=== TeamXlink is now known as I-Love_linux__mo === I-Love_linux__mo is now known as I-Love_linux_mor === I-Love_linux_mor is now known as I-Luv_linux_more === I-Luv_linux_more is now known as I-Luv-linux-morX === I-Luv-linux-morX is now known as I-Luv-lnux-morXO === I-Luv-lnux-morXO is now known as I-Luv-lnux-morXX === I-Luv-lnux-morXX is now known as I-LUV-lnux-morXX === I-LUV-lnux-morXX is now known as ILov-lnux-morXXO === ILov-lnux-morXXO is now known as TeamXlink [01:51] Evening [01:53] that it is [02:09] <_stink_> yo [02:20] OK, so I'm thinking about applying for Ubuntu Membership [02:44] snap-l: you got my vote [02:44] greg-g: Thanks. :) [02:44] I mean, I can't say that officially, given I'll be on the review board for you, but, I mean, you're active enough :) [02:45] heh, I mentioned to Laura Czamumblemumblemumbleski that the process seemed intimidating [02:45] She was discussing with Amber Grainer [02:46] so I guess I'll put my money where my mouth is and see just how intimidating it is. [02:46] heheh, yeah, Laura Czamumblemumbleski :) [11:49] Good morning [11:50] so far [11:52] great. way to jinx it [12:19] Just saw a possum in the back yar carrying her young on her back [12:21] cool [12:21] except for the fact that possums are nasty creatures... [12:24] Meh, they're cute in their own way. [12:24] giant rats [12:25] oh, they're cute [12:25] you just don't want to run into one in a dark alley [12:26] I'm pretty sure it was a possum that ripped up my cat's ears, back when I lived in Mount Clemens [12:27] she just trundled back behind our garage [12:27] she has four young, it looks like, with the one in the back hanging on for dear life. [12:28] http://file.status.net/i/identica/snapl-20110831T122528-gducyjp.png [12:28] d'awwww [12:29] snap-l: you set for CHC? [12:29] rick_h_: I think so [12:29] I have several bckup plans [12:29] ok, I'll reimburse you for the card when I get there [12:29] No worries. I got paid today. [12:30] 'sall good [12:30] I'll just shake everyone down for coffee money [12:37] Wolfger: JoDee just looked up what possums eat [12:38] slugs, snails, cockroaches, bugs, and rats [12:38] I would say they're pretty hardcore to eat rats. [12:38] also they like fruit. [12:39] they eat garbage [12:39] (probably to wash down the taste of rat) [12:39] and will kick your ass [12:40] Well, if you can walk around with four babies on your back, you'd be a little temperamental [12:44] point [13:05] I still think it's funny that my corporate token is named "Safe Word (tm)" [13:05] That's because I'm clearly 12 years old [13:06] Man, who does this Craig guy think he is, changing our LoCo wiki page? :-p [13:07] "Safe Word (tm)" is an odd name for a product that wants to be taken seriously.... [13:07] snap-l: or you're into S&M [13:08] is "or" the proper conjunction? [13:18] har har [13:31] ColonelPanic001: We should really get you some more exposure for the downriver CHC [13:31] meh, I just figure there's not many of those sorts in Downriver [13:31] I think it would be good to put it on the events calendar. [13:32] http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-michigan/events [13:32] I'm certainly not going to complain [13:32] how does i add event? [13:32] Are you logged in? [13:33] in progress. heh. I'll figure it out. Probably [13:33] ah, yeah, there's an "add new event" [13:33] this is hard [13:33] heh [13:33] is there a repeating event thing, or just manually make them? [13:33] Manual, unfortunately. [13:34] But you can copy an event [13:34] that's not so bad [13:34] this time picker widget is NUTS [13:36] I like it, but I've never seen one like that [13:36] Reminder krondor waldo323_ Blazeix widox etc that CHC is tonight 7pm early edition [13:37] still at the new location [13:37] spammar [13:37] ColonelPanic001: damn skippy! [13:38] Dan and I should come out to your guys' CHC sometime, just for fun, and to see one with more than two people [13:38] you should get spammy and get more people :P [13:38] well, we have three sometimes, when my gf comes along for the coffee. [13:38] THERE ARE NO PEOPLE IN DOWNRIVER [13:38] We are a simple folk down here [13:38] lol [13:38] computers mystify and confuse us [13:39] I was seriously surprisd when I met Dan, and Flav told me he was from Downriver [13:47] when/where is downriver? [13:48] new orleans? [13:55] 8pm, The