
head_victimQuick question, for bug 837831 should that be filed against ubuntu-docs or -website or something else entirely?05:35
ubot2`Launchpad bug 837831 in ubuntu "Unreadable font colours on help.ubuntu.com" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83783105:35
jbichahead_victim: ubuntu-docs is fine06:00
head_victimjbicha: thanks, wasn't sure it it just picked up a theme or not06:01
jbichathe theme comes from our stylesheet, I was actually playing with the stylesheet today06:02
head_victimCheers, the bug came from another network and I'm a little inexperienced with bugs so was just trying to make it end up in the right place.06:06
head_victimI always do what I can to try and encourage those outside the usual "ubuntu sphere" to get involved.06:08
DarkwingDuckmdke, Ping07:49
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OversemanSo this is the place for the ubuntu docs team right?15:47
head_victimOverseman: indeed16:18
OversemanCool I just wanted to point out that one of the pages for the doc team is a little outdated...I'm certain that the next meeting isn't on june 12 lol heres the link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda16:24
head_victimHmm good point, I don't know if there is a regular timeslot so I don't think there has been any meetings set since then16:25
head_victimMost things are nutted out on the mailing list16:26
OversemanJust thought it was worth pointing out16:37
head_victimOverseman: it's a good point16:37
OversemanI've enlisted to get on the mailing list so I can start finding ways to get envolved16:37
head_victimThat's a very good start16:38
head_victimWhat sort of documentation are you interested in?16:38
Oversemantesting and verifying accuracy16:43
OversemanIn the world of Microsoft I'm a systems engineer and close to a MCM in the world of linux I'm n00b I figure testing and verifying for accuracy is the best way for me to earn EXP and it helps the community as well16:44
head_victimGood to hear16:44
head_victimhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs is a list of open bugs at the moment. Might give you some ideas about what needs fixing and what faults are already known.16:45
OversemanAwesome; thanks for the heads up!16:50
head_victimNo worries, if you ever get stuck and no one is in here to help just shoot the mailing list an email :)16:52
OversemanWill do16:54
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