" on desktop11:26
weakrefoops just crashed ubiquity11:27
weakrefnothing the installer won't start :(11:27
bioterrorofcourse you can check what's under /var/log/11:28
bioterrorlike /var/log/messages11:28
usr13I've installed lubuntu* on a regular 11.04 ubuntu system, and lxpanelctl commands do not work.13:31
usr13Anyone know how to fix it?13:32
usr13"lxpanelctl run"  does nothing.13:35
usr13"lxpanelctl menu"  does nothing.13:35
usr13hummm.... I killed lxpanel and restarted it, and the lxpanelctl commands work now.13:48
eldappHello fiends13:49
eldappIs it safe to do a dist-upgrade from Lubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 in the update manager. I couldnt install 11.04 from disc13:52
bioterrorI've done it few times13:53
eldappthanks i will try13:53
bioterrorsudo before that command ;)13:54
JadedJacobWhat is new in 11.04 compared to 10.10 ?14:05
bioterrormostly less bugs14:07
bioterrorand different theme14:07
JadedJacobok cool14:08
bioterrorlike fixed xdg14:08
JadedJacobi just got a bit confused with ubuntu updating with unity14:08
JadedJacobThis OS looks amazingly fast14:09
bioterrorI hope it feels too14:09
JadedJacobwhats the default install size?14:10
bioterrorit was around 2GB14:10
bioterrorwas it 2.3GB14:10
JadedJacoboh yep.14:12
bioterror11.10 is going to be really good looking ;)14:12
bioterrorcan hardly wait14:12
JadedJacobwhats the best way to get divx codecs, dvd, setup ?14:12
bioterrorJadedJacob, I've preferred VLC14:12
bioterroreven if it's a QT instead of GTK14:12
JadedJacobi'm trying to install open office, do i select 'linux intel DEB' or 'linux x86-64 DEB'14:16
JadedJacobThe cpu is a dual core 1.7ghz cpu with only 32bit instruction set.14:16
bioterrorwith 11.04 you will be using LibreOffice14:16
bioterrorand that's found from the repos14:16
bioterrorso if you're going to upgrade to 11.04, you will have LibreOffice (which is good ;)14:17
JadedJacobyou prefer it over openoffice14:17
bioterrorwe all do14:17
JadedJacobhow about firefox?14:22
JadedJacobor are you a chromium fan ;)14:23
bioterrorI'm using Chromium14:23
bioterrorit had a working sync before FireFox ;)14:23
JadedJacobdo you use compiz?14:23
bioterror(so did Opera before Chromium, but all the adblocks did suck)14:23
bioterrorno I do not use14:23
bioterrorI have better use for my graphics card14:23
bioterrorhi again14:29
ubuntu_how do i get flash working in lubuntu14:31
bioterrorsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:31
ubuntu_do you use any linux download managers?14:34
bioterrorwhat do you mean?14:35
ubuntu_something that downloads with multiple connections14:35
bioterrorlike transmission :---------D14:35
bioterrorand no, I dont use such things for the WWW14:35
ubuntu_ooosh what is that?14:35
bioterrorcurl -O or wget14:36
silverarrowwhat happened to the wireless signal indicator on this version of lubuntu?14:40
silverarrowit used to tell signal health a bit more detailed14:40
silverarrowor at least strength,14:40
silverarrowwill removing vlc, and reinstall affect mplayer/gnomplayer functions?14:42
bioterroryou tell us14:42
silverarrowthat is what I am afraid of lol14:49
silverarrownot daring to mess when gnomeplayer works fine14:49
silverarrowjust a few things it will not do14:50
silverarrowwhich vlc used to do fine14:50
JadedJacobis it possible to run lubuntu and opensuse out of the same partition?14:59
bioterrorwhat do you think?14:59
bioterroronly if you're using virtual computer15:00
* silverarrow poors coffee and chocolate into bioterror, hoping it will improve his mood15:01
bioterrornow someone should tell me how do I copy this windows xp's administrator theme to default users15:01
silverarrowdo you have a computer with multiple user login?15:02
bioterrorsoon I have15:02
silverarrowi see15:03
silverarrowI just let people use my computer, if needed15:04
silverarrowonly one login,15:04
bioterrordoesnt work in corporate environmen t:D15:04
bioterrorDefault User is hidden! ;D15:06
bioterrorI'll make one and copy those to Default User15:07
silverarrowall that within 6 seconds?15:16
silverarrowanyone every used audacious ?15:30
silverarrowI think it is able to play online radio streams15:31
silverarrowbut when opening url, I get "no decoder found"15:31
=== semitones is now known as sillytones
