
nigelbjcastro / AlanBell: Haha, good job! :P02:33
nigelbGood morning!02:51
jonocjohnston, you around?07:07
jonono dholbach yet?07:35
jussiHavent seen him yet07:42
AlanBellreading his article on OMG though07:43
czajkowskijono: go to bed you loonatic07:55
* jono hugs czajkowski07:55
jonojust wrapping some emails07:55
czajkowskijono: you can tell your wife is MIA you're on here at silly o;clock07:56
* czajkowski hugs jono 07:56
jonoI also have a boatload of work to do07:57
jonobeen working from 8am until midnight most days recently07:57
jonolots to get on with07:57
czajkowskijono: mother of god you loon. you'll go bald from that.... :p07:58
jonoI think that ship has sailed07:58
jonoalright, nuff mail07:59
jonogoing to bed07:59
jonoshame, I wanted to catch up with dholbach before I went to bed08:00
czajkowskihe's usually on way before now08:00
jonoyeah, maybe he got caught up in something08:01
jonono biggie08:01
dholbachjussi, I had no idea Oulu was the "world capital of air guitar" :-P13:30
dakerdholbach: what's the name of the package for the "elementtree" ?13:33
dholbachdaker: python itself (at least since 2.6, I think)13:34
dholbachdaniel@daydream:~$ dlocate elementtree13:34
dholbachpython2.7: /usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_elementtree.so13:34
dakergood thanks dholbach13:36
dholbachde rien13:36
mhall119dholbach: btw, your xss error on summit was fixed over the weekend13:55
dholbachyep, nigelb told me :)13:56
dholbachthanks mhall11913:56
akgranerwhat channel does the dx team hang out in ayatana???? or something else - I need to find out who to talk to about lenses...14:18
jcastrolenses is njpatel14:23
akgranerjcastro, thanks - but I already interviewed him...hmmm14:24
jcastrojason does the launcher14:25
jcastrohe interviews well and has a neckbeard14:26
akgranerwell there is a winning combineation14:26
paultagneckbeard ftw14:26
akgranercombination even14:26
akgraneryeah it's for the next issue of Ubuntu User Magazine14:27
jcastropaultag: are you going to OLF14:27
paultagjcastro: I don't know. Are you?14:27
paultagI'm registered, but I don't have time off work and I've not booked a flight14:27
jcastroI am in Florida14:27
jcastrobut I conned Jason to go in my stead14:28
paultagjcastro: and I'm in Boston :)14:28
jcastrooh right, I forgot14:28
paultagI'd like to go, I miss everyone tons14:28
paultagbut I'm not sure it'll work out14:28
mhall119I think Boston is still closer to Ohio than Boca Raton14:35
jcastropaultag: yeah it's not feasable for me to go14:37
jcastrotoo many flights this year already and down to 1 car14:37
jcastropaultag: I will miss amber's scientology speech though14:38
akgranerI'll record one just for you all and send it to you!14:38
jcastroI will miss getting called out because our webpages don't mention linux14:38
mhall119scientology speech?14:39
mhall119I somehow missed that one14:39
jcastromhall119: amber sells ubuntu the same way people sell amway14:40
paultagjcastro: hahaha14:40
jcastroif we ever do commercials14:40
jcastrowe need to do the "for just 35 cents a day, the cost of a cup of coffee"14:40
jcastrodholbach: hey if you want to g+ a few minutes early I can show you the rest of the sponsorship stuff14:40
jcastroand we can make fun of jono for a while if you want14:40
mhall119"But wait! Download now and you can get 2 copies!14:40
jcastroBuy now and we'll also send you 5 free gigs of file storage14:41
mhall119and of course we have to be overly dramatic about how aweful Windows is14:41
dholbachjcastro, currently looking into something else - can we g+ after our team call?14:41
paultagOK, So. I don't know if the LP'ers are going to hate me or like me14:42
paultagI wrote a binding to launchpadlib in PHP. I call it LaunchPHPLib14:42
mhall119"Other operating systems frustrating to use" (show someone double-click a desktop icon, then Chuck Norris comes in and drop-kicks their puppy, user: "Why does windows always do that?"14:42
paultagseems to work OK here, perhaps I'll publish it once it's stableish14:42
mhall119paultag: PHP + lazr?  You just made the world a slightly more horrible place :(14:43
paultagmhall119: no lazr14:43
mhall119oh, then maybe not so bad14:43
paultagit's from scratch, and it's only OK14:43
paultagwhich is why I'm not pushing it out yet14:43
mhall119I was gonna say, that doesn't sound up to your standards14:44
paultagmhall119: http://pastebin.com/fTjjRmav14:44
paultagmhall119: looks fairly OK when you use it, though14:44