Grind in Wyandotte [13:55] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-michigan/1250/detail/ [13:55] I maded a event [14:15] same night as the other CHC? [14:15] there's your problem.... ;-) [14:17] You need to change nights to attract all the code addicts that currently go to the other one [14:17] :P [14:18] the guy I emailed about starting it suggested against that, actually. That was my original thought [14:18] I didn't expect most people to drive 45 minutes to come to it anyway, though [14:20] in SCA, there are fight practices in different locations, almost always on different nights, and the hard core guys will be in Detroit on Tuesday, then Sarnia on Wednesday, Warren on Sunday.... [14:21] I find it difficult to believe there's more people willing to drive distances to get hit in the head with a stick than there are people willing to drive distances to drink and code. [14:21] haha [14:21] you make a good point [14:22] meh, maybe we'll try moving it sometime. I'll see what Dan thinks, since we're both essentially 50% of Downriver CHC :P [14:22] I, sadly, am not terribly willing to drive distances anymore :-p [14:22] YOU SEE?! [14:23] but if I wind up working in Trenton again, that Wyandotte CHC is right on my way home. [14:23] ...if I hang around and do nothing downriver for 5 hours waiting for it to start :-p [14:24] Sorry. I'm trying to be helpful. Doesn't seem like I'm succeeding fabulously. [14:28] damn fools are calling and complaining to me because they can't download a 4MB attachment we sent to them [14:29] "it's 3700 kilobites. that's way too big" [14:29] rick_h_: I plan on attending :) [14:30] krondor: awesome! [14:43] I need a sanity check [14:43] http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781449314118/ [14:43] Half-off today. [14:44] Should I add this to the half-read list of C books that already decorate my shelves? [14:45] C? who needs C? [14:45] pure python d00d [14:47] that cover design is like something i'd make. "hm, Head First C... how should we decorate the cover? I know! A gigantic head!" [14:47] "we can put purple clip art in orbit around it!" [14:47] Yeah, I don't like their covers at all [14:48] And it's a head-first book, so it treads the line between informative and annoying [14:53] snap-l: I thought about getting it, then I thought about the 2 C books I have at home that I never got through... [14:54] that's the allure of "50% off!!!" [14:54] plus, it's a pre-release copy, so... there will be bugs for you to find. :-) [14:57] buffer overflows in a C book might give you a stroke [15:00] That's an interesting new spam.... "You have 1 lost message on Facebook" [15:00] If it's lost, how can I have it? [15:00] If I have it, it's not lost. [15:01] I'm not sure what's sadder... the fact that spammers think we're all morons, or the fact that enough people *are* morons that spammers keep at it. [15:02] <_stink_> the latter [15:08] rick_h_: did you consider bringing the boy on Saturday? [15:08] jrwren: no, don't think so [15:09] he'd destroy the office [15:09] 20mo is as dangerous time lol [15:09] <_stink_> hah [15:09] nah, my kiddo will keep him in check. [15:16] Thoughts on this as a business card for OLF? http://ubuntuone.com/3Sp9xnHYssV0knzMAh4tPU [15:20] things are not lined up quite right [15:20] giant white space, or is that where your name goes? [15:22] I don't have much else to put in there, save for the mailing list. [15:23] looks nice, but i agree with brousch that the text should be left aligned. Maybe you could move the "Ubuntu Michigan Loco" text up to fill the void. [15:24] I really like that orange and black logo. [15:25] thanks [15:25] Yeah, I'll do that [15:25] on my current monitor (which isn't very good) it looks like you have two different shades of orange. [15:26] They are. [15:27] hm, i think i used ubuntu official orange [15:27] ok, I'd make the smaller logo the same color as the larger logo. [15:27] the smaller logo seems kind of washed out [15:28] http://ubuntuone.com/3Sp9xnHYssV0knzMAh4tPU [15:28] well they should both be using the ubuntu orange [15:28] Also, the .svg if someone wants to take a crack at it. ;) http://ubuntuone.com/5CjfgTVyJMhkTF9aiUp5ld [15:29] I got the logo from jacob Peddicord's business card template. [15:29] the others use the Aubergine background [15:29] which would be fine if we didn't