
mwhudsonso still getting occasional freezes in natty then :( (sandy bridge)00:01
mwhudsonRAOF: good morning :)00:02
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RAOFmwhudson: Yo :)00:21
mwhudsonRAOF: is there any way i can debug random occasional system hangs00:21
RAOFmwhudson: If it's a GPU hang then /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_error_state should contain a fine haul of GPU state that will be incomprehensible to mortals but very useful for people who've actually internalised the i915 developer docs.00:22
mwhudsonsadly it says "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_error_state"00:23
mwhudsonhow do i tell if it's a GPU hang?00:23
mwhudsoni was assuming it was but maybe not00:23
RAOFIf you ssh in then everything but the display should work.00:23
mwhudson(looking at that file after rebooting obviously...)00:23
mwhudsonah ok00:23
RAOFYeah, that file's only good while the kernel's up.00:23
mwhudsonit feels 'more hung' than that00:24
mwhudsonbut haven't actually tried ssh for a while00:24
RAOFIf you turn on apport it should pick up on a gpu hang and record that data for you.00:24
mwhudsonhow do i do that? :)00:24
RAOFTwiddle the knob in /etc/default/apport00:25
mwhudsonso twiddled00:26
mwhudsonwhich will presumably prevent all hangs for at least a month00:27
RAOFThat's the way it rolls :)00:31
mwhudson(i should say this situation would be good in some ways :p)00:31
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RAOFmwhudson: In case you're interested, oneiric now is doing well by this (particularly troublesome) SandyBridge.00:41
mwhudsonRAOF: right, i was somewhat assuming that the real answer is "upgrade to o"00:42
RAOFWell, it shouldn't be.  :/00:42
RAOFIt might be the easiest answer, though.00:42
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pittiGood morning04:18
didrocksgood morning05:45
BigWhaleWhere would I go to ask something about Vala and GTK3 and positioning of widgets? :)06:14
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astraljavaThanks infinity and slangasek! I'm filing that bug then, soon.08:55
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jamespagedoko_: around?  have a bit of a maven2/antrun-plugin pickle caused by a sync last week that I could do with an opinion on09:17
doko_jamespage, yes, online09:22
jamespagedoko_: OK - so there was a sync of maven-antrun-plugin last week which upped the version from 1.3->1.609:23
jamespagedoko_: unfortunately this breaks anything using the antrun-plugin without an explicit version as 1.3 is declared in the global maven2 POM - I hit this is Debian when the change happened there09:24
jamespagedoko_: it needs a sync of maven2-core and maven2 to update to 1.6 - but that also pulls in two other package version upgrades - maven-plugin-tools and jtidy09:25
jamespagedoko_: I could either go for FFE's on those two packages (but there is a possibility of further impact that we are not aware of) or I could delta maven2-core and maven2 in Ubuntu to fix this specific issue09:26
jamespagedoko_: I raised the syncs and then had second thoughts - hence the ping09:26
jamespagedoko_: whats your opinion09:26
doko_jamespage, ouch. I wouldn't worry much about maven-plugin-tools, I'll have a look at jtidy09:38
jamespagedoko_: thanks09:39
jamespagedoko_: so we should go with the syncs/upgrades if possible then?09:39
doko_urgh, jtidy update from 2007 to 2011 ...09:40
doko_jamespage, jtidy hasn't many rdepends, and just jmeter is out of sync09:43
doko_jamespage, well, I would aim for the syncs. it doesn't look too bad09:52
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jamespagedoko_: ack - on it now10:18
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OdyXtkamppeter: could you please retry pxljr from the git repository; I fixed the repacking that threw too much stuff out and now the test command doesn't fail anymore here. Still have to try a real print, but linking + test-command works.11:38
agateaubdrung: hi, I have been told you maintain lp-project-upload. It stopped working here. Do you have a few minutes?11:49
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tkamppeterOdyX, will do.12:31
OdyXtkamppeter: (the issue what that I stripped more than needed of the jpeg convenience copy and then broke something. Restoring those files make the printing work here (tested over internet to my father's printer :-) )12:32
