
yofel_burner: check if the nouveau module is loaded when you try to use nvidia00:04
yofel_if yes add nomodeset to the kernel command line00:04
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billybigriggeranyone know where gnome 3.1.9 is?00:56
billybigriggerit was released almost a week ago now00:57
* Pici checks under the couch cushions00:57
billybigriggerwell why are we still running 3.1.5 is all i'm wondering :P00:58
billybigriggeror is ubuntu holding out for 3.2?00:58
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micahgbillybigrigger: we're in beta freeze01:47
VanillaliteHello all!03:13
DBOhey Vanillalite03:14
VanillaliteSo regular Unity is weird for me now... when I log in I just see my desktop background and my top panel acts like nautilus is open... I don't get the normal top panel nor the unity menu on the left... any ideas? lol03:15
DBOVanillalite, can I get a screenshot?03:15
VanillaliteI can try in Unity 2d now which seems to always work03:16
Vanillalitebrb with a screen shot hopefully :P03:16
VanillaliteHello all I'm back with a screenshot :P03:22
Vanillalitethat's what I get when I log into Ubuntu with regular Unity....03:23
Vanillaliteif you people want a higher res upload to see the screen let me know and I can do that03:25
Vanillaliteany ideas? I don't seem to get the normal top panel or the regular unity panel... plus it acts like nautilus is open... it's just odd...03:26
Vanillalitelarger screenshot.... http://www.abload.de/img/screenshot20at202011-0woj8.png03:30
billybigriggerVanillalite, it's a know problem03:34
billybigriggerthe unity plugin didn't get loaded in compiz03:35
billybigriggerclick file, new tab03:35
billybigriggerthen navigate to /usr/bin and open gnome-terminal03:35
billybigriggeropen compizconfig by typing ccsm03:36
billybigriggermake sure the unity plugin is checked03:36
VanillaliteI tried to find it on launchpad but I'm terribad at finding my bug on launchpad lol03:36
billybigriggerafter the plugin loads, you'll be left with the borked nautilus window, so in  your open terminal type sudo killall nautilus and you should be left with a normal desktop03:36
billybigriggerim going for a smoke, let me know how that works out for you03:37
Vanillalitedo I have to do this each time I log in or will this be a real fix for me?03:37
billybigriggerare you fully updated?03:40
billybigriggeri see the problem still happening on the forums still, but i posted that fix i just gave you like a week ago03:42
VanillaliteHello all again!03:45
billybigriggerVanillalite, how did you make out03:45
Vanillalitecopied your instructions to a text file and did them... worked03:46
VanillaliteI assume I have to do this each time I log in? *until a patch comes down the line*03:46
billybigriggeryou quit after i asked you...03:47
billybigriggerare you fully updated?03:47
Vanillalitesorry I was in Unity 2d and quit to try your fix :P03:47
Vanillaliteyeah I just updated idk less than an hour ago?03:48
billybigriggeri posted that fix on the forums about a week ago, and i haven't had it happen for awhile on MY machine, but i think it's still happening to others03:48
Vanillalitedo you have a link to a bug report for it on launchpad? :P03:48
billybigriggerill see if i can dig it up03:49
billybigriggeri meant i posted the workaround instructions on the forums, i'm sure there is a bug report around somewhere03:50
Vanillaliteyeah I got that part I was just looking for a launchpad page in case I could be of any assistance03:51
Vanillalitethanks a ton btw billy! you rock for the help! :)03:56
billybigriggerfeck i can't find a bug # for it anywhere on the forums...04:02
DBOVanillalite, Im sorry, I forgot about you!04:02
DBOVanillalite, it looks like compiz is failing to start all together :/04:03
DBOId be looking at your drivers04:03
billybigriggercompiz is starting, just not loading the unity plugin04:03
Vanillaliteno worries DBO billy says it's a known bug and had a fix for me04:03
DBOVanillalite, what was the fix?04:03
Vanillaliteyeah more like workaround04:04
DBOwhat is the workaround04:04
Vanillaliteload the terminal load up compiz settings and check the unity box04:04
DBOdid you try unity --reset?04:04
Vanillalitethen just task kill nautilus via terminal04:04
DBOfair enough04:05
DBOI wonder why your settings got screwed up04:05
DBOI'll have to poke didrocks about that...04:05
billybigriggerDBO, it's been happening to everyone at some point04:05
billybigriggerit's all over the forums04:05
DBObillybigrigger, thats crazy...04:05
