
DarkwingDuckAnyone seen Mark?05:23
philipballewhey pleia2 you got time for a quick pm?05:27
philipballewi saw mark on here a few days ago05:28
bkerensaDarkwingDuck: MarkDude he buzzed out for a bit05:40
DarkwingDuckbkerensa, I caught up to him.05:40
bkerensahe was in Oregon LoCo channel a bit ago05:40
bkerensaoh ok :D05:40
bkerensaAnyone have any idea how many pizzas are required to feed 25 people? Pizzahut has a catering deal 10 pizzas for $8005:41
* bkerensa is trying to pick a pizza joint for jam05:42
philipballewlittle ceasers is cheep bkerensa05:55
bkerensaYeah but I gotta find one close to PuppetLabs =o05:56
philipballewhum. i guess you have some logisticts planning to do05:59
philipballewDarkwingDuck, anything still needed to be done for our jam?05:59
DarkwingDuckI'm heading over there tomorrow morning I think.06:00
DarkwingDuckAFAIK... Not right now...06:00
philipballewalright. if anything is needed feel free to let me know. I was gonna get there at like 4 on saturday06:03
pleia2bkerensa: I tend to assume 2-4 slices per person and then have lots of munchies (cookies, chips, etc)15:25
kdubwat up people16:06
bkerensahi :)16:36
=== DonkeyHotei is now known as sn9
nhainespleia2: looks like the 10 free NES Virtual Console games for early Nintendo 3DS adopters are now available from the Nintendo eShop (a day early).18:52
pleia2cool, thanks18:52
nhainespleia2: connect to the eShop, choose "Settings" in the bottom left, then "Your Downloads", and they'll be listed there.  You can use the "redownload" link to get them.18:52
nhainesMan, those nachos were killer on my stomach.20:59
pleia2hehe, my stomach hates corn, cheese and spicy, nachos are always killer (but so nommy!)21:02
erichammondpleia2 (or anybody else affected): Does it bother you that there are web sites copying your blog content and adding ads?21:38
pleia2erichammond: when they don't give attribution, yes (all my content is licensed cc-by-sa)21:38
pleia2that's enough attribution for me21:39
erichammondgot it.21:39
erichammondMy content is not for re-distribution without permission, but people think anything on Ubuntu Planet is a free-for-all.21:40
pleia2there was one .my site that was copying without attribution for a while, but enough people complained that they took it down (I think it was actually run by a loco team, so it was easy to talk to them)21:41
DarkwingDuckSo, I went to our venue for Sat to check it out...21:42
akkI hate those sites that reprint content without attribution.21:43
akkThe ubuntuforums thing looks more like syndication -- makes it really clear it's pleia2's21:43
DarkwingDuckNot only is the owner a HUGE Ubuntu user but... He is also the sitting hotspot for the peace Love and Autarchy in San Diego.21:43
DarkwingDuckHave an invitation for a table/booth at Libertopia 2011 in October.21:44
DarkwingDuck3 day event21:44
DarkwingDuckpleia2, ping21:44
pleia2akk: heh, "ubuntuforms" -  clearly trying to ride the typo rate of ubuntuforums (the site does annoy me a bit)21:44
pleia2DarkwingDuck: that rocks :)21:44
DarkwingDuckpleia2, What are conference packs for? Just OpenSource conventions/conferences?21:45
pleia2DarkwingDuck: specifically "manning an Ubuntu booth" at a conference21:46
akkOh! Yes, that's annoying, I hadn't noticed the typo (did wonder why it would be on a forum, and then why it wasn't a forum when I saw it)21:46
pleia2(so you can't just get them if you're going to a conference and casually handing stuff out)21:46
DarkwingDuckpleia2, ahhh, So if I have an Ubuntu booth for a 3 day event at www.libertopia.org I *might* be able to get some CDs?21:47
bkerensapleia2: What if a conference is not doing booths but a loco was invited to spread ubuntu and advocate?21:47
pleia2DarkwingDuck: you might, it's up to Canonical21:47
pleia2bkerensa: I don't know, the page says "Ubuntu Booth" but you send your details to Canonical and they make a decision21:48
DarkwingDuckpleia2, I'll try...21:48
DarkwingDuckpleia2, I'll also want/need a banner.21:48
DarkwingDuckIt's Oct 21-2321:48
pleia2DarkwingDuck: I'm the team contact, so you'll need to send the details they want to me and I'll put in the request (I'll Cc: you of course)21:48
pleia2DarkwingDuck: which one? generic ubuntu or ubuntu california?21:48
pleia2we're using them both for the Solano Stroll on September 11th, but I can ship it up after21:49
DarkwingDuckpleia2, doesn't matter to me... I'll gather in information and send it to you.21:49
pleia2er, ship down? :)21:49
pleia2my globe is upsidedown21:49
DarkwingDuckI'll put the info together day and get it to you.21:51
DarkwingDuckI want to do some research to see how many people were at the last couple of events.21:51
bkerensapleia2: On the conf kit page it says namebadges and leaflets.... does that mean we supply a design and canonical pays for them or idk just confused why it would be listed if Canonical doesnt provide it :)21:58
pleia2bkerensa: I don't know, I think it's new (in the past all they gave were lanyards, not pin badges)21:59
jyopleia2: What are we doing for flyers for Solano Stroll?22:02
pleia2jyo: I'm printing out some of the ones from https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-california/+junk/flyers (ubuntu-ca-infosheet-bw.svg)22:03
pleia2and I think jdeslip has leftovers from the picnic22:04
DarkwingDuckpleia2, for this event pack... should I set my name for the shipping?23:08
pleia2DarkwingDuck: we can ship it anywhere you want23:11
pleia2so to you, or the venue, whatever23:11
DarkwingDuckpleia2, pango pango23:11
DarkwingDuckSorry, family inside joke that slipped.23:12
DarkwingDucklyz@ubuntu.com right?23:12
pleia2yeah that's fine23:12
akkDarkwingDuck's family spends a lot of time rendering fonts. :)23:12
DarkwingDuckakk, ROFL23:12
kdubfonts fonts23:21
kdub(i'm constructive on irc today...)23:25
DarkwingDuckkdub, Dude, we are going to start some kick@$$ stuff in San Diego.23:35
kdubi still want to visit nuecleon out east23:35
philipballewdid ubuntu update the wiki site because my wiki looks kinda different?23:47
nhainesLooks like they've made more brand-compliant enhancements.23:49
philipballewthats maybe what it is... have you ever seen a place to learn how to make your personal wiki look better?23:52
* philipballew wants his to "pop" more23:52
nhainesI'm not sure I understand the question.23:52
philipballewoh nhaines have you seen a guide on how to make a wiki, some people's wiki's are more involved and better layed out then some. like mine is all text right now but some have pictures?23:56
nhainesThe way you do that is you "edit" the fancy wiki pages and study how they added photos and formatting.23:57
philipballewhum. i like that idea, It seems if mine looks better it is seen as better in some ways23:59

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