[09:13] ebel: brat! [09:13] :P [09:13] I was gonna leave just then anyway. :() [09:14] :) [09:14] heheh [09:14] Couldn't resist making an it crowd / bluffball jokes [09:17] i bet she has a pony on munster [09:19] they were actually talking about rugby. tis odd. on #gaygeeks the conversation this morning has mostly been bout unicode..... [09:20] LOL [10:24] airurando: tdr112 ubuntu membership.......... [10:25] indeed [10:25] I'll see how tdr112 gets on. [10:26] I'm warning ye both [10:26] get them wiki pages up and sent to the ML for some testimonials [10:26] ya i forgot about that i must do it [10:26] indeed [10:26] you must