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bdrungagateau: i co-maintain ubuntu-dev-tools, but i didn't wrote lp-project-upload. looking at the source code, i found Martin Pitt (pitti) and Dustin Kirkland (kirkland).12:50
agateaubdrung: oh ok, will ping one of them then, thanks12:51
* agateau picks a name at random12:52
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agateaupitti: hi, do you have a few minutes to look into an lp-project-upload problem?12:54
pittiagateau: what's the problem?12:55
agateaupitti: it fails to upload, telling me something like this: "Could not connect to Launchpad: File contains parsing errors: <???>"12:56
agateaupitti: and then two other lines of <???>12:56
pittithat sounds like a launchpad lib problem -- can you try moving ~/.launchpadlib away ?12:56
agateaupitti: sure12:56
agateaupitti: same error :/12:57
pittiagateau: do you get the same with lp-shell ?12:59
agateaupitti: never used lp-shell, let me try12:59
agateaupitti: yes, with a backtrace12:59
agateaupitti: http://pastebin.com/hzAqkWfj13:00
pittiapparently something is wrong with your credentials file13:01
pittibut I'm not sure where lplib takes that from; I had assumed ~/.launchpadlib/13:02
pitti    def do_load(self, unique_key):13:02
pitti        """Retrieve credentials from the keyring."""13:02
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pittiso it somehow needs to be removed there, or better yet, the launchpad guys should have a look why the broken one got in in the first place13:03
pittiI don't see an obvious one in seahorse13:03
agateaucould it be related to me running kde?13:04
pittiand I really have no idea how lplib handles credentials since the natty version, I'm afraid; that made everything utterly complicated13:04
pittiagateau: could be; it might try the KDE equivalent of the keyring13:04
agateaupitti: so next step would be to ping the launchpad guy then, right?13:05
pittiyeah; I'm afraid I have no knowledge about its current key handling :/13:05
agateaupitti: no problem, thanks for pointing me in the right direction13:07
debfxagateau: are you using natty or oneiric?13:09
agateaudebfx: oneiric13:09
debfxI remember having similar issues with python-keyring in natty13:11
agateaudebfx: did you find a workaround?13:12
debfxagateau: you could try to remove the launchpadlib entries from kwallet, maybe that helps13:13
* agateau tries13:14
agateaudebfx: it fixes in once: I get to authorize lp-shell from launchpad again, lp-shell works correctly, but if I start it again it fails13:19
agateaudebfx: there is probably something wrong with the way credential are stored13:20
tkamppeterOdyX, the ijs_pxljr executable in your package is now built correctly. I can actually print in all three quality modes.13:20
OdyXtkamppeter: yay, great. Then if you don't have more comments, I'll prepare the (secret) changelog and upload to Debian (where it will spend some time in NEW anyway).13:21
debfxagateau: ah now I remember, I came up with this workaround: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=T0YiYKz613:22
* agateau tries13:23
agateaudebfx: it works! thanks!13:24
agateaudebfx: did you file a bug for that?13:24
debfxagateau: no, I'm not sure if it's a bug in launchpadlib oder python-keyring13:26
tkamppeterOdyX, OK.13:27
agateaudebfx: I have no idea either, but I assume the launchpadlib devs would know13:27
debfxs/oder/or/ ^^13:27
* agateau knows a bit of german :)13:27
OdyXtkamppeter: cool, thanks for the review and test !13:27
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tkamppeterOdyX, I want to replace/update the upstream snapshot of foomatic-db in the foomatic-db package GIT. How do I proceed?13:31
OdyXtkamppeter: uscan --verbose downloads the latest; then git-import-orig13:32
OdyXtkamppeter: actually; git-import-orig --pristine-tar13:32
OdyXtkamppeter: make sure to have a big enough TMPDIR (/tmp) or override it with TMPDIR=~/13:32
tkamppeterI am in the foomatic-db directory cloned from GIT and I am in the master branch. There I have entered the command "uscan --verbose" and after some time the download into the parent directory  (..)  happened.13:38
tkamppeterOdyX, ^^ Then I ran, staying in foomatic-db/, "git-import-orig --pristine-tar ../foomatic-db_20110831.orig.tar.gz" and get13:38
tkamppeterRepository does not have branch 'upstream' for upstream sources. If there is none see13:38
tkamppeteron howto create it otherwise use --upstream-branch to specify it.13:38
tkamppeterOdyX ^^13:39
OdyXtkamppeter: git checkout upstream13:39
OdyXtkamppeter: this creates a "--track" branch from the upstream branch on the remote repository13:40