have the black circle of friends [15:31] what if you just remove the upper ubuntu and logo [15:31] make it just an ubuntu michigan card [15:31] That's fine too [15:32] I'd love to take a crack at it, but I'm stuck in windows-land right now. Would it be too late to play around with it at CHC? [15:33] Blazeix: inkscape runs on windows ;) [15:34] re-uploading [15:34] ug, my hard drive is being a pokey little bitch today [15:34] Blazeix: If you want, I can wait a little bit [15:34] brousch: yeah, but that'd require installing it :) [15:34] wanted to float it by the loco council just to make sure they're OK with it as well [15:34] <_stink_> snap-l: use the ubuntu software center header as your card's background. [15:35] I already have it installed on linux [15:35] _stink_: Yeah, that would ROCK [15:35] _stink_: haha [15:35] <_stink_> o/ [15:36] snap-l: did you modify it since 11:28:34? [15:37] Wolfger: I've heard that there's a form of fencing gaining popularity in Europe that doesn't use foils/rapiers/etc, and instead some other kind of medievel sword, more of a cutting sword than thrust. Any idea? I'm trying to find the name of it [15:37] thought with you doing SCA/etc, you might know [15:37] brousch: I did [15:38] God, that is annoying [15:40] http://ubuntuone.com/1bhFyTox2dEw71YLJWj8Ct [15:40] http://ubuntuone.com/7CJoxu5fH6XtXwboIhE7nI [15:49] I just made a QR code [15:52] ColonelPanic001: Sabre? [15:53] trying to remember the other fencing sword I know of... can't quite think of it [15:53] http://ubuntuone.com/5M79pXHbcV18Knz2suInqp <- qr code [15:54] snap-l: I just don't like Michigan being orange... [15:54] suck it. :) [15:54] it should be State of Michigan blue, or great lake blue, or christmas tree green [15:55] orange is the Ubuntu color... the circle of friends should be orange [15:55] :-p [15:56] QR code? [15:59] backing up over a VPN is probably not a good idea. [16:07] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/blr-ubuntumi-card-1.png [16:09] brousch: Oh, I like! [16:09] Get me a PDF of that, please. [16:09] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/ubuntumi-card.svg [16:09] oh I need a smaller one [16:09] one sec [16:10] export the page to the size you need [16:10] http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/1089/community-promotion-ads-1h-2011 [16:10] make a 220x250 [16:10] brousch: I'm going to add this QR code to it, if you don't mind. [16:10] http://ubuntuone.com/4iNOElrQMzvLyMi4N5GiOr [16:10] snap-l: go for it [16:10] i gotta get lunch. bbl [16:11] brousch: Thanks! [16:12] Interesting, I don't have that font. [16:17] ok, my perl-fu is old and weak, i need help reading a regex. [16:18] $blah =~ s/((?>[^\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\"]*)*))/; [16:18] is the \\" there just escaping the " ? [16:18] Damnit, I don't have the same font [16:18] or is [^\\"] really saying a char class of \ and " ? ? [16:19] hehe, devinheitmueller I just asked a nice perl re question that you probably know the answer. [16:19] but having read it more, I think i'm wrong. [16:20] lunch. brb [16:20] * devinheitmueller looks at the logs.... [16:20] so much for that idea. Apparently ubuntu logs don't track realtime. [16:26] devinheitmueller: http://vpaste.net/NV39L [16:26] I'm pretty sure it's just escaping the quote. [16:27] That said, you should be able to test that in about 30 seconds with a perl -e. [16:27] Oh wait, don't use a perl -e. Write a 2 line perl script. That will avoid the shell from interfering with the regex. [16:38] devinheitmueller: Are you still coming to pick me up tonight? [16:38] Sure, np. [16:39] Cool, thanks. :) [16:40] Will pick you up at 7:45pm. [16:41] devinheitmueller: Tonight is early edition [16:41] Oh wait, is this the 7pm? [16:41] so 6:45pm would be preferable. [16:41] Yeah, ok. 6:45 then. [16:41] should I dress up ? ;) [16:41] jrwren: shouldn't [^\\"] be a single character which is either ^ or \ or " [16:41] Business casual. [16:41] Wolfger: [^ is a "NOT" char class [16:42] brousch: I think you gave me an older file [16:42] [^ab] <- character class for all chars that are not a or b [16:43] ah, right [16:43] I knew it wasn't "begining of line" within the brackets.... [16:43] brousch: If you would work your magic on this, I'll convert it and ship it [16:43] http://ubuntuone.com/6hp9Zur1CGQWkUTavShg62 [16:43] brousch: I added the SVG of the 3D MI logo to it [16:44] makes me sad that my perl is so weak now. [16:44] i don't see why I'd need to escape " in a // block [16:44] and especially don't knwo why I'd need to escape teh escape char in the // block leading to /\\"/ [16:44] and isn't that expression missing a /? [16:45] it identifies what's to be matched, but not what the substitution is [16:48] yes. [16:48] i should have used m// [17:06] snap-l: you probably don't have the ubuntu fonts installed [17:06] sudo apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title ttf-ubuntu-font-family [17:14] brousch: Right, but the text isn't the same [17:14] hm [17:15] i wonder if they changed it from 10.04 to 11.04? [17:15] No, I mean the actual text [17:15] you changed the order of the text, but that wasn't in the .svg you sent along [17:16] And yes, I was missing ubuntu-title [17:17] interesting [17:18] how much can i shrink the qrcode before it's unusable? [17:18] hey, a lot of places put the qrcode on the back of the card [17:19] I think I can print them on the back [17:19] That's a good idea [17:20] i confirmed \\ is matching \ JFYI [17:20] finally figuring this out. *sigh* [17:24] brousch: http://ubuntuone.com/6hp9Zur1CGQWkUTavShg62 [17:25] PDF: http://ubuntuone.com/5oMNhymeAAgG9mXaPgC4gO [17:25] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/blr-ubuntumi-card-1.png [17:26] you like that font better than the ubuntu fonts? [17:26] the one you used? [17:28] brousch: eh? [17:28] the pdf looks good, but the first one you linked to has funky fonts for me [17:28] i must not have that font [17:29] i'm guessing ubuntu mucked with the fonts between 10.04 and 11.04 [17:29] Let me show you what vistaprint shows [17:29] i like your pdf where the whole head stays in [17:29] http://ubuntuone.com/3AbG9pvyWLkyRq4A5y3wDn [17:30] does the dotted line me that will not be prined? [17:30] I'm not sure [17:31] I hope not. [17:31] i like it other than the dotted line thing [17:32] looks really good [17:35] Thanks. [17:35] I put a QR code on the back [17:35] Thanks for your help! that design really did the trick [17:36] np, glad i could help [17:36] http://ubuntuone.com/6wNy6AMch7owJ9UpDp1Cur <- here's the proof [17:39] looks like it cut off a tiny bit [17:39] pretty good though [17:46] God damn, Vistaprint is a pain in the ass [17:46] tries to upsell you on everything [17:48] hehe [17:48] the godaddy of business cards [17:49] Oh yeah. [18:23] can you get stickers with just the bar code? [18:24] I could, but I wanted to get some cards or something like that [18:24] right i mean as well as, or what about window clings :) [18:25] You're free to make them if you want. :) [18:25] I got a thousand cards to hand out at the booth [18:55] http://www.meijer.com/s/big-steals/_/N-5io?CAWELAID=677385714&cmpid=dswed [18:56] Man, I lost a bunch of MP3s with that hard drive crash [18:57] And thanks to Amazon, I can't re-download them. [19:00] doh [19:00] huh? how come thanks to amazon? I thought you ripped them? [19:01] I bought some from Amazon [19:01] but I forgot to put all of them into my "purchased music" folder. [19:01] which would have been backed up [19:02] realizing that I'm missing a few of them. [19:02] Stuff like Combichrist's "What the fuck is wrong with you people" === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [20:31] anyone want a MF printer for free? OfficeJet something or another. [20:55] http://gamerchick02.tumblr.com/post/9637330468/hello-i-am-the-one-with-the-graphic-you-just-reblogged i'm pleased with myself. I think i explained creative commons pretty well to that guy. [20:58] gamerchick02: That's the gist. [20:58] :) [20:58] i also did the links in there so he can get more info. [20:59] it was funny, because as it stood, nobody had the right to redistribute his work. [22:12] hmm... http://pastebin.com/BKcmMd47 [22:12] kernel.org hacked? [22:13] Not good if it was. [22:19] Well, you don't see that everyday. [22:19] There are more details on the kernel.org homepage. [22:31] wow [22:36] snap-l: still on track to pick you up at 6:45. About to leave.... [22:39] devinheitmueller: you have my permission to hit rhe jackass in my driveway who is pickibg throigh my neighbors trash [22:41] plural [22:48] snap-l, are you set for a ride or are you already gone? [22:49] oh i should read more :)