DBOI've never seen it04:05
VanillaliteI'm running an ATI card with the ati fxlgr drivers if that matters at all04:06
DBOmust be a packaging issue04:06
billybigriggerVanillalite, could just been an ati issue then04:06
billybigriggeri originally posted the workaround in an fglrx thread :P04:07
Vanillalitewouldn't surprise me... I've had a bunch of regular unity problems as an ati user during this alpha04:07
DBOVanillalite, how are things going for you on ati now04:07
DBO(if it's not clear by now, I am one of the Unity developers)04:07
Vanillalitegood post big patch last week that fixed the major issue a bunch of us had with unity loading up with black bars/boxes everywhere04:08
Vanillalitesometime last week a patch fixed that and I was good until well now04:08
VanillaliteUnity 2d has been perfect tho04:09
DBO2d doesn't have to deal with 3d drivers04:09
DBOdo you use the new alt-tab at all?04:09
billybigriggeri use it every few minutes04:09
billybigriggerworks fine here, always has04:09
DBOdo you like it?04:10
Vanillaliteyeah alt tab works fine04:10
billybigriggeri dont like how some icons have shite resolution04:10
billybigriggerlooks tacky04:10
VanillaliteI have one small complaint04:10
billybigriggerxchat and vbox icons look like poop, they need to be cleaned up04:11
Vanillalitelike when I minimize my browser I get this weird bit of ghosting04:11
DBOVanillalite, can you describe it better?04:11
DBObillybigrigger, are you using xchat or xchat-gnome?04:12
htorque_Vanillalite: bug 83782004:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 837820 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window minimizing animation leaves decoration trail on screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83782004:12
htorque_just opened it04:12
billybigriggerDBO, ...04:12
DBObillybigrigger, oh the icon thing is easy to fix by hand if you want :P04:12
Vanillaliteyeah that's my exact problem04:13
billybigriggererrrr ignore that....04:13
billybigrigger  Installed: 2.8.8-3ubuntu604:13
billybigrigger  Candidate: 2.8.8-3ubuntu604:13
Vanillalitewhen I minimize chrome it looks exactly like the screen shot in that bug report04:13
DBOtoo late already clicked it baby04:13
bullgard6What is the function of the program »oneconf-service«?04:13
DBObullgard6, afaik it is related to ubuntu one04:13
bullgard6DB0 I see.04:13
billybigriggerhtorque_, i definitely DON'T get that on fglrx04:15
billybigriggerminimize animations are smooth(ish) :S here :P04:15
DBOhtorque_, cant see it on nvidia blob04:15
VanillaliteI get that exact deal04:15
htorque_oh, it's smooth here as well :P04:15
DBOhtorque_, oh wait I see it04:16
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DBOokay so this is a damage clipping error04:16
billybigriggerwhat ccsm settings do you have?04:16
htorquepretty much stock04:16
DBOhtorque, if you switch workspaces after triggering the bug it goes away immediately right?04:17
billybigriggerfading windows?04:17
htorqueDBO: yes04:17
DBOhtorque, okay we can at the very least hack around this trivially04:17
Vanillalitehere is a screen shot off my personal "ghosting" "artifacting" issue04:20
htorqueuh, what's that pattern behind your launcher bar?04:22
billybigriggerya i have a solid dark grey04:22
billybigriggerno pattern here either04:22
VanillaliteI do too it just came out like that weirdly in the screen lol04:22
DBOscreenshots of unity can be corrupted04:23
DBOnot known why04:23
DBOsomething about shitty ass framebuffers04:23
Vanillaliteit goes patterny when I get the artifacting04:23
Vanillalitegoes back to solid grey as soon as the artifacts go away04:24
Vanillalitenot sure what that means exactly04:24
billybigriggeri get a wierd screenshot that looks like your guy's problems but all is working here04:24
Vanillaliteidk it's a small issue and not a deal breaker like my other bug so not as high on my list of what needs to be fixed :P04:25
htorquewould be a deal breaker for me :P04:26
Vanillalitewell considering my other bug is unity not even loading... that's a bigger issue lol04:28
billybigrigger  Installed: 1:
billybigrigger  Candidate: 1:
billybigriggerwhat version are you running04:30
htorquethe same04:31
Vanillalitehow can I check that?04:31
htorquetype "apt-cache policy compiz" in a terminal04:31
htorquegotta go, cya04:32
Vanillalitepeace out htorque!04:32
Vanillalitebtw same as you billy in terms of version #04:33
billybigriggerk cause i thought that update fixed my problems04:34
Vanillalitenope still issues here sorry :(04:34