mhall119I'm sitting on a response to your blog post, need to finish it up14:44
paultagmhall119: :)14:44
paultagand it runs - http://pault.ag/fluxbox/debian14:45
paultagjust very slowly14:45
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
jcastrodholbach: we have a team call today?15:05
dholbachI thought so, yes15:05
* dholbach summons bacon15:17
dholbachjcastro, started the hangout15:23
dholbachdpm, ^15:23
jussidholbach: when did you find out?15:24
dholbachjussi, there was an article in a german newspaper15:24
dpmdholbach, thanks for the heads up. I think unless jono wants me to be there I'll skip today's call15:24
jussidholbach: hehe, yeah, it was like last weekend or somethign15:24
jussiI missed it, was away15:25
dholbachjussi, http://www.zeit.de/sport/2011-08/luftgitarre-wm-westphal-oulu/komplettansicht depending on how good your german is15:25
jussidholbach: nowhere near that good.15:26
jcastromhall119: nigelb15:48
jcastrohey I have a brainstorm15:48
jcastroI was just thinking15:48
jcastrowhy not have all the sponsorship data in summit15:48
nigelbwe do right?15:49
jcastrojust directly go into a google spreadsheet?15:49
* nigelb can look into that.15:49
nigelbdo you want to file a bug?15:49
nigelboh, daniel already did.15:49
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
jcastronigelb: he wants an export16:05
jcastroI was just thinking why even bother with that16:05
nigelbjcastro: I checked out the google API.16:05
jcastrojust directly plug into gdocs via the g api16:06
nigelbWe have to export to a tmp folder and then import that into the gapi16:06
jcastrohey james_w16:07
jcastroor actually, nigelb you might know this too16:07
james_whey jcastro16:07
jcastrolet's pretend UDS wants to have normal plenaries16:07
jcastro15 minutes x 4 after lunch16:07
jcastrobut linaro wants to do 2x30 in the morning the hour before the start of work16:08
jcastroyeah that's what I gathered16:08
nigelbBoth share the same slots16:08
mhall119jcastro: we haven't had the time to separate UDS from Linaro16:08
jcastroa slot is either plenary or session across the board16:08
nigelbSo that's going to be extremely challenging.16:08
nigelbEspecially since we use the same rooms.16:08
mhall119jcastro: if we had the functionality to treat them as different summits, we could do that16:09
jcastrobut I guess we're supposed to keep them together16:09
nigelbjcastro: if you can do - Linaro: you have rooms X, Y, Z. UDS - You have rooms A, B, C, we could just run seprate instances16:09
mhall119jcastro: if we get the code done, they can have separate schedules, but share rooms and attendees16:11
dholbachhey jono16:11
mhall119but it's not looking like we're going to have enough time to properly implement that for UDS-P :(16:12
dholbachalright, I'll call it a day - see you all tomorrow16:13
* mhall119 is all registered for UDS-P \o/16:18
nigelbg'nite dholbach16:19
nigelbmhall119: :( I wonder if I'll be able to be there remotely.16:19
mhall119why wouldn't you?16:20
nigelbtimezone suckiness.16:20
dholbachbye :)16:20
mhall119timezone awesomeness you mean, it won't even interfere with your working hours16:20
mhall119you just have to give up sleep for 5 days16:20
nigelbmhall119: Not like you guys sleep much anyway.16:22
nigelbWe slept at 12 on most days I think.16:23
nigelbjcastro: Excellent suggestion for karaoke night - Never gonna let you go.16:24
nigelbFriend just rick rolled the entire bar :P16:24
jussidid you guys ever notice youtube rickrolls you?16:25
mhall119I say we make jono sing Rebecca Black's "Friday" at the Friday night closing party16:25
nigelbOH YES16:25
nigelbjussi: No, how?16:25
jussinigelb: go to youtube.com/html516:26
jussijoin the trial16:26
jussigo to random html5 video16:26
jussiright click, then click the "download video" (or something like that)16:27
nigelbrandom video = any video?16:27
jussioops :D16:27
jussiits pretty funny...16:29
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
mhall119jono: ping17:01
jonohey mhall11917:01
mhall119jono: will you be around for a bit?  I'm almost ready to request an upgrade to loco-directory to add the blog feeds17:02
jonomhall119, will be around all day17:02
jonoalthough doing my videocast for an hour in an hour17:02
cjohnstonmaybe we can get it first announced there17:03
cjohnstonmhall119: push the sysadmins17:03
jonomhall119, hopping on a call now too17:06
jonowill be around on IRC though17:06
jonomhall119, what needs to happen to deploy?17:06
jonoare you going to request IS?17:06