OdyXyou could checkout pristine-tar too13:40
OdyXand then checkout master again before runninf the git-import-orig13:40
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OdyXah tkamppeter: did pxljr compile with the B-D on libjpeg-dev or do you need a libjpeg-dev | libjpeg8-dev ?13:42
debfxagateau: there you are: bug #83810813:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838108 in python-launchpadlib (Ubuntu) "authorization fails with the kwallet backend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83810813:45
agateaudebfx: thanks, marked it as affecting me13:46
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sladenpitti: cjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/835161  is this the timestamp file being created by packages too early---not entirely where to send it as presumably the fix to to have the menu back-off until it sees that the upgrade process has actually happened, beforing the reboot-required?14:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 835161 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "Red light on shutdown menu goes on before updates are complete" [Undecided,New]14:05
cjwatsonthe timestamp file can't be created later without decoupling it from packages, which is bad for maintainability reasons14:07
cjwatsonso I think it'd be better for the menu to back off, yes14:07
tkamppeterOdyX, for pxljr I did not need to modify debian/control. So the B-D on libjpeg-dev worked out for me, building the package with libjpeg62.14:07
tkamppeterOdyX, import of new foomatic-db source worked for me now. Thanks.14:08
OdyXtkamppeter: great²14:14
tkamppeterOdyX, is it enough to "git commit -a", "git push", and "git push --tags" in master or do I have to do this sequence in all master, upstream, and pristine-tar?14:15
OdyXtkamppeter: it depends on your configuration. I usually "git add" only what I want in the commits, then commit, then git push <remote> <branches,tags,..>, explicitely specifying what I want to push.14:16
OdyXin your case that would be git push origin master upstream pristine-tar upstream/20110831 ubuntu/20110831-0ubuntu1 e.g.14:16
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janimoSweetshark, can we close the 'enable binfilter on ARM' as wontfix?14:45
tkamppeterCan it be that LP is down currently?14:53
sladentkamppeter: it was, I went and made drinks14:56
nigelbsladen: Could use of time14:57
Sweetsharkjanimo: yes, binfilter will be killed upstream anyway rather sooner than later (god riddance)14:57
janimotkamppeter, LP gave me some timeouts a few minutes ago too14:59
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tkamppeterIt came back again.15:03
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hallynslangasek: woudl you (as last submitter :) accept a merge of systemtap from sid for oneiric still?16:00
hallynbc without a commit from jun 21, it seems unusable16:00
hallynhttp://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.systemtap/17948 in particular16:00
slangasekhallyn: it should go through the FFe process; of course if it's currently unusable, the barrier is lower, but we should still weigh the advantages of a full update vs. a cherry-pick16:01
hallynmakes sense.  thanks.16:02
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* hallyn starts by filing lp bug ...16:02
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ScottKjelmer: I see bzr 2.4.0-3ubuntu1 in the unapproved queue, so I'm going to reject 2ubuntu1.16:13
bdmurrayslangasek: this is a plymouth bug right? http://imgur.com/85iDX16:18
slangasekbdmurray: what's the complaint?  That's the plymouth text screen; is the complaint that it's not graphical?16:21
bdmurrayslangasek: no the cursor at the end of the .....16:21
slangasekbdmurray: ah - is that persistent? I wondered if it was caught mid-flight16:21
slangasekwould be a plymouth bug anyway, yes16:22
bdmurrayslangasek: it showed up close to the end and blinks16:22
* hallyn curses the warn-on-set-but-not-used busywork16:23
cjwatsonif you feel it's too much busywork, drop -Werror16:24
cjwatson(which is a constant pain in the rear at a distribution scale anyway)16:25
hallyni'm not adding -Werror though...  i thought that was being auto-added now?16:25
cjwatsonthat would be insane16:26
hallyneh, I think I see it, thanks16:26
bdmurrayslangasek: bug 83821816:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838218 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "blinking cursor seen at EOL during test boot screen" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83821816:30