Vanillalitebtw if I may ask as a non dev how freaked out are you by the quick 6 month time frame and the fact that beta is coming this week? does it seem crazy fast? lol04:35
VanillaliteI don't envy you guys and gals at all getting stuff done and fixed so fast :P04:35
billybigriggerim a non-dev, the 6mth release cycle has been going on as long as i've been using ubuntu :)04:36
billybigriggeri love it, i love bleeding edge software :)04:37
billybigriggerJoin Date: October 18th, 200504:37
Vanillaliteditto still just seems like OMG it's beta already we got so much stuff to still do lol04:37
billybigrigger^^^ my join date on ubuntu forums, i think that was hoary/warty days :P04:37
billybigriggerya but feature/ui freeze's are in effect, now it's bug squashing time04:38
Vanillalitenever been a person to try out alphas usually I wait till beta 1 for the jump04:39
billybigriggeri usually jump in around a2/304:39
billybigriggeri totally missed 10.04/.10 dev cycles...04:39
VanillaliteI'll be honest something about the name and the cool cat being the animal this time around made me want to jump in on the alpha as silly as that sounds lol04:40
billybigriggererr no 10.10/11.04 i missed, 10.04 was the last time i was around04:40
billybigriggerheh i think the name sucks, and honestly haven't bothered to look at the mascot04:40
billybigriggeri'm more excited for gnome3/gtk3 and oneiric+1 being an lts04:40
Vanillalitejust sort of a sleep cat as the mascot :P04:41
Vanillalitealright all time for bed!04:46
Vanillalitethanks for all the help and I'm sure I'll be back soon :)04:46
bullgard6What is the function of the file /var/crash/_usr_share_oneconf_oneconf-service.1000.crash ?04:51
billybigriggerits a crash report04:52
billybigriggeryay, emerge of xfce has only been running for a few hours now...95/216 hah05:34
billybigriggergentoo sucks my left ...05:34
jussibillybigrigger: wrong channel for that discussion ;)05:35
billybigriggerno just giving a pep talk to all the new +1 users to stick it out with ubuntu :P05:35
billybigriggershowing them that the grass is greener here heh05:36
ssargenntoanybody running xfce instead of unity?06:25
billybigriggermaybe in a few more hours i will be on my gento vm :P06:35
carli2i open a .deb file in software center07:20
carli2i click at "install"07:20
carli2no installation, just a warning07:20
carli2"only install this file if you trust the origin"07:20
carli2how can i install the package anyway?07:21
carli2or better:07:21
zniavredpkg -i name_of_package.deb ?07:21
carli2how can i change the default opener for .deb files to "gksudo dpkg -i $1"?07:22
carli2zniavre: i know. but i want the default way to work, because the default way to open .deb files is used by my browser07:25
zniavreim not able to find the way to cahnge nautilus properties with deb files07:28
zniavrei got only gdebi as CLI package manager and it is not present in deb properties> open with (and seems not possible to add a path to gdebi)07:30
zniavrebut gdebi is availbla in right clic menu07:30
ssargenntoIs anybody else having issues with their login screen? Mine will show the regular background for about a couple seconds then it just goes to like a black background, older style icons, and the top bar is black also07:41
ssargenntoI think it might be my upgrade though. Because I just loaded gnome shell for the first time and I was having some display issues there as well, like parts of the desktop looked to be missing, I could click the icons but they looked funny..07:42
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VolkodavLooks like Macbook 7.1 only gets wireless g connection in 20 Mhz range . N does not work at all in 20 or 40 hmm - will file a bug I guess07:47
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ssargenntoI am having problems with gnome shell after my upgrade to 11.10 - It seems there are missing icons and such from the interface. I can click where they are but it looks like distorted colors and not a icon. Anybody else experience this?08:31
ssargenntoAnybody else having troubles with gnome shell displaying correctly?08:50
psaldenssargennto: I think it's because it tries to use unity's default themes08:55
psaldenssargennto: and now I read your earlier line, you're probably talking about something else, sorry :)08:55
psaldenstill though, now that unity is 'in the same field', it might be related08:56
ssargenntopsalden,  do you have any problems with gnome shell?08:58
ssargenntowould removing gnome-shell and re-installing it help?08:59