bodhi_zazenAnyone here interested in reading a little something I wrote on iptables ?18:10
=== zmijunkie_ is now known as zmijunkie
Unit193That's something I'm going to hold onto. The router has a very nice web interface, but it's built on iptables18:23
=== moo is now known as Guest6864
vort3xHas anyone tried editing the isolist.ini file for Wubi and recompiling to enable Wubi installs of lubuntu in windows?18:44
vort3xIs isolist.ini the only file that needs to be edited for it to work?18:45
vort3xI have tried compiling Wubi from source to no avail. The compile goes smoothly w/o any errors, but the wubi.exe won't execute normally.18:45
vort3xIt does nothing when executing.18:46
vort3xI am compiling it in linux.18:46
bioterrorwe're not friends of WUBI ;)18:47
vort3xhaha. Me neither at this stage.18:47
vort3xBut it is perfect/ the only thing that can work in my situation18:47
vort3xI don't have a windows disk for the laptop I am trying to get the Lubuntu install done on, and I can't format the drive. Wubi is my only solution if I could just get it to work this once.18:48
vort3xI do think Wubi is a wonderful way to get linux out there though...18:49
bioterrorI think a plain installation is best18:49
bodhi_zazen+1 bioterror18:50
bodhi_zazenvort3x: try unetbootin + a flash drive18:50
vort3xI'd still need to partition the windows drive wouldn't I ?18:50
bodhi_zazenOnce you are running lubuntu you can do things such as partition your hd, the installer in fact will handle it automatically18:50
vort3xHow safe is it?18:51
bodhi_zazenWhat is so hard about partitioning the windows hd ?18:51
bodhi_zazenInstalling an OS, by any method, is major surgery18:51
vort3xI can't risk having the bootloader get messed up at the moment.18:51
bodhi_zazenUsually well tolerated, but best back up any data first18:51
vort3xI don't think it has to be major surgery, but yes, in this case it is.18:51
bodhi_zazenYou going to configure the windows boot loader to boot Linux ?18:51
bioterrorso you bodhi say, but I bet you hardly never take backups when you do stuff like that ;)18:52
vort3xLol who does :P18:52
bodhi_zazenbioterror: that is because I have everything backed up already18:52
bodhi_zazenI have an old box with an oversized hard drive that serves as a network backup18:52
bodhi_zazenNow my wife is a different matter18:53
vort3xOkay well, I guess I'll have to risk it. Worst case, I need to find a windows recovery disk somewhere.18:53
bodhi_zazenShe keeps re-learning the need for backup, despite the network share, year after year18:53
vort3xBest case it works :D18:53
vort3xThanks anyway18:53
bioterrorbodhi_zazen, you have make rsync script into cron ;)18:53
vort3xCan't you just schedule backups18:53
bodhi_zazenno need bio18:54
bodhi_zazenIf it is important, it goes to backup now18:54
bodhi_zazenvort3x: depends on the value of the data and frequency of backups18:56
Unit193What windows version? They should have a disk creator19:07
vort3xXP service pack 219:15
bioterroris there a reason to not upgrade?19:16
Unit193bioterror: I know someone on XP Home (Note how I didn't list service pack)19:16
Unit193(NOT a good thing)19:16
meetingologyvort3x: Error: "bioterror" is not a valid command.19:16
vort3xThat is terrible19:17
vort3xI was planning on upgrading, I just have limited internet access(had)19:17
vort3xSo I haven't gotten around to upgrading yet.19:17
bioterroryeah, SP3 was 300MB or something19:17
vort3xIm from South Africa19:17
vort3xand internet19:17
vort3xis expensive :/19:18
bioterroryou have to loan mark's internet ;)19:18
vort3xLol , I would be happy if I never heard another vuvuzela in my life19:18
vort3xWish he would19:18
vort3xThat's why he went to the UK :D19:18
vort3xAnyway, I just want to get lubuntu up and running, hoping to totally get rid of the Windows installation anyways (eventually) if I can19:19
vort3xGoing to try Lubuntu usb now and try and partition from within the installer19:20
Guest6864I just switched to lubuntu from windows xp a few days ago :)19:49
Guest6864I think I probably should have started with ubuntu for my first linux installation though.19:49
bioterroroh you kids, you're so spoiled ;)19:51
=== Guest6864 is now known as moomoo
Unit193What? You want to make them compile their X? That's what Gentoo is for... ;)19:52