slangasekbdmurray: ta16:30
cr3pitti: how could I tell what might be the impact of adding a dependency to the size of the desktop image?16:32
cr3hm, that actually sounds like a job for germinate which I endup having to relearn every six months :(16:33
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infinityAm I missing some critical package to make GTK3 applications get properly themed in Xubuntu, or are they just doomed to be ugly?16:38
pitticr3: try to apt-get install it in a live session16:38
superm1infinity, you need to pick a GTK theme in the xfce4-appearance-properties that contains a GTK3 option16:40
superm1just fixed it for mythbuntu by creating a copy of Ambiance's gtk3 theme and Dust's gtk2 theme in a single "Mythbuntu" theme16:40
infinitysuperm1: Ahh, oh.  Is there a way to tell that from the UI, or do I just need to dig through the filesystem?16:40
lynxmanHey everyone, I'm trying to solve bug 81817716:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818177 in linux (Ubuntu) "HP DL380G5 root disk mounted read-only on boot and boot fails" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817716:40
micahginfinity: please file a bug if we're not seeding something, I think our first GTK3 theme just got in16:41
superm1infinity, don't beleive there is any way to tell from the UI.  The only themes that I know of in the archive right now are Ambiance and Radiance16:41
lynxmanjhunt_: Daviey: you around here?16:41
Davieylynxman: urgh, that strace is horrible.16:41
mr_pouitinfinity: you can try the latest greybird, there's a gtk3 theme (using the unico engine)16:41
lynxmanDaviey: it's on a serial link through a VPN through a java interface, I do apologise for its lameness16:41
ogra_infinity, uglyness is the new bling ;)16:41
pittisuperm1: and gnome-theme-standard, which provides Adwaita (upstream GNOME default)16:41
superm1pitti, ah cool, wasn't aware of that16:42
cr3pitti: nice and simple, thanks!16:42
Davieylynxman: mountall --debug > mountall.log 2>&1 ?16:43
lynxmanDaviey: I still have no way to recover any file from the system :)16:43
Davieylynxman: does it have net access, allowing you to throw the output as txt somewhere?16:43
lynxmanDaviey: it does but the bnx2 module is also broken16:43
lynxmanDaviey: so no network for me16:43
Davieylynxman: ok.. just mountall --debug then.16:44
lynxmanDaviey: posted in bug16:45
Davieylynxman: does it block there, or repeat?16:48
lynxmanDaviey: block16:48
apwlynxman, so that is a whole new UUID ?  from what was previously noted as mounted as slas16:54
lynxmanapw: whole new uuid indeed16:54
apwlynxman, if you do a cat /proc/mounts where is / is it that a394 (ending) UUID ?16:55
lynxmanapw: no, just a regular "rootfs / rootfw rw 0 0"16:55
lynxmanapw: no, just a regular "rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0"16:55
Davieyapw: wait *394 is swap16:56
lynxmanDaviey: still the uuid from mountall != uuid from df -h16:56
apwlynxman, there are two lines for / in /proc/mounts, the seconf one has the UUID16:56
lynxman*doh* true16:57
apwlynxman, and yes it is likely trying to instantiate swap ... do a blk-id on your swap device16:57
hrwsuperm1: bug 833884 got debdiff16:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833884 in mythbuntu-control-centre (Ubuntu Oneiric) "mythbuntu-control-centre version 0.63-0ubuntu1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83388416:57
lynxmanapw: second line has the uuid and it's the same shown by df -h16:57
apwlynxman, and blkid /dev/<swap disk>16:57
superm1thanks hrw!16:58
superm1do you need a sponsor?16:58
lynxmanapw: no swap definitions in /proc/mounts16:58
hrwsuperm1: yes, otherwise I would not add but would upload16:58
Davieysuperm1: Shouldn't that go into bzr?16:58
lynxmandf -ha16:58
superm1hrw, ok.  Daviey will put it in bzr and upload then16:58
apwlynxman, no they are in /etc/fstab16:59
apwlynxman, what does blkid on your swap device say, presumably you know where that is as you created it recenty16:59
* apw is suspicious you have lost your swap id16:59
lynxmanapw: it's there yes :)16:59
lynxmanapw: and it fits with what mountall tries as well17:00
apwlynxman, ok so ... blkid will tell us if the real disk has a swap marker on it, and therefore any UUID at all17:00
Davieysuperm1: argh17:01
hrwsuperm1: bug 833901 has same solution17:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833901 in martian (Ubuntu Oneiric) "martian version 0.12-0ubuntu1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83390117:01