psaldenwell when I run it, I notice how everything looks crappy. using gnome-tweak-tool reveals it's just trying to use ubuntu's themes, fonts, etc. Assuming the fact that it shares its settings with unity to be the cause of your problem too, I doubt reinstalling would help at all09:01
bullgard6GNOME  does not provide TeaTime. Can you recommend a substitute?09:05
ssargenntogotcha :)09:06
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KNUBBIGHey, I need help on how to configure my keyboard to match an Apple keyboard to reactivate the alt key (for pipes, etc). I remember that there was some setting in Natty but I can't seem to find it. Any help?09:17
heslamhey guys. has anyone done any video editing on 11.10 using MLT-based editors? if so anyone getting weird hangs, terrible performance, intermittent crashes?09:17
lenios__<ssargennto> Anybody else having troubles with gnome shell displaying correctly? << same here, it was working a few days ago on another machine though09:29
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Rods_Tigeris filesharing broken for the time being in oneiric?09:58
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KNUBBIGWhy does apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk not install any useable binaries but instead install openjdk-6-jdk?10:17
nyuszika7h!jre | KNUBBIG10:20
ubottuKNUBBIG: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.10:20
nyuszika7hJDK != JRE10:20
KNUBBIGnyuszika7h: I know that10:28
KNUBBIGnyuszika7h: But I nevertheless wanted javac10:28
KNUBBIGnyuszika7h: And also java which I installed (tried to) with openjdk-7-jre10:28
KNUBBIGnyuszika7h: I downloaded both compressed binaries from oracle and relinked /etc/alternatives/java(c) manually, including /usr/bin/javac. What a pain10:29
heslamhas anyone had any problems with Pulse Audio, especially in relation to MLT/video editing?10:32
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=== nyuszika7h` is now known as nyuszika7h
IdleOnewhy am I seeing x86_64 3 times in the output of uname -a?11:12
vega__-m -p -i ... man uname11:14
IdleOneseems kinda redundant11:16
IdleOnethanks for the info11:16
Ian_Cornewell, you choose -a11:17
Ian_Corneso it shows all11:17
Milos_SDI have a little problem upgradeing to Oneiric :)11:35
Milos_SDupgrade doesn't even start becouse of a lot held back packages :S11:35
Milos_SDhere is the apt log: http://pastebin.com/Xq7qPqbx11:37
jbichaMilos_SD: how exactly are you trying to upgrade? and are you using a bunch of PPAs?11:43
Milos_SDI'm trying to upgdade via "update-manager -d"11:43
Milos_SDI am using a lot of PPA's :)11:43
jbichaMilos_SD: I think you'll have to upgrade manually or do a clean install11:44
Milos_SDwell... I used to upgdade without problem before ( to Natty), and I was using bunch of PPA's too :)11:45
jbichaMilos_SD: the transition to GNOME3 might be complicating that, and there are limits to what the installer can do automatically11:46
Milos_SDjbicha, what did you mean when you sad to manualy upgrade?11:47
jbichawell it's a bit complicated and definitely not supported but...11:47
jbichayou can disable all your PPAs, change your sources.list to point to oneiric; apt-get update and then use Synaptic or something11:48
jbichato upgrade everything or remove what won't upgrade, so it may take a bunch of time & effort11:49
Milos_SDjbicha, thanks...11:50
Milos_SDthere are some things that are held back, and they are not from PPA :)11:51
Milos_SDlibevince and libdocument11:51
Milos_SDand bunch of i386 packages :S I don't know where did I get that ... I use 64bit :S11:52
BluesKajHi folks12:05
jbichaMilos_SD: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2011-August/000886.html12:08
BluesKajjbicha, well, I did the command in the anounce above , but "permission denied"12:12
jbichaBluesKaj: sudo is your friend12:22
BluesKajincluding sudo12:22
jbichahmm, maybe try sudo su first then just run the command12:23
jbichaI think piped commands don't work well with sudo12:23
PiciThats what tee is for.12:24
Piciecho "foo" | sudo tee -a /etc/bar12:24
BluesKajjbicha, sudo su did the trick...I think12:25
* hrw got kicked from #ubuntu+3 so will ask here13:09
hrwstarted unity desktop for first time in 11.10 cycle - where it can be configured? cause it looks not-acceptable for me (fonts, colours, decorations)13:10
Ian_Cornewtf is ubuntu+3 :p13:11
hrwIan_Corne: just a name ;)13:12
hrwIan_Corne: as there are insane amount of #ubuntu* channels I decided to check +3 one13:12
