
astraljavaIf anyone wants to help in assuring we get a new image for 11.10, please test the QA image (test install and report!)16:35
astraljavaIf you need assistance, just say the word.16:35
azmI see we are moving to xfce16:43
azmastraljava, is this right link: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntustudio/all16:45
azmI can download and test16:45
azmoh I cant :/16:45
azmI dont have spare disk16:46
azmbut manual partition is available16:46
astraljavaazm: Yes, that is the correct link. Can you perhaps use virtualization?16:47
azmastraljava, like run the iso installation in from virtualbox ?16:48
astraljavaYes, exactly.16:48
azmwell ok16:48
astraljavaThank you! :)16:48
azmastraljava, so I tried install 64 bit version and got an issue with vt-x/amd-v17:52
azmsince I have it enabled in bios I dont know where to go17:52
azmI can test 32 bit if needed17:52
azmor I can try flash bios..17:53
astraljavaazm: I'd be surprised if you needed to flash bios for that. What are the issues that you're facing?18:44
azmastraljava, already solved it and installing18:55
azmastraljava, should choose all software or just audio ?19:30
azmduring the installation19:30
astraljavaEither way. Choosing all will give you more chances of catching a bug, but choosing none will give you more chances of finishing the installation.19:35
azmwell I have to step up from pc19:36
astraljavaWe all have to, at some point. To go to toilet, or to bed. Are there other such incidents?19:38
azmyea I have busy household19:38
* astraljava tried to be sarcastic, failing epicly it seems19:39
azmoh, well I thought you were serious19:41
azmit took me time to google up the  vt-x/amd-v issue19:41
azmit looks like its testing laready19:41
azmblack screen19:42
* astraljava spends about 19 hours a day with computers, and _really_ doesn't expect others to do the same :D19:42
azmwith lots output ok/fail19:42
astraljavaazm: If you could pastebin those, and link to that on the QA report, would be great!19:43
azmastraljava, I got stuck at: plymounth command failed19:44
azmDisconnected from plymouth19:44
astraljavaWow, that's a new one.19:45
azmastraljava, http://i.imgur.com/eg7aj.png19:47
azmcant paste as tke keyboard does not work19:47
azmastraljava, is there something more  I can do?19:50
azmHow do I remove jack2 without uninstalling other software ?20:02
holsteinazm: i think falktx has a jack1 ppa20:15
holsteinsays 'depends on main"20:16
holsteini would make sure you feel comfortable with purge-ppa20:16
azmholstein, we already resolving in osm :)20:16
holsteinazm: OH.. i see you found falk :)20:16
azmastraljava, Im installing the QA with full software20:34
astraljavaazm: Dependencies are like that.  If you remove one that has others, you're bound to lose them.20:48
astraljavaIt works both ways.20:48
astraljavaThere are the --force- flags, but I wouldn't recommend using them unless the last resort.20:49
azmI just compiled it to usr20:49
azmastraljava, it is much worse21:23
azmI cant get over step: Select and Install software21:24
azmI get error and it throw be back21:24
azmI thought it was my mistake before21:24
azmastraljava, http://i.imgur.com/NU7vH.png21:26
holsteinazm: theres a step at the end21:39
holsteinyou can make a sever, and grab the error log21:40
holsteinazm: /join ubuntustudio-devel21:40
azmholstein, after installation I run it and get bootsplash error21:54
azmmake server ?21:54
holsteinazm: at the end of the list when the installer fails21:55
holsteinyou can create a webserver on the box21:55
holsteinand get a definitive answer about what broke the install21:55
holsteinyou have to be at that point though21:55
azmholstein, save debug logs ?21:56
azmshould I skip to that?21:56
azmbecause If I let it install it will just be complete21:56
holsteinazm: whatever21:56
azmthe installation is not broken21:56
holsteinif you are still getting that 'failed' screen21:56
holsteinthats what im talking about21:56
azmweb server seems to be not responding22:00
azmit's all borked !!22:00
azmlike my jack22:00

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