
=== Unit193 is now known as Guest21521
=== Guest21521 is now known as Unit19
=== Unit19 is now known as Unit193
pace_t_zulumorning wrst12:53
wrstmorning pace_t_zulu how you doing?12:57
wrstaverage_guy: did you have any luck?12:57
pace_t_zuluwrst: i'm well ... how are you12:58
wrstdoing well halfway to a 3 day weekend!12:58
average_guywrst:I'm getting there. Boots to a prompt now..12:58
wrstaverage_guy: if you read the wiki on getting xorg going you will be in good shape12:59
wrstits provides really good instructions on graphic card drivers etc12:59
average_guyyeah, thats where I'm at.13:00
average_guyArch is pretty cool. Reminds me of pretty much every distribution 10 yrs ago13:01
average_guyIs not hard to set up. Just slow.  The documentation is suprisingly easy to find13:01
wrstyeah average_guy the key thing about arch is that you have only what you want so it makes for a much quicker system but it isn't for everyone13:35
average_guyoh yes, I diggin it :)13:36
wrstgot X going yet average_guy?13:37
average_guyno, still working on the bootloader13:38
average_guyit didn't see my xubuntu partition13:38
average_guyand I now have burg13:38
wrsthmm average_guy I actually used grub2 in arch and installed the os-prober from the aur and it works really well, much better than ubuntu's patched grub 213:41
wrstbut grub in arch is pretty simple should just be a simple edit to the menu.lst and you should be in xubuntu glory13:42
average_guythats what I had to do, then installed burg from xubuntu to get the graphical boot interface13:45
wrsti'm not a huge grub2 on ubuntu fan but on arch its winning me over13:46
average_guywhy not? Is easy to customize, looks good, supports everything.. whats not to like?13:50
average_guywrst:got x to load14:16
wrstcool average_guy :)14:17
average_guycan't log in fir sum reason tho :(14:17
wrstaverage_guy: you set up a user?14:17
wrstoh and can't log into what? :)14:18
average_guyno, still working as root for now14:18
wrstok what can you not log into average_guy?14:18
wrstgdm/kdm that kind of thing?14:19
average_guyI cant log into x, I could log in just fine before I changed the runlevel but now that I at the little X login screen, it won't let me past14:20
wrstso startx doesn't work from the cli? or do you have something in rc.conf that starts x?14:20
average_guyno no, I modified inittab to start runlevel 514:21
average_guynow I'm staring at a login screen I cant get past14:22
wrstaverage_guy: why did you do that?14:22
average_guyseemed like the thing to do at the time?14:23
wrstha ha average_guy what login manager are you using?14:23
wrstaverage_guy: that's not the best way to do it14:23
wrstdisplay manager?14:23
wrstaverage_guy: i would put that back as you had it14:24
wrstaverage_guy: what desktop are you going to eventually run?14:24
average_guyxdm is wut I got xfce is where I'm trying to get14:24
wrstyeah average_guy you need to install xfce and xdm and have xdm as a startup module in rc.conf14:26
wrstyou will also need to start dbus14:26
wrst#rc.d start dbus but to have it work automagically you need dbus in the modules in rc.conf14:27
wrsti'm guessing xdm is available but not for sure I've never dallied in xfce but any display manager will work14:27
average_guyok, getting it un-broken right now14:28
wrstyou shouldn't have to mess with run levels at all unless you just really want to14:29
XpistosHey, do any of you guys know anything about openswan?16:45
wrstaverage_guy: any luck?16:58
wrsthey Xpistos!16:58
average_guywrst: takin a break from it, kid just got home17:23
wrstahh enjoy17:24
Xpistosis there a way to label an external hard drive by its UUID19:06
cyberangerXpistos: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid19:09
XpistosThank you sir19:10
cyberangerand look for the device & matching uuid19:10
wrsthello cyberanger19:10
cyberangerhey wrst19:10
Unit193sudo blkid will show you them :P19:10
wrstand Unit193 :)19:10
cyberangerUnit193: but it has to be installed for that19:11
Unit193wrst: Howdy19:12
Unit193cyberanger: It is in newer versions of Ubuntu19:12
Unit193I personally like sudo fdisk -l better19:13
Xpistosbrain fart19:14
Xpistosformat ext19:14
Xpistosmkfs.ext3 /dev/sdc# right19:15
Xpistoscyberanger: that is telling me that /dev/sdc/7dc8490d-b5a1-40c4-9edb-dcd64bc6a19e is not a directory19:18
Xpistosdoes it need to be mounted somewhere first?19:19
XpistosOkay how about this. I have three usb drives. I have a backup script saving to /mnt/email-backup. I want the usb drives to auto mount to /mnt/email-backup. How can I do that?19:35
Xpistosor would it be better to set a cron job to mount -a say 10 minutes before the backup starts19:37
cyberangerthat's saying what? I think your misreading your output, can I see19:49
Unit193Command |pastebinit   type thing?19:50
XpistosYEAH! I totally understand crontab now20:37
cyberangerXpistos: glad you understand cron better, can I see your output from ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid20:38
cyberangerI think it's off20:38
Xpistosdoesn't matter20:38
Xpistoswhat he wanted was wrong20:38
cyberangeryou didn't want automount by uuid20:39
cyberangerXpistos: what was wrong?20:41
XpistosI was told to label the hard drive as it's uuid20:46
Xpistosbut what he wanted was for the drive to be mounted to the same mount point20:47
Xpistosso I set fstab to mount both UUID to the same directory20:47
Xpistosthen crontab mounat -a at 11 pm20:47
Xpistosand umount the drive at 3 am20:48
Xpistosthe backup script will run at 11:05 and finish by 1220:48
Xpistosso when the people come in the next day they pull the drive and put in the new one20:48
Xpistoseasy peasy, lemon squeshy20:48
* cyberanger hands Xpistos a peice of wood to knock on20:50
* Xpistos knocks on his head20:50
Juzzyhttp://i53.tinypic.com/2a9uogm.jpg <-- our production cluster20:51
Juzzy20:1 production vm ratios most all are full production servers. Labs, QA, DR are different ones20:54
cyberangerman, a friend got in pcmag :-D22:18
cyberanger(relating to android rooting on the T-Mobile G2)22:18
Unit193That's great! For a good thing I would hope22:18
cyberangeryeah, good effort into a guide for rooting the G2 (after many folks including himself & myself spent a month working out the bug in the NAND drive)22:20
Unit193Was there ever something from Paul Tagliamonte?22:20
cyberangerI don't recognize that name22:24
cyberangerperhaps he's got an IRC nick?22:24
cyberangerthink I also saw that nick, yeah22:30
cyberangerUnit193: yeah, another active one in the #g2 channel (when the NAND issue was big) more active than me22:37
Unit193He was the first to hack one of the nooks I think22:42
Unit193First or second for something22:42
cyberangerI've not got the full article, so idk if he's in it or not (but now that you say that, I do recall hearing about the nook)22:46

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