
=== tomaw is now known as 13WAAIF5K
ubotturobinetd called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Cortex___)02:21
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Cortex___ appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)02:23
ubottuIn ubottu, myname_ said: so, what is the command...03:16
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (Morrise is trolling)05:59
IdleOnejpds: ubot2 doesn't seem to be syncing09:31
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
=== 13WAAIF5K is now known as tomaw
Picijuniour is rather annoying :/12:54
=== evilGary is now known as goodGary
=== goodGary is now known as Gary
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
Picijrib: I've been going crazy with python problem, my brain isn't working right.15:32
jribPici: heh, it definitely wasn't the case a few years ago.  I can't remember when tar started doing that15:33
jribthis blank screen issue on ubuntu is also driving me crazy.  I don't mind troubleshooting things but boot problems are such a pain.  Going to take a break15:36
luigiSo, I was +b on offtopic. Can I have -b now?19:35
topyliluigi: i don't see a ban on you in -offtopic19:44
luigiThat is my ban I think.19:44
topyliah not quite, but found one after all19:45
luigiAlright, so the reason I was banned is because I mentioned that I am equestrisexual in a manner not as calm as this and with different language.19:46
luigiI understand that I shouldn't talk about such a thing in any #ubuntu channel, even -offtopic.19:47
luigiI've waited two days since the ban, and I'd love to have it lifted.19:47
topyliso it seems, i'm still reading the log19:48
topyliso if unbanned, you know it's off topic there and will keep things nice and clean in the future19:52
luigiOf course.19:52
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:54
luigiI've read them several times.19:54
luigiWell, twice.19:54
topylimight be good to review those so you can get a good grasp of the tone that's hoped for19:54
topyliok. try and join #ubuntu-offtopic now to make sure you're able to19:56
topyliand beware that you've promised to behave and will be held to that promise19:56
luigiYes, I can. Thank you.19:56
luigiI will.19:56
topyligreat, thanks19:56
Piciruh roh20:25

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