hrwis it normal that playing with ccsm makes unity die?13:16
hrwwhere unity={top+left panels}13:16
Ian_Corneit happens to me too13:19
Ian_Corneso it's "normal"13:19
hrwits 3rd time when I try unity (previous was 11.04 alpha/beta) and still finds it too hard to setup13:19
IdleOnebecause there really isn't anything to setup13:20
hrwhttp://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/~hrw/shots/unity1.png is how it looks13:21
hrwIdleOne: ugly window decoration from no idea where, icons on desktop which I want to hide13:21
hrwicons of two pernamently mounted devices in launcher13:21
IdleOneright click, remove from launcher13:22
hrw3 options: "unmount, open, keep in launcher (not enabled)"13:22
hrwswitching 'keep in launcher' (I hope it is this 'zachowaj w obszarze uruchamiania') does not change anything13:23
Trewashrw: gnome-tweak-tool can at least change fonts and gtk theme, I don't know if window decorations are configurable via any GUI now13:26
hrw(gnome-tweak-tool:14815): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to underallocate GtkComboBox's child GtkCellView 0x2226d70. Allocation is 1x15, but minimum required size is 44x21.13:27
hrwthats norm too?13:27
IdleOnein alpha/beta everything is "normal"13:28
hrwjust asking13:28
IdleOnejust answering :)13:29
IdleOnerahter commenting13:30
Jcook_5xDataI have a few problem one is Plymouth does not start all I get is text and lightdm is all pink like it not pull css file.13:32
Jcook_5xDataI have run command dpkg-reconfigure Plymouth and reboot but it did not help13:33
charlie-tcahm, I get blue in 64bit and pink in 32bit lightdm backgrounds13:33
Jcook_5xDatathis is a reinstall the first time it had a cool ubuntu background and styled buttons and menu. maybe it was and update that broke it13:36
Jcook_5xDataI guess it no big deal. it is alpha/beta after all13:37
Jcook_5xDataat lest they fix the compiz problem with wine. That why I could not use the first release13:39
Jcook_5xDatastarcraft 2 scrolling is smooth :)13:39
Jcook_5xDatanow if we could get Blizzard to support Opengl in Starcraft 2 we would be all set :D13:41
hrwhttp://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/~hrw/shots/unity2d-1.png - someone knows why I got this box on right?13:44
nyuszika7h15:44:56 <-- | ChanServ has kicked nyuszika7h (Invite only channel)                                                                                                                           │13:45
nyuszika7h15:44:57  -- | #ubuntu+3: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited                                                                                                                      │13:45
nyuszika7hhrw: ^^13:45
hrwnyuszika7h: I know, got the same13:45
hrwuf. now I can uninstall13:51
psaldenbtw am I the only one who's not got working 'media apps', 'internet apps' etc buttons?14:02
drussellpsalden: you're not the only one... I'm assuming it's everyone14:11
drussellI had a complete crash about half an hour ago (disconnecting an external monitor)14:11
drusselland now my unity launcher bar won't autohide14:12
drussellbtw multi screen seems to be very flaky on 11.10 generally14:12
drussellconnecting and disconnecting external screens on this laptop is a sure way to crash xorg14:13
patr|ckcan the Alpha 3 be downloaded already?14:16
drusselland running ubuntu-bug and selecting "xorg bug" puts a black square on the screen and a broken/frozen gtk window that needs to be forced to quit14:17
yellabs-r2hello there14:17
drussellpatr|ck: it would seem so14:17
yellabs-r2is there an list somewhere about what video cards are supported for the new oneric ? unity 3D, and gnome 3 , it seems that intel is not well supported any more, will this change in future releases , i have got product: 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller14:20
yellabs-r2used to work great on the older ubuntus14:21
hrwyellabs-r2: 945 should be supported. too many netbooks with it14:35
yellabs-r2i am running it on an dell gx620, got several machines, the third seems to boot to desktop and 3D, strange14:36
yellabs-r2maybe an bois setting somehow, although unity launcher is missing ..14:36
yellabs-r2on the left , the menu14:36
yellabs-r2 gone14:36
hrwunity... I just published blog post with my opinion about it14:36
yellabs-r2alt+F2 does not work..14:38
yellabs-r2so i cant get to an run command for terminal.. tips ?14:38
yellabs-r2can i restart unity on the other terminal ?14:39
yellabs-r2replace --unity ?14:39
hrwyellabs-r2: tried Ctrl-Alt-t?14:39