lynxmanapw: /dev/.blkid.tab does not exist, the soft link from /etc/blkid.tab is broken :/17:02
apwlynxman, you can just trun blkid on /dev/cciss<xxx> whatever the partition you added as your swap17:03
lynxmanapw: tried that before, returns empty, I tried it again now17:04
lynxmanapw: same for the / partition17:04
hrwsuperm1: bug 833892 is probably also yours17:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833892 in mythbuntu-log-grabber (Ubuntu Oneiric) "mythbuntu-log-grabber version 0.9-0ubuntu1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83389217:04
apwlynxman, so /dec/cciss/c0d0p1 is / ?  and c0d0p5 is swap ?17:06
lynxmanapw: yes, exactly17:06
apwlynxman, and blkid /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 and blkid /dev/cciss/c0d05 both return nothing ?17:06
lynxmanapw: correct17:06
apwthat is unexpected, how did it find / if that is the case17:07
lynxmanapw: good question17:07
apwso if swapon -s shows no swap and you are sure p5 is your swap you could try re-adding the swap record17:07
apwmkswap /dev/cciss/c0d0p517:08
apwand see what blkid says on it then17:08
hallynsmoser: you around and have a minute?17:08
lynxmanapw: yeah, no swap, reswapping that17:08
lynxmanapw: /dev/cciss/c0d0p5 : No such file or directory17:08
apwlynxman, erm perhaps looks see what they are really called then17:09
apwand go back to the blkid phase17:09
smoserhallyn, here.17:10
hallynsmoser: well here is what is happening,17:10
lynxmanapw: /dev is almost empty, no sd* no disk, just fd, core, ram, pts, std(err|in|out), shm17:10
hallynudev looks at /dev/ptmx, and if it is not the same device type, ownership and perms as expected, then it replaces it17:11
hallynthis is fine for lxc, bc it creates the device and bind-mounts it from /dev/pts/ptmx.  So it is the right dev ice type, and udev doesn't replace it17:11
hallynlibvirt-lxc creates a symlink, so udev replaces that17:11
lynxmanapw: /proc/mounts shows udev mounted at /dev properly17:11
smoserreplaces it as in "re-mounts" ?17:11
apwlynxman, so you have no devices in /dev17:11
hallynno, creates /dev/ptmx.udev-tmp, then does mv /dev/ptmx.udev-tmp /dev/ptmx17:12
smoserand then why is udev's replacement no good ?17:12
hallynIt does this in a pretty generic piece of code, which I'm not sure we should complicate for this17:12
lynxmanapw: no devices in /dev/17:12
hallynsmoser: bc a simple /dev/ptmx device is wrong inthe container17:12
hallynyou must use /dev/pts/ptmx17:13
hallynthat is why /dev/ptmx must be either a symlink or a bind mount to that17:13
apwlynxman, so its like udevd didn't do its thing correctly17:13
apwlynxman, is udevd running ?17:13
hallynso...  hm, i suppose this means lxcguest could just create it the right way, rather than libvirt doing it17:13
* hallyn tries17:13
lynxmanapw: it's running, parent process with 2 children17:14
lynxmanapw: also upstart-udev-bridge is started17:14
smoserhallyn, how will you make it not racy17:14
hallynyeah that works17:14
hallynbecause lxcguest starts on startup17:15
smoserthat could potentially happen in parallel to udev though17:15
apwlynxman, does udevadm trigger --action=add17:15
apwdo anything17:15
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hallynsmoser: i suppose lxcguest would have to start on starting startup?  if that's possible17:15
hallynor just on starting udev17:15
lynxmanapw: it tries to create devices and fails on all of them "failed: Read-only file system"17:16
smoserhallyn, well, i think we're ok.17:16
apwlynxman, ok so try touch /dev/X17:16
smoserudev starts on virtual-filesystems17:16
hallynsmoser: while i've found the generic code doing this, what kills me is i still haven't found the list where it finds ptmx as one of the devices to check17:16
lynxmanapw: yeah same, Read-only file system17:17
apwok that is not right17:17
hallynsmoser: right, but 'start on startup' doesn't give enough guarantee17:17
apwwhat does the /dev line look like in /proc/mounts17:17
lynxmanapw: udev /dev devtmpfs rw,relatime,size=2018084k,nr_inodes=504521,mode=755 0 017:18
apwwhat does df /dev say17:18
lynxmanapw: none   30846908 1466844 27813088 6% /dev17:19
lynxmanapw: Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on17:19
smoserhallyn, lxcmount.cofn already starts on starting mountall17:19
smoserbut its udev17:19
smoserfor petes sake17:19
apwlynxman, but ... it says udev in /proc/mounts, so its not the same place17:20
lynxmanapw: its type udev mounted in /dev17:20
* Daviey has a udev overload.17:21