bioterroratleast to hunt some RPM packages around the internet19:52
Unit193Arch is for being built from the bottom up (Or netinst)19:53
vort3xI just recently built my main ubuntu system from minimal. The difference is amazing against the bloated desktop installs.19:59
vort3xSeems my lubuntu install with gparted windows partitioning worked :D19:59
Unit193What DE/WM you go with?20:00
Unit193Reboot will tell :P20:00
vort3xIm not building this install from minimal yet.20:00
vort3xSo im using the desktop lubuntu install and DE/WM with it. Rebooting for install only now, if thats what your were asking?20:01
vort3xThe minimal install i went with gnome DE/WM to compare the performance.20:02
vort3xWhat time-zone you guys in?20:03
Unit193Wed, 31 Aug 2011 16:03:20 -040020:03
vort3xIs there any way to configure or set keyboard shortcuts for lubuntu menu applications and launchers?21:11
bioterrorexplain more21:11
bioterrorwhat button should do what21:11
silverarrowI want a button that writes thesises all in one touch21:12
silverarrowall my mediapayers are acting up today21:13
silverarrownothing works21:13
vort3xwindows key -> main menu, trl+c browser, ctrl+f filemanager, etc21:14
meetingologysilverarrow: Error: "£$½¥" is not a valid command.21:14
silverarrowmeetingology, might be21:14
bioterrorUnit193, want to explain to vort3x about rc.xml21:14
vort3xIll go google it thanks.21:15
Unit193vort3x: The Lubuntu FAQs can be found at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ and should provide you with the info you need21:16
vort3xThanks :)21:16
meetingologysilverarrow: Error: "might" is not a valid command.21:17
silverarrowmeetingology, are you attempting clever remarks?21:17
meetingologysilverarrow: Error: "are" is not a valid command.21:17
silverarrowis meetingology  a bot?21:18
silverarrowthat's just his personality then21:19
vort3xWhat is gedit alternative for lubuntu?22:05
vort3xCant find anything on google or lubuntu docs.22:06
vort3xAnyone know how to do true transparency in lxterminal in lubuntu?22:24
phillwvort3x: lubuntu uses leafpad22:50
vort3xIt is a bit lightweight for me though.I just installed gedit.22:50
phillwI have an alias set uo, as I always forget when I swap systems :P22:50
Unit193vort3x: Ever used scite?22:51
Unit193!info scite22:51
phillwvort3x: I use BlueFish Editor, as gedit is too light wieght for me :D22:51
ubot5scite (source: scite): Lightweight GTK-based Programming Editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.03-1 (natty), package size 950 kB, installed size 2376 kB22:51
vort3xscite looks pretty interesting22:51
vort3xill give it a looksee22:52
moomooQuick question: Is there an easy way to add applications to my startup list? My Desktop Sessions window doesn't have a "Add" button.23:13
moomooNevermind, I think I finally found it.23:14
silverarrowis anyone good at fixing major messed up stuff?23:16
phillwsilverarrow: the best way is maintain a seperate /home partition and when you completely break things - do a re-install :)23:18
silverarrowI got that advice recently, but how do I do that?23:19
phillwsilverarrow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving23:19
phillwyou'll never regret doing it, I assure you.23:20
phillwsilverarrow: where it says to use gedit, use leafpad in lubuntu23:21
moomooYeah I should have done that as well.23:21
* phillw is going to track down the author and ask why he did not use nano for the code editing... most puzzling.23:23
silverarrowtricky stuff23:24
phillwsilverarrow: it is a little scary, but he has it written so things are checked. I've seen some horrible versions. The one I used was from one of the main forum admin people, but he no longer supports it and points people to that area.23:26
silverarrowI have manage to mess up gnomeplayer and even vlc23:29
silverarrowvlc is newly installed, after removal, but still the same problem; sound but no picture what ever I play23:30
silverarrowgnome stopped working today, and I haven't done any updates or installations since before the weekend23:30
silverarrowgnome player*23:30
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
silverarrowgood night23:34
silverarrowI am not doing a thing until tomorrow23:34

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