mhall119jono: in just a couple more minutes, yes17:08
mhall119jono: once the deployment is done, we need to quickly add the feeds we want to the database, then have IS call the refresh command to populate them17:08
jonomhall119, I thought you could add feeds without requiring IS?17:08
mhall119we can add them, but it won't pull in articles until 'refresh' is called, which is set to go every 30 minutes on cron, or we can have them manually run it right away17:09
jonooh I see17:09
jonoso this would speed up the refresh if we ask them to do it17:09
mhall119yup, that way we don't leave loco.u.c with a big empty space for 30 minutes17:10
jussicoolness!!! http://is.gd/P8usbX19:13
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
nigelbNight everyone :)19:24
mhall119g'night nigelb19:25
doctormojcastro: ping19:29
doctormojcastro: About to post some tars containing xbmc addons, you're probably at work, but testing would be super awesome and helpful.19:30
jonomhall119, so are we just waiting on is now?19:30
cjohnstonyes jono19:30
Picidoctormo: I'll take a look when I get home if you post them .19:34
jonomhall119, cjohnston ok, Matthias is working on it19:37
jonograbbing lunch19:42
doctormoPici: http://doctormo.org/2011/08/31/xbmc-library-sanity-checking-new-addon/19:50
Picidoctormo: thanks19:50
mhall119jono: the new code is deployed, but it appears we're going to need a firewall exception to allow it to pull feeds, we might need your influence to push that20:57
jonomhall119, can you follow up with charlieS first20:59
jonoI am about to head out to a meeting20:59
jonojust emphasize that the exception is key to the new code working21:00
mhall119jono: I'll follow up, but I'm not sure they'll do it on my request alone21:00
jonowell tell them that it has my approval21:01
jonofollow up over the email first21:01
jonoand we can discuss more if required21:01
jonothanks mhall11921:02
jonoback soon21:02
* popey waves21:31
cjohnstonpleia2: whats your lp username21:37
pleia2cjohnston: lyz21:38
paultagcjohnston: next time, you can /whois the ubuntu member21:50
paultagcjohnston: the cloak should match the lp name21:50
paultagwhich is genrally also the forward, but I don't think that's always the case21:50
pleia2paultag: mine doesn't match :)21:50
paultagOh jeez21:50
paultaghow did that happen?21:50
pleia2prolly didn't have that policy when I became a member21:51
pleia2I'm like 100 years old remember21:51
* cjohnston throws stuff at paultag 21:51
* paultag ducks21:51
paultagpleia2: you've not been here that that long21:51
cjohnstonshe was around before ubuntu was21:51
pleia2paultag: I became a member in 200721:51
paultagpleia2: aye, may21:52
paultagso you've been here a yearish longer then me - and that does not count my non-ubuntu member time :)21:52
paultagI stand by my claim - you're not that old :)21:52
pleia2I turn 30 next month!21:53
paultagover the hill!21:53
* paultag runs21:53
pleia2apparently in bay area lingo grantbow lives "over the hill"21:53
pleia2so does MarkDude21:53
pleia2oh, and jono21:54
pleia2so we can call them all over the hill21:54
paultagpleia2: Oh, I'll be in SF land21:54
komputesSo I have a question about the Global Jam registration - is there a way not to accept openidusers, only registered users? http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-qc/1162/detail/21:54
paultagpleia2: october - for the google summer of code mentor's summit21:54
pleia2paultag: oh yeah, that's the weekend in october when I will be around!21:55
cjohnstonkomputes: no21:55
komputes:( boo21:55
paultagpleia2: woot :)21:55
paultagpleia2: I'll be 'repping fluxbox :)21:55
paultagpleia2: oh, did I tell you?21:56
paultagpleia2: I'm paultag@fluxbox.org >:)21:56
paultagbring it! :)21:56
pleia2elizabeth@alderaan:~$ zgrep Paul /usr/share/doc/fluxbox/changelog.Debian.gz  [ Paul Tagliamonte ]21:57
paultagpleia2: awww :)21:57
pleia2I upgraded to squeeze :)21:57
pleia2everything else broke, but fluxbox survived21:57
paultagpleia2: the new release (dfsg2, if I get to that before 1.3.1+1) then you'll have some fancy new themes21:57
pleia2(ok, not everything, but it wasn't a great upgrade)21:57
paultagpleia2: wooot! Yeah, I spent time making sure the upgrade is OK21:57
pleia2much appreciated :)21:57
paultagok, right, time to roll out a release of launchphplib and blag it :)21:58
paultaglove ya'll dearly - idle mode activate!21:58
mhall119czajkowski: you're up late23:18

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