
ChloricEvening FLORIDA!01:39
itnet7MichelleQ mhall119 ping19:07
mhall119itnet7: pong19:07
mhall119itnet7: I'm not sure about the yin yang in the middle, it doesn't seem to fit19:07
itnet7Hey there, It's goign to be purple (Aubergine) and orange to represent Canonical and the community19:08
mhall119yeah, I just don't really like it19:08
itnet7Well I can remove that, but it's going to be pretty bland, unless you have some ideas19:09
mhall119I'm not really sure where to put abergine though19:09
mhall119have you gotten a price estimate on these yet?19:09
itnet7No, I need to e-mail them with an idea, this was like the third drawing... and the only one I've actually liked so far19:10
mhall119I don't think it would look too plain with just the logo and lettering19:10
itnet7I am going to send them this one today19:10
itnet7and get an idea on the pricing19:10
mhall119the guitar picks they had at the last one only had the loco and "Ubuntu", and they came out looking real nice19:10
itnet7I've heard that they give great discounts, when people are planning to give them away at events19:10
itnet7I will send him this, so he can get an idea of what the design will be like, but will not have approve the design and let him know our needs and timelines to see if they can do it19:12
itnet7I will send him a note that says that we plan to come up with an altered final design as soon as we can19:12
mhall119it may be cheaper to do just the one color too, or at least easier on them if they're painting them by hand19:12
itnet7Well, they don't charge extra by color, some people have submitted 16 color designs and pay the same flat fee to setup the die or whatever it is that the mint the coins with19:14
itnet7I agree though about limiting the colors19:15
itnet7I have some other ideas19:15
itnet7Maybe Nautical star in the center?19:15
itnet7smaller though19:15
mhall119I think we shouldn't mess with teh logo too much, especially if we're going to be giving these out19:18
mhall119I'm sure the design team would prefer if we followed the brand guidelines19:18
itnet7I would think that with it being the propoer pantone colors, and scaled correctly, with the required orientation that it wouldn't be against the guidelines19:21
itnet7I will read them again19:21
mhall119itnet7: yeah, I definitely like it better plain, but maybe that's just me20:08
DammitJimhi guys20:51

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