lynxmanDaviey: udev!17:21
apwlynxman, is there more than one line for /dev in /proc/mounts17:21
hallynsmoser: yeah...17:21
hallynDaviey: are you missing devfs?17:22
apwlynxman, as i have the same line in /p/mounts and yet df on my /dev says udev not none in the first column17:22
lynxmanapw: as a matter of fact... /dev returns same used space and free space as /17:22
cjwatsonudev udev udev udev udev udev udev udev MUSHROOM MUSHROOM17:22
hrwbug 835768 got debdiff - sponsor anyone?17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 835768 in xtrs (Ubuntu Oneiric) "xtrs version 4.9c-3.2ubuntu1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83576817:22
apwlynxman, cat /proc/mounts | grep /dev17:22
lynxmancjwatson: ktraceee ktraceee oooh it's a ktraceeeee17:22
apwi think you have a bind mount on there too17:22
lynxmanapw: I also have devpts, no other lines for /dev17:23
apwlynxman, ok lets try unmount /dev17:23
apwand see what it does17:23
apwthen df /dev17:23
micahghrw: sorry, was supposed to be piloting today, but had to reschedule will get to it next week unless someone else does it first17:23
lynxmanapw: okay!17:23
lynxmanapw: says /dev not mounted, hah17:24
lynxmanapw: if I do mount /dev now all the devices show up17:24
hrwmicahg: no problem17:24
lynxmanapw: so it looks like it can't mount /dev?17:24
hrwbug 835765 also got sponsors subscribed17:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 835765 in van.testing (Ubuntu Oneiric) "van.testing version 3.0.0-0ubuntu1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83576517:25
apwlynxman, though /dev is mounted as we come out of the kernel and gets mount --move'd i think into real /17:25
Davieyhrw: Yeah, no problem for micahg.. superm1 kindly assigned them to me.17:25
apwso we need to try and trace why that failed ...17:25
hrwDaviey: so far my way of going though bugs is: check, fix, upload debdiff, subscribe sponsors (unless bug got someone assigned in meantime)17:26
hrwDaviey: one day I will try to find out all those bugs, make a list and apply for motu to make this road shorter17:26
lynxmanapw: so... suggestions on how to get that traced?17:26
Davieyhrw: sounds like a good work flow.. The only thing that would make it more streamlined for the sponsor is to propose it for merging into the bzr branch (as listed in debian/control)17:27
Davieyhrw: sounds wonderful!17:27
hrwDaviey: I do not have too much sympathy to bzr (trying to be politicaly correct)17:28
micahgDaviey: I still prefer debdiffs to bzr branches :)17:28
Davieymicahg: Yeah, that is great.... unless the package is maintained in bzr. :)17:29
micahgDaviey: sure, but most aren't at this point17:30
smoserhallyn, you need my instance ?17:35
hrwbug 835763 this time17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 835763 in python-ldap-doc (Ubuntu Oneiric) "python-ldap-doc version 2.3-2.1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83576317:37
hallynsmoser: no, i'm using my own, thanks.17:45
hallyn(you'd replaced the container so iw as afraid of stepping on your toes)17:45
smoseri just run that lxc-libvirt-whatever script17:45
smoserand it kills it and starts over17:45
smoserand i'd jjust rsynce'd from dist.17:46
smoserbtw, hallyn, thank you for your work on this.17:46
hallynsmoser: np.  this one was a doozy :)  I'm pinging #virt to get their opinion right now.17:48
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tgm4883jdstrand, Daviey said to ping you over here regarding a reply to the mythbuntu-bare rejection email?18:02
jdstrandtgm4883: yes, I plan to repsond today. sorry for the delay, the email got misfiled18:03
tgm4883ok, i'll look for it then a little later18:03
Davieymisfiled in Junk. :)18:03
tgm4883I blame Daviey, it had to be some British metric system conversion issue18:04
Davieymost likely.18:07
mterryzul, so you uploaded a new python-dingus with dh_python2 support, and it's just waiting on archive-admin approval?18:39
zulmterry: right18:40
mterryzul, cool18:40
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bdmurraywhat package that uses dkms can I install and have it fail to build because I don't have the right hardware or something?20:03
keeshmm zaptel?20:04
keesbdmurray: I haven't looked in a while, but the zaptel drivers might fail20:04
stgraberis zaptel still in the archive? I thought it got replaced by dahdi20:08
keesstgraber: that very well could be. like I said, it's been a while since I had my asterisk server running20:08
bdmurraywell regardless dahdi-linux built okay20:12