yellabs-r2not yet14:39
yellabs-r2now i did14:40
yellabs-r2but no terminal14:40
yellabs-r2maybe it sees the wrong keyboard, but i cant tell14:40
yellabs-r2going for an reboot, might help ..14:41
yellabs-r2if not i might reinstall14:42
yellabs-r2to make sure nothing went wrong14:43
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Milos_SDHi... I just did clean install od 11.10. Where can I change fonts? :S15:36
Milos_SDhow can I change fonts?15:49
hrwMilos_SD: gnome-tweak-tool may help you. or wait for gnome 3.50 in 201515:52
Milos_SDhrw, gnome-tweak-tool helped, thanks :)15:54
Milos_SDnow, just to find out how to install skype :D15:54
=== RonaldH is now known as Ronald
Milos_SDdoes anyone else have problem with network-manager not showing in Unity panel?16:26
BluesKajKwin doesn't remember windows settings -size and placement set in /advanced>special windows settings or special application settings16:29
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heslamhey guys. is anti-aliased window corners working for any of you, or do I need to install that compiz testing ppa?17:15
validuntilmondayhi there17:17
Ian_Corneempathy is a crashaholic18:41
h00kIs there a known self-signed google-talk error with Empathy? (Located in US, not Iran)19:05
Ian_Corneme too h00k19:07
Ian_Corneand facebook too19:07
h00kIan_Corne: I don't know if it's a CA thing, or with Empathy and Oneiric19:07
h00kI don't use FB chat, just Google-talk19:07
Ian_Cornethey're both the same protocol19:08
BluesKajWow, Kwin is really messed up here...anyone else ?19:13
lenSince upgrading to Kubuntu Oneiric, my sound always starts muted.  I can unmute it, and it works fine, but every time I reboot it starts back muted again..  What do I need to do to correct this behavior?20:24
BluesKajlen, open alsamixer and disable auto mute20:33
lenBluesKaj, Where is that option?20:37
BUGabundoevening !20:39
charlie-tcaHello, BUGabundo20:39
BluesKajlen in alsamixer use the f5 kay to get all ctrls20:40
charlie-tcaYeah, didn't think it would be "good evening" yet20:41
BluesKajmy kwin settings won't hold ...the apps are opening  in upper left like small dialogs ...setting them in special windows and special apps advanced doesn't hold the settings I choose20:42
BluesKajlen or you set the ctrls in alsamixer then save them withe command , alsactl store20:48
lenBluesKaj,  When I press F5  I get a bunch more bands I can see if I scroll right, but it all has to mics and the digital output I'm not using.20:48
bjsniderBUGabundo, did you try the updated gmailchecker yet?20:49
BUGabundonot using it20:49
lenBluesKaj,  OK, so if I unmute and do the alsactl store, it should preserve that for next startup?20:49
bjsniderit's a recent post at webupd820:49
BluesKajlen , in the terminal , alsactl store20:50
BUGabundobjsnider: I remember a old one20:50
BluesKajyes . len  it should20:50
lenOK, I'll do that and reboot to see what happens.  Do I sudo that, or does it save the settings on a per user basis?20:51
BluesKajlen , I think it's global20:52
billybigriggeranyone here using the ricotz ppa and updated to gnome 3.1.9 yet?20:53
lenHmm,  It seems to want it both  ways.  If I do it as a user (no sudo) if complains I don't have permission, but as if I do it as a supervisor, it complains that the user home dir it not it's own20:55
billybigriggeris your user part of the audio group maybe?20:57
billybigriggershould be, and i wouldn't see why you wouldn't be20:57
albechjust installed the latest snapshot on a spare partition, but it appears that grub is not updated correctly.23:13
urlin2ualbech, did you do the something else choice where wa grub put?23:14
albechurlin2u, negative23:14
urlin2ualbech, where was grub put then?23:15
urlin2ualbech, that snapshot has grub control now,23:15
albechi believe it was placed on sda23:16
jtaylordoes another update-grub2 help?23:16
urlin2ualbech, right that means that the snapshot has grub contri=ol do you want it in another install?23:17
albechurlin2u, not sure what you mean..23:17
albechurlin2u, looks like the update-grub2 found it23:18
urlin2ualbech, when you install grub to the sda from a install it makes that grub have the update control, would you kike it in another.23:18
albechurlin2u, no having in on sda is fine23:19
urlin2uI can have many grub2 distros which ever one I want to do the update I install grub from it.23:19
urlin2uto the sda23:19
albechurlin2u, let me try a reboot rq to see if it boots now that update-grub2 found it23:20
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