bdmurraybug 790478 seems rather unnecessary20:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 790478 in dahdi-linux (Ubuntu) "package dahdi-dkms ... failed to install/upgrade: dahdi kernel module failed to build (You do not appear to have the sources for the ... kernel installed.)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79047820:12
slangasekI'm not sure why any module would fail to build due to lack of hardware20:17
bdrungtumbleweed: merged and bug #838361 opened20:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838361 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[syncpackage] downloads .dsc files into current directory" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83836120:19
tumbleweedoh right20:19
* tumbleweed forgot about that20:19
bdmurrayI was thinking about something lik bug 71139720:20
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hallynE: Invalid Release signature (key id 40976EAF437D05B5)21:27
hallyndebootstrapping natty21:27
hallynuh, oneiric21:27
jtayloris it using the correct keyring?21:28
jtaylorthere were some Release signing issues the last few days, probably your mirror is not yet updated21:29
cjwatsonas far as I know there is nothing wrong with the master archive in this regard21:29
hallynok, thanks.21:30
cjwatsona mirroring problem is a lot more likely21:30
hallyni'd believe it21:30
cjwatson(I saw problems on gb.archive but not archive)21:30
jtaylorI saw problems on master archvie yesterday21:30
cjwatsonare you 100% sure there is not a transparent web proxy between you and the archive?21:31
cjwatsonISPs often pull this kind of stsunt21:31
jtaylorthats possible21:31
cjwatson$ gpg --verify Release.gpg Release21:31
cjwatsongpg: Signature made Wed Aug 31 21:18:32 2011 UTC using DSA key ID 437D05B521:31
cjwatsongpg: Good signature from "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"21:31
jtaylordidn't really checked, was working again an hour later21:31
cjwatsonsorry, that's in cjwatson@cocoplum:~/ubuntu/dists/oneiric21:31
cjwatson(i.e. true master)21:31
ScottKcjwatson: Not sure if it might be related, but I've been trying to run ./update in kubuntu-meta for the last hour and getting errors like W: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 was corrupt21:32
cjwatsonit's possible there's some problem on the central mirrors21:33
cjwatsonmight be worth letting #ubuntu-mirrors know21:33
cjwatson(for clarification, though I think ScottK knows this already - archive.ubuntu.com is a mirror too, the archive is a hidden master arrangement)21:34
ScottKjtaylor: As I'm looking at your debian/changelog entry in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/78520283/libindicate_0.5.91-0ubuntu3_source.changes trying to decide if it's important for Oneiric Beta 1 or not, I'm finding what you wrote not very helpful.  It's better to be a little more verbose and describe the actual problems that are fixed (at least briefly).21:57
jtaylorhm yes they were described better in the merge proposal21:59
jtaylorthe patches were seemingly accidentally dropped in an older revision21:59
jtaylorcausing build failures and memory leaks22:00
jtaylorthe patches were dropped in 0.5.90-0ubuntu1 whih had some rules refactoring22:01
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jpdscjwatson: Which problems?22:02
cjwatsonjpds: same as what ScottK reported above - Release and Packages out of sync while trying to update metapackages22:06
cjwatsonexcept on gb.archive in my case rather than archive22:06
bdmurraysuperm1: could you look at / incorporate my patch in bug 766160?22:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766160 in dkms (Ubuntu) "apport hook should identify duplicates" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76616022:43
robert_ancell@pilot in23:13
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Alpha 3 released | Archive: Beta 1 Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: robert_ancell
ion@pilot in23:25
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Alpha 3 released | Archive: Beta 1 Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ion, robert_ancell
ionWow. I didn’t expect that to work for anyone.23:26
ionSorry for the noise.23:26
ion@pilot out23:26
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Alpha 3 released | Archive: Beta 1 Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: robert_ancell
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micahgion: anyone can be a pilot :